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tv   RT News  PBS  October 4, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> coming up on "r.t.," in the nation's capital, a woman was fatally shot as she tried to drive through barricades near the white house and capitol building and led police on a high-speed chase. what we've learned about the suspect and how police suspended to the scare, ahead. lawmakers on capitol hill are playing the blame game but is there any chance to break the impasse. the latest on that coming up. last year, the i.r.s. collected billions in taxes but some are calling for a change to the estate tax.
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critics saying the tax is having a hardship on businesses. we'll look at the issue later in the show. it's friday, october 4, 5:00 p.m. in washington, d.c. you're watching "r.t.." we begin with the wild series of events that took place here in washington, d.c. on thursday. more details are emerging about the high-speed chase through the streets of the nation's capital after a driver attempted to enter a secure area near the white house. >> a day after a high-speed chase came to a deadly end here near the capitol, we're learning more about the suspect in the case. police have identified her as 35-year-old miriam carey, dental hygienist from stanford, connecticut. police found medications for
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schizophrenia and other mental disorders after searching her home. people close to her say she suffered from postpartum depression. her family members say they have no idea why she was in washington, d.c. police say this started when the suspect tried to ram her black infiniti sedan into a barrier at the white house, setting off the high-speed chase from the white house to the capitol. law enforcement say shots rang out in two separate areas and all of those shots are believed to be from law enforcement. the suspect is confirmed dead. there was a 1-year-old child inside of the car. police say the child was physically unharmed, taken to a hospital and evaluated and is now in custody. the two officers were hurt in traffic incidents that happened during the chase.
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questions remain over a most -- motive but it's clear that the suspect suffered from mental issues. the incident put the capitol building under a lockdown. an historic government shutdown is underway as lawmakers inside of the capitol cannot come to an agreement on a budget deal. law enforcement made it clear this is an isolated case and do not believe there are ties to terrorism. it remains under investigation. >> yesterday, members of congress applauded the actions taken by police. >> join the majority leader in expressing our gratitude to the capitol police. >> but the question remains, did police take a step too far in using deadly force against an unarmed woman who had her
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1-year-old child in the car. i was joined by the associate director of homeland security and emergency management at m.s.a. inc. i asked him if law enforcement are trained to act differently given the locations of yesterday's car chase and if that's what led to the use of lethal force. >> that's a great question. unlike normal law enforcement, law enforcement around secure areas like the white house, the capitol, is focused on access control, keeping those in that are supposed to be there and those out that are not supposed to be there so law enforcement throughout the united states have a high standard for using deadly force. she hit several police officers before they ended up using weapons. it's a different type of law enforcement but the same standard is there for lethal force and it's very high. >> how much is the fact that she was in a car make this threat i
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guess more real to the police here? a lot of members of congress were interviewed and they when does they heard gunshots, they thought it might be terrorism. is the fact that they're in a car, are police told to react that there might be a bomb in the car and at all costs it must be neutralized? >> there's a few things there. first, the weapon itself, the car is a weapon itself. second, she was going in multiple high value areas, multiple highly secure areas, not just the white house, but also the capitol. clearly they needed to stop that threat from continuing. now, she was pretty much a weapon of herself because she tried to get through security and use the weapon against police. >> at the end of the day, we have a 34-year-old mother
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suffering from mental illness shot dead in front of her 1-year-old child. a lot of people can say this was brought on by herself, maybe it was a misunderstanding, she turned into security checkpoints and had a breakdown. there was a point in the chase and there's been video of it in which the car was stopped in front of the capitol and there's been criticism leveled at the way police handled that, that they should have done a better job blocking the car there or shoot out the tires. are those legitimate criticisms at the moment? >> not really. you see people shooting out tires in the movies. in real life, shooting -- pointing your gun and shooting out a tire, there's a lot of collateral damage that could happen from that. you're only authorized to use a gun if you're deadly force authorized. if you're not, you shouldn't use it. shooting out a tire can lead to ricochets and other people being hurt or killed. >> are police not trained to
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shoot out tires? >> correct. that's not common at all. >> there was a 1-year-old in the car and police say they weren't aware of the 1-year-old in the car until after it was resolved and they shot the suspect. given the bullets that were exchanged in front of the capitol and down the road by the senate office buildings, it's a miracle the baby wasn't injured. had the child been injured in this shootout, tragically, she'd been injured, would that have led to a change of procedure and will we see members of congress on capitol hill applauding the police's actions today? >> what we do know, to the credit of the officers, they didn't shoot randomly or haphazardly. they were very discriminating about it. they only targeted the driver and ensured that no one else was hurt and that's the case. the child wasn't hurt. if the child was hurt, i think it would leave more questions
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but in this case it's very clear, the child wasn't hurt, the police acted courageously. >> after september 11, the september 11 commission promised more interagency communication yet yesterday there was an instance in which there was a high-speed chase to the capitol and we know that the barricades that protect the capitol and the senate office buildings in that area weren't deployed until even after the shootout in front of the capitol, including the police car that was broken down on constitution avenue was wrecked because it ran over one of those barricades as it was raising up. did police respond the way they should have? s c c c communication, interagency communication, in place the way we have been told it should be in place since 9/11? >> the answer is yes. from my knowledge of the situation, they were tactical and strategic when they deployed
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those barricades. the idea was not to keep the person out but to keep the car from being able to go elsewhere so it was done with a purpose. >> certainly a sad story with still a lot of questions to be answered about what drove this woman to do this, unfortunately, we might not know those answers. todd jasper, associate director, homeland security emergency management at m.s.a. inc. now on to the 800,000 federal workers still furloughed as the government shutdown persists into day four. with the economy leaking $300 million a day, cancer stricken americans denied access to treatment and impoverished families seeing food benefit lifelines dry up, republicans in congress are not backing down from demands to get something in return for any deal to reopen the government and raise the debt limit, even if it's not
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concessions on obama care and it's a stance they're taking in private, too. earlier this week, an open mic picked up this exchange between republican saunders mitch mcconnell and rand paul. >> do you have a second? >> i'm all wired up here. >> i'm doing cnn, going over and over again, we're willing to compromise, we're willing to negotiate. i think it's awful for them to say that over and over again. >> i do, too. i just came back from a two-hour meeting with him and that was basically the same view, privately, as it was publicly. >> if we keep saying, we wanted to fund it, we fought for that but we're willing to compromise, i think we -- i know we don't want to be here but we're going to win this, i think. >> we're going to win, unclear what a victory looks like in the eyes of senate republicans who on wednesday blasted senator ted cruz in a private luncheon,
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accusing him of not having a strategy when he started the obama care fight over the budget. the democratic leader of the senate, reid, ripped speaker boehner, saying boehner was acting like a coward and this morning boehner responded with this attack against congressional democrats and the white house. >> when we have a crisis like we're in the middle of this week, the american people expect their leaders to sit down and try to resolve their differences. i was at the white house the other night and listened to the president some 20 times explain to me why he wasn't going to negotiate. i strat -- sat there and listened to the majority leader in the united states senate, describe to me that he's not going to talk until we surrender and this morning i get the quvenzhane wallis -- "wall street journal" out and it says we don't care how long this
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lasts because we're winning. this isn't a game! >> this could be good news in the way of avoiding a catastrophic default by not raising the debt limit. the "new york times" reported that speaker boehner will do what he needs to avoid a default. he may actually be forced to hold a similar vote to reopen the government as democrats are reportedly using a parliamentary procedure known as a discharge petition to bring a clean spending bill to the floor of the house. if democrats can collect 218 signatures which means getting republicans to sign on, they can force a vote to end a government shutdown in as little as two weeks but at this point still no deal as hundreds of thousands of federal workers close out a work week without a paycheck. to get perspective from capitol hill from a member of congress involved in this process, i sat down earlier with republican representative leonard lantz of
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new jersey and started by asking him why he thinks both republicans and democrats are to blame for this. >> i think that we should fund the government and certainly we should pay our bills on time and fact that the government is now in abeyance i think is a failure of all of those who serve in washington. i would hope that the president would come to the negotiating table as we republicans have suggested. on the republican side, i would have preferred to have continuing resolution voted in july and then we could proceed with negotiations from that point. but we are where we are and i think that we should all sit down at the table and i would particularly encourage the president of the united states to do so in the spirit of bipartisan cooperation. >> should negotiations continue as the government shuts down or
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should we fix that problem and then negotiate over larger spending deals? >> i think we should be negotiating right now and majority leader canter has come to the table with other members of a conference. they are our negotiators and i would hope democratic members would come to the table, as well, and certainly i think that the president of the united states should participate in these negotiations. presidents in the past have been involved, true of bill clinton and newt gingrich and i think it should be true in this situation, as well. >> as far as negotiations go, democrats say they've caved to republicans on the actually spending number, below one trillion dollars on this senate spending resolution. democrats want it above a trillion dollars. given that this is a spending bill, what more do you expect
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the democrats who control the white house, the senate and have 200 seats in the house, to give up in this fight? >> i would hope that the democrats would be willing to address some of the concerns we have regarding the president's healthcare legislation. for example, everybody in america should be treated equally and that is not now the case. the president's administration has given a year's exemption to big business. this is a democratic administration giving a pass to big business. it seems to me that should apply across the board to individuals, as well as big business, and certainly in a related area, congress should live by the rules that are made and the rules contained in the affordable care act say that members of congress should go into the healthcare exchanges and i think these are rather modest suggestions and i hope at that administration would negotiate on them. >> what do you make of people
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that say this sets a dangerous precedent of governing. would you think it's ok for the democrats to shut down the government to repeal medicare part b or gun control. isn't it a dangerous precedent? >> i do not favor continued shutdown and i hope there can be negotiations occurring right away. regarding the issue of the affordable care act, polls indicate that a majority of the american people at least want it postponed so i think given the fact that that is where the american people are, at the very least, the administration and our colleagues in the senate on the democratic side should be willing to negotiate with us and, of course, in a negotiation, not all of my views might prevail and i understand that but i do think there ought to be a spirit of cooperation through the negotiation process. >> you're saying the low
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spending number offered by democrats isn't enough of a compromise? >> i certainly think that that is a good number and i am pleased that the democratic members of the congress have agreed to that number or at least some of them have. i'm not sure that would receive uniform support from democratic colleagues but i think that is an appropriate number and i think we should recognize that is the path forward regarding discretionary spending. i would hope we could get back to regular order with the annual appropriations process appropriating bills for the various departments of government and indeed that's what we're doing in the house of representatives with various appropriations bills we continue to pass over the course of the shutdown. >> the "new york times" reported that speaker boehner won't let the nation default and if we get
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to that point and he's willing to put a clean debt limit hike on the floor and pass it with democratic support, if so, would you support him as speaker of the house? >> i have great confidence in speaker boehner and strong supporter of speaker boehner and the article in the "new york times" today is a reiteration of his publicly held views that we should not default on our obligations and we have a responsibility moving forward in that regard and i agree with speaker boehner that we should never default on our fundamental obligations and i hope we do not reach that point and i'm certainly working with torgts make sure that point is not reached. >> if we got to that point, you would support a clean debt limit increase? >> i would hope that the debt limit increase could include some reforms regarding the real
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cost drivers for our federal budgetary concerns. for example, in prior negotiations on raising the debt ceiling -- >> that's not a clean hike. >> i don't think it's inappropriate -- >> we're talking just a clean hike to raise the debt limit if it got to the 17th and that's what we were faced with, would you support it? >> i'm sure there will be discussions as to how not to go into default and i want speaker boehner to be able to negotiate with the white house on that issue. fundamentally, i believe we should always pay our bills and always pay our bills on time. >> congressman leonard lantz, thank you so much. >> thank you very much for having me. >> still ahead on "r.t.," calls to reform the tax code here in the u.s. one tax critics say is hurting small businesses is the estate tax, or the death tax.
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that story coming up. alongside the debates about shutdowns and debt limits, there's been a quiet movement on capitol hill to do something about taxes. tax writing committee chairman max baucus and dave camp went on a nationwide tour earlier this year to promote simplifying the tax code. while both parties may agree it needs to be done, simplifying the tax code, they don't agree on which taxes should stay and which should go. the estate tax is in contention. >> it was benjamin franklin who told us nothing is certain in
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this world except death and taxes but i don't think he meant death taxes. >> the i.r.s. defines the death tax as a tax on your right to transfer property at death. >> the estate tax's purpose is to discourage family dynasties. this only affects a small percentage of americans but some small businesses say this tax is falling on the wrong people. >> i've watched my dad try to figure out how to pass the company on to the next generation without losing some of it. >> karen madonia, c.f.o. of ilco, a family business her father grew from seven employees to almost 100 today, she says the tax would hurt the future of their business. >> it would impact us severely. most of our profits go right back into the company.
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>> an unintended consequence of the estate tax is that family businesses that are "divergent" inventory rich or cash poor are forced to sell parts to pay taxes. killing the death tax is at the top of this critic's priority list. >> we have a shift of wealth out of the family business sector into the larger multinational corporations, the exact opposite of the intention of the tax. >> he hopes to pass the wine business on to his two sons. >> i started with nothing, i've worked very hard and it's been a thrilling experience to have two of my sons want to the continue this legacy. >> the estate tax is a constant threat. >> we always have to worry about what happens if i die
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prematurely and as well as anyone can plan, these very complex tax laws are always very fluid, ever changing. >> republican representative kevin brady and senator john thune introduced bills in the house and the senate to repeal the estate tax. they both have wide bipartisan support but either have made it through their respective committees. brady claims the death tax is the number one reason family owned farms and businesses don't survive to the next generation. >> it is by far the most unfair, unamerican tax imaginable. >> proponents of the estate tax say it is large inheritance that is hinder entrepreneurship. winston churchill said estate taxes were a certain corrective against the development of an idle rich but that is cold comfort to small business
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owners. >> you have to sell inventory, pull back on expansion plans, sell a branch or two or sell the company. >> the government's justification for the estate tax is that it raises revenues and reduces income inequality. however, small business owners, already overwhelmed by the complexities in the tax code, feel it perpetuates the issue of inequality. one thing we can all agree on is that you can't take the money with you to the grave. in washington, d.c., "r.t.." >> to state of california where governor jerry brown is picking a fight with the federal government. signed into law legislation that forbids his state from complying with any new federal indefinite detention laws. section 1021 of the national defense authorization act grand grand -- granted new powers to the military to indefinitely detain individuals who are thought to be enemy combatants.
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the law prohibits an agency in the state of california from knowingly aiding an agency of the armed forces of the united states in any investigation, prosecution or detention of a person within california. the bill was passed overwhelmingly by the california state assembly and is the strongest rebuke coming from any state towards the federal government's indefinite detention powers. the federal government is cracking down on a group hactivists who are accused of launching service attacks on individuals. the group is accused of being part of something called operation payback that targeted websites of the motion picture association of america, the recording industry association of america, several credit card companies and even the website of kiss front man, gene simmons.
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the indictment against these individuals states, operation payback targeted victims worldwide including governmental entities, trade associations, individuals, law firms and financial institutions which anonymous claimed opposed its stated philosophy of making all information free for all including information protected by copyright laws or national security considerations. we'll keep an eye on this story. finally, now on to another type of shutdown, this of a nuclear power plant in sweden. over the weekend, operations at the largest nuclear plant in sweden were manually shut down over concerns of too many jelly fish swimming around the cool water intake at the facility. the decision was made as a preventive safety measure and at no point were the cooling systems to the nuclear reactors compromised but the shutdown had a significant effect on sweden's energy production as the plant
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is responsible for 10% of the country's electricity. sweden isn't alone when it comes to nuclear disruptive jelly fish. ever since the fukushima nuclear crisis in 2011, crowds of people have routinely taken to the streets to protest further use of nuclear power. it appears the no nuke activists now have new allies, even if those allies are spineless. that does it for now. for more on the stories we covered, go to and check out our website, you can follow me on twitter. we'll see you back here at 8:00 p.m. captioned by the national captioning institute
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>> a new law in russia would allow citizens to protect public order by becoming deputy policeman and forming militias. this, like any project which sounds nice on paper, is all about the implementation. we'll see how these deputies and militias will work. overall, i think this won't have much of an effect on crime but could have a huge impact on noncriminal bad public behavior. i am not the bravest guy on the planet and it's hard to confront a group of five drunk guys just as big as you, acting like idiots on the street but doing so with stone sober militia buddies could provide a more
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convincing argument for the drunkards. this could be good for the country but that's just my opinion. 
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it's time now for "newsline". hello and welcome to nhk "newsline." government ministers from countries around the pacific have gathered to talk about the challenges their countries face and ways to cooperate. they're representing the 21 member states of the asia-pacific economic cooperation forum. they will improve the infrastructure in their countries and enjoy closer economic ties. our reporters saw the contents of the draft joint statement and the draft says a strong sustainable facilities like


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