tv RT News PBS October 19, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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stronghold. first greenlight drug program to pakistan. >> good morning. just after 1:00 a.m. here in moscow. it is frack down day. they are urging their governments to stand up to the oil and gas lobby. there has been plenty of action so far. in new york, activists it the streets demanding that authorities change their ways of thinking about the environment. on his side of atlanta, spanish activists have been campaigning for renewable energy sources.
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environmentalists have also gathered in belgium and ireland, hoping to bring about change in and a call gathered in london sending a message to the people in charge to stop and think about the new generation. but britain is nonetheless putting fracking on the fast- track are. >> it will make household energy bills so cheap, he says. there will be so many jobs, he enthuses. u.k. premised are david cameron has got behind fracking in a big way. most evangelical in his drive to sell it to the british people, north and south. it is a tough sell though. he found out from environmental groups and local evil worried about countrysides being scarred up and down the u.k.. locals and campaigners barricaded a proposed drilling
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site for two months and they have now vowed to move their camp to a river for driller. >> ♪ power to the people ♪ people got the power >> and the have the experience of americans to back them up. 100 times more fracking wells a year are done in the u.s. than in the whole of europe. and in -- environmental impacts are showing. campaigners talk about gas and dangerous chemicals leaking from underground, contaminated water and risk to air quality and even earthquakes linked to fracking. and they have been seen here in the u.k.. tremors were caused by drilling last year. but the government decided he did not justify a ban on the technique. according to cameron, it would be a big mistake to rule out fracking on environmental grounds.
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in the choice between boosting the economy and saving the environment, the it is prime minister has come down firmly on the side of the economy. >> let's go to canada. rallies over the past week have resulted in clashes with police and several arrests in the problem -- in the province of new brunswick. favorites highlighted with petrol bombs. 40 people have been arrested. why exactly are the internals so -- why are the environmentalists so concerned? they say they have good reason. the engineers need to drill deep density rock formation and crackle in the water to extract the oil and gas. that leaves chemicals combined with sand and millions of gallons of water. but much of it with radioactive substances see back to the service with the potential of getting to lakes and rivers and the fluids can contaminate the soil.
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that is another issue that is warranty -- that is worrying the environmentalists. dangerous greenhouse gases are released to the atmosphere, causing your pollution. vanessa vine says that fracking is beyond the point of regulation now. >> i am here in solidarity with people who are being accused of being violent among throwing molotov cocktails. it is possible there is a provocateur element there. with the people in romania, the people -- i have had to jump over a fence to get out of the way of the police. it has been absolutely appalling the way our police force, who are supposed to protect life and property, are being made i our government to force through corporate ecocide. i am a regular person who lives nearby who has looked at the unvested research and i do not
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trust this. we should have kicked our disc is -- our addiction to fossil fuels decades ago. we have continued to get fossil fuels out of the ground with increasingly dangerous techniques. >> would have to group share. environmentalists on one side and politicians on the other. and how can you reconcile these two groups? can they meet each other halfway somehow? >> not if they want to go ahead with the extreme fossil fuel industry. it is unregulated ball -- unregulateab;e/ -- unregulateable. it is people in rural pennsylvania, rule australia come upper middle class, middle england and his people across the rule, romania, france, germany were saying no for short-term political ambition and industry corporate interest. >> what if a fracking site was
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in your neighborhood? what would you think? central europeans say they would be concerned. in one village and remain you, locals are getting a say whether chevron can prospect for shale gas right under their homes. there will be a referendum in late november. for now, the company has suspended drilling following a mass protests. >> u.s. oil giant chevron has the romanian government's blessing to start exploratory drilling for shale gas in the area. the protesters from all over romania have gathered here in solidarity with the local villages and in opposition to the deal. >> they didn't come to us to explain what they want to do it or how it will affect us. that is why we are protesting. >> it is dangerous because they will poison our water and we will be able to farm anymore and raise our animals.
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and if he can't do this, what are we supposed to do? >> the romanian government says that they are ready to embrace shell gas in order to achieve energy independence. that that is something that local villagers say they don't want to pay for with their safety. here's my report on the battle raging between chevron and the local people that don't want to open their doors to fracking. >> locals in this remote region of romania have been saddled with an unwanted guest give u.s. energy giant chevron is due to begin shelling -- drilling for shale gas. >> agriculture is our lives. if they come to drill in our soil, for sure, we will die. we have seen on the internet what they have done in other places when they drill. >> many residents here fear that the process of fracking could release chemicals into the soil and contaminate the water. >> i am so afraid of this kind of guess exportation. people say that there will be
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problems for our animals because the water will be affected. and there is a danger to the food for animals and children as food for aniell. and children as what should we do? >> these environmentalists have been camped out here, braving the elements to stand up to u.s. oil giant chevron. and the remaining government, which has given them the green light to start exploratory drilling in that field over there without any public consultation. >> the problem that gives to this people tend to real patriots -- people and to real patriots this feeling of puking, they didn't ask us. we didn't matter to them. >> the sense of the trail is echoed by many. -- the sense of th betrayal is echoed by many. >> the children represent the
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future. the people in the village told us that they can die. but they say it is important for us to have a future. >> chevron told us that they have all the required permits to begin drilling and plan to return to the site and begin fracking safely as soon as they can. something that is less than reassuring for the growing number of apple gathering here. >> we hope to stop them, even if it means paying with their lives. and if they want to send the army, we will die if it is fated for us to die. so libby. but we won't give up until the debt until they outlaw fracking in romania. >> a little bit of people power in action against the big companiesan as the day rolls on, in new york, protests are still happening around the rld. we have the radar going could be conceived the countries taking part lived in red eare.
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>> ♪ another world is possible >> next, scuffles breaking out between protesters andolic demonstrors shouteduring exam firecrackers at the finance ministry. 15 people have been arrested and -- when demonstrators began throwing firecrackers at the finance ministry. 15 people have been arrested. >> a group of young radical protesters started throwin
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eggs at the finance ministry. several policemen were injured and we understand that arrests have also been made. labor unions and other organizers of the rally have condemnedly diverted attention from the real economic robbins. as far as we understand, as soon as some of the activists heard the explosions from these thunder flashes, they actually tried to stop the attackers themselves. >> so the more reasonable side of the people protesting there, what is there problem particularly? >> these rallies, like i said, have been going on for the past two days. they are aimed to protests against austerity measures and the fed economic problems which italy is currently going through. according to different figures, 50,000 to 70,000 people took art
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in this event you they are different types of workers. many brought their families along. children as well. it is generally a peaceful rally. they are protesting against extreme high taxes and youth unemployment and one of the other points of the event, which is the plan to build a high- speed rail between italy and france. they say that its construction will be a threat to the environment and to the health of the locals living in that area. >> these cuts have been going on for a long time and there is unusual amount of local unrest of the top. is it because the locals are tired out or what? >> of course, the locals are very tired of political unrest and also the extremely heavy economic robbins.
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italy is going through the worst recession since the second world war. youth unemployment is standing at just over 40% good and really, these latest protests have been caused by the release of the latest state budget which critics say doesn't really solve any problems. it doesn't support the freeze of salaries of workers, the high taxes are staying the same, and so many of the locals are really unhappy with a way this government is trying to deal with these economic problems. what we are seeing here now really reminds us that italy is still in the same line with the other seven eu states, like greece and portugal. thousands havelso ken to the streets and portugal early on saturday. also protesting against austerity measures.
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so this isot jt a cal situation. thiss what is happening in the southern rou -- in the seven european union. >>t is still tough in the south. thank you for that for now. a suicide bombing has claimed the lives of cysts -- a 16 syrian soldiers. other opposition factions have been pleading with the west for military and financial aid. >> we crossed the border ery day many times. >> this is a soldier for the free syrian army. >> retake injured people to lebanon hospitals. we get ammunition from there. we bring the hundred dean in and out. if fighters want to go see their families, it is a safe haven.
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>> our cell is mostly a sunni lebanese a little on the border. damascus has repeatedly called on foreign nations to stop supporting what it calls terrorists in syria. >> and the security bill that the regime created are in damascus is huge. to target it, we need many fighters and advanced weapons. to be you honest -- to be honest, we don't have those kinds of weapons. but we can watch operations here and there to release the pressure on the regime. >> last month attack here in the southwest of the country could be part of that strategy. this ancient mostly christian
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settlement lives in a valley surrounded by mountains. it is little that it is loyal to the syrian authorities. it is the only obstacle. in more than a month of clashes between islamists and the position fighters on one side and governmental forces on the other, dozens were killed according to government sources. and the siege continued while we filmed at the scene. what you can see over there -- you can see the village itself did but you can see the hotel that the militants have been holding for weeks now. right now, we are on the outside of the clashes. >> from here to the hotel is territory held by the rebels. it is the regime him this is the highway to damascus. but we cannot reach it. >> the fighters seized control
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of the heights around the village. while we were filming, it was still held by them. before the crisis, hundreds of thousands used to come here just to take a look at this natural phenomenon. these days, militants are using these caves that help them hide. in this corner, we are tried to get out of here. for now, soldiers can hold their opponents. one fighter was injured. he says they need more money and american military aid. washington has conceded a limited assault on military
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bases since the august chemical attack. >> if they strike with just 10 rockets, the regime of foul assad -- of assad alla shargh -- the regime of assad would rumble. >> all of them are liars. the americans, the arabs, all of them. i don't know how i can express a better. and we are not hoping for anything from them. >> with army forces struggling to combat fighters hidden in the mountains and militants helpless in the face of government tanks, artillery and aviation, the country is at a deadly impasse with neither side prepared to blink first. >> syria honorable ground.
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>> to be in the know, follow us online. >> u.s. recently approved 1.6 billion dollars in military economic aid to pakistan. this could -- the deal comes after the unreleased data collected by pakistani officials saying that come in the last decade, u.s. drone strikes killed over 400 civilians in the region. the skin more perspective on this. this report says there is no specific reason for the release
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of this new cash. do you think the district we true? -- that is strictly true? >> i think we win a stay straight in the relations between the u.s. and pakistan for many years, where the u.s. carries out these blatant violations of international law, murder from the air, the drones and the government contends to object. -- the government pretends to object. the money keeps flowing and their shade -- and the charade keeps going on. the u.s. is been using pakistan as another asset. strategy of surrounding china. it plays this game, carries out this relationship with both india and pakistan, although they are in some form of hostility toward each other at any given time.
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the united states has really been given a blank check by carry out the drone attacks and, at the same time, object and at the same time he perceiving the eight. >> but is this in any kind of way this latest trench of money to appease the pakistani authority over the continued killings of civilians by drone strikes? >> am not sure if it's to appease them are to sustain them. it was a -- they're not very popular governments. it is despised by large part of the population. pakistan has long been dependent on usaid -- on u.s. aid. tens of billions of dollars have flowed into the country,
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sustained the military, which is of course very powerful inside the pakistani political establishment. >> why has there been so little transparency on the money that flows between american pakistan? >> there have been numerous governments, military dictatorships, the killing of -- the execution of civilian rivals, an unsavory government, the pakistani government, the political system that exists there. and it's an unsavory government in washington, i believe, as well and they want to disguise what they are doing, the actions that they are really carrying out the moat is not in the interest of the people of pakistan or afghanistan or the united states for that matter. but in the interest of empire and those who collaborate with the center of power in washington.
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>> apparently, this latest finance is to boost terrorists on the grounds during design mean -- ground. does that mean there will be less drone strikes? >> it is very hard to say where the money goes once it arrives. who actually gets the money. who benefits from it. of course, we know that the pakistani military is itself tied to many of the groups inside the country and inside afghanistan. it is a complex of relationships that is very untrained parent, as you -- on transparent --u untransparent, as you mentioned. >> thank you. a couple of seconds to see what we have online. we asked who rules the road in germany.
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a self-proclaimed king was pulled over for speeding. he is then -- even produced a drivers license. london's new weapon, war against illegal immigration. tens of thousands of people have received text messages. some are far from being illegal. thank you for being with us. we appreciate company 126 here in moscow. next, the self-confessed economic hitman tells us how the rich countries run to the poor. you're watching rt.
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>> switzerland will soon vote if they should start giving out thousands of dollars in cash to every adult citizen and country. there's a grassroots campaign is trying to get the government to give that to every adult citizen 2500 swiss francs. the motivation for the project is that many in switzerland feel that the financial crisis has caused wealth inequality to skyrocket. i am nonexpert on swiss culture. samiti people there are different. but if they gave out thousands of free dollars a month, you'd see a majority of people going into early retirement and not working at all. it is sort of how they tell people not to feed the bears at parks because in the bears lose their instinct and will to hunt can getting a sandwich thrown at them is easier. why go through the effort of hunting when he met -- on the sandwich magically appears here and doubts often creates lost her executive pay is 12 times
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higher than that the most paid and play. it sounds a image that idea to the doesn't demotivate people to be productive. yet it would create utopian levels of equality. if the bosses salary is tied to the employees, then her but he will be getting raises soon. that gets my seal of approval. but that is just my opinion.
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