tv RT News PBS October 23, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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x friend or foe? president obama meets with the president of pakistan. details ahead. inside gitmo, the detention facility in cuba is shielded away from the click and the media. but rt has gained access to gitmo for a rare inside look. and, oh, canada -- our neighbors to the north find themselves involved in a fine schedule.
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they are found to collect metadata from their own citizens which is a violation of law. it's wednesday, october 23. president obama met with the pakistani prime minister today to talk about relations between the two nations. prime minister sharif is calling for a fresh new partition but the u.s. but simultaneously demanding an end to drone strikes in his country. >> epistemic prime minister meeting -- the pakistan prime minister meeting with president obama to ease tensions between the two countries. it comes a day after and see international release this report detailing how u.s. drone strikes in the north region have
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resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. stirring anti-american sentiment and a molding -- and emboldening militants. >> human rights abuses in that region, be they the military and the cia. >> hi mr. sharif called for the end of drone strikes in northern pakistan. >> is sought only a violation of our territorial integrity, but also detrimental to our resolve efforts to eliminating terrorism from our country. this issue has become an issue in our o relations as well. -- in our bilateral relations as well. >> amnesty international wrote boards that some of the strikes
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have violated international law. >> was a part of a command structure level that this was allowed to happen? was it an individual pilot he hung the killing who made the decision to do the killing? it depends on publicly discussing who is behind it and which individuals. >> ties between the u.s. and pakistan this year it after the navy seals investing -- navy seals invaded pakistan in the killing of osama bin laden. the u.s. claims it didn't trust factions of pakistani intelligence with information. the state entire -- that's a department has announced it will resume $1.6 billion in aid to pakistan. sharif highlighted the countries to destitute country's interests. it's nation best
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>> the greatest challenge to pakistan comes from terrorism and extreme is in. by pakistan is neither a source of nor the epicenter of terrorism as is sometimes alleged. >> although the rhetoric has toned down and the youths -- toned down, there remains a deep divide between the two countries. while the meeting at the white house is seen as a significant step, it is unclear how much it will really lead to rebuilding relations. >> on the stay to use ago, the national transitional council in libya to cleared the country liberated after chrome omar qaddafi was found and killed by militia. since that declaration, the country is plagued with unrest and dealing with a very uncertain future. >> two years ago today, with
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qaddafi dead and tripoli in rebel hands, the national transitional council declared libya liberated. that liberation came at a price. the last two years have been a chaotic right for the nation, with violent clashes, parliament. disruption, and a brief kidnapping of the prime mr.. -- of the prime mr.. the united states was instrumental in enforcing a no- fly zone that led to the ouster of qaddafi. terrorists attacked the consulate in benghazi, killing ambassador chris stevens and three other americans. two years into its democratic experiment, there are serious questions about libya's future. amnesty international released a report this week about the plight of tens of thousands of libyans who have been displaced and victimized by roaming
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militias. seeking retribution for qaddafi- era crimes. the government, which is dealing with fresh applications -- fresh accusations of corruption, and many of these militias run entire resource-rich cities in libya, decline themselves independent from the national government. -- declaring themselves and benefit the national government. militants accuse the libyan government of being complicit with united states. fueling the ongoing unrest in libya are lots and lots of weapons, enormous stockpiles of weapons from gaddafi's 40-year rule has flooded into the streets. also cross the border, helping rebels in mali and syria. so it remains to be seen if post-gaddafi libya can succeed.
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given the unrest taking place another nation's swept up in the arab swinspring, libya's probles are not unique to the region. >> joining me now to discuss this is david swanson, journalist and author of "war is a lie." in the run-up to the intervention in libya, what was the taste that the u.s. gave for getting involved in the conflict? >> there was not a big question put to the u.s. public or to the congress as there was with the missiles into serious and you saw the result. this was gone -- this was done outside of congress and then with lies about a u.s. resolution that did not authorize the government. it was done with it -- with lies about a crisis and the humanitarian need to intervene. and the intervention was a lie
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because western countries, including the u.s., had been arming the government of libya right up until they were arming and working with the opponents of the government of libya. and the idea was sold as a short term intervention that would get rid of the bad government and then things should go well. of course, that has not been the case. it is addictively not the case and it has not been the case with any such military intervention that i am aware of through history. >> so what you're saying is do you think we learned from libya in order to act in syria? have we learned that lesson? >> i think that it helped a little bit here an.
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i think that the level of distrust has grown and perhaps people have learned a little bit of a lesson from libya. >> here we are on the two-year anniversary of the day that libya was reportedly freed. what does a free libya look like today? >> it is worse off. this is the thing. i don't know that the oil companies and the bankers and the weapons makers think that they got a bad deal and they are worse off. but the people of libya are worse off. i know people who care about that fact are people who really care about humanity, which is, of course, not by any means everybody who clamors for humanitarian wars. so the u.s. media is lying now primarily by avoiding the subject and we are not hearing much about the hell that libya
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has become in the violence that has overflowed its borders and the fact that the ordinary person in libya tends to be less secure, less well off now than before. as with iraq. we aren't told about these preventable and consistent results of these military adventures. >> the phrase leading from behind was coined in response to president obama's stance in libya. so what does that mean? and is this kind of president obama's foreign-policy model for the region in general? >> we now have u.s. troops supposedly completely gone from libya. the cia, of course, was there before thethe talk of no troopse ground excluded mention of them and the use of diplomats in benghazi as human shields in now there is talk about nato sending people in. this is a preference in washington, to have nato do work rather than the united states.
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but the united states is the leader in nato and will still be calling the shots. it will still be involved. when things blow up and get worse, there will be a recantation for the u.s. to, again, is the only tool it thinks it turned to and that is violence. >> so a rose by any other name is still the u.s. military, essentially. so how is the unrest in libya affecting the neighboring countries? >> you see violence overflow into mali. you see arms shipped out to syria. and fighters shipped out to syria. and you've seen a lack of stability in libya impacting all of the nations around it. you compare that with tunisia, which is not violence-free and not perfect i any means, but engaged in largely nonviolent protests. this is the difference between a country that overthrows a
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government largely nonviolently, all the it inspired by a suicide, compared to where massive violence is used. you can switch it off like a light switch. you can't switch off the resentment. it will be there for years. >> and it is very important on this too-year anniversary to really look at libya as a country right now and look at u.s. involvement in it. but you kind of understand what our impact is when we go enter these countries, whether we put soldiers on the ground or not. thank u so much. >> thank you. >> breaking news now coming out of syria. an explosion near the international airport in damascus cause the capital much of the southern part of syria to go dark. power was cut after a guess on at the airport was hit by ruvell -- by rebel artillery. the extent of the outage was not in merely clear. but the electricity minister
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says maintenance crews are working to restore power. since its inception, the guantánamo bay facility has been shrouded in secrecy. over the years, the bits of information would come out here or possibly any nara. but the fact is that the world still has a very limited understanding of what is going on in those compound walls. even journalists who travel there have been hard time finding the truth in in this part of our special investigation, our course on an tells us about the struggles that she face while on assignment. >> transparency is a word repeated use officials working at guantánamo like a mantra. >> you see the conditions at the detainees live in you get to talk to people responsible for guarding them. we make it as transparent as possible. >> and then there are those who remain unidentifiable like the
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majority of officials who are not permitted to speak. >> international meteor local media or whatever. we tell them what we have. >> any journalist or flow at guantánamo starts with a mandatory introduction to media rules. >> the material that you guys are gathering, to make sure that it abides by our policies here. >> even the transparent use a word brought up by all the personally talked to on the ground, we as journalists are asked to be careful about the shots we sometime to all backups. at the end of the day, everything is viewed and any shots deemed unacceptable or eliminated. this one is ok because palm trees are not too controversial. >> it is a necessary security program established to accomplish within her current relations. >> sketches are carefully studied and cell phones are banned.
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>> when a supposed to put anything on facebook or anything like that. i even worry about talking about anything of the phone. >> the purpose of these round rules is to protect the safety and security of operations. we are warned that violations of meter ground rules, denial of future visits or removal from guantánamo. >> people mislabeled it and they have -- just not giving the true picture. the only people who knows what goes on at gitmo is us and the detainees. >> and getting the detainee side of what is going on at gitmo, could be done. after an extensive expedition of how exactly we are to film the prisoners, the amount of detainee face time we get is a total of one minute five seconds. through a dark last window. >> out of respect for them and not using them as, you know --
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you know, making them some kind of curiosity filming a feeling that. we don't want to do that. >> despite our requests to not even film but at least witness more real prisoner life, a high- ranking guantánamo admiral convinces us that we actually have a lot more access than we think. >> you are seeing what there is to see. given the amount of time that you have here to see it. we are as transparent as possible. >> after a one-minute lengths of one detainee, our schedule is all booked up. we are taken to the detention camp kitchen to witness how well things run their. >> since we are not allowed to close to the detainees, this may be the closest glimpse of their life. we are being told that these are the meals that they are offered on a daily basis. we are also taken to the only local radio station. >> all plague zombies -- but the audiences the military
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personnel serving at the base. >> there are enough journalists over there covering that. >> music, sports and talk radio,. for payment -- music, sports and talk radio, pure infotainment. >> the lawyers for five men who are accused of playing a role in orchestrating the 9/11 terror attacks i meeting with a judge this week to discuss the upcoming trial. yesterday, the attorneys attempted to have the death penalty removed from a possible sentencing. the lawyers also tended to talk about the torture these men underwent while in secret prisons. but they were stopped by a judge who said that some of the prisoners treatment involves classified information and therefore could only be discussed in closed-door legal
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session. for more on this case and on military justice in guantanamo bake my was joined earlier by mark a rayner, a lawyer that are present detainees at gitmo and is an associate clinical professor of law at fordham university school of law. i sorted out by asking her what it's like to litigate on guantanamo bay and how it's different from other cases that she has done in the past. >> well, certainly, litigating a case far away on an island is very difficult. just to be clear, i am not litigating in a military tribunal right now. but i am familiar with what goes on there. i represent clients at guantánamo and i have traveled there. first of all, it is hard logistically. there have been lots of problems with just basic internet access. there has been lots of problems with security around defense counsel files, for example.
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there are problems with having proper space in which to work. they have them in -- there have been problems with mobile and other sort of hygiene issues, just trying to find clean offices to work in. so there is also the logistical problems of getting to guantánamo. he have to travel there. that is extra time. and guantánamo such -- there are many military commission moments that have been disrupted because of various storms and hurricanes that frequently sweep through cuba. so most of the challenges are really the logistics. but in a more substantive level, and of the challenges that this military condition law is emerging. now the lawyers are lawyering can much of the law is not in place. so that means lawyers are trying to -- their next move is decided
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as they are moving along. that is difficult. >> lawyers were quickly interrupted on tuesday during the military tribunal for the alleged 9/11 conspirators. when they were talking about waterboarding in an attempt to get execution off the table. heavier had experiences like that where you are prevented from discussing something that would have potentially help your client's case? >> sure. the rules and regulations that are governing the military commissions are incredibly confining for defense counsel. they are subject to very strict protective orders that require them to keep classified information classified. and it means that they cannot share that classified information with people who actually may be able to help their clients. so for example, the lawyers representing the man accused that is, the men now called the
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9/11 five, they are seeking to disclose facts of their clients torture to various international tribunals that they are seeking to look at the allegations of torture. and they are unable to do that. there is no doubt that the u.s. government engaged in torture. it is publicly known at this point. and these lawyers want the individual acts of torture against their clients to be properly investigated. and they are unable to do that because they can't share what your clients have told them with these outside decision-makers and factfinders. it really ties their hands and limits the amount of advocacy they can engage in. >> so than the question beyond's are these trials decided before they are even heard? what are the chances of a fair trial there? >> well, look, this issue around disclosure of the facts of
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torture in many ways goes to the issue of -- the u.s. government is seeking the death panel for these judgment. one of the issues that the defense attorneys want to bring to bear is whether they should be executed in light of the fact that the government, the u.s. government, has acted outside the law in supposedly bringing them to justice and should we really be killing someone that we might -- that we, like the u.s. government, broke the law and how they treated these men. so can they get a fair trial? well, my feeling is, if the defense attorneys feel as though, in order to get a free art -- a fair trial, they need to bring this information to the light of day, they should be allowed to do that. if they feel they needed to bring this to the attention of outside tribunals, outside
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decision-makers, they should be able to do that. whether that will interfere with whether they get a fair trial is really -- i can't really speak to that as i sit here today. i don't know the details of these particular individual cases. >> that was martha rayner, associate clinical professor of law at fordham university and a lawyer for guantánamo where he -- for guantánamo bay detainees. president, you have some cleaning to do. that is the message german chancellor angela merkel is probably saying to the president at the moment after finding out that the u.s. might have tapped her personal cell phone your it appears -- personal self earnec. merkel reportedly called president obama personally to say that his behavior is acceptable. the u.s. government responded by saying this --
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"the president assured the chance of that united states is not monitoring and will not monitor recommendations of chancellor merkel." but note that the statement did not deny that the united states had in fact monitored her medications in the past if it did. and it would not specify about that. this isn't the first time in recent months that germany has taken on the nsa for its overarching collection techniques. we will bring you more as the story develops. meanwhile, one of canada's top spy agencies known as a communication security establishment canada is facing a lawsuit for violating privacy rights of citizens. the lawsuit was filed by the civil liberties association and the open media organization who argue that the broad and unchecked surveillance of canadians directly violates the countries hostages in. steve anderson is the executive director at open media and he filled me in on how this lawsuit came about.
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>> is being revealed that the communications establishment canada has the power to monitor any canadian at any time without a warrant. not only that, we are being asked to foot the bill for this expensive online spying. that is why, thankfully, the civil liberties association has filed this lawsuit arguing that this activity is unconstitutional. we are really happy to support them. similar to the u.s., here in canada, citizens are very upset. there is a pledge on our website where thousands of people since yesterday have signed up to pledge their support for the civil liberties association. i'm hopeful that the government will listen. but so far, they haven't said much on this. there's very little accountability or transparency with this issue.
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>> do you have any idea if they are collecting the content of the phone calls are metadata or e-mail anything like that? >> they are definitely collecting metadata. so that i can pinpoint where someone is, who people are meeting with, that sort of thing. and if you are communicating with someone outside of canada, which is pretty much most canadians, then that information could be collected and we could be talking about visiting into phone calls and reading e-mails. that's what a thing. -- about listening into phone calls and reading e-mails. that sort of thing. so the nsa has the ability to sweep up our information and then canadian officials can then get access to that. that sort of thing is really quite canadians want to know how many canadians, law-abiding canadians, are being swept up
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with this activity and what information of ours is being stored and collected in these giant databases. >> absolutely. i'm sure that a lot of people would want to know the answers to those questions. so is talk about this lawsuit. what are they suing for and what are we hoping to achieve? >> the clvcla is arguing that collecting the information is unconstitutional and so there will be elementary oversight. even our own parliament come a there is no -- they don't know what is going on. in the u.s., there are some measures may put forward, whether it would be some sort of oversight david in canada, there is no oversight. the government so commissioner is best be looking this -- looking into this and he said he doesn't know how many comedians or what information is being stored. so the hope is that there will be some sort of legal
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measure conducted by the government in response to the revelation that what is happening is unconstitutional. so hopefully, there is more oversight. >> how was it uncovered? >> more or less, it was uncovered by the snowden releases as well. for example, it has been in the news recently because it was revealed that it is out-of- control and engaging with espionage with our allies. so those sorts of revelations and others have come out. and i think that is why thevcla has gotten involved. in the u.s., there is a rally in washington, d.c. on saturday. people are really upset with the revelations that have come up in snowden and i think it is very similar appearing canada where
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the more canadians learn about this, the more they learn about their privacy being invaded and the more they learn about how see sack is secretive them expensive and out-of-control and the more people are demanding oversight and accountability. >> what can the american public take away from this lesson, from this lawsuit in particular about how canadians are reacting and handling it? >> yeah, well, i think that people in the u.s. can take away that canadians are basically with them in being very upset about the spying going on. i'm really happy the people in the u.s. are calling for the nsa to be reined in because we are swept up in that surveillance, too. and i think people appear as well try to do our part to make sure that our spy agency is reined in and there is more can ability. because, really, americans can be swept up and their data can be left out and made available to cyber criminals and others.
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hopefully, people on both sides of the border continue to speak out on these issues, we will reign in the spying on both sides. steve anderson executive director at open media. thank you so much. hello there and welcome to nhk. it's thursday, october 24th. i'm catherine kobayashi, in tokyo. the company in charge of the damaged fushima power plant is facing another water problem. workers are rushing to transfer tainted rain water to underground storage pools as another powerful typhoon bears down on the japanese archipelago. typhoon francisco is expected to
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