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tv   RT News  PBS  October 25, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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germany as asking, can you hear me now in light of revelations about nsa surveillance possibly being used on 35 world leaders. the eu is to ending answers. they want to rewrite the rules of the spy game. that story straight ahead. you have elephants, donkeys, and then there are the dark courses. the latest three-ring circus. will there be a shortage of third-party candidate?
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they say you cannot buy love but one app is trying to change that. with men offering money or jewelry for a date. love just got a price tag. it is friday, october 25, 5:00 p.m. in washington, d.c. you are watching "rt." the latest revelation that the u.s. has been spying on its european allies. they had been following the committee case and's of more than 70 million french citizens, tracking personal -- th personal cell phone of chancellor angela merkel. germany and france are moving to take action.
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click 35 world leaders. we are being spied on by the national security agency or the nsa. they were encouraging senior officials to share those contacts in order to be added to that surveillance list and also what is interesting to note in the latest leak, all of this has produced very little reportable intelligence. that is where the debate is, whether this can be justified. judging from the upper from leaders, they do not seem to be very convinced. this distrust of the u.s. could jeopardize or prejudice any cooperation needed in intelligence gathering. they have been -- this is important for both parties. also france and germany having called for talks with the united states, asking for new rules,
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new surveillance rules and no signed agreement by the end of the year. asking eu members to join the initiative if they wanted to. german officials will be on their way to the white house to discuss this as the german chancellor was upset with the news that her phone was being monitored. this is an initiative by germany and brazil. they want to propose a draft joint resolution to restrain foreign spying activities. does it directly touch on the nsa's activities? it does call for an expansion of international privacy rights. this draft had existed before the internet but this time germany and brazil wanted it to be applied to online communications. no question about why they are pushing this initiative. it is the displeasure they have towards the u.s. over nsa spying
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activities. >> aside from what leaders are doing abroad and americans at home are also beginning to take action on this issue. tomorrow, thousands of civil liberties advocates are expected to take to the streets of washington to tell the u.s. government to stop infringing on their right to privacy. the rally is called stop watching us. the name as simple as the demand. in addition to calling for a halt to the monitoring of american communications, demonstrators will be calling on the government to "reveal the full extent of the nsa's spying programs." a has garnered support from former whistleblowers and celebrities who are taking the opportunity to call attention to the issue. take a look. >> we need to watch the watchers. >> it makes a mockery of our citizen of government. based on the notion that independent branches of
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government [inaudible] fax a free society should not have secret laws. >> we should not have to -- we need to bring nsa activity to the light of day. >> all the way from russia, edwards noted has weighed in on the gathering. in a rare statement he said, "today, no telephone in america makes a call without leaving the record of the nsa." now it is time for the government to learn from us. on saturday, join us in sending the message, stop watching us." for which expect i was joined earlier by the executive directive -- director. this is the largest anti-nso rally -- nsa rally.
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>> among the changes the coalition is looking for is constitutional measures and change the landscape enabled by the patriot act. >> october 26 is the 12th anniversary of the act. how are the powers that were granted during the patriot act different from what we are seeing, the authority the nsa has? fax section 215 has proven controversial. it was the section at work and the author of the patriot act is a republican from wisconsin and he talked about how he engineered that authority to the investigative authority that the nsa could zoom in on people they had suspicion of wrongdoing. what he's concerned about as are the rest of us is emergence and transformation into a ball
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collection authority that in a single order has been used to justify the surveillance of millions of americans at once. >> keith ellison are called out the role of journalists. let's take a listen. >> the reporters who got to see this data it and run to the wrong conclusion. it is wrong that newspaper reporters have all these documents am a 50,000 or whatever they have and they are selling them and giving them out . this does not make sense. we ought to, with a way of stopping them. >> he is suggesting that journalists are selling these documents and that the publication is harmful to the united states. what is your response? >> i heard no confirmations of selling information and snowden's office has repudiated that information. it is preposterous to think that transparency has heard anyone.
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if anything has heard anyone it is the nsa's activities. this is cowardly in a democracy and if these programs are as important as they claim and they are compliant with the constitution which they are not they should survive the light of day. it is long overdue for congress to have a transparent debate about whether or not we want to live in a country with pervasive surveillance are instead we actually mean it when we sing anthems that baseball teams about living in the land of the free. >> this past july we saw the amendment take root. they came to a consensus on this issue and even though the amendment lost you could argue that it started to build some momentum. what kind of coalition would you say is building, how would you describe how politicians are rising up to work across the aisle? >> there is a dramatic realignment where the partisan division we saw at work at the government shutdown is being
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eclipsed by a different line of division between establishment and populist. across both of the parties. the amendment is a perfect example. that vote split each of the major parties. they were arrayed against the forces of the progressive left and the libertarian right. tea party influence to publicans and those two forces came within seven votes of defunding the bulk operations. if we had that debate again today we would win it. many of the members of congress who were carrying the bush administration's water here because the obama administration told them to, they have been hearing it from their constituents. that is in residence of a constitutional perspective against what i would describe as the corrupt the establishment. that is the fault line that we're seeing emerge and to see
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senators ron wyden and rand paul or senator patrick leahy standing with jim sensenbrenner, those are great indications of the values across the spectrum. we know the latest news. france and germany, the nsa is spying on foreign leaders abroad 3-d think that americans have to care about this as well, just as much is you have to care about their infringements of rights here in the knighted states? >> absolutely. the habit of telling -- turning our allies into enemies is as much a concern as the abuses of our own individual privacy rights. separate from that is the concern for democracy. what the abuses threaten are not just the rights of hundreds of millions of americans and our diplomatic relationships with other countries but the future
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of democracy in america itself. with this kind of pervasive surveillance, the right to dissent withers and the relationship between dissent and democracy is crucial to remember and that is what is driving a lot of the resistance to these authoritarian programs. >> what is next after the rally, what are the next steps that will continue? >> there will be movements and coalition's to do everything from trying to deny the nsa access to a central facility like what her and electricity to pulling state governments out of complicity with suspicion -- suspicionless surveillance. measures like restricting the uses of domestic surveillance or other military technology used for surveillance purposes and that is going to be the tip of the iceberg. there will be sustained lobbying and we will continue to see these issues be very visible to the president. there will be issues and the 2016 presidential election and i
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hope that members of congress continue to heed the ongoing controversy that is imploring them to pay respect and honor their oaths of office and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. >> i appreciate you sharing your insight. thank you. >> washington, d.c. is a political deadlock. those are their words americans often hear. two weeks ago that is all we heard is to transcend republicans laid the blame game while trying to find a solution to america's trillion dollar debt. it is the kind of intransigence that is frustrating americans enough to consider alternatives to the two-party system. does this mean that americans are likely to elect more third- party candidates? >> these four people have the chance to be president, which
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one are you going to pull for? who the hell is gary johnson. >> this is gary johnson and we did run for president. he ran third party as the libertarian nominee. he only got one 1000th of the coverage that may romney and barack obama did. he did get 1.3 million votes. >> we are half the way to the next presidential election and there is widespread frustration with the two-party system. 60% of americans say the democratic and republican parties do such a poor job of representing the american people that when -- a third major party is needed. as americans watch the two-party clash to the point of paralysis, some are speculating that a third-party candidate could rise. i asked what this would take. >> $1 billion.
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>> also celebrity status to win the popular vote. >> there is a split of the republican party and that is not a good thing. >> will this lead to a third- party emerging in the next election season? >> are there any third party candidates? >> i do not see any. >> what if a third-party won ben stein's vote? >> that is so far-fetched i cannot even see it. >> what about rand paul and ted cruz who already have national attention, what if they've ran third party? >> rand paul is a good-looking guy and he has acute head of hair he has calmed down. -- a cute cat appear that he has
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calm down. ted cruz is a number -- a smart guy but i do not think he has the charisma to win. >> he gave a 21 hour for speech against the affordable care act and since that partisan speech, many have blamed him for the partial government shutdown and many of his colleagues have distanced themselves from him. the big question is is ted cruz planning to run third-party in 2016? pre-k's i am not a believer in third parties. i think we need to get the republican party back to our principles this party was founded on. that is our path to victory. >> the former over terry and -- libertarian [inaudible] >> republicans protect people who have money. that is their notion of free enterprise and democrats like i say, they are horrible on issues
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of civil liberties. >> third-party candidates hit new milestones when they held their first ever residential national debate. in 2016, third-party candidates may be heard and this time they might be a little louder. >> since welcoming monsanto into the country in 1996, argentina has become the world's largest soybean reducer. nearly 100% of its crop is genetically altered. with monsanto providing the pesticides used in the country. this overabundance of chemicals is not just confined to argentina scraps. a new report shows that they're having an arrest effects on the 12 million people who live in the country's. the ape he has documented dozens of cases around the country where poisons are applied in ways that are contrary to existing laws. pesticides are showing up in the
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soil and drinking water and a government report found 80% of children surveyed had traces of pesticides in their blood. as a result people are becoming very sick. cancer rates are two times 24 times higher than the national average. in another province, first effects have quadrupled. monsanto denies that health problems in the country are caused by its pesticides. a spokesman tells the ap, "the absence of reliability a that makes it difficult to establish trends and disease incidence and even more difficult to establish causal relationships. there are no established causal relationships. many are calling on monsanto to take responsibility for their products which more people are protesting. to discuss this along with the latest news on the gm of front i was joined earlier by elizabeth kucinich. i started by asking her why gm of's require the use of such strong chemicals.
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>> they are developed by chemical companies. not necessarily as you would be led to believe to increase yields are nutrition but to be able to withstand and resist chemicals. their plants that are pesticides resistant such as roundup ready crops that you hear about. they produce pesticides themselves. the chemical companies have made this wonderful business model for themselves and they create a seed that is resistant to the types of chemicals they want to apply. roundup ready corn is resistant to roundup. this is the partnering of the two technologies. >> what kinds of effects are these pesticides having on human health and why are we learning about them now 15 years after they were initially put into use in argentina? >> all across the world we have
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known about pesticide poisoning. it is in every day occurrence sadly among farmworkers and people who live in rural communities and areas that are being sprayed. we have known about it for a long time. it is a big issue in the u.s. as an countries like argentina. i'm glad that people are listening to it and becoming more aware of it now. >> monsanto is rejecting this claim out right saying that the pesticides are not causing this. that there is no causal link. absence of reliable data means it is difficult to establish that link. what do you make of that argument? >> we need more data. there is an issue with data collection. regulation is many of the companies have to submit their own data. there is not independent data called for. no legal requirement. we need to make sure that this is something we push for and the community that is concerned
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about environmental and public health. >> regardless in may of this year, the u.s. environmental protection agency raise the amount of chemical residue at will be allowed in food. they concluded this based on studies done by monsanto and only by monsanto. do you find it concerning that the u.s. is making regulation and making these guidelines based off of -- >> it is the fox guarding the hen house. determining what is safe and not safe. we need to make sure that fda stands out -- up and we have relations that make sure that public health and environment to health are protected. >> let's switch gears to another country, mexico, which is making waves for banning genetically modified foods out right. how big a win is this and could this have implications for the anti-gm owned movement within
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the u.s. considering the countries border each other? >> there are many countries that have bans in mexico -- and mexico's suspension is a good idea and will cause more conversations. there have been bans that have been put in place that have been overturned relatively quickly. they have been put in place through judicial responses. we have to make sure that industry does not pressure government. that we make sure that public dialogue goes to the point that we do have regulation as i said before that has some kind of cheese to make sure the public health is protected. we look as well at nafta. the yucatán peninsula had a band put in place but it was overturned because monsanto were threatening they would sue for damages of attentional future losses.
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as ruled in nafta. we have to make sure their art trade agreements that do not undermine our future protections. >> more states in the u.s. are taking the initiative to ban gm a's or label them. can you talk about what is going on in the state of washington and how that really compares to what we saw happen in california. what kind of outcome will we see there? >> washington state has an initiative. the ballots have gone out. people are mailing them back in saying we want jim a labeling. there is an enormous amount of money that is being pumped in by industry and grocery manufacturers association which represents big food trying to stop people from being able to know what is in their food and the processes that have gone into growing their food. we need to stand up for everyone's right to know because we do not know the long-term effects of these things but we have the right to know the ways in which our food is produced and the levels of pesticides
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that we may be exposed to. when we look at the kinds of foods there are in general labeling, we see organic and in supermarkets, conventional. we do not see gm oh's -- gml o's we can see that gmo's because of the partnering of the chemical applications, they would be extremely contaminated with pesticides. potentially would be moderately contaminated. as a general guide for people. if and where possible we need to make sure. >> there is a huge omentum that we are seeing all over the world and so hopefully that continues. i do appreciate you coming on
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and sharing your insight. thank you. >> looking for hot date this friday night? maybe the promise of up prepaid day at the spa would make you more inclined. a new dating application for cell phones that uses bribery to win hearts. >> what would inspire one human to date another, even if they are not really feeling it? there is a handful of websites that promise the attention of the opposite sex at the click of a button but one service is trying to shake things up by trying to -- a new approach. welcome to the room of -- the world of carrot dating. >> turning your phone into a personal matchmaker. >. th> the app angles so-called carrots and other people's faces. >> i like the image of the
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dangling carrot. it is very subtle. there is an undertone of phallic imagery. >> will it be a dinner or dessert, flowers or chocolate, travel or shopping? the choice is yours. >> i will go on a date for someone who will give me a new ipad air . >> this is the app equivalent of when you see someone driving by in a new car or motorcycle and you say, sorry about your penis. >> dangle the right carrot, and you have got a date. >> while the mastermind says -- >> women like presents like dogs like loans. >> this has been causing a stir. >> if you are only going out on
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the basis because they're giving you something, if that is what she is into she will find a gift from someone else. it is just tools meeting tools create >> there are gifts that members can approach each other with. >> people can offer lunch, drinks, a day at the spa, shopping trip, a tank of gas, or even plastic surgery. >> this list will allow users offering up anything to get a date and in additional -- in addition, they must purchase credits on the app in order to 20 k with people who will accept their bribes. downloading is free. >> if it is helping douchebags meet vapid, faux tanning women, it is fine. >> in its first week of
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existence, and has been downloaded 40,000 times and 25,000 bribes have already been offered. >> made people think that -- many people think that public displays of affection are annoying but does the government need to write legislation about it? some of the stranger laws on the books regarding love and romance. >> the u.s. is known for many things but romance is not one of them. in any -- in some states showing signs of affection is against the law. in eureka, california, sporting facial hair while kissing a woman is against the law. the same rule applies in iowa. in some states, sunday is still considered a holy day. at least on the books. in roswell, georgia, erotic dancing is not permitted on sundays and in hartford, connecticut a man cannot kiss
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his wife it is sunday. watching your significant other sleep is either sweet or creepy. it is against the law to smudge woman if she is in -- asleep in colorado. kissing on the train is illegal so this form of pda is definitely not ok. and holding hands is a universal sign of intimacy. in tennessee, walking hand-in- hand and public schools as a violation of the rules. the senate passed through last year. these are just a few of the heartless laws that we found so the next time you hear someone say chivalry is dead in the u.s., check out your local laws. if prince charming is trying to sweep you off your feet he may be pushing the law.
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>> thanks to the marvels of modern science, we have sent people into outerspace and fought against the most deadly diseases. these are shreddies, flatulence- neutralizing underwear. they use a fabric which is used in chemical warfare suits. the material is porous so it is designed to trap any smells that could otherwise embarrass you. i imagine they're working on something that has the power to cancel out that awful sound. that does it for now. for more on the stories we have covered, go to and you can follow me on twitter. captioned by the national captioning institute
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hello and you're watching nhk. i'm in tokyo. people in northeast japan are breathing easier after a worrying night. a 7.1 earthquake struck off o'the fukushima prefecture early on saturday. the japanese meteorological agency issued a tsunami advisory and then lifted it a few hours later. so


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