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tv   RT News  PBS  October 28, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> coming up, new developments in the expansion of nsa global surveillance. spanish civilians are the latest targets of data collection. now, world leaders are turning to the u.n. for help. the latest, just ahead. over the weekend, thousands gathered in d.c. to protest nsa spying. they want transparency and action. the sights and sounds of the "stop watching me" rally heating up. >> we will tell you why one
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photographer was added to the fbi database for simply snapping a few photos. that is coming up later in today's show. it's monday, october 28. i'm megan lopez in washington, d.c., and you are watching rt. spain has joined a growing list of u.s. allies demanding answers from the obama administration when it comes to spying. the spanish government summoned the ambassador to discuss allegations of collecting data on 60 million spanish telephones over one month this past december. using information leaked by nsa contractor edward snowden, a spanish newspaper reported the nsa collected numbers and locations of the phone calls, but not actual content. this after learning that the nsa has also been tuning into the communications up dirty five
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world leaders. now the european union parliamentary delegation is preparing for a visit to the u.s. to express concerns over nsa surveillance tactics. political commentator sam sacks brings us more. >> german intelligence officials will come to washington dc to demand answers from the white house about surveillance on chancellor angela merkel. is a marked the partner from just a few months ago, when germany was defending its foes cooperation with the nsa. that was after edward snowden leak in june that the nsa was collecting a half ilya and telephone and internet telik communications every month. chancellor angela merkel was put to defend her government's cooperation with the nsa, saying it prevented terrorist attacks. we can only protect the population if we cooperate with others, her office said.
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edward snowden describe the cozy relationship between german spies and the nsa. we are in bed together with the germans, the same as with most western countries. they don't ask to justify how we know something and vice versa, to insulate their political leaders from the backlash of knowing how grievously they are violating global privacy. the nsa has an agreement with other countries including canada, u.k., australia, and new zealand. each country's spying agency is directed at a certain region of the world. together the five countries are known as the five eyes. they share intelligence with roughly 30 other nations, including germany. these stations are known as third-party partners. they have their surveillance tools trained on each other, or they have outsourced their spying activities. the report says it appears the
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principle that foreign intelligence agencies do not monitor the citizens of their own country is obsolete in this world of globalized communication and surveillance. the britain intelligence agency can spy on anyone but british nationals. the nsa can conduct surveillance on anyone but americans, and the german foreign intelligence agency can spy on anyone but germans. that is how a matrix is created of surveillance in which each partner eighth in the division of roles. there's a whole new level of cooperation. the nsa has alliances with 80 transnational corporations to assist in global data sharing. what we have learned is spying on each other citizens is just the way it works in this new globalized surveillance game. the political classes whipped up into it, too, as we see from anger coming from across the atlantic where angela merkel and 35 world leaders had their communications intercepted as well. when it comes to the unspoken
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rules of surveillance in a globalized world, rules just recently uncovered by edward snowden, it appears the u.s. may have only broken one rule. it is ok to spy on average citizens of the world, just don't spy on the elites. >> white house spokesman jay carney told reporters today that although the nsa surveillance was made legal by the patriot act, greater oversight transparency and constraints might be necessary. he went on to say that president obama has ordered his administration to conduct a review of nsa surveillance programs. that response is not acceptable to world leaders who have been monitor. two other countries have fallen under the watchful eye of the nsa and are now in the process of drafting a u.n. general assembly resolution to look at the rules of the road moving forward. latin american and european diplomat said that brazil and germany are leading an effort to guarantee online privacy to civilians around the world.
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our correspondent joins me now with the latest. tell us which countries are involved in drafting this solution. >> germany and brazil are certainly spearheading the whole operation at the united nations, -- understandably with the newest allegations of tapping the phone of german chancellor angela merkel and as well as the canceled trip by brazil. she basically said that whatever the u.s. has underway is basically in violation of international rights. so basically we have germany and brazil, as well as 19 other countries would include austria, hungary, liechtenstein, norway, sweden, switzerland, cuba, argentina, bolivia, ecuador, india, indonesia, south africa
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and others are saying it is time to put pen to paper and vote on a text to address the issue on an international level. it comes several months after the whole nsa scandal broke, but the leaders are saying the time is now, and it will be the first international effort to address this particular issue. >> let me ask you, why now? it has been months since the scandal broke, so why only now are they considering this type of action? >> we just heard a good point in sam's report that when it comes to the elite, the rules change. we have 35 world leaders whose phone calls have allegedly been monitor, reason enough for the countries around the world to come together and say wait a minute, this really should not be going on. the question to me seems to be, why is it only 21 countries at this point? the u.n. general assembly is made up of over 190 countries. so far we have 21 pushing for
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this, although this is just the first pages of this particular project. the committee will vote on it by the end of the year and then it will be taken to the general assembly. it is likely that more countries will follow. >> let's pull up that map, showing some of the countries you were talking about earlier. you mentioned there were 21 of them. south africa, indonesia, india and others. do we know any of the space it -- any of the specifics when it comes to the draft resolution? >> it is very brief, only 2.5 pages. we have to say that interestingly, it does not mention the united states. it basically does not have a direct mention of the u.s. or the nsa and uses very vague language. really what it does is, using the existence of major multilateral treaties on human rights that were signed and
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established and taken into account by countries decades ago, such as the international covenant on political and civil rights, which is a major human rights document. it was signed into international law decades ago before the internet existed. what this document will do is try to include the realities of the modern world and modern technologies, use of the internet. it says that illegal surveillance of private communication's is a violation and obtrusive active human rights. it says this is something that needs to be monitored and watched closely. the problem is the amount of power the u.n. general assembly has over other countries, which is not big at all. >> that is a good point that you bring up. as i understand it, the resolution would be nonbinding. so how effective will it really be? x that is true. that is the biggest problem, because the u.n. general assembly does not have the kind
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of power to be binding on any kind of document that we seek him out of it. critics of this are saying it is pointless because it won't really affect the u.s.. it is also a strong message, because first of all, this is the first time many countries in the international community come together to voice their outrage. it is also a big body and certainly there could be further steps where this could be taken if the document is generally -- is passed through the general assembly. there could be pushes to update the international legislation that all these countries are signed up to. that would certainly have some kind of impact on the u.s. if he chooses to follow its own international treaties. >> we have just about 30 seconds left area do you know what the next episode process would be? >> the committee is going to put this text together and then they promised that by the end of the year they will present to the u.n. general assembly.
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we will see how many countries in that supporting what has been dubbed the so-called anti--- nsa resolution. >> it isn't only the international community that is fed up with nsa spying. over the weekend, thousands to send it on washington, d.c., to participate in the "stop watching us" rally. nsa whistleblower thomas drake thomas gary johnson, former congressman dennis kucinich and u.s. representativess were some of those who spoke at the rally. >> thousands of people gathered on the capitol lawn on saturday, demanding congress pass meaningful reforms to rein in the nsa and stop the mass surveillance. a petition was signed by more
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than 500,000 people demanding congress investigate the programs. the senate judiciary and intelligence program has planned hearings. the congress is divided among those who want drastic overhaul and those who suggest a bit more oversight. as certain members of congress believe, oversight can turn into overlooked. congressman alan grayson came out and said congressional oversight of the nsa is a joke. he said he has learned far more about it from the media than from official intelligence briefings. so have many other members of congress. >> unaccountable to anyone. >> one of the messages of the rally has been watch the watchers, but many wonder if it is even possible, realistically. any light that has been shed on the watchers so far western whistleblowers. people who gathered on saturday were thanking the whistleblowers
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, first and foremost, edward snowden, thanks to whom you have all these initiatives debated now in congress. he is now in russia because in the states, he would surely be in jail by now. >> october 26 was the anniversary of the signing of the patriot act 12 years ago. people who came out on saturday believe that was the day their rights were taken away from them. they are against a trade-off between security and privacy. they believe it is a false trade-off. >> in somalia, a suspected u.s. drone strike this afternoon killed at least two members of the islamist group al-shabaab. the two men who died were both of islamic dissent. a missile hit their car. one of the men was the top explosives expert for al- shabaab. that is according to another member of the group who spoke to the associated press.
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earlier this month, u.s. navy seals attempted a raid in somalia in pursuit of another else about -- another al-shabaab operative. they aborted the raid without capturing the intended target. al-shabaab claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on the westgate mall in kenya this past september which killed 67 civilians. all the u.s. does not disclose its drone strikes in somalia, the bureau investigative journalism reports that strikes in the country have happened from three to nine times in the past 60 years, along with anywhere from eight to 14 additional covert actions. in iraq, another wave of attacks resulted in 55 deaths on sunday. iraqi police say the bombs were placed in 11 cars and detonated at different times over a half hour in a coordinated attack. they targeted commercial areas where shia muslims shop. 41 people were killed in that strike. the other 14 died when a suicide bomber drove up to soldiers waiting in line to collect their
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paychecks at a local bank in the northern city of mosul, and then he detonated his bomb. it happens just days before prime minister nouri al-maliki will meet with president obama in d.c. to discuss a number of issues. one is the shipment of drones and fire jets to iraq he trips. a mother's unconditional love for her child motivates her to provide an sacrifice for her offspring, but how far are you willing to go to protect your children? for some women in seriocomic takes them all the way to the front lines of the civil war. -- for some women in syria, it takes them all the way to the front lines of the civil war. >> like women around the world, she enjoys putting on makeup before heading to the office. but her job is a little different than most. the 23-year-old is heading to
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the syrian front line. >> it gives me great satisfaction being able to defend my country against terrorist who want to destroy it. >> it strange to find women here in the line of fire. even more so because she is a mother. her sons are just four years old and sixers opb >> i signed up because of them. i'm not afraid anymore because i have -- her sons are just four years old and six years old. >> more than 100,000 people, most of them civilians, killed. the people who lived in these homes were her friends and family. all of them have fled. most of them will never return. >> i'm most afraid when mortar bombs fall on our post and there are shrapnel. a few days ago, the terrorist launched rockets at our checkpoint. their rockets are not accurate. suddenly they hit a civilian building and many people died. we carried them to hospital.
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>> this used to be a school playground but children's laughter has long been drowned out by the whistling of bullets. >> i was kidnapped twice, the last time for two months. they arrested me when i was in civilian clothes. they suspected i was cooperating with the army. i denied it, and eventually they let me go. >> the risks facing a woman in uniform are often far greater than for her male counterparts. many of her colleagues have been killed while being held hostage. >> my family worries a lot, but nothing is more precious than our country, the homeland where i was raised. it's true my children are very precious, very important him about my country is even more so. >> despite the price, it's a job she is proud to wake up to each day. >> women have been in the syrian army since the 1970s. there is even a special military college for them. but usually their jobs are
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administrative and logistic. desperate times, however, call fort desperate measures. >> still ahead, in l.a., law enforcement takes camera shy to another level. the l.a. sheriff's department had a photographer added to an fbi database, even know he hasn't had a criminal record. more on treating photographers like terrorist, after the break.
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it's welcome back. last month we brought you the story of a los angeles photographer who has been arrested multiple times for taking pictures. one instance included a confrontation with the california officer at eight metro station that he was photographing. take a look at how it went down. he was detained and searched on halloween of 2009 for filming images of the newly installed turnstiles at the metro's redline, hollywood and western stations. he was arrested on another instance of taking photographs
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under the auspices he was interfering with police work. he was eventually let go and was never charged with the crime. he is not alone. our photographers being targeted in l.a. by police? paul, is he alone in his claims that police are targeting photojournalists? is sean alone in his claims that police art targeting photojournalists? >> no, he is not alone. there are a lot of photographers across los angeles and across america that are feeling this pressure right now. these officers submit these reports, suspicious activity reports to use in centers. over 100 specifically were released from the l.a. sheriff's department that have to do with cameras or photography. >> is there any kind of specifications on what kind of cameras or photography we are talking about? >> they are cameras that range
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from cellphone cameras to point and shoot cameras up to professional grade cameras. this affects anyone who takes a picture in a public space. especially in a place like hollywood where sean is from, it's very troubling, because that is what hollywood is far. there is paparazzi and tourists that take pictures there. there are pictures taken in hollywood all the time. >> there was an internal investigation into a complaint that sean filed against the l.a. sheriff's department. he said his first and fourth amendment rights were violated when he was stopped when taking pictures at a subway station. what do the documents reveal? >> it shows that these lasd is defending its officers. they are saying what the behavior of one of the officers, that his behavior was laudable, and that more officers should be investigating incidents of
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suspicious activity, although they call it potential homeland security issues. he asks if he is going to sell the photos to al qaeda. it is a precarious, weird situation. i want to read part of that document you just referenced. it says the vigilance shown by the deputy independent -- detecting criminal activity is laudable. we are encouraging others to be as proactive. should we expect more of this in the future? >> this happened five years ago, and the suspicious activity reports released by the aclu have gone all the way up to 2012. you should expect this in the future unless the policy changes , where the sheriff's department is not going to be submitting an innocuous moments of people using cameras to fusion centers. >> what kind of advice do you
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have for people who are trying to take pictures in public locations to avoid police stopping them? >> you always want to be upfront with the police, but you don't have to give them your name or your identification. you can say i don't need to do that, and you can walk away. under the constitution, you can do that. but you should always be careful when you are dealing with law enforcement. they have an important job to do as well. in this situation, their goals are very noble. they are trying to stop terrorism. everybody wants to stop terrorism, but the devil is in the details. they need to protect our privacy rights. >> that seems to be the common theme coming throughout this past year with the nsa surveillance in the battle between security and privacy. it is common knowledge that certain security measures are put in place in locations like
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airports and train stations when it comes to photography. the document say that these pictures looked almost identical to photos taken by al qaeda operatives in the lead up to the london tube bombings. do you think those are legitimate concerns? >> of course they are concerns, law-enforcement has concerns that are very real for photographs being taken a public laces or subway stops, but they cannot be hypersensitive to what goes on on the street. that is another word the internal investigation that -- investigation document says that they cannot be hypersensitive. >> what do you think fair rules should be when it comes to photography in places like metros? >> with photography, we generally have a right to take pictures in public places. if they are at a subway stop,
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that is a public place. if you can see it, then you can take a picture of it. >> it's up to them to see how far they are willing to take it. just seeing some of the possible negative consequences of that, as we have seen with this case. who should enforce those rules? should it be the metro police, regular police? >> these are real police officers that are part of the subway system here in los angeles. the los angeles sheriff's department is responsible for transit hubs, bus terminals and subway stops. they are doing it for a very good reason. they are looking for these incidences, but they cannot be recording all of these incidences, because they fill up these fusion centers with suspicious activity reports that are completely innocuous. there are instances of people using cell phone cameras to take
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pictures of the l.a. skyline. you missed the needle in the haystack, the terrorists. q so much. >> the fbi is investigating the death of a third -- 13-year-old boy from northern california after officer shot and killed him. police say andy lopez was carrying a pellet gun that looks like an ak-47 assault rifle and was wearing a hoodie on tuesday when he confronted them. witnesses told police they heard the deputy's order the boy to put down the gun twice. one sheriff's deputy opened fire when he thought lopez aimed the gun at him. family and friends gathered today to say goodbye to the neutral school student. more than 1000 people showed up, according to local news stations. number of his young supporters also held protests over the weekend to call the officers
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actions into question. the sheriff's deputy who opened fire on the boy is a 20 year veteran of the santa roa police department. police offered their condolences to his family during a press conference, but gave up physical demonstration. the gun on the left was the big one that lopez was carrying. the one on the right is a real ak-47. the two deputies have been put on administrative leave pending an official investigation. after the government shutdown furloughed 97% of nasa staff and forced the mars rover to go into sleep mode while congress settled its earthly squabbles, the agency is back up and running. nasa host a press conference today to discuss the next phase in mars exploration. the next mission is known as the mars atmosphere and expiration.
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it will launch from cape canaveral space station in florida. the mission will last for one earth year and sign to say it will help communications relay between earth and the rover's curiosity and opportunity. it will help researchers understand the history and changes of the red planet's atmosphere. that will do it for now. i will see you back here at 5 p.m. captioned by the national captioning institute
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hello there and welcome to nhk news. i'm catherine kobayashi in tokyo. china politically sensitive sites. a jeep now plowed through tienemen square. the driver and two passersby were kill


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