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tv   The Debate  PBS  November 1, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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. new and one when will the evil eye. i do all are welcome to watch it all started out on full speed off coming up. the world this week. can the united states can still be trusted to in effect be the caretaker for the internet around the world european states and business leaders having serious second thoughts in a week it seemed fresh revelations from nsa whistleblower and it snowed also our friday panel of
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journalists reactive turkish lawmakers breaking the headscarf taboo in parliament. andy taxing times faced by french footballer whose bosses are threatening to strike over seventy five percent tax on wealth above one million euro loss of getting out of the leaders from james credence in our media watch second study art in the newsroom it's a low once again to not be a chart clarion calls levies on headlines they sound intelligence officials say they needed the pakistani taliban has been killed in a suspected us drones truck humans are causing to put a dent in the pas. this time in sentences that to be planning his funeral. the resistance from the syrian opposition peace envoy. he was against new delays in peace talks sharon's departure is the main obstacle to getting all psyched to the negotiation table. in
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reality he is in washington president obama for assistance be back later and said to finance a country suspected cause of the growing unrest that the war. yes this developing story coming out of the us the suspect is said to be in custody until sunday's international apple. today is friday after reports of the shooting. it is coming in. at least i can find today at the scene at terminal three. in a tree our stations ms beamer springs will equal a multi patient incidents drain and into reports of multiple victims we'll say they had about a dozen gun shots from inside the security gates. and flights have now been halted as that is yet to deposit for an a. his presence is said to be in touch with your enforcement officials on the ground. a us intelligence oni and community resources across pakistan were
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fortunate and writers strike has killed the head of the country's insurgency. i kinda miss it. i guessed right the second since the price of the washington to stop such content as a target in its infancy here is the strongest economy in twenty oh three team gets me to traipse in neighboring afghanistan. islamabad has been tested each account as it is to be a very significant dent in the pakistani town he is originally heading to machinima video shows you that she is. he was targeted in this goes i can. along with another high will move on together stick to the need to have been killed in the post right two of the other wanted me to alter my mind it the rt women to live in one of the most wanted it but a good time and also by the next day. he was engaged in holding that
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the idea attack in one of the year the piano. in which the iaea. it's tasteless but on the spot. that attack school is in the modern sheep. which is also weak in oregon at a time right now she mentioned that we continue that. it is only when he was doing me i know with a pocket on the government would not be a new lifeline to the compound that way you want to try to ignore and when it became an on going to go on strike happened. they are all a selection to ensure medical sources which is saying that the euro would be a good case to which is pretty much it was so hot and charming coma to match the bed right now again the structure the second commandment daughter to two years. yes there is no potato cake or the kind of fun and even the eu and non important my map and go right at the launch site. in essence the news. nixon confirmed as
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two people confirmed dead by police and two shots rang out in front of the offices of fun right the golden dawn the teams were routine and it is. the moon and thus seen as weekends. in a syrian peace conference could still take place in the next few weeks. really if the opposition agrees to participate in front of you new ninety nations envoy to the preceding been busy trying to rally support for the so called geneva team conference. missing the shyness has resignation remains a key sticking points spenser books pointing out that easy to deny his un arab each endpoint to syria not to proceed he said that the opposition's role in peace talks was essential the opposition to the present debate. there will be no geneva conference the syrian government's already agreed to take on
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tended to need it to conference. the opposition national committee she is refusing to name a secret president janice and russia alone time i have to see mimi team says this raises a significant problem but he still looks better known than in the bc i think that the oed is this sometimes foolish. let's exclude president sad and then agree on everything are unrealistic as long as he's in town much has happened being helped by a sense this season to find his vice president at it this week due to unauthorized meetings in poland india's claims reports that country jenny in may the us and colleagues discuss taking part in the geneva conference on the opposition's night. oh and that tolkien to fostering tact email still seem to be funneling the county line the timetable for the geneva to conference does not foresee the departure of a saw. you will remain in place until the end of term. that
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is what can be discussed as a potential power sharing agreement with the transitional government this bull nights now on a stumbling series deeply divided opposition meets on the ninth in a band. and the fate of the geneva peace talks will hang in the provinces the next telco nation decides whether or not to take a look. iraqi prime minister nuri al me she isn't eating present threat of bombing washington's friday it asked for help in dealing with a spike in violence the west since two thousand and eight units to make is that the guy sat down to sectarian tension. she says as a typical its terrorism our claim to be trading reports. the dust settles from a triple bombing in iraq prime minister nuri al maliki is in washington. in the usa team and lead a marked increase in violence. show goers security forces on the forefront of this battle the quality of the weapons
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the plan is that the strategies the development of the strategies of destroying the cells. all this is necessary but it is not enough. we need sound social structure. he displays his power and suicide bombings across iraq in recent months thirty eight strikes continued thousand people in the last month low in comparison to grow into deadly violence two thousand and six. period during the us and the nation. me likey there was a leading al qaeda and try to spread terror in the region rather than sectarian tension that fuel conflict between sunnis and shiites the last time round many keys plea for help isn't impressed. politicians in u s congress however it comes to you. he is off to the u s coal belt of iraq the middle east he said and continue to teach washington said was needed to protect its troops from prosecution the us will make a site only to stream employment isn't the government's own making it stems from its failure to include minority sunnis in
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the political process. the us said this week it will help to fight terror groups. any little consolation. kitty the lights and lit tree forts the these actions have reached chief on physical and save us to place the chief john kerry policing the estimation of his country's controversial spying program against allied nations. in fact cross the red tonight. he comes up to ten days of process and tension sparked by revelations that the nsa has been on thousands of european singles. i'm thinking there is a gem and thompson and her magical. meanwhile intended to make ends meet with the man behind the scandal former nsa analyst and rinse agent. living in in russia german politicians are not going to participate in a parliamentary me coincidentally this nation would rather testifying before the u s contracts it's a cartoon use the on the twentieth edition of any type of thing but that does
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it take to the next ten days publishers will be on hand for meetings debates with shops and book signings experts on its cross straight to the lebanese capital in the sea theater is standing by in dc and eight. this is a nation in human societies for the well defined publishing the causing of prefix final list is and he will pretty much inspiration from them that's why he was an off about how the strong connection to this country who made him more than twenty times he said the death unknown was an inspiration for him. i'm one of the days that no fools that he actually makes more than two hundred novels entitled at one second that the natives in two thousand and ten it was about the killing of former prime minister of the company reno and helpful he went to the finger at the nissan three has a lot that was the fall at the beach might be known. it was investigating the killing that has discharged at members of his lot with the killing of a creep but denies any involvement to break controversial ad by
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controversial book i said before here and they said they wanted when he got his information from when he got his secrets not very much at least the general feel about your fact that he really loves coming here he said he loves definite enough to win and that's enough to come to him say last on connection this country. he's the field in which men from the reeds receiving its banks. this leads me to hand you back to austin and his guests for the word this week and will have more knotty on the edge of the year at the end of the show thanks to an audience sharply in the newsroom. it's time for the world this week seven days for paris. this corresponds one are with a scraggly that it supports the atlantic towards a cute couple. also with us today instead of world politics review which you can find that you don't need the new world politics review dot com ok so this meal is jacinto falls and gets in a desk a positive outcome. excuse me and kept on comp. and to
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the weak opponent. repairs to chief for the german news agency dpa welcome welcome back. in the world this week all been targeting we were the world this week we can always join the conversation on facebook and twitter are hatched to t w t w. this friday by the way it marks the first day on the job for a certain edwards snowden hired by an undisclosed russian internet company the former us intelligence contractors steady drip of leaks about the national security agency. again became aggression this past week with our revelations about the tap phones of thirty five world leaders patrolling of all the personal data. more than sixty million citizens of france and spain. and it's drawn a lot of anger. goodbye friend that we were tonight he writes the host of prominent intellectuals in the site including the former german chancellor willy bronze calls headline that
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says we need a more realistic basis for the us german relationship. this is up a manifesto that said the new flag press meet him yet making payments made to a lean and fit something in the tank this weekend when he liked about anything and when you isn't really helping families helping families we just got its own conversation by saying no to on of those who were listening to us so he was going to use it in effect the seventies because he preferred to talk to the details but he knew it takes the stance of this nothing new i needed it. i'm very active fish in education right now and then me. he thinks is artificial. we think so because it's not a surprise anyone to expect from spies spiciness by itself. and as i spy is obvious the spying and analyze the cousin of the nolan and i can shift it can become any meaning to me that the americans spying and john in signing the germans did not surprise the aqua
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live in mind that lets us into something you can spend wisely. maybe he thought they need to spy. so it gets the need to make surprise but sam into his high beams at me and nodded that extent. not a big surprise. nonetheless the difference between the times when home which meant was the chance of germany is that today there's the internet. and the internet. which is for the most part you can save manage. stewart it if you will out of the united states it's a big difference. it is but i think that there's this i think that two issues. theres the issue of espionage and in just two were simple signal intelligence which is tapping phones intercepting communications and things like that. time and that everyone dies. and in a scandal like this when it's revealed that the international equivalent of the domestic scandal or or investment scandal and domestic politics and was happy that it's about the other guy but everyone
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does it mean everyone knows that he might be the subject of the next revelation that's that's the espionage aspect. then you get the to the internet aspect and keep the data collection aspect reader which were the initial revelations are from from the snow in the fair. and that everyone would probably like to do it but for two reasons the united states is way ahead of her when the first reason is that the companies that are most successful at convincing consumers to give them all of their customer information are american. so the tie front door access to to this information. and in terms of the back door access or in some of them the less the more opaque texas that they've had. the americans have more to our ward. take the technical ability to do it. time and the scale of what's involved in terms of saving information. one on the scale the americans have
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the financial resources can also be the ability to store the information that other countries don't get that and of course some of stephen's alinghi and revelations if you will as to say that in the there are private companies to cooperate with the nsa. according to the wash and posts this week the nsa site and information from google and yahoo google says its outrage from their data centers. um would you think is religious in tow. u s credibility as a neutral steward of the internet as was the syracuse university professor was quoted as saying that it is a tainted as the damage. yes it is at an industry stand off and end the year and a backlash by the germans but i was thinking beyond on the issue off the european reaction we've had many fans expect see this is not new it's not surprising you knew that if unexamined. he did say that i'm wondering how much of the europeans its lead off
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the end or in cooperation with the us coming out with the sleek scene where is the head with the european and it snowed in with the fans and it snowed. this is busier this comes out with the us added that he pays attention to stand to get outside and the variety senior director who was just saying you will see it because the u p europeans are behind again. what it means they don't have to go as you know you you cannot possibly deadly than the dts he would not want to do this chance to cooperate to bring to the nsc in providing access to the internet on the underground cave expect se. i didn't find the fine needle and i provided the following connected the town for phone cards outside to get countries this is going on to the us gets on and at the spot tonight it's in the eu team washington isn't even embracing the life of plenty and uniting that some of this is the action yes we go in and out to the lender would then be still and it's kind of information usually going
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here. we get the appropriate to everyone who isn't even a pound now is should know that he's intent on iran. you can read in that site. you know it's it's not good. which brings up the next question how much of this stuff is for actual national security interests and how much of it is. courtney was just describing that is to say profiling for businesses to do business to make money. o it's always about the money in it and what they want anyone to believe that it shocked about all of its spine. this is really ninety the incredible thing about this going forward from the years. is that the eric schmidt sturdy branch marissa mayer is that we are on either zuckerberg her into the world they are from a generation who didn't pay any attention to these security issues. eat it. they are this
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to the new generation appears to have absolutely no problem still in all this information now. i can remember discussing similar issues like this years ago with the google guys when they get started. and and they believed in peace love brown rice this is all going to be wonderful. and they never talk to stop the heart now taken a step taken a step further. d the keyword for the new generation is disruption bergamot disrupt information we're going to disrupt the media. were this disruption is going to leave will be interesting to see but i should note that nobody cares other than glenn greenwald. and i'm snowed in the causes and due to correct me if i'm my analysis is wrong to join dietician generation. there's a lot of huffing and puffing but
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there's no blow in your house down like there was fury the demonstrations in the sixties and seventies against nixon against the war in vietnam and other things there you see only a few hundred people out on her hip and that they do question was how much of this is invasion of privacy or espionage and how much this is for business purposes. and i think the answer depends on who's doing it. right so you have all of these social media sites where their business model is collecting customer information and using it to sell to advertisers to create profiles and i think what they said about this generation is very important too because you have people like zuckerberg who talked alot about society that the idea of privacy. it was was very much. the focus of facebook this idea that people want to live their lives in they want to texas to voluntarily get rid of their privacy. any work
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people did that. what happened though is that. i don't know if it was naivete or or what but they did not they did not foresee the idea that this does vast collection of data that the hat was incredibly useful to national security for nasa national security purposes with respect to the initial question. as is damaged the relationship between europe and it's not that i got a nap. it seems to be shocked if he is not to because of passing the eastern germany and is eyeing off at the stats caught the eye and i think it's monday again and panic was shocked because an accident was on the criticism she don't take it to a new beginning. and now she feels that she needs to show off that he's really talking to my dilemma. but then he and down dale and he agreed that they want to talk about this and nothing concrete cannot accuse anyone in the streets in germany and ireland me
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it's not in the media. but then you know my review once to the studs and intercede with the united states as a trend change agreement in which it's going to be negotiated. and no one wants to discover and when google says its upset. do you think they're being disingenuous i'm not so sure. i think for instance that to mean a thing where google google. that said is that. they ve learned that the nsa was speaking in the back door and stealing all of the information that google was giving them at the front door. so essentially what was happening was every every three months or six months the nsa was coming with the court ordered morning and saying give us the stadia and bill was saying i hate the resistance of the status of and what they find out is that as there as they're distracted by it by handing it out the front door the nsa is reaching in the backyard taken a pocket of it at the same time the operational definition of the new vote naivete
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perhaps that one desires to it in terms of the patients and the impact. i don't think it will have an impact on the course of this state to state relations where my where we'll have an impact and this is why google is out nationwide zuckerberg is average. he will have an impact on global internet user base and their faith and confidence in american companies and so we might see happening is regional fourteen regional facebook's our national facebook's or even national internets this agrarian whereby whereby the actual the team following an information system is more control when i see two hundred a fifty three hundred thousan people on the streets of washington complaining about. secret court issuing secrets or . i see that many people in washington on the streets of washington complaining about privacy of the leave you until we see that. it's not good. so could even get to listen because matt has an
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interest in mass enough no spying agreement. she wants to have mom of the intended use and sharing our many of the hi fi agreement among move on different states and so andy and this could be a surprise that american needs to paint because of the so called standard and acm our intentions and that means that the religion time getting even close to it that the course big difference with the nineteen sixties was there was no question of the orders came from the top when it came to sneaky stuff up amid the controversy over whether obama himself was or was not informed that ransom or responds to the broader question as put by the international york times's cartoonist shop pots he's the most secretive of all u s intelligence agencies and fifty two billion dollar year of the ummah. out of control. you just can't. you know that there's a lot of money to be made and not taking this sees that the idea that said this so this is as a budget that the nsa has a tuna does this
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for the politicians have a handle on what their own spy agencies are doing. either that the end of. at the end of this standard and the d sound fx flaw an oversht and ishmael the son. right now. the people of the congressional oversight committee on oversight of this if you go back and look athat they've shed workers had privately and publicly they've known about this to francoise point about the white house involvement your point about india with the old days you ever there was crimes involved. let's not forget something really really key whenever we bring up the word watergate nixon and what you listen to really brought down a us president the only one triggered nixon's downfall the legitimate trigger was the fact that sean bean. his white house counsel. when up to capitol hill and said here he's committed crimes. until someone within the obama
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administration. does the same thing goes up there and says this is what he was doing with angela merkel's information or just added the other thing and presents those papers. this is just a moot point and it will present its the end of the other big difference between now and for insisting the scandals in the beginning of the seventies that led to the church committee is that so far we've we've seen a lot of covert data collection maybe even some data collection and push the boundaries were even violated the boundaries. we haven't seen nice use of the diva yet we haven't seen people being targeted in the united states for their political activities based on data being collected. the one thing wanna say on thi point which is sort of a broader point is that the idea that the balance between privacy and in national security is fixed at one certain point. i think he does his mistake and it's is it's something that ships with te based on how grand the country is it a ship sunk in time based on what type of technical
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capabilities are available that is something that ships with tiny terms of copying sensibilities and so it's very i think it's very undstandable that after nine eleven. the boundary for more surveillance precisely was was pushed. it's also very normal that if the surveillance intelligence agencies left there on the devices are going to push the boundaries even further and a week now we see and timely debate team even a little bit overdue but not terribly over to where people are kind of getting a sense of how far the boundary has been pushed to ask themselves how it's in the region. how comfortable they are with it and now it's a question of people putting pressure on congress to do the oversight that they are in the statutes are any qantas is heavy every tour of asian leaders don't forget something pure it was congress that signed off on these laws in the first. when lester
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everything the nsa is doing under the homeland security act was signed off by congress. they knew it was going on my knitwear was more understandable and now a pressure does come up from the bottom up they will push back the lead as we are seeing is some contrition on washington this weeobama secretary of state. this friday admitting the nsa may have gone too far in some instances. that of course is interesting. domestically in the us only getting second billing to his health secretary's contrition over the bugs me following the new national health care went you deserve better. i apologize. i'm accountable to you for fixing these problems and i'm committed to earning your confidence back. by fixing the site. for working day and night and will continue until it's fixed and if you know when you look at this from abroad that it has made funny because on
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one hand as one of the government is looking a bit of a new website and get them. david two critics such a huge amount of data that it creates an international outcry and then the next problem is how to analyze and study and a cousin. as the internet said that times have changed it's very easy not to connect these dots but then what do we do is it then that course a christian can see his teeny tiny and isaac then and maybe make use of its foreign investors buying any new leads who read this message to the nsa please provide a webmaster for the health department when we come back much more to come the world this week including the taxing times that face france's footballers stay with us hse user would continue to do with the african coast
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total attentively to the problems with our correspondents in studio guests. political economic cultural and social news from across the continent of africa. multiplied a likely place again a. april twenty six nineteen eighty six wills was that the new kid is no doubt. the impact was kept going. a thirty two was an exclusion zone around the house that ruth is still in place. the west village is out now and again. the built to house the liquidation of men and women called into the uk and us. it has one of the highest birth rates at its top right as best place to live. revisit it. i kept
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on going. and captain of a wounded anyone in the world three languages. graham's ultimo real time. see also see even more. it was fun to see you. exclusive tweets from our reporters in defeat it's still my stool. so we'll pay for college and he wanted the stuff i still need to sell. with the new house uncapped experience never end welcome back welcome if you just joining us so this is the world's people for whom it's good to sampl the stories of palm burgess watson will be falling for it at the top b are a few on false and catch up on a us drone strike kills the leader of the pakistani taliban that's according to intelligence sources the first time those i can move them assume it has been claimed to have been killed the stories coming out of
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pakistan. iraq's prime minister in the way on the weekly meeting at this hour with the u s president barack obama at the white house the iraqi prime minister asking for more help is beating back a fresh wave of insurgency. u s and mexican authorities on it a sophisticated tunnel designed to smuggle drugs across the border from t wanted to send it it's equipped with lights lighting ventilation and an electric rail system has not yet in use. and a suspect in custody at los angeles airport said this after the shots were fired with a semi automatic weapon i'm at least three people heard no word of any fatalities at this point of the wind images you're seeing from l a xl. well those stories are much more to the property are right here on mossman kept. welcome back or welcome if you're just joining us this is the world
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this week. and joining us once again is a cricket peaks of courts may want to spare welcome back to jurong scene of world politics with you lila jacinto husband kept dot com and to german reporter who agreed to call them and welcome back to all of you. on tuesday. turkey celebrated with a bang the ninetieth anniversary of its republican leaders for the first time ever. joining europe and asia. he stumbles new rail line under the boss for its victim of its successes seem authorities reporting overcrowding. that said forced the closure of one station in two ways to toe and familiar passages mistakenly hit an emergency button nose of a snafu was the star nonetheless a big success for them. another milestone came thursday with up for female lawmakers enjoying a new law that allows them to wear the islamic headscarf in
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parliament said the prime minister bridget i appear to want to impress it's the wheel of the people that has prevailed. political minions on sunday. will says about turkey. yet if you ban them. the good news from his mother tongue and enhance cough because lifting the ban on same it's kathy yes you can presented as a democracy and to the moon but not under any enactment turkey in the ring weighing one hundred and twenty elite sound concerning human rights. and i'm yelling run into with this calf is not necessary as the to more rights for women so i think it's cause the room. yes it's it's it's not a good news for me jacinto. see it's you know i mean less money and not a fan of the bad seeds could use because if if if their team yankees wanted chance that we'd be just be sure and i guess it was dante's deeply
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divided on this game but you know they have the defeated he divorced in eighteen ninety and whatever we think of that by the hand you don't believe we had a rally at the kids dance and chant the wood filler agency for me it's just that he's gone it's just a dominant hand down. it is beyond them any more important things within its rights education and you know science is that when it's time to think of june st back in june the turkish presence felt for a face and on present wave of protests was his star power late today after this week that seen these these events that the prime minister moved from its own. i think i think that turkey stuffing turkey had this dessert of this honeymoon period in around two thousand the ninth and where was this this regional and no no problems with neighbors policy and it was becoming the regional
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mediator they can get ever wanted to talk to each other and and and and and and solve problems. on that. beginning with the conflicts that israel and and then exacerbating during ddr spring has pretty much does it mean turkey is really struggling to find its footing on a whole host of of pretty problematic issues in the region. relations with iran sufferers are now trying to restore them relations with baghdad suffered enough time to restore the monies in relations with syria and israel and egypt. and since that is since the military who also suffered differences with saudi arabian gulf states still in a lot of ways turkey has seen this allows hundred and eighty degree reversal of the kind of time sir the star power that it has as this this regional
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middle power. and i don't think for instance that to that the tunnel were the headscarf and beauty does anything at all to do to reverse that. when pressed on the international stage that domestically. new line and sinker one is getting screwed the pooch. i think it's time for him to go up um. still popular. well the elections coming at least locals will see it it looked earlier on is that this is a street fighter. each is from the slums of other stable and and. he took a big slap in the face bigger than a lot of people have said. up when they didn't win the olympics but lost out to tokyo. they were really counting on. i believe that head. they won the olympics. we might see a different thing the fact that they are now allowing headscarves a chat with
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the soviet navy to mention start with faces and old for bush's again. these are just exhibits reflections of what the of what this society is there's a lot of very young and full wordless looking young turks to coin a phrase and we'll see if they will be able to remove this belligerence of the one thing nose and one thing in its favor is that over the last decade. i think the sink the average turkish income tripled and so turkish economy has just been booming and that always gets a new leader. nice cushion in terms of domestic has been around don't want to know the great thing about that was what they've found is they were getting updates on that istanbul was one of few thousand years older than anyone thought so this is going to be around for some fun images to make it to be convicted in that time i go to disagree it's not on uganda and went and hunted in
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the last ten years must be far far bigger role for religion in society and that my pc now it's in these entities but is he so it's not on a much tension in his death in tn for a quiz that turkey's secular tradition and so this is something with it. the expression of dante's identity in the medial in platinum and he handed me that the issue of the kurdish language you know if its identity within three games to be it's how did how did the thing to find ten cents b to c defined and senses development stands when i personally don't really have a problem with that and neither did he get in on the issue of women's rights. i mean the turkeys problem where the turkeys challenges that the secularism was really is the state in the league whereas in the pop in to the popular culture and the mass of turkish culture it is relatively developed nature reserve. turkey is not a stumbling on to. coming up where could it accents the unpopular choices facing
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the leaders of cash strapped transfers though. some good news in this country the end of the ordeal for french employees of new krypton to revoke kidnapped more than three years ago from their compound in northern new share with us or you're a new mine. the news announced by the president himself been dispatched his defence and foreign ministers to the army to thank the shares present an escort for home opened up for the record. most of it roasted will pay a ransom that i want to be clear about this the order the president gate and was respected. as far as the french state is concerned that money was transferred to st that with discussions about doesn't mean the ransom was paid them a deal that almost all the religious into the milk i think many would have been in private money. this can be we insist upon lies. i didn't want to mention something when it comes to hostages. in this business
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for life that i've seen the us president for instance going up to and am polite and nad. he planned on then tried to teach even be in on hostage crises it is that the vice president. he doesn't like these be done home studies and that it began to get back to the eye we only need some great news xd you know monday evening when i lived in the day talking the defeat of more than twenty million euro. i did this it would be to acne and identity standing mad and act like the noble lie around is going to be so upset because though i'm not adding he got to the media. a funny scene found seven cents and citizens who were captured on the ninety eight am going to we know if this happens and you know mac to what my nonsense. i was in anything you know and did this besides aches pains and on what is happening the defensive side of the money for instance i you
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know the essential up with constantly being criticized for being the nice soft on the twenty eight especially the anonymity when he had the on side into key data on a your money into swing on the doubt so. when i asked senior team did not want to have a disaster because of its hostages and had not asked at his unit meetings is his most successful a fun and funny seeing a shift in which is my sil time i i i think even on duty at the findings were nice assuming that the problem the problem is that the student does actually. and the fun isn't it. we all know that a ransom was paid the problem is that the kidnappers all know that a ransom ransom was paid there's actually different countries in different cultures have different approaches and in france among the french security come and commentators. they say that the anglo saxons don't pay. the british the americans don't pay. and it all week and sometimes not true. and mm more or less
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maybe maybe there may be for instance insurance companies pay rent since for some of the pirated chips off of some onion yes but in terms of government for the american dollar in the british government be ok. it's known by the kidnappers maybe maybe it's not a hundred percent true but that's the that's the brand image. the brand image of the french government is that you hold out long enough to deny it and that the problem is that if that brand image is going to be changed. there's going to be a president at some point. french has in his house to be willing to say you know what this time we don't pay and we take the political consequences now it's also a horrible human tragedy and a horrible human story so there you know that there's really alot and alot because on soak in some ways to be more humane and in each of the hostages come home is to be less humane to ensure that the next hostages are actually taken but assuming one wanted him to the anti human anti assuming
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the lead in need and takes it on good i mean that this is this is taking the two fronts the hostages. it is and then on the year in middleton open and today it would tickle attended the eu we have sinned and eighteen hostages i do not. i'm a french journalist and syria based business tool that has sent you a generous friends who were kidnapped in afghanistan and sent him to be heard nothing about it because it because it's not something i as the media. when the hens this case the muslim onto came up with sixteen of twenty mean it's what i mean and yes mean yes to one and two two a to talk about everything and i have ever seen but not necessarily the money and some must pain because of what will happen is it just might surprise and then make it into law checked in and i are going to be and didn't want to talk to was going to last year and extend
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the season leading the indian mind. it was me. they can put dad in on statesman be seeing this game out tomorrow. it is and they suck that bad quoted a french sources saying more than twenty and they don't need to do it because they only my surprise this. the government anyone of course they're also see our age families especially the one off another hostage to a frenchman who was kidnapped and molly is still being held. um that family says they don't have a major corporation in this case the riva to bankroll their loved one's beliefs. at the same time ministry tell me cannot stand that the government would not pay me to quit date show that these are the exact lines of the foreign ministry. cricket peanuts. first of all the reporter who was interviewing the funding issue should be slapped for not following up with a question only to read and pay them there's too much complicity between the government and local journalists in this country way too much up an unknown number two that look. the you
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go into the sherry is now into rocket. it sure racket um i think that we should find out. how much was paid and how it which paid the amount of snot as significant as the mechanic of the payment. where the fish was money. where did it don't get it going to a swiss bank account that mr hall on doesn't seem to like the boys in cash was in gold was and barter. that's what i'm interested to find out here the mechanism that was used because it is to go back to what we started this discussion with. there are always packed or channels to these constant years consistently. and that's what was going on here. there is government involvement in one of those forcing government complicity. perhaps but there is government involvement. so i want to know i wanted to sit down with the ceo of the riva and find out about
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this but we're not going to see that story anymore. and frankly the china france some story to say this it's not really that big of an issue i would have a degree i think it's it's it's me me and wanting to know what you know what is being a howard is being paid and how the next daniel o'keefe. how much does this kind of amount. what is in due time. friday is the inability to brian the fishes and a key function in the case. mediate as who have but i didn't want to forget it even more. it's even more critical than that because when you have a peanut. of of goods or capital. to which parish organization. being conducted either by a trigger either by government or private company were publicly held company you are utilizing standard mechanisms within the financial world. which on the one hand governments corporations they were not involved with criminals these are not criminal
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institutions. we are going to do everything in our power for for transparency nothing is going to be ok with them only you do that transfer you're getting the government for that company is getting in on the underworld. and for the bankers involved in this transfer and one is the quid pro quo for being quiet i mean these are questions that no one asks me to know some of the people calling this on my needing to make you dizzy at that time he left and he has judges against him in mind you he he could be announcing the compromise deal to feed us in in the indies and is as bland and the accident and i do know and be the jumping so much about cracking down on the monday night into an idea you know. on the knitty so my niece cannot buy at times fund money to death and hades is so tiny and this kind of money moving into this beach it is. before the um and we don't own a couple we do know is the former hostages have
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been the subject of a strange sort of polemic in this country. um fair facial hair on settling the leader of the far right national front the sauce and i felt really uncomfortable. the kids and i didn't see any of these men seem extremely busy at the karaoke club up and he is teaming up to two member team and it's going to bite that is rather pricey. enclave in deciding on a teen the dancing. you know firstly i saw them i saw the footage when they were with the use and the president of the najaf. i was pretty impressed by how they look after three years in captivity any deal they had that wearing a headscarf and adhere to it pretty well groomed to me i was a little surprised i thought they would be looking a lot lot more worse for the wear but they had in these military secondhand military fatigues and a full beard. when it
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looked like they were either ready to play in the world series or something. of course the mother of one of the hostages saying that on they have to be kept that the garbage you describe them and use it to describe. in solidarity with the other hostages are still in captivity. which is the assignment them on independence mean nothing to do a m talking about me me they converted to islam and not in the coming and getting to the front the last or the hostages released it as orica was saying earlier particular gibbons also known as the overshadowed his second about face on taxes in just three days of loans first scrapping a plan to retroactively raise tax on savings account interest and then suspending an eco tax on truckers in the northwestern brittany region farmers sounds of the revolt against the attacks storming toll booths set up two cars trucks of the livelihood of those truckers in that region depends on agriculture. he
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mainte should be key contacts. these are not merely us the suspended but actually scrapped. the french president getting in to farmers but not a phone call the bosses can on a thursday meeting at the presidential palace. the reckoning to go on strike the two didn't see that the very least here is the one on actually found someone less popular than he is. and that's that's why he feels like she can aid you can actually hold the line years because it is theirs the french culture as it has a very complicated relationship to money into wealth and income. and that any idea that these guys are makinas much as they are a lot of people would feel pretty comfortable going after them and taxing and then read the thing that thing that's in the decision to run today to all wrong so as you say maybe on to something last time friends for paws were on strike. he was the national team at the world cup you may
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remember the day became the laughing stock of tournaments. no surprise in its eighty five percent of the french in favor of taxing the club's one week after the poll. the french pulling that off those two to sixty seven percent believe that the players not the clubs will add it to the two thanks to the first thing is that it's been really mean it. his opponents fixation on this tax which he pulled out of the hat came in in front of a tv audience during the presidential campaign which is gonna apply to about a thousand people and maybe make about three hundred million dollars. and to give an idea that the penalty that the french state is going to have to pay the company that set up the toll booths for the attacks is something like a billion billion euros eight hundred heroes or something like that he had eight hundred million euro to say she's willing to to roll back and paid eight hundred million dollars eight hundred million euro penalty on this one tax that easily lines here on on three hundred to three hundred men if it's
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mysterious the song the one thing i'll say though in this the ft that the french public's perception of the soccer players here on there's also something a little uncomfortable for me about it because it's true they are very unpopular. but there's also an element of international fronts discourse that always seeps into a discussion that's up of soccer players here. in terms of whether they represent france whether the relief from that of course we'll see if that once that all happens whether or not to do with there is a strike how popular of the measure remains. finally talk of french novels you might think high brow literature. it doesn't sell this friday readers morning to death and eighty three and see all the va has sold tens of millions of copies of this a us spy novels. france's answer to john that carried definitely from another era the tight rope all his spy novels with their trademark
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scantily clad women with a gun on the cover the formula for success to keep from which he never strayed. like luke ira or james bond creator ian fleming designate well versed in intelligence for the vast array of contacts spies politicians and journalists. i don't deny some of the people of color janice many american journalists to enter the next time. it's a pain. the pd kind people may be paid in different sources. the tissue mentos job. using the oh my my wife work on a movie with them and i had the opportunity of a couple times. great story teller great rock on tour. on right wing guy on but he he. a very popular in france a great friend tradition is not the image we have a france no no it's not that you'd in hockey. he reminds me of. he reminds me of the modern day version of an author called pierre sylvester how many of you remember who he wants us
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to get a refund too much tomas was extremely extremely popular in france it never was exported because i'm too much was written the same time sherlock holmes came out to never got the bomb the thirty eight was running up against change on that and and and his books were a little bit. to bang bang shoot shoot flaky what you are not as sexy as the von books but he knew every word he knew everybody he loved to write great storyteller and um eat he will be he will be next to the end of the day he was a journalist. the author to write the spinal was sittin' on a talk with him and you know and tell for sure since the great thing about the line between fact and fiction on stuff that sits upon a percentage lot of things not take a peek its many things one thing clear the descent of june haven't seen us when i click on it before we say goodbye though say hello to a james craig the vehicles why he allows
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himself a bad citizen of the vivian french media today saying that he was detested by the french literary critics but below the need to always to read them. i'm not into the world are just not the star and chirac sarkozy pretend that reagan was full of idiots of themselves anyway i'm going to the employer attention to is the second scandal the school's council and fronds in about a year concerning panel truck were a little pastry. you are one of francois and it looks quite strange right quite strange because this guy here is one of them. well all these advisors a guy by the name paul affirms the london arena basically attorney and joe satirical paper suggests that the fraudulent re create that trumps all. murder threats and in order to benefit from the state's top bodyguards for it because he didn't have a chauffeur. he was given a position as crossbones a buzz of the distance an official for these top bodyguards have been to kosovo extremely skilled she likes the bodyguards were being ordered to pay copies and chalk one up every morning which they didn't like to see
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that something is beneath them. i'm basically the whole thing is though it's going in the french media and its apple across the moon's a bad offensive is hill's website except from what i mean this in itself would perhaps be on you know not that interesting except we have treats a visit with the partial collapse like a political weapon of mass destruction in french politics because if you go back to your goal. joyful saw kobe the current leader all the ump party at creation of a political storm when he criticized that the us. still the panel took on its way to school gates in what was seen by many eyes that this was during ramadan to remember on the whole thing was seen as a basically and trying to steal votes from the far right's casting mold loans as part of talk about peace. i think we have no images such as this work. add the chocolate is the core french citizen times the cost will use the atom muslim
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aggressor. many of the continent with the politics of french pastry james great many things affect our panel. and thank you for joining us for the world this week. i rule
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all in. he is. d. new will we
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will. we all bought art in germany wants edward snow to members of the german government of trying to get the nsa whistleblower to testify. an investigation against us spying activities from this new development ahead. on capitol hill a group of senators claim they are pushing legislation to deal with concerns over nsa surveillance. but critics say their efforts fall short. you can actually make things worse. putting more coming up and in chicago the us is biggest jail is also its biggest mental health facility. over thirty the prison's inte


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