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tv   Taiwan Outlook  PBS  November 4, 2013 2:00am-3:01am PST

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need to mcafee tv that will come to a brand new editions of the tie while that the probe and that presents the different faces and they teach you that if the voices on taiwan. on the host were equal. the stable and secure
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energy supply is very important to any countries continued economic development and quilts and taiwan is no exception. on today's program. where do i get to have a conversation with captain alan sheehan who was the chairman of tone fine institution for economic research and also a specialist on any key policies in taiwan. welcome to the program back to them in any case. the internet and used to climb a good idea to p g a o i need to prove that it's busy. as i stated that the melon the beginning a stable and secure energy supply is very important when many countries continue quilts and develop. and the new start off the program to date but timeless what is the current anti structure for tile wall units. i think i'm that kind of tennis tickets in hand. allstate is
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the kind that sees the prize structure of whom allah. it's as part of cocaine on the line it's the heidi taiwan's the heidi keep and use long to high importance he moved to utah to ninety mile walk ons full ninety two percent. one photo and just cried moon and another cool the deck to fall off the card combo in its use of its identity. it has denied ownership of images from the pain of a hike of the land and sea it included such as the color and can truly use the doc on call phone to seventy eight percent to view all the hotel and into some pri candidate turn heat to maintain tension not seen snow. ideas he's been pretty much right in the high seventies carry
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it out. it's been a number so you get caught and that he used to have to concentrate in the concentration ratio of ninety one payout to look up other countries too high and also in the mall full of life and see. he says he can pull it all the optical store than a hornet has some significant improvement every year you cool almost eighty percent of the top our country onto our deck on tuesday and has not given to you to include use of salt gasol for the dk justine cried at all often is to secure the tea is quite a more noble and to think i'm carrying resolve the country is. it's an on going until the home. and given the fact that we have state no statement at the beginning of the program. here's heidi relevance between the stable and secure energy supply and the country's economic wealth juarez some of the likely
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impacts that the energy policy and calls to a country's economy. yes i think using the most important and uncle chris. i think there is a chip and this is a sturdy up to competition not a huge accident in two thousand and ten season as the party's see them looking ball j o and n korea parties. it's all i can go die the good result and the impact of the dark arts teacher and squeezy that useful. if asked to be the complete and you have a diagram. yes it can solve. i see. i carry you to see you next tuesday. i feel cause he does not fall on the jacuzzi in addition content. so that's three point one trillion every year. king saul was all white and
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the trade deficit. in all time. don't tease from dixie state. roman history of japan me enjoying a few izturis up rocks ice has not been kind to the other. because of it in court and that's the price increase. saul to trade. i'm turning from trade deficit trace of us getting to look at the see saw me do what he has it that the state. i bought cool points to three and embrace again he went to the other day and also is has widened to three point six plane my pantry and handed her a japanese yen. in twenty twelve tall. seen this yet no one wants to call at one month only and january. it's the great aunt bought one point two the difference yet
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so i could use it and the dedication of the japanese yen. this is chasing kicking the walls the trade deficit to widen and all it's all about the ticket price increase will have reached a job on campus and for the council and on top twenty percent for the dog to go home. you suck and no solid victory get some. according to the survey of making and showing that almost seventy percent although the company it sounds pretty cool i'll continue on as an old man and also in unannounced senior prom and is about to have a hard cast the toxin. for that i don't friend you get there because of that. did you do don't you'll hide you go higher. upi parties to kindy of the field to meet us and target as a dt was abolished
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by the same. by the time to reach the target gets up close call. he called all twenty years. so this is because all of those cbi impact of saul of the new government and the nuke on premium. they use as salaried the house belonged to you that indeed there needed to potty seat and want to attend the parties concerned in the boston in three years until we opened some of the doubt sitting upright and deceit in a good meal energy prices in the future. and given the fact that no following the tragedy for cushy month two years ago to close years ago. there's been some changes to a neighboring countries regarding here in egypt policy that you have used the example of japan just now. but lara some of you know changes they would have seen come on in terms of
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the image. mix until well we know moving towards a more reliance on alternative he'll be old and energy supplies while we gop might sustain holiday on the status quo. get out on taiwan's to see his iq that ran over the wall and into the house the government also has a very important to sauber like to mention the ball and protection come by. it has some awful. this is the head the petition. perlman all the time. idk until twenty fourteen and then put the food is self protection of dvd double energy. we the precinct has increased significantly. for the radical ideas or top kiwi the windfall like giving people the war and increased almost seven times. from
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twenty ten to twenty fourteen and ten dollars aud is so rocky we meet increased twenty times over this fall during his period and bought not share of the idea. we call on them and us or not people you follow your cause will reap a sitting president and coo puts a respected effectively official photo isn't quite as good include as i keep going and i did so in uk. we have a problem uploading get to go from top not going to the protection of its own mobile and an ep of living trees. to attract really well now it's all knowledge of campus and going to be. twenty percent according to the poetics of youtube i think it's a crazy about you all and that says i knew it all the experience of the night to see my son and i chose to go balls out people i tried to avoid ups by up
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to some dude from people and the parts of my kids because morning for them. she's had to be conceived of course not all voting method and forty s far enough that we are going to have twenty fifty. that sheila to increase constant in the country and that kind of subtle but that night the ipcc some older it's the only beacon the full cost all was that good and growling. i know that every job and is pregnant and old golden eagle. we are cutting trees. i bought cooper. cool cookies. the syndicate mind bending in all. and can now come to true indeed. that means the duchy of kid whose dad kindly show although that will only increase one's seven three percent. by the end of the show going to
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increase the number one climbs one point three percent. this is important yes but it's all that time each and situation gets better cos it's stinking very seriously of all quit the party he stuck to his intense. so leo sustainability is also very important interests of any cheese use what you think he's the general trend internationally. the guarding of iran to be friendly and also sustainable energy sources. yes i think that it is. in the second research done by the of. the u ok maybe our youth. he was fall color reference. ok these days stayed up all the details you will commit to the ncc generation on and on and the social cost of bolton into that kind of cheesy generation ok according to eu my heart that call. and this is not home
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external costs. ok so that it's not called the new blog and i tidy up loosing ward of court. one couple was insulated of oil pollution and greenhouse gas and crown intends to cut costs and also looked on. second night in ukip then me and the waist line beyond cool arcade and the leaves fall from his table and i've got the call and or your head to the heights i'm soo going to try and not least in the low cost mccain can not come here we used to good use of funds is a vibrancy that you need to get to its employee no lie and you go. she often feel like home. and we found that the men you could note the new p i use only ten points ten point five percent off of the call investment fund has a tendency to make calls to hug to all of his five point one percent and kiwi full point two from
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queen co point three o salt i do pr. and also lived up to date the miracle twenty minutes he said the sound off on sunday at two of the solstice and it's a journey into the run and a friend of no use for a weenie to take the first break on the program will be back in just a few minutes we'll get to watch him eat the world you were ever you go. we may see your own tablet. this program schedules on demand video. nope my name is pete over night to a boil. i enjoyed the us versions available to secure the marketplace today research makes the network
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welcome back to the second segment of the base program he held it out while those on the host week will will will continue our conversation with academics union who leased the chairman of the loop by institution for economic research held in to talk about the state of development of clean energy in taiwan. and the can down the heat and very grateful for the un guidelines to shill is building the earlier part in progress. and though what you see day he'll be in the longer term perspective renewable alternatives he'll clean and that she is a very important part of any government's energy policy then when me and she would have talked about deal with the mini known companies and enterprises that are now in vaulting to tell them about you know solar pv and no celine wind power. anwar some of the challenges as well as the opportunities come from
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the taiwan interests of developing clean energy alternatives. yes i've had is this has the coolest thing we can't discuss this one is the baltimore she did not realize it seemed at peace the light pink downfall of motion and his staff. it is important. who are the guardian of his costs and benefits. my name is a very important and also to know and education it's called kai was the case. genocide is because there's little here and then go we are supposed to be non locally and will most of the city parking ticket and can use connie mack scooping facts. though the country are young and the non population in the number two in law daniel drink water. i'll fall for that and it's a mountain and this was all in the prayer in
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the area is small. the mall and then to the saw the problem for him. molik know you all for making awful convened at the neil boniface this and highlighted the tackle space. so this is that. it's all up communication with employees and students with one toe sucking cute. how is that you can't know for example in korea fall. how we use on when powell. we need a balm for some the comeback kids just to get out at this and said mom there's no amount of lead in tuesday's opening of the new king and king because the nikkei helpful voice into it. it's a much higher. almost ninety percent non them all night to win column is only one. so to say this for a house or lucky we get along the walk almost seventeen percent. resume. he added that admission was good to me much more. coleman. in
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order to attend i'd seen on multiple when you can use to live in the style of force or a kiwi fruit and sydney almost fifty percent of the high peaks. this addition to seeking the next pope is quite what to leave me cannot go up because you know that it could mean you a boy due to unstable. sullivan me. and as smarmy going on. i've come to dinner ice along the promenade deck to not only beyond those. generation cost of his hired in on his misery for the pb with a hint of olive want to. i am. but you know what color i use almost sixty was a seething in thailand on a cookie and allentown. kate still fond of calling you to see prices and all since city. hewitt can you tell i'm gonna move in salt but because all he said pt so you'll need. does
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someone really cool company we did in salford city the reason for cbt and then out of smuggling has a problem gave me the actual cost and what important is needed. a lot of the pa instalment of time to cbc nine. it is cheap easy to use scandal since the kids are awake on by the pub in or so it's always fun that deadly become a big problem for that to establish his part these titles the cdp. i walk like a demon the win column. we helped some gallery the mountains and salt for these is a big problem for us because as i've mentioned to me to the idea to pop in that incident. come on and he knows what he sees the sodomy case. and da paz for the song because of the cause is
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decreasing so yes the ball the salon kiwi because it is almost where one night. new taiwan dollar on the tokyo want all of her naughty bits each cookie. this boy has told police the three songs in the party's new bedding collated that we are not the same cream and all of the top of the skull is also most of the novel is and what diet high in the bda is an art technique not smaller and that kicking not to find missing men. i think a videotape of god to bring the sea of mud that cost on them and then to say all of the cost before he still goes on. most of the deal. i can do the seas of betting . as a tool in the eye can catch is that it can fall cause high winds knocking down trees and saw rocky week is an omelet to wean the world for a guide
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to every team it can double for unit will move in and done we have upgraded with the edc board also agreed that this song on how to help and i had to go up over the kicking tee. i think there was a huge void in his eye in. the on the mantle. on the cards windy and even sometimes tea for those in touch till we become. i've come to teaching and to become bbq and grill can fall into the module with a well maintained and this is another element to do. in the eye and the insurers health deal to one institution for economic research. though what with the summer break and beaches has been made to the government in turn is healthy for me leaving them you know implementing policies own korean each. yes i think the most lenient or time is about politics and anti christ. ok first of all
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tucked in and he hits the pp fine malt grow the screen and seeing that this incident only on defiant and to the neo noir new cardinal in its history including at the kennedy stated that our auntie m products. of course is the decree of king saul you know that local mall and he's been in nc. that has yet to see the prize city for the call. like a european country needs to back up what does the subsidized call for the fall of the elbow and it is because human tendency prize cost is higher than those mentioned tradition and the key to avoiding me want to talk on the white peak in october. no salt. but in that case although european country. i can't put down to ten men from germany. they are all that stuff to his
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attacks you seem to be helpful to read in context there can be scrapped saying that due to steep the book and its issue price of the contract. i bought taiwan and yet not all know ok so it's important because if you cut the cost to nineteen cricket team in the price and then hope a new heaven and on monday and on budget and who teamed up cleaning up. and all of seoul. he put a price can argue that the cost. oh and and knowing he did not have seen the number he sends me this fall. people incl concept is kennedy and andrew in cream and a lot to move on to buy been going crazy. that recall the prize is a high usage here i will cry so different because the pile on the situation. not all that we all got from head to holland to get goals ahead the ecb are now up to it and
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yet i'm too young not yet done. the duck on the potty debbie see to it than the stat sheet. all that i call should be yes. two hundred c heat the milk i went on a hill and the cia and others. while tourists to the media is going to he could stall the economy. how cool it. cool trust me you can see a price adjustment have to be on. the agreement i realize this is chasing his baby bed. not only for typo so most of a bad fall in the development of the rubble morning that she uses them. i think that is the number one that even call it and we have to get your acts. the primacy of reason not to mention pricing part is that he bought. the second minute of august. oh dear says. on
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the east and the calls tonight to see me as steel to mimi's and mississippi to eighty five by a phone call using an anti tax the government already has a pretty good it has already finished the whole of the project. and the content or read the book just looking fall. a suitable prize pack to win the mac and i think and that i'd be the god of the week to week in the right time. over time to do that and the tv how najib among poultry in her contest. and what this is so forceful and pour in the south of the people to be convinced that the data provided by the government a role in the team sees a transparent right and no trespassing. and this seems to be a prominent how one today because a lot of people to not really the old belief in some of the numbers that government supplies whitey think that's the case now. ok the media
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for all of the boys don't seem to fly the kite cardinals. ok frank on the little one to raise the price of a great friend the cost. tony and i can he wants his parents took all our people have to be opened by. and that's just skeptical of and not just skeptical you all the new online to see the detour we call it. why does the college adults find one instance no doctor down the nets to pull this off because we need to take another break on the program what would come back to last the canal to continue peace response. thank you very much i knew. he is. and so on
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the move. each one. seventeen two. cz. . the well come back to today's program key of the koalas on the host week will will will continue our conversation without an mtv and was determined not to leave by institution for economic research. the canal my apologies for interrupting you really have but please continue with the response concerning the transparency of information has been provided to the these days i think a dot com to use peacock and can be lost transparent and more important it is called dead the mop and a popping noise
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in the teahouse. i think it's a very important is how fortunate are the type column continues. go see it. you can do he sees boasted how dare we can cram five. manyast coast are skeptical and done with the creation of a boy and girl clothes all in st i'm too young last year. i'm the torah. the idea of tuesday's close. decrease the cabal of one kind of cool sense of it at one point oh god it's ok to do in the spirit. and though the major reunion. because the fuel costs increased mark small businesses increased. ok my mod and the whole world. i do it too so i think it's okay. many can be the deck can be spread while. duffield cost increase. and the honest people just resigned right and clothes that they are
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going to be our table close to hock. pompey had these two puny little cause decreased but you know what our men and that. top dollar to criticize the cabal in the middle. they did because salt on the phone though the candy colored wool industry. solid as soon as the guy that can be telling this man is too much so we have not about music and effect. she sees him. and all it's all you can see she said. they are decreased pompey had his computer. and also while the skeptical home that we had a body i can keep come here means that utopia high bp cost only increased when the old city. you are not moved so this is called canon spread while the girls of all we can expect a major reason is to field calls. i feel cos it is important
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what if you cannot win it all in the hunt oil and salt this really wanted to be protecting going on in more creative and doubtless will not come yet we don't usually i'm off to try to find this to stop the construction of the new field poll and the queen all down the dnc surprise to you please share this ten percent to eighteen percent for new people. jane she wanted to see us as a second call. they are not there don't be without cost bright and easy card. he'll come cannot cook you know why it all wrong. floyd. mr goss and the price you can go there to solve all four out of seven cents to seventy cents to four point seven mm and can you tell about it but for the new field poll getting food on a new one
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dollar and salt. nikki fransisco poinsettia and. and i think he'll pull out generate about two million high steel lot of work for you. it's all done different phases of flight time to fly fighter plane for me. getting the fire going form unions seeing the heart not see its high power who are sent to nauru. i'm in total revenue is if i fall in full on g sullivan the change we can say i thought he saw rocky we don't fit on his serve in korea and then home last july you can put you to think read this or that is the one to eighteen percent difference right. so this is korea bok why people just aren't you when they say that maybe others. upi the molestation because i've been going to meet ii named although the ideal ways to treatment i just show you. according to the yule you can bet he
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set up costs. indeed in the nuclei streets of many cross to bear the cross to him the real meaning of all this and abetting. pretty much gotten gas and oil can call was all pink lady and the ways to do my own. of course all i meet her. also the ap we've exit. you hear that voice to include india and saw them. a friend your country on earth did not then you are not people not some all of us can answer this disc i know but the hiking we help people to an all women and people there was some cool is that the us policy or a dead duck in delhi recently in the beginning party to prison and my angel has to organize the inspection visit and that he healed media community travel with an understanding that if he views the implementation of nuclear energy in taiwan when the state you are part
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of that guilt visit and the way the state got the progress the war made the interests of communicating with the that they're above the safety precautions and some of the protection schemes have been put in place interests of the new clean energy use and how long. yes i bought a seventy year i think though they knew how. he did that until fall in history. i think it is a good idea. on the settee. we have a high official keith floyd he was in choosing his head and so on. i can commit. knowing that maybe i'll feel more comfortable. hi just mentioned at the almeida and yes it's like the phones came out and condemned as a solid back up at some of the day the new pl concept tea stained eyes to get you high
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and move and we hadn't thrown on to the local casino i need to run we have a small house it got its seven the more you can all sit down and also be a human being she has sold okay what else is going to be done on the other countries you know i'm just curious is that wiping the end of the top of that security is to become more than the last eight. and i think with this very important the canal. they sell you responses that government should continue to try to communicate with the in each of the understands that the art additional precautionary measures that have been taken to protect the use of nuclear energy in taiwan. we need to take the final breakdown of program you backpack. welcome
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back to the final part of today's program fielder kyle while that the host week will will will continue our conversation the trap of this fascinating conversation with dr that she and acoustic chairman of tooele high institution of the four economic research. the look out the ballots get back to another area of your research specialties and that is on economics. this year two thousand thirty is halfway through. a lot of people recently thought that this is them that the bill up than a year that within the guild make a significant rebound funky ill sluggish performance of lash. but as things turned out a lot of different variables where it internationally also domestically sold so far in the first half. he hasn't really healed been negative but these expectations. but looking ahead in the remainder of two thousand thirteen. lol so into two thousand fourteen what is
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the owl the economic outlook for tile wall. can all use just mention this country only to the financial tsunami hit. it's almost a complete we had. well you know i'm too engrossed to solve in the eye is my last one i won one point eight percent is not that i'm comparing it to ken pointy headed to the late so it's ugly job but this time some opted for susan boyle all nxt day i had to suddenly fall. that is second on the icon. but still cannot find a job market in going there when i was all hop on board and the korean economy not that the ship and we all know ok so i sold it to go live in the yukon golds is a
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stroll. didn't we. for me and i expect the expected and heading to taiwan this reason we all pile on the tree. i read i have the old tree that whole process and co has to be on top. sixty one hines is that you can see why were the high speed oval it's all been there in the golden peacock the girl boy uconn is this going strong. there is still in taiwan is difficult to lose hope on daily with news on this data can be spread quite the cia snack this time. according to our esteemed it may be used for unity is the ball. it's a three point six k but no he did so. for dessert all kind of protection you can get in on him. maybe the wrong tool point five two cheapest. not depend on the second hop over the city and its beta to have
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the ball like he had his physical and leon moves up and is courting way or not what does the utopian country with the mark. the second cruelty. a month or so. if i'm in uncharted. it's oh so early. yup i've got the means of getting our deputies by any way possible two point five co sleepers and the great features like him how i could mention yesterday i made to feel to know. disappointed and i can go through it all. if you mean idc to widen it to a yet to install in poland and russia taiwan and every season seekers. does anyone whose nineteen ninety two it was solid steel had to cover its costs six point three percent. after two solid and his dog and dog. want to and
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in corpus the human obstacles telling me that the growth rate has defended his deathbed pulpits. this all i think there has some really good. the reason is set to become engrossed. the to know over the world the consultancy says the team and was then to top that during the period to fall into components a moment it was on this it back to what i should probably use a knife to look in a problem ok this is a very senior and between father and also taking part in the growth rate is intended to use content to either come to be like the focal is a fourth term the top to toe solid and feet near the top up the steel drink as a second but carrying the ball to solvency. attorneys. on the spot. saul was rated higher than cockatoos on a
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big spreadnews press. high winds. it's so cute i mean not only bite and bylaws to mosul to cutting the ties and extended scenes we see them bach. we have some steamed in khartoum. that is so we are back to a touch higher total cost. that is it the knowledge of radiation to daddy's seeing the radiation are gong to make and the higher the wall. uconn took a tender to read. no the goal and relaxation of god that he needed to be doing the basic color comic i know i had them all. hard to pin into four groups. and that's all my dinkum aussie will attend college was sold with the proper medicine to get caught it's all going to be releasing his and we are the mature. ok i know she had to do. the kids in the corner
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early humans had bought call to make your is getting cold it was all i think that there has not been invalid and for gollum and moving the full probably just our cold wet to do it. yes and soon many as she does not condone you are one of the pdx priscilla and the chief colony in taiwan for some of the more frequently asked questions that people come up to you state that the camino what you think about the economy with ethan but in e g use for some of these questions like this can cost up to me and calms me i would giggle and asked me to abolish the income growth and a wad of financial market peaks in time for my old group and nice. anyway my asanas and columns. the comic focus on finance economics mosul in the week and easter. i have a
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party to do tv to listen to it. and i can get in my house to meet the morning so the yes yes mom i didn't want to include ten and dennis and i see prize. a reason not to mention pricing parties. i think it's the most important move now. we follow that up you start a new tenancy price to ninety seconds cause no then. many have many side effects new haircut it's up high to me the piece and see all the defendants are you listening in and go to see local problem and they tend to hog all the men that issue problem. and the voice all in the us steel than on their pc problem. and also from korea right. rosie does use it to pay not just the subject of my mind. the way you are such a diet coke either the price he thinks the heat in that
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it caused some education moly an increase in pay because people are going somewhere somehow. i took some time you have to just extract grind and solid it created a kind of education and that is a bad boy increasing costs and enterprise to coat all hands of the tenancy. gdp. he had to use them all and that she didn't pop your continued to decline in overall wrong and it's not good for you our economy than it has been sold stock to die and that she cries not single. kate got to point course no benefit not that i'm a nine mile long walk in and of coz somebody in there and he tried to push stayed in a pub read and the gollum and all these years and go to some meat and i have some improvement. we have a full assault a leaf into a nice nice to not cause
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we area of policing the years we have all thought that pompous or you'll find the banal yelling to try to have a high end of his kicks and i think there are of this to some some progress and the sometimes you have to see prize in a jeep ride adjusted his face showed up that was on anti gay boss clear up we have a place in the city of prague situation. some taiwan to adjust. try to make your tax debt and its new pricing parties an exhausting yet we haven't been cooking and cool all look up to be saved from sin. i feel sometimes when coconut on his head and keep rising prices. i feel marshall told police that he is excited to use tool. i'm very committed to the zoo and finally you have a bottom in the last of the program. the canal you have being that the economic researcher. the apple sold you know being government and now you are having one of reseh
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institution in taiwan. and though which world the joint the best and go what was the reason. what would be your advice to younger generations who may want to pursue the sale of korea path as you did. i came up and showed up at me all i can create. that's when this because our whole time. i can come see the hints of what i've done what i started and before that and if it was a force out. so why is the need to show why it has been missing tango lies that come in on the shia have all enjoyed it and. and i think betty in college and high end device. two of the non aligned movement that is that the hive. you have to pee of focus not only knowing they receive by misty eyed need to focus. you have that to have a united for peace the move and the second you have to
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come. you have the patience it's very important yes but not gooey and sweet. i was trying to persuade someone you should have a fish and fishing. and the full cost yet god help you. p i'm useful for the sofa. terrific this truly be a pleasure to have you here in the program today got to mail one to wish you all the best in all you future personal and professional endeavors. thank you very much his mind to think think think it has taken a walk up well then today i'll see you next i all mac with the tv. thank you. i knew. in the name. i think
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thing. and. go the to do the un. the new. this one the us. the they are. i am sending him a fair hearing another edition of destination with me. italy is well known for its food but the most recognizable of the thirty first of its service to its hotly disputed where was that they possibly can. to be so quick
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confectioners goddaughter let me insert the woman's name was protests over it but her maiden name was tiramisu i'm here at lot one to find out how this decadent dessert is made. i knew what was said and since it was going to shows exactly how the day here is a start. this is a good deal of it. and then got a little bit loose. one it is not sweet at all. isn't it so when all is that the best cds of his guests the thing. oh and they become it's there. want. the name there was just quoted. or do you think your business. that
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being the union. for sure for sure. it is because he says in one go. when it is great the staff. the thing that i guess. they even get a lot of lego. like sloppy. sponge cake. i mean is it so we don't do it with you to make it a song that has been. and then i hiked the division and i technically didn't know what to get a lot but it wasn't so much. much of it the biggest liquor. the first day. yes even being aware of it. with a single minute of it though. when the two decks so when you've got to visit
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susan doesn't overflow the us. one example. then we put the video. not sweet. we call it. the circle along with them. the best. it also has a lot about it but didn't you can also substitute for good coffee. let there be more gentle with the filmmaker lead on the beach. there is a lot of money. this is a classic. us indices. the recipe for service in spanish from another italian difficult to find life which is really an english by far first written mention of service to only go as far back as nineteen seventy which means this topic is still coming out of italy. they are doing it for another episode of destination. am . it will
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have to stop it. am i streets. what are you in the inning. chilling portrait fourth street. sadly the reception staff that was new and expanded each project's lead. they never ask a book that includes cohesion. sharing the folks here a couple shoot straight at you you cannot make out what we want to for expanded
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to other. and all deceit is that it's time to decrease it andts concepts and also to have the energy produced as close to the client as possible. on to lunch and we are and preparing and who would be doing. she looks european energy projects on the other hand we needs the stench of ice smaller energy sources in horror and yes the other course adopted during reviews here. he held that evening it got its course by forty nine after his chopsticks. not only in that it is ten years ago what a wealth of the last ten years. some folks may need that second among high stakes to pay. but the cake can sometimes take nine to ten months. the bbb to speed up payments. small changes to housing as well. having ended on monday. the very
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beginning when the defense take the next tee. no think it's funny look at it especially that the incident said what about us that the kickbacks. for school the most stupid fight to the funds can be used in a more transparent and flexible way the boss. at the expense of fish i could pay for two thousand and ten at st michael got people almost exclusively bursting of bed to get it said treat patients extra reps all to see what but isn't this a therapy session as the acidity is key to life than eighteen thousand patients some patients such as button called ticket to the hospital several months off of the entry and i get the full treatment is received but a very big difference in taste back to the deductions on a cookie. it was into the program. blessed us with a mentor and programs designed to try to help
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doctors nurses and office this is what is going like that but the strange stuff the korea strait to the legal costs over a couple times. it is just healthcare they head to the lost legacy nobody does it get the wood you just next door to the hospice service the korean protection accorded to fight back in two thousand and ten. jointly funded by bridget koreans americans is designed to educate students in a variety of occasions including vehicle with copics structured and well kept coming and that tricks like to compute overpass and decrepit. there's no sense to them. soon i know it took a look at all. what goes on. it was. bill hall. in order to get it over. the children
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the char us ait study life expectancy has increased from forty to sixty two. and is there del freak when she was in nelson schools textures be held on to the top of the stylist on the entry and you want one of the spurs top of their institutions the focus on improving education and healthcare stochastic or a boss but some textbook which helped the country which works towards the future. they seem to get things done that last for three to five years to protect against all the different strains of flu around the world including possible and it looks like this one. the artifacts pharmaceuticals a portrait next to the blacksmith institute of science in which israel has developed just such a universal flu vaccine flu vaccines till now can target only a few strings of pirates. so each year scientists must try to predict the strains that will appear in the upcoming winter season the bird that sings
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every year to all who looted from the front is that not since the fall accidents in which they flow into this. we dreamed about but that's the case with a statement the two thousand sixty seventy s so that we didn't use it to turn this into clean. totally sterile environment. the technician is preparing the back seats that will soon be used in the first clinical trials in humans in the tv spots. i've been getting from what they i think that would be exactly. then the participants' blood samples will be brought back to display any antibodies in it tested. the body can recover no different from the influenza virus that if they do. oh and my pride
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even though the effect is perfect. but will the vaccine be affected. against the notorious deviants flu swine flu. director kylie little did they the wife norma and from our region. we selected the kaplan said that when he said oh so but it's quite the footy give the fe they hope to read the official council would you say a kind of battle. of course the only way to know for sure is to expose the blood samples from the clinical trials to the actual flu virus is right here in this play with them it can only do not have it the landfill but we're hoping to get it to ferment the study would think you read this if you know something. and when should it any response. they have been a pain. david looked into it between work and hopefully it would be fine. it was even a success with them. that's all that's left to plant some seeds tools and kids out that it can open it. jake is back
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to the effect i was able to mention a cure for. you're expecting. i still have the chicken choking the remote region of south east water tank. the cia it's five. it's not enough house chief of the dutch cheese to melt the two children. and the cost and time. thank you. she is now dependent on the weekly supply of corn soy and a reach a nutritious fruit mix the sugar and oil from the local nutrition santa to feed the children. the same town. i mean it's sad to see an influx of non irish children when they usually happy cases. already becoming a martini has launched an agency national plan any decisions quickly add this to be enforced in its response and make sure the needed supplies are in place the challenge remains preaching to a remote and often isolated areas discussed that stops
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the pumpkin and pecan tree next he'll put the best or a bbq. people are desperate for someone to show the typical population to reach because they are completely isolated the coverage of health and sports. this is interesting it is a region that is to be sacked because of security all of that makes publish a bit difficult to access it off with a package of services that respond to their circumstances. it sounded like katrina hit the city in spain spain aquaculture health nutrition stats. it is part of a joint initiative by police during a season to begin it said the parents of a child the government and at what he thinks he owns the last three years. it is successfully reach some might just need to come. a package on the tokyo touches down and bought coffee from africa achieved overnight thousand
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feet it was in france. smart cars manufactured in europe i spotted cruising the streets of age the ever increasing speed communication transportation and technology. all neighbors in this interconnected. a world that is facing challenges from isis justice of virus can spread so panic prices from one country to the next saving the world. no one deceive you. on top of finance agenda is the world's economic health the challenges remain. there is hope. international cooperation and partnership and the right mix of economic policy to create the opportunity the sharks education and investment in the future. shanley of age each contributing to help with the whole. in da door
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