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tv   Arirang News  PBS  November 6, 2013 10:00am-10:31am PST

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the architects of the broadcast present in a receipt so war korea was the second and lawmakers during her state visit to boost economic and diplomatic ties with the uk reports that north korea continued on with its intercontinental ballistic missile programs. seoul wants assurances that gong or a halt nuclear development during the six party negotiations. that says it hopes to my new growth prospects through mergers and acquisitions especially in the fields of health care
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medical equipment and software prime time news begins. to find ten years it's wednesday november sick here in korea flight from seoul and it's an uncommon thing so much for joining us we begin with president aachen is the safety data for official state visit to england where she wasted no time in boosting economic and diplomatic relations. this followed a royal welcome from the evening before where she received the pomp and pageantry of the british royal family the presidential office correspondence lessons to reports from london president says announce the time to take it over yet britain partnership to the higher level by further broadening economic
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cooperation speaking at the first meeting that the minister level joint economic retreat committee and that every effort to global ceo forum wednesday morning. president that the emphasis on the creative economy calling it a new attention to strengthening economic ties. the president aid korea and britain should carry out the first to realize a creative economy in various fields of hopeful content new digital industries and buy new industries to build what she called it new globally competitive model for growth president also stressed that korean and british companies to expand into europe markets together three strategic partnership. twenty after b s competitiveness in the manufacturing and industry technology sectors and pretends in basic science finance and cocoa content the joint economic and trade committee has been set up on the occasion of president that state visit to london will need every eighteen months. on tuesday president beck received a warm welcome
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from britain's royal on the from the welcoming ceremony which took place at the worst part three the state dinner at the new palace. the city back in quito was but the second demonstrated the close and strong ties between korea and britain. in our international as we continue to work together to peace. on the korean attention to the nation and beyond the creativity. actually it's over. i like to come to be. candy broad to get up to i know. innovation here and here. president received a portrait of queen elizabeth the first president said lesser role model. it's one of the many gifts from buckingham palace the is a body that have not been as high as during david cameron's seeking cooperation in the sectors of the creative economy and finance in particular. but the goal of doubling bilateral trade molly and an offense meant by the year
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twenty twenty. what does it i can use london. bacteria in the nation as part of an ongoing probe over the disappearance of the presidential transcript representative wednesday in the purity for prosecutors for questioning on this wednesday the former democratic party presidential candidate is widely believed to know the truth behind the missing document kenyan she reports on the latest he was the chief of staff the late president no more time and has the name busy week here in the ongoing investigations in writing and the sea into korean summit transcripts. the transcript became a major issue. just ahead of last year's presidential election. but the ruling party accuse president go up conceding the northern limit line which is the effect of maritime border between the two koreas in the west sea during a two thousand seven senate when north korean leader kim john gay. before going in for questioning wednesday and
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said president noted that this is the effect of maritime border. at the summit transcript because it's so bizarre but it would you don't what this case is really about is the ruling party getting its hands on a copy of the transcript of the noble economists recent stored at the national intelligence service historian in content and using it in last year's presidential election. but you will last month the prosecution announced that the senate transcript had never been transferred to this day archives. but prosecutors said. an edited version of the transcript was seen kicking electronic data storage system. at present an open what enters retirement home. in addition prosecutors said the original transcript was the bloated to the store since then but subsequently deleted. it was later recovered. by pushing you seat yourself to find out what the transcript was not transferred to the state archives. why do you read you know what you needed and whether president miller
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ordered his staff to do the original. the city party said representative name of cancer the prosecution's question thingy soon see your manner. the democratic party meanwhile urged the prosecution case on an eu ruling party peers who use the summit transcript as a political weapon in the december presidential election. tvnz than this there may be rumblings over the resumption to the stalled six party talks but important pre conditions for dialogue had yet to be met the senior suffering official brock's of speculation about an early resumption of the multilateral dialogue thinking that it wants to confirm that the north is serious about giving up its nuclear ambitions. he has to detox. what south korea winds is a guarantee that there will be millenium development in your attorney at law the six party kenya to a station talks are underway that's according to a senior south korean official told reporters in washington on
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tuesday. that's all in seeking to create the framework for preventing ten yen from advancing its nuclear capability while the multilateral dialogue is in progress. that means as a precondition for the talks seoul and washington may want to confirm that the new clear the actor is at the gambling complex have being deactivated through on site inspections and a moratorium on uk has signed by the north the comment comes amid a flurry of diplomatic activity between the six party member nations that steve kirby as the us time that japan and russia on the possible resumption of the long stalled talks. china's top uk envoy to the ballet was in washington last week to meet with its us counterpart late eighties which was then followed by a meeting between eighty and south korean youth in eagle cedar to tail. as a beast shared the results of the washington begun discussions with its south korean partner who made a surprise trip to kenya the south korean officials
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said that china's latest proposal for the conditions needed to restart the six party talks does not go far enough. he said south korea and the united states appreciate china's continued efforts for dialogue but expressed skepticism over the resumption of the multilateral talks in the near future. responding to these reports of new creative element in the coming of age and the officials that the activity could be a strategic move on the part of the north in advance of future negotiations. well he said he doubted that north korea will watch another mess on the near future. he weren't that provocations of any kind lady at the tivoli take the isolated the gene further from the negotiating table. sunny and nice. before your dns and another begins get the latest line from
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seoul expert analysis from ages fourteen with the viewpoint all the koreans local network and why on arrival that. he always on standby. south. that said current anti and some electronics and long term plan the company has plans to pursue more acquisitions and raise its spending on research and development as a company seeks new chances for future growth against the ck has more thomas on electronics the world's biggest maker of smartphones has laid out a plan to bolster its competitive edge and find new revenue source says. and that plan includes seeking more acquisitions the announcement came during the company's first meeting with financial analysts and investors in eight years on wednesday. time zones chief financial officer e stanley said that the tech trying to
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look past the white neck. and it's an any strategy so that they can take advantage of opportunities in various fields tomtom has been setting its sights on fields like healthcare and medical equipment which could open up new markets by converting them with the company's existing expertise in me i feel. the company has spent about one billion us dollars since two thousand and ten taking over for two continents. except i'd also plans to concentrate more on investing and software not just hardware which is sometimes traditional specialty. good old race its spending on research and development to fourteen billion dollars this year up six billion from two thousand and twelve cents on is targeting annual sales of four hundred million by the year of two thousand twenty. its executive team showed strong confidence in achieving that goal and added that it does not see a slowdown in demand for its
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high end mobile devices and said that combined sales of its galaxy smartphones series would reach one hundred million this year. seeing items. here is brand value is among the best in the world the seoul based institute for industrial policy studies said wednesday. the koreas brand having estimated and released a report at around one point nine trillion us dollars and twenty thirteen that's good enough to place the ninth among thirty nine countries surveyed the final step into account the competitiveness of the countries including the amount of its exports over the past year also included was the familiarity of the countries based on a survey of around two thousand respondents in some sixty nations united states topped the list but a brand value of thirteen point six trillion us dollars followed by germany britain and japan the seoul metropolitan government has announced its budget plan for twenty fourteen nearly one third of
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it will be funneled into welfare programs in line with the pocket ministry sianz push for boosting the nation's welfare. but as her hand on reports the city government is facing an uphill battle in its bid to finance the plants the city of cali has been is crunching the numbers. the metropolitan government has put aside a total of twenty four point five trillion won for twenty three point one billion us dollars for next year which is more than a four percent increase from spending this year. officials say the budget for welfare programs of the biggest increases. at about seven billion dollars welfare accounts for about thirty two percent of the total in line with the central government's drive for boasting wealthier nation wide. the main focus of cells that its wealthier punish is a free school lunch program along with an expansion of national rental housing and increasing childcare centers. the city plans to build eighty thousand more government supported rental houses for
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low income families while expanding the free school lunch program to all ninety three years across the capital. extending to free school lunch program was one of me or publications key campaign pledges when he ran for office in twenty eleven social overhead capital investments have decreased a bit but skyler will spend roughly seven hundred seventy one million dollars and the ongoing construction projects for subway line number nine and national highway east. the seoul city government however declared that it's facing an emergency budget situation. it spoke about the difficulties it faces trying to support national welfare programs explaining how a pact to sell massive city owned assets and create municipal bonds to make up for insufficient welfare funds amounted to more than nine hundred forty two million dollars. me and kak also acknowledge that it was a painful process. experts warn that the small government
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should come up with an independent way to drum up a healthy balance sheet. seeing that selling assets and borrowing money are only temporary solutions to a potentially chronic budget problem. and then i can use toxic air pollution from china has become an increasing cause of concern for residents here in korea will be victims of fine dust particles traveling from the neighboring state until tomorrow. connie lee reports on how china is sharing its choking smoke it's not fun de st and juicy. xd air into the net these days. this money in spain has at its worst levels in fifty two years and the area is the best and worst as the temperatures drop. china is not only the world's biggest greenhouse gas the matter is heavily mined and call for speeding during the winter air pollution that knows no borders the heaviest pollution in northeastern china is made to
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wait at the korean peninsula by northwesterly winds. newry jc up to fifty percent of the schema front a nap which is here. the bulls reached record highs and style of the weekend with the pm two point five for the fine particles in the air that was the greatest health risk received about a hundred eighty micrograms per cubic meter. that's beyond the normal level. still much lower than the four hundred eight you will see a change so imagine any countertop says he feels the effects of the warrior. in the sierra has definitely gotten pretty bad recently. sometimes my throat hurts and i have more flynn now it is still far this week than in the air quality has been measured at normal levels according to the national institute of environmental research. come thursday and maybe a different story. are you into believing that by thursday as the low atmospheric pressure moves to northwesterly winds will carry the schema from
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china and korea. we can expect high levels of ultra fine particles that day officials see the ultra fine particles from the stock are more hazardous to your health and healing passed off as seen in korea during the springtime. mom tends to be worse in the mornings and evenings when the air quality is for the officials advise children the elderly and people with ailments is to stay indoors. when this law it seems to normal levels admitted the offence. maurice is still as those with respiratory problems and no longer sees you could see their sin has worsened with the small though. honey at the hands. it's the start till death do us apart from korea who was divorced free to rate as the world's highest in two thousand three is facing a new social
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problem still twilight divorce with the first in marriage break ups among elderly couples aged fifteen or older from two thousand ten figures more older couples in younger couples got divorced for the first time so what's behind the rising divorce rate among older koreans were joined by dr team tune back professor of sociology at one university to tell us what this means for korean society welcome to live the professor were some other main drivers behind a growing number of divorces among older couples and of course though floor. i want to say it to the school ap worst when he's not the milk syrup in korea but also still be in western countries such as united states. so don't help you practice a few pushing thirty. in explaining why. for the people or get divorced for stillborn. we have questions or keep the people marked effect the people more is the generation that for paul in the pre nineteen fifty five and nineteen seats three
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despite its a korean war and in the nl taking almost fifteen percent of all for population is christian different than mere we see is the soul will be higher than not the event that everybody has the experience so they may read more than young generation. so it really kept current statistics the proportion of all the great divorce. i'll score the proportion while we lived in the region so that is one of the things we wish to however it is very interesting that not all great the worse one skinny she could bite he makes. so we know that korea has been structured by petra persistent her own time. so bought things to him as the means education and social participation they want to part ways and they want to deport them or not the finally. on a longer life expectancy. so if they do in the keyboards in their fifties and sixties in crime
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situation they have cleaned your own other trainee ortho to yourself on having a solid base in the uk you'll feel less tense. the park for a stronger one happy man like him. so what kind of effects will we see on society from all these great works as we get the words are huge on dubya more to it with the same time the energy content when improve. the as we call you a preview into the source is all we know it's all relationships in other words as we get older we need more resources to attend uni with pepe night how where or if we are divorced him is between a list of best part to her who can provide the resources and support in the night life and that at the same time. turia is those notable quote for seven to assist him. so family should be the best resourced pull it down a
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nightclub. the thing at the worst thing in those dark dense blanket. hmm so all they are rising crime in divorce having effect on the lifestyles of bickering people that keep any one of those trendy it's so bright so was single had a cold so that we could come to think this horse hall holds with these composed all of crackers and the children and grandparents or something like that but in the states one of port au port also it is composed of sega had to coax it. and then typically great wars and give it to the bright soul scene that had been told so to book at the same time. more than meets the risk was sick for six for dinner tonight over dispute with india workforce what's up and give it to the rise of a scene that had become so. and then that makes them not only impact on our own eiffel is encouraged to go inside the park month is that they be more popular and they people to go score done up all the right opus more picky to products for a scene that had come to. so are we in a moment of
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transition where the definition of family is changing here in korea. yes it took notion of a creaky snubbing ten and the origin of things to think the group michael was a sign that or conserve its wheat scandal recalling keep beyond the family. however skip family is the primer is a city institution in the two we are socialized and then we can exchange the most important of resources. so it is the best time to request their whiteness though appropriate motor. all family in the forests and two hi thank you very much professor ken for joining us this evening thinking new new the and. the baseball organization has announced a list of potential free agents seeking contracts and stephen kaye joins us to tell us more about the biggest names that
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might just be on the market see the big guys the korean baseball season ended less than a week ago but this year is the free agent pool will make the offseason a busy one now to top names come from the korean series champions the psalms alliance that the npp kakadu and also closer or someone who's kind permission to test the foreign market. tia tigers pitcher use of maine is already the us trying out for teams with a handful sewing interest already meanwhile two sons surgeon's office betting ten ppm few of lg and as he's telling them who are also looking to in the last the cbo will announce the list of players who have declared for free agency on saturday. mel onto pro volleyball the l i g insurance graders hosted these towns on the bottom blue things in connie not the greater start fast behind thomas edgar winning the first set but some some fires back to the second set
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in commanding fashion now the third said combs back to lg after they make the break point and in the fourth set the graders teeth and is just too much for the group thanks aunt l i g insurance brands three cents to one. now finally let's finish off with once a stock adl match of the mobius previous post abt the sonic boom in the verse on the first quarter action may seem all that is going to jump in its twelve or thirteen points but kt on the back of tools on it the second period gave some back. now while this is the third one to thirty after that. then they start to run away with it as the team falls apart. tt's outscored twenty six to four in the fourth quarter. this is the heart of bradman scored sixteen and grabbing nine boards and also more than he gets fifteen and seven and hope they win by a landslide seventy two of you not. and for tonight's other match ups
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acc defeats kong bullet ninety two to eighty eight in overtime. that does for me here to sportscenter this has been speaking to take baghdad in a microwave is that the world of sports. i knew he is so. it is. such tomorrow his college entrance exam day here in korea and falling dust from china may get in the way that's right for details let's go over it i can go down at the weather center
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how's the weather is shaping up for tomorrow. why is sound then since tomorrow is an important day for high school seniors back twice as much finds asking you to explore a cast in the morning before a crash out in the afternoon now i'm thinking a lot at the current weather conditions where she might result from time to time either of the country due to low pressure front about his passing from the noise. now there is a high possibility of buying gas from ten am moving in later tonight show if you have respiratory problems. please take caution tomorrow the morning there may be drizzled mixed with fine dust and debris hundreds of times in the central regions. however things look there and the acting and looking ahead at tomorrow's number of scholarships the mornings grateful for the trial of eleven degrees before hitting the scene in the afternoon. the mud cake went on to say that the high teens. well not head
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the table as if he can then be seen. meanwhile took grandma to condense it topped out at seventeen and six degrees respectively. hope everyone has taken the dance floor and tomorrow before that that's a topic that i am back subang. thanks down the nets are broadcast on this was a nice and easy pain so come and thanks for watching all season. is you lose them too. you are. you all. do they. and a fast course not it's awesome. in the last two years our database for all usage and
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friends. in hundreds and hundreds of scientists think enough of a nautical four hundred people from twelve thousand people. they know just been a frightening but it's what we really need to read it but also these people want to be part of the story they said it will help to help. you can donate money you can sponsor a job where you can volunteer. it was a wild ride to north korea and japan or state law. or you can also forced him from their house. you can do with the fundraiser events you can put a donation box in your store or in your friends. so those little things came out thanks to sew some more. we have pages in english and thai german french italian spanish. i'm also on my phone chips with the program but also social networks help us ghana is that what we too would almost three hundred dollars that we got five a day. chewing it. we have sent
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several dogs and dogs one around the world. if you are in europe us canada south america or anywhere you are if you like it dark. see the picture. in some spots. i made you fall in love with it as rebecca wanted. you could hear adult asylum seeker the dark for a couple hundred on us in your ticket or fifteen which achieved the top twenty country some countries are in a sea of some kind of a more difficult to stop and twenty nor know stuff like that. what usually is easy. we have no doubt that they are so driven we're a group of people super super committed to win a mission to save every single don't know and we can we are currently running campaigns with a twenty thirty countries around the world. the traffic on our website and go off and we paddle. more on going horse we have more money we have more people commute on the campaign also is working
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so. our beaches. not to stop or as much as we can do what we can. more people money. we are still a little late the way we do. it's something it's pretty unique the way we treat the respectful life. i'm the claimant from people that between the tough cases. we go from almost dead. two i'm really happy couple months so that's that's really me the resources we i mean really read it cover percent of the nations. no no no money or whatever. we have a stop off trees and offers on all the time in the clinic may need during the clinic with elbow patches. we have systems came into force them to know that what we did all
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that it's out of ten corporations pay. the people would start on the other twenty or thirty people around the world. you're like me. it is. i didn't. been moving along. crowds of hundreds of cities across the globe take part in a million mast march against iraq. corporate greed and online privacy breaches tensions between germany and the uk over spying allegations were all really make use of one of them breaching international law by using its embassy and the surveillance post. and in reaching for the start of the light the torch for the winter games in sochi p


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