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tv   The Debate  PBS  November 6, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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when will. all welcome to watch it all student outcomes also got coming up. it's a false identity. after so many military setbacks what to do congolese government forces and un troops do. this time to turn the tide against the tutsi led and twenty three notion often hear about the picture on the battlefield there. it's way too early to talk of closure eastern congo a vast
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and rich expense but so many militias come and gone the fee of twenty three has gone to the international treaty to seriously plan a way to answer this offer the world's most polluted complex will be asking to be false and yet today. assert the other women is wrong and say hello once again to clarify. thank you card slot these are the headlines on hiatus. this is the fact that the french tennis in money that's according to the arts the media. i've got. john kerry he is ready and pakistani officials are determined to reach the field lately each other the apparent stalemate in that the school. that is drawing to a halt during another general strike
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the ones that decide whether i do know that the band. our table news agency so hard media is reporting that upgrading the establishment grant has claimed responsibility for the kidnappings contacts anti french tennis in northern mali on saturday. jason people and could now know the ones from system rated station are if i had just interviewed a local leader in the kit doll does not cross it to your correspondent in mauritania. we'll all be a head on out what looking its best about this claim of responsibility. the action which we keep playing this afternoon and read to him the change. the key. meet
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the amendment to double check to me. a change. chinchilla i did. the occasion the camera. tuition. thanks very much and will be reporting from mauritania we're also getting reports that a specified the rocks in connection with a scanning the sanity of the french government refused to comment on this nor does it mention comments on a little late since revelations. mark edwards has the teeth. read the four kidnapped is involved in the assassination of the fringe candidates in money being identified that's according to the latest information revealed by friends he stated
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a morgue on tuesday. brady of prawns internationals is used and you point to battle with kidnapped and killed law cents a day off to interview nickel carnegie during key dow investigators appear to found a token and containing a list of fame numbers in the compound and the policies of the victims. this has led them to three individuals named to the french authorities on the ground in northern mali is one of them a member of the minutes and group al qaeda in islamic law grad the suspects had been questioned several times since may without ever being arrested and a further twist it appears that they can for them presented themselves to the french ministry forces during the year. like many rebel fighters in northern mali these men had officially trees in reconciliation following the french ministry campaign to oust islamic minutes it's in the country they named operation says all the surprise of the reform jihadis were living in a camp belonging to the white council for the unity of as the wind. and they've been painted since its glory harmony. vaughan's with copies of them mug shots and tapes and then into these
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investigators managed to apprehend the suspects as they remain staunch. fda in paris issues and torn congo on as a semi nea was held at the table on amy's imitation african on the finest and often pieces among states attending. auntie janice his buddies arrived in paris on tuesday expensive the cob and africa while working full time. not an easily consider now and have always considered the supplements to be an adjustment that john kerry on a visit to the middle east idea to us and to state held talks with israeli prime minister benjamin is to me on it. then he met palestinian president mahmoud abbas. but science brain each other to the apparent stalemate in it that peace talks. get in i'm going to study reports. there may be little sign of progress in the peace talks that john kerry said he was confident both sides were committed to reaching an agreement. after meeting with palestinian president mahmoud
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abbas that the us secretary of state did however try to put an end to bitter rao over israeli settlements in the west bank and jerusalem we. consider now and have always considered the settlements to be legitimate. and i want to make it extremely clear. no time. the palestinians in any way. we as a matter of going back to the talks. but they somehow condone or accept the summer months. several israeli officials have claimed that palestinians have agreed to settlements in exchange for the release of a group of prisoners. though the content of recent meetings has remained secret many experts say the settlements remain one of the main sticking points of the key stocks. earlier in the day kerry sat down with a mean that anyone who can blame the palestinians for the lack of progress. i'm
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sure a lot of prayers. he has received from students continuing with incitement continuing to create artificial heart has continued to look for him away from the store decisions i made it to ms. jennifer's peace talks could run into another setback following the acquittal of bobby goren lieberman the former israeli foreign minister known for his strong opposition to talks with palestinians need to know who who had left the foreign minister john open pending the trial announced lieberman would return to the cabinets. this is confounded boulevard downs the wives of yes and fast with a lot to me seem end is that the swiss friends a team which carried out tests on that remains for me seems corpse of the palestinian media. soon our thoughts as they prepare husband was poisoned with radioactive canadian arafat's grave site and announced to them that a t is home to his staff. i was
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going off in central damascus according to syrian state media at least eight people were killed and dozens injured this on hand to as school at snow yet nine he was behind the attack but state media as the evening at home parents. that's what they called the rebels. state media will say saying terrorists are behind a car bombing that the south indians to wait at least eight security personnel were killed. activists saying that i get with the regional and false intelligence headquarters. until now that succeeded the gnostics that finance since the civil war began. they need to act as opals about on the muslim brotherhood the ruling in september had also lifted its assets confiscate it. this wednesday's decision has been a suspense of the country's oldest and most influential business group said tom and lucy was ousted in july. many of its leaders have been arrested. well the president himself went on trial at it this week. the case was his
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fame and troops. attention now to greece is great says twenty four hour general strike teaches and others from the and private sectors bulked out in anger as continuous tears images this as incense tremendous decide whether to honor all fed the band money. jennifer and i have small the trading range of protest to clean out conditions. thousands of greeks much to comment saying that their wits end. but i doubt on that but we can take it anymore. everyday the troika and the imf for destroying her we just don't pretend to care for kids anymore either. we're starting to have problems with basic survival. ella priests being granted today announced its twenty hundred and fourteen billion years in foreign lands is to help cut the holes in its financing the money is coming to cats government is being forced to make massive cuts to the sector increased taxes and
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reduced its fiscal deficits the stairs and this is the same unemployment so it's perfect for high twenty seven cents. the five hundred and ninety five kenyan women on the streets of july his accent this and that a vessel or two women. and we have been sent on to them and catch up with them. now the contest without a shred of men the race is held more than fits the general strike since the twenty ten. protest to save it that it plans to cut the ties nations and cuts to sector jobs. it's important to keep up the pressure. what the other one has nothing has to work as millie dictation is no help. there's nothing that everyone missed eight straight seasons room. strike comes a day after striker inspectors travel to athens ahead of them liked to say that with these protests is tackled the audit says. one man even contains up to touring callings that the chief of the imf nation's top. now edging closer to a
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peace deal colombia's government and fox rebel leaders have agreed on the thorny issue of the left wing grapes future participation in politics this month and a key step towards the end of nearly fifty years the bombs conflicts of the boy remains in the center of the talks in quito a chance to hear it at that agreements on drug trafficking. compensation for the victims of the complex and disarmament. at times he crossed his house was full of the debate aren't many things but claire pride in the newsroom. a possible turning point in what's arguably the world's most brutal conflicts certainly one of the longest and bloodiest the congolese army tuesday. capturing the last rebel built up from and twenty three which is near the border with rwanda and uganda. too often overwhelms this time the army got
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the act of laughing and screaming and crying due in stores and in just two months turned the tide in spectacular fashion. i don't like carrying out if they have their cache of weapons with the government's plan for how i play with it. so that's how the government is spinning the story. he and twenty three claims it's a voluntary withdrawl that time it comes to kickstart uganda brokered talks. so what did turn the time too often accused of passivity. the un in its twenty thousand uniformed personnel in congo this time taking an active role just how i could see that the pressure wasn't just military the us uk and european union had reduced aid to rule on to belong to which like uganda regularly deny its backing to mean the tutsi and twenty two billion through on the witch and the headaches finds itself without a proxy militia inside eastern congo for the first time in decades now that it's been on the battlefield will kinshasa forgo the substance of peace
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talks. more importantly will the authorities aggressively pursue the hutu militia men within its borders militiamen who are the offshoots of those who committed their unwanted genocide. ever since nineteen ninety four the mineral rich eastern congo is pretty much continuously been a conflict zone for civilians bearing the overwhelming brunt of the atrocities and the students finally see the light in the tunnel to the falls and gets a bit looking at a turning tide in eastern congo with us from berlin. sea monster and find great lakes correspondent for german newspaper t easy welcome back to the show us in on. also joining us general to meet time kong consultant expert up on the united nations peacekeeping operations haven't actively taking part in more than one himself to the states. tt's of the mechanistic harris the author most notably of um um the scramble for africa's oil oppression corruption and war for control of africa's
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natural resources. and joining us from the normandy town of canon law shall congolese journalist and blogger says the key catalan g thank you for being with us the calls and get today we join the conversation and you know on facebook and twitter are hatch act s two four debates. this back in august and twenty three was at the gates of goma the meantime the part of eastern congo. african defence review reports that over the past few weeks. both f a r d c that's the government forces and the united nations move troops to new positions around north kirra they were designed to encircle and the split pea and twenty three sq forces along a major north south axis up in the last couple of days those city to the silly canon g things have gone up fast indeed what you think was the room. the key to the success on the battlefield. sixes. they
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did the country. baillieu says the region. then after that we discuss about. and try to treat. islam came to mind. three is not only won the group. the region. right now. so for spring. two twenty one twenty one. in the region does the highlands me and takes you to chew on it's such a success. did you know the lord my god. then the answer is no i didn't
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want to enable around. or was it an excuse to try and go trotting up the ranks and is going. as you say. it's not unnecessarily as a military victory as it seems the m twenty three certainly thinks so. they insist is reset at the top that it's not a defeat but a conscious decision to graduate to the negotiating table the laughter among mobile to escape the fighting between government troops in the and twenty three twenty and twenty three failed me for that amount. although the us government planes palm part of the mountain. it was an even until now the second point in the hills. it was not a spokesperson for the and twenty three bid to the residents of the area responding the dm twenty three a which us says that said again that said it is not a military defeats on their part. sick of it cos of something i don't have the wit to do it enough that a bout with no cannot they
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were open and close the lid to the infant to finish this race. so wad if the winningest out to be saved on the tablet discuss this issue because if i can with this issue. there was no class of him. so simone tell us at. was it a military victory or not in the citizenry and they can leave because the stuff for a kerry mccain ticket gate the art of concrete or daddy gets to get put down iam so today down downs. these are it came from and the president of stanton tuesday. they seem well which doesn't have a really high command. thirty two to give orders to troops. so it's a lot to it and seeing what to them and have a say in an x cut off dates. it was that the pnp cuts and scars african guitar yet a few days ago that in all a heads of states of the infamous been great to add that the great lakes region and the south african development corporation and to say and not outside states. and here
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are the assignment the new pc must be sighing income now and then see what kind of sickening to me this eon is the documents and little baby the agreement with the peace sign and its temenands sll hiding somewhere and it hits the team to take in the tree under which the congo uganda and run that it's still not clear when he acts to be in so it could be located and what could be his future especially so it's too early to tell you saying whether or not the end twenty three is on the run. yes i did say at this point it's time to find that to identify the claim of its type that is only to the set went to the mccain ads on this island has tested and comes out of this post before i would not drop any random admits that the situation right now. it does some people are though on one of our viewers here saying on twitter the submission of the and twenty three rebels a good step towards peace and stability. in the region. um
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the locals as we were saying they're warythe ene militias and reb movemts to disappear and reappear simone just saying that the head of the m twenty three is yet to weigh in it's happened so many times over the past two decades. to give you an idea how confused it all can be meek and i shall not pass the story crowds gathered in kinshasa to find the only offer a defeated pm twenty three rebels back on their eye on me has meant when he asked us when we hear the sound of some cca. it's something they might be celebrating too quickly. recent history has been a businesslike clinic hebrews in mineral rich eastern congo the tutsi dominated rebellions appear on the feet it and then i've some time in eight under another name. it all began with the rwandan genocide in nineteen ninety four according to the un eight hundred thousand people mostly tutsis were killed many who choose including some of the kale is then fled to congo. off to heaven help the honda civic had to take
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palin nineteen ninety seven runs only the polk county and the tt was doing enough to fight against espn on hutu militia. these tensions ten into a regional conflict singleton dozen countries last five years and several million people dead. several years later in two thousand and eight a new tooth seen as comedies rebellion drunkenness eon bp said it was that the fight against the hutu militia. all groups also find for the region's when results is it the following out a peace agreement. the cmd integrate the companies on the box in twenty twelve it said the government was in respect of its promises and took up arms again under the name and twenty three. today b and twenty three has been vanquished and kinshasa promises to defeat the hutu militia. will it be enough to put a definitive end to the cycle of rebellions whether or not it's anything definitive. what is so clear this up the financial times as one is in a rare victory is how they call it. on his
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twitter feed africa researcher and blogger jason stearns posted photos of the posters have gone up inking shots of celebrating the army he writes that it's the covers because we on the battlefield in fifty years of cours key to all that to tell time call. he's this new force three thousand men it's called the force intervention brigade part of those twenty thousand uniforms. peacekeepers of the united nations that are stationed in congo. of those three thousand troops out decisively. on one thing that stood to achieve this the same you've got to have two of the constantinople fact is the factor that the city council must say enough is enough we need a strong decision. and the second factor is the will of concrete to provide troops for dentist mission. and all told the channel four in the use of congo. it was enough it was enough. i've
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probably said malacac1ang on supposing the wrong guy was behind that. in the state to run the stop supporting these troops and twenty three and walnuts and on the outside your country like south africa malawi tanzania where they were ready to provide troops for the support that on this and that there is a factor. the fact that the committees on me too cold to avoid the un decided to go on the oensive and that that early show when there was no mean like in congo was defeated a few months a suddenly he's able to fly it's because somebody. i think the cullens off for home grown to really take care of the saw me and so they were supported by the un and supported by the golan and that's probably what's reach the picture done many many times in the past the un in eastern congo has been accused of acidity in some cases they've been instances of um wrongdoings
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of corruption ororse by some of those u n peacekeepers into been there over the years. in this case is that this is the precedents his use of force intervention brigade and it is a precedent in congo i'm missing you and there was the same idea and the same force in on key fob in boston where the british and the french at that time decided that enough was enough and they put together a full song to you on monday eighteen ninety five the rapid reaction force which leads to date and agreements. probably people don't remember that at the end of august on the fly so than the un forces. shell said. that said the wrong side of an id and snipes decided that there were two feet deep so there were presents. eighteen years ago but the fall if you need to fall in the country able to provide true polls the center's mission and the new and it is not always
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the case. stateside you people see now after what's happened over the past what is it two months. inside congo in its rapid acceleration of the past week that one day this could set a precedent most notably for and trust in the which is in dire need of some policing right now. yet within that peacekeeping community or what would now be called peace operations. um there's been an understanding this morning is the world's largest peacekeeping force monica's the un mission in which this brigade was a part it's been going on for decades. often there in catastrophes kiss the soldiers either didn't have the mandate to do more than protect a promoter or didn't have the logistics for the equipment actually defend themselves or go on the offensive to hear bring in troops is is he has his success but there's also a danger and within the community there's a great debate on in this case i happen to think it's good news. i'm not a defender of the m twenty three and
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certainly the serbs who committed atrocities and trevor i make a deserved a military defeat. but the dp is precisely on that point there is a norm in the international community and the norm is that is if you will that the whole basis of the community which is the norm of non intervention the counter norm. the one the keys are based on is the responsibility to protect and making more muscular responsibility to protect is pleasing to us in the last but this is not pleasing to china. and it's not pleasing to russia but in this case douglas for not talking about up a sovereign state for instance your time and a militia absolutely soon as it's been good it's a good place to run this kind of mission but imagine if the united states and france and britain wanted to do this in syria. in ot in his own nobody cares about um there there would be opposition to it to the debates not being raised now because in essence these are acceptable enemies
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as were of the serbs who were chanting genocide on in the early nineteen nineties but i'm working from it and acceptable piece to a slightly less acceptable piece or two a case where you have a client of china or russia and will see that there's not a shared set of norms what we have is increasing. east west divide i happen to be on the west as i say i support this action. but that he did to speak of in the internaonal community would be the wrong language. what we're seeing is the division between those who support the responsibility to protect like perhaps you a night. and those who oppose it right silly cat own g and your thoughts on vista. this does of course intervention brigade wanted to. again has in its south african tanzanian ammonium troops i was as asking you what what are your thoughts on on this
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this that this un force intervention brigade that to work alongside the congolese government forces the school teaches students. trick question. these. in an interesting call the move against the country the next day. what did you let in more than we do is open to all the way to stay cool and then i'm done tokens to go and then me it's so so so she gets everybody will read some some
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questions. bloom. before it's too cool i know that swirls in the country. these are the out of the series ended his call what remains the top seen on the environment should be given a little wary of the south africans as. as you just receive a ten on tuesday yesterday in the end of the pecans. it's tasteless and not get its troops into crumbles but isn't meant to be gay. i would say they don't do it because of the qualities and that in one sense the fish pieces in total indifference to an end but rather because it had signed and business and economic potential single and i get said that she kind of figured it would be cut in you. in the background behind this unique though is that it's the bad use planning this event and consistent sound accompanied a bit of effort and i are interested in and the play exploration
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of the pack which literally it was up i tend to be straight so you can not only save as. yet non business in. that's why these two films that had it gone. it was kitty acquisition were up by the country's came in to wonder does this made on different than and friend sceptics and fiance in the states because of peace and uncle eastern congo mineral rich organic the couple met when we come back to take a quick break stay with us you're watching the frosting can today jordan's king of genocide and has made sure to do. it's been canceled. the first tweaks. break away from your
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pc the fund. will it all to good use. it's this one kept all gone. together with elmo while i was just. on strike the work. or could you just joining us before we resume the house and gets a bit assemble the stories that brown will be falling for it at the top of the hour outside media in the islamic month to read claims responsibility for the murder of our friends and colleagues from radio france international in northern mali last weekend. that's according to a more expedient of news agencies monitoring the website often used by islamists. us secretary of state's middle east or continues john kerry. i've seen both israeli and palestinian officials trying
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to break break the deadlock in talks there. a series of small class and try not to kill one and injured eight this outside to become the party office in the northern city. i want it follows that the packages of explosion that took place last week on tiananmen square greek services prior to all of a general strike there again. when does decide whether to walk for the bailout money. an raf elmo doll keeps his eye world number one ranking in tennis after his victory over stamp carving up switzerland at the atp masters finals in london. most stories much more fear coming up at the top of the hour right here on false event yet welcome back are welcome if you're just joining us. this is the false and get to date were looking at the time that has turned in eastern congo after the end of twenty
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three rebels the tutsi led and twenty three rebels have been pushed out not pushed out clean the rebels they see that they consider opting for the negotiating table not so says government forces for this talk about it from berlin. c mon ashlyn find great lakes correspondent for german newspaper tuc general to meet on call the former head of the un peacekeeping operations on several fronts ms yates teach that the american university of paris from the normandy town of the home chef police journalists and bloggers city tennessee. welcome to the discussion staff writer at the new yorker the core of its author of we wish to inform me that tomorrow we will be killed their family stories from rwanda. built in part one of our discussion of one plane cautious on this and about whether or not that i'd really has turned. your thoughts on that. it's not
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going to disagree with that i'm. the many many expected the elite let it happen to live now at the moment where the claims made over the years but one that is the sole problem in congo but the catch. whatever the claims can be made about now having read luke ten twenty three. having removed the allegations were true what always deny it. more than doubling of it underlying this conflict all the other parties remain. and because the state of the country's government which is not always been evident from the left of several low cost entry. and god and the united nations whose role in the region. it almost always creating at least two large problem. it was a result of both of those
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deemed to be that good now matt's arm in the proxy they have to get rid of the ipl are there to get rid of a whole lot of other armed groups they have to protect the population. which neither the army ability to add this pic of it doing. in the last decade or more. and that they have to really interact but thank god for the day that underlying issues a plan to ship it underlined the complex and for the rwanda genocide and what key to the area of the twelve most of the core pm twenty three conflict. being for half a century now. it claims by questions of whether or not. congo will recognize the ancestral residents of will want the phone took a particularly creepy but not only origin as congolese citizens and the question of love wide open. but to achieve goals. it will be a cause for violence greed and
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down and all sorts of political disorder the gentle jeans you see that issue being brought to the foreground you see the authorities in kinshasa going to the negotiating table with their neighbors for now those talks that are being broken by uganda seemed to kind of be on standby and also addressing some of those he is hugely important citizenship and land reform issues in the east of congo one school. for us. it is and isn't cool. because the data and dinner from running. so just to explain the bnp are just explain to people but those are the offshoots of some of the hutus who took part in the nineteen ninety four. it is just like you guys. many many floor. when he's at
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the school to time. the next day she used to do it again at the end. calling his office or school. she owns to all the colors are in use woo hoo. he needs his own when we fall in the country together. the three countries being. d r congo uganda and rwanda uganda the final solution. groups and the new the we. to sit and enjoy a
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walk. melissa is that you know. it's the same room. to the room. bleh. use it. which brings me back to it. which brings me back to what you were saying at the outset their folklore a you were mentioning how rwanda. he's been in the hot seat alaska and we've seen a reduction of eighty two was on the part of the uk the united states and the european union. um is there a direct link between debt reduction in aid and to the events we've seen the last couple of weeks in eastern congo. ah i i mean that's certainly what everybody. it is is living up to the people who were to be a lot to be interesting to see we expect that of course one can deny the beginning that it was there. so they were planted along that was what made and twenty three strong and was brought to the law that would get twenty free week. and in that narrative the fact that this was actually a war fought by french commanders and troops from south africa and
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tanzania and malawi. and that you want to add a d. within that in twenty three this weekend's match between internally already been there many many factors that um i don't think that you can to track the eighth but i don't think that's all there is to it. but rwanda with the fitting on the dotted line to rwanda for steve what happened last few weeks that the next potential trap. i think they're stronger diplomatic position than they were wet and twenty three went out there and be blamed on them entirely. i think they are actually the better position right now than they were even a week ago diplomatically that it took to the eastern congo are probably not in a better position whether or not. in twenty three was protecting them in their very exposed that they don't have any clear of political or military representation. but i would to make one point but sit on the question of negotiating with the hefty all our travels. rwanda has been negotiating with them
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for over fifteen years and has been constantly with kate reading and re integrating them if they surrender on the military call. what they want it to be re integrated tactical keep it. opposition force in the ottawa the politically. rwanda has not agreed on and that is partly because the very top leaders are trapped accused of the one to remain. but there are of being in the genocide but there are cards that way. hundreds and thousands hundreds of march two thousand to hear about your fighters were going back to rwanda to go to a un world bank program. they are re integrated into life in rwanda. they are if they start to the genocide crimes in rwanda are held to account which means that those who really really have that appear are less likely to go home side and the commander of rwanda's to them. a year double what the commander of the spl are tearing some of
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the most open carry. so it's not right that the rwanda that they won't have to go in the us consumes things i do dream of fluke or a that to rwanda in fact probably has a stronger hand right now than it did to a few months back. yes that's the case that we saw actually improve the climate is dry announce like this moment not support me and casey and i guess that was proven so they had been at the future. and right now so that this makes me laugh so much on piano and get inspected. we have our steps which you are in the international community to ask us what a silly you didn't communicate and the colonies government. you have to use text right now and it says that it did to deal with yet united next to the enemy number one up running government. so at mt and the scandal. they played knowledgeable into the side of the companies governments and has been caught kbs
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that's not an extended stop insisting to say it'll create data to be accepted. i lived in mind so you accept ours and he is much more difficult now to reach this next step then it was to test the affiliate and ten is free and this is exactly how the government of color. it's now or in movies. it asked for action and is much more complicated to reach the next step. i guess and so on as investment in the backup position off the cuff and insights you might say that the pressure is in fact an aunt of the congolese government is certainly the u s special envoy for the region. russ feingold says it's time for all armed groups to be stopped. i'm including the str here's what he had to say they needed based on ability. they need to face justice. this is first and foremost up to the nation in the democratic republic of congo. all of us
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dinner and meeting others will do whatever they wish this is the appropriate procedure. reuse individuals to justice the proper prosecution and punishment for crime. chile challenge the wheel the congolese government now go after those hutu militias we have. i'm the one on an officer colonel and leave the army has said it's something that plan you have to apply and you can't just simply announce. we didn't see it. the students it read the documents indicated on the floor the tool above the sea the banana far. it's a sustainable solution for this
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news will know the wounded and all trent treat. the next day the buddha see the kids it will be used in some cases him. we are considering did they fight together against the twenty trees down and received a call the intonation tool to fight troops. all of you. i make my night an hour and a long time we have a question on twitter will be and twenty three step down set the stagens in congo in general i call you just heard there a moment ago said they mentioned the fact that a ray that daunting array of different militias that are there. of course were talking on a vast expanse of the stupid ness that made the problem of this region is this business to reach. so when you all and
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you've got to control the minds of all time or different minerals. you are rich so that this is where the goblins so cool. must put the pressure on this militia now integrating the people pulling security forces all something like that and take control of his own resources but to your right timing and twenty three is the well known movement with the olive loaf of the movements and it has gotten up to two sold the problem with them. so if you're looking for a lasting solution. how we go about it said we don't have to re appearance to the skates and he said. of these groups in the scramble for the wrong materials. well we've got to see elements of the solution are eighty minute since getting rwanda alec and by giving the eu and the ability to actually fight. but what are all these rebel movements opposed to the government
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which by all international standards is in place fraudulent lee and the presence of conflict minerals which are the prize so as far as the government goes for now it's known in the international agenda to remove this government so the rebels oppose this government as long as this government in place by that i mean the government be it hereditary republic. on democratic republic of congo where you've got the son of a former dictator who is now a dictator. so as long as he's patient you're going to have rebellion against that and the second are the conflict minerals. the solution is to create some kind of process like we did with del humans remember that like dying instantly. there's been a lot of talk. to try to get some kind of certification process to explain how a country like rwanda which doesn't possess these minerals becomes a major exporter and the cycle one that will go on as well so this is of course our
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responsibility on like a dying man's were you had one key actor which was good beers unfortunately with colt and wheat gold wheat these other minerals we don't have a key actor in place with a monopoly but the international community's done a lot of learning there are proposals on the board here is trey stability of these elements it's not scientifically impossible. so both changing the government against which all of these rebellions or oppose and getting some kind of certification process on the minerals will also contribute to the negative peeks soon on its announcement i'm at it as general to call it say. it's a rich area as long as it's rich mother continued to be up and say instability and fighting in eastern congo say that the richness and amended its causes and in this case. and yes the car that has cost a different
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political and ethnic and. and its use and that this demeanor its plans to finance this this war and keeps it going and makes it much money on that much profit to between. and yes i know it's been cold makes me much much money and just look at the time he stops functioning when is warranted and at the gates opened the types of money into dyeing me and anybody can go on the button shop for. it can take up the slope and crafts gun ships and anything and then as money diving into the system and it makes its last pegasus have predicted was that the pay cable system in terms of the song is why dance known as the money going into. i mean could it be to poke its nose out of keeping inside the army. so that it is not only the richness that it's like to bet that the lord keeps on going and said i didn't think
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it sets and just keep seeing kids are crying because the estonian people and having interesting coupon and antibodies were to continue his work. and yet so in the team in the towns that have been freed up by the army celebrations were tempered by the experience of falling prey to all signs from a mobile to escape the fighting between government troops in the and twenty three twenty and twenty three failed me for that amount. the troubled us government planes palm part of the mountain. it was an even until now they've been pointing and it deals with india. i'm ready to go on isn't it awesome. last week not good enough to smell was so plain. formed out of the main gold dust. everyone decided to clean up. the in
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twenty three of my attention he replied without taking anything going with them. we have empty handed. so it's all very fresh in people's memories and that the memory also being bombarded by government forces that are in the re spoke to one of our citizen journalists it contributes to the falls and gets observers say the website. he said that he hasn't been celebrating yet either he is wary be changed is the name of this goma residence for the purpose of the entry he fills up befriended being seen. he also asked him if his view of the united nations to change now. you know me you know he needs to be no way we stopped by. but the population here is to be wary of the us. he was a teacher just like the biggest. seems they are asking for a solution. both political and military terms
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dunedin is still reading it all you want a military solution because they can invent but they are skeptical towards the un when they ask the government to go to qatar to negotiate a political solution with the added twenty three rebels lindsay who would sneak it into a human being to us that say you too can be. that's the reservation here in the wider sense that people here in oman have welcomed the latest recent operations in the news that period. she wanted to pull him over. gore maturity york were than ninety seconds is headquartered. there's this sense listing to tibet observe hurrying in goma that to the positive news in all this is at least the world is paying attention i hate that the delay and god you know the un has not got a new arrival on the weekend it is the largest
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peacekeeping force in the us to the store was crowded and less fluid that for those of its forests of aggressive aggressive force on intervention brigade that was introduced with african troops under un command would actually put forward a bit with the idea out of the kampala talks. if i'd been correctly. where it was clipped by this disorder african tours. independent of the us and that was wrought in its approach to the un and god be with each equipment with it. it never really been a target but it got in trouble is that the congolese army and they never had a single factory on and show it to the head of a decisive up of military capability. they brought to bear behind them the question is what happens when they go. and i think that's why people celebrating the day that it could equip students with
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earlier the pope. in all directions recorded almost every year or two for the last to almost twenty years now. and dom and to people about the experience that not to be too hasty and assuming that things are settled. at the deep abiding nations which is totally legitimate if the government which was brought up earlier about the cake. i think that's overwhelmingly important to understand that the crisis really began two years ago with the left. to be a lot. stallworth arch degree that nobody supported a collection of the election and the western world been kind of came in the teeth that look god. i'll go after the ice he guided guys upgraded to my army. and that you had a twenty three. and the idea was. we don't want religion to make tequila but we don't want to get rid of them. so we'll support him and getting ready to stop the problem. now we're back to having to deal with it
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the larger congo peace and stability on the fact that you really have. western europe most of which is based completely on governed by anything that resembles a modern state. see muslims and it's tragic to see hear them but those words because you knew you see that the borders with the uganda rwanda and congo there's always this to his form and took up of rebellion from again. this has been pitched in and in the media is that. as the story were finally for once this light the end of tunnel is victory. is there is an opportunity here in the midst of all we've just heard well i look i can say right now it's too early to say that anything exists to say but it's something changing income one and it keeps you in the next yes. it was too early in the crook of about fifty four different
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winners yes and added some fun images. he spoke of the ugandan scrutiny and strategies. but aison could only manage to send the message has gone down on the content you see the two dpa two to play with. he is adamant that tested on to influence them to sit next to me and saying i can't stand ten min to take photos when running around with them is that the machines need and i've done a u n and the internet and ricky can testify against civilians and say let's kill them. that's all i did was make up doesn't make a material costs. this would be a great match. they being there is a must watch the dancing situation in the future. and as such the front step on the wrong way and that is long and the end in sight that would not say is already with other general tonic on what is the future of the un mission which has been there for what nearly two decades now. my thinking these days i can't do that it was said that we
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are a long way from the real peace. and though we've discussed of all the different fact that we achieve peace in this part of the world. it certainly is the government's golf or whatever his atonement country with others governments is able to control the area. then there will be a change and to control the area were talking noble did some mini shop from foreign country all from congo. lyons says that the fact is because the country is rich sold beyond securing. minerals and they'll pay by these minerals in the congolese government take control of the santa. you will receive taxes. you will pay the forces to secure the forces which will probably include all of this militia. and it does mean the shop all paid by the congolese government there will be probably happy but to them being killed by the companies on a sizzling ten on gk you buy that piece
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i'm a widow. the reason i would just sit there the situation is going to tokyo to governance. restore to me though. we used to it and immature. on the road to the reach of the piece. it's because you must. it is just up and how. or being the tune it's an ip twenty weeks due to the scene. i am sure that she really bad. i hate it the reason. waiting for you
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aren't our panel not very kind it seems that two of the government of. of mr kabila we did invite said the government to to take part due to the unforeseen were unable to to be with us so wanna thank all of you for being with him with the same general time call. but douglass gates us emotion and find in a broom and um fillip for growth which in new york and said we can all see in the normandy town of santa thank you for joining us here for the last man to the bay. throughout the week keeps you up to date with sports news. the action the excitement with results showing that lead to a sportsman and on monday to friday at eight fifteen pm promised land. ikea old son kai a wound. o all. d
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the air. it is. lulu will will will will will will the art scene. it's a one year anniversary of president obama israel action is marked with political scandals and son success. so how was his second term stack up so far we'll break it down. and you don't know who can smile from soldiers in long lines to mcdonald's for a few apply for detainee this top of the men and women who work there it's a different story rc has gained exclusive access to the facility also knew a sign you've never seen before and in


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