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tv   European Journal  PBS  November 8, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PST

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going to be a dozen meetings with dogs you can see it given efficient treatment and four. brendon. for less malaysia is awesome. i'm so sensitive that they are continually twenty. well that's great because we can say. the flight from la do do. nintendo coming to you from dw state gets to brussels is probably half the year investigation sector and the family and exclaimed topics. great so why the government's help to find program is risky. anyhow if i might is rebelling against easing to. many are pinched a prejudiced when it comes to one of the continent's largest ethnic minority groups
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the room. that became obvious in the so called marianne cases few weeks ago. maria is a belongs for a month kal but many believe in this background i had stolen base on cow and taking in the greek slum. as in ten to twelve million roma in europe and the family into tikrit have not experienced just how quick the room i can become victim of that can heat it two boom boom. once upon a time there was a young woman she was there and signed a new face became known toronto her name was on a ton of people our fairytale years he was going to be written by the church news media limits on top of the nissan was expecting print outlets reporters don't you come across a modern fairytale family of modest means experience is a miracle. my
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paintings in the us. modern fairy tales in which we choose. the more publicity more threats. ajax see the birth of these five babies is anything but a blessing. only because their mother is a robot. the babies were born in early june all healthy. what was sickening was a deluge of racist attacks from all directions so really you could say i ever since we've been getting threats and hate mail and saying they're going to bring the children. like pigs. they belong in the gas chamber that kind of thing on the stand also much. i doubt i owe it to stash him on janine and onyx and had to change their habits. he was a rare exceptions for them to grant us an interview. we learned to shun their own country's media. hoping the czechs will eventually forget their tastes the couple on even sure what the baby's first year that someone could make good on one of the many extreme
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threats. little ricky occupant of the city and it's getting worse all the time and in our new apartment we had safety glass installed right away. not long ago neo nazis to a fire bomb into the nursery of a little roman girl called metallica. jill is burned to death. and when money was collected to help pay for her treatment. it was less than what they get to take in stray dogs came from a peak of the few times now businesswoman and onion designs to buy is getting baby carriages ready to deler to the family for a great carry cards and one red one for the four boys and one girl. this summer she heard about the quintet what she wanted to help. she donated grounds and triggered a massive eight campaign against yourself. her son shows as facebook entries thousands of messages wishes that she and her family made separate answer the door. in an agonizing
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death. oh yes some awesome seats and the clean i wasn't expecting anything like this at all mind was completely shocked it might have to admit for tonight i couldn't sleep. i moaned that he really threw me for a loop there were anonymous calls from people saying with that thought in no uncertain terms and lots of terrible matters all of them anonymous callers you. hostility toward the roman also known as gypsies runs through all levels of czech society. no it's reaching new lows and even those seniors point helpers are being targeted when it came to rome any text link and images like these. gypsy catalan who do not know. other than the trash collectors twice a month. no one checks would ever show their faces the three hundred similar to those around the country housing about a quarter of
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czech roma. some eighty thousand people the government seems reluctant to take any steps towards integration. european union funding earmarked for the purpose. tends to dry out with no visible results. and this little political will to invest in these children's future. i do what he called his mother of four. she still finds time to do volunteer work for multiple birth mothers association. she supported an authentic human rights and start becoming another target of racist hate campaign. she thought of as possible. i've been getting very ugly letters. it sends a shudder down my spine to think of it. at first i made an effort to answer them. and then when my co workers that the social affairs ministry started laying recent articles about roma mothers and tables. i quit listening i mean it's kinda nice the nordic over quit answering the haters but she's still trying to tell
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she's appealed for support and open an account for donations and even wrote a letter to william and kate didn't she. this means we get home even if the british royals only sent a letter of congratulations. it would be great to be and the czech president hasn't seen any need to congratulate him so far in some technical. maybe a reaction from such prominent quarters which show my countrymen. now that other people elsewhere respect multiple birth parents and auntie no matter what their skin color. he has been a movement. it wants to take care of. above on an atomic universal has two wishes for her baby's health and her own shares in color. qantas workers. i know. he's like islands in spain you find a number of ghost towns with houses the black roof tops
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the windows. just like in the u s banks in those countries gave out risky loans to customers for years many people lost everything when the bubble baths. some bangs have been dating since real estate prices went through the roof and popular places like london. because they seemed to have money don't want to keep it in the box british prime minister david cameron wants to help ordinary citizens by moses again. the plan in which his conservative government has come up with makes you wonder why does it sound almost stand in the familia. morning rush hour in london's train stations over a million people commute into london this way each day. that's because most britons can't afford to live in their capital anymore. it takes breaks free and a half hours to get to work. the firemen can't even afford a house in the commuter belt tsk. he
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would condemn a suitable tool to gullible beloved years ago will also house the house to live outside of london the fourth summit. and even then the zonal system. ray doesn't see much of his son who's usually asleep when ray gets home after two days of duty. so we spent most of his time alone in london the city that relies on him to save lives but doesn't pay him enough to live there prices of up to fifty thousand euros per square meter housing here is the speculative plaything of millionaires from around the world. gary one of ray's colleagues is the last one of their fire station who still lives in london. he dreamed of being a fireman. ever since he was a boy. but he never imagined then he'd wind up protecting investment properties instead of people the real send you one doesn't need the people in the middle. you should be taken care of the house and tell them what their country
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gary is a fighter but there are days he just cares for the future. cool kids would start to add or to pay for the quota system to get a bit bus conductors taxi drivers and so on with where are we done if it were just coming to do our work and then go back to everyday. for years kerry and other average week earners in britain have been the victims of government policies designed to draw investment capital to london through tax incentives. this ascent housing prices through the roof and driven many londoners out to their own city. but now prime minister david cameron has a heart for hard working people like gary some say because general elections are to be held in one and a half years time wholesale deal for his ilk also. the live show people today the clue is that lenders. generation y is starting to become a
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generation later we bought millions of them stock in rental accommodation when the desperate obama. my friends that is what we're tired and missed the part of aspiration is to finish the job on home ownership that we stuffed plaudits for his help to buy scheme which is already in effect. this government backed mortgage program requires new buyers to put up a deposit to just five percent. the state guarantees up to fifteen percent of the bank loan the couple i just did his thing. good job saved baseball good prospects they can afford mortgage payments because i am not a rich mom and dad the cold get a mortgage that is the fact that isn't right. his scheme started the banks. they're now being passed to do that very thing that triggered the financial crisis hit risky loans to people with little credit. even conservative british think tanks are outraged. like the adam smith institute which has fought alongside the tories for a free market
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economy since margaret thatcher's day. none of the book front to send out and i knew it's been a new will be able to play them so they think the states to allow interest rates of them it was all wrong. well something has to go up when they do go up and then lofted was injured and i'm still seems to be committed and that means that because an even bigger problem alone his younger colleague whose witness keeping report on the health to buy scheme goes even further. i think is very cynical i mean it's a tried and tested thinking about it but conservatives to use credits to buy people's votes because this is the classic and wales. basically by people's votes but without increasing the task of all this is all she needs something does go wrong will be it'll be five or six years down the line that the whole thing explodes. so the people who encounter an hour to pay the price. thought not only that that helped to buy scheme has already said real estate prices soaring the asking price for a five room apartment at hyde park
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is currently a cool sixty eight million pounds. that's more than eighty million euros. but most of the price increases are taking place in the lowest price segment this real estate agent is asking for half a million euros for this basement apartment. he knows people will pay it even if the plasters coming off the ceiling on the windows are tiny. show the need to go to love this pic is a tantalizing define themselves in a position within the expanded me to use savings deposits in on its maiden events of the laptop because this november stop coming to help supply scheme isn't actually any walls releasing prophecies in the london market. these kids will suffer fest of us can at first. gary the firemen who wants to stay in the city hotel dubai would allow him to acquire a small apartment here. the twenty three square meter room he shares with his wife jam on their three year old son is bursting at
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the seams. but he's already missed his chance by a mother to. i hate. yet completely amazing the future. and size twenty thousand free to post it on a place somewhere in london. that's the big three months and that means that many schools to ice because house prices has gone up by the amount so it makes a rare thing when you cry. so britain's hard working people aren't the ones profiting from david cameron's mortgage scheme. whether its current property owners and the banks who can give bad moments just like before the crisis. but this time they're doing it at the behest of a government that's already in campaign mode. then there's anybody really government can do really thinks is a good idea if they do them should be terrified of the running the country the gambling on government orders. he seems those in power didn't learn a
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thing from the last financial crisis triggered by bad credit and a property bubble britain looks well on its way to one another the crash the romania has a bad day meeting you and your next trip or two we'll give you one hand who wants to taste in the book was chiming in stamford maniac until one in the house music who elected the protests against his state team is is yet to resign. now he's the man of the country's second largest telco which enable believes it's the perfect place to show the rest of europe that romania has a lot to offer former prime minister the new book has a hands on approach in his role as meaning of the central romanian city of toulouse. in the digital divide. i brought a mo ped from italy. but the police confiscated it on my way home in riyadh come and see me
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into town all next week. tell the doorman you spoke to me today. the view of it romania join the eu in two thousand staff. corruption is rampant and the mood of distrust prevails. but includes the european union is held in high esteem. a holiday devoted to the army we were on the nineteen year old. by the tacoma news be the time we were all so futile. so the lyceum in the east european union because we have or the ingredients of utopia this is the main city in transylvania and was once a part of the cholesterol can carry an empire. the blue she ceased three hundred and twenty thousand strong population comprises romanian hungarian and a handful of german speaking transylvania six cents. bro was live on the outskirts. next to the rubbish dump. it's a
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cliche picture of marginalization which europe believes is repeated across the entire country the airport just ten minutes from here. the newly opened runway offers a gateway to the world. it's an achievement but the conservative mayor and former prime minister has opponents in the capital bucharest. last year the center left government played dirty in a bid to oust box fellow party member the conservative president the crisis went on for months. what progress in the summer. easy to make it to the mumps is so cool its image of a government that's in any case. it is these airports in the freezing go for communication. in all senses. i think it's the two be plain cruel. romania's image the political council unwilling to communicate with each other. that meant that
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they tend to be changed with the minor league seasons end of the bed with the demise of the people. thank you. that is what the mayor hopes to do shh chance to see these kids to twenty twenty one european city of culture. it would likely lose the eu its artistic side. which includes these internationally renowned artists who work in a former paintbrush factory their current exhibition is newisting nature. in his hand. since we are today international collectors already have these artists on the radar. tyson's boxing cumberland mountains council and the sun was setting in the arts in the country won its tenth birthday song point
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in finding new voters in the housing unit created a new context. all across europe clearest teachers in anthology of the most important on its cities of the future. there are thirty studios in the former factory and six galleries with contacts to europe's leading art cities especially berlin i know. the german capital now regards itself as a bridge between east and west the handbook has traveled to the city. this is the berlin wall memorial which is not only reminder of germany's division lead europe sweden education. here is hoping to generate understanding for romania situation. api people forty the seat. we need to be who he tells his school enough of that. the teams that these garments. speaking of which is still too close to their team. the foundation of statistics said on shaping the future of their city. he said east and west should stick together in times of eu crisis. the promoters agree i'm the one idea. but we're
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convinced that europe will develop and will become strong from the bottom up. at the bottom we have the cities which means the people the citizens and that's how it came about. this is a sunbeam. his country like many in the eu is in a state of crisis but amiable confusing art and culture to try and change romanians future. said stuart's eu red tape. most of th coffee year ago when officials in brussels had to recall the plan to ban them on a foil pans from restaurant tables. it was simply too much outrage many europeans actually mania say cpu with its big variety of new regulations. the eu says weitz vacuum cleaners can be sold which like the looks can be used and with specs the bulls can be content. a diamond thomas said enough is enough. he has lowered his era and many of evolution anyone who witnesses pass them on my nano with his cattle would find it hard to
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believe him capable of actually slaughtering. he picks a film i have to try really hard to switch off. i had to go up to shoot an animal and i can have negative thoughts and the identical out thinking i want to kill this animal now the animal would notice if they have incredible antennae and everything and when the buyer and can be met and as for the moment. there's a calm atmosphere in the stall see animals like a keeper or relaxed. my as cattle dog of your tactics. attaching them would destroy the farmers system. sunday i made it would make it impossible for me to walk among them without risking life limb and i would always have to be aware the bulls might attack because they feel threatened and because they think now he's going to come and do something bad to us. and that's not the case of the moment so we have to avoid it at all costs and within a maiden. he still
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into by the tag she just doesn't use them. they're lying about in plastic bags in his office. is it any wonder then that stool here and end this with the punches the tag through the year gong. as you can imagine it's very painful for the animals and they try to get rid of thumb is that it fit the feel and the phone but they can't unless they get stop it won't be an end there either. for now. or they break off and nathan piano or the future and happiness. the instead of deer tags meyer uses little transponder switching injects into the animals with minimal techno. but that goes against eu directives. following the bse epidemic in the nineties brussels made it mandatory for farmers to protect their capital the idea was that it would be easier to trace the origin of tank tops. members of june against regional commission
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have little understanding for my us approach. they don't agree that the ear tags with the animals through undue pain and discomfort last but not that there are a lot of cattle farms that have their animals out to pasture all year round. and the animals are all packed. very few of them walk around the three years. i'm not saying it can't happen just that it doesn't happen very often and soothing words and such dictionary and had a go go but with a big difference she's seen an increasing number of injuries that are direct result of the cows plastic tags getting caught up somewhere. both quarterbacks and the kids to have that much unless he really becomes a problem when you have to reheat and grumbles. for this play because some of them have been dyeing process the measures you have to use
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to get to their ears up to actually be able to tag them that has resulted in their necks being broken because they get so worn down. and i took it that often the veterinarian isn't a gathering hosted by maya posters with the guests in no doubt that the farmer regards your tagging as animal cruelty. and my aunt seems to never tire of telling as guests walk. and he's already managed to convince some cattle farmers to join in the news boycott of your tax. but yet located the wood of the piano but he wouldn't sit still intact and horses as a way of tracing their origin. although courses can also be victims of epidemics there would be fierce lobbying against it too. knowledge base a year tax have to be visible to other animals origins can be traced and academics can be kept under control. oh but that makes no sense to me
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from myer has angered by a letter from the ministry of agriculture. if he quits tagging travel with the ear piercing for people the front and center completely ridiculous method of identification which should not be used on living animals and this day in day out we find it completely reprehensible to insist that the animals walk around wearing number plates like arts which simply outrageous and eight when he used to check the identity of his animals he uses them on a scanner. it receives information from sponsors. he tore up to him be equipment would be widely. years ago the former won a battle with the authorities to be able to use his mobile slaughter box he refused to take his cattle to the slaughterhouse on the grounds that they had to endure hours of fear before they got there. so he's allowed to shoot himself
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and then transport them in this box. no ears to deal with a lot of red tape and peers to have a legal battle on his hands. he thinks is an economic factor b and the insistence on your tag so all the dreams on being your tags get lost or break off the farmer has to buy new ones. that's the curious thing about him when it's wrong for state authorities to support such a business and keep it afloat. so you have to wonder if it's in the name for it. the view doesn't wanna make any changes to the ear tagging laws but as time and mine is equally reluctant to concede ground. if he loses this battle is likely going to be at stake. the worst case scenario you're no longer be able to sell his cattle for meat. i do tune in again also next week said deed of these european channels from
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brussels. if you can't until the end of the ezine and arthur now. do the second one it's believed to be the worst second largest corporate server and eastern afghanistan. minister of mines weight loss are on it
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was money from mining here in another size to be used to rebuild the country after thirty years the war when it comes in a bid for the first demanded to know it won't go too long ago blaming seems to be too good to be the optimist there was the nation's mineral wealth of more than three trillion dollars. us intelligence to wanted to explore the country's mineral wealth baking the eighties but the primary obstacle to the destruction was a lack of security. the problem that still faces the knesset today now these sites are heavily guarded by afghan security forces to attract many foreign investors who are competing on beats for mining projects. one of the abilities of the open government has to be sure that the revenues coming from the huge reserves will creates revenues for the local community. in two thousand and seven. the china metallurgical group corporation won a tender to mine copper at the site and i'm back south east of kabul in future due to be in a whirlpool more on like these projects in each project
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speaking to chill. pretty soon it's raining den go to the day before. to ensure that most of what to do in the needed to get a little cars that would be needed to get up off in it because of the kitchen. china is not hilly country investing in afghanistan india pakistan and iran are actively seeking my exploration deals offering enormous amounts of money that would also be for power plants and with a roasted them and afghanistan with south and central asia. at the nec excavation of honor that more than minerals killer just that this cold or three but his modest restated on the first of the sentence reads. it's been described as the most significant archaeological find in afghanistan the reached a no call for runs a rifleman in it so the artifacts will be relocated block but looked a purpose built museum nearby and if you should still be taken to the national museum in trouble and has them on
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these but i found this so i'm going to be. photo book which is stricken by taking boss lady and was going on was holding on to say wouldn't that be. in theory the growth of the mining industry should ensure canadians into the crippled up and economy. let there be many allegations of corruption regarding the awarding of contracts the minister says is improving transparency by closing a number of bank accounts and publishing all financial details online these are big challenges but the thickening that's mine with the help of the duff chemist on into far more prosperous future. some of the twenty nine act has done it's time for the nick of time. international mystery date to see how it all began in eighteen international mystery present a special week long event showcasing the very first episodes from fourteen of our most popular show. plus wrong nascar's final appearance as a colander into pyramid. your favorite model bonnets for cats. don't miss any team to
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national histories first or. yu need to. i will. toronto's never apologizes over to new video showing him in a trunk and folded to rent a car and the threatening weather successful debut with the stock gains more than seventy percent on its best day of trade. the letter ends new kit program could be possible by the end of frida


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