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tv   Journal  PBS  November 11, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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ch. i eye. this is a journal joining us please. try to be born. relief effort. most assaults and how amazingly it worked. that is building
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again. play the games the twenty twenty. the kids or absolutely staggering estimates put the death toll in the philippines and change thousand will siphon ion has left the center of the country and absolute brilliance. the most powerful storms on record and it sparked a global rescue and relief operation. the united nations is now planning to launch a flash appeal for urgent international assistance. many countries able bodied plates supporter and santos personnel and now the difficult thing is going to be getting to the people who need the most well the area itself of course is made up of the huge amount of islands and most of them. a very remote. as you can see them late on and some i've said to be hardest hit including the port city of auckland band which has been totally destroyed. there's no
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food no medicine no water for the people on the island of some on the situation grows more critical by the allen. people is painted the words help us all here hoping someone will notice collecting debris have less roads and bridges impassable shops and warehouses were destroyed as were most buildings in the port city before the typhoon. how will the new book sold groceries no she too has to scavenge for supplies the puppet theater. it's really hard. in all but there's no more shooting the warehouse for them all. devlin warehouse among the more i mean places frustration is turning to desperation. relief trucks had been looted as well as shots against patients the response the government has reinforced the military and police presence and
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toppled on. it is that the police and military are here to establish law and order. a little bit ate that day i get this we will deal with the looting. and are trying to protect businesses otherwise everything will descend into chaos on the speakers. international aid operation is underway and thousands of filipino soldiers have been deployed to deliver supplies. but with only three transport pleasing yourself on the military and state emergency services appeal over will present the new latino is expressed frustration over the slow response to the typhoon locally is delighted that he's pledged more eight. for the content we declared a state of national calamity in order to hasten the movements of the government in its rescue relief and rehabilitation efforts in the provinces affected by typhoon you along a sort of off beat sense. in the midst of all the suffering there are rare moments of hope this mother nearly died in a storm surge. against great
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odds. she reached a makeshift medical hospital and talk to pune airport. the spurs to a baby girl. well tyson high on was significantly weaker w vietnam early on monday morning it was downgraded to a tropical storm but it was still packing high winds and state media say at least thirteen people have been killed in china at least three people lost their lives state television bullets that by the twins went to wait and flooding rains hundreds of buildings. tens of thousands of people have to invent away from haydn on it. now some say that these storms have become so powerful and destructive because of the effects of climate change. it's a topic that in full focus at the un climate change hoax which kicked off on monday in warsaw poland over the next two weeks delegates will be working to hammer out a deal to greatly reduce carbon emissions by the end of the decade. the of the support. meteorologists call it a super typhoon. and
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if climate experts are to be believed these monster storms are likely to be a more frequent occurrence in the future. the rising temperature of the oceans makes regions around the pacific ocean and the atlantic most vulnerable storms like leann and her eighteen seventy that struck the caribbean and the us east coast last year. only the oceans warm up. large amounts of water vapor rice into the atmosphere the earth's rotation since the resulting cloud masses in motion creating a super storm the philippines catastrophe dominated the opening of the world climate conference in warsaw. one hundred ninety four nations will have to close ranks second to reach a new binding agreement to fight climate change. nobody to overcome them. you know what to do the same tone. it is a problem. this weekend concert productions. you
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become so close to me. martin gerber. scientists regard carbon dioxide emissions as the biggest threat to the climax. greenhouse gas levels have continued to ronnie's making in two thousand ten goal of limiting temperature rise below two degrees celsius almost unachievable. but if emissions are not kind and temperatures current and future risk and the philippines and many other coastal regions of the earth is unpredictable always joined by perseus ilbo based climate expert at the free university berlin ellis from today's scientific evidence is there a correlation between devastating storms like icing on the and and human made climate change. one is an issue that is still owed not to marry. i'm guessing it they're ipcc says this is one of the issues that has still to be solved. it is evidence from a few studies
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that they do say that with the warmer temperatures. at this he says his day is an increasing risk of that intense typhoons and all small cartoons especially in the pacific basin. what do you think. well i sink say as at the end of the most likely thing is the widget high potential that we have with the warm water body. and we'll be dismantling the stew on the stones and dad the question is would that be too many hmong but this is not going to be said of the emotion papa say most important thing is will there be such intense tongs and that that is the devastation that this story. the command to all of the peoples living in you so stop. whoa what do you expect is ours if it's going one on baffling. these topic in this climate conference in warsaw rectum of it. what i seem to climate
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conference and will also has an agenda on the damage and loss. and it has arisen as to where they could be progress in the direction that icing is most often. as this is his to do with the availability of data. actually we do not know so much about the distribution and space and in time of loss especially in developing countries and dance like somebody to take this a combo of the stone i'll be the last numbness on the different items in the philippines they are not using the available can sustain her with so many other such incidents and so i think. call it a bit of preparation and fly back to the low estimation home loss to come and we should be in position to have them all to the state the wolves to get into that position has to take this one seriously how
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seriously i countries when we knew that it is globally. and joining in to macs to get some sort of result. well i had seen. yes so many interests and these interests must be balanced but county there is still the case you that that is not much knowledge on one hand and the lesson knowledge on the orbit of the hand and say o ed the sky it's taking measures these days. they should be in the tba the mochi was also on the link between. i'm in a trauma g and izzy is an incentive damage and to implications for social implications. they will think you very much for the analysis of the soul voice. negotiate is that the war so climate conference will certainly face a number of stumbling blocks including calls for money to help poor countries convert to cleaner energy sources but you know experts say that that would
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be money well spent. melting ice caps rising sea levels and a host of natural catastrophes. if the international community waits until twenty thirty before acting. then the consequences of global warming are likely to become far worse. even now it may be too late to reverse some of facts. the potsdam institute for climate impact research estimates that global gdp could be knocked back by seven percent of the world fails to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. the longer the delay the greater the cost of combating the results. events like slides extreme weather or outbreaks of disease. all these could cost the global community. some four trillion euros. moreover the climate researchers believe that energy prices would skyrocket by up to eighty percent developing countries would be hit hardest with the cost of inaction totaling a further estimated three point five trillion euros the cost
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of climate change would also hit germany hard. by twenty fifty. it would need to pay one hundred thirty billion euros more for energy and transportation. insurance companies would have to shell out an extra one hundred billion euros for damage caused by extreme weather treating tropical diseases in germany resulting from global warming would cost around sixty billion years and climate change could also impact beaches and ski resorts costing germany another thirty billion euro us. the world bank says the worst could still be averted. at a comparatively cheap rides just five hundred fifty billion years. that's about one percent of what the global economy is worth other analysts come up with different figures but all agree and one thing. doing nothing will be more expensive in the long run
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one can say that poland is an interesting choice for hosting this year's climate conference. considering the country will also host an international coal conference just a few days later and about ninety percent of coal and electricity comes from coal and it's the most polluting fossil fuels the alternatives considered by for some however are that greener either the rulings of the sound of the ants are a relic from an earlier foray into nuclear power. an hour's drive from the dining hall and began building its first atomic plant here in the early nineteen eighties then came the chernobyl disaster. and four years later locals voted overwhelmingly to kill based on opiates project in a referendum. for a long time after that there was little talk of nuclear power in poland. ninety percent of its energy comes from coal fired stations. warsaw is now rethinking nuclear power much to the anger of
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environmentalist. for now i'm gulping gone and has a number the double capacity for a new bowls and an unbelievable potential for saving energy but that's not being exploited. instead we see an email to my next project. we should look into the future i'm. but more such plans for the future are of a different sort. the government wants to see two brand new nuclear power plants here in ten years' time. right on the baltic coast but there's plenty of cool water the generating capacity is six thousand megawatts that the proposed site is right next to me to consider decide to return to atomic energy poland to take on alternative energy includes steel gas. not far from certain opiates energy company said drilling test wells for gas and oil the suspect europe's biggest steel gas deposits are trapped here. deep below the surface. the government in warsaw on energy
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independence means an end to a reliance on oil and gas supplies from its eastern neighbor russia. in this nation. only the cleats nuclear power with national self interest. the oakland area. we don't have the time to return to atomic energy even opt to the top was pulled on the john audience that remained on aim. oh gemini season due to a confidante a cheap reliable and angie helped him become a global economic power the vocals the kind of appendicitis. people in poland are already talking about the pros and cons of nuclear power. and it's a question is what will happen to the nuclear waste. she asks that's a really difficult issues. the remains in doubt about the length of it. a song that this man thinks nuclear power would mean cheaper electricity and touching everything. butch bulls still have questions about their energy makes one change is clear they want economic progress and
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prosperity. and they were like climate protection beginning to wane. still to come here on dw imagine if you have the chance to host the little cake speaking just unloaded and unpacked that is the view and germany is the most southern state while explain why. do. for it. a a
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i mean. i mean. at her. i know. gemma these two biggest political parties. back at the negotiating table but trying to form a grand coalition following september's federal elections now they have imposed their own deadline the end of the month but both the conservative chancellor angela merkel and social democrat leader stephen and gabriella expressed guarded optimism. as a new round of talks got underway. over the weekend the two sides agreed on proposals to slow to skyrocket apartment rental prices. they also reportedly agreed on renewable energy policy with the knights were tapping sharply higher
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electricity bills. in our political correspondent simon young has been following all of those developments he joins us from our parliament re studios here in berlin's assignment what's come out of today's talks in particular when he mentioned today stewards focused on energy and transport and the seaside city democrats and conservatives have stayed dead the victim att with forming two minis in the g transformation policy that's the draw ways to get more when you pulls in the mix of jimmy's power generation. and as you say the objective is to get costs down what the plans will likely mean these lower subsidies for wind power and possibly in the short term. that mall colson that one please the environmentalists that on transport but size is saying that their daughter that is in the faith huge investments in growth mode and will indeed the experts say investments of several billion euros a year. indeed
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even that said raises the problem. how is always going to be painful. clearly without the tax increase is the dangling man who says she went extinct. so what this progress into perspective for us. are we any closer toward seeing a government. well we're inching towards its end a lot of work has begun and in the various grades looking at the various areas of policy. but the pressure is certainly on because the seaside say that they want to sell in the full coalition agreement to set up a new government that even a little out of a the two weeks until she gets that that none of these agreements on various areas of policy will be considered as having gone through until the fall and then seeing how they get a pay freeze has been worked out that of a role that and on top of that the social democrats who said that by ongoing tv console to move in the hall from me in. mindy is going to get the green light to press ahead with t same grand coalition of social
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democrats and conservatives that so there's plenty of tall doing to do in the weeks ahead i think snacks family a lot still to discuss signing and thank you very much to be a day. two of the high level talks iran and the u wins nuclear watchdog say they've agreed on a road map was over outstanding issues relating to tehran's controversial nuclear program trouble and clears the way for inspectors by the international atomic energy agency aca ron's of rock reactor which western powers say could be used to make bomb grade plutonium high level talks between the world's powers and iran broke down over the weekend but are due to resume on november the twenty fifth moving on to some business needs and trade is still talking about that little surprise the ecb pulled on the last week. the central bank cut its main interest rates will record low of just a quarter of a percent. one easy capable of and even hinted at the weekend that the bank could trim rates even further and provide more
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liquidity is the gem and reaction from the oval. this interest rate cut has been made to give a boost to the german economy and thus assure us that. and they feel that this is the mill rates might lead to problems for insurers and banks it will be very difficult now. it was hella long lasting and then to proto it's like life insurance is in the near future on the other hand did no interest rates given clues to the shamrock it's because this policy of easy money especially helps the financial and the banking sector. so investors decided to buy shares the key and the dax went out this month let's check out those numbers fully with the dax to running well above the nine thousand mark nine thousand one hundred and seven points was the closing number here's a tasty up as well buy into the house since it's never been to new york where wall street's looking good
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the dow jones putting on just a little bit they want to sit up like one of the sand rather the euro up as well and positive terror tree against the un still won us over for the four zero eight. i mean lompoc on the world's largest free trade zone between the european union and united states and getting back on her way up to the second round of negotiations is being overshadowed by the us spying scandal which has resulted in a breakdown of trust his will the handshakes may be friendly but the negotiations going on in brussels are likely to be anything but easy. some observers are saying it's a wonder that the eu and us delegations are talking at all. first the content to be postponed due to the government shutdown in the us. dench and if you are all for the activities of us intelligence agencies politicians in germany later calls to the tunnel to be put
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on least until another recital. on the other hand business is business and the latest studies in germany suggested a free trade agreement would be very good business and eight. it would foster economic growth create jobs and provide a massive boost to exports the eu says it is sticking to its goal of completing the negotiations within two years. that could prove difficult if more attention to rise to the transatlantic relationship. shifting our focus to get ready in forty states coalition government is bound to stick to its unpopular austerity drive us to win a confidence vote on monday while a nine ballot was caused by the left wing's emits a party to censure the coalition over its cost cutting measures including the abrupt closure of former state broadcaster rte the sole reason for another day of mass protests the new system of government and to
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see another day. restoration of peace protesters who were clamoring for a break from the austerity measures. this government has destroyed our country. the only thing he knows how to do a sell off our assets to private interests. it's destroyed health education but everything i needed some growth on the plane of the comic book. i got caught nineteen hundred to say enough is enough she said with this country has gone through in the last two years and seen. it's humiliating and decomposition. i managed to still use some of us can declare victory for now his conservative led government defeated the vote of no confidence. i just can't the motion was introduced by the lake is hitless in his left wing opposition party city to get a real against what they call the government's catastrophic economic policy in its handling of the former state broadcaster to your team cities that accuses
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the prime minister of tax and the port to protect the rich the party says the government's dependence on foreign lenders is driving greece even deeper into recession. twenty seven percent of greeks are unemployed and still continues as cost cutting policies to secure another eu bailout package. it says policies that led to the shutdown of the state broadcaster and triggered a outcry. last thursday greek riot police cleared the rt headquarters ending a five month occupation there. out in our backyard one that is when citizens in the southern german state of bavaria had said to plans to bid for the twenty twenty two winter games. the referendum was held sunday on the plants a campaign to bring the olympics back to munich the twenty twenty two an impeachment no time to know of this area. thirteen of fourteen districts in four municipalities voted no to
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hosting the event. only shown on clinics a vote in favor it would've been the venue for the bobsled competition many here are disappointed i did get a little late to post in the game statistically can do about it now and it shoots difficulty finding the no camp he created a sense of panic about the ioc applications some people just voted no which in a way is understandable. i'm not half the money on come because i actually support having the olympics here does not come to the proposed conditions. it would've been nice. opponents to hosting the games celebrated a victory. no one expected to succeed results. sadc has is the result should be seen as a vote against professional sport. it's a protest against the diocese racketeering and greed for profit. it seems an emphatic wins the no campaign as those in the yes camp had no option but to accept defeat. the soft in the midst of it that was
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the last ten korean unique did you live or municipality started down. come and one can assume that will change within a few years we've gotten to it. munich scope of becoming the first city to host both the summer and winter games has spread beyond reach. some soccer news now and sunday was a day of interviews in the bundesliga to secure bragging rights in the new britain bed with a convincing three one win away to find for the hosts of being a juggling domestic and european treaties and were punished by a dazzling the angst the initial contracts. with two goals for stuttgart and has notched seventeen year old linda keen to hold on to prove that if you're good enough you're old enough. steele was to stuttgart stalwarts to put them ahead. the student who said he didn't use it for the opener in the ninth minutes. only seconds later though then the band who sold the fly toward the fence to make it to heal and beat
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the hosts reeling . they took their turn to recover with his good news that it was will see my single life substitute michael kay gave them a glimpse of hope that the strike in the seventy eighth minute. with only eight minutes left to play then completed an extraordinary three one when he becomes the youngest player ever to score twice in the bundesliga. now it's time to break out your craziest costumes thousands of germans are doing it because it's that time of year again the start of the ruble season oh visible though is the mind's kicked off the celebration in traditional style and comfort those in the bi colored olsen came out in force on monday singing dancing and enjoying themselves. the way to come will deal with gemini can increase the cost is rising phoenix. the yen. what's more
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