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tv   RT News  PBS  November 14, 2013 10:30am-11:01am PST

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adults the deal was about eighteen countries. i think we are. planting will go for help or support relationship that an understanding that it's the song. you knew who will. the rewards and once on him. the police. you're not cost you. but when tom was still notched up twelve years as a terror jail with a white house still failing to get a close once and for all i see reports from inside one of the world's most maligned presence on the future and may face. on the tate britain sends millions of pounds to prop up the rocky outcrop while taxpayers at home or in
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the dark about who gets it in wa. also this hour the undressing else gets the most deadly shooting hunting down along with illegal immigration every friday they don't race of accommodation places of what looking for illegal immigrants. it's friday morning we got with the police one of the draft i am. if you are to live our maths custody of rick just after five pm i'm into france thanks for joining me. they held key decisions in the world's biggest military and they want guantanamo prison close to thirty eight of the united states plus perspective retired generals and admirals one to send it to take immediate steps despite pressure and promises the jail it's still reached its twelfth anniversary punctuated by torture and hunger strikes along the way. this issue check in its final report from the detention center looks at why and what its
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future may hold the truth. it was. this just isn't the numbers speak for themselves since being set up after the attacks of nine eleven the total of seven hundred and seventeen ninety detainees have been held at guantanamo today hundred and sixty four people remain over how that have been long cleared for release but remain locked up. a total of six people is currently under trial. religion prisoners of war brought here since two thousand and two removed from the battlefield of america's ever expanding war on terror it's both the pulse of the us not told anyone longer than necessary. we also know that whenever we really someone we assume are rifts over a period of more than a decade the majority of detainees held there have been set free from any one item or view these stupid human monsters in the worst of the worst quote cheney
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i'm going to them. but most of those still kept locked up have not been charged and are being held indefinitely. what sort of a black hole of the oven and allow week sixteen with the president of the u s states simply refuses to say this in the u s officials say the law of more brains behind this barbed wire. the idea was that the war. when you capture folks. you as the capturing the story are permitted to hold people during the generation of hostilities and when hostilities and four. if there's no longer any purpose legitimate purpose to toe hold them and they must be released. a tiny problem the war on terror has no geographic borders with men once held here. creepy treated to a wide array of countries. the rules that apply in guantanamo are only specific to pntanamo case. on the us mainland because it would be unconstitutional and illegal. there also has no end in sight and national security is a popular excuse
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to simply ignore the law despite the rhetoric you really isn't about national security or prisoners being so dangerous that they can possibly be released when the fire that can be true after being locked up the legal process if any moves at a glacial pace in two thousand called five detainees were transferred on to have completed their military commission sentence on two were poured ordered released detainees have been repatriated and one was suicide over the years countless detainee claims of mistreatment and abuse ze sde aempts mass htrikes b lt pea shoots and hope. just so populat refusejority of o eat for six months streets only to be for fed thee many fear we have is being able to provide adequate nutrition to presee life was good and has appointed a new envoy to close the camp that is a dark spot on america's image. this comes after a mass hunger strike
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that returned the world's attention to the place that some have dubbed the gulag of our times. even if close it seems to have it now that the winningest team in us history are over. it's very easy and wentnnd wn you release them and said you're not cost you. and as you said only six men are being asked here right now the non ility prosecuto made clear he intends to prosecute few more. please also make clear that he won't be more than fuel. the prome to close the notorious facility on the one of his presidency he's now in his second term it's only a president can do it. any idea that it's new because congress this fall is just not correct. it is the president that holding these men in detention summer has enhanced to come in and ask. it's hard to tell right now exactly how long will begin in here don't
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dismiss her. i do. they use to teach her to rtuantanamo de cuba. the half blood hamas prisoners are yemeni nationals for them release the prisoner may not mean the end of their misfortunes us and yemen are discussing plans to build a new center to house inmates after their release. it's already been labelled the guantanamo or two. of course when it was the captain has just returned from yemen where she met relatives of some of the detainee is in shared her experience as both built on it's difficult to stay positive about the zte is coming home when you've been waiting as long as over a decade as was the case with some of the family's two weeks that i get new ideas and that's the cystic acne difficult situation of our variety of reasons but other countries what and how the remaining detainees are yemeni citizens fifty six of them have been cleared for release to get sent back from but it's hard enough but not a single one has come home
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and collapsed yemeni citizen to return to the country came home in a body back in twenty twelve and that is the fate that to us and the families believe that what we worry that it could be in store for for some of their loved ones one of the father so we met said that his son had told them everything was going well and basically found out that in the news reports that as i was participating in quite ill from hunger strike which we covered here at rt interesting enough in the role reports old but we see him in a detention center being set up in him and what you read in that right so basically at the family has been pushing for years now for a so called rehabilitation facility which would basically take the seat a needs help them adjust to society and make sure that they'd all be joined with networks which the main concern of the united states we're learning now is that the hit states can actually secret talks in rome at the office proposed facility there's very little details have emerged and the three wells them to trust the money i get to use this as a political issue to get more funding for united states in the past so the us is
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necessarily willing to foot the bill actually. the thing into something that we spoke to adam about two with the immense human rights minister is cos of my knee we went on a very happy is to think that told him to get into the society to a chadian into critique is endemic in this site. i'm sure that they have the geese feeding get me in on his best two out of that yemeni government because they have it fitting that we needed a bit and says oh no i'm just briefly it's not a sign perhaps that guantanamo it could actually be phased out and i absolutely would not read into that at all for u s officials the key concern is the difficulty of re integrating these former detainee is that a society it's be concerned that these detainees will re integrate into al qaeda networks and it's completely not however my dad in the arabianber that peninsula was founded by four per went on a detainee is certainly a valid concern this is going to be such a long way off in april we have just wanna forget unfortunately i don't think it's going to be spat out just because of the city. at
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rt dot com watch powerful series of light inside guantanamo style is more interviews with former prisoners and in depth coverage of the international pressure to close the facility. the house the world's second largest migrant population. insert a better life when jordy come to the capital here in moscow but worryingly high numbers of and state and city legally a concern for the authorities and the locals call scott piggy tails. migration in most there was a sensitive subject right now. following last month's murder of russian ninety eight the shoe buckles allegedly at the hands of an azerbaijani migrants and nationalistic growing foliage. she was firmly in the spotlight. and an awesome camera crews found out just how sensitive it all the kids. we went to market on the outskirts of moscow to try to film an interview with a common agenda the president of the russian federation
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appointments. by giving prior permission to film it soon became clear. our presence was no one. you rush in the last repeat myself the song ends with the fence we eventually set so far and to be away from the market the bill as is the ideas i think he may have suspected some really good cities. of course we have thousands of migrants some of the main altar. it's that the number of migrants in moscow who is hard to calculate the best estimates put the figure of around one quarter of the population. and according to official statistics one in five murders twenty two rapes and one in three robberies carried out by migrants. heal thirty z came to be seen to be talkin problem is we found out before our meeting with my honey. was this the undressing else gets the most good place to be hunting down on illegal immigration every friday they don't race and accommodation places of what looking for illegal immigrants. it's friday morning we got with
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the police one of those rights. and it didn't take long for the police to get down to business promoting people's people walk the ending. would you wait to leave. where do you leave now the braves on the outskirts of moscow in the stephen was lost in just about an hour. so far police have rounded up thirty five individuals who don't have the correct one. room one hundred and eighty thousand work permits a grungy pga according to mohammed estate is on tonight. like it snedden and to address it you need to conduct a survey and only the migrant workers mostly means it contains a million workers the city's two million were part of its nominee are hundreds thousands. amanda is believed around three million migrants working in the sky. twenty four percent of the human this has created a voss black market for cheap labor
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markets on the kentucky house of the school was built onto the most. and later on in the program opm on the up there's been a dramatic surge in action in afghanistan this year. with international efforts to stop the jobs lethal threat the eye. to noon. do you speak your language. love you all know it. news programs and documentaries in spanish max's to you. breaking news will turn into bangalore kittens stories. due to it okies. for no more to chew on it. he built home with
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the what you are too light to our studios in moscow where it's just five fifteen pm nearly that time and see friends thanks for joining me in britain you're never far from killing a tap on the shoulder from the taxman but not everywhere under her majesty's jurisdiction gets forced to find the crumbs coffers. in fact quite the opposite. thus the silly and knows just such a place have you ever heard of content. i am not handy. can i not ever heard of it can pick him up. the king island's forty assists on twenty six by militants are thinking the pacific side but that's about all. did you know the dreaded taxes go to that time and no i don't hide it. have we ever heard of it yet. if you've never heard of care to ensure he says that it might mean well for snow wait for the facts were part of a tux is sparkling. this game is one of britain's overseas cherry trees a small island in the south pacific with a
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total population of about fifty people. now locals don't pay taxes of the island's main source of income include torres and and postage stamps box. it still heavily reliant on british and eu eight. let's break down the numbers here in the ninth european development fund or etf can receive two million euros in aid allocated for infrastructure building in the ten pdf you can receive two point four million that's a total of four point four million in thirteen years about six thousand eight hundred euros per person per year. that's not all. earlier this year it emerged that the uk had sent about ten million pounds over four years. proponents of development aid we get to rate the importance of maintaining focus solidarity and peace in developing nations of the european commission has indicated its intention to stress that the focus of the edf on the world's forests countries but details are scarce on how the assessment allocation will be done but critics say
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the eu in particular the uk have long been voicing their disapproval of the government's money management is essential to protecting what's given to others while slashing budgets for those at home. no two thousand told the yougov survey says that fifty four percent of the british think that the british government should not be giving them very much overseas and eight regardless of the opinion survey say right now the status quo remains in place. reporting from london and tess are still yet and the britain based taxpayers' alliance told us about what it calls reckless spending. i think the time space you get angry when they see the money being wasted in in the context of the problems and national development miller people didn't object to helping people in receipt of seaweed of what was happening the philippines the last few days you've seen the british to them its generous. i mailed to the spots they didn't expect the government to become just a few more more than money and spending and that
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the hoff they'd rather than spend money on their own forces and the ways that they themselves would like to see that spans and say we need to see voss amounts of taxpayers' money. getting a disease often and in some cases for instance the countries which have their own aid programs to other countries. the stripes priest eyes as is very old indeed. how is taking on the godfather in a corruption crusade. one investigator warned that the concept could be in danger as he tries to clean up the catholic church that story is the part c dot com class. even though nato's member countries have been watching the pennies we tell you how the alliance has still managed to find a spare billion dollars to build the new headquarters
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the attendees. you know today however research the year for afghanistan's farmers but unfortunately that's bad news. opium cultivation has had record numbers mean huge profits for local warlords and hundreds more aligned just right at the drug. the latest un report says the poppy production has spiked in some regions but more than a third just this year. with thousands of tonnes of opium annually afghanistan provides ninety percent of the drugs total global production the farmer is it's an economic lifeline the only realistic chance that their families to earn a living wage. traditional agriculture just doesn't pay in the war
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ravaged state. our team managed to con looks at the roots of this huge problem. opium production has increased forty times in afghanistan since nato started its war on terror in two thousand and one. and now the drug money goes to fund care and god knows what else not to mention of course thousands of lights taken by during consumption. every year. what to expect more trucks coming out of afghanistan because the value of opium is still much higher than any other crop available to afghan farmers and afghans are not planning on getting out on top of these anytime soon. even though the woolies so tried the beaters and the afghan government publicly denounce opium production. according to afghan farmers they still managed to coax them for that this is what one farmer said government officials grow opium dens on sundays they don't grow it themselves they rent out their land to farmers to grow it. if the officials don't care about the line there's no reason for us to respect that
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thus according to this farm for more than a decade. nato and the us of course and the government that it had put in place in kabul has refused to impose nuclear ban on poppy growing possibly thinking such as band would turn more people against the us but chris had us officials explain it. it isn't just trying to eradicate poppy and opium it's also trying to give people an alternative of mechanism to live and to feed their families but there is so much money the high narcotics that in a way of alternative ways to make a living it's very difficult to imagine that such maxine gras production will stop unless there is a clear cut down on it. in washington. i'm going to come. the whereabouts of one eighteen jailed right punk band members has finally been established after weeks of uncertainty. and then steadily climbing comment turned up any hospital in siberia. she was transferred from a penal colony different sources cite various reasons for her being
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hospitalized from health complications following her hunger strike to curb requiring standard medical twentieth giving transferred to another prison. well the chronicle by and another christie riots member were convicted of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred after staging a performance at moscow's christ the savior cathedral. she is serving a two year sentence and is due for release next march. now for some more news from around the world three attacks targeting shiite worshippers in eastern iraq have left at least forty one people and dad. suicide bomber struck a crowded in e d i love province killing thirty two and wounding more than sixty. in a lawsuit seeking seemingly coordinated blasts richter a religious procession killing nine the attacks struck during festivities marking i'm sure of the most important day in the shiite muslim calendar. i think i e on is now known to have claimed over two thousand three hundred lives
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in the philippines significantly less than previously thought despite unprecedented eight from neighboring countries many victims remained cut off from food and water. as many as eleven million people may have been affected by one of the worst ever stories recorded protect the city of talk about it last week meanwhile please have fired tear gas and procession commemorating i sure as day in bahrain. images of the toxic gas circulating in the air have emerged on social media. the security forces also reportedly used shotguns to disperse the crowd. the crackdown apparently began after religious events were joined by anti government protesters long awaited nuclear deal with iran could have been struck last week. he was in for the last minute amendments to the us proposal that iran had already agreed to. he tells why the latest round of talks got no results came from russia's foreign
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minister. as all psychic link themselves with the amendments there's a danger eight and there's a danger that negotiations can be furthered the rails. if washington imposes new sanctions on iraq. the obama administration has warned congress against such a move saying the new penalties would jeopardize a peaceful restful a resolution on iran nuclear crisis. middle east political analysts ied alley on monday that explains why tombstes for a minute and then colton appreciates useful and can overcome his team to come around a table and says it all in downtown agreements. but turning it into use to new sanctions at the same time but beyond that invites you for the negotiations in court counterproductive. me and erode the confidence of the ingredients. to continue the negotiations. i don't think iran is trying to achieve these congo for completion by five plus one
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at the outset that it be cool enrichment and heavy and light full of peaceful nuclear technology. x axis take a look at how new trade agreements are handing power over to corporate monopolies i don't i the room. he'll love these rare moments reaction of some daily sunspots to share with you eft is working the band partially hydrogenated oils which are the leading source of trans fats in foods and possibly the cause of up to twenty thousand are taxed for your across the usa according to fda commissioner margaret hamburg. as you know i've linked the chemicals in my throat kept to a minimal but the thing is the people of tft are surely aware of all the hormones in the windshield was being produced with the spin of
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such a very narrow narrow focus. in fact when you look at all the things that americans consume small use that as for help. some of my left and hammer while others are completely tolerated. he never took the hardcore marijuana smoker guilty that you used it for use in the year and that's the old man to come to a point i think there is this is one of those rare instances where a balanced position is a really good idea. well the country could go the libertarian robin let it be everything the legal that people make their own choices. or do what i think would be much much better actually really bad all the things that are destructive to our health both of these paths have positive and negative effects but they are a lot better than our current plan of the unsung harmful thing for some reason no other harmful things because both the lobby better. the fascist night room. he makes the world programming for globally minded people. sponsors and
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underwriters local contact us at sponsors to any team that works done or seven o three seven seven o seven one four seven. the books. having used it to you. in many of these seats about forty years of age. ninety six that either emma said to him to prison i was going on fourteen if i make myself and i was fourteen i wouldn't recognize this of course that person today. it's the same spot on reduce like a normal work on green st. well know everything about them and cut it off long beach. no this guy is going to be the same wealth. below are the prosecutors. what really makes you will be interesting is the fact that these changes. you will be the same tomorrow us don't. so i run
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out of me trying to work in the caribbean sea in the conduct of life changing no only giving you the ccs so changing opinions of all things but in all circumstance so we must live in person. i believe this one c to twenty years becomes pope. i fear the cops. we are it all. in one. casey said he said. well water is cool we get home it's no use to be seen in the inquest in other direction then in use them the same vintage. this motif instead the sea. nature makes you in no way around
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nosy. looking at the horizon and new year songs for something. you don't know what to do this. along the backside to the horizon and you don't know what it is too long for. kink sustained move by love. it's a man who is longing for something he's only had this long for something but he doesn't know what is wrong i mean. been been several days this is one of germany's influential contemporary german photographers. as for photographing germans and all levels of society. his work
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covers the period from the end of row twenty three with the unification. so it sits the range of german society and how it has changed in years. each day as well and people in german society. standing before us and hide the dvd flights but the greatest of the people and yet also in comparison to history at times she is significant that humans were all good just what is fingers. it will stand here and find a page that they felt best for themselves. and then says to take the kids to what i felt it was ready to buy it so i can tell i'm a bad series it is also the top people just want to be seen in history these are
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the number has been just been another theory is that it's worth it. selling gesture mysteriously webster. people everyday life. as a judge. on it again with a bow at a textile factory the other bridges with people find it if you are in the photograph as a result we are also a smile. in the gms he still has the inside jurors and eight. the people. it's just not always where they would on a leaky. leo and that was
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a bit so that guests should ask. that is just been to. you will the news on jillian hundreds of israelis gathered late on wednesday night and certainly to attend the funeral and ikea soldier was killed earlier today by a palestinian teenager eighteen year old he didn t august was aboard a bus heading for ministers to tell you in teaching. when sixteen year old palestinian stabbed repeatedly with chips the palestinian ruling


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