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tv   Journal  PBS  November 14, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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long wong will. to end. ay ay ay. the city as usual and this is a journal and three dogs. it is will it be he's around. they continue to rise in the philippines but it still isn't week and those who need it most. for the first time in history a former german president goes on trial on corruption charges. and adding glorious and two amid concerns that may seem very similar.
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biggest show of force so far in the effort to get aid to the victims of typhoon heidi on in the philippines on thursday a us aircraft carrier arrived in the devastated port city of tech low bun with a food medicine and five thousand crew members to mythical almost a week after the monster storm hit bodies are finally being cleared from the streets and mass burials have begun but the red cross is twenty two thousand people are still unaccounted for and hundreds of thousands of survivors still pleading for help still waiting for that i need to reach them. doctors from australia. food water and medical supplies from the united states and tents and water sterilizing apartment from france international relief agencies are scrambling to get help through to the hardest hit areas cut off by the devastation. the un admits he doesn't arrive
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quickly enough. i do feel that we have met people because we have not been able to get even more quickly but the same time. i can see it and i was able to see yesterday. that of our operations are fading now significantly. amelia weeks many of the typhoon survivors have gone without food water or medicine the philippines government says it's doing everything it can. this man is searching the ruins of his house for something to eat. like so many others here. he's been left with almost nothing they ought to know where to go door to go. the new blog just wait for it. health authorities fear an outbreak of illness. decaying corpses continue to litter the streets. bodies are being buried in improvised mass graves. the authorities hope
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they will one day be able to identify. earlier we spoke to corresponding chris jones said he's on sable island and we began by asking him what progress has been made on getting aid to the victims i tried to board flight. going from the who. for example that even the commercial airline flight that was to pick out the other three or four like that they created a fake id bring people back out but it didn't go very very low it is not nearly enough of their report that he can hear all of the two islands of the devastation is similar to the beach with the hope of but only that the truckload of a letter from the provincial government and that of other private charity but it is not nearly as tough as it has a right across right across the central
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philippines. chris why is it taking so long for the philippine authorities to get the aid effort organist if i were to pick it up the hill. i think a lot of aid workers attending the word. in two thousand and four the indian ocean the fiddler think i had to go to doctors. relief workers could run their operation from the living areas on higher ground. what effect it all in the philippines could look at the tornado that went right across the heart of the country's fifty clunkers like it wiped out treated to a communication to everything not only on the coast but for the inland to go to the vacation transportation are so typical of this is just too difficult and have the wealth or the resources to cope with the topic of the nation. such reporting from cebu in the philippines for more than twenty thousand filipinos lived in germany most of them right
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here in berlin. they've spent the past week trying desperately to find out what has happened to their loved ones back on and wrote down some of them. of course that is struggling to get through to those people who blow to those people are in very remote area sits right of the early this week though my thoughts feelings and i split with father son and boards that he is the spiritual leader of the largest filipino catholic congregation in berlin reporters went out this week a tool to church mendez and find out more about the relief effort from bowen the catholic church is at the heart of the philippine community in berlin the church is keeping its doors open almost around the pond. advanced ten thousand km away. nothing much here. greece and the community bring whatever they can and donations. they come to preach their family and friends to talk went on to reach out to comfort and support. desperate to find out as much as possible. one
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piece. the entire county seems like just doing his best to get first hand information. shapiro and beard were to when i got in touch with some people i know in manila. super know they're traveling to stop obama on saturday when father mike told me to let me know what the situation is like they are and what is needed for national infamy and busted open closing food and medicine are all urgently needed in the philippines members of the community from fifteen boxes on this day alone. they want a discount and straight away some will be taken by the red cross. it's like people traveling to the philippines visitors and business people. anyone willing to assist. the hope that their contribution will make a difference and help people to get a catastrophe he knows he's not looking
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nose into the race clear and well known for going to take is not a theological matter is that we discuss and it's a way of life itself we believe god will help us even if it's very difficult position where grateful for that helpful getting pretty good at that moment. it's just one of many philippine expatriate communities around the world be brought closer together by the disaster unfolding back home. we're here in germany a major political taboo has been broken. ever since the foal of the berlin wall none of the major political parties we can consider a coalition with the descendants of the east german communists now known as the list. i think that is until today. the social democrats really from one of their worst election defeat just a couple months ago say they are now willing to do business with a left party it may be more symbolic than anything else the spd is deep and filled with cans lined of america's christian democrats to form a grand coalition
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government. thanks to lapland once the spd has voted for no change at the top. the goblin was re elected party leader but with a lower percentage of the kidneys had in the past some social democrats are apparently still smarting over their party sport performance in september's election the prospect of another coalition that the conservatives also makes me uneasy. got leo knows he must go and regions. what is going awesome and one cannot send social democrats recalled the agenda twenty ten reform spent the last condition but the conservatives as one and the same thing. something to cause a rift in our county that's what they remember about last grand coalition not that great was the spd did to help overcome the financial crisis. it will be but at the vigil the teen angst season. party leader status it untill only enter into a grand coalition if it delivers spd policies and
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cavalier emphasized that the party's unity right now is more important than statesmanship but he also had criticism for the party warning to social democrats were losing the ability to inspire people. i somewhat doubt it is as soft sand and sea and lifestyles are a part of our modern society the spd comes afford to pay attention only to marvel's it likes and feels comfortable with all that easy to categorize according to how we see the well the spd agrees to a coalition with the conservative party leaders will ask the membership to ratify the deal. it could be the first time a german political party takes that step. my copy of it would also be developed with far greater consequences than his re election to gain as party leader. tori was two and a political correspondent terry more news on the story for is that terry will assert with this new change of the top for the social democrats what does this mean if anything for these coalition talks right now going on in
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berlin. over at the time that there is no change at the no leadership of the spd a staff only good news for the coalition talks it means stability of a critical juncture in those talks. it's a sick mind of leah had been booted out as party leader of the spd it would provoke a crisis it would almost certainly meant to fresh elections the end of any coalition talks with the conservatives in a period of political uncertainty in germany of but still he was reelected with the o with less support. then before suggesting that support for camp and the coalition talks is not unanimous. this decision theory to consider a coalition with the former communist with the new left party is getting a lot of play here in germany. tell us for our international viewers how significant is this real the spd willingness to consider an alliance with the left party is still very conditional it's dependent on the left party making changes so quickly and policy foreign
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policy defence policy which right now there are not to talk email making so i think this. this expression is more tactical at this particular point in time. upper house designed put more pressure on the spd skirt coalition partners the conservative meps all right terry marsh was on the story here in berlin terry is always thank you very much. our age another new chapter to report from the word of german politics former president chris campbell has gone on trial over a scandal that cost him his job is accused of accepting favors raleigh was an office move is the only german head of state to face such challenges in court. he insists he is innocent christiane is once again in the spotlights twenty one months after he resigned the court case is opened. the foam a gem and president is accused of accepting faith is worthless and eight hundred units. this
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is certainly not an easy day but i'm sure i'll be able to disprove the last remaining accusations. i can always conducted myself appropriately in office the government. most cases as much about ethics as it is about more. the rising star in politics vote was expected to guide gemini in a new direction as presidents. but at the end of twenty left in his image abruptly change. us media reports emerged about the tenets of the new rates and vacations in the homes of wealthy acquaintances despite all the allegations whole face is anyone chopped in two thousand and eight while many of those saxony these events to happen on film producer david cone opposed to pick up some of his bills. in return for helping caught of help raise funds for new projects. use every last stitch and the climax of this gem and political drama false resignation. chavez i've made some mistakes but i've always been honest in court both made a fifty minute statement outlining his innocence he sees the charges as an attack on his own. the proceedings
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will be of great joy to embrace all the matters that are close to my heart again bhutan is central to last twenty two days with forty five witnesses testifying benedict is expected by april. us president barack obama has changed his legacy on it. the healthcare oval hole that season comes and there isn't a bright note of the week it seems to be hiding in the obama brand to only around a hundred thousand people have signed up for the program which is meant for millions of uninsured americans the program's website is taking much of the blame but the political damage. well it's already been done as easy as buying shoes on the internet that it was the government's promise when the website open for business easy registration steps would open the door to information about the cheapest insurance options and how to claim state subsidies. launched the website hasn't been watching property and few people have been signing up
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president barack obama acknowledged four year old was disappointed and frustrated regardless of what congress does ultimately on the pres the united states and expect me to do something about it. so in terms of how light and tender approach it the scary people wore them as our lake and around the priorities that the american people care about. and i think it's legitimate for them to expect me to have to win back. some credibility on this health care law in particular. and on a whole range of these issues in general the affordable care act is supposed to support thirty million uninsured americans who can hardly afford medical help. by making insurance massive tree. it's meant to become affordable to all odds technical glitches and talked to program in its infancy the focus now is on how long it'll take to result from the talk is taking. today's
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further undermine the more that many americans do not want. will health care is also a big topic into a desolate an election coming up on the weekends and will be reporting on that of course you with liverpool coming up just after this break. there was red. i do you decide you want to watch the images it's the whole package the future. media center. dw tell you. diapers
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they come from. the history the earliest. the one coming agents. germany are due to economic theory the company our robot everyone millions of chileans have to get to the streets demanding social change over the past month so they will be taking their boys to the ballot box this weekend. the job until it is expected to overwhelmingly win sunday's presidential poll. the form of political prisoner promises to raise corporate taxes to overhaul an expensive education system and health care. the sixty two year old will first have to defeat an old friend to take offs. they represent two visions of shiney. michelle
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bought to let aunt evelyn month stay. once childhood friends there now battling each other for the presidency want to let represents the left unmarked ate them right. both our daughters and generals were also friends but they turned into enemies in nineteen seventy three win over stoke pinochet's a bloody coup ousted the democratically elected president salvador island a keynote check installed the brutal regime that tortured and murdered at least thirty eight thousand people. not to let father of that so it was one of those tortured to death in a prison under the control of my taste rather than on though neither is keen to talk about the atrocities. but sometimes two and a half. it is easy to do it but mike tate was clearly irritated when asked during a television debate than you too will pass to the two families would affect her election campaign. it means
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nothing so deeply. i'd answer that question many times people are voting for the future not for the past us know. pinochet's legacy still casts a long shadow over my k even though she's considered a moderate conservative. she was well liked when she served as labor minister under the outgoing president's about scanned pdf. not to let this appeared relaxed during campaigning. mainly because he enjoys a huge lead in the opinion poll. she believes that differences in the two political programs are what count to voters. i meet and begin looking lovely i'm glad to see women in taunton politics and i supported you and me to see the temple and the act of canada and in the success in all it looks deceive ourselves and answers about to totally opposing political approaches if they don't we're not just to women who are the same thing. men of this incident aboard a kiwi
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had very different ideas about the future of the country. i need to put it that late tuesday. she lays divisions are not limited to politics in south america's richest country one in six lives in poverty. there are frequent and violent demonstrations for higher wages and social reforms especially in education and healthcare which is almost fully privatized and extremely expensive. another legacy of the pinochet regime and the topic which divides the two rivals twenty eight and bought two left in it and quit when they come november seventeen sixty nine in which we wish to live it. i want to live in a more modern country to one that's more john and i will now progress is progress for all and not to trip you only read only the education healthcare and a little and think only one in india. i should put it back forty years ago we were were country. ntt you better off than any other latin american country. no one doubts that you know it. you've seen
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helen other countries there is in crisis after crisis well here we have grow and generate johnson rising salaries a hit with an email today that was the end. don't throw that away. not the it support network. much of that wants to break with the past both economically and politically. mike tate favors the current direction. now it's up to the chilean voters to decide which path their country should take. as campaigning come so close in chilling detail view correspondent mike calls is in the capital santiago has been closely following the interesting development we are so good how much interest there is on the ground in this election b would say only seventeen percent of the two ladies are interested in politics nevertheless the reality seems different in the states the new middle class has developed its own necessities and what it takes us to find the on since we don't want him home on tuesday to cut funding to the real everyday
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diet. in this context we often speak about the credibility of the candy dance. we also was in what the opinion polls have been saying about the credibility the chances come sunday what's going to have a major influence on the turnout of voters said the case proceed due to the bones of the new maturities candidate for president. the taliban today the big question is if she would win in the face don't know if she has to go to run now and that is why mrs vaccinate supporters would like but every single vote until sunday. they'll do some business news now germany's come under fire in recent weeks for its strong trade surplus. but the figures released by the federal statistics office suggests that criticism is unwarranted sluggish exports slowed economic growth and the third quarter gross domestic product expanded by a near point three percent driven exclusively by domestic spending as imports continued to rise. analysts expect
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exports to pick up next year there's bad news for germany's neighbor france its economy unexpectedly shrank after a period of strong growth. well it's one of the rare success stories in the ongoing eurozone debt crisis. iowans announcement it will exit its international bailout program next month the government in dublin says in one. even the typical resign as premier when athletes become present to each of the eighty five billion euro do you blame a program of december the fifth inning. some european officials of the nudging islands put him back still in place for the transition to dublin says it has enough cash reserves to make a clean break. the move will open the door for a full return to financial markets the country one more job cuts are in store at the german utility rwe it says he'll settle is seven thousand staff across europe over the next two years on top of thousands it's the witty enough to be
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the company is struggling with the impact of timmins friend susan's renewable energy which has pushed wholesale electricity prices down. making much of the kiwis business profitable most likely to lose the jobs of what is in the firm's health plan square earnings for full emotional plea more on that from the muppets report a fumble as well as when you'd hope among traders that the prospective federal reserve chief jerry gill and will keep the banks stimulus policy in place until the us economy shows signs of recovery r w e shares plummet to be winched down to more than seven percent which is quite a bit for it backs listed companies share which shows that the analysts and investors are quite skeptical about the future of the youth to the keep calm and left rwe has been only one story on the other hand and in
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general. investors focused on the policy of easy money in the u s the agenda again and seems to be the perfect success of benjamin bernanke eat to keep interest rates low and the matches going which might be a guarantee full further rise in share prices. back cause the look of excitement to the rise in share prices are right to tear up a level of sweet to see a lot of green today the dax up well above that nine thousand one hundred mark again. by one percent of your songs fifty also doing some positive stuff today buy one since two thousand fifty three was the number is the dow jones fifteen eight seventy three up by a third of the present the euro is the only one looking down today it's in a hair treatment and won us over for the full fifty two bargain it's the end of the row for small street that has played a big part in numerous productions filmed right here
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in german at the bob books bags she is in talks ended on a cruise of the snapping of cinema history. to make room for new sets the root of the militia and tearing down the sides of plaster wood and steel that can be transformed and the silver screen into a paris in a month for instance with director clinton during teen open them up on a picnic and his henchmen. we're a small town in bavaria and the bucks each. the lines don't be sad in germany's best known city streets. it was built fifteen years ago when german director lay on the homespun become an instrument hitting streak at the mandalay. popular comedy about growing up in communist east germany. he added that an. it was a fortunate turn of events that history came into being. he offered to pay
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half of the cost but built according to our plans. of course a lot has changed since then. if it meant. in two thousand oneness and served as the warsaw ghetto roman polanski used it for many street scenes in his masterpiece the pianist the film won three on spirits and help with compost and plant and the international filmmaking in the years that followed mr lynn street retreated good dozen cities from around the world. directors like errant email to fill much of it. in response to its hearing which helped launch and grandkids. this guy. you can yet for the deceased's the bbc's great to have this lead to my famous colleagues and that they came and stood in the street and talk to themselves wow what a nice place to shoot the film builds it. certainly on
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the hose on and on the management and bombs that kill little sorrow it seemed to set go. the lease for the longest run down it's time to close the curtain. the attitude to be honest people know history given that it's been used so often that we decided to change the layout and use the elements that we still have to rebuild it completely off the ball. that means that will take shape. elsewhere in the mont st will become the home of film students to live and real buildings that will soon be built here. and finally prince charles turned sixty five today. that's right the heir to the british throne celebrated the day with his wife camilla during a business trip to sri lanka traditional drummers and dancers greeted them on their broad one that you know he doesn't have much time to let loose with wells heads the commonwealth heads of government meeting this friday the saviour. get
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i am. shea i think the berries and react well to those of you for watching from around the world and himself the tv news
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makes the the world on their online for the globally minded audience wind chc!vez when will you is you. it is six one. what she knew was with brian got some. adi da. make a clean exit from the bailouts. some prayers to bid farewell to the troika the government says we don't need the funding back still


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