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tv   RT News  PBS  November 17, 2013 7:30am-8:01am PST

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you. the new finds itself trapped in the quarter is bloke i was again disagree on a new plea deal to end sanctions against israel isn't a potential mate destroyed the problem syria has given the tyneside but to get rid of its chemical weapons that are on my genitals in the wagon and countries when it hides the construction work. moscow is a scandal and i went and saw like one time in my bag knocks another round of this
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region is america's might decorate it for him again gets the chance against its own report from inside the visitors' a few minutes more to this new system to bite size up in the tube i ever knew. i commend the bill that could make the right to hold peaceful price that's a thing of the house. reasoning and three bomber the use of reconciliation or on hold for randwick crippling sanctions a bit sleepy program still in place and opposing i was going up against it despite all the smiles and handshakes the us is renewing its trite restrictions and even considering toughening them the mater and sliced diced bacon critique israel seems to have a new pasta in from
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the shell then the squeaks and fifteen in geneva. what the talisman from nazis the final set. the pieces in place the lee of time and again says that in those circumstances it would receive any weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons nor will we ever wrong and i mean yea the whole thing. that wouldn't fit. they contend that it is to heal and that didn't quite get it the stall for an end and asked if his mama weren't fully relations. yet just as the dealings neighbor was on a constant in the world columns and he won a new concern from friends surprised me that stole that walks by and find new friends in israel keeping the traditional stumbling block up to now still smarting from that the red thing tend to read every cop in recent months. israel refuses to budge. that's up that view. it's dangerous
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because it keeps you on. as an opiate fresh whole nation we are not blind and i don't think we're stupid. as the evolving since the sanctions like me not that could prove to me that meant progress is having none of it. when president obama the top spot. audi has staked his position on the idea that he can. up to improve relations with the rest of the world. and so far he's been saying a lot of direct links to foreign protesters roll tide. the berry wary a swell of any kind of um. paul from the iranians and then there's the body mean you have them. israel building mall settlements when things don't go its way approvingly units only last month leading us companies to get trigger happy with more sanctions
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don't trust him to lay back and deal with in wa. we already dead how israel's benjamin netanyahu feels advocating his case on its way back to the arts and other colorful graphic presentation. add the wet carpet will be rolled out with new found friends find present all on it's tough to predict whether the p five plus one will equal the units eat when to get back on the table next week in geneva a bomb with a anti mosque now all buddies ryan insanity arabia officially half naked domestic relations they are really to be preparing a joint bombing campaign against iraq the sunday times jackson attack might take place at the new round of international told bios to produce a deal running back around sneaking out program israel considers iran its enemy number one interest on the keys the country of wood to nominate only on a charge iran denies. one of the report deep and saudi arabia blog from israel the use of its aunt's place
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the bullseye with ccs ran in the deployment of combat friends. the colt is anti science societies are furious and are willing to give his trial over helping the sas was an anonymous source allegedly told a british newspaper. iranian political and aside from that night and he thinks that if a son aryan where supply and the would be nine weeks. well we don't know if these reports are true but the solid isn't israelis are moving closer and closer to one another however it's highly unlikely that the saudis or the israelis would really want to attack iran because it ended that they both countries would be losers they would be seen at the grassroots. and obviously the iranians would retaliate if so he's working very well and hope all you do is create an economic catastrophe for the world. and that would mobilize to the whole middle east especially people on the streets in support of the rani would isolate israel after all the americans with all their fire power. they will fail in their attempt to
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bring about the attack on syria because of a wall opinion in american opinion simply would not accept it what a random will pass once they get into that johns to reach a compromise the second man is told so many plea deal will kick off next weekend according to russia as a strong likelihood of success you can find out what is behind that optimism. i don't see don't comb. this week the international chemical what seldom biota challenging right not to syria to get rid of its celtic weapons the end of june mixed it has the census the mind to train in syria cost declare itself a chemical bombs free country he'll deny station says the sith on damascus is paid to be a reliable partner with the honda meet the entry deadline but despite the positive moments in my system and helps but peter king on the country's right to chemical disarmament is auntie sports player expects we're banking on albania to
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take these with a cnn debate has since indicated that it will not be party to this solve this decision in this announcement by albania came as a shock to the united states the european union of eighteen is seen as a very strong partner with a silk cord unshakable and audience to waste it is also a frequent country. but a worldwide scale protests in albania which people saying that they refuse to allow the government to be costly to taking in the way pens from syria. not the problem is that in norway for syndicate is that it would not allow these weapons to the four tickets to walk away hide the senate it will sink a ship that will help with prawns for dinner with its three day thatut this is the py will be taken and then take a swig from the united states is that it has other options on the table but no indication as to what these options off. this is a very ambitious time frame that has been saved by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons that says that by the end of march mixed yet
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most of serious chemical weapons will be destroyed and at the end of june for the ban will have the display but again it seems as if it's facing a battle of the stubble with the decision as to where and how to destroy these weapons the mall european nations i thought seemed unwilling to take on the cost of destroying the display and store nesties jitters from a common sense. there are more than just a practical concerns is that. the tree's life rocks to say. be a scam that is the props has a considerable program running all the time dispensing of chemical weapons that has the second world war which keep the gun covet so they have the technical capacity to deal with the problem the trap of the french pop and the fact that they appeared to be recognizing the shot outside his native spent months in years to crying on it be possible ground is that so the may well say that if routes mondays and tuesdays in the first place that would be the sort to say about it to be helpful if the chemical weapons. this man areas where
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the sitting up my copy of and sent me the team and expect to start the series difficult to criticize it as nothing but red tape. i have therefore i call steve is priced at speakeasy the details just because special to him. it is not queuing up to take the chemical weapons. iraq remains on the side trying to bang the sectarian bloodshed every new deal means more deaths with the iraqi some expats think that it has to be tea tree and teeth on the wall is fueling groups this wakes or hate it that bag you carry a proposal that could land people in jail for knowing that i have yet the new bill would make it easier for local cancer the right to peaceful price estimates for a quirky means it can be interpreted in many different ones if possible become an offence to even threaten to bean uses of the people at this carry on and dionysus as this could seriously undermine freedom
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of speech. what are attempting to de least get the peace deal with artsy to make any deal for protest immediately and ego. sick day because aides that i quite pissed i recommend legislation. madi has always liked the two coolest new since illinois and said you can imagine the whole point of protest is to cool is nice it's an annoyance a hasty getaway to construct people in the ordinary david i'd say that you can have them focus on an otherwise ignore all other issue which is really important. oaks and uk officials the resulting text messages to tell illegal migrants to get back to the country. in the face is being the key is cunning tactics and is not always illegals to get the ominous message is that got this story coming up the few minutes' time. simon pegg reached a grim milestone this week marking told the use of torture scandal and screamed
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to make three dozen former generals and admirals the united states might reduce the pension to cope with ties to neighboring is that the trial of american values of the census a token of brings us to a final report from guantanamo. this isn't the numbers speak for themselves. after the attacks of nine eleven a total of seven hundred and seventeen ninety detainees have been held at guantanamo today hundred and sixty four people remain over how that have been long cleared for release but remain locked up. a total of six people is currently under trial. religion prisoners of war brought here since two thousand and two removed from the battlefield of america's ever expanding war on terror. it's both the pulse of the us not told anyone longer than necessary we also know that whenever we really someone we assume are rifts over a period of
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more than a decade the majority of detainees held there have been set free the men at work on more duties. stupid human monsters in the worst of the worst quebec cheney. i'm going to them. but most of those still kept locked up have not been charged and are being held indefinitely. what sort of a black hole of the oven and allow week sixteen with the president of united states simply refuses to say this in the u s officials say the law of war brains behind this barbed wire. the idea was that the war. when you capture folks. new as the catcher in authority are permitted to hold people during the generation of hostilities. and when hostilities and four. if there's no longer any purpose legitimate purpose to toe hold them and they must be released. a tiny problem the war on terror has no geographic borders with men once held here the key treated to a wide array of countries. the rules that apply in guantanamo are only
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specific to one ton of new clothes even he couldn't even have a coupon title chase. on the us mainland because it would be unconstitutional and illegal. the interior also has no end in sight and national security is a popular excuse to simply ignore the law despite the rhetoric you really isn about national security or prisoners being so dangerous that they can possibly be released in the five at the beach after being locked up the legal process if any moves at a glacial pace in two thousand called five detainees were transferred on to have completed their military commission sentence on to work were ordered released detainees have been repatriated and one was so over the years countless detainee claims of mistreatment and abuse dozens of suicide attempts mass hunger strikes but lost the chance and hope. just this year the majority of the prison population refuse to eat for six months streets only to be force fed thee mandate that we have is being able to provide
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adequate nutrition to preserve life was good and has appointed a new envoy to close the camp that is a dark spot on america's image. this comes after a mass hunger strike that returned the world's attention to the place that some have dubbed the gulag of our times even if close it seems that it enough that the winningest team in us history are over it's very easy and went on and when you release them and said you're not cost you. and as you said only six men are being asked if right now the non military prosecutors made clear he intends to prosecute few more. he's also made clear to me you won't be more than a few. promised to close the notorious facility on day one of his presidency he's now in his second term it's only a president can do it. any idea that it's new because congress this fall is just not correct. it is the president that holding these men in detention summer has enhanced to come
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in and ask. it's hard to tell right now exactly how long will begin in here doing this mission. i do. they can see teacher to rt guantanamo the tube. looking people at once seemed like an unlikely place to get him a speedy been standing a profit. this is new s companies and for the private prison complex the industry deal being washington tonight even on like this offense is punishable as much time on the inside as possible we've got this story coming up to something right. off i. i know exactly what happened that day. i don't belong we get killed. years later is harder for us to pour for
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current and ideals. we have been numerous cases where the sun was just lying down polygraph results. its people and you can see the results are still the people anymore but it just happened really in the course of interrogation. why because there's been this is like men no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions and physical abuse. they were asked if they can do what they wanted and they decided what they want. there was no evidence of what they did for one night stand. i eye. i am
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you can use any trees on the anti migrant six illegals my bol fines. having bombarded the text telling them to get high and the some of the nice messages on reaching the wrong people is on the store smith reports he'll play in. the to fix a friend to me. the article three that did a real mom just checking your ak but at the table. it's an unusual vehicle in this country and come to me. this is a textbook returned goal. i read non it people in sydney cove. but he's no walks and he doesn't even know how the caucus details have been a bit to fit this info at least thirty years in this country so the tax was no reason why the one to send me
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the pack i can remember i've never keep them my number it's so hard to the government campaign to out to be kills the space and ground for the barons and now they're sending threatening texts obey the table. houston only said good one to turn a ticket to two hundred complaints that the government defends the paragraph. we are taking proactive steps to contact individuals who records show of mill valley right to be in the uk some of which date back to december two thousand eight. we believe it's right to enforce the immigration rules. it's an integration takes office that reckons it have any effect on genuine in eco they'll adjust to new sim cards that will intimidate and eighty a day spent on the new testament can even see his wanting to walk that we are not welcoming country chinatown in london's west end it but the majority of town clients luck and he said that the lives that have themselves receive messages from the hive off its back
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together with the theories that said friday's raids on restaurants by the uk border agency makes the uk a pretty scary place to be chinese or indeed any kind of ethnic minority of the mavens bands texts and great black top three activists to an anti immigrant campaign and jeremy called in and he he represents and all its multicultural constituency says we can expect to see more of it at the general election of pretense. i need to send it back in the political ground between the right wing conservatives in the far right you can secrete iam see me the leaves that would guess this is election year and panko by the taxpayer may strike rate date is debatable yet for the fourteen thousand text messages said it's ok to table its report is just a myth that an illegal immigrants to go to pay but the result of the bands. she had been forced to be relieving them apparently but at the cost of the wail of immigrant communities
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conti wife's norris smith ot london. i tend to get to us i couldn't allow websites began in the mythical pen tool as anti recruiting freak weather in riyadh. severe flooding has the saudi arabian capital a rare occurrence in a country dominated by the ranking says it's an auntie don't come we've got the reactions from shawn michaels or so online child's dream come true if i go leukemia survivor becomes his favorite sleeping here i for one night thanks to a semi francisco which the film and sunday. the stories in all i got to go out the deadly spawn of fun and just offer my day in iraq with more than nine hundred and thirty civilians killed that this week and i'm only reason she seems that i need dozens of lives every day the security forces seem to be unable to withstand own school for blacks is pushing me says that health boards and that isn't the highest to
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get to see fans and the nights of political refugee from saddam hussein's regime sunny and the county thinks the physical coyotes is creating that allah grant for groups. wanted to separate all the iraqi forces and to play on the sanctity and divisions ethnic divisions exasperating. not true differences and evicting them into animosity and flushes but there's also this presidents of the senator's organizations which era which parishes in and out of hospital called to it between the spotted organizations and groups represented within the government. we have to list the special portrait of cement and abundance in iraq this unit to this website address any conceivable you scream like mad. you can find the month by month time ninety tightening in my jeans and son casualty numbers. and
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the dose i get tense and teammates america's rationing private prison industry that is cashing in. business has been beaming phoebe snow pace for months the philippine campaign calling even have to try and be punished whip on time but is not the story newport nine explains the reason each conflict of interests corrections corporation of america is being built in the private prison industry a multibillion dollar business
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that's getting rich off punishment. we are cca the more people locked up behind bars and the longer they stay there the more money. cca mates. last year the company paying a reported one point seven billion dollars. they are fully aware of the reality was that they need mass incarceration in order to stay in business they need excessive sentences for non violent. so yes they look for legislation to ensure more and more people are in their facilities with more than two million people currently in her street and the united states china russia and the rest of the world in the number of prisoners spewing time. about half of those in us jails are in for non violent offences since nineteen ninety america's private prison population has increased sixteen hundred percent the war on drugs. mandatory sentencing and a broken immigration policy have forced more people into prison. cca has roughly ninety thousand present ads in twenty states. jesse law
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bought from the watchdog group b on bars says many of the company's contracts guarantee occupancy law only reason we say. if your wrappers. you have a contract with state or local government. you have a theory and seat number of people in your facility. go down. it doesn't matter that taxpayers are still on the puppet governments on the pup for filling up more presents in the land of the free it is hard to expect the prison population to decrease as long as corporations continue profiting by keeping people walked out. reporting from your green up for tonight our team. adi site to money spent a decade behind bars seen by private and trial seems that a human rights advocates at least favorite elvis the private prisons are aware about profits and no need to tighten criminals serve six years at a
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privately operated prison as part of the ten years total spent incarcerated in my experience is that privately operated there's pretty much is what led me on today of korea that will fighting against the industry is the very drastic experienced people come out of prison generally worse than they went in. the isolation a lack of resources and republican program and what that means of course is that when they get out they are more likely pursuit of a comeback that benefits no one except for companies like cca. because it can profit from incarceration. and the more people you have a lot more money. lady sochi twenty fourteen olympic torch came back to and from the nice on you to elect a victory that he had spent three days on the international space that was even taken i professed at this place for auntie's is the front porch in my isn't it. writes i'm here in
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mission control. when i go big red letters landed flush on the screen a huge round of applause but not to see the torch back seat with your own or with three crew members russian cosmonaut fields are at stake in american caring night for an extreme that a hermit on kelley watched as the capsule broke through on the atmosphere and that large high chair she opened up over the skies of classics and asic inquiry back toward earth. the torch has been in space before but it's never been taken on a spacewalk and that's exactly what occurred it blasted off from the back york hospital on thursday made it safely to the iss nine crew members up there and it was taken out on a street stock on saturday but two cosmonauts when we hear live walks in and is very excited to see the engineers actually walk walk the cosmonauts to the steps on how to get around the iss without talking and of course it was not mix. but nonetheless the spirit of unity in sportsmanship was up there on the iss in the form of torture. next it plans to go to the beautiful area. i
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outs in the eastern part of russia. and it's getting to the bottom of like the cards can go to the top of europe's highest peak at peak mt old dressed as things continue on on this upward longest relay an olympic torch history and da all the way to saatchi in february something back that we're all watching and enjoying a lot but certainly this detour to outer space but something very momentous and historic to see happen he would not say yup next u s peace corps phone camera getting too far the interrogations. i knew i i i i do the room. he'll love these rare moments
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reaction of some daily sunspots to share with you eft is working the band partially hydrogenated oils which are the leading source of trans fats in foods and possibly the cause of the twenty thousand are taxed for your across the usa according to fda commissioner margaret hamburg. as you know i like the chemicals in my foot kept to a minimal but the thing is the people of tft are surely aware of all the hormones in the windshield most being produced with the spin of such a very narrow narrow focus. in fact when you look at all the things that americans consume small use that as for help. some of my work at hammer while others are completely tolerated. he never took the hardcore marijuana smoker guilty that you used it for use in the year and that's the old man to come to a point i think there is this is one of those rare instances where a balanced position is a really good idea what all the country could go to libertarian robin let it be everything be legal but people make their own choices or do what i think would be much much better actually really bad all the things
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that are destructive to our health. both of these paths have positive and negative effects but they are a lot better than our current plan of the unsung harmful thing for some reason no other harmful things because both the lobby better. but the ashes back. i rmb. i knew he was new. you eye to history gets worse every day cos breaking the all whites so much the eagles to play the stock. four. good news
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you will win will who will you eye to history gets worse every day. because breaking the old one. so much the eagles to play. stocks while. good news


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