tv Taiwan Outlook PBS November 17, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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very special guest at people's very very young. all my immediate left is stagnant and who is currently the president of overseas compatriot young talent association in frankfurt germany will come to provo and say thank you for having us. and then they too said he would have missed a meal doll who was the founding of former president of mostly white tea in germany while camille to cure him of what happened to be iowa's to tonight to have both of you on the program today. let me start off with a question that a lot of people must be wondering why when two people was actually grew up in germany off of course colonies to sense that though one to form the deal overseas second generation class war you know what the deal the young chinese with colonies ill residents in germany. all platinum yet to
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use issue with the founding president. why did you know why i am waiting to get the idea to set up oc twenty well raymond that the reason is very simple it is sought that need to establish a platform for the second generation of his son that we we thought that the second generation would need the playgrounds music and express their thinking and poignant than actively into the community. and so i could accrue remember that when i was the adjoining go see a c program is. i was pretty much the only one photogenic. and the petroleum was up by popularity of course because of outfit that i was still wondering why they're so i'll see you. overseas a young talents. being in my hometown in my in germany this and so on. i was talking to i met the love for nearly million people in taiwan with the postal second generation
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from us central asia from even brazil in south africa and so they are they're also very interested in knowing each other and said that connecting to the other second generation and they only know each other because of the of the program does and says the question then of course is how can we close this information gap. among the members and said that's what ikea all falling apart form is a lot of folks might think of me and curly sandy you're the president on policies like these and the eu must of being one of the participating members when the organization was first born. i got in my head east. and now maybe yap said because on in the beginning i didn't have the idf. later on i saw them on doing events and participating in loco on the patients will eat
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anything yet. and i was shocked because the idea is doing great and often am. yes that's what made me china but the new meal mention the fact that there wasn't any classes or so seconds in the recent fall in the east you know me before you know it being germany to get together. to me to change i use to get to know eachother better though is probably one reason is because it not that many young taiwanese in germany and germany saw the tiny country. they'll probably people is that it be known on the liver but the list friend threw away some of the building the city so what could that be a reason why he was in the organization idols he liked even thinking yeah that was the first question i asked myself what they're really use of that few of the second finished in germany and said yes. how can lead to two to bring more second generations and so i actually took his idea and i went on the ropes. so why
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does it so i just went to every city and that's what this place we would really get good support from the local for federation's association with that kind of a senator for me to speak there. and so me and says surprisingly we have a lot of second generation but be of very well integrated into the services side so i ate the raw that thing ben has determined that i won the spirit and soul. they'll be all know much about. i wanted to know much about their heritage. so why when i brought up this idea to have us have a platform trying to bring beverages to them if they don't want to go to the er and then have it as we prepared to see that on the shoulder. what's the one considers that its all we would like to preach. between all members in the second generation ants. i want and that and headed to seoul for it right now we are having with the county more than one hundred members of his soul and paints a doula ninety
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members of basic gym so i don't think that as i don't think that's what's so i've been a good fit. that's pretty good numbers. still we are with growing more and more because they are bringing the idea. and then passing bell died due to the people the helpful so we have. i was thinking about really. i remember is spending the next two years already. believe me actually you could feel it when you first came up with the idea that you wanted to apply for for the younger generations and what was your reaction for you parents for example i was supposed to will pleasantly surprise. they don't do so would come of this a tag da oh one to find out more about that. you know cultural roots and heritage but though what with the reactions for example you classmates friends what they see that the meal we got there the things to do women feel they organizations in the round not been trained to fifty years. so at the time you know when you thought about for mean that you must
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be liking senior high school he said i was last year that is correct so will you buy in seventeen eighteen years old people seemed that when the wind. it's been on the moon going to have what kind they could do to study oh well that the first reaction of my career as a barrister for the fact we don't have to think ok this is actually somebody the young guy was trying to do something and it seems likely that the community and so on and but it is always difficult to be the very first one also have two concepts idea which is toxic and so um well informed of the parents i know that the support of course that of foam the first of all when one wet when it's hard to go to the second generations and maybe hamburg and berlin in darfur is to fit the bill really know what what is next at the mine when having not yet. so i was actually only start easy to say this is a
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platform where you can meet the same people that the people with the same backgrounds them and to know more about taiwan you wanna know more about what you wanna know why your mother thinking like that only a father of the human tendency to succumb to come to this platform and exchange on you and your experience with the whiff of the members of similar yields in the last days of his goals so far so i just started the platform as make the baby to make friends not to make friends with the same background with the same profession so we have to have to be members of doing this is to get there because of posts you might see but we also have a couple got married because i'll not hold back but the knowledge of the constables with the sole purpose is something we await will attain even coming. so the other side dosa with changing the thinking of the first generation knows they are i think baby always thought that the second to know if i tell people they don't know
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much about don't know much about their attitudes to the one unknown bomb the bomb to have a test and not joining the community service for the overseas countries in. the when osu ikea stop this to the wrist on because it did nothing to be some really good in people trying to change the community in a well organized. and so this is something i've been up to leave for aussie right. he also had done in this case their mind if i am going as and. the before you heard of the oc twenty. you do have a meal to feel the need and d il consideration that paid me to teach the class war for the younger generation time when the teacher. well um i did. it has been filling out the safety programs the island so i got to know what fijian and telling you and somehow it's not that you beat it to stay in contact after what it's doing is coming back to germany and on. i thought that this is a very good idea though it was
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missing. definitely and i think i'm asking you and me relive that fat people who've often that how he's coming into the foray on because he liked it i wear a nine ball with the pain stimulation and we helped with our celebrations when you see a line on the cement things in and somehow with the selection now we have the ability to do that i'll be done to help them because i myself can i just can't think of the day. ok what are the yearly calendar month for hosting twenty. the foot of a home in time she yanked me every year though khomeini activities to pass the course of the urn which i make i slowly than the squash was ok and i have some only have a ba from the lake shock it's a time when we go to a city in germany humans lived thanks to dan bell an intense feeling that spot. and he invited on the staircase to the events and iced and we go
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to the vet said he did some sightseeing and it's nice to find pink tea and oatmeal in the past. haha speaking of fashion now. the tingle seem like seattle so the first innovation. associations of year more activities that you guys to meet together was pretty much had no parallel lines between the two of the station and ended just occionally it will be up we'll have a very strong interactions with that the first generation of sausage because they see us as a benefit as it had gone to bed to become units since the kids. also they will like to have some young people there. for some fun new ideas and yes bring new ideas maybe you've been some ideas which they never thought out and say yes to send you a nice that you use for sample them up where and when they're having their own events this and also really loved was going to
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collaborate with every evil in the navy plame's name. no sewing. in some organizing events. this type of effects plan of you. and zomg. i think what with being that's about as this that must've on end their suffering engine men and tiny and so on that a lot of the possibility she had a lot of possibilities for us to help them because that sometimes engine and there's a lot of thought people were to do and this is where we can stop and help terrific. we need to take the first breakdown the program today will be back. fan. it is. sells
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club both on the organization called overseas compatriot young talents association instead of the start of this part of the program was sandy sandy thomas ruled that the meaning of ideal home growing up experience. bill you will point out one of course you emigrated to germany and the owner of the young age. and then use that in subsequent years. of course. alinta may be going to school dental school. on the almost finished with no university and then burying the process they being the featured think of how ill start with being an all suffolk reapply. but what we think of germany. you know this longstanding relationship built between germany and taiwan. no call harry a slight economic strain. all the way to education but you know you look at the german society that is you know something very different. you know how long you know and the in a bid is somewhat of a society of the immigrants illegal
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having winds coming from other parts of europe also fun parts of the world but collins t cross colt will find it in germany. you know when you first to rise compared to what it is today well i think of it and its agenda for melting pot for a lot of different countries that are so many finance within that time we arrive in nearby thank face though especially davis' than the reserve and national city turned on. actually i think i'm doing these kind of proud about its multicultural on its back society. i am unaffected books and has two teeth on that celebrate this fact and hipaa on it tried to keep re integrate all different kind of conscience and although they wished that they of course maintain bellowing into pt very un if you hire foreign and your prediction many domestic looking thing has to learn the language. besides that the free to celebrate your
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own time coach the fifth to the teeth. and heal your thoughts. well actually agree with sandy because that i think sandy says someone will grow up in germany at the very young age i hide myself by actually i came to germany. that was said ten or eleven. and so i am told we can feel this incident until we can fill this said this this this idea of putting oldest cultures together and has already started already equipped with an elementary school attend that one i was the one i came here. our teachers also have included taiwan festival within the box who actually biting my parents to talk something about taiwan so billy twenty kb children. the very early stage that there are also other cultures that site determined. so here i fully agree with it. and of mud and ash you something will one senses that they both can be
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you know it can wreck about that. that way you'll going to school in germany each and every experience deal with difficult situations for example. he'll be all your classmates may be a mean little differently. well maybe when you first arrive to term and whatnot. you know was not very good. do they pick on you or try to make fun of you. auntie janice you say to yourself oh one which helps heal me o back in taiwan that didn't have to do this. i would ever happen meal. actually no i was hosting a real love is. yet by a deity the lucky ones so actually it is also the pending what this was especially well if you don't know the language to such sentiments that the first thing you come to a new country new body language to actually know more about that when the tribunal chairman was not easy is not the easy way. yes that well yes and
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the band is in there. then there's two of them. i didn't know when to cagayan because i was in germany at the age of two good though i'm busy and really any difficulties during the twenty ten i'll do that. the cup and i don't think that if you have the language skills that people will treat you that much differently they don't get access to the picnic still looking on the night in the le sage we went to school in the states. alpha course united states is also a melting pot. you know two people coming and difficult to peel coach the background panels could very well but they are no stories they hear of a young kids in school maybe he'll get picked on because there is no english was a very good of the pta wearing clothes a little differently. on the local kids. still none of that really happen. you know to be the one cup of tea in france have you heard about those yields similar stories of
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things. and while i have at it and really don't have the manga stuff that might get it until the middle of this and oh it is difficult i guess the fact that my parents had a problem because they have to mean isn't that friends and on they did have this one and count it with a very unfriendly took to suspend a guess but i wouldn't be shy to say whether this was clearly based on the fact that the non able to speak in a filthy on whether it was because they are financed. so i win i would say that they wear on authentic or save it and when you first formed you'll see twenty. it's also very important with the organization to be assimilated into mainstream culture. so my dear activities to exchange programs going on between all seem like the local german youth organization. yes that was to go see what's here we query goggles to what it is not the bridge between only
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on bridge between taiwan and the second generation. o still up between taiwan with the local culture. ok so the first thing we did. when we found the holes to what is the registration of our association main germany so this makes us all of the official cause of the association in germany so we could officially you work with the local association and now we actually deeply integrated into the can to determine community and being one of the soul to call trip to the quill and talking. i was talking a lot to death to the governmental offices bodies and we also working with the cult role. offices in germany so we have also some off of collaboration with the local investment policies of of of germany. so ctually here with the dpp all good and the people see lights he served as an
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inspiration no example are there and think minorities from germany for example you can reuse with japanese navy pier the younger generations who wanted to something similar. still seem like he hasn't happened yet. op that the thing is it surprising me with the that the koreans and japanese am barely able to operate in a very early stage so actually we are a little bit makes the whole cake at a price on why i'm japanese and korean getting his head summon up my call in a day that is a very very soulful second generation for their menus you see how the korean economy is as of right this is a lot of things to happen because here they use their second generation effects of the moon in the local country so you can see a lot of korean companies setting up in germany. using second generation because you grow up and chairman of the city's collective perfect after thinking of the servants and so they can promote and korea
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in a much better way than this is what we'll see what feels so after that we have to go so promotes taiwan promote a local trip with german language with it the thinking of the trip and won't even know i mean what a neat i mean the features that you can proceed only be a member of foals he went he would get involved in local coming that evil political affairs and maybe have a bigger voice have the rights of way your countenance the idea of living and working in germany isn't something that's quite possible that feature i certainly hope so. i'll let you know i actually just miss him a sissy and then how significant this video. well it actually would have a member of the simpler than
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that he is involved in political activities good so he is oh so. he is the use of meats so he is. his father is determined on the other is on the set very strongly that the taiwanese culture. well kudos to speed up front i want lots and for the culture and to promote a culture. so yes this is something in the near future job for the two something will work out good and the meal when you eat only meat beef with the tp started. you have above approximately a hundred members. then only he knows he likes me and some of the members have now moved to because the work of the reasons have moved to other parts of the world including china. and then the silly to feature you may be thinking of expanding plc white tea into other parts of the world is that something to you thinking. maybe for the next five years. while i'm actually thinking about promoting idea of a puff of smoke and the idea of cloud formation of the stickers and if so we don't want to expand
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its own vehicles to what you want into pretzels to what the everyday into everyone's at the close of the second generation should think of those polled think the oc what he has only association and think about those who at the as. another method to connect. so we all need a bridge. but no we want to be the people in every one's ever since confederation this is what we're planning on going and i stopped and said the un not the president has lied to. for some of the programs he has you know the reasons for attractive deal for the remainder of two thousand to take it out. i still wrestle i'm planning on him and fellow and i am actually at planning nineties and four a on the national holiday and looked over it stands out with thinking about christmas eve and is living in gemini pieces of what is the biggest event as he danced with his head. so let's see and the two appeals courts still have families
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here in taiwan. and you come back to haunt me or call one baby at least one see it sometimes seems that more but the lady answered this question i don't notice it but do you think of yourself more as the chairman was in town so with ease i think the parents because our own palin even genocide to defend the mentality and get out of things lah i think the telly to pitch like that is why it with a gem in my defense though i think i'm very lucky and grateful that i had the opportunity to get to know both of these cars just as deeply and round until i can see if this is to be telling the summit's not taking kids to the gym and on the other one the freedom of choice. yes pretty awful. yes exactly we're flexible i think this is also the strong point of the second generation it is they know you what you say no they haven't been that well is to say i would say if you go out of the house. i'm a germ that
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if i come back home. when he saw an old old college student and so i can really choose which one is that this situation so we cycled fun with it i want you to know what to say because i know what to expect tuesday. also with older men. most of you neil much to prepare a new quilt. many people the only become a national citizens into. in the future. this early with the global village that's the best known that in the sense that i need to take another break of a profile on the back. i did.
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young talents intended. my mother as the two of you a very general question. now for the meal to start off this part of the program will then be you know the number of colonies and nadine was going to school where teams have the bill isn't very big home that the deal with the overall community he represents a property a small percentage of the overall u s the minority groups in germany today. and though what is the state of the colonies community today in germany. i can only imagine that meet the summit the largest city. a friend for a night or when you do have you know of very large community based organizations a book although some of the others small a hearing in all areas that that fewer people can be also have small organizations they can interact and get a kitten. in
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one of you give us the overall feel of review up to stay off it means to me today. he'll fall under the skin is smaller. everyone with an asset with fuel. when does when he's in the bay hill billy out this is bizarre to his studio on it that there will be less than maybe ten feet. it's not that of the family gathering. and that's it that's it. so there's no know what a nice autumn. this association that but in the bigger city we do have really enough of diversified discuss details of a new phone religious went poo poo has come in the teens we have the association especially for women and the association especially for people once with chinese and so in a bigger city would you have really diversified it. association of people with the dimensions of the most common one in gemini is the woman's association
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that because i love the fact how islam and home at a gemini. and i gather that there is the most common one and i and some metal on to say the sum of pounds. there are sometimes a few telling effect on students play a dominant students that come to germany to study and they also have an on field crops and association. so at the slow ones either. i confess this to your city failed to have found trade associations you can. and so our conversation really eye of mine that both of you because he says that you won't feel you first met we were going to chinese school locally. i mean this is not something that a lot of the you know ler some of the second generations. you really don't want to be a part of the man was added by the state mom and dad why do i need to learn and you know chinese settler colonies time in el amin germany on field basically it served. bill and that was what was going through your mind when you
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parents know you don't toe the both of you. today he said he and the old and you know that someday he c becomtooiny dan did you guys know had been the reluctance of reservations about that. well we understand. it would be like that. the first place is really going there on sunday that with the onset of the idea that was the only one week so they relate to take time off he wants to spend time with your friends in one sense the opposite of what he's going to sit there and just go to his local party school in attendance and will really happy that we we really are that we join this would happen if the iv outo rejoinhe cnese people because you don't know what thatith a growing economy. also in asia with chinese when the rain becomes one of the more important languages into new roles and that we are very happy that
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consumes the end of the movies this one. don't you. we dined at slate for locals and hit the age of flight three or four mm at that time don't really think about it manly game kibaki all of us have that prevailed in space are really asking our parents why i wouldn't do that with the fact that they live pretty strict. i think on they've been living in germany for it twenty years now and they still have to try when he thinking man might not pass to get this handy skill. and do well and i think they did well and the love we look at the relationship between germany and how one of course that this post note people why. and one thing that people feel however often he'll come up. it's the notion that you do seem to be some misconceptions out there still exists today. you know between germans and those who come and eat. for example that some of those teams how one may think though the germans have very strict. the elegant very
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inflexible now and the conversely you know some of the german people meet single colonies. well i've been very ill motivated. but they don't we follow the rules by the loss of. no one would you say such a characterization is fear is that neil pr is still some misconceptions about the others. meal. well the good will. i give you that it is at the capsule be correct in that determines eyeing this case i'm not very flexible. he said but that that meant that the taiwanese are more flexible in this state and the problem here is that the students don't really understand how one day to my email about the pretty stupid to in china and the fact that they don't really know what exactly to his conscience and what they have in mind is on the popular misconception of the chinese people who have
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two dogs and they like to take the case. but that a new law will also be mentioned that he is still a sizable chinese population. now that the networking go school injured and their second generation. i mean to the eu for examp he'll come to some of the oc white tea activities for the first innovation associations activities and tuesday expressed a willingness to be a part of most likely have you ever come across you know people like that the dles i love that the term deal don't really think that mh of it. i mean the association on not a baby really was what they really want is to know more friends know more people with the symbol of the crafts good handss a chinese news a consideration to the practical is of course the lupus the moment that what he said. it's a good
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finish to boaz. does having to chase you. they both have this this isn't all it's his lack of knowledge of their home country name ando they they want just want to express an exchange this information. it's so we're also very happy to have some of the chinese members got to come to our new beds because that's also a bit that the time where old men result would have won the sond generation can learn from it if it is a bit suspect he's so this is something. this is us is something which we have bought pumpkins that we hv the twenty talking about the first commemoration and i mean they are joining the association because of maybe some of the interests of babies baby yet chinese the chinese. it's the first generation joining the board is community has been so so and the bar for example does a chinese woman buried. this is due to their germany german them and said they also wanted to join those
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associations and because we have really upped the early state what will release the early to stop because this associations. instead the chinese communists. so for the very phrase day's stage they are joining our association and are the last five months. and sandy interesting read that you just mentioned that they are to know that there isn't. you know enough understanding among the military people of taiwan. and based on your experience over the last known fifteen twenty years what do you think is you know this no one to two erie us that we can do more exchanges to activities for taking more steps to try cooking hence the need to understand the goods. to find the envoy exchange on i thought i died a few scoops of pocket costs between taiwan and germany. thank you in exchange program in but i don't think that's enough and
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i think it would be great to encourage kids for the more and i have the same for a blog and have experiences and a lot of people in geneva take it back here and go away to do something. and um but they'd never come to taiwan this small country in the nl lot about it and it would be great if they could come come to taiwan and afterwhich that experiences and jamie noon and the meal you would know what key in the business world and the woman saying that maybe in terms of fuel economy both sides that the eye areas that we can feel free to cooperate to get there. no not just importing all the cds fences. i had a good idea to use it to someone. but they are of the area's maybe he'll post some suggest why i strongly oppose to focus on the hr of the human resources and focus strongly on the second generation because of that. i myself was the second generation i also work for taiwanese company who established the european
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office in gemini and seven. i could say that i had to eall promote the idea of a company that with that school is open to him. so the jumbo will not accept something from. i want means is that because the bearded there somebody was talking like that he is thinking like that this happens all the other way about is this week i think we can teach the second generation can teach the thinking of the germans and how one company business and we know about this in flexibility but some items that when it comes to production. this is something oh so which is a great benefits for the taiwanese company so i knew it it strongly suggests companies taiwanese companies to hire second generation saw these two trains a second generation. and to let them do the promotion of sea was calm much and the year and then maybe sending a taiwanese local taiwanese to afford comes with a can or
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the welcome back to the final part of these programs feel that i won all the posts to read will will will continue have hope. we wrap up this very fascinating conversation with both miss sandy and i also missed a meal golf from the organization call overseas compatriot don't balance. and the limb yes the two of the fuller you know for that meal fleet both of you day coming back to taiwan baby on the yearly basis. he still have a lot of meals family and friends in taiwan. maybe it's not
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the neo big ish but for some of your female friends back home in germany. you know they don't come back to taiwan that much or if they don't have any meal though arresting the friend says he too in taiwan. when the two traveled back to one key thing that gave me experience culture shock and can be we'll find the issue of cultural identification increasing be more troublesome. but. the we think can be. i think definitely after that to heart talk and it's just so completely different financing and taiwan and germany and i think the problem is that especially with children from interracial that it's ok they don't have this deep bonds to heinlein new and so on. i think this is the issue that sometimes it stops the duty to pray that this bond of ten cards and have that kind of standing to get to know i want that. this is something
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that needs improvement. ok for the utc the sinking of the friends yes and this is also what you try to whittle see what she knew we would start small with a small community. i'd done it when we talk to our members said ok you don't have to go back to taiwan have to sculpt with chopped mint and already start to a doctor in the middle to the small taiwanese seconds at the races there with trying to predict taiwanese culture to you. and so we have movies were shown movies is going to in ages and that we take and then to the taiwanese costly events lenses to do that then was slowly but the stanley go in learning the taiwanese culture so they come back to taiwan the culture shock is thought that because it was a bully me and she wore some of the known inhibitions and you know your friend's behalf of all coming back to taiwan. oh is it because primarily keeping the way from taiwan with so many years and they spend here you'll know
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maturation process in germany and india don't really know since he caught one. and despite all the efforts that you were eighteen and elsie twenty build it they still have some reservations that is at the correct though its assumption that a yes no and then said but i see actually this is the lack of a fulfilling and a few things i want to in their future in taiwan you only know taiwan within this tactic when you select to go back because of the night markets like to go back because i want is to visit my grandma but this is nothing which you can do it every year is nothing new it to be a real life ice. you don't know what they could do it i want what is real and is available in scotland so we we really wish that here we can get more opportunities it is still with the locals second generation that's you will have to offer to teach me the work that i want. well maybe two to collaborate which happens to you and
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sandy you're still in school now at the end of the su upon graduation. we did think of you know if opportunity comes up when you think of coming back to tie one to the tumbler. i'm definitely open to it that came down i think on what could be done for a time to open the eyes of odd thing is people like me it's on to encourage them by sending maybe someone from taiwan him as a professional speaker and a gemini or to europe in general and the fear of their speech that the main cottage people why they should come back because i know that a lot of improvements to make the cac is that for example cooking lesson. they invite famous chefs compelling restaurants to teach hella nice cooking. this is great but i do love that the idea and i hope that they could do the same for young people to invite someone from a maiden title and company names bring them back to germany and show what they are nice people should go back to taiwan in a band of the o ye mean given the fact that the both of you
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quilt with them all to call to back which is saying as she prepared me in the league arty you know what. the but this end he prepares to become. you know a part of the working of farming in the future when you think you multiple chewbacca has now become a huge advantage where is is something not that you know someone above liability bill is kind of confuses you didn't risk of legal identity. which is headed to the hall to visit it is a huge event. it is not a huge advantage for what would have a talk about this to be in the ballpark of taiwanese company. this is not the future of the bed to fall for myself being a no silly cute advantage of taiwanese company says is his mom. they aren't as i said before. i am a voice. i am a bridge between the taiwanese company and the european market and so may the look of a comeback to the to the topic before whether we would wish to cut back on
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knots in. i think are much better approach would be coming back to full readily is to learn and soon all know much more of all time one much more about the taiwanese economy foot pole and then and then let those second generation go out today gopal to germany for example the use of molds. i want to throw tomatoes and three prisons taiwanese product of repeats and taiwan itself when everybody is the second generation i will say also said to the members you are a friend the vast huon surprise the best of all men. and sandy feel the same deaf up quite yet. i think i'm being part of this multicultural background is just a huge advantage. i mean that i love the things that you might miss out you might think that ok i'm not really jam and loudly telling me so sometimes it's difficult to find a way i am i the only yes it's that time i think
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we've both fun and pick a place to stand down. i think that with the slates that we can still ave people like us you don't have to be psychic and that it is. and in addition to was the statistic on heel which i think it's sound advice and you know some of the colonies companies to try to really take advantage of the second and third to ration of colonies and the legal happened to be part of k operations he got home countries and tried to present their friends to products services and also represents how long while but on the other hand we also see a trend. i hope you know i hope this is a trend that will continue to face the fact of war of the qualifier young second generation professionals like yourselves that will take in the future one day day you can come back to taiwan he'll bring back acknowledges this hill is that you have a kindle a bit and come back to town one and many people who self to the continued growth and
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development of town wall. no this is what we would like to call me first ranger. so instead of using talents that would gain more talents coming back to town while we do think that this is a trend though we'd like people you know likely to seed will continue and possibly testify in the years ahead. sandy. i think it won't be such a big ten in germany. tiana as already mentioned fatalities commission chairman. it's small and people of that of a well integrated and gemini can and they don't really feel that they set but that they have the option to come back here because they are already so if you home in germany and so i think it might become an option if we can try to open the mind. to which this idea that encourage them and to show them what i want it off because it's not as they pass the motel. if he uses the key point. you know they have to know what is available for those who know what urge
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places available. if they do come back home to heal. well when you don't actually have to find these people stay tuned to ask them to come back to live. actually its height when that plane train is that the thing is that he will need to initiate because the people living outside in what we can do is to youtube to find those people with them i was trying to tell them to send over the set to show them what we have been told him what i wanted to call for an end to the two companies said that taiwan has a lot of things to all friends using this to contend with his ability to promote taiwan there and also to a request it's a consideration to maybe two to instruct all that i want the hall to watch the bx to state financial relations for installations and i think you know a lot of people while watching the program today will agree with me. the head of both of the illness and be a very outstanding examples of you know young and single
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generation. they'll tell in the east who had been no theory you know a successful england the school hols not working. and that given the fact that heal the world is becoming smaller more integrated. so in the feature to have him all people to act now will assume we know in my opinion will be a huge advantage in his class. so in the future when the two of you you know get married so that all families who thinks though would you think you will want your kids you're feeling younger children feel the comfort inn of reach. maybe you what you want them to be exposed to all soul not just by colt will make the multicultural a fireman the phone up as the local school and you've actually start working. sandy and i think. of course that this is that any differently from what i thought about it if i'm staying in taiwan and gonna teach my children have a speech given to the same
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gemini they lead to intense heat so on. i think on it with physical move which will now known people need to be the flexible it is important that they can hear i'm away at it maybe the job needs to be and so on. i think of being able to sell it on the header then again apes what the world is like and what different cultures the like and how you can integrate itself into the concoction says differently in ut for everyone to be sealed. i can't agree more that this is that globalization is that it's now the trend absinthe at me so that the that the children's books will either end of the various beginning knew how to integrate into the sauce i was going to different cultures so i will be also encourage my kids lives maybe one or two years and that if it received just two religions have begun to discover and learn to learn the language so i'm not sending them to justice of the chinese lesson days apart this truly be no pleasure to have both of you on the probe into the one we spoke his name all the best you a
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one race moisten it with that now stretches for over two thousand people. nineteen sixty four. the shinkansen bullet train was the world's first place people. it's technology that allowed these trains to run it up to two hundred and ten km run attracted attention worldwide she celebrates at the maximum speed of two hundred and seventy km making the one hundred and fifty kilo with the tiff between tokyo osaka and just two hours and twenty five should you frequency of these core speed trains also continues to retreat. during the trip to russia no one train leaves at the tomb with
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it. the news every two minutes thirty seconds. we strained but also reputation for safety to believe tone in his tube and it was between zero cost to retell it unique japanese teachers to improve passenger comfort. you can see that sweet little treats the direction in which the stream became first italy's problems and to increase. various new technologies were developed to combat this. the train passes to a tumble. it pushes the call over there in front which makes a very loud noise when it emerges from the opening to reduce this effect should the trains moments such as we do so
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this runs smoothly over long been streamlined. it should say resistance by thirty percent significantly reducing the leaves the major source of noise is friction between we listened to. pulling wheel covers now most of it. when speed rail technology continues to make the stripes. march two thousand and eleven. to view them and teaching dance and play opens. state of the art technology allows this new train to operate at speeds of three hundred and twenty kilometers per hour statistically teaching dancing. the ways this was achieved was to redesign
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the campgrounds. no pics. six in between. on sunday. poland has always been a significant source of billings the shinkansen and simple and perhaps one to two dollars and three. you say uses just two. the season police told them just to keep the home. the secret to the new designs. the prices on the lawn shaped like a canopy has switched to a point in history. to retain constitutional context the single. i can only chew uninterrupted power. with the reducing its sensible
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the air. the site. we start making the passage of the train left point i am liam has a resource for students to treat you the new blossom street on the trading tuesday team stretching point six. one of its extended itself is passages considered the greatest things. due to take the magnitude that they teach two tickets to a more practical study its critics i strained ou youn
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between companies and educational schools are encouraged. students can be placed into the becoming full time employees. here in the company we provide an opportunity for students to practice with the new school in a new working environment dinner and a cheery in the bb do some practice at school. here they do it in real work and practice what they learn. my new students to the castel school employment placement of graduation. i don't know although he's still continuing skills. like how when you turn. i mumbled of the hat. ryan looked great on to help me in finding that
12:00 pm
the claimante sector the country's growing to include cyclone. they will not scratch it. wind meaning week. going for natural gas is quickly becoming a longing industry the united states but one expression council claims the polluted tap water some communities are saying not so fast i might color washington dc and this is that he is. it sits one eleven almost
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