tv China Price Watch PBS November 18, 2013 8:30am-9:01am PST
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let him eat. it's not going as you knew you. will you the new lumber to make headlines around the world so what did the number of the ordinary chinese people china price war. we go behind the statistics that tell you how the country one point three billion people are interacting with an economy that changes by the day. we examine the economics of every tale looking at social and economic questions. when the time the fluctuating price went. lead prices that
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are shaping the future. back to the economics of everyday life in china climbed onto winter. her last a week of november for that episode of more than two of the un deputy. the money matters who commended for. no question today was thinking today about the medical report into a corner will talk later pure fires and to the chinese users happy about it. finally the blog today the teacher within china. for all that with the look of a top restaurant in china. first up in phoenix. we are coming out this one really puffy the recently closed for cleaning session of the communist party of china the good economic and political report the country
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even though the agenda relief last week. not that that agreement of all the drills a messy house owners are worried about the upcoming puppies and how and when the property in guangdong more than twenty percent out of the clippers got the last week. how can you talk like a crime or fifteen percent for the session. corner market insiders more to the tellers or housing speculators with several property investment however not all that speculators are dumping their houses to be released called it. some are still waiting to be back in to bring more value. friendfeed end of the printing of magic and the distinction between cubicles and comical the house to the own goal had not yet seen the price to fall. i do not come to become the lord of the play fort in the world. calling it the largest virtual currency debt work and became operational really does not equate to increase lending to the pinnacle grill product and service. merchants are also more willing to accept the current keep the country that the lord in the two to three percent after that we impose a credit card processors. the belly of a
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coin. the past two years gotten twelve point one pick one was about eleven you don't want people to death in thirteen in the tube after we broke a two hundred fifty us dollars. still felt that the world and have your own twitter. the strong rising trend to go for a long time i'm delighted to hear the valuable of the court's order for her to support us dollars. according to data released by canada's walk of the dual currency research center of october to hear the trains on the big quake in china to reach one hundred thousand and eight accounting for fifty percent of global trade value. the high transaction price one three two thousand seven hundred yuan or four hundred forty three us dollars. china to america to become the largest decline marked in the world but there are other questions linger about legality and china. it could be controversial and would already be out of the country don't go away because of that money matters which are not meant to perform. they
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can. medic or form in dire need in china. have complained about the inability to afford medicine and the current quality of medical care hostel. in the recently finished the night session the chinese government announced that they intend to establish fairer and more sustainable security systems not that led to wide discussion and speculation that interest in the future of china rising prices and high medical attention the problem china for years the rising cost and inability to pay for treatment. the major source of complaint the chinese government implemented a lot to be free to enter a credit to god and that the chinese government that would apply to medical services the chinese ministry of health. nationwide health and turned to them. the tree back down that report was finally approved by the council does not accord the chinese government data into the glove and more than
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one billion chinese people have health insurance. it's the nationwide health insurance that covers almost ninety five percent of china's population the current split into three types. the term by location and implement that. among them people in rural areas to be the largest amount of people covered by the insurer it also costs more people you could ever have to eat the paper about half the total cost of hospital in the past decade the chinese giver has increased due to a medical update data showed up and down and covered it up to about seven billion yuan about one billion us dollars the chinese government announced that more than forty nine billion us dollars in two thousand thirteen the bill to increase the subsidy to the forty five us dollars for each one each year. like a dove and fifteen will likely reach the fifty nine you tell which one the story governed companies are mainly aimed at improving high rising medical expenses and all that and the relationship between patients and doctors who performed the fundamental problem. last month to write a research group. large privately owned research company conducted a survey
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showing that more than ninety five percent of chinese people are still complain of high medical tent to the hospital the legend at least problems. the ministry of health for me. the couple to be impatient and hostels have increased seventy percent of whom china to their doctors have been attacked by patients there for the physical attack without affecting change the drug when they did. i've always been two dozen twelve that i need to be carried out through the hall to the curb the high drug prices in hospital. the camera to hear chinese media will be the most important drug prices were much higher than in hong kong. divide people to go to hong kong defied the vatican. don't go and get up next will continue with the medicare reform taken welcome back in time for clubs in today's money matters were taught not medical report. people have been paying close attention to the rican government coffers. note that the many uncle prompt entire medical
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system will be tall officials from the social security department. but the debate on the ninth with a recent conference the chinese the room i prefer to chew in conducting medical subsidies to realize that the noble cause security system the average medical expenses for patients are forced on us. about six hundred us dollars into two hostile to the hawthorn team of ten thousand patients each year the total medical tent to me about six million dollars in the year the government to pull the covers six million dollars is the number sixteen in the hostel have to pay the rent a cop right now both have tended to rate their drug prices for patients to cover costs to make up for the localities of that. the problem of the hostels are able to charge more money for drugs the prices partially covered already. some economists have it in the chinese government would try to integrate returned to it by doing the governor could have a unified standard on national medical insurance and can't
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that the patient continues in copper resource. much of the year that i need to read noted that it would put more effort into integrating government department and the network which would function. likely make a larger bureaucratic system. a larger system will be two more centralized control covered them back like a security official. doesn't an integration pre medical intern to them. i think that an individual to the result did not appear to be too optimistic. the government were not used in a more effective way. apparently the large bureaucratic. don't look like matters. but making them larger single to be a more simplistic in general theory. adding to the pollution costs in the world like the stretch even thinner. he also led to an increase in household debt the couple received more patient than you take on greater loss. this particular to end the country's going to the wrong place. when the biggest problem today are being handled but that meant to be. some couples choose to be built and paid the debt could bring greater risk
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the operations within the deal the top fourteen the chinese government still haven't post any new to the call to the medical report. to many chinese people have hiked the cases for the government's next move. of course the chinese government also faces many prawns in terms of medical report. when the meter from the hostel now is corruption in hospitals. that weakness for most doctors are low many have become acceptable the bride. the cover read to him commit become a hotbed of corruption. the tape delayed the patient care. it wasn't and multiple other operational area. the medical profession has actually become looked down upon in chinese that i did because of it. don't go with that of natural question today what their vision of medicine report. they can. in no time for a question the day when they hear their take on issues affecting their lives today we are people that read about their papa
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medicare reform. when two people within the current situation. again and we doubt if many coming from it implemented in shock jock most were believed to be content i mean what kid can provide new medical info. i don't wanna think i'm going to compete on the click i meant by antioch. it is a very tiny print that had no idea but hope that drug prices will decrease after medical report. i'm busy with my job so i have no time to call relevant news that the government invest more money and help ensure that drug prices may go down until i retire to lock her up to medical records and tough to make and take a trip to the county. my calorie range tree. i picked a sharp right to plant a tree. so
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many patients how to wait a long time for treatment i think drug prices are still high. dungeon hammond was only thirty cents per bottle before you cross over a dollar for now. this is my concert ticket to take it everyday. i want to see a doctor is difficult to schedule a time i was carrying them. then they can see what the content and form she took to complete it can kill it down. i did contemplate an announcement about what government can solve the problem of white clay straw. it's very difficult to see doctor the government should take measures to do with this problem. in terms of old and living communities should build more medical school to solve two problems. your work
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or we take a look of triumph string above the law in china the visual look of pride to the air purifier in china pollution china to every problem that affected the entire world depend upon the airport in cities like beijing for all of the pancake is called a halt and the victim. earlier this year to rotate the king of qin two point five index fell over one thousand micrograms for cubic meter. to get perspective on how bad they did. world health organization has recommended daily level of no more than twenty. a level of three hundred considered hazardous the port of quality. it's going to have them for too long ignored or kept in denial. last week an eight year old girl with reporters i don't get lung cancer patient. and that the doctor revealed the air pollution or house may be the major reason the world health organization. i've got to buy the outdoor air pollution of the leading cause of cancer accord to the china morningend two hundred twenty three thousand lung cancer deaths worldwide caused by air pollution. bloomberg reported
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went to the global pollution measures the government planned to recommend children the elderly and people are among ailment. avoid outdoor activity. writing in the mrt doors will keep the boat the particular matter looking to technology to combat the pollution and health. they don't the other plausible solution. they're pure fire had become part of the many electronic stores data from the china market monitor company to sales growth for character by machine. throw the country increased seventy percent from january to august the data needed by the end of two thousand thirteen the market share to appear fires which i've done yet what a good twenty million us dollars. hundreds of brands are sold to market the price for mature price ranges from two hundred to several thousand dollars with them are staying. they are specially made for pm two point five for police to market in the matter complained of removal rate of ninety nine point nine percent. all because of low quality of the building materials you can type construction. formaldehyde purification help another
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important function of the air purifier. the mission to the staunton and marginal rate hike in between customers who fear for their health and safety. however there have been major problems down the street claim. the big market team to have a pretty great opportunities for false advertisement. given the modeling going to read it read one billion by mid air quality monitoring laboratory shows the problem. it seems as to when he comes upon you to promote any product claim that their laboratory results are at an over ninety percent removal rate. however most private suite and it can only reach a rate of nearly forty percent when compared to the international market actually the current elite national standards for indoor air quality in china from eight ten years ago. new rules have become pm two point five when using the international standard mode your part in the chinese market cannot reach the pm two point five removal rate of ninety nine percent according to the market insiders. many surefire products are overpriced
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protect the filters inside the machine into the creek on your plate. especially because the cotton clothes dirty air. the wholesale price for one filter it to you and for a two dollars many electronic stores printer filters that he would dollars each. the high price to become a major obstacle for buyers and opened the group a market insiders said that you are angry about the hike up the pure fi market. however one to blame the government. we are encircled by dirty air can't do anything because the situation. one of the collectors do the dutch open and making department they're putting taxpayer money. although low quality high priced character part with the market. another negative criticized chinese brands quo. china cannot buy deprived the high prices many brands make a lot of money by cleaning their imported from foreign countries like switzerland however add that to clean and beautiful country to swiss manufacturer to produce the haydn pure fire. many of them are just a tiny cramped cover the veggies are still don't care too much about the price quote. the quality
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of their time is really corps ball. i can can the air purifying machine into custody. many people may be dead by the high cost of enterprise. however compared to put the value of healthy body. most pure fires are simply cheap. when a user worrying about the unregulated market in the country. the air pollution the period while the pure free market. justin kemp got a pretty standard white and too difficult for repression in china. there have been many critics the effort of environmentalists who believe that technology can help any and to mankind. highlighting the risk of major many blunders like to wish him a global warming and china for their quality of help people come to terms the fact that technological innovation can solve all problems efficiently and effectively but of course they have continued to worsen market for air purifier. i believe in your prayers. to avoid misleading people about their products. moving on up to get
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upright people in the hollow be easier to understand the cost of living. today we have cable or treat thing if the sizes of usurpation. with the look of death in the enactment of the day the government should pay more attention can do to help him. i think the evolution of the group that idiot about four hundred and thirty yet it hit. the proof. i guess the average medical subsidy of about thirty us dollars per person per year. i believe that medical reforms could make people's lives better. i don't really know relevant problems in medical areas. people can apply for reimbursement for some kinds of medicine. if the government to reimburse me the common people cannot afford. not that into the back of the four may bring about more advantages for our people. the meet
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the above hundred dollars for the year. the french rate the percentage of reimbursement. hospital can provide people with more free check up it may be five us dollars per person per year after the medical reform i know people can easily get the treatment. most people cannot afford the expenses of treatment at present terms of drug prices very high. i need him. he maybe could be impeached. the number of active in detention in a bikini to the us in my opinion. many corporate be not enough. the alcohol
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they don't want to give more than a fifty euros. every year. most people like this policy because part of medical spending can be reversed. form. i have no expectations output of the doubt. i'm pretty patient visit to hospital comes up to two hundred yuan per person the forty six dollars per person. when the prom that the padi is an input device for companies to raise their prices at the time to cover limited amount. the cost of drugs for patients didn't change the price increases in development debate. we take a look at issues shaping the future empress of china today was no expert on to say about the future of work in china. china's her liquor market is governed by the bill by joe which chinese rice wine that it is really pathetic and will call for their effective price of the drink of choice that i have been a privilege not kindly on to become intimately associated with out the door open for business and government meeting in the fraternal will the business being able to endure a large amount of import into one image the drinking culture has
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been an easy paper would do well. traditionally associated with those looking for masculine refined image for now posting important to factor in china. there were fears that would run out with the delta without the wait. it's all about a meeting with the industry to become a concern about the future work in china many with the company have already put in a second time potential as an importer which largely cannot. but there's still room for wiki with the real anti corruption crackdown and ten which to break into the drinking on the me my budget that this meeting. while the image you might have the right time to craft market in china. they have to do with the gospel remembering the pain the moment. the anti corruption crackdown has been quite apart from any alcohol business. the high end model that super high prices the national decline the contras chief executive summary of the border believes the drop in sales or just a short term thing. on
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the overall he still expected to hear so called temple growth and killed in china into two dozen fourteen school year which ended march wall street journal that bad and you could of the thirteenth remake one throughput and eighteen percent rise in full year net profit of over a hundred fifty million us dollars. my growth in asia and the us the board because i'm not at all worried about the future of cognac and with tea in china. cleaning up the word now he would continue looking at the long term prospects of the market the result implies are taking huge effect on the anti corruption campaign coming to an end. if not mean much to me that people change or they have comparatively lower contingent in the long run. lord retention might not be that bad though. he might disappear more ground in rational deal. china's surging packing years has been huge. it does not come to the growth and sales have increased two hundred fifty percent in two thousand won that they do with the more trusted to do with the filter back into the three one. in two thousand the value which the market in china with a mere fifteen million us dollars. that almost five hundred million dollars into
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the content. the wispy and educators to look at the market in china. these are my ego and class distinction. the average chinese person can buy a bottle i got a cheap right maybe a tiny person trying to show off the pentagon to them and walk back to bring a bottle would be to the dinner table. many now call industry and are looking good in a string of similar take on how to approach the chinese market. the one appealed to correct that the debate ended up helping them to leave and it was. johnnie walker put in things that are reaching the market. shanghai's become the home the johnnie walker house which has been offering a plan that would be put into the country an effort to appeal to the super rich according to david jones and melanie leave reuters which account for forty five percent of all for now called golden china beach about eleven. the cure for now. you mean more than i do every year. which of the mill which he will continue having a tough time competing with. i do can be sold for pennies on the renminbi. we still have
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the market after more than that in higher end product the team goes for low quality black. always he might have a huge market in places like hotels and catering companies in china but the drop in sales and paper still consider for one of privilege. why do they do drink of choice despite multiple quality candle and the anti corruption crackdown in the health and wealth. but china will continue drinking bottle of regular lamenting to be the much smaller chunk of the market for which he covered the case could change he and other foreign to become a more integrated part of china cabinet. okay that's all we have time for the date of the china price watch don't let them cool a bit like living in china. until then you can view my neighbor because online that you end up katie and josh. here to
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tell you from afar and finds nothing and no one are what or who they see. not distinguished looking on the way. now police officers not only has nine children or even old fisherman the button. the new superman film. mom don't answer that determined to see the need for sunsets it since dr frankenstein there was a laid back manner belies his drive to get the truth. i i i. so fast. salome is that. and it
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stayed. the team. the tunis with casa lucas and earnings it's too soon. some areas ability to uncover the truth may be his greatest strength it also gets him in constant conflict with his superiors sydney nsw woman of some of my concrete opener. it is something that is what got them into the tickets are one of the final two commandments so relieved. scott monument in the sky conduct. it recently scored a goal come up. the new pc. the christian relief only to go. amazingly the name of the stall. most of the time he maintains an impasse and exterior which masks the ever present grief over the death of his wife court should be consuming kendra is even prettier this record so. when is
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television's most genuinely awkward moments the kid. i saw one of them. flaunting grind stunned and enthusiastic television audience in italy. we ran for three seasons between two thousand five and two thousand ninety eight the story is based on the novels of malaria for a seat which became popular for their sense of history and their exploration of the aisle causes of crime only two of his novels have been translated into english and the book serve as a departure point for the series episodes rather than providing specific storyline. mary is played by a local bar for us he who brings a depth to his trail of a complicated man. in addition to his acting career barbara. he is a well known figure in italy because of his political involvement having served as a member of parliament since two thousand eight he became famous in nineteen eighty through his
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association with the notorious horror film cannibal holocaust. a film so unrealistic its director was arrested on murder charges barbara. he was one of four actors killed in the film who sign contracts requiring them to stay out of all media for year. in order to fuel rumors that the film was an actual snuff movie. all the contracts were canceled any actors appeared on a tv show where the charges against the filmmaker drop and. the issue tickets. human skin. the love interest in fighting crime displayed by russian actress natasha stott can you tell who began her acting career after winning the look of the year contest in russia in nineteen ninety one. she then traveled to italy and began a career in films and as a popular tv host. before stephanie who became famous as the model and actress. she earned an undergraduate degree in moscow studying metal
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engineering. stir until smooth. status the students it's little spooky. i know main character in the series is the river hull. it shakes alinsky. the climate in the lives of people who live on it stinks. both rich and four. is anyone who tries to look beneath the surface of things unseen. power to set its history can never be fully understood. mueller says people also are. and it also hides their seats secrets that one nation are just covered by people like signposts and harry who have eyes to. i do. when you
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will want one the idea welcome to nhk world has lied and cheated tawny until chilled. here's a look and some other stories we're following this hour. i am workers at the yeshiva ninety nuclear power plants have taken the first step towards the conditioning the facility. an expert analyzing the impact of five italians say that for what they send waves of up to three meters high crashing ashore in
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