tv RT News PBS November 19, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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are. speech boycotting the ttp that's what protesters in salt lake city and washington d c are saying about the trans pacific partnership that revealed that shrouded in secrecy we'll tell you more about what's in this global path ahead. again bitten by the cooling today the senate learn all about this virtual currency and how to change the landscape of digital finance law makers wanna know could this digital catch the use for illegal activity and beaten down in san francisco one man was detained and held down and my
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police officers all for illegally riding a bicycle now he's accusing police of using excessive for us. we'll tell you this story later shell. in november nineteen ninety and washington d c i carried a bit and you are watching our team the negotiators from all countries were taking part in a trans pacific partnership began meeting today in salt lake city utah. refresh your memory the chance the civil partnership or tp peak is a new trade deal being negotiated. that would open up markets between nations along the pacific and ran now it's also one free deal that has by and large remained a secret from the however the massive pack is expected to affect jobs the environment. consumer safety and a whole lot more and max were beginning to learn details about how much is really in jeopardy. lastly
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transparency organization baking weeks released a draft of the intellectual property chapter of the ttp that reveals new proposals for copyright and patent rights that would boost big pharma company is and it raises questions on how the treaty agreement would affect individual rights and free expression of the leaked documents the team beats editor in chief julian us on the set. well if you read and write publish think listening to dance sing warned that if you find are consumed and if you're ill now or might one day be ill. the ttp has you in its crosshairs. it's for that reason that a number of demonstrators have come together in washington dc to pull out one entry draft fine it's not the ttp is alleged benefits. rt scary and boring has more. the us trade representative michael from annan spoke about the cause of the same provisions within the trans pacific partnership today. we are safe house in washington
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d c e d that was sponsored by the world wildlife fund about fifteen people in attendance including myself of that members of the press. also u s fish and wildlife services was here at members from key congressional offices were here at the state department and the sea of steamy scenes words here as well as the sierra club of the first person acts of lies carter roberts is the president and ceo of the world wildlife fund he said right now with an incredibly and forty nine for quantities and is trying to get a hand on the biggest challenge is of environmental destruction these include a legal treaty and subsidies as well. it seems he also said that the deputy that he had spoken a bit to make sure the right environmental provisions are in place in utp. after john roberts spoke we then heard from the trade rep michael from any he said that we are in the closing period of the ttp is hoping to wrap up all these negotiations by the end of twenty thirteen. he said were
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aimed at re balancing act us into rebounds exactly a shock and at the tvb is critical to supporting jobs in the united states he said he was actually the policy that reflects us that use but also what cent of new initiatives as well but he did say that is very difficult to talk about these provisions in peace now because as of now there is no agreements and that conservation has been very difficult to negotiate is every country has their own idea of what observation that look like a fat even some nations are having a hard time wrapping their hands around a conservation it's how we also spoke with the bill warning signs at a friends of the art of before this that meeting took place over the brow week at protesting against the ttp is a conservationist for the danes and here's what mr warns concerns were the worst is the investor state dispute resolution process of this is all very walkie and legal as she can they hide behind that. what is in effect is applied to court
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for rich investors and big bite multinational corporations. desalination skates for money compensation for the cost of complying with interest environmental regulations mr from any data to address this is seen in the meeting as well. he said luck. what is going to get one hundred percent of the winds just love nations involved everyone has a compromise somewhere and that word during this process as a living and green beans changes can be made in the future and along the way as far as the index investor seats at taking the youth set to challenge government and that there are a series of safeguards in place. there's exceptions for health environment and ersatz the procedural safeguards to make sure that is the best information is to use as tainted as the asa said that the ttp overall will strengthen the ability of governments to regulate and that they're not trying to feed us a lot when she wants to do is incorporate us lot
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where appropriate and two it's the heat. in washington d c ferry and boring actually and right now all congressional briefing is taking place on the helen which congressman or listening to the stories of a special delegation from cnn which includes the families of recent run victims. they will hear from playful bin ali jabbar who has traveled from yemen to tell the story of his brother and mom sound and anti al qaeda cleric who was killed by a us drone strike along with his twenty six yr old nephew with the briefing comes just after the twenty thirteen from the summit took place this past weekend that brought together four hundred people from around the world to discuss strategies to stop the proliferation of drones used for killing and spying and while congress is hearing the testimony of families here in united states artsy caught up with some of those families all the way indiana and our t's those that have enough reports it says no fee for the one who has no trust
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both are now in short supply in this part of yemen. for months the class has been without its mt teacher and his pupil. without his father this is to about it yet the steel and some of schedule. now he hasn't been here since sewing class in january twenty third of the us today to finally be the father of three was killed by a us drone alongside his twenty old cousin saw me in a college student who drove them in karachi killing. he picked up two strangers who turned out to be suspected al qaeda militants witnesses reported a whirring sound in the sky the missiles struck their car. most of the announcement of death was everywhere some of the police with burnt beyond recognition. the rest would be to france in saskatoon. i found a pot of saline in sight the com the rest was at sinai. we recognized him by a piece of his trousers. you couldn't
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tell who was new. if they were even cuter. it's sickening. my home and change the sleepy farming village for ever. less than an hour's drive from yemen's capital call on is far removed from my observations without warning he was thrust into the war on terror. so his mother says they were her son used to sleep. she can't bear to get rid of his being established knows i can never return home. i offend them. i didn't understand until the next day an american drone killed my son. why tell me. deprive them of their souls that they robbed us of our son. he was the only one providing for this family only a month now was ninety years. we only target al qaeda and its associated forces. and even then that the use of drones is heavily constrained. before the strike is taken. there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured. the highest
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standard we can set the all except there was a deadly failure. yemen's interior ministry confirmed the cousins had no links to terrorism in a country where tribal ties surmount all the loss was felt far beyond the family. the lighthouse has never acknowledged the depths below the strike humm it shows me the evidence. this is what killed them what's not to be a fragment of a hellfire missile launched from a drone the us believes this is the best weapon against al qa'ida. although not officially at war in yemen the corporate drone campaign has been dramatically ramp to hear president obama. he said greater threat to israel it's plotted attacks on international airline has caused hundreds of deaths the cit described it as the most dangerous and active branch of the network. and
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rose takes it seriously damaged al qaeda's ability to plan attacks critics here say he's doing the exact opposite it does not. it contained the ghosts of us. in fact may have to get to the growth and expansion of both. and at some point but rather becomes slightly off. often enough and to be able to see this done. the us war on terror has no borders often leads to mold me with cruise missiles and drones. it's an honor to clear to the political battlefield in which yemen is just one of the front lines of fights against groups like al qaeda in which ordinary civilians also end up paying a price. i ask obama to bring my cat back to life on the kids in school having fun is that we don't. the pudding and come on in yemen and the seychelles know. soak the present and future impact of virtual currency. that's
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exactly what two senate committees are exploring again enjoy hearing the virtual currency up for discussion is called a claim of financial concept new teeth. even senator kirk for our ranking member of the senate homeland security committee which held the first hearing on the virtual currency yesterday. koreans are essential additional cash for the internet it operates by person to person exchange that again or central monetary authority such as the federal reserve to regulate or issue a law makers are now being dazzled by this technology is growing popularity as a real questions about whether or how it should be regulated so that i'm a little bit about the fee for this new virtual currency time joined by hearing aid post of vice things for joining me here and so we saw sen harper guarantee continues about the decline concept. do you think lawmakers understand
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this technology i'd say i have been sentenced by the senate and felt all around the hearing this afternoon i had run out a little early to not upset with you guys so that i not commanded but on the barrel of a double by what's going on with pinpoint what it is an excuse to know how a company steal it if it doesn't exist and these are all valid questions. it's new and its price volatility is on and off the charts are in our satay. i was nine hundred died yesterday and announced back in the high six hundred but the point is this is really just a new currency that a lot of senators don't understand and today's hearing was for the sole purpose of ten and not cannot damage control before there's a crisis why not have a hearing to discuss how they can face what could happen with this currency sure that make sense. i knew were just at the hearing like you mentioned at what you consider that the very fact that these hearings are taking place of big step forward for virtual currency
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in itself i mean absolutely the fact that they're talking about it there considering the question is still there is this a currency or not is this something beside the currency but the fact that they're taking this really shows that the federal government is taking the time and consideration to not only discuss how to regulate it but she accepted into into right now. beyond just what the federal reserve has today and those options using something like that when you know about peer to peer like you said i'd have turned to sharing network that i think that it's an important step for pickling and we could replace you that yesterday and today here in sac the discussion eight you were evil axis seen. did they reject the claim is an actual currency. he and that's a great question because right now oh no. they know it's an encrypted virtual currency and an indifference is it not
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yes into currency in the sense that it can buy you things on line from certain places. however if i go to the store you go to the store and i wanna buy a piece of bread from you. i can't pay you and before i knew he'd accepted. so if there are some great areas but it's a currency for all intensive purposes in the sense that you can purchase things with good point and got to get out of today's hearing. so grey area is whether or not they had considered it a full fledged parents. dry and manicures have said no that isn't reading and learning about it was anything sad about whether a claim can be taxed. at the request and now one of the things that it was the senator warned he said today that as it relates to mention regulatory burden. we cannot possibly case these exchanges overseas which is something they don't want to do basically what they wanted to do is keep unregulated but not to regulate in the sense that it would deter or
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innovation. his attorney innovation is not something that we want our help to carry with america kind of being at the forefront of a bid. the tech innovation the sector rate now we have on you. i've we just talked about on the gemini cancer career bnp eccentric sector these are all new innovations and if you regulate them to have only your domestic and overseas and it brought that up today so proud of him to accept that still needs to be discussed in and buy choc season and in this upcoming spring what happened. we have to wait and see that now that dr had a nice here in heaven when it's time to really start considering it shows that what he might be taxed if you have your good plan b should think that potential money aside for taxes but they don't have anything on the books yet. dot and one potential obstacle to mainstream acceptance of declan. they claim is a sometimes wild fluctuations in value. i'll take a look at as there was a massive rally in the face of the queen on monday. i'm with the value at
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soaring past nine hundred dollars on some exchanges. do you mean that this rally was a sign that the government would not stand in a way of england's development. i mean he's a virtual currency pair in their benefits are as diverse as there are there times and who needs rally is there so many different variables yesterday and could it have had something to do with a package of sausage huge rally in the value in praise of decline yes it could have but it can also be a variety of opinions that that you know it is hard to say exactly what white said this often to make a go once a tadpole ride the day it's going to hurt that's for sure that fact that the senate hearings are happening and i'm good things are coming from a nest in the church and the terms of acceptance of this currency as something that the us government might might look into implementing the zappa something out of town. cheryl all and will be interesting to see how this new virtual currency as can be regulated. house of blue
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mascara named pinky up. and new york city mayor michael bloomberg just signed a landmark legislation today banning the sale of tobacco products to anyone under the age of twenty one. that makes new york the first large city in the country to prohibit sales see on the dots is a big win for city health officials who say that raising the legal age from eighteen to twenty one lb each love being a decline in smoking for that age group our research shows that most smokers get addicted to cigarettes before the age of twenty one with many of encountering future endeavors if and when they try to quit plus it means high schoolers can buy cigarettes for their friends. the lead for the band does have limitations under this new monte her skin still possessed the back illegally that means kids would still be able to steal cigarettes from their parents or get them from friends and if caught they would be no legal recourse. tobacco companies and some retailers have opposing increasing
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the height of the respective lot. we just pushed martinez into the city's thriving black market. if it insists the police had been accused of using excessive force in the bloody incident escalated after officers allegedly beaten and for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk the incident began when twenty year old daycare s d j williams was asked by plain clothed officers to stop riding his bicycle on the side walk. williams said music and not the first committee on. police say when they attended to stop and he fled to a nearby apartment complex where the new occupants tried to pull inside and a struggle between occupants in the police conceded. soon after the cops the team tent and forced into the ground. williams sr told the local news station no one was choking and one and all his weeknight and meaning on hand and the lady over there trying to put the handcuffs on him and he started beating
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on him for no reason. but san francisco police officer according side told rt today quote we need reasonable force was used by the officers to affect our brats shine says officers were also injured in the confrontation and two were transported to the hospital. four suspects including williams were rested and three days and after three days in jail williams was discharge pending further investigation time tells rt that the amateur video only tells half of the story and they will be looking at security footage from the housing complex to complete the investigation. to discuss this incident further i was going to a nearby mario bravura as a witness to the attack and a friend of d j williams. i first asked him how tj has been feeling since the attack. either the entire piece is going on right pieces again. this season
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they call her condition. we as citizens. and then to earn more than dishonesty. police say it was in unjustified forests. you watched altercation you are actually their annual your scene and some of that video. what did you see. i'll see you soon owner. as the food is to use it as a child. really it could do so in a thousand times. over and over and he
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said. we ate this is. more on top of the cat who read watch or wounded. from there. in it by all. the loony bin. on saturday. the wiki. all as a dj and his family will be taking any legal action perhaps by suing the police department. yes. given we do we as. the so will i be spoon feed us. couple of days though. so i can share and a lot of people that didn't come out of their homes during the altercation obviously you were there. and there are a number of witnesses. plus there's this video of the in thing. do you think all of this will help the dj had in camp and you know are pretty strong case
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yes of course the desire to do and no new rights to mine data is retrieved they are is it ethical. chair. and as i understand it there is at a rally taking place for dj in other victims of police personality time you are there other victims and experience the same thing d dance can you talk about that a little bit and maybe the outcome of their cases they know about. they stand it's who they say. i really knew the rules are rules in this case. this is for it. an aunt. they the city address i wonder what surprises. now why is it. i didn't wanna
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lastly ask you about what you're expecting for this evening's rallied you expect that i'll large outpouring from the community the locals though is the worst with a ba in a pan and slowly it the chase began. so now we will each star is worth a go follies the one against people with the door. that was mario britain yr as a witness from san francisco and congress is preparing to debate the reauthorization of the higher education act in twenty fourteen at salon that governs how federal student aid is given out but it looks like it will pass without a little resistance student and consumer groups are using this as an opportunity to call on congress to adopt a number of reform is urgently needed to restore fairness to student loans this out. this
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comes at a time when americans now over one trillion dollars in student loan debt which is more then what is owed on credit cards additionally to ration has increased over five hundred percent since nineteen eighty five at colleges. not to mention that the average family incomes are lower than they were a decade ago making it increasingly difficult for families to pay for college without wants to hear to talk about the proposals in place to fix the system. i'm joined by natalia a brand's co founder of the group student debt crisis natalia thinking so much for joining me. so why the biggest complaints that of the student loans the sun is at its very confusing and an i know from personal experience and of borrowing lots and lots of money that is a very complex systems he says talk a little bit about how challenging it can be for students on to navigate that says you know doing something as simple as filling out a financial aid application letter and read that you actually need a cpa
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to fill out your house. it isn't so complicated. another problem is you know the actual sticker price with interest rate freeze on interest rate hike. we see two is singling out that when i was at ucla right after i graduated to the swish and forty percent. so you don't know when you start school later than end up graduating with a little on what the interest rates will continue to rise and we'll be paying twenty years later why can't it be like a nearby car you buy a car that says after five years this is what you're going to pack that certainly means making the simple one page form and not this is complicated things mattero proceed. i completely agreed i'm for something else that is the point of contention. are these nefarious bikini plans pattern which is the bane of my existence. i made enough flexibility as it stands for scenes in and how they be specially for student center dealing with private loans. i know that that's a little bit trickier. no i mean that the monsters of course not there is actually nothing that i that we know i've only been working this for four plus years. at that for
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privacy months. and we we propose a bill to congress at the age of thirteen thirty that were delighted to come for your private student loan interest titles to my seat it take a van to buy the income based repayment is you aren't that's going nowhere because don pettit senator feinstein is that the head of the education work first twenty one in the mud of the committee. we need to do more for federal and private law students need to be able to refinance the need to be able to clip a lonesome bankruptcy. they need to be able to negotiate the way they negotiate for markets the sleeve for paying it off in thirty years like the markets remain esteem i was never meant to be a mortgage payment and now a day. click on the line as an air sea and that the consumer financial protection bureau has received more than thirty eight hundred complaints to some last year from borrowers of privacy and wants to talk about some of the other grievances on the students are or are saying they have put this with the system harassment. i mean they're being stopped. i am noticing
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that the borrower that has over a thousand calls and calls his sister in law's friend and a winding the same type of protections that are out there for credit cards if you go in to defile. they're not bad for students and i don't know why we're punishing the people are trying to better their lives for them or punishing other sectors of society were tying to pay for. yet this on the backs of students that it's not fair and i don't wanna sound like a child thing you can dance but it's not fair. while you're here for very specific reason in dc are not normally on your advocating on behalf of all of the students is so tell us about who you're meeting with while you're here and what her plans to advocate for so we are advocating for or changing the entire education system but at the higher education reauthorization act is actually something that we're concerned with. i will i be meeting with labor organizations non profit grassroots policy think tanks we have over forty organizations working on this team back campaign to tackle
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four buckets of where we want to tackle the one point two trillion dollars that the existing borrowers that everyone investigate the role of wall street with the landing system. they won three best quality and affordable education and everyone to work on civic engagement of political engagement and essentially lets correlate things too that we weaned going on to accuse voting block and we need to drive them out to the polls to vote for pro i'm a student that reformers and congress to legislate share. i made an interesting lead the department education this is something that started making waves on and that is actually making huge profits off of borrowers a lot of people don't know that the last fiscal year the department again forty two point five billion dollars which is the second highest profit ever. we make of that. so i think it's best to stick road. senator elizabeth warren on the sand cay where she really isn't listed in the center students not make obscene profits up that is an abomination. it is that seem to be made. i do not understand why the department of education as a profit making entity
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period. miles had been in the cold wind natalia abrams co founder of the group student debt crisis ato thank you so much. and now it's for programming nailed nine on rt especially documentary will be airing exploring the life of one of america's most prolific interviewers. this all happens to be an uber talent here on our t berry came today is his birthday and he is turning eighty just in time for content is the intercom and one of the ten most influential people over eighty the documentary presented by our t's making lopez from years at six thirty tonight and will also air on wednesday and thursday of this week so make sure to tune in and that does it for now i'm a mormon stories we covered today go to youtube dot com such rt america check out our website our t dot com sites usa. you can also follow me on twitter at an irrigated few great dexterity. eye. is you. all
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that well continues line it's one thing about her twenty s and catherine comanche and tokyo. the united nations humanitarian chief has seen firsthand the devastation caused by typhoon high and valerie amos has been visiting areas fun by the storm two weeks ago she's as a dapper and i'm gathering pace. amos returned to the disasters down a wee
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