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tv   The Afghan Report  PBS  November 24, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PST

6:30 pm
it was. what's the story each day. excludes any team that works. the top story was that they didn't treat the topic as told by nhc premier global content partners back to back any glitch. it's like naming washington seeks enlightenment you at party acting your age so it's good to hear. seventeen with me thanks to the aspect that i can take that steely checked in you and it makes the networks to work on in each the ads on tv will continue to share with your friends on facebook and twitter the top story on the m a c networks. wind man with whom. the what's hot
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what's not to let it stand out. the radar you and what's that opium cultivation has me stressed but never enough time has gone. british defense secretary in the grace of god with it and it got me a problem and of the shiite most men's fashion and then sets to love us now united nations report indicates that the thoughtful concocted nation has hit the record high as international force is effectively the country with this and that profits will go to was not still keen for pollard a candidate for president election next year article go to shul for
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the dubious go for opium and in the gun the stunt is higher than ever. according to a new report with the un office on drugs and crime the two thousand to thirteen he is. then he has witnessed an awesome record opium cooper basin in the sky and stomped on nine thousand texas. as the year of the pirate jokes. reportedly instructed such as high opium prices and the lack of gumbo to go to to tackle the problem. a big shock to explode say is good since the trilogy of foreign troops pulled back ahead of next year's control. as the one stall off because of its overt areas of production the cia to visit with them putting them into balls and into a whim i can say is the ward has a choice to make who needs to make show that the international and regional communities at the nesties time to make a
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big choice today. is this going to do going into action often it is typical of me art is just going to be underpinned by the news can be a real . it would be crawford took off on expected to approach one billion dollars this year some fear that money will be funneled to the audubon insurgency and board votes ahead of next year's presidential elections. as defense secretary for the pattern says the new and innovative have contacts on the office that got me a couple where the devil was not straining take a look that is dissension pitch a fit of her mind on that and it had been in the making of the national army officer academy in probably twenty he wanted me to unwind in the academy sandhurst in the uk. then he ascended beings or human existence in that country. once come back
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to what's coming next year i've got this in a comment and say i'm a bit despondent for its support. he was low a spokesman at the stall mobile tv will be shown. this regatta. what do you know the move will be hit up sighted off the deck of them more and headed to the thunder. come on sand that need to be top class this enduring partnership between the afghan national army and the united kingdom on top of the nations australia denmark new zealand and norway. he's delivering awoke last minute pre academy the academy will train and develop future generations of the afghan army. this academy will provide you with low cost training. it will teach you the importance of leadership of self reliance all possible discipline of dedication. and of service
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she also picks. more than four hundred tonnes of additional staff in case of qantas done since the us led intervention in two thousand baht. the team has gone nine thousand combat troops and of coz its kind and the ideal into the country by the end of two pounds and fourteen the two in the side of the of god he said his country its positive about security transition into cars and fourteen what is a national commitment especially india we have reports. bones about the two india showed them the home of the body said his country is often called crucial created by this positive aboard the security transition in the polls in and pull a team of international commitment especially india. but he was speaking to the media and foreign correspondents club of salty show in new delhi up wanted to push it but we're confident that the item. we are succeeding. what a tackle or the condition that he had
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predicted to continue from it i'm undecided as the sun salutation. she made in the last twenty years. you hope and of course constantly all in a delicate that she's desperate to find some food this weekend when two us commitment including commitment from india the is hosting the second international conference on doing business end of august on one of the eighteenth and nineteenth to cause an entire team. above is that such events would have a balanced on two kg of the market and that he did no petition is to the cbd gem. opening up with one another and use this forum. in india. a forty g comic and efficient with great food and a full posting to sink in that business conference in just a business conference in india. doodle for two. the gym. tool contents of this as this one
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for more three qt. with new tradition. the comic these fish meat and veggies at all and we hope will we succeed in him. looking to succeed had been built to choose. no chief. looking forward to these students unique one of the hospital to the country the countries trying to bring that on the bund to the negotiating table abundance is that i got to talking about it's done but this time until the next month's crucial. this is all and it still was taken. try not to talks were taking. and it would be focusing more on north east outfit bikes. he soon had another one in london. we hope this transaction would be enforced the mood of the beautiful distinctive mitchell from the stocks so that the sentiment. fix this. in the summertime. as quick as possible so we hope that i
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had to include. it's good to soak. bondi is up to hold presidential elections and you can make steel the beloved schools that india would be even more important in the days to come i got up got cx mock us about that said that they shouldn't come at a rate that giving up the backside off the prophet muhammad hundreds of gun she had been spent in common hundred and fourteen. even chance that steam clean sheets in and many of the month that some of the dancing of prophet mohammad. seamless you doing back in six hundred to eighteen eighteen. i'm now on monday. meaning she acts when his day by trying to sleep i did say we need to be slim
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however somebody seeking state of the rights. all of it. i can't get near that of the mission. this morning the body. check the stench week of commuting fifteen percent of tumors can blog other countries not to knock the toys on the identity of the blessed month of the stunning can enter into with a dime in doctrine and the non sock is done and seen yet. nolan due in august on struggles to keep its trucking business thriving in the conflict torn country let's take a look. it is that the taunts him and told is an awesome on the front you can remain in the country one somewhat celebrity yes tried not to advertise his
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identity to protect his cabal cafe which opened four years ago. muhyiddin was alone most of all the blokes and file formats. it is a need to deal with them only to sew the bulls the lead. often in a small table dog it is he the dough go get it the sequel. most of it all over. sitting there these days in the cafe malfeasance coach the u s troops pulling out of bounds on the budget idiot institute in dublin has made people bite to eat all of us simply visit the city it also issued will still be in the evening chiefly to the shiva in the style of no
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woman who touches to the bottom of a problem often mold me into the room which opens into a vehicle to go so slow but for me don't deviate of the lasagna with them. two clauses from next month and bench space. symonds off all common tanzania by symmetry in the small town committee on this is a notable diligence on gun shows. some believe may have lived have more than two thousand years ago. but they left the country by the masa is mostly for the new state what i got to the end of this week's episode of the hottest on the part i and my sunnah and taking idiot we will be back next week with my news and views from the funnest on that but in the hall. rule. sent this to
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simply close the necessity and is visited at auction as part of his trip to israel last month. the dentist on to match made in the sand to frame. austin lane. it's an empty net. in a statement
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the sense that it's a respect for history underscores the need for such an audience that in mind to be one of the stuff that beset by the wrong added that humanity must be taken into detention at that such tragedies. the president of sadness. yet this meant that england have seen yet that use them. that was on his official visit to cyprus. his recent election in the middle of it said the economic crisis and that the defendants in the region is the sign of hope and optimism. justice ted olson said the orthodox patriarchate stands as an undisputed guarantee the survival of the multinational and into an immediate sentence of the city of jerusalem. as in the next test yet this but his bottle fed up editing the patriarch he wanted to highlight his appreciation for the great work that is being done. he added that the respect of the day isn't going to use them as bad as that on and some other bases and ideologies is vital and
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even a cannon like this taking place within the european union. our motto l. the if that's even possible i started looking for that but you can watch all of the proceeding of the puzzle. the un is a must read into that were nominated at a busy bee among whom the known that and the rich web connection and need a facade of this in the contest in nyc a whole without the zoom into the one whom i love this easy to get out of a key thing that happened when that kid. and my decision was o'donnell is the mike as he wrote that deal was a mighty kick in the month. but i did it ever is up to seal a good bill and
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if that is full of fat in just a wee bit odd given that the heat of the market saying that the museum field field you'll feel present it and decided that this episode eleven the couple all nuts over that amount when they inevitably itself and that my piece that is utter crap on the bonds at a couple of god in others the voice that just isn't. she said with a little more room. and then here's a cute isn't it. he auditioned for him this is america in the middle of the muslims. if you do to help with human mother who did it he said as he wanted to achieve. when anna dedicating all but given the stated goal is to look in my crazy going on a warning to the mosque but it's in one or stuff i need to know a
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sudden extinction when all is the longest and said that achieving a full can of tuna gordo open goal was to donate to the bike is done they know that by just aren't that often lead to bet that as yet of this e g the back of the out of pull me out of the tub i haven't yet we gathered up so quickly this to happen but she teach in a sample from a gospel folk with ash and a baby bunny that a tree a week to decide if a crucial bridge in london to begin walking out of the book was a tentacle ne the creature from the gretna beneficial to lower the seat deal to you by zany comedy more this and a mother of the silver seven the canoe was splendid. last but not the sole lead in. the jordy the lead in the us has according to wiki wiki. over the miles. the name somebody bill in the tibetan us the school to get the added that the incentive for them to but got two assists mussina my ideal of the bottom of the pacific whose intimate the butts of a buttonnd it's up to go to the addendum images of illness that would put a foot in it. and better than us the goal is to sit with him
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one of his. rob stable get it over to cut it with us again with the big deal in the distant mechanic dedicated it to do with the club listings of this idiom of the fatima commit their latest on this in a mock up of was that the finn impetus to get to use it then the system emotional criminal with a fumble staff to cope with the stiletto for us was good to be assisted by fellow unelected honesty the devil a nice time the point i was due to the food to go to the task of only two defining the most news on going. but the bill we do most of them cannot believe there was a wonderful mother to the beach. the most about the motion of the event was a kid to cdo we get to size him up for the befuddled as to what the will to win five hundred with wooden didn't have a gimmicky solution to prevent removal from them who they are who they werepenlfor them to
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move it t himif y kno newfoundland was a lose lose for the soliluy. according to an auckland. lukas ago when one of many of you in the coup. for those of us who like becausef a pool. only one who died in a coma yet in this thing with a photo coma get to go because no though i'm pushing about what to do this. the mcconnell who has covered it with zeal the cages nobody can do for love and am honored to be and i don't have the tools to own a pc to a particular set of four hundred cholesterol. as of the scale of the moment at the moment i knew and honeywell the use of off the list of little or no credit to his job. among the twenty three one two the company for whom. sells
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steve the aye aye. it's a he
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gets off to the end of the state. it will. she is all to join the queue at the peak of his twentieth may to celebrate this event the gp group feel it yet and the historic center of the problem. we discussed the bulk of the portico and economic situation of the c g group chairman said dole in his opening address underlined that it takes energy determination and belief in the future to go with less than one generation state of war to being a fully fledged member of the biggest club but the bumper six. we admire everything has been the context. an he added that the ep peat group has always supported cr which its european ambitions. our supporters constant and other wavering because we are cvinced that we are
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destined to belong to the same community of values we welcome you with open arms is a partner. they'r very much looking forward to working with you. croatian democratic union president you must love come on go. it was party played a catalyst role in pushing for the eu hour or an opposition is an today addressed the meeting by underlining the importance of eu membership. the first of july or twenty thirteen croatia is returning home to the u word belongs as a central european country. he was much more than a common market is a community of free nations for which it wishes to contribute to this community we will support a strong euro and a strong for which a change of economic policies required for which to enjoy real benefits r the membership info to the european elections is a vote for that change. during the second day of the meeting the proectsf pmoting susinab growth a jobs you which is tightly linked to the ongoing budget debate the optional but hey that's
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cool. ppp group vice chairman responsible for budget and structural policies explain the framework of the debate don't send jokes. the main teaching. and unless you get in touch and european parliament. so it is very sad that the girl at the discussions that he got to the budget the budget of some of that today tokyo but it is the thirty five percent this might have discussed go to the main addiction. with the stupid dumb and so cheap alicia forty six who was given. for that i cheated and didn't order to free speech is going to produce gold and jewels. he says what the ppp would it would go. support
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for the student addiction. to have talks and jokes. you know how to play with me what young people. it's pretty important. she had to cope with the auction page saved by a succession of labor force that holds whether west about the companies which order gets quite a joy. following the fall of the taleban in afghanistan woman have been finding ways to express themselves. some have been succesful the media the buckeyes the first human baby stationed in afghanistan it looks it up in that office epo was a shady but a canadian team deal in two thousand and three. will be the same to them patience runs the station. she saves much if its programming is out of the gigantic moment thus the need to cut off. i thought that the hospital's twenty oh six due to the front sidewalk. the first time. the new as in most of the pasta but the son of the presenters had often discussed the problems faced
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a woman in laws are the topics could be delayed due to family marriage custom or social issues. i get it after that i have had to add up. i think that they can. he said. the chef essential athletics east gable but the most fit in as many adults coast lot of that. a bomb ias a little tricky but none of that neon red setting tough that i added some water and a shotgun and the ship the subtle social sciences and the city is just a few station has attracted lots of listeners not just women but also men who take it in turns to dj at the sight of that and yet kickoff of the savannah. at that time but you have any of
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those last sunday said it was this beautiful beach i've almost got. afghanistan is that it means to be the conservative society the folders have got access to the gk . the taleban have recently for some girls schools to close those women who do manage to choose given that in life have had to work hard for it. at that i then head bobble fun day at school means mileage in china. on the fact that i caught a fish bite of fish when the shuttle's first. i don't check the sake of a contract with the time i make. i even said this the buffet that is good and the sunna. the new economy club level but a second identical but it's an emotion love. you try getting more than just arrived they're getting in each case thanks to an initiative of the hebrew university of jerusalem and israel railways train passengers are treated to a lecture but some of
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the universe is but i didn't have socks. he says. joe interested in what was coming into the room. we don't work just as fun. with that. i saw the trade of the series develops its leader but at the university set themselves up in one of the cottage at passengers are invited to join for free. i was dead. i guess i still celebrated in einstein's birthday honor his contribution to the country a member of the early zionist movement likes tennis went out into the hebrew university and the creatures intellectual property to the institution. besides the senate race series is a unique way to reach out to the and allow them to experience firsthand the benefits of research and education. upon investigation linked office look that i get on top of the week. india is
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expected to visit the wedding she is going on for automotive i can teach me and i watched it all off i met up with the font was thinking. but to top it all before but its market by two thousand and six. by that of what you've done overnight see's with cotto fight to get to see. shared office and all that i saw this and just as i'm out tonight that is what the conflict ended. he said and what the fight. but since this pic is me. that was fine in his credentials in the union also competent sector and that in the process of setting up manufacturing units and that the fox the president the royal borough of kensington and chelsea constituency that would say and by the royal which the cultural society the event will celebrate its one hundredth anniversary disney. tory labour hundred and sixty thousand visits his
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shadow is the will of god meanwhile it. to see the queen is in you make your visit at the da's. joseph our cities or so from day to showcase new ponds in twenty twelve to celebrate the queen's sixty eight summit friend. a special dining tv friends with some sales. he's fine country takes it that is pasted is entering sunday's day stretching the imagination and inspiring one and i wanted to i offered him a treat since seen here with that the structure of current sales. most discussed in captures the essence of happy accidents. the event a sensory delights with colors and text is combine to produce breath taking patients. that takes place at the former head of king henry the eighth. who has a stylish
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as it is not just in a while britain has a week scouting heritage gardens with all the news. cc has cost of god intends us to history which stretches back to the city i iraq. i did stop crime trust did project in cornwall is to paste a futuristic by humans. this is the gateway to the royal botanical gardens team is going well as heritage sites. it's beautiful victorian palm house was built in eighteen forty eight she's a dorm the gardens. the ten storey chinese and that was built in seventeen sixty one. he who holds the nazis connection of comics in the last. i want also on the head. and they've seen the torrens title will yoo
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stray cats was a great day because breaking the old one lights the eagles to play the stock. while. good news


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