tv Kazakh TV News PBS November 26, 2013 7:00am-7:31am PST
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thus the former speaker of the kyrgyz parliament bloc to strategic highway to stick it to stop leading to china in the south of the country every truck transport containers with consumer goods were on this road the protesters with three years on the road completely blocking traffic in both directions about fifty people took part in the protest their main demand his immediate release of our month became the vehicle from custody. more than five hundred trucks were stopped near the place where the road
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is blocked. the governor of the light district in the police are conducting talks with the protesters the former speaker of the parliament was detained by security officers on the member twentieth the deputy was charged with corruption and abuse of office. according to preliminary information the damage done by kim the vehicle is estimated at six hundred and fifty five thousand us dollars. let them put me in jail if they want i'm even ready to give my life if our fellow countrymen is released. we're sure that we are right and he is not guilty to a stand until the end the law. unlike the government ordinary citizens of ukraine are in favor of the european immigration protest going on in ukraine against a cabinet decisn to suspend operations for the conclusion of the association agreement with the eu. the opposition representatives in the pit called now that god did not like the decision to swell this withholding key of
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donetsk on both ends of both i came from the city of all i wanted to express my civic position against citizens of the country are for the european union. we want the quality of our life in the level of medicine and education to be complying with european standards. one of the conditions for the conclusion of the association agreement with the european union was among other things the location of these one hundred and fifty billion garros for modernization of production to bring up to eu standards. the prime minister make a lot as i've said this in an interview to the national tv channel according to the head of the cabinet ukrainian producers need russian sales markets in the country loses them might go bankrupt. as i've pointed out that the current government has not been into strategic course towards the european integration but has just changed the tactics but the people saw this as nothing but a completion of the process and are now demanding the resignation of the cabinet and the president the leader of the ukrainian democratic alliance for reform that of the klitschko who is planning to take part in the presidential elections in two thousand fifteen is one of the activists today
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he believes that ukraine is quick and efficient reforms were to begin with you. we see stagnation in the economy today reduction in investment are decreasing. ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in europe and without solving these problems without making reforms. we cannot be a modern country. i was in context and for just a few weeks and i can say i was in the soup. to remember according to the politician the place is literally sweat or ukraine plants to not work people are becoming core and core option is growing up with a friend of his profession with them direct investments in the country have decreased by fifteen percent a lot of international banks leaving the country. alcoa has decreased by five percent in the per capita income has decreased by one point five percent. on the ball up a simple bowl of it that's smooth ruffled over a simple car before she was hitting him over bread the opposition believes that the call about a bill to prepare the necessary package of laws for the european integration in hopes that the mission of the european
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parliament will continue to work despite the actions of the deputies he was out of said that ukraine will return the issue of the eu accession in signing of the agreement in about six months this will happen after having consultations with russia in the european union. chinese authorities welcomed the agreement of the six international mediators in the settlement of the announcement of the program. china is confident that the agreement will help to maintain peace in the middle east as the french foreign minister and bobby's previously stated in december the european union will begin the process of easing sanctions against united in the framework of agreements reached by the six world powers. the minister did not mention what areas will fall on the amnesty according to him the meeting of eu ministers of foreign affairs on this matter may be held in a few weeks the president of the usa barack obama on the phone conversation with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he suggested holding bilateral consultations on the agreement of the six international mediators in
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the down obama also said that america will continue to support israel which has a good reason to be skeptical about the intentions to run in the foreign ministers of russia the usa china the uk france and germany have rched an agreement after five days of negotiations in geneva. according to the agreement the un will reduce the works as a part of the nuclear program and provide access to international experts or more careful inspections in economic sanctions against the country will be east the selection process of candidates for the most shock educational scholarship will be tight and the corresponding statement was made by the president of the center for international programs denny's become the apple at a weekly briefing of the scent of communication service on monday. according to him the stressful be laid on the quality of competitive procedures including testing in interviews will be more complicated party specialties will be revised taken into account the needs of the country for example today there's a shortage of specialists in the field of green economy. the list of countries in recommended universities will be reconsidered as well. a list
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of eight ivy league schools will be a priority among the american universities astor bring the focus will be laid on the elite russell group universities. much of its origin but is a new record ever in a language requirements were simple fight particularly within the internship now we want to tighten these requirements at first the main emphasis will be laid on the training of masters and doctoral students. this is the serious challenges the country needs innovative scientific personnel before my piece for the crown. more than ten thousand cars extend citizens became scholars of the mossad program over twenty years now all of them are working and national companies government agencies international organizations in the private sector the president of the center for the international programs disagrees with the prevailing opinion the many graduates of all shocks coalition are not in the bin. asked students to much. the more structured according to information one hundred and twenty four graduates abolish the program are looking for jobs currently on average the job search takes three to six months. this is a quite seasonal crosses managers of
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mozart program says graduates to find a job he is from our craft stores to accomplish city got a history of costa maya region will supply context and with nickel and gold said the head of the local executive authority the so called gold bearing body has been developed and tomatoes for over a decade that they will. this is the door with a twenty five million cubic meters of overburdened and ten million tonnes of ore had been extracted to two thousand to normal normal day. in eighteen kilograms to a bar containing seventy percent of gold is created here every month twenty kilograms of this well medal for your are produced in the district on stage to new investment projects on gold extraction are to be implemented soon that will double its total production. the district which according to geologists is also rich in nickel is now ready to start commercial production. there is a project and it is necessary to solve some technological problems. he took noble to
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buy five hundred million dollars for needy for the construction of the first phase of nickel ore extraction. according to the initial plan a new one nickel production points one hundred and forty tonnes will i go to a long punt on wheels. so vocal. shevchenko nickel mining future create about two thousand jobs. he will become the largest project in the district in the coming years mineral resources are to be re evaluated in kyneton the region over twenty five million scene you will be located to the exploration work in his pentagon region from the state budget by two thousand twenty one large plants will appear in addition to existing copper production there. all but i don't feel contains three am andifty million tonnes of iron ore currently this amount is equal to the only cyclist mine field exploration and evaluation of the mineral resources will be held on the ice pieces of the housing ministry of industry in new technologies according to pentagon the regional department of industry. these works are included in the comprehensive
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development plan of just cause gun region is executable too much to do exploration work will be held and discuss gun region called the on field is a very big field with very large reserves. this is a very powerful production it will be a very large or dressing plant more than fifteen hundred people work there the one that will force the issue will push the ball to complete the book their sense of the opera was performed in the turkish city of some sewing for the first time ever this important event for ca that spins quarter was devoted to the one hundred anniversary of the cars the composer will conduct a levi's opera was performed in the turkish language the most talented opera singers of techie perform on stage. they were preparing for almost a month the leading actors of the cause of theater opera and ballet named after a bye keep them valuable advice the helmets of openness. i tried very hard to fit into the image. i think of him johnson said on its one of the most successful models of the opera. i think that audience liked it the audience learned a lot
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about cars a car in its poultry general things to this teaching. the secretary general took sewing international organization recent casino presented commemorative batches to develop as a more comically bias in the artists to perform the leading roles in the opera the giants of opera was staged in front for the first time. we're very pleased to perform opera in turkey. the latest news is that three got the dogs cuts out that stevie got kate said use innings you use kazakhstan will be able two teaspoons of the old car fleet and increased the shul assembly of new cars according to experts on the kazakhstan corby's this association. it is fun to watch the training program and the country next year the main lady of peace program is that every citizen of kazakhstan who removes an
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old car from the register and meet some sort the requirements of car dealers will be able to get a new car. leading the most money. we have already explained alright deity supervisory officials and the government's peace program is advantageous for the car market in accordance with these programs people will be able to change old cars for new ones. everything will be done in a showroom and everything will be transparent. he's the first introduction of the year two thousand and fourteen recently the kazakhstan car business association together with the cosmic minister of industry and music knowledge is the lead of the analysis of the season's second hand cars markets. these analysis preceded few goals included the chicken of technical their impact andicles and the environment and cds the colossal statistics shows that by twenty sixteen the kazakhstan costly it will have been made of almost eighty per cent of cars assembled more than twenty
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years ago using some european methods of functional obsolescence assessment of the car fleet at present about fifteen percent of cars require immediate recycling while the average level in europe is above forty seven per cent and in the cis countries. it stands at nine to eleven percent and present experts are talking about the need to start the development of the program for the disposal of cars on an industrial scale using the experience of european countries it said oracle assignment but her will to be diesel our sector which is necessary to develop in our country. i believe that we will be working on cc xi during the year twenty fourteen in this case a little place with a number of seriously she's hodges an increase in the fleet of new cars base and the number of recycled cards. ethan will result in the strengthening of requirements to technical check ups because unfortunately the car almost on all of the only participants of the road
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traffic to go. car business players are wanting to present their legislative initiatives next year and how the special enterprises will be launched by twenty sixteen in all regions of kazakhstan news that the cpu on the cover from the border regions of kazakhstan was a large car fleet to require all to shredding machines in general is they will reap companies. andrea eating disease not only thinks of the money of people who recycle their cars. these area has its origins of income and expense in these case everything is involved amendments to legislation which she improvised piece particular area you with a new digital and included only be hit with both completely new. in addition to cry jill disposal of old vehicles and the domestic car fleet will encourage local producers to assemble new cars. according to a study carried out by the cars the car business association during my mom's the sales of new cars inquiries by one point eight times and reached one hundred and sixteen point two one
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thousand units compared to is the same period a year before for reassurance and indo russian nationals that the seagull can eat it. this seemed to our agency has reported that in the period from january through to october twenty seventeen new russian gdp increased by one point one per cent in real terms compared to the same period in twenty twelve and reese five hundred and five point nine trillion bill russian rubles in current prices. in particularly during these period the volume of industrial production to wait four point six percent and agricultural town controlled by three point one percent the positive gdp growth dynamics is maintained by the high growth rates and retail trade which has grown by eighteen point two percent while investments in fixed assets increased by eight point eight percent is the wholesale trade was estimated at four hundred to nine point six trillion bill russian tubles the countries that pc
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company to notice that in accordance with the twenty thirteen targeted socio economic development forecast of dollars in projected gdp growth stands at eight point five per cent. the uefa foot soak up finish in oman tea for the sixth time in history died out meaning to the top for the month the team vehicle park on a gondola in the final match. the reigning champion of the uefa cup hit the target three times in the first half after halftime but scored four more balls the final score was seven one for conduct the monday club will play the spanish barcelona moscow dynamo in cars of azerbaijan in the final match before his round will be held in april two thousand fourteen. boston rally raid team confirmed its good to see patients in the famous dakar rally which starts in january fit in
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argentina for the cruise and three cars in one truck would take part in this rally. thus the team will hold the final training camp in the united arab emirates in the alps the bronze medalists of dakar two thousand. well the crew are the other beaches will go on the new truck back over two thousand racing drivers will take part in the famous rabbit. the thing that will move those that come on to them and those who support it is a challenge for us we don't have such support as other rivals. this means we shouldn't give up and just relax you are trying to do our best. the republican genial pushing kai karate tournament was held in dart to mark the day of the first president. the competition was attended by one hundred and forty sportsman between four in twelve years old sixty four young for just a bit of in the tournament will take part in the championship of kazakhstan which is traditionally held in austin on tuesday before the independent state. she knew in pushing kai karate was started in kazakhstan in the early nineties however it started actively developing in two thousand for. our task
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now is to develop it in the other regions for example in the big cities like austin and oman to his well developed but in other regions is not so well developed that is why we hold tournaments throughout the regions such as tournaments have been held in sydney and auckland are in will be held in sch again soon. you knew long will it will. the. i know. rich cultural heritage. they didn't think that the creature from the ruins of ancient as it awaits these these historic treasures in eighteen sixty two book
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parakeets the likes of stuff that is the collect much recently because of the perils of conflict. a call from cubs both presidents of the show committee in austria and guilty or steal a teacher at the university of amsterdam and gemma nothing special but it's very cool to resources what creep of a common goal when the protection of natural cultural heritage they realized the need to implement section on them before conflict unfolds. so the pasta went to repair the damage has already begun we both know the work is the cost and inner peace with it is a portent of what took all the good enough to beat their response. make an assessment. she would dip into the van didn't even need your help when a previous visit. he and other international specialist took upon themselves to make another strike list of all the cool true heritage sites i miss it if that was the first of its current calling your skill that they are providing a service that of the heritage organizations cannot comedy film. because
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his favorites. it costs money we don't know that we are fitting that the gap and we hope that we will encourage them to take over part of our two kids. and do the work that has become an order of distinctions to be a soul which made the very best part of the chair off to nashville with terry cultural resources working folk. because she can bridge the gap which green and yellow store adios civilian organizations and the surreal. the military backgrounds of hope and joy this and help the kids go to the armed forces and ensure that the preservation of people took harry to just pack it into planning a military operation. that is so funny. above cut some of the book that will have to be part of any sort of but there is nothing in the future just by the nature of the caustic that we're facing of course. in a caustic of the recipients of the identity of the opponent is the most important target
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for cost cuts will have a touch of people going. is the most important part. with this cardigan but so have been a piece of work to implement it. i know that sophia trying not to. sure to teach where we have but also to live and act on it. should this be the responsibility of the military. your some coffee that is. so with the union's national humanitarian ngo in nineteen fifty four hague convention and purge it cools the countries including the military to develop strategies for the protection of the country's heritage and times of conflict. eighteen years. the israel guide to accept it might be too if it has been the only place in israel where seeing eye dogs reads trained to respond to commands hebrew and matched blood donors. before the center opened by the israelis had to travel to the us or elsewhere to get a dog that number stood only
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watch meeting was to make sure that there needs to be the best thing is the group gained their independence that via the purchase. and i coaxed the process begins at the center for white and black labs and golden retrievers are bred specifically to become guide dogs. then at about two months. the puppies are given to foster parents including students in a special program a degree in university. today i did the best year of double in the acting as a guide of the top of the cats. they dwell on that site. it wasn't that bad. they don't go under the age old style sauce after about a year. the dogs graduate from their lives with her foster parents both seeks to finish come in to say goodbye to themselves which is not easy. the thing
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i ever did. then we start to think she'd do the right people to go on over to use o'connell said. we got to work for free will to coax your bike on the bbc's dan and the sea to expect come to the conclusion of each book is the best. each donor states for up to three additional weeks center to further get to know their dog the thing to do this and that seems to do that next week all of us blessed are the costs. i admit to. sister read where to get the dogs and their owners develop very close bonds. this guy says his life is completely different since turner became its companion book to my mind is since it's right the people of faith of money banks those looking to make it. they are. or was it due to conclude sweet. stop looking we've done it i said pretty decent because people start to come to the new. and the stc to the campus said
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we stopped to talk to me and that i am just a heads up display brightness is not the problem. before finally going home with an older adult has received months stash treaty including time spent enemies. when you've been gone. you can see the whole world to see me as being contrived. both in content but some of them essendon's argue this up so that i will pick another instead it will just be the key is that the fifty three to his native people if there is also the aid of entropy that it's a sexy top and head to toe. i think this kid series. when i say and i'm happy. you can see it it's the way to school day
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starts just about anywhere his primary school in the final miles to the register who teamed with extra significance the pupils taught pack up for management group with its own distinct language and culture the cost is and how language can have limited appeal. indeed you don't have to go far in the village to find children who instead of sitting in a classroom. ha that was helping bring in family income. one boy one girl the girl goes to school but this boy helped him deal with household chores. each issue one single child in the community he says councilman education is just as important. so much so that the school to return to the magical waters off its showing where each child in the city th. marked with an empty circle triangle indicates a child who is now
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attending college. chasing up individually family is his responsibility of teachers like ms son of today she's going to talk to a man whose two daughters have been turning up took last week when the pressure on schools equality now operate in a cross country in which to increase school enrolments are bearing fruit. latest figures show that nearly ninety percent of boys and all bush's many ngos are now concede that primary education in the eye ensuring children and the white variety of its recruits to the athletes and floss would always be more difficult with the commitment of teachers parents and administrators alike. it's so cold that looks increasingly within reach. the intelligent use of local materials is very important when it comes to plead guilty. taiwanese insiders have started to apply to all sorts of locals by some buildings inside out and publicity material that
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is how it's inexpensive and he allows her to hold the lead up to them. much to say that some of the sun but ago when materials in taiwan come from not only natural resources but also ultimate combination so free activities and technologies i was a leaky production for example sets the world but taking a vow to keep the production ranks world's number two together comes the summer ltd ground by the site yet what with the ground but he's totally still the highway. eight hours of sun exposure wakes up for twenty four hours of light. it's also what approved and pressure resistant which makes it easier to apply it in ricky sign that the main exhibition hall built was over two thousan products has become a perfect sell them as well as a marketing site. information and communication technology industry in brazil is bringing about a rapid changes in everything from buses to schools have been
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connected to mobile broadband networks to improve citizens' quality of life. with the country set to host the football world cup in twenty fourteen and one picks in twenty sixty. dorothy even more opportunities to boost national infrastructure. all three brazil's globally as a rapidly emerging economy priscilla has received about two hundred billion dollars in foreign direct investment in the past six years and is now the world's sixth largest economy. my advice also on my head. and they've seen an artist donald i did the two i can do. it is in . he he. i
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