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tv   RTE News Six One  PBS  November 26, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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is you. it's six won fourteen euros with grind up some of the chevron bp or not apology and damages of two and a half billion euro for twelve year old star of crocheted conroy suffered brain injuries that were her parents criticized because the delays this i think
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the auction. this has ever had. to the the people. this after the torch exist. it is difficult to know about roasting with the therefore even got no life unemployment post with the knowledge that in four years the economy using sixty on the job. now even economy crazy. a dramatic turnaround since the government opposition parties' as youth unemployment is still a problem. we see far too many people were commonplace for sin not creating enough jobs to get to keep the ball and played chelsea own people especially. you do. welcome to six mm on the health
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service executive has apologized to the parents of a brain damaged twelve year old girl. the high court approved an interim assessment of just over two and a half million euro for pushing conroy from russert and port beach who sued for her mother has several holes these results are pressed midlands regional hospital in port beach in two thousand and one. our parents criticized the length of time it took to settle the action kevin and very calmly waited twelve years for today settlements. they'd already wasted nine years to find out what really happens to their children she married tom wright went to port the ship general hospital four days before the current effort to offer in two thousand and one she believed to want recent broken. i was reassured and sent home. scout is a shoe shoe to drop in amniotic fluid times during labor that i can jump in local courts the consultants did not attend. this new pediatric team that they want to fight minutes after delivery. no she suffered a lack of oxygen
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she has cerebral palsy and is completely dependent on others for all her needs today the high court approved an interim sentiment of two point six million euro in the action for negligence what is a happy bright loving try it the who enjoys everything everyone i knew the joy of it with you and your likes music tv and getting pampered. she needs twenty four hour care. what gives the box almost just as the heart. so did the has been for all. this sentiment or change this. but at least it was a covert in order or seen with the properly care for even on our own lifetimes the hsc apologized in court for the savings the coolest injuries from the machine and the consequential trauma for her and her family is acknowledged to me that the apology to any financial settlement that negate that day the heartache for the county in what continues to be a difficult time the delay in increasing liability has led to calls for the introduction of the legal duty of candor for doctors. this is
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the classical illustration of why there should be the go to to calm her. on health care professionals to own up when a mistake as many times to prevent further year's them in this case a decade of our chips. an excerpt alma that the file may have suffered depriving wrote in a child's of a rehabilitation but would it improve her condition today sticker is an interim sentiments the case returns to court to two years' time when it's hoped the scheme will be in place for periodic payments the intended starving by this method and this is a tragic case made all the words that given the nature of the delay in in getting to court and i'm guessing that i love how that would make life easier for your devotion to family. yes and kevin kanye said the money they could accept a mistake. what they couldn't accept more like it was a failure to get the full and accurate account of what happens when you stop and visit for many years they
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believed solutions condition could not have been prevented and it was only after they decided to take legal action they discover that her brain injury was close to the fact that it was another two years after that the client they listened with the music that was just five weeks before his cue to go to trial and the money awarded today in this sentiment that two point six million euro was an interim sediment can be used to buy specialist equipment to improve road teams quality of life as a father pointed out today because of the delay in bringing fanatic to this case she may have missed out some perhaps over a decade of the specialist care. rice pudding and thinking. unemployment has fallen to its lowest level in more than four years because from the cens takeofce show the seasonally adstnluano thirteepoint sixercent to twelve pointight pnt over tme o september the trend of us will be fully unemployment rate continues but the really strikg thing about today's figures is the growth in
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employment. the pickup and the number of jokes being creations. there has been employment growth ove the last twelve months off fifty eight thousand to park three point two percent bringing the total number of persons and wanted to just under one point nine million two thousand and nine was the year when mass unemployment turned to ireland with jokes being lost from then until the middle of last year. but since then there's the positive job growth on the pace of growth has been quickening over the past year there are fifty eht thoand more people in employment fifty four thousand of them full time outs and i knew will prove that employment of three point two percent on box the fastest growth rate for employment since two thousand and seven. the fastest rate of growth was in the most recent qrter with more than twenty two thousand extra in employment. at one point two percent. it was the fastest rate of growth in employment since the first quarter of two thousand and seven the number of unemployed is also full and during this time down by forty two
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thousand compared with the year ago the unemployment rate is now twelve point eight percent the unemployment rates have peaked in the first quarter of two thousand and twelve of fifteen point one percent before dropping to twelve point eight percent by the end of this september. by contrast the eu average unemployment rate has risen to eleven percent governments and oppositions sold the same numbers differently. the act economy using sixty on the job. now even economy crazy that is a dramatic turnaround the biggest increase in employment in this country since the recession began the scene employment increase over the course of last year i raced over a thousand jokes through which they see as openers are very positive every effects are growing strength in the real economy perfect efforts of the business community and to create jobs around the country. we welcomed us what we are worried the government for showing signs of complacency in terms
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of their response the figures we see how far too many peoe or emigration seventeen hundred mainly young people as the weeks in city beach and the states others were not creating enough jobs unemployment is sent out to play. but there's no doubt that employment is growing. you're the mystery is why it's growing much faster rate than the general economy. johnson this tree essential is twofold first of all just on bail with a ps here is real the expansion in employment such a stupid schemes in so long for taking people off the live register melody that those schemes to conclusion that number about fifty eight thousand we heard one estimate today that derives from that part of the questions about me might be. dope scheme is set to put the rest of it is really employment growth most about is full time artist racial foreign funds going into great victory for the true color so that isn't it a mystery now for the that the last two sets of these figures have watched the people who really study
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this area say that if your gift until growth and job growth is real because you're measuring real people they knew all was certificate and proof that the economy as well not dismantle the have picked up in the official figures but this growth in employment is pretty broad based on age of fourteen categories measured. at present or isn't doing very well this year period of checking shops back to the government itself the civil service nbers are down but pretty much all the other is used in construction almost for the five thousand jobs extra this year tom is so the minister for communications and anti intellectual resources past rabbitohs had to strike at the esb would be unthinkable there was no good calls for one. unions have threatened to take industrial action from the sixteenth of december in a battle over who should be liable for any future deficits in the pension scheme the highly complex dispute over the esb pension scheme isn't resolved by the sixteenth of december the company's workforce has posted by almost ninety one to take industrial action up
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to full strike action the minister said despite the strike threat as unnecessary and unwarranted to know he's being held are they going to lose a job in the sb. no he is he's being asked to take additional pay cuts and issues of the us and the astute tactical and it isn't an awful trouble center of the pension fund. at least up until twenty eighteen and after that the pension board it predicts will be in surplus. the pre christmas strike threat is being taken seriously on both sides. hugh has happened yet specified platform industrial action might take. but the esb has warned that evil customers up to an existing supplies could face back that's because the psp stops right whatever power is generated but have to be shared between your customers. but god said people should be able to use many gas cookers and fires but that boy this could be affected. the minister for communications energy and natural resources pet rabbits today briefed the cabinet under dispute that warned against strike action i held
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on to gas reduction in the spring when the unthinkable. without good cause and there is no cost yes the management and unions will commence direct talks on paris take getting them about two and a half weeks to try and hammer out a deal. however this takes a very high not just for the company and its employees but also fit domestic and commercial uses nationwide in the run up to christmas ingrid mighty rt in use property owners who intend to pay next year's local property tax on line must find payment instructions by tomorrow. owners can choose between making monthly payments or lump sum payment in march that he sent them to these peppers cararrots with cd and detected in the snowflake is to set up a helpline and information isn't available on its website and tell page on nine three. the partners in the refueling his terminally ill with multiple
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scandals just as described as ludicrous to requests from the agency for proof that a condition happened to change before correcting a menu of what to cook eyes deceiving me to see expressed regret that the spending remains entitled students' parents on the car and says both he and his partner mary standing feelin down by the health service executive. mary suffers from multiple sclerosis and is terminally ill. i hear the fear she'll spend on marc stein as to why he could find on assisted suicide and is now being cared for is home. the fifty nine year old is in receipt of a medico kind that is to bring you in the end of the moment. but her partner tom curran has expressed frustration after receiving correspondence from the agency asking if her circumstances have changed the system on record. my resume that is permanent it's not gonna get better the only thing that would make the cut the pattern is a miracle. now that nasa is
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permanent. so why do they need documents the proof. it means now that the date for card today for her card expired has passed. the case has raised until this afternoon with a carefully to me on my chin after that he should have this has happened and why should somebody. with this is ordinary and tightening come from some of the contract to provide any documented evidence that the bulb. and that the conditions why. among them the sound was coming it's decent into a formidable much fun here is the process. um i don't name talk talk. so being in the late eighties the case that there were calls for the agency of both notification of the industry this evening in a statement the heat n c expressed regret to say it as soon as it became aware of the case steps were taken to ensure a candidate that is he remained in place for tom and mary questions remain why no difficulty with starting the paperwork but i just don't see the necessity of. i
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don't see why it dragged on for so long. she made coffee or tea news. search has been cold all for a second night for a fisherman missing off the side of wexford coast father of three patty barry a fifty one when fishing for mobsters. as of two more key yesterday morning is both a son and two yesterday afternoon. the coast guard is corn in the search for my cruise and thousands of fishing boats are also taking part. former advisor to present a consistent is her first statement since leaving her post. mary found these hats and t which to her for directions i can confirm that we can get chilly to start from government buildings and what you want to do instead is forced to stay in a statement. this is the fact that we can win
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the first to mary that she had to post one hundred and three has injured a post at the presidential advisor to the throat which is a bad business to toe battle over access to the present. is that there had been a team of tensions with his executive assistant kevin mccarthy available resources had denied this and it went against the missiles were organized by another member of staff despite its equity and judy miller this merry band he says has remained so on and we have been picked and think farmer until this evening she issued a statement. as you sit there wasn't a terrified matches she thinks she did her assignment because she wanted to pursue other interests and that is taking up a boat and overseas development and this is an area she said that it can make it to run down period of time. she also said very significantly extended to the war is on very good terms with everyone and she she wished to present a slice of the palm of your colleagues who at just that she wouldn't take any further comment. that is also the position of orson in front they did to issue a statement on friday. paying tribute to her contribution in the or is it but it's clear from her statement this
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evening out from the r smith said that they are hoping that this draws a line in the master and that the media interest in all of this with a two way. ok martino thank you. extra police patrols and checkpoints are being put in place around belfast following sunday's attempted car bomb in a shopping complex. the us government today described the attack was blamed on his and republicans as a cowardly act this was belfast city center at the height of the troubles in the nineteen seventies and eighties the security cordon around the main shopping district. ring of steel is all gone but the attempt by dissident republicans to blow up the victoria square complex whimsy security substantially increased in the run up to christmas but was ring of steel but there will be a significant increase in unit patrolling in making sure we looked at the trade as the security companies to meet all the bells cost us a very successful christmas some
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businesses worry that the bomb attack on moore union flag protests were again demonstrated during the most important weeks of the year. stallholders at the festive market that the city although seemed less perturbed. i don't feel scared or anything. that passion my georgie its problems but there are more beatiful day. they don't like it so. it's awesome it's nice to be here and i don't feel scared or anything like that we just excited to be here to create opportunity for austria's are profiled to start six months ago and the market is a fantastic thing for belfast with several hundred minus five protest is due to the homeless out of it tensions are rising but the kind you hope and recent events. paul graham the christmas season again we wanna keep the city center moving want people to commend the city center must be business as i see shawn and belle foss some this attempted car bombing has also been condemned by the american government which said it was a comedy act. us
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special envoy richard haas is also due back here shortly to try and broker a deal on a number of outstanding divisive issues. he would hope that what the psni chief comes home and i get called a surge and dissident republican activity. my concentrated minds and help improve the chances of reaching agreement. brendan wright rte news. the fast the capitals has asked former circuit court judge byrne were the two reports by that birdie on the pasta bar x grants him the track scheme for women affected by the past surgical practice of sympathy on me. i have wanted for comparison and falling to the polls he joins us now from cup and thirty seven ed for the kid a collective compensation scheme that and all the lines of that switch was that road as for the nine ten victims here. yes something like that. as cynthia see of me was the form between the nineteen twenties and early sixties and at one hospital here until nineteen eighty four
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and that it was a surge of spitting out the pelvis when i was safe childbirth. about fifteen hundred procedures were performed and three hundred women are still alive it's overdone of the consequences after. so the cabinet today decided to appoint judge yvonne murphy she's going to go cast and expressed a compensation scheme but that might be established to bring closure to this is you. it is also being given the power to discuss and negotiate with the hospitals and insurers and other parties of competition they might make for the phones but the government would also come to be too can also meet him and if they wish to meet with her to discuss how this whole matter can be brought to a kosher and seized its report within eight weeks so her portugal to cover this advice and give us a moment of thinking. for more profit developer tom dumont and has been laid to rest and on the gold the seventy eight euro was a central witness in the man tribunal into coming for a pinch of them. speaking at his funeral his song titles them are juniors said this fall and never got
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the apology he was owned by the irish state. it has been caught on the continent and the gaa to make efforts to preserve a skirt and parents in contemporary team was founded to bear one hundred and twenty nine years ago this month. he has been a long link with eta in the last of the hotel is in the sea fishing with no prospect yes vote by air case in totality of a t square turn as the birthplace of the gaa in november eighteen eighty four. it's regarded as a sacred place to visit among g eight pounds curtis has done to celebrate it this unique link with one of the most successful sporting organizations anywhere in the works the nikon christmas post emergence of two people wherever they are vehicles that of a car and repression there's just wanted to ask you to vote with them. but
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the name is also the aunt asked the associate with that you associate with our most cases touchpad has been in receivership for seven months and there are fears that that is directing the gaa with the dots in the absence of a pattern for its future. if nobody comes time for concrete needs to go nowhere near his opening sentence of death receivership but the reason people often are becoming less of a russian business whether to be bought it and and partied till whatever business to be and at that history could go with it. her son commitments for preserving the building has been given my arts minister jimmy dean ahead and built the minister alan kelly but further financial commitments with the meat it's really need now is to send out the message that the tga and the government's i'm just to see this design for posterity. i may be some entrepreneur. a business person might see that most of the different receivers kpmg say they are still examining all options but as yet there's no strategy for say that the votes that were infected persons seeking buyers still have no complains. preserving the new
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start hitting the tree faces hotel and the gaa it's very unfair for the future. rte news liberty square her nuts the air corps is celebrating fifty years since it acquired its first helicopters and the science and technology correspondent with the body is defined as the technology used is very different from the basic aircraft of five decades ago. number twenty six nineteen sixty three he saw the irish air corps take delivery of two single ancient last three helicopters the first of its fleet was primarily for rescue purposes. we got to the cause of the snow and sixty three. adam went back up it is alot smaller that was only a few dos and style and art dolls basically at the wisdom of this and tried it kind of lcd screens that we see here today. plus for sixty years on the other left sons their successors that defines are gone replaced by six twin engined of gusto westerns and four euro cup years. heidi
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advanced pieces of engineering and technology used for everything from air dominance and military operations to search and rescue and vip transport will i support system. thus as the electrical supply of office life of patients for the hospital's wards. what makes these tools are more laptops and software then spun into branches. these new machines that were wonderful to work on because it is the love of confines in the kisses of planning issues are rising so before rotterdam. now it's more preventive maintenance of that we can identify problems as their eyes are before their eyes each year i mean and mind. tools particularly for mike's mind are adamant that a tree and rescue operations with the crew and music its roots and wings and
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works in our schools technology. compare an emotion co operate more space in the air the horse into consideration at the airport its fortune fifty more years flying helipters in the service of the states will the body martinis the main news again this evening the parents of a twelve year old girl suffered brain damage at birth but criticized event this time of the agency to settle the action motion conroy has cerebral palsy a result of her birth. twelve years on she's received an apology and an interim sentiments of just over two and a half million euro from vhs. it's tuesday six one was from africa the home team but for now
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use. i do. in june. in it he showed to see that this book takes a couple sips of deceit and see its place this is quite a spectacle great start to the debate outside the afghan parliament
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voted on to beat the clock says that the fight by piece in pickup trucks. this is an offer that protection as a promise to protect its image which is priced at a dentist on corruption of an anti corruption court which is the nature of some of the psyche organization fighting corruption. how slow they are great some five kilometers that. running a race against corruption the purpose of this race was to put pressure on the corrupt officials and those people who are involved in corruption iq and the corruption. many tuesdays when the resident evil. and where buildings were playing with all due apologies to waste recycling company in sentences. implementation of their cycling and running applications on the ip and buy one. skelton said its scope. many tonnes of material every day. we recycle compost. most of the chair of the lexus
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headlights and that's the sort it out using a lot of technologies because the fact that the sentences below. can you recite one point two million tonnes of paper and art work and save twenty million three it was which comes in a neighborhood collection trucks they deposited at the recycling and then it goes up the conveyor belt is a consort it is all mixed together bottles and paper plastic metal resort and its sixteen different commodity because these are resources they can be made into new products. every city in the united states replicated on a selective program we can offset twenty percent of americans harbor. are the inch worm farm i was visiting. she did not felt like i can't stand it. cities across india ongoing topic even by senior commanders of individuals. i'm going to kick off to the country the state in india want to
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get about five per cent of the country's last summer's to the dock. the cd comes in india on expanding the state's declining funding education and to add to his provides opportunities into the abyss. it's a joke. it is estimated that fdi off more than nine million us dollars was confused and a soft dough into the office takings. this is an important role in the indian economy as it is the sick and not just an player of the wreckage gods forty thousand people die in accidents on europe's roads every year. any piece supporting high tech emergency in that system known as equal to save many designs. the web based legal system as shown in this animation aims to ensure automatic notification to imagine successes in case series their skin the us navy are testing algae based biofuels and a container ship maersk omar. the ship is on route from northern europe to
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india. you may be interested in increasing fuel efficiency and reducing emissions during its monthlong sixty five hundred nautical mile voyage from britain germany japan the five india should we use thirty tonnes of biofuel. engineers and crew on board are analyzing emissions data on nitrogen oxides sulfur oxides see oh two and particulate matter from the fuel use along with effects on power efficiency and engine wear and tear the things in the world. also on the web and needs the networks the north. and in june. in it. he said. you
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lied about drugs. the ups store. tuesday the sixth of november


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