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tv   RT News  PBS  November 28, 2013 10:30am-11:01am PST

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their hands i asked the ftc japanese elementary school education is designed to be called recruits. developing tools for these personalities as well as their mark. new evening will who will. you are placed in me which way you crying will finally tonight the eu deal wanting to get tens of thousands continue to push for the government and the quest for some . the sunday begun made using a three d prints of the better off facing could lead to guide the revelation and i might find on this in the stands hands. we'll still see where everything is ready and just
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about set of data that doesn't even begin each pasta as the great syntax want any children the eye. the twenty four seven life from all the walking stick. he said easton retrace begin that some may shortly be ukraine's president finney in the fall line says he has a tight side the signing of the places ties which brussels meanwhile pro european demonstrations in kiev that means that if a man with hundreds of people besieged in the pond and pillaging day and night ratio ships be easy there will be staying at least until the end of friday protests are continuing day and night despite its getting very very cold. in the ikea five right now probably about ten or twelve thousand aka
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the independence way in kiev the idea is that they are still hopeful that the euro association deal will be signed in vilnius despite some very serious insurance is coming from the chretien government. the deal will not be signed on right now it's very peaceful day to do so for the last two days but this may well be called before the storm because we've already had from several opposition leaders that they will be taking people into the streets if the deal will not be signed on friday promising an ashen white strike and even what they describe as insight the euro the revolution we still don't know what that means but the grin government ensuring that you would not be signed. looking at these numbers if it is economically not that bad to make the damage from taking this leap of faith from citing the free trade zone agreement that it's cotton is already taking out with god. thirty six billion dollars debts you know what an icing that reason alone for the youtube standards would cost a
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hundred billion year was a bit more than that so definite risk which the british government would not want to take religion out of its troubles to vilnius to attend the summit and just as it always is with the ukrainian politics is a roller coaster right to condemn expect anything for short. the deal may still be signed my colleague paul sturrock is now in the victorian capital performance is the summit that was meant to see the formalities complete it on ukraine assigned to join the eu last week's decision from kiev to postpone the preparations when signing of association agreement or joke amongst many of the use of negotiations just to get to that point with ukrainian president viktor kill the country says that the hard times of the deal was simply not agreeable for his country. this morning to talk now he says the financial package being offered by the european union on the international month the funds left kiev feeling humiliated by his word to me so that any deal would be the sign of what he described as normal times the thesis of the six hundred million euros on offer to ukraine to what
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lies were simply inadequate now another launched on the gold coast is the future of former prime minister and jailed opposition media a media unit emerson content now she's in prison in the mind that that needs medical treatment when it bought back of the eu say that is a precondition that she goes to get medical treatment in gemini be fooled about trade deal with it being struck me was cruel for ukraine's column in the back of the uninteresting am a stay here in vilnius that the next couple of days so the british prime minister david david cameron. german chancellor and the mock when french president francois longer expected to meet on the fringes of the summit to discuss their next move in the mean we can pray. the eu often does remain on the table and the president in a car that up until the eleventh hour to change his mind. with the economy are willing to budge from the stones to the prospect looks very unlikely. i'm on the opinion you might think and snacks made on the strife and association deal the country's into getting into a seperation and twenty
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eight nineteen bill would not be welcomed by all member states the spot with the hearing of the scrum for muscle from the uk independence county. don't know enough about the problems that you look how does that look. noone wants ukraine to eventuate they wanted me to join the stampede to join wigan were taken to chewing a twenty five percent of taking isn't even in your spleen this is an expansionist organization in britain sadly toward ukraine to join european union because i just enjoying that means the bulldogs will be open till two forty six million ukrainians in the new crate at the opposite wages of around three hundred g although hamilton from real estate to join lots of local blacksmith the mobile we have twenty two percent unemployment appeared in print in a week on such a result old market. the threat that could enable people since this godly the following bmx me crying a
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bit he does insist my stiffness about the places to europe ought to go home. i support of comprehensive coverage so i found. well the summit. lithuania is about to pull somebody see a place that i stick to trying some european leaders are pushing another agenda they want a cat migrant benefits and the man to school was not coming from britain france and she in a county speech all of us reports. well it was too low for a month's time and gender that the romanians and bulgarians will come to the right to me you with that within the european union and seek employment. we took a bit calmer in the british crime is to say he wants to see your limits put on the amount of benefits that this type of migrants would be able to to receive help those calls it the echo was funny and an echo here in germany and
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francois rwanda confronts it does seem that there is this that and movement between the sticks split between the west in the east in the eu. those in the west to come said that this could be huge influx of migrants moving their way. no im looking up mr cameron said mr cummins words. we had to include miracle. saying that migrants that the teat migration was the cause of considerable social problems in certain cities in germany not to mention basic tees but it was almost understood the cuban roots along the east and for that whole germany and in the folder before with east germany that and you know what she said is that it did as she was announcing a coalition government the battalion put in place the med and that the restrictions that would not allow my kids to just move here with alcatel and sign on for social benefits of coaching that it fits with the likes that they would only be allowed to use them for limited periods of time
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now confronts from swollen lump was saying similar things he said that this type of migration was a threat to the social fabric all fronts and that is that something must be done to trying the beast type of large scale migration from east to west from its cool enough to face the west with me from the coomera countries in europe to those that had its economies have weathered the storm much except an offense that is in the high echelons of the european palm and sipping cold said by these comments coming out but it hasn't stopped leaders in britain in front sons here in germany saying they will restrictions of migrants. a three point six might be due to ike struck an area in north texas has the strongest common back in fine teas and eye damage or injuries are reported to my mind for the course of the next animation each day can that not everyone is blaming the then i'd share some scientists say that the tree in it by striking well this is actually sexy all the quakes the areas being hit by more than it does that
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renders this month and i'm missing more earthquakes construction began in two thousand and eight. during the previous four decades combined. let's take a pledge to cut the controversial price itself from kenya while his trailer to label one fans in the twos on the ground in a mix of four to santa this was tons of folks in school from the ferry itself comes into the wealth creation fishing is that release and natural gas deposits but the harmful chemical she's the friend nikki me like a missile in ourselves the contamination imports that the toxins or so to brighten course as a nation there is a growing leaving it on the crisis of the energy industry's latest fad in secret if fossil fuel deposits. the glacier a three d printing technology has bought the guns day in america are often workable fire on the success for the tree and three philadelphia has become the fifth u s c c companion
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nice in springfield guns report on attitude to anyone could see him on a high chair weapons high the fan. brits shooting range in austin texas is normally packed with god. enthusiasts. today the difference is that these men are firing rounds with the do it yourself. fire the world's first three d printed metal god. we wanted to showcase the abilities of what direct metal can do and what better way than find something that i can withstand a bite to eat tolerance. check your seat all wrapped into one which in america everybody knows us far. much later is going to court the gear solid concept stop company specializing in three d printing paper and three the rt was granted an exclusive pour out their austen facility which those tend to read the industrial printers and a glimpse of our technological future. these
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are all the three credit cards that i went into making this far after getting a federal firearms license the company used a process called direct metal lease or centering to produce this browning nineteen eleven pistol pick up twenty five to thirty five hours depending on the machine we put it on and what materials were running . the repeat with a metal sign has pioneered who were the one thousand rounds in the meantime solid concepts has manufactured it's set in nineteen eleven why are we plan on making a few more prototypes for additional testing do you we don't we'll plan on going into full production of these we can afford to sell on that's the price of beer for the betterment of that. while this isn't many three d printers have fallen below one thousand dollars solid concepts insists the stainless steel fire and
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be introduced to the world can't be replicated by hobbyists. these machines start at six hundred thousand or million dollars. they need to be in industrial environments they require more electricity than is available in residential areas and they require inert gases in the chamber that are just not commonly available so it's tough leader in industrial commercial type process. and it'll be years before medal. printers become available on the consumer market. ethanol. not exactly the world's first mini metal maker has already been created. it prints using precious metal clay. and with laser century pack is set to expire in february. it's predicted that metal desktop printers ball hit the consumer market. before you know but it's no small doses can do it maybe five years after that he spent a couple workshops and an unpopular the one on your desktop at home so that we are going to that of technology exists the price will come down. the world has
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learned the convenience of technology has a downside. we all love the internets cell phones email and social media before finding out better but love that data is being monitored and stored by the nsa knew. the astonishing piece of evidence that three d metal printers he's no longer a secret. so when they become a part of our households have alongside them like a and flat screen tv. what people choose to physically leave the privacy of their home. looking beyond the control of the us government. during the forty nine am. rt texts. well plus the guns already cheaper to achieve with this poem was printed in many of the site of a presumed to be too unreliable to be spent marina said in a report that meant the princes are becoming more affordable making it possible to stop working replica is a proper fire on one expect in these fields notice that the biggest danger is that three d printing guns can be
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easily disguise it's a very eerie universal technology that can be used in most of the boys some some good some not so good but it is alarming that the people have started printing guns i would say the most interesting is up. let's say a gun that those who look like a ton of looks like a flower vase was something else and in songs that use this ability to make things in any shape or form really defies all laws of the conventional thinking around regulating guns around the detecting them and so forth and i think that sort of. it's a whole new world when it comes to controlling these kinds of things. coming up we'll take you to be named pixie see it so she and i found plenty more stories up quick. aah. new eye. unlike
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kennedy. though. your aunties today on her research. i again and runs on all toys the message from the russian presence. the gathering defected to the countries and defense industry insult she has been a busy few days have done in uk team in the city that will hide the winter olympics decided that two months time with how the north side is that for a center for arts sake let's have a bubble tea times about
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the late stages of the proceeds to do. let the presidential residence the president has had a very busy day safe up talking to numerous caves of the hiss of comments. now he went on to talk a little bit about to the defense and aviation industry to think about the joys of technology to listen to what he had to say drones are fighting an increasingly wide use all over the world. we are not going to operate them as other countries do. it's not a video game. however it's absolutely clear that unmanned systems have a big future. this technology the president also talked a bunch of basing ministry in aviation in terms of technology investments as well as training but let's not forget that the reason that all the hits us out he is to also speak about the upcoming and in the center of the high sixty
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s at the back seat of the source now the president rhiannon told to buy a house look she is ready and that of russia is also ready to welcome the rest of the wealthy too much is to buy tickets to give the lady on sale at the manly the paralympics and take it's because we want to support the empties out into the infrastructure of the odd the building c and empty stadiums that all been tested by its national debut for the last couple of months adding to the beach was like six am and two hundred buses as well as the cars will be available for the athletes as well as the gas out. it peaked at sixteen into the resolve of the costing of the ndp that everyone will be excited to get of the oven of course i ninety at channels will be able to pull cross out on tough hundred countries around the world for the indian peaks said it the thumbs up yet. from monday said tevez into tasty so she and antics but it's also show that the final touches of the nails on to welcome these coming and yet
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for the nice gains frankie sadly this season i'm not saying a life consumption wealthy athletes seperation when sydney fc to the top of baghdad in the paralympics my less than a hundred days away. this accounting of killing some of russia's my behind foods in chinese. ice hockey and should be intense he is determined and the likely going to be too low key just with two sticks one each. with extra risks you constantly flying around place these conditions in everything that gets old crazy for the tireless commitment with the stupid dumb acquitted them of war with the training pool that one moment and every day the seventeen paralympic athletes the fourteen suspects hockey team in thirty six field a team suzuki and is their captain he was injured in two thousand to two while serving in the russian military in
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chechnya. what the film will be fully age of twenty five i used to have a completely different light. throughout the tupelo for whom have been up to the injury i tend to slow to realize why. he was from swimming to taking up the chance to join vs brand new sledge hockey squad. but it was the one with the overt and no one is going to bring new things and still. but here we have the opportunity to win. since two thousand and one when he would hold the blog and participate the non striking. in a country that struggle to accommodate people's disability russia's paralympic coach says the team is helping to change perceptions in and out of the way. numbers are going to work with these guys manage to prove to themselves their relatives and the entire society that we are not people with disabilities and people with unlimited ago let's hope he is the part of the olympics since nineteen ninety four. this is
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the first year that russia will complete the sport only came here four years ago as my team members. what do the booking religious standing at one another not really knowing what to do for proof and too many show you. welcome sight. here is the sledge will. what is it this is the place. this small area is the seat. i'm around which means it's terribly and said he would go to just imagine you have to keep your balance and simultaneously carry the puck we keep falling down. then it takes them all the time to get back up. but now with skill. the sledge hockey players the society hasn't been easy in seeking an immense amount of hard work personal sacrifice and dedication. but the payoff is that it's just on the ides walt who has experience i believe that people who've survived a car crash a plane crash. look at us and realize that even with an injury like that. you can leave on
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the conceptual own goal and achieve the captain of our team to meet in russia. and with auntie not cultivating on one of the ponies my sons like science fiction to break three could be on its way. as you can find that the bill comes signed to suggest the company is in life. sorry if this pond seats on the surface of the name. i don't mind the details of the story oh five that allows one that is a fortune in the landfill site on our website find that as i was seven times and the police ended up deep under the siege of gaza each. according to the pages that is prompted by onto the last of the fishy greenpeace activists detained in september percent in simple wooden optic oil rig all bio costs have been covered by the barman from great let's get more mismatched nazis did in a
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question of a medina the mobile content is about the last non behind boston them what can expect to happen next. what did he set contains two are greenpeace activists as the snp is for safety for it has granted me a line to the strand and national common russell who was the radio officer at the greenpeace vessel arctic sunrise. now mr connor was and the only accidents remaining in custody until recently he added that bring me such a decision during an appeal that was filed by the activist lawyer so so hard for victory the activists including two juveniles are freed on bail now i just remind you the activists were arrested two months ago after the steel to be the last moment while platform in the art scene back in september. now first of the which burst of wet prairie seattle everett leader. these charges were soft and simple and innocent but still he can be punished by a maximum penalty of seven
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years at the moment is the accessory state during rush hour until legal proceedings and he's down are over. all right thank you dean and the sun sees me in the question of a thank you the british stiff upper lip is starting to crave that the uk is revealed to be europe's number one can she not of anti depressants not alter the bank has been put on delta's be too happy to dish out you will select the store smith reports struggling greats to have a lot more on landmines the stacks the under the wet this is a sin and grace and gets an f bomb if a cat that all goes well and fit. it just didn't kill for a headache pills for colds. and if you've got a prescription from your doctor you can get you happy pills have to. and it's increasingly likely he will have appeal to my face in the european cooperation and development says
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the number of second phase of anti depressants being prescribed in the uk have doubled in the last ten days but thing that has the seventh highest describing great in the west and while the trucks like praise that. higher than from gemini and months of maine and yet somehow fact that that sounds half of the wet stuff that is prescribing drugs when therapy would be more effective. some say we feel we didn't have time to be depressed say we take drugs looking for a quick fix but the depression alliance reckons it's a nice tan parts due to the effects of the economic downtown. i think the people that have come forward just use his eyes that he had been badly and buying and buying this and don't stand up and at the ticketing to kill some people trying to get started i'm finding that the phone on top after seven rounds has meant that they just are not putting off starting talks that may need an economic recovery will be given time to mental health to a dance
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held and the uk but keep on taking the pedals. just wanted to pick up above the stories of security has been rife across time. in this country faces its largest anti government writes that he creates primates eating lunch in a lap as the aging demonstrates is that back then if he she supplied denied compensation parliament. guys happy not to incite ministries in bangkok since sunday. attempting to stop and then makes its target being the national police headquarters. sheila is accused of acting as a prophecy for ex own brother of former prime minister he was and stayed in the tree he said these guys. and the son of reoffending a tree at crown favorite group of disputed islands in the east china sea in the current challenge to china's declaration of an un defense adding new nike state schools who refuses to recognize the new bank he's an idiot from tehran on bonus to the area. the state is threatening to unleash gather
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us vice president biden stick to the region next week the gorse and aggravate tensions between beijing and a steely piece tonight this life to which christ us mitre crisis. new eye. room. i need to be a downer i really think the olympics have lost all meaning in the past were there was the cold war it was like a battle between two ideologies taking place the abstract at the nineteen thirty six olympics pseudoscience their self proclaimed security was put on trial for the whole world to see what the olympics having the majority of the country's honor of participating here now horribly horribly bland. one could argue that they become a great way for cuts to show lawful excuse to build up some infrastructure. i think this is a big misconception but back to two thousand a olympics in beijing. yet china is willing to help the last twenty years but the deal is that really teach us anything about this country with a radically
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different political system or give up your age and culture of the way the thinker the way they live. nope nothing at all. all we saw were some flags and some pandas that rather unique stadium which was mostly the work of a swiss company yes i hate to say i think the olympic flame is kind of workout over the years although i have to admit that saying the torch in the space was kind of neat. i think that when and if the world ever becomes an ideological battleground again then the lid pixel become worth watching. but for now it's just generic sports and generic countries achieve their stadiums as just my opinion i rmb he makes the world programming for globally minded people sponsors and underwriters local contact test sponsors to any team that works out or seven at three seven seven o seven one four seven. do you
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leeds. the author. the us
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coach lunch. a small legion of outstanding natural beauty fiji's future tenants huge deal to make a th telling the weekend became wealthy just in these areas the area. slow steady. don't get me going each day starring hugh laurie era. we made it onto the streets the street in which slightly greasy. oh the chance to
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remedy that. the many courts close in age. the country the you knew me you will the fans. the new jersey and one jewish communities around the world began celebrating hanukkah otherwise known as the festival of lights which traditionally begins with the lighting of the menorah in the united states the us national menorah was living in the white house continuing a tradition that was started in nineteen seventy nine but president jimmy carter in israel crowds turned out to watch the nine products can elaborate lighting ceremony in front of the western wall the holiest site


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