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tv   RT News  PBS  November 29, 2013 10:30am-11:01am PST

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shannon. you and new wong will. the retail eu summit in vilnius includes was out of ukraine signing the association agreement how about you in sixteen oh five remains on the table thousands are still in the streets of the canadian cities both supporting and opposing the president's decision. it's been peaceful so far but what else this may well be a calm before the storm. i began to have some serious philosophical reservations about what will
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the fed was doing i decided to apologize to america. as the black friday shopper song kicks off in the last one that got wet the wild winds free of the factories that has alarmed at the american economy finds itself somewhat i kept on and nothing came out which was very frightening. the air was degraded horribly. lots of ear wax trax lions. it's time to thank the front gate wasn't enough communities in texas and also having to cope with the quakes which the labeling on the new method of training a. he's my mastitis is on scene with me th. welcome to the problem
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indeed it has failed and that point in the ukraine class it to your presence be to get a comic strip tease and say station deal with during an eastern bloc summit and then use in ukraine's capital kiev thousands of keeping up around the coal price has to try and push the government enterprising out to europe and on steve was on hand. the assets that have been following the events are as bad and fussed a new poll. aly has seen some sun faces in the twentieth come to school today. yes as expected the eu summit in vilnius has concluded with the our ukraine assigning that association agreement however on friday the president of the european council on and on rome police said he's hopeful that the deal can be revisited at the lake today qb knew his position remains clear. to top off signing the most ambitious agreement the european you in as ever all for two with a non member
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state. he still on the table inside the eu insisted the offer is still on the table however midfielder tiago has already rejected president thinks i'm gonna call of its maintaining that the scale of the financial deal on offer from brussels was no avenue for his country right now saying he left his country feeling really hate to tell congress call them under the heat came face to face with the unique is that i've had since taken the very first time since the award decision now than before. you can just about make them out on tape saying it but if you signed the agreement insisting on a covert under marcos as we expected more tweaking the european union in this case no chemical which justifies his decision to moscow by saying the economic situation in ukraine is very difficult when facing serious threats and of course that the precondition of jailed opposition leader yulia tymoshenko be released to go to germany for medical medical treatment on a fightback was never likely to
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be agreed in the ukrainian parliament so for now president of the coverage was given a farm nodded to the team failed in its current form. i mixed a guest sd house men in the midst of the masa processing key and how people react to getting these antics. look it is still pretty much in protest mode just as many other ukrainian cities all across the counter protests are taking place right now at the independence square. we have a little more than ten thousand of those who are opposing the president's decision of the us supporting the year integration process and that clearly furious with the fact that ukraine was i did not sign the new association deal today in vilnius on the other square just a few hundred meters from the only other supporters of the presidential bought the lot was standing there to support the president's decision and a sign that this was the right time for the magic of move of the biggest question is how long these protests will last provided that the summit of
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illness has come to end and now it's second that ukraine will not be signing this deal it's also the question who will be leading this for potential protest because all the opposition leaders and all these idiotic you back to ca in leading the protest movement they are still in vilnius. ah but we have certain expecting numbers to grow here at independence square as the day progresses that's what you now is finished in ikea. we also heard that the people he outlined to us. a life human chain from the defenders led to the border with the european view him to the border with poland at six hundred km from the app and we also already heard about several incidents with clashes between the two opposing political jabs so with the situation is pretty much had a nice edge despite looking peaceful so far and said he will be following what's happening in kiev in the next several hours abstain the season they say yes and skate in kiev as well as paul scholes and daily news. many thanks indeed to buy. meanwhile the continental ukraine's pro
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europe opposition also in vilnius way you need is as suggesting an agreement may be possible when a new president comes to power in kiev and tennis and don't cost any of these by the eu and g protein and fats help without each. you just need the thing we need the least he is close to bankruptcy settlement to the eu a pub and club took a break when you think the eu because it right the process will be too disappointed if one sticks. i still want the west of the eu can succeed in brussels to london to study for it to him sunday straight thinking seek to continue to be the substitute the ukrainian people. the gas prices during the prices going up and coming going up. the industry by sanctions sought again to the treaty could have a choice. the misses of ukraine's rejected the bid and just how attractive the deal was in that place is up for debate in coastal link
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to this now. the fact is the european union doesn't have money to hand out ukraine needs an awful lot of money and a poem that is that the european union and its member states are broke they have decked out to the light poles and they come to full to pay the rent and bills to ruin other people's both russia and the european union. mike integration with ukraine but unocal that at the end of the data said it's not a good enough deal. i think he encourages government was trying to program soon but that the european union would be able to provide some financial assistance. adam and bolster with that he would be waiting to notch the imf to be more convenient and can i meet the hat's off to the conditions for um looking better now. however it at the hippie you need to take the event did not think to make any concessions. on our website. checking in on the easy ukrainian essay
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station to help set the three thousand rule also the highest he isn't an act of lying to us. sch. holiday shopping season has kicked off the glass with some retail is breaking tradition by pushing that thing now is it to thanksgiving night to the sand away steeple the official sunblock friday and is then examined to find this says the us factories and again it's an unprecedented shopping spree in two thousand and eight has unveiled the largest in u s package in us history as the see just how little time down. once the hunting out team anymore picture is kind of financial trouble. they are as people came to a repainted at the u s factor is the village to announce a program of bomb attacks is being seen more cash and find it on to the lions by pouring more money into the bonds they tended to how
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the average american by driving down the cost of credit so that more people could supplant the financial meltdown bought a tent out to be a big win for wall street mall and the tart pan with a reported increase in water is again missing the credit payments. anyone is in interest rates could lead to long for people in sydney of trouble and down season marina pretty much one of those behind it as if that meant he now sees it as a deacon stay. friday the day after thanksgiving is america's busiest shopping day of the euro million standing in lines for our work for even kate's before skip eating into stores to smack door busting feels oddly enough that the reserve bank has also used this pseudo holiday to want it to only one president is spending spree otherwise known as quantitative easing without a financial crisis that the dpp and find out nasa wants to drive down
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the cost of bread. it's an experiment pics at helping main street. the marks its fight year anniversary the former head of official who helped spearhead the quantitative easing is publicly apologizing to all americans for the role he played his game is in superstar and he joins me now andrew. what are some facts about quantitative easing something had to publish the contents of the entire country. i believe we have a very big wake up call with the financial crisis. five years ago yet to win the us mid atlantic on the outs over the line on wall street where the banks become too big into two cars to trade it for for for the larger economy and what i feel twenty twenty we see alton has done this to reinforce that. that structure the us economy and and and and all the benefits of cutie but ultimately gone to the bank's rabbits and two to mainstream active so if we see that over the course of five years. those that have
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benefited from q we have been the richest people in the united states and the richest companies the richest banks in the majority of americans are not benefiting from this why is he were he still continue the problem is that bad on the fed at this point is the only one doing something and so it feels that it keeps on having to do something to help. top mile to broaden its wits today is that not only helping. but it made me actually be hurting pop or whatever the us economy. had it not seem to national peacekeepers patrol the streets of greenspan people on the very small mistake and people like to compete but she can say that i was helping keep the lid on top of page. but some uninvited lived in aquinas into the country's some locals take classes in the map on how to try and bring it to the need for star is just a few minutes away. a fresh way of the anti frankie
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fury great texas which has been stung by a series of small earthquakes some signs that vein good training for the tram as that which cools the casualties but still not locals quite literally shaken the latest three point six magnitude quake was the strongest india is an appeal. honey can some texan communities. the state house in the months of doom and frolicking operations as well and the us corporations seek to tap into them on a snicker to deposits and i was packed with local resident on wilson. leave me a science but i was forced upon ten hundred one time i turn the tap on and nothing came out which was very frightening. ayer was degraded horribly. lots of ear wax trax line it's no money. it was just completely changed the character they were concerned for me wednesday and put our water cooler than my son today and being sick from the chemicals
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they use the next tennis team i lost eighty thousand dollars in property value as they expand this practice more and more people are hired and more and more people join the opposition right now there's any town or neighborhood over five hundred homes in tianjin where they're tracking theory to a close two hundred and fifty c in some cases from people's backyards. trying to extract fossil fuels is actually more confident than banning them. according to british sci fi looking into this to stephen hall. what's better all citizens of this fold will rebuild the structure whatsoever. no lid of the people said to me that it's that runs if you feel. the dish old the dramatic it from the leakage of for mobile wells and oma is the two to three to seven percent of leakage of the good everything gets into the atmosphere. at least there's a lot more pull than to agree that yes the waltz of steel to it so that your visitors to the city is
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actually a more powerful form of energy than burning coal in power stations. during a business not touring the styles i will make allegations of rebel atrocities in syria. most stories touch of gray ukraine a country divided its government's decision not to pursue the completion of the european union and on for brunch instead. western politicians and media than enough for brussels feels now while moscow has to wait and see approach as ukrainian politics is anything but stable. the so called struggle for ukraine is far from over the eye the uk is
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now home to almost two hundred thousand women in the plans that include johnson catch many treats angry because they believe he'll be new camera isn't ready to dance to the rules of ben haim on skis. reports now on to some locals have made and conventional step to deal with them. looking up against the colts fifteen effect until fall when if ever ikea that nike migrants patrol was organized by the pakistani community if they see a shame that the state this rule a decade in sheffield in the north of the new baby's name is paige told that once he'd take that to mean its attention span i met an attack cincinnati and people i write because a very small and is buried and people like to compete but she can say sometime in style to keep the lid on top of the top eight the cake as long to see was some evidence that the local community it's a concerned about even nights t
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knowledge makes the bread and then to congregate it on this whole high street. going on so when obama said in a man's nuisance noise at night this is the greatest hits from setbacks here and they each get a chance that they don't want to cause any trouble. my friend you know my scorpio people. and speaking of sick enough to open the door hook if a joke in all europe would be if i can really get that she'd be taking place in the under sixteen. they have quiet for the significant presence in afghanistan thought the presents he affirmed. to cope in the evening. like the way through until i stripped all the time and it's a very difficult thing to place the situation has gained national attention that some police think the sense that the repeat of the race riots. like it did note that the country to save it to the tea caddy. that didn't concern me that it was
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going to happen. what concerns me of was how that would make the brain the population and the long sun in population feel that i live many of my attentions of perhaps not so high it about myself and like all he says disintegrate to have the rights to me freely throughout the european union with the one at the base has succeeded at the lee miller three weeks in europe the mike and patrol trying to ape the integration hand with this picture has been with me next year allowing bulgarians i'm an atheist and to the uk sparking why concern. it will just be the patrol keeping a careful watch what plays out on the streets of this rule in april. that thing on fee before sinking ship built in the north of england. mass bombing cash monies in brief this time however the first axis films the un headquarters in thailand's capital by chadian on to sita and preston day is demonstrate among the bigger middle of the prime minister
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this increase of one nine confidence not in the us today is one ounce can see several ministerial buildings and come out with a nice colt is the prime minister is widely seen as a puppet of the drawback was that i could convict people of god. turner has sent forth a chance to attend the trial is being read and it turns out in the disputed islands in the east china sea. this comes up to choke on and south korean war that the minute she points to nine total area of a challenge to a beijing. the dispute threatens to overshadow the us vice president and john lennon's trip to the region next week washington maintains a robust nietzsche presence in the region trying to contain china's clowning around. i guarantee when construction was as close to winning garment is protesting gains the ability of the month. no need to be timed challenge on sunset. these atc's take
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downs. the union and this time around twenty demonstrators in the central core of the province the building of the koran after sixteen months was halted last month when protests is big and disrupting sit to listen to scientists. this eighteen s again on the consequent risk of what to say that line he hates the infections. just when the cheque mom to ask for the hour when the president to apologize. a recent bus trying to push washington amid skating and wounded seven in china was among the skillet. death is caused outrage from the afghanistan government and come during the crunch talks on a secure a spot that would outline the time to america's mission presidents in the country beyond critique. she said the extreme and stabbing the cia from syria asset test online. i was a comment i sent her this year and senate report human rights and
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education eyes on line isn't as neat as execution members of the rival rebel group. one of the freakish couldn't be independent and find you have to warn you it's very quiet fake. the meeting men on the common madrid isn't as great as claimed that the shot dead by members of the islamic state of iraq and to live on its kind of female priests and in the region the terror cells been pushing for more control and rebel held areas in syriac gains to look for a position options. he shunned john bought from the center for media studies believes there is no chance of bringing bicycles like this to begin taking table. mine's the prospects for peace the agenda but today but is no wind on the day. nine members. it is and they seem and dada. his name embedded
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and in between. that is the goal is to assist the city of regina ip problem. he did not mean it in five minutes to die mitigation of the city and offered to do to get it. what do we care bill without that we have to battle position would have tied it to the portage. what about the court did not accept to be under the band are called according to the spin doctor doubled off just about died when out of position put the kettle position in sight what the boat if you see them out of me and a whole lot on that and we do is to make that and sixty thousand yet these on batman is the arm of the present day on sunday about a week and not live and she is a huge fire the bonds will say of sounds in rainy analysts to protect the people from evil. in his signs that preventing women from getting behind the wheel of the cars handling to greenbelt and all events. if the quest to this country in the uk. designed as a child
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from you guessed my ex sil been taken down by police found that she can bring to boil about it. right from the sea. the interesting picture. the reporters were there. the animal. i go the highest trying to bail out is that. that's preparing to compete at sochi twenty fourteen and asking themselves in shape for the winter games on the icc is what interest as hans to make chili three g o p stand up once they are both sound from the centerpiece of the black sea resort i was standing inside of the case
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the olympic stadium was will they see as green as well as the closing ceremonies for the limping and palin peak of twenty fourteen this is going to be the head of the lit the torch. now present the community to support the stadium itself was just one teeny it isn't shaped like a seashell and to myself that is. i see it and to my left is the mountainous concept with all the beautiful alpine ski resorts idea to cater for the athletes as well as its content is all quite unique about the state is affected it is made of glass a while ago i would be funny if one is reflective of one head to head into it didn't really see why it was shaping to be the case stadium for the event a set of clothes that they will be no other sport scene activities happening yet because it is capped with a sagging facing families and often indicates it will be used for twenty eighteen at the wellington
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cup said. we found everything is almost ready and we just waiting for the final nails and bolts and put him on the face of the stadium and doubles up as a budget that is the right east and russia ready to face the world is salty and sweet fourteen. and next and how to love the fan between kiev and brussels the descent of the basement the sun ascot stall. aye aye aye. i know. i am. i did get down i really think the olympics have lost all meaning. and yesterday was the cold war it was like a battle between two ideologies taking place the abstract at the nineteen thirty six olympics pseudoscience their self proclaimed security was put on trial for the whole world to see what
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the olympics having the majority of the country's honor of participating here now horribly horribly bland one could argue that they become a great way for cuts to show lawful excuse to pull up some infrastructure. i think this a big misconception the rectitude of the olympics in beijing yet china is willing to help the last twenty years but the deal and that really teach us anything about this country with a radically different political system or give up your age and culture of the way the thinker the way they live. nope nothing at all. all we saw were some flags and some pans that rather unique stadium which was mostly the work of a swiss company yes i said i think the olympic flame is kind of workout over the years although i have to admit that saying the torch in the space was kind of neat. i think that when and if the world ever becomes an ideological battleground again then the olympics will become worth watching. but for now it's just generic sports and generic countries achieve their stadiums. that's just my opinion i rmb the day. it
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was. low. it is. low. it is
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little. it is. sells. says
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the new. this one. it was wil. the news on him. china has sent twenty six weeks media claimed that since end of the east china sea and income fell to us japanese and south korean military planes or flew through the are isn't covers territory claimed by china japan taiwan and sou korea and contains evidence which the scing and to give a plane to china says establishing the setting was elected to move to the case that spot military tensions with two unarmed arican b ifty two


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