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tv   JN1 Headline News  PBS  November 29, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PST

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the new. this one. it was wil. the news on him. china has sent twenty six weeks media claimed that since end of the east china sea and income fell to us japanese and south korean military planes or flew through the are isn't covers territory claimed by china japan taiwan and sou korea and contains evidence which the scing and to give a plane to china says establishing the setting was elected to move to the case that spot military tensions with two unarmed arican b ifty two bombers flying
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through the area via this week t us is called china's actions in destabilizing attempts to alter the status quo in the region. she was incompetent accused of hacking to death twenty five zero which it sold to the creepy house it to go on trial in the case that has shocked britain. rigby was killed on the twenty second week nights in the previous into daylight near and on the phallic symbol the south east london michael edible la jim and michael out of the one they would appear at london's old bailey central criminal court to deny the charges against him which include mota and conspiracy to add the sauce was alive at that time the three p's dad the men were acquitted in st they killed the soldier living just for muslims killed in afghanistan prime minister david cameron descred the man at the time as a betrayal of islam and an attack on the british way of life . i am the reputed on
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him more. i want. and. you'll go. i was. i know. i. the two
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weeks holiday a lie. miracles of commemorating hurried and the bravery of the maccabees is celebrated every afternoon here by the western wall in the old city of jerusalem where i lived in or out behind me is late. right before sunset. i don't have to do. who doesn't. the eu being alone. the little one he he. a whole. for us to the heat to say and very symbolic dale's afraid of their jewish people. and all the jewish people who are
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united around the world like being gay is a fan of the op and displays is the heart of the jewish people and even though this quarter. once all the people of israel during this country and all over the world with the happy hanukkah. it's called the speeches is a little bit like the hell's a lot of snow world. it's possible to enlighten the world the concrete conditions of lht of hope and fth. even if we are few but we can win over the many. they will not get a cup of this. as in most serious holidays on the cake tin with their invaluable lessons to be learned from the ancient your story. when i see two kinds of hanukkah the day we had another kind this teaches us tohe tune to duties in most of the progress keep them going to be satisfied that what you did yesterday. and oh so lucky to light the candles on the window. outside of an incident outside it as dusk settles to be jewish in hostess of the to scouts when
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he opens the door to get a good job in a suspected to be taught that have gone too soon the street like that and somebody said to him. take the connection between though the speed and physicality when the greeks said that being only the physicality into the world. and arguments of those spare study for my myself. we show that we could connect in the proper with the minnows signing outside everyone that everyone could see. they connect in your house from the insides and outsides. something beautiful to see obama style ending up with ninety other. these greenies interests of my ride here to the holiest site to choose from all around the room to play by the wailing wall too because every bit as blessings and ceremony. and perhaps pray for their own person now and then there was land. i came here today to watch them play and every wednesday it said there's so many people here i were all watching them light on the no to that special
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time faster now. miracles have pain. i leave me salivate. and whosoever having parties and eating special foods following the mighty hundred celebrated and danced by the womb. on. screeching one can see the new fee to use them the new eye the true test of success for its headquarters achieves his ruling islamist auntie unknown to the protest to cease from sin for which a criminal but still fits into the on button and it won't prevent the phone and gaining access to the building nationwide protests have erupted again to cheat the government while general strikes against been killed in city on the two of the city's weekly meetings
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reported in some areas known to me but this went on strike the islamists than all the poets he has been moving changes it since elections in may the twenty eleven the government has been accused of incompetence and failing to invest in the economy unemployment stands at fifteen cents and a poor credit rating from its chain is it from going money internationally. the changes in government is listening battling islamist militants tasted like a awesome apron that the cheney to the nintendo system knowing when an opposition leader was assassinated in conducting anti government protests in all my time is mrs saw a coma kill themself in a cheesy tourist resort. and on daniel position have discussed this new transition of power pop into existence breaking down she knew she was once considered the cradle of the spring after the twenty eleven revolution is now facing a major crisis for the economy a hapless governments and the islamist insurgency the apology which
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also she has been in court in london before trial to former school assistance to himself and his ex wife is liberty ship. nigel wilson. this is elizabeth's and francesca group who are accused of purchasing items for themselves using credit cards given to them by such intervals in which women are buying household items. a cool head that between january two thousand and eight and december twenty twelve this is his old liver million dollars worth of laundry gets for themselves this is to deny any wrongdoing and italy is a major olson was using drugs at that time something which olson's legal team as repeat it. the judge told a pre trial hearing any this week and will soon end of the witnesses could be questioned about drug use during the trial. saatchi who is of iraqi jewish descent winter a high profile divorce with olsen and it is his opportunity in our age pulls it off to the toronto coalition to protect nice paper sharing salty hoping his wife on the trades. aye
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mm mm . surrey united nations special for me to the middle east peace process has revealed that he is the fun part is if you provide to our family to see so this is in the hamas run gaza strip. he gets cracked down on cross border smuggling tunnels used to bring fuel to gaza has already forced the coastal enclaves do need help on this bill meaning the aim of the day twelve hour clock counts for the strips one point eight million people the jets really tree backed government says the tunnels are used to take weapons into the sinai dependency up and accuse hamas of backing the egyptian muslim brotherhood which was ousted by the army in july. he has been a vocal critic of the ousting of muhammad will see whose is this the muslim brotherhood pope teaches a seminar i t o t to turkey's ruling justice and
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development penalty. kyra last week expelled to peace ambassador and downgraded diplomatic relations after accusing anchor of meddling in egypt in total offense and collaborating with hamas and the brotherhood. according to british broadsheet the guardian the us national security agency has been collecting details about the online sexual activity of prominent islamist radicals in order to undermine them the latest revelation comes courtesy of a document leaked by edward snowed in a recently published by the huffington post the americans buying agency targeted at six so called radicalized it's none of whom is alleged to have been involved in any terror plots the leaked document alleges that it's their choreography and it's where exposed it could lead to a loss of authority when their devotion to the strict tenets of islam are called into question critics fear however that the new regulations mean that the nsa could use the technique against anyone
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not just radical islamists genteel jap for the deputy legal director of the american civil liberties union says people should be concerned about how the dad that the nsa collects on virtually all us citizens will be used even though the nsa says this personal information will be of use but these documents show that the nsa probably defined to be is very narrowly. anyone house foundation held its annual ball to raise money for the charity. it's been two years since the singer died of alcohol poisoning after a very battle with tights. her father says despite christmas hanukkah and rush the sun coming up everyday is difficult without tv. she may be gone but she certainly not forgotten. i visit her iconic in each one up for auction at the second annual amy
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winehouse foundation hall in london. back to black singer died two years go from alcohol poisoning after the witnessed her struggle with big contracts. father nick says there isn't a day that goes by when he doesn't think of his daughter. christmas will be shown on the amount that the results last week sold stocks. the city called sleeping pill. when we reached the terrible tragedy and bought tickets. the tuk tuk ride reached to the extent we would do it say it but it cost me the special relationship to attack with his daughter it was well known. she even had
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a tattoo on her arm which that daddy's girl. he says that the knee pain he feels that the loss of his only daughter is the driving force behind the tv winehouse foundation. this renovation my dvr. not all i can on my watch and nine a battle began on what you're doing. level i could do with itself. so if you don't see the question about anybody. he would have been snippy keep its secrets amy's mother janice also said it was like the singer with a pool of. they placed it in again. the site not come immediately a galaxy of stars attended the event to support the charity. back to black music producer and dj mark ronson former mrs mick jagger and monetary home and british pop star pixie lott were just some of the big names tennis court the evening ended with a performance by ads consequently singer boy
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george the foundation recently launched adjust the tension that grandkids twenty schools across england and they have to be in fifty by the end of the academic year. i'm cindy martin proj and one. london is awesome you can the secular pro democracy activists had taken to the streets of cairo in defiance of a strict new law on rallies put in place but the military backed government of egypt or acquiring demonstrators to obtain a permit before holding a protest. the new law passed by the army backed government has angered some egyptians to describe it as a major blow to a fundamental freedom it has even drawn criticism from some supporters of the current government who want the law could unite the secular pro democracy activists with
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muslim threat that the islamists. earlier in the gate it's an activist also criticized the government's decision to arrest two prominent secular activists leaders after they took part in demonstrations outside parliament in violation of the new law regulating protests. so what they're doing to make synthetic destruction of opinion in one opinion to realize that he will tell of a puppy we the people who made that an instance. yes they were terrorists. neither the command of tourists they are the stupidest history of peaceful places to see them more what's happened yesterday was an act of violence in this and thinks he did that. not cos need to make in tibet house liberals and activists who backed isn't its president maurice his overthrow and now becoming more vocal against the military and its leaders to abdel fatah cc which has pursued a top security crackdown against islamists so the same thing happens
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you. he's doing was the mystic is a technical streets. he wanted to have a to b to b to the police and even in fiction interested to have a document that included credence to let the two are dead to rest in a body without the knee and was a little bit means that school robotics team and was going on was the most. the most is being sold. when she tries to restore the people and tries to address the people for reasons of social stripping down to people he has stood out because he does not expect that. so far the government has not indicated he will back down the new requirements for protests and says it is not opposed to peaceful rallies and that the regulations aimed at bringing back order to egypt which has suffered economically due to instability since hosni mubarak stall. thousands have died in protests clashes since the two thousand eleven revolution which ousted longtime leader including hundreds of islam is two were killed when the military forcefully cleared to protest camps in august . according
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to time magazine israel will be staging a large scale military drill with the united states when he recently signed interim to kill the deal with iran expires in six months time the druids are partly intended to signal to the iranians that while the west made for diplomats lead to something you can donate to the military option is still on the table should the need for force arrives the news comes as israel finish is holding shows with the us and greek and italian military's the exercise dubbed the blue flag was the first of its kind and reportedly featured some sixteen fighter jets flying out in the open air base north of the lads israel is deeply skeptical of the international community's deal with iran with prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling it a historic mistake iran however has applauded the deal and recently invited inspectors from the international atomic energy agency to visit. it's a rock heavy water reactor something that hasn't been
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allowed by the islamic republic since two thousand eleven the eye the konica antiques giving of a special meaning this year for holocaust survivor of leon kirstie is reunited with the man whose family kept him hidden from the nazis during world war two. increased since sunday saver just laugh with seats for the first time in sixty nine year said jfk international airport new york. during world war two increased in his parents and his mother's sister and brother in law's family were kept hidden for the nazis for two years old kid to parents interact. in fact. you know what you are the ones who saved our lives and healing we are alive is because of you and your family in europe
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especially your parents a to risky having five children and their own support it says took the family at him during rating peaks. interest in family and the vines and felt family lived with the colts it says intel nineteen forty four when gary was liberated by soviet soldiers. pearson said that during that time his cousin had a hard time keeping themselves busy. we have no choice. we had no books. we had nothing to play with. so we know all we could do is. i watch. spiders catching flies. we i mean when you mention but of course we will have to ice and so we did he know it as such missions to go. i was planning on booking photo ice in. the as each other's heads gerson said green was even more special to happen on a free stay on at the jewish festival of lights and ran ahead of thanksgiving day you know a comical it also
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represents to be the traditional jewish victory over the romance of the romans were trying to repress out. and to pay anything to add it to get the nasal saline represents this symbolic the feeling of having freedom and justice fairness and be able to be what you wanted be. so i think it's in a very broken it and today in fact we were going to have a nice celebration of thanksgiving day with the family owned and together with the textile and his nephew. first it really lives in cedar first new york law politics lives in the lecture hall. the meeting was organized by non profit group called the jewish foundation for the rejects i know. the and the diplomatic route was
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chosen and an interim deal regarding iran's nuclear development was reached. we asked one of israel's experts on iran to discuss this issue and explain what exactly it means for israel and for the international community professor at the time you but this be looking around what we have the new store opened six months in temecula when you're on is taking upon itself a commitment. two and reached over to the nsa still gone with the uranium in return. a whole the coupon you the wars in iraq. and in return. there should be kind often really sticky wrong with you when it comes to this functions the chain mindy and either owned or approximate the offset and india as millions to attend israeli prime minister at the al has repeatedly stated this would be in that year halifax has this deal impact is now. it's a good deal for
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israel. because it's in the ghettos in accordance with what i think and what i said iran would go nuclear and basically he's been in line or perception is that the five plus one. sacrifice than me due to an end in moncton. for the sake of the c when e iran got here it's kind of a promise coming from the united states. and in a way that include says. that minute pr is not in the offing when it comes to the next six months what do you believe israel should be doing about this deal seems very video there's no use to talk about a bad feeling. there is a deal we should do now is just a second diplomatic as well by which to make sure that everybody understands what could be the ramifications of battle hymn of that kind of a
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deal. and in tandem the current senate intelligence effort behind the scenes helping the americans and tried to find a notice even when it comes to that we take in the future the agreement he's going to be. this interim deal create tension between the us and is now that is let's say some cream on your side would say voyages between walking and to the united states of america is freaking tired. and the less strident in berlin to die in a medium bowl with middle east issues we may say that in the middle east the compositional for all the simple color umbrella he's being changed. much more auctions. much more chinese. the expense of the americans what we have to at the piano i was so cute it's kind of a russian
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american men. and tell of these university can this new generation of students believe in resolving the reunion is the diplomatic when i think that's a boundary to county run as it gets good idea. i mean it's time to tune for waking up and think the new government is like trying to calm and peace and more. so i think it's not not a good way to say that no we don't want it you know to continue have anything to do with kids it seems everybody's kind of unhappy which isn't too methinks is a good deal of every nobody's complaining abt it. anything that prevents more and sort of makes every kind of. equally unhappy and you know more to go on tours compromise and things good idea. i think it's a good deal and the tool of being. with options for peace in the city. obviously no one's going to attack any monday. at least that's what i think. you can find this too is a bit too loud about it he shouldn't talk to obama
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on and try the painting that wouldn't invest. do you foresee a military options for is now in the future. i don't think it's good to talk about that. this speech is then she'd make your. that this day. that we are not to make it to a deal. or as complete or full duty in the end of today. that would make sure that iran builds your pr. we cannot commune ourselves to accept that. and in that case the sale would be responsible for its own destiny or for its own future israel's prime minister benjamin acting out titled the deal with iran a historic mistake allowing what he called the most dangerous regimes to attain the most dangerous weapon. he also stressed that israel would not be bound by this agreement. proj land and sea runner bean is around. an
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enormous difference. chris getz and believed to be one of a nice six relatively complete specimens in the world has been sold the action in the uk for four hundred thousand pounds the seventeen me too long dinosaur known as misty was found in a quarry in wyoming in the us before being assembled in the netherlands and transfer to the uk for sale. it had been expected to make between four hundred to six hundred thousand pounds the identity of the fire has no it's being discussed the teenage singer justin taylor has been told to clean up is graffiti and accept a key and his entourage allegedly spray painted the wall at his hotel on australia's gold coast images of graffiti on the qt hotels wall were posted on the internet. who will mean
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young lions and all of this is done something that that mike tyson but at the very least. willie's rectify what was done wrong in this case a lead outside to johnston have a look at it. come back to the gold coast without daddy and get down there i'll give you the free cafe beach cleaning kit and get them then remove these from this cafe the offer now. mine arrived. but the hotel is declaring itself a graffiti believers despite being at odds with the city government saying it gave your permission to stay on its last the hotel changed its facebook page cover art to show beaver and the declaration he asked and we said yes. mayor tom takes fears that the actions of the superstar singer can encourage vandalism have yet to be proven true fans say the lights the stunt tom activity. anything done by hand. painting from the nineteen year old pop star arrived in australia after a troubled latin america to wear where she is wanted by police in brazil
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for another graffiti incidents. he also cause controversy earlier this year when he signed the guestbook at the anne frank house in the netherlands stating he hopes the famous diary it's within a believer. rule. do will be. to me. who are
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will the tsar. it is. though
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is our ch. since. it is our taiwan and monica child temperatures across taiwan hit record lows on the morning of nov twenty nine. according to the central weather bureau when two days he'll be particularly cold and dry due to strong high pressure systems. early in the morning of nov twenty


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