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tv   RT News  PBS  December 3, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm PST

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the bomb on cbt one is putting security agencies and tactics leading senior counterterrorism official as just wants an investigation into the pot snowballed surveillance programs of the us in the uk. more on this story coming out. and what does your facebook status how the world about you. new research shows how personality traits can be deciphered from something as simple as that facebook status update will have a full breakdown on this just ahead. and it's happening on
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detectable lawmakers has extended a nationwide ban on plastic dots. what does all of this mean for the regulation of three d printers more on that later and shout. it's tuesday. it's our third eye in washington dc. i mean you're a david and you're watching our tea the united nations senior counterterrorism official is now launching an investigation into the surveillance activities of both us and uk intelligence agencies. un special repertoire than emerson announce that he would initiate an investigation an op ed he wrote that was published by the authority and any article emerson says there are five areas of contention that are worth evaluating including whether it's noted deserves whistleblower status whether his beak damage us or uk national security whether his week say the fighting me for surveillance overhaul by their british parliament was
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misled about the true sadness of surveillance and one of the british parliament's current intelligence oversight system is there on out. over the course of the next year. emerson is expected to be a comprehensive investigation after which will deliver a series of recommendations to the un general assembly next fall. and in that same not that emerson also took the opportunity to crawl out the prominent political voice is less congested at the guardian face a criminal investigation for its publishing the multiple adverts and weeks he said both these issues are at the apex of interest concerns. the astonishing suggestion that this sort of journalists and can be equated with aiding and abetting terrorism midst of the scots decisively. it is the role of the free press topple governments to account the guardian's editor alan ross bridge are defending the publication and a parliamentary hearing today in which members of parliament act nca to blame
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the guardian for a national security breach rt sarah firth has more. well one thing hearing it was that his lively at times that don't quite have the hang of it i think it's that to say the edges have begun the news paper at managing to loans that will raise questions that at some of the questions i think on it and raise some eyebrows secondly we had a one point an empty office and with three g d that you love your country now that would send me any question that is getting to be raising eyebrows we all say i had one np seemingly content some of the guardian this place is a peek at the snake and files can be king of secrets. add to the nazis as they listened to that the unit about the unique movement to remove one two with two phones that information to the dogs. now the question session to a warmer more interesting if he can pack for what's a place at the beginning at the front and then he stole the heads
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of the uk and its agencies m i five and my sixty seats. he remains calm in the foyer of the continent's beach with him that the questioning much calmer. not much of it. more than they sit outside and said something to. a kid or sending a cup in his questioning today. just repeating the deed was done with by the rnc with the food chain. chairman. can we assume you are having discussions with your american lives of hundreds of thousands of people who can happen to your intuition then i saw it. all three of us are killed in the discussions chairman j to give it much. he ended the session we had adam s bid to oust its big idea with continued to publish revelation recently said that at the wooden beams. they said that they would behave recklessly and that was quite simple it's like thinking today session he really made nate at the gravest nice neat that the judge was involved in publishing the stories i'm
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content and sang with a how to behave responsibly and has bought this debate now about the state of the surveillance and intelligence agencies in this country have undertaken such as sesame i think this debate will bang away anytime soon. matt was rt sarah for most people facebook is a place where they can share photos or catch up with long lost friends. however the social media site may have a darker side. a new study called the dark side of facebook swedish researchers found that status updates to make a certain personality traits including its icon but the narcissism and machiavellian assigned to conduct the study daniel garcia and subvert or six from review the status updates of over three hundred americans in combination with personality tests participants were asked to answer a personality survey dance in a number of facebook status updates which for an alliance with an algorithm that measured the significance of words in their aunts fact researchers noted that the status updates of the people whose trees were identified as psychopath
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and more narcissistic and more on or negative status updates with and often making reference to prostitution and butchers and deep pockets he sent. i was doing earlier by spur for six from upper faster in cognitive psychology at one university in sweden was also one of the researchers in the study the first film as an on the meaning of the word psycho apathy. cover is if the lack of empathy. you'll see genius. they are going to use my snare a tooth i don't see any excitement and don't think so much about people's emotions. and now as i understand that this study took a look at both a personality survey and the kinds of words used in facebook status message updates. he is the one exactly you're looking for in both the survey and the status updates to determine if the person has psychopathic tendencies. yet
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similar people says that his state's top it all. do you did you know it's just that it was just fifteen days and then don't give a number of personality trait in that unit test time. and that those were the type to start on site called jesus and mary and narcissism. look at its worst. an emergency. and then doing something whether we can look at the status of this. to determine whether all these while he is the statistical method of looking at the meeting. on that day its status updates to take the first objects most of them is that it's
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the best that it distorts scientists. very thing. i find that pot on our tree at it. he studied and found manifested in facebook status updates. the gap. three states that all go together and that they'd be talking with us to talk to and why and that's different stephen. most of the narcissus. the thought of myself. your friend i want to see me and said i know it's a see saw this cool permanently to trace try to control people. and one of the humans not narcissism. i'm different now. you look at things and you blackjack ii in order to determine. so we didn't decide to compete in compensation it has been a good statistical relationship between with demeaning words
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and these personality traits so i'm sitting here making it just so. it was the reason that man uses his aunts. i found is that pets and sometimes more important things like a dad. it isn't a tent and were lost. it is up this next thing we. yes this though that could be my ticket we began to have to have these expenses for meetings lacking the right to
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take this decision myself i'm going to take control of the people. then i g rendell i'm so emotional about how they think and feel. very interesting. notice the participants of the study actually knew that they were being evaluated. how are you able to make sure that their responses were three natural and not tainted in any way well in the face. there were lots of new businesses that easter is an toothpaste in life. two days of summer so that you couldn't even make it all and that and before that they think his personality tests so they will comply. the combination between these two days more looking at the results of this study are going to say that the researchers looked a little too deeply into the status updates that you can diagnose a person based on their digital profile when you make that argument. well
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i guess this may indeed be interesting finding in this day that you actually can do that. so a and it said it is statistically significant results. and that the tree it's on my train of thought on some of the day and that the net check the other day and the homes that actually can do this. what's the potential for this research going forward what kind of implications could this have. so his resistance to take the candidates. these are traits that are traits of person. it's supposed to do well like it. a warning sign so old that she could possibly her sentences. he's like six ha or you can also
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get the keys to the state even if they are so different at the door. tuesday's statement the teacher teach him to play. and then. so this could be like helping us to easily get to know other people on the maps and also to see it. and in the south and kurdish. we really are by making two batches of what to write. i'm sure a lot of people didn't know that and that there could be some kind of psychology at base as that and in their facebook status message updates but don't mind injured team since they spoke specifically rather than for example another social networking sites like twitter. i did go to the lucky we are going into the us was good and good taste. and it's a story that convenient for us. and then
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praying that our conscience or you can watch it a goal to know that status updates so it suits them the most intimate communion simple the americans the rest of the future. that was her current six from upper pasture and cognitive psychology and one university in sweden. and winemakers in the house of representatives voted to extend the plastic gundy and today as they ran up against a deadline for its expiration the un detectable firearms act which was first enacted in nineteen eighty eight and re authorized in two thousand three mates enemy cool to cold manufacture import sound chip deliver his transfer or received any firearm next on detectable by metal detectors and x ray machines. however this time around the new provision was up for discussion. democratic senator charles schumer has been voicing his concern over a three d printing technology which has advanced to the point that anyone with one thousand dollars in an internet connection can access the plastic parts that can be fitted into a gun
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those firearms can be detected by metal detectors or x ray machines. when senate democrats were looking to amend the law before its passage to mandate that metal monster the upcoming component of the gun. thereby closing the loophole that would allow for movable metal parts on the other hand republicans not to pass the bill in its current form that's exactly what happened this afternoon in the house the senate will take up the matter when it returns on december night. the same day the law will sunset the national rifle association hasn't publicly taken a stance on the legislation however gun owners of america a smaller gun rights group called the band and extension unnecessary because three d printing technology is not yet quite the available. and using the three d printer to replicate passing guns may not be the only battle at hand. this practice can also be used to print metal dots are cheese marina or nia got an inside look at a shooting range in austin texas where
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gun to his guests have access to the world's first three d painted metal gun the new brits shooting range in austin texas is normally packed with god. enthusiasts today the difference is that men are firing rounds we could do it yourself. why are the world's first three d printed metal products. we wanted to showcase the abilities of what direct metal into her much lighter is a project coordinator at solid concept company specializing in three d printing paper and threw the rt was granted an exclusive pour out their boston facility which does tend to read the industrial printers and a glimpse of our technological future. these are all the three credit cards that i went into making this firearm after getting a federal firearms license the company used a process called direct metal. these are censoring to produce his browning nineteen eleven pistol to repeat the metal
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sign has pioneered the pool for one thousand rounds in the meantime solid concepts has manufactured it's set in nineteen eleven by our solid concepts insists the stainless steel wire to be introduced to the world can't be replicated by hobbyists. these machines start at six hundred thousand or million dollars. they need to be in industrial environments they require more electricity than is available in residential areas. and it'll be years before medal. printers become available on the consumer market. not exactly the world's first mini metal maker has already been created and with laser century pack is set to expire in february. it's predicted that metal desktop printers ball hit the consumer market for you. ask the world has learned the convenience of technology has a downside. we all love to the internet cell phones email and social media before finding out that our beloved data is being monitored and stored by
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the nsa. the astonishing ability said three the metal realtors he's no longer see so when they become a part of our households. alongside the microwave and black screen. people choose to create privacy of their beyond the control us during the forty nine rt taxes. and still ahead here on our team opposition to genetically modified foods has grown by leaps and bounds all of gmo to get the glare of little was said or done about it differently the modified to you jen assets will tell you more about this overlooked process after the break. who knew him i knew. i knew. each
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the air. the road the door
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stories. you know. since changing the world likes. no pictures. it is. i don't every day in opposition to the use of genetically modified organisms or gm those gains more and more action as advocates call for their respective state or country to implement food labeling mas and band gmo crops. that mounting pressure seems to be working just last july monsanto the leading gmo manufacturer when drew applications to sound genetically modified seeds in the european union. however while she and i have begun to lose their luster other chemical companies are using monsanto is bad press as an opportunity to open up the market to another
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questionable technique. it's called new genesis and snail mail. in fact it's been around for years. even now it's been a natural cause full mainstay it's a process that has by and large remain on regulate on regulated. so whatever email about new genesis and is at the next generation and the business to top about all that and more i'm joined by james shapiro a professor of microbiology at the university of chicago james thank you for joining me. were there. first of all new genesis is a complex process to understand can you top a little bit about how it works and how we really differs from the way gm owes or modified. moody's is going to make this clear mutation which is acquiring genetic changes. as a natural process organisms. most of the dna may do so. especially when they're under stress. the key to evolution. you genesis is
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treating organisms that are weary and increases the number frequency and musicians. such is treated with chemicals and radiation there are also natural processes like privatizing difference pcs. or infection of viruses and bacterial pathogens. our region as well no gm posts are different in that they are understood to be organisms which have extra dna. related species inserted into the genome or laboratory genetic engineering. this is true the monsanto products you are talking of roundup ready. bt toxin plants bacteria in a store that inserted into them. gm was also her nature. because we've learned the organisms exchange dna is this call horizontal transfer to distinguish it from merkel
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transferred from the parents and i think the big mistake is to think that gmo store only arise in a laboratory they also rising nature and are essential to lose. well i think he did the job of making that ad or distinguishing rather the difference between at what's natural and you know what's sort of all turned purposefully on the distant be clear what nots have breeders been developing by using this technique. well they did all kinds of crops and in the pesticide resistant varieties. of news this is long been used in plant breeding together changes in the life cycle and son. tolerance. it feels so forth. indigenous this is just a staple of agricultural genetics. i and many studies out there about the effects of jammies on him
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and how one or email at this point about the impact new genesis half. well we would only know that from testing and in most cases. mutations will be harmless. however even the most natural genetic changes can produce harmful pests. so he to avoid breeding plans to stimulate the emergence of hesse. like super reserve me to resist insects that cause problems with existing gm ups. oh i just wanna make the point that those channels you can transfer their dna to allah organisms and created a strong selective environment for very resistant vests the rights of going on now. i have wanted to talk alot about how the new genesis assertive affecting other plans and he gets a little bit about that and in how it might impact the future of farming. well i think if we
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if we use the same low resistance mile which is good and what's been done with she and lows. we're going to lose. last taken over the city markets and they contribute to the problems. a culture where we have to put in lots of chemical inputs so they're not very helpful in the long run. in our jammies are now facing a lot of scrutiny around the world and that means more of the market will be opened at a chemical company is like the asx and dupont to manufacture seeds using the agenda says the seeds also happen to be cheaper to produce the cvs ad needed genesis seems really sort of fitting into the market going forward. well as us. if they are based on single trace it's going to create a problem. instead contribute to increasing our culture loss of the cold germs
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working for the ability to rehab and the plants and nature. and also develop severe chemical dependent on the back row. and can not only are they cheaper but they are by and large non regulated that this plane that person may be difficult to regulate that i'm no chemical company say there's no need for regulation because i haven't been any major safety issue so far when you make that argument any regulated. oh i think there have been issues with super reducing pesticide resistant reason. bt toxin resistant insects. um um. we really should have more information about that. so on really when you choose to do more investigation i think the best thing is that the fta should develop
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the expertise and facilities it means to test a proper artist whatever methods are used to generate them. i don't think being gmo. is the self a bad thing. but what characteristics are weak and institutes. there is work on plants that can grow where class. agricultural products so now you've grown daughters all departments then add to your closet where the gm owes it to chemical dependence. monarch culture. that's a negative development and i think it's something we should avoid. as for safety issue is having every new food source should be tested and an unfair or so chalet as a process a lot of people don't know much about appreciate you coming in on and breaking it down for us james shapiro professor of microbiology at the university of chicago thank you. it's been a
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pleasure. try it that i first spied a word on the latest version of anne frank global keyboard only the sign at the computer while light on the rack what you're saying and for the right word the scientists knew experiencing that it's the result of a long list of words google has decided it just won't be for you are a cheese maker lopez has the story. your never ending pursuit to text and staff of the soccer lovers have come up with any number of lanes over the years and there are some hiking up the ladder up everywhere and it felt like predicted tag line and otto reich help users in a realm in most of the time you tell if this doesn't help us work more efficiently. the latest version of android google keyboard month countdown number of common words from it though. the larry the dictionary contains one hundred sixty five thousand words. according to wired reporter john pitched in the tech company purposely left out another fourteen hundred words. and it seemed
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appropriate. so what are these taboo words. most of them run wild around the former shah of course the number of men who don't want time out for new black panties bra with jam packed at t i and condom are so many other word i will mix. now what loud and making of the loud just don't put them together. the word is and they are. reference is like morphine and mri like fluid and what marijuana and vaughn are in a few islamic were prohibited like to me and if you are. but no those aren't just about the only religious words like google dictionary plant men in the comments that are out of bounds. not the latter is not cool blonde auto complete competitor name like garmin and amd. but how cool and i found a recognized even someone who will the arab world last time the dictionary to look nice
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and can topple the mark that miss found that when you take something you can break this down i turned the words were and are frequently featured on urban dictionary dot com also defended george karl and dirty words are out along with the ordinary words like geek died in halifax. if you want you could turn the filter off of google keyboard settings so you can pack for the new top. you can also add words your own personal dictionary. curse your little heart out the overarching question here is a worry no one helping with the intimate these wire. an example of the company's political campaigns and their staff. or is it simply too late to attempt to force people to talk to more civilized manner to one another using bold words perhaps. all good questions to which global response. perhaps the two words accompanying note that no comment. in washington
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meghan up as rte. and that does it for now i'm your id that. new new new new guru and. all the while maintaining his clients wednesday the fourth and can think of the action and to camp at the gym and protesters in thailand are taking a break from the campaign to bring down prime minister will actually a lot but that one gilbert and it couldn't back out of respect for the country to tears came to celebrate his birthday on thursday


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