tv Global 3000 PBS December 4, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PST
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twenty. well that's great because we can sit on the flight from la do it. you knew when lulu. reach out to you when the attack on the global stories that affect us all. i kept coming up to you today the key to america's high achievers on the social mission. political instability and that's all it takes on the set when the ranges in the corn debate i'm hoping you all that she
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sees my camera started heading for an eye the united states a country where most families and at least two cars and refrigerators the signs of color and ph. and yet one in six americans goes to bed hungry every night. the clean cities this is beginning to stir it through every track but there's also a new generation of young american entrepreneur has been no youngest starting to bring a can account for this game still has teamed up with a double sink is that what these twenty somethings i feel planet the elderly and eighty two qantas board to pay for keeping order from least i think to feed the kids and they consider it the responsibility to make things better when so few of them. they're proud of when they come from here in new jersey. adam ellie was born here. he works for his parents moving company. but today the twenty seven year old ace in transporting furniture the fruit which he and his team have collected
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often when people move house they leave behind cans or other package through. shares of forty percent of the last twenty years. people just roll in it and it's even more so when people are relocating the last thing that people think that i went into been thinking about making sure that their furniture in their tv either dvd player gets a new one piece. what's in and says is often the last thing thought about. the two drops of what he's collected today from here. foodstuffs are distributed to soup kitchens or directly to poor families in new jersey. i still own right. thank you so much that i feel. some parts of the state one in ten people don't have enough to eat rice noodles and green products
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are sorted. peanut butter is a much needed staples since it contains a lot of protein but every time the ready made meal is welcome. adam studied marketing and had a well paid job and mercedes at the age of twenty three he started his move for hunger organization. now more than five hundred moving companies have joined put it all started in new jersey. a hundred thousand people. amen the home of her springsteen and bon jovi and have a lot where the jersey shore and you don't see all those poverty all around you was talking about it. tom said it is his command that statistic that made me start to think know what what is hunger hunger is clearly here. but the reality is that one in six americans fifty million americans go to bed hungry every night. new jersey is near new york city where as the song goes. if you can make it here you can make it anywhere. but for many libertine has its limits. you
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can quickly end up struggling call us have long been an all too common part of city life. adam visits new york often because he's joined the global shakers network along with artists politicians economists and environmentalists. they all exchange ideas organized events and draw awareness to various problems and are all younger than thirty am and noon today. will i make when starting a company focused on the company and sometimes it is a little bit isolated. but i think you can really benefit from meeting other people who have fresh perspectives. you know that no two people and above are global superstar them are like no two people have the same background where i doing the same thing you really have access to the diversity of talent perspective auctions and i hope you have a little bit more on objectivity and
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whatever it is you're doing and also discover and brainstorm new ideas to impact the world. caroline is working to improve the equal opportunities for women in the workplace. in two thousand twelve she and a friend started the booty which helps young women get started in their chosen careers a former advisor at mckinsey. she wants them to profit from others experience for many years volunteering is a matter of course. oh what to do something the vast majority of young people in united states and across the globe. have a concert passionate about whether their hands had breast cancer or are they care about the oceans their search for her to get people just needed impactful find exciting meaningful things to do and they will do something. adam was twenty three years old when he started move for hunger. but some people are even younger when they become activists. and they use
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networks which are becoming increasingly important together they can do more than on their own. the two together is always good as clueless but it's much harder to convince groups to cooperate in times of conflict and seventeen at the central african republic is on the back of the nike tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing the violence biscuits that the de stabilized its name is cameron and the republic of congo. alrighty suffering internal politics of . it's in this climate of chaos that means is that trying to protect the wildlife course within the border regions and among coaches the wagon spreading boss at the political instability mainly through an easy kill high profits. hold my newborn can be sold to twenty thousand euro is the key data and ivory still lead of around one thousand eight hundred euro has the worldwide fund for nate to estimates the trade in
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illegal wildlife is what some eight billion euro it everyday. we'll visit a group of rangers nearly went to see the forces that drive this market and the state department has found the ground. long. bffs. it's afternoon. figure one the forest elephants come out to be. it's only in the pew jungle clearing in the central african republic that the chinese animals can be observed. water buffalo grazing the lakes before disappearing again into the forest. as evening falls the lake scene is under threat. the congo basin region is going through turbulent times. political
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instability. civil wars. they all take the environment. in part because they open the door to poachers. heavily armed brigades the rangers are on patrol on this tributary of the congo river looking for poachers. they are stationed in the central african republic beatrix potter a cross border force protection project run by the central african republic cameron and the republic of congo. patrol on sunday river on the right hand side of the central african republic nonetheless his camera. this is all part of a tri national protected area. the green nature taking its august on to a forest reserve in the central african republic the country was plunged into chaos following a military coup and coaches to kids and
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teach it to the stand that day. the director of design inside the park he says the death toll among the animals was high why didn't the second of all the people he will. based on what we observe them as argus on the reserve. the whole thing was well organized it when mike poachers presumably from sudan. they attacked the son of a clearing in early may it all what they meant it to struggle on. thank you all mvc the sunday blues on the banks higher worldwide fund for nature helped supervise the protected area but apart from the local workers. all the conservationists have had to leave the park because it simply become too dangerous you have escaped capture is in charge of the sun the project. he says rebels plundered more than just the land here. wide open for unfortunately they also
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enhance our project based which runs a very important topic of the project in saying this kind of an absolute train forest and jungle paradise. here for instance that under the auspices of the wwf and the national park authority the last wet season along with the rebels which is entered. iam to the teeth with machine guns and in just a few days they massacred the elephants. i'm getting the top. the escalating violence is also threatening research being done in the region. thomas player steady scrupulous on behalf of the united states based conservation organization. in order to reach these three groups of animals he and his colleagues have to go deep into the jungle. worst of the congo basin providing habitat for tens of thousands of the primates. gorillas live in family groups and
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going through the jungle searching for food. and i are still relatively safe within the protected area the researchers trying to identify the grill is by using photo cards so they can keep track of their activities in two weeks the animals face many threats. good thing happening upon a particular number of dangers from guerrillas including diseases or so we researchers try to prevent passing on our diseases by wearing masks. ben bit by and large parts of the forest of being clear points. the bush regime bush bean also threatens guerrillas in school. on the end is increased pressure on the population due to global trade in live animals especially on the asian market. ozzy option. that makes the work of the researchers and conservationists in the region all the more important. they are the ones
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who often risked their lives to get their information and publish it a lot of money is needed to protect the biodiversity in the congo basin the international climate protection initiative and chairman k and w reconstruction monday and have provided millions for these efforts. these firms can print to help protect its a good time to. the swamp dwelling antelope the only important but lands of central africa. it threatened with extinction. what the elephant of africa however in the future looks bleak. and here. and dang if anger is just the tip of a gigantic nice. due to the growing them on. i agree especially in asia and
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emerging economies of southeast asia. poaching in africa is increasing massively especially of elephants. it also dryness in school. i'm often asked how long is approaching the top of this text and we have to assume that there will be practically no an offense that in twenty years thx twenty five thousand elephants are killed by poachers in africa each year it will take even greater effort than are being made at the moment to make sure the fight against the bloody trade in ivory is not lost four thousand km further south we took a group of women with an eye it everyday the actual cancer that once filled disparity to south africa. all the countries not just seeking to harness bag and matched up with a goal but said the eighteen eighties. data mining has since moved elsewhere. but there's still many people
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pets but to make ends meet the hidden gold mining is the only hope despite the risks attached. these women crawl on all fours ever deeper into the mind. for three or even four hours at a time. it's hard and careless but it's the only way to two women can give it a tiny bit of gold mining company left when it closed its mind a few years ago. for muslim the two women say they're heading towards called coco in the tunnel were based on a small goal during the last time they came here. down here everything is done by hand. it's rare that women come down so far. real funny and or friends search for traces of gold stone by stone this copper here too but it's not worth the effort
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included in a moment of corn one of my semi recognize where the gold is from the stone. the stones are very different and sometimes you see tiny bits of gold they show you where to look sometimes chilly due to a gold painted wooden bangle there's nothing here though to crawl back out the way they came in with just a few pieces of rock that they hope are promising. they can carry anymore. i usually spend one day in one night in the mind emerging again the next day going down isn't worth the effort otherwise the walk back to their township where nearly everyone was on the illegal gold prospecting in the closed off mine shafts pcbs bhd book. here in durham and deeply can only show with a hidden camera the prospectors don't want any publicity. he organized
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into gangs due to some problems in over their women from a sore throat dry and iraq soon to find out generally it's the women had to work above ground and demand to go down in the mine shafts. hundreds of people work here. an entire township each owner living from what they can get out of the old mine. yet still legal the police turn a blind eye they also aren't from the coltrane. for. the but he tries to steer clear of the police and the gang. in the courtyard of her heart she and the others carry out their gold production hearing these two women can keep an eye and their children at the same time what fun it has four children he takes a long time before the rockies grown into a fine powder. the basic
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material from gold production it's a dusty like that the people here lead. but it's their only chance of survival. there are no jobs here in the south western outskirts of johannesburg city that was founded one hundred twenty years ago solely because of the goal. i knew that. these people want to take part in the last gold rush. despite the dangers it's not easy being a woman in the mines. it's a male dominated sector. he didn't think that there's nothing to protect me when i go underground. you can't run away if something happens you can't run away from death down there. what fun that my children i have food and that's what's important anyway something happened to me above ground too. you can be killed in a car accident about a week. my mind if the knocking on the front most people hear things that
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way. but they have little choice. their gold prospectors in a small gold rush. the gold rush of the very cool. it all started here something like this one under twenty years ago dustin is washed down a waterslide dancing school whose nineteen times heavier than water the gold particles settle into the tiles that have been laid down. hall was meager. to improve it the prospectors use mercury which binds the gold particles. it's highly toxic they hold it in their bare hands. it's extremely dangerous. but they feel they have little choice but to take the risk. this is maybe just anagram hardly worth it bread corn meal maybe a little meat. i can't buy more than that with it. i'd be going down into the tunnels twice a week. both bunnies oldest daughter looks at the younger children. funny feel so uneasy about it but she feels less safe above
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ground and the mine shafts the law for some time in da club were really afraid of the police and the gang's the police take away our things everything in the gang's rabbit stew there's no difference between the gangsters and police the funding. not only day one. and then they disappear again into the belly of the year. what's funny is doing this for seven years and she's lost two friends in that time. they died from rock dust in their lungs. she accepted that some sixty thousand spaniards less than one country in twenty twelve lay down on people and to take in the believe that that country has any opportunities at that time and the statistics in these uppity. will the cost of days under the age of twenty five unemployed. how qualified to
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education they may be too many trying their luck in places like brazil. we need to succeed it that not only is the way they'd expected these two young spaniards have fled the economic crisis at home and move to a poor neighborhood in brazil. like many other southern europeans marco on the lease from barcelona and another perspective the mess here they found a new home in a fun dinner. and they're both pretty happy with their new lines. one one two one wants to be less of an ice really get close to the beach known tom for moi. and i can afford an apartment in a knock in the normal maybe it's in riyadh is present here though there are more spaniards coming we tune in here too with her compatriot who's lived here for awhile. there was a drawing more and more southern europeans. the day
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they are. the national dish of spain. early in hopes it will help them build a new life in rio de janeiro. it just didn't see much of a future for himself and staying in light of the economic crisis and high unemployment. seoul the thirty three year old set off with little more than hope. idealism and delicious plain recipe a little bit of getting known as to what came to present intending to live in a restaurant id when i got it i realized it would be difficult because everything so expensive yet more expensive than in span in my sky like this but they're all pitch in the tc. this whole month softer opening the restaurant. i can already tell that it would do well may's death. though. thx this fun dalek is called the gdr. it has a fantastic ocean view. and it's not far
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from the high rent district just a few years ago the pub and i was in the hands of games to engage in deadly turf wars. back then it was hard to imagine that foreigners would want to live here. but the t don has changed. marco feel so cold here. he's found an apartment in an upper part of the beta and is fairly well known in his neighborhood the twenty seven year old made the move to brazil last year even though conditions here were rather off putting at first his fifty square meter apartment costs the equivalent of five hundred euros a month the real estate market is booming here too. with dual mode to the saints. there's a lot changing in rio with big events coming up. prices for apartments and have gone in copacabana. not too high even for middle class europeans
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this. the guests in a dodo marco was a cameraman in spain but was getting very little work. ga. now things are better now he's making a documentary here in bg got into the tunnel and crew setting up a small eco car in the cabana boy. that was the price of each dealt with these you'll get to go the changes in bg guys are due in part to the presence of the past a fine police units here and in thirty other predators in rio they're meant to make the city safer in time for the twenty fourteen soccer world cup. there's been a noticeable drop in drug dealing and other crimes quality of life has improved mark on the other newcomers and a longtime residents all feel comfortable here. now everyone is use to the presence of heavily armed
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police. the sister got what i wanted to go to fear the police work ensuring security in the event of a decade or so that the presence of water. brazil is undergoing a lot of change and people are speaking out marco tells us he thinks the right to do so. for weeks hardly a day goes by without a demonstration somewhere in the country. people are protesting against political gridlock for education and ailing health care system they're fed up with the political promises made so far. i mean open the government's responses haven't changed anything so far. the corruption in brazil is practically part of the culture. rizzo is wanting to change because it was a lot of time. there's a little optimism in the south american nations and in a few minutes. immigrants from southern europe. make friends
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there are a lot of prejudice and spent some old when all three sedans ask me how i can dip into savannah. they have no idea until may stood and admit that being to ffa. i didn't know they don't live on the idea. the leases restaurant is seen in a failed by the way. but in the center of rio where there's more business. with only minor pm ferry. i'm happy to be. i think i'll stay forever and has offered a blessing to us. louise has made a new life for himself thanks to his courage and some delicacies from his home country. i do to find a whole am i can speak as the bullets not what side at each of you da ge in this noble three thousand and that's all for this week thanks for watching and see you again same time same channel in one week now. be
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the this has the power to ward off evil influences and it's too long. these festivals are considered an important season leaving. you just enter the preparations leading up to the price to it six circle of the few who symbolizes an abundant crop to me. to rituals to pray for the hobby stock performed on the snow. in in in force and is harvest time. hoff years since the spring seven he brings up is gone for a successful pro. and now it's time to stop reading them
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it's growing essential to traditional japanese culture and each farming community has its own thanksgiving too he harvested rice and other crops taken to the local shrine was offered. a mature and shrines around the country hold harvest festivals in thanks that we choose. oh oh. live and you'll see families visiting shrines with children dressed in the next chemo. to reach the ages of three fine instead. parents take them to the locals from ceremony to offer thanks and pray for
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this. it's nice to read to us what strikes can just see utah said the move would mean the one thousand years it symbolizes hope for a long haul. six already strong and healthy. most the time when japan's mountains and forests and range goal. brilliant colors of fall. cause. choose the time of thanksgiving for some context. the season to get used to bleach it and appreciating its peak. in focus documentary series from which it though. captivating documentary said reports covers business and science
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culture and education historical and present day events as well as sports and leisure. in focus saturdays and sundays at four thirty pm wind nm. ukrainian protests to school for strikes and the case well the president visits china leaving the turmoil behind. the truce on the streets of bangkok as top that says that the king's best day but the opposition about the protests will resume. french forensic scientists claim the asset arafat was killed
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