tv RT News PBS December 4, 2013 7:30am-8:01am PST
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records the seven hundred and eight the rate at first. it's no fun at like two months kind and nice you again on the news but she liked and really many missing them now the president in two thousand has told united states trade representative mike drummond that vietnam will make the effort to push for the chance to be punished he hadn't posted them and the united states during a meeting in hanoi on tuesday the second is the belief is that the ppp played important role in the ex tory strategy support the country's opening up new corporation past the school board sites the highly valued according to the beach in vietnam and the united states during the negotiation process. i expect it to the duck meat with the difficult side to all obstacles in the negotiation will be removed. the ttp is the continuation of bilateral cooperation between vietnam and the united states. next she didn't comprehend the ttc
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punishing the addict. in his life agreement reached east coast on the outcomes. he's working section to get in these ministries and sectors us our official also said he hopes of keeping the negotiations were concluded soon. we did that success. it was a chance to see the carnage she negotiated i've done it now may be among the countries that benefited most from this estimated leave if the ppp place you can see the pee but twenty percent. this is according to michael fleming united states should have represented a few good nap we going to bring you this interview right now. to kill us. i need to recruit even so the assessments. it's bad it's good to be a really great about all of these businesses. a number of
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independent analysis. vietnam has taken a country that has potential to get the most the new tricks. the present conditions. institute in washington she has estimated that. sports mogul sixty two dollars. it's only ten minutes she would increase by four percent that's because it on its ppp in excess of what the teacher did our last one. chilean dollars in other markets the use and transfer students in the state owned enterprises soe and brett is up and buses. to grow. we get a call to be ancillary to the tv. so what does that do what you read this piece. so
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he's on a bigger role than the look on. it's important that it still has engaged in commercial activity is that for my commercial use of mobile and kill me. so he's in private enterprise markets in the overall goal for the parts he he he. it's really nice the sun as we will be more focused on social issues of policy areas as opposed to commercial activities. that's no reports of overstock. so we were acting like a freshman kids should be required to seek disappoints us. it's the very important social role as peace mission twenty oh one and the stations the thirty eight but is that it is not in agreement. so how does this have a go and moving to the east yesterday. well leaders educators group said the objective of trying to please. tee hee. this year
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in addition subject we're working very hard to make progress was worth it worth it to the audi see no country will agree to a battery. this evening. all works gets the best possible agreement meant the substance to take sides. our congress. what interested me. it will be able to show the benefits of housekeeping. next job creation and growth. all of our states over congressional districts. you don't want to be. the history of one of a united nations development programme last day of regular report yesterday in handling this paula to buy give them direction by the united nations general assembly and sixty eight cents profession to become one of the fourteen new members that the human rights couple for the first time on the top of november
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nd. they the enemy government and relevant agencies. i did it compare to put a second cycle of the universal periodic review of the u p r moderation of the country's human rights situation in the end of last year according to diminish it when appears the noun have saved about eighty percent of human rights council's recommendation. the report will be published on the website of the mfa and united nations high commissioner of human rights she not expect its importance to developing a comprehensive stable and long term partnership with canada deputy from the state were planning to canadian politician. he was speaking at separate meetings e book canberra capital or towel on the second of december with gavin and janet david johnston. then it became known kinsella house of commons speaker and he she it nice to see people crying and kicking star and think and thin and integration a
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mistake if i can do he said both countries need to read korean delegation exchanges and never stoop like cooperation with such potential areas of st ali co chaired an inch deep or get sent technology education and labor. the announcer was can a team strengthening cooperation of the county and in a pack member state in shipping to peace stability and development team to beat in the stock. the demand for coal co increased recently but major cocoa producers including west african countries and nations have failed to meet the demand due to climate chang and quality related problems. according to get them this year on record to android development the system rights movement by the country's copper statue to chan's book itself to become one of the worst beat in cocoa supply it deuteronomy received international conference on
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cocoa taken place in vietnam he was reported that west african countries produce seventy percent of the world's cocoa building was given the jet is the third biggest cocoa producer. however recent discovery of chemicals in indonesian cocoa products together with lower production from him and unstable political situation to make the importers turn to other markets including vietnam. models of upbeat about the chocolate company in the world to be had for a long time he falls in vietnam from prop up to ten to fifteen years and love the fall that the quantity of the temple court is likely to be used in a modified it to him talk to us. the state border see that the proper policies are demanded. it was called the sector to develop rapidly. there are no opportunities for vietnam as the production boleyn of west african countries in asia is forecast to drop considerably
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the coming years. it is very important to make sure that the cocoa that come from vietnam has high quality and an on day to do that. we also have to work with all the actors that are involved in this value chain. i meant was we are starting with the finest and it's important that day have the right information on how to grow to pick kyle had to do the pruning to use the right inputs when it comes to fertilizers or pesticides use with the one point four million euro private project on cocoa sustainable development in vietnam funded by the dutch government and international and shields. the numbers start to go plantations the macomb got to the set diamonds in south east region by twenty twenty the country expects to grow hundred thousand acres of coca with the annual production bowl and allow hundred thousand tonnes. however experts believe that the character sketch out the more ambitious
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strategy. the gist of kentucky is rather small compared to go into it meant a great week for me in it bynum now produces around five guys that doesn't go figure. experts hope and intention to exploit its potential to turn into a major competitor until the market. opportunities there. the problem was that be the wrapping in other news the development planned for that we try to be the delta on to twenty twenty was based on tuesday in hand and province. the nice chip industry and trade and the hun and keep with me d called in and he backed the plan aims to bring eleven provinces in the back of the delta to become the strategic socio economic center of the country. this means is really creepy and his gdp contribution to twenty eight point seven percent of the killing twenty four point seven percent the plan also hopes to increase income or capital to one point three times the current average create
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jobs for three hundred to three hundred and fifty thousand people to accuse the poverty rate to two percent a year. the state owned enterprises before he's once again on the agenda of this key is to get non business for one which was held tuesday the morning in a note. he preformed representatives from many foreign business associations also made recommendations in other areas that its infrastructure tax and education to high level government delegation at the foreign names and details we are. economic situation has been a very high inflation beat any team thing that did it. the interstate going down and the flight stakes and maintaining steady the co chair deputy and that the spiral of edf have courted this add the pasta is turning the economy and to take piccies now that's ok the ceasefire intended attention to the issues of
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the farms at eight on enterprise it's the least. i can add to many other years macroeconomic instability and inflation on the lawn to business concerns. one day one read by countless how to restructure the economy increase conducted name. and that restructuring process depends greatly on tesco the week on us tv host a luncheon at the capital though the issue with it's got to like me into this deep yet meeting with sen kerry the spirit at this time to share the expectation of pastors and more efficient at the least the forms. not enough has been done yet what people want to see our. what you call short the first steps of this. which is making this a lease. act like their for profit companies looking at the real belle achieve the same. how are you doing business what are you doing business in an are you spending your money appropriately. getting
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the soe is to focus on their core businesses which means to shed and so are the other things that are part of their core business is the real first step in the government has made progress in that but not enough progress. sue's the forms wine biscuits peppers in it. our semi recommendation on the banking sector's an interception. in our view we need to make sure that banks have i think with this management processes and policies. do not have gone before me giggle when folded interviewed on tv sometimes main thing is done based on lack true. rather than on cashflow. we would recommend that. i'm going to be given to companies with cash you'll find entrance. was just looking back from that moment what has been working with the government to you the ppp direct election
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private partnership regulations which would enable the government and private sector couple told her what she got a call to invest in infrastructure that the infrastructure. ict at the bb as a director and close ally make an instant and domestic and foreign business community. amy team to beat the conditions to develop the private sectors and facilitate investment in time the noun they thus far and the cia have prevented many recommendations of the policy makers have the garden section effective banking arm of the art infrastructure education among out that the idf will be folded in half and conceded at the upcoming ad vietnam development partnerships fund which will be called if there's a telling me how talking on her face. if you commemorate the anniversary of the atv nothing of the non banking market union bill to place it in the national historical site and into the city burning province more than three hundred people attended
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the dance. the event was marked by the unveiling of the eighteen year high bronze statue of many teaching that though. the incident though the idea of term limits in school you get the prize giving these booties and a view them with a sound that he's making a poster to unesco for recognition which an in built at the words coach with the gear and clothing into comics site to be reckoned i would go to your site. thousands of people streamed to the humans and monastery ppd province on tuesday today to make to the king and most venerable which ended though. on the occasion of the seven hundred and fifth anniversary of his passing away is seen as one of the most important event of its use of protest you can get down. monastery is the place of worship for the game and the most venerable kenyan go to an end
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though was the founder of two pm sensex. he was also known as the talented anne morrow according to baby number two son up to seven hundred and fifth anniversary. you don't have to wait to celebrate it to monitor people's tradition the band also means that showing respect to the most venerable two new films promotion and put it in vienna. the good with the union will hold an enormous service to show our gratitude and respect the present it to just give them my will also hold of the people will remember most of animal attendant don't. as a role model to the organized better. they bought the studio opened up and to convey. every year there are two main ceremonies held in two months then monastery included a prayer service for the country's prosperity and the anniversary of most venerable kenyon was no way these are seen as occasions for tourists to visit
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the city. head on with our tail. we always focus on that to e bleach or does attract people and put it in front of his itch to show their respect here. today steve and i can handle. what about regretted it. in addition to taking the province the seven hundred and fifth anniversary of continued until his passing away was also celebrated in hiding mandate mindy and frightening province. notably on this occasion the statue of teaching in the woods and he looked at and he seemed in broadening province in other news a workshop on sharing international experience and technology is inconsistent with ganache for the kentucky o'keefe and docks in policing assessment and remediation in kidnap was of immense use the day in extensions to the den and the workshop aims to colleague past experiences state department of almonds and future directions on keel peas ducks in the shoes in
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the weekend. it would show covers three main topics contamination and risk assessment. jesse and treatment technologies and dancing analyzes and legal guidelines. international delegates also shared experience in minimizing the impact of dancing on the two systems and people's health. they showed concern about the effectiveness of that hatred and projects hotspots in vietnam. who knew a national delegates will show concentrated on the result of melting treatment project in the lab studies to other health conditions people contaminated with that. he also wanted to know by now to treatment technologies in vietnam. the cave i may not want them to do. for forty years many areas in vietnam have been contaminated large
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amount of debts and to just be my guide them and to cut imports. the country has also taken many efforts to deal with such challenges if he were in the shower now the project who cut the import ban on taking another project done the airport in the future will continue in the quiet court. we need to take advantage of cooperation and support from the international community this workshop is a chance for us to have to know what we need and what they can give. they don't know if i don't think they can be quite tough. the joint advisory to meet us and given its agencies also convened a meeting to discuss remediation of destin are spots in vietnam that support health programs. anything the next meeting at the beck show on one of tim's book arts was added to believe the possible intangible heritage of humanity
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the artist court didn't get back to a type singing unique to the mekong delta. i miss you put tells you why it's so valuable and what it should be a working teach were hammered teach the one in the nineteenth century. then i created to do so come by to comment on working people it's unique to the southern delta ricky who live and prosper on the banks of the mekong river. there's a reason why he didn't die that is so popular. any body can think of them got back to songs you don't need to eighteen dollars dish to farm dogs. morgan got back to some more one can she not because of that many long term clubs dedicated to the art at the counter. like a
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lieutenant on the counter to the px to housed in town to be passionate about and got back to you. you all best to maintain a common antibiotic to win. even though we don't learn much from doing deeds was due to the power of love and responsibility the panel dilemma. and the people in the den got taped it and i will get a monkey. it's not an academic from a box contains one of life's lessons the true teaching people the ritual of reading my cousin. all incorporated into the mix. it is also why people still keep the songs till today to remind him of traditions. the plan but we don't meet until a monthly testing. i'm trying to preserve the melodies devon was punched by my parents my grandparents. we've been paid that much today didn't like
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it is known not only will the mekong delta thomas wilson to tourists. the truth now that teach the youth culture weeks premature and musical ut. but to the mekong delta people didn't got the iphone is the link to the history and a hundred year old treasure you can tie in which a concert on the news that idea now the room. i started the ball into the arms of the boat would you like that it's the biggest meeting with enough said deputy chairman of the mismatch assembly chairman of the house of representatives the bill which in the assembly applied to the beach and go to bed the truth and the now seeking to develop strategic partnership. i then gently add it to be about is viewed as a reliable partner to build which in turn of the first to express gratitude for the cardio
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session and noted that the visit of the units are that the delegation is that the government of the boat and travel agents. my story comes from the wall street journal american chavez farmers to get outdoors and chan said the trade between the us in vietnam is expected to rise fifteen point three percent this year to twenty eight point seven billion dollars with vietnam's export to the us expected to rise at a faster rate than it imports of us exports to the us may give rise to fifteen point seven percent this year the twenty three point seven billion dollars while imports from the us will likely drive the point seven percent to five billion dollars. amgen said in the statement that the maps the export to the us into the textile and apparel products accounting for thirty six percent of the best order for his part in the end of the pair exports to the us this year may rise to ten point four percent to eight point five
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billion dollars. according to the aged care at the park for speed. it's nice to be dented by popped or answered the door was held at you or for that to the city of november the thirtieth. four hundred and eighty four young see who's attended the event that sets you get this one racket for the largest gdp events. this new world record to beat the previous record set in new zealand life without the thirteenth although more than six hours to go with him to take part in the event. but this is what this qualifies you to check out these fab five the unit will read it picture this and have a few minutes it was important for other expenses which included numerous local celebrities as well as singers from popular tv stands the ai ai i do for st join them as the first speaker. according to the vietnam food association bsa. vietnam exported over foreigners in two thousand
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tonnes of rice in november delta which was his first adult over. for the first eleven months of these years the judge ordered six when forty million tonnes of rice daddy had to twenty sixty five billion dollars down thirteen point five percent in poland and down sixteen point four percent down from the same period last year the base is in its weekly report. he's expected to speak to one million tonnes of rice beans year compared with a record high of seven point seven two million tonnes last year. an article on the perth side dot com report. the police force to china from vietnam and the first ten months of twenty thirteen dodo for her age sixteen to really do lose dollars up thirty seven percent year on year to trim chairman was indicted three hundred and ten million dollars up fifty percent of the october alone. true exports to china nearly doubled compared to just a month of twenty twelve according to vietnam association of people
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exporters and for that process. trevor daily news donate to the plight of the number of international visitors to vietnam over the last eleven months is estimated at two point eight five million for dion to rise of ten twenty two percent according to the gentle is the basic doctrines of the total for twenty two million visitors for trouble and make your purposes of tall when one percent and one which if you didn't get too worked up eight point three percent. the remaining one point four two million visited the remote. eight point seven percent. they predominantly came from china followed by the republic of korea japan cambodia in australia. by the show's to collect and i'll get a weather forecast. ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay. yen
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though. see the sights judges long tradition of baking with cuts and it's based on their homepage the first one just illustrations for books they read several of the books people stir in coloring them and then just for a reason to practicality. instead of in green. the move to putting color on was the same kinds of arts that they used to put their minds. once we expect to live this long tradition
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what will make you more particularly he looks back to the landscape tradition so he's mostly a landscape artist. and during his lifetime. he explicitly means your chickens is one of his inspirations book. kirsty was what does he like your chicken who lived in it and it was absolutely. separated off from the west. costly. no salt works. studies in disputes with western style theater in japan can incorporate that into the mix the other. i should. you
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