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tv   RTE News Six One  PBS  December 4, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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me. thanks to a doting auntie that i can take that steely checked in you and it makes the networks to work on in each seat. he wrote continue to share with your friends on facebook and twitter the top story on the m a c networks windmill knw. is you. six won fourteen euros with the adults them. sharon you feel lost. the fallout from this mythic reports of apology from the garda commissioner. to think that the member might force
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fourteen gauge with the eye and let go. there is beyond comprehension. gerry adams criticized for saying the ruc officer for laissez faire approach to their own safety we should be named and his response when he dies there's positives he ties the hands of the debate you can carry guns. shock. these two met so for the pharmaceutical sector size airplanes paykel changes as a sentence of fifteen children says the new rates. there are hundreds of every year for many years and it's going to affect on his deep rooted right into the community. we paying to be in your oaxaca state bank of ireland raises money from private investors that sends all the rights of its birth country. at that skippy notion of a bailout the new
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welcome to six mm on the garda commissioner as they apologize unreservedly for any wrongdoing by members of the guard be revealed in the snow that report the report published yesterday concluded that there was garbage pollution in the eye or a merger of two senior ruc officers in nineteen eighty nine commissioner mocking comments that he was horrified that any member of the god be with clues with the ira. he said he did not accept the report's contention that garden members place to live to the force of almost eight. it was in the words of god commissioner today. a black day for the garden shears martin cullen said he was absolutely horrified by the finding that members of the guard the colluded with the ira. the commissioner
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offered his sympathy to the findings of the two or you see officers. chief superintendent harry greene and superintendent robert q khan who were shot dead in nineteen eighty nine and said that he accepted the findings of this but the tribunal report. i am horrified. and that any member of the cut ship owner. it would be involved. as in colluding with the ira. i accept the head conclusions arrived at by the chairman of the tribunals. and and to think that any member of my force would engage with the ira has a new level. and it is beyond comprehension bedtimes to betray both themselves and my organization. in such a fashion. and it is is beyond belief. the commissioner said he was conscious of the work
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don't buy the guardian can talk station. it stressed that he never found any evidence of either a condition there. while he accepted the report's findings. he did not accept its contention that members of the guard the place loyalty to the force of all honesty it be the police force the banks described is not the police force the tidy. everything we do in an unguarded moment. is designed to establish the truth. whether it's the investigation of crime dealing with road traffic matters. and the other incidents that we are required to deal with. and gotta check on him at all times. seeks to establish the truth. that is a reason to that and that will continue to be the case the chief constable of the psni said sophomore. he will be studying the report's findings that i should not
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distract from the strong working relationship the psni has to guard the mark in common is the guard officer who led the investigation which resulted in the former leader of the real ira michael would have been sent to prison for twenty years and therefore the tribunal's findings are particularly apart but chose to camp to the vast majority of his god the comics. he said this evening he will now study the tribunal's report see if they're any less of the night from it on report by directly to the minister for justice. all rattles or tea news from the headquarters building this thing criticism of shifting leader gerry adams for questioning security arrangements for the two offices at the time but they were married at its head and said they had taken one eco tech gets a fair approach to the price of security. it seemed to think that they were immune from attack by the day. gerry adams said the finding of pollution to be speculative and contradictory taming the cartoon report bolstered his party's case for a formal
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poses to deal with the past it in or near a radio interview he insisted the two officers have been careless about their own security saving in an effort until station as people all that far. for part of their own security by police guard to call a provision to ensure the show. there are jokes or so. seized in the room it's insulting. the families concerned it should be withdrawn. i think it also since the almost being displayed the kitchen but the offices of sense. benitez said you don't even think to put the report itself that says i didn't need reminding that the events of the two families bereaved. these were free of all search for america to us i saw in the semi us the ira volunteers to themselves posted a note today was day
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one saw. the government into that that comparison the polish team in kimball was unknown to those who bore ultimate responsibility for the killings. i can't get over my head mind the image of one of tools. injured these are way to use once and for sure. when shops in the head by an ira activists the sharp reaction to the justice minister. i think gerry adams. to be. monet. to me nauseated. was peeking in to turn thirty six said he was shocked by the revelations said definition of another the question. this rect history. mr mitchell says it's the duty of the haunted house. and of such apology for the first pitch. he said he expected to meet with the green in puke and infirmities in due course
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born on the street yelling i did a couple parties for adults and damaged outings here in studio which it first hit back at nikko at the epicenter of this inquiry and you have been speaking to representatives of up to us by seeking reaction from them to the findings of touch with the idea. and the connection from leo colton and by his sister though the tribunal found that he had assisted the ira by providing forced passport documents whether the tribunal did not find that it can convert into two ruc officers. in his statement mr colton said he respected the integrity of its mythical ever he said he rejected completely and asked me the findings that were made against him he said he'd never had any involvement with the ira in relation to the other bag at the heart of that was to not picky. now then when he was assigned to director was arrested and served time in prison far at forging passport documents he said he did at the behest of the locals tend to try the route made no findings but whoever gets him is that he wasn't involved in the nation. he was no hire a sympathizer. in his statement
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today. and mr hickey said that he was delighted that i do have cleared his name he said it was a very trying time. his hesitation to use trying to put behind him that he said he was immensely stressful for him and his family but you say it was time to move on. these then gerry adams common set of guns and i can't do that but in the tiny in particular as seen by many as insensitive virgin trains would you show these to the report deals with just one little girl unresolved issues dating from the time of the problems actions they would argue as gerry adams did today that this was clearer and more systematic evidence of collusion involving british security forces and state the dublin the moment bombings and of course the study purports to swallow but no bar that recommended by canadian judge peter cory it seems they would argue that there would be the most critical of those is the inquiry into the murder of the fasteners are
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confident that they say that's being brought to light the british government that what gerry adams and tried to argue today was that the findings of permission to distribute report for a week and contradictory. i've bought hussein with the world really was no need for pollution. because of to secure your age as pertaining to the car for stuffs was probably most well known names or unity card game called in some silk garden station. the problem there of course is that he is going and the statements of ira members who bought the cooperation with this for the tribunal did in the here and give evidence and be cross examined. but of course as one could surmise says that the ira had an interest in downplaying any suggestion of pollution but unfortunately for mr items he touched his remarks in such a way that they seem to be choosers much names the two murdered officers themselves the people who pulled the trigger. like david and seven chickens to get the key to the pharmaceutical company pfizer has amounts of a hundred and fifty jobs are to go. it's not a factor and
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counted new bridge in county killed there that reviews the two said workers are shocked at the news that comes up to two hundred and seventy five people were laid off us the fans in twenty ten poll called him is that the cells. in two thousand and six the workforce at pfizer's new great spots to get close to fifteen hundreds this time next year the figure will be closer to five hundred. a precipitous decline. this left workers of pfizer and other large pharmaceutical companies quarry and a brighter future it's the p a complaint partly that's the explanation given by pfizer. the patent protection on heidi body pfizer products has expired on the company knowing competes with much cheaper generic equivalents that is most call it costs accordingly. for one hundred and fifty unfortunate worker senior grades. that means they will no longer have a job. it is a very difficult than us but for feist internet for new version
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pictured him unfit to preserve jobs in the river cousin. i think a mausoleum we have had the house was passed in the frozen air and we have significant positions and for married to mike for taking fifteen changes in requirements. but the reality is you have to modify and change her newest work to effect these changes don't you want out. the future such explanations will be cold comfort to workers however the new breed since nineteen ninety two. pfizer plays a significant role in the local economy and community. it's not a great time this is a very family orientated it at business here in pfizer their thumb is to be here for many years and it's going to affect on his deep rooted right into the community. he still had to face the proceedings feel that it is a good job with packages of employer. on friday said to constitute dinos mom isn't here to see if they can salvage any of these jobs but kevin or pfizer has said about the global challenges it faces. the married is not optimistic. paul called in
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our seniors new bridge type to go there. i design and has raised enough money for privacy fence tuesday to pay more than two baby angel rope to the government next week the deal means i'm in is dense with peak sun knowing that the region in the expected his act as a saturday that are fake. so after years of live music by far than spikes. today there are positive developments which produces the national debt. the price for the banking crisis the taxpayer rescued by the bargains which four point eight in the innuendo which he used to the guarantee and repayments studies has now been fully reimbursed but it still has a fourteen cent stake worth one point two billion euro. so it's made a profit from buying apartments which is instead a crucial time according to the minister for finance it's a very big and second ep by european standards. and as we exit the bailout
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obvious to our international colleagues are watching us but more importantly the market is watching us and see us making this baby transaction proceed to private investors are prepared to buy into an irish bank and the ceos using the proceeds to take the day now. that sends all the right signals for a country that that's getting out of the bailout and an external headline acts. c'mon you're on your expanded songs spoke to or your catcher tony comedy act and torched a strategy to the head of caution the credit line. i think the reaction from financial markets indicate that will select the system because they are all very happy. the market's boom industry. great sculpt of info though. so while the bank of ireland team is good news. the other banks there she saw it in your own has been pumped into anglo irish and irish nationwide one is going down a black
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hole as both a big liquidate its twenty billion euro is being injected into a i'd be two point seven in its permanent tsb a gps receive one billion euro. it's likely to be a long number of years for all the money is for the replay. if at all. but that is sent to a letter by ex cop start in tibet sixty billion euro and the staff meant the company needed to be pale text itself but the eu and biomass. rt news has learned that a review was on the way of more than twenty female patients treated by a consultant and paul vi the care provided a number of private hospitals the cases involve patients who were treated. over the last three to four years from one of four for health reform and to refer to part with the is that this is the view looking out for one day in some cases there were an entity and severe post op complications but goldman overview involving over twenty women are treated by these consultants as a number
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of private hoskins over the street for years and a consultant concerned is listed as a number of private hospitals and republic and is registered to practice here has also worked in britain and reviews being conducted by a leading irish consultant in the specialty. and as we're not talking about it and you pay to see hostels of the costumes they see is no and will wind its biggest ever to reprisals by them in relation to two patients have patients come forth only be contacted. he assuming the irish patients association has been involved in pursuing this is too far for seven years with a number of agencies and it faced an advertisement in the national press the above plan established that the stain of txu and it has been teeming with hospitals and patients to progress matters that women make complaints would be aware of who they are and the arch patients association says detailed yet come of this for a few other women would be contacted if necessary so please concerns women who need to become active unexpectedly and
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the association also have its own telephone lines open tomorrow morning to do with any queries from monday to and if anyone has concerns they can contact the patients association for wells fargo says tomorrow between nine and five the falkland war in fibre company b and there's the number the number zero one. a twenty seven three two five five five zero one two seventy two. level five since then he took place today marked the launch of milk mixing past mistake which will be held annually at the information and a peasant people reported missing here every year in the week. i hate it when france poland it's eye. rude i am. these are the faces of some of my limbs missing people disappeared without a trace. no and says no clues as to pray they may be
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today's a special ceremony to mark on his first national missing persons day. they remembered pts. i am. the key to why you might get distracted. more rigorous campaign think i'm concerned in terms of searching through to keeping you. if customers are sleeping tonight too. for many it was a day filled with emotion. they became extinct and pecans. we can discuss the door and see. this hasn't happened. it stands. people that you're seven years. you guys who've been out of it
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they are surprised. growing up. physics was a chance to appeal for information. that is more than two years from now. no question for somebody to talk and he has information that could make a big difference. and on behalf of the particular staffers mother. achieved is planted and scientists. homing pigeons were released into the sky. only say today has brought them home. hope that someday they will have closure and the questions will be answers. she made coffee or tea news finally most days stories from some of our reporters and correspondents. the son of bankrupt the dna are shown to clean her skirts discontent of high court order is this justice that is it that on the route to payment of two hundred and ten pence in general play shown clean jr to quinn properties lead to adopt every aspect of the master. the money was raised by mr quinn and his white hair and wallets to a charge on their home in time for milk until blended the tech said she was grateful to content manager
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which has been ongoing since june to package it was a kid and i are great the chief executive of higher grade has toed the roxas committee on transport and communications but have no issue to the next hope i dun think its nice that he knows it's completely safe. yes david tennant as the name of eric reed said he would not want to assign one. the default called on the government to reject a proposal to appoint john o'connor as the chairman of the company. an additional one hundred thousand passengers are expected to china next year with the introduction of the new service to crystal lake's conduct daily services to manchester and birmingham. i carried this week. it would mean facing another aircraft cabin. i'm also bringing in an additional twenty jobs shrinkage which they sure look oh nine has announced that he is resigning from his position social concerns about the lack of progress in ensuring that the irish speaks can deal wit he skesn irish. mr
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o'connor said he had his lack of snow with a choice but to resign from his role in ensuring the implementation of irish during which the cia's station and the state of commitment to the protection of irish speakers rights. new figures show vulnerable road users pedestrians cyclists and morcyclists are two and a half times more likely to sustain coma the brain injury in the coalition than people in cars. because early today as part of the roadafety authority and the gaudy is christmas and new year road safety campaign. the annual appea for road use is to stay sane over the festi season. this year's messe focusing on a serious head injuries caused by collisions twenty one year old shaun dixon from dublin sustain these injuries and a motorbike crash in two tm impact. they ren. long announced frustration the lost his position in the army reserve and their
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bodies were typical. that you do it openly. iridium on him in uniform on a fourth goal the milk train action that will got that memo to bed. i mean on top of me wanting more. back in the moments pedestrians cyclists and motorcyclists are two and a half times more likely to sustain a tormenting brain injury in a crash in car users. gardenia urging everyone to think that there will be a tear. pedestrians can you see the new bc motorcycles atvs but as soon as you seek a new scene with other road users to other road users a uconn conscious about the benches over sectors of our border patrol agents this sucks sucks the medical bureau of road safety team b c d e r d are being trained in how to use these evidential breath testing machines. their key piece of equipment for garden trying to tackle drink driving. one major element of
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the road safety campaign the icc day will be increasing the number of months the alcohol testing checkpoints performed over christmas and decrease in paris it's beating enforcement by safety camera phones. she beat marist martinis. every generation of heart tissue following a heart attack is to be the focus of a new interest a research project that by scientists at the royal college of surgeons in ireland in the remaining year of study aims to use new devices to deliver the body's own stand sounds diagram the hikes. every year seventeen million people locally die from cardiovascular disease and ties and up and an ardent with harsh critic of problems accounting for a third of all deaths here. but many could be saved if damaged heart tissue could be regenerated following a heart attack without challenge which international researchers led by the royal college of surgeons and the number of bio engineering center have taken on their idea to
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deliver tiny nano particles of drugs containing the patient's own stem cells directly into the harsh critic and begin to regenerate tissue and those nanoparticles will be suspended in the gallup which will be delivered before the cops which will be delivered to the park. from there it goes nanoparticles will slowly did great. last thing to grace their release stroke. i'm past that drove them and then stimulates the cells to grow. on the second part of the project with devise ways of delivering the cells into the harsh with an open chest surgery. and in a way that reduces the risk of protection and increases their chance of survival the real issue was uncertain said r treat is found in the groin are in the leg area andt can give us access the inside of the hearts to be able to deliver. so we can bring or sells all the way in and we can inject them into where the diamonds it's almost nine million euros going to be invested in projects with seven about coming from the eu research funds and bonds coming from members of the consortium. it seemed too small and medium
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sized businesses and some multi nationals. the study itself allows for years. stem cell based medicines are already well developed will be at least five years before the technology the device by this team but the trial documents. but the puppy our teens. on the main music and the cbd garda commissioner mark to come and apologize unreservedly for any wrongdoinby members of the guard be revealed in the civic reports he saide was horrified that a member of the force which clued with the ira but he did not accept the report's contention that guard the place loyalty to the force of both policy. he thinks it's the news from africa the umpteenth the price tag. but for now
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and. early. early. early. ew
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i was . i had a chat. at the at that. i do. i do. you
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i was. i was. i was. he he
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you know. uh uh uh. yours
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i did. is you. and. thus the basic design. so is he talking to you on wednesday the fourth of december. us policy of men stillal


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