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tv   RT News  PBS  December 12, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm PST

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long will. rta on capitol hill republicans and democrats push forward on a budget deal. not even when the project. this is still shaping up to be the worst congress in history and in depth look just added. can't forget to get out of jail free card in california a deadline to reduce the state's prison population has been delayed. they are operating at one hundred fifty percent over capacity for the foreseeable future
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they will stay that way the latest on the states of overcrowded prisons the sun coming up. and philadelphia schools are taking a class in fund raising. the council will allow school bus is at building to be plastered with ads for a new attempt to define the city adam daft later in the shell. yes the state. well i can look as in washington d c we'll i walked our feet. well starting off this hour for the first time since two thousand ninety. it looks like congress was really able to process over party lines and come up with a budget deal for the next two years now and neither party got exactly what they wanted some noah is really happy about this but hey that's compromise for you. glimpse at what the agreement looks like. the eighty five billion dollar budget deal was cut
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down by the senate and house budget committee chair as representative paul ryan and senator patty murray of a person sixty three billion dollars in automatic spending cuts known as the quest ration plan for twenty fourteen but also reduces the deficit by another twenty three billion dollars over the next ten years. now that school budget for fiscal year twenty fourteen is one point zero one two trillion dollars which is split evenly between the military and non military spending or explain anyway so when out on the dl oil drillers certainly did the puzzle would allow development of an area in the gulf of mexico previously closed for drilling in the spending for the pentagon has increased by more than twenty billion dollars from its current levels not to try and get the sense americans are going to have to pinch and a bit more. liberals trying to push for an extension to one point three eight million americans unemployment benefits that
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were set to expire at the end of the month but to no avail that is not in a deal the lurkers will have to contribute more to their pensions and airline travelers will have to pay higher security fees. but don't worry the start thinking that political gridlock in the nation's capital is over and lawmakers are sitting in a circle singing cole might not look one another. keep this in mind. the one hundred thirteenth congress in the least productive group of people in decades. they have passed a seven time that you are male. and then harry truman's do nothing congress in eighteen forty eight and twenty two fewer than last year. so what are they doing with their time if they are passing legislation the correspondent kerri and barring finds apt. halfway through the hundred thirteenth congress and at the well on its way to becoming the movie is productive in the history of the united states. this friday marks the last allegedly a day of the year
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for the house of representatives. so far there have only been with these big bills enacted into law a historic low for it in modern day common sense. in two thousand eleven the first year the hundreds of congress in one bill for signing into law by the president that will help make up steam in two thousand twelve pass another two hundred and two bills is in the hundreds of congress two hundred eighty three total was the biggest do nothing congress thus far however with the pithy things will pass into law this year the looks of melanie hundred thirteen conference is kind of break this record. here's how the breeze and a duty to feel about this. i think it's a crying shame that when i first got here. we were the most productive congress after we passed the affordable care act. don franks and the bbc increased to college scholarships ever but this has been a do nothing congress and with so many important things to do including extending unemployment benefits. i'm just really distressed by
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the state of things. talk about what oh what with the priorities of the hundred thirteenth congress are the republican controlled house have passed forty six different bills to repeal the affordable care act fifty two jobs bills and a budget. the senate has passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill. the so called nuclear option which changes the rules to make it significantly easier to pass executive branch nominees and a totally different budgets despite the house and senate poll passing separate budgets we still have an agreed upon one message or its going upwind of the permit doc fix the medicare and fourteen on the eighteenth tee appropriations bills in the past we've had a nonpartisan their shirts. but some people prefer their daughter is doing nothing including rep haley on a roughly in the light spoke with earlier this week. some people say and that we do our best work when we don't pass any more lines and we don't pass any more regulations and we don't take any place taxes so i guess it depends on what
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one's version or definition of productive is if you don't like converse she'd oh one as passing any more laws than the new puppy pretty happy with that record. so what are some of the bill that passed both chambers. they include an amendment to the national baseball hall of fame commemorative coin act is that i didn't intend it to be made and i will have the no budget no pay act elaborate like the fact we are still low but didn't everyone continues to get a bit busy helping heroes the fiat to make it easier for injured veterans to pass through airport security cameras able people and seniors still have to navigate our way to tsa screening and of the helium stewardship act or three bites of the requirements for crude steel in sales on aeroplanes. as mark twain who taught us. actions speak louder than words but not nearly as often. when i was leaving the chapel. earlier this week i snapped this photo of a new health sector is going through security they were wheeling and blinking covered cart and injure you do not think fashion as they approach the metal detectors in meals
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an assortment of beers to be delivered to the capital although we've yet to pass the watermelon we can at least be a certain someone's paying their beer bellies. in washington dc area knowing our team. well this morning the senate banking committee draft the bill that would introduce new sanctions against iran. alas the month after the obama administration announced a temporary deal with the country to ease sanctions in return for a run curtailing its nuclear program. of course it can be less doesn't follow through on easing sanctions and violates the terms of the agreement containing committee chairman tim johnson said the bill will not move forward when someone chooses not to follow through with its end of the deal the obama administration is anxious to prove that it will remain tough runner on insulin more permanent deal is reached. too bad and the white house announced it would be blocking the trading activities of an expanded list of iranian individuals and companies operating around the world. meera ideas
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our company and better associate with the wind oil sector and they will burn a non sanctioned under the new agreement. meanwhile iranian and russian officials are meeting in tech crime. rt is that maria in oceana is there and she brings us more on that visit. this is the highest level russian delegation to visit iraq since president hassan mahoney to power. thinking of a human right that has that too and we'll significant diplomatic movement of december a month in power from talks in geneva and november. the new administration can do on a green eyed the brains of curved part of its nuclear program. it was pertinent and relieved from the international sanctions which have severely hampered the country's economy already know that a group of international inspectors has been allowed to visit her on blonde at getting iran which is at the center of suspicions about iran's meant it's cool having a nuclear program is aimed at shut down
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the alt weekly six months according to the geneva deal i think is that lincoln will be keen to hold things together was foreign minister has already won the last senate decides to introduce a new sanctions and this is something that is now moving has cost america. all diplomatic achievement already reached between the swans will be done and this is a very dangerous they love are all precious girl with a good thing for sure is that iran is keeping it and called the deal too. i have been wanting a meditation on the international community could include feeling. in just a month's time diplomas had not to switzerland to the kind that in geneva to syria peace holds an advanced age. all the major powers and for the attacks and prices in these needless to add country will be that the north iran and this is something was
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very concerned about and wants to change it wants to get in foal to that of the numbing cold to walk all the discussions getting tagged onto the ice. that was our t is hairy nothing no shana. all the unpleasant president lot in your content delivered his annual state of the nation address today. can you focus on the economy and said the main floor down for growth in the country comes from internal factors. he also addressed the situations in ukraine and syria. rt is that people are pissed enough i in moscow with more. it's traditionally become the place to be to find out the president's vision off the presents and has plans for the future to be a rush to stop politicians businessmen economists and the elites got it from and to listen to his annual address first had just returned from there as well. and here are some of the key points but the report and had to make missouri is being done eating. that doesn't mean it has to stop protecting its solvency and traditional values. this data is revealed
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that there are even more people around the globe who support our position in terms of ensuring traditional fondue these are the values of traditional family and the value of human life including religious lines. it is not only materialized but also spiritual. of course this is the conservative position. the point of conservatism is not that it hinders the movement forward and upward. but the typical use to move backwards. dan works towards chaos and apartheid state diplomacy was another point in the president's speech or specifically decent recently sincere in canada weapons in the rain unit include rent many analysts agree. these are examples of diplomacy still warrants by the time holland russia. our suggested that the so that those chemicals are stars in syria. on very few countries in the world. weekend to support the so called obama option which would have been yet another bonding of yet not the country. so on boxing
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day so this is a very important lesson. our lesson and fall of prices is that this type should be sold. as plans to build an anti missile defenses in the new one in the biggest sticking points in moscow's relations with washington before school to talk about the president's message is simple without a threat from iran was building it. we'll go see the shield is a threat to us national security importance as a towering of russia's newest is one of the ways to protect against it. he has it listed above as they did so with no country should harbor illusions of achieving three dominance over russia. we will never happen in russia is ready to meet those challenges both political and technological it. we got all the potential me that our military doctrine as well as our minute recruitment of alice without content to ensure russia's security finally meeting the reasons
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given for misleading panties in a really good thing too because we couldn't claim was in said moss who respects the desirable goals wonders what will suit you. as long as two seasons on the lakefront. it's been a beast and dialogue. total fourteen months. the people are breathing a little easier these days ever since syria agreed to hand over its chemical stockpiles to the international community forum on says serious civil war raged on in the country israelis have been preparing for the possibility of violence spilling over into the country or worse yet they cannot hold weapons attack but those fears are finally easing our t's polish slayer reports. this could soon be in the sauce is reduced killing against mosques in the pipeline and the communication to the cabinet to stop manufacturing and four civilians. since this month in office chemical weapons arsenal seems to have lifted it to the three defence of the chemical straight. where is the mindset that this was
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due to the streets. today the paranoia was coming down it comes off to city destroyed with its cubicle with his production seventies he's on track to eliminate the entire stockpile of the middle of the extent of the chemical weapons are among the most important weapons ever known to man and we in the nations of the world would accept for syria has agreed to abandon that weaponry a long time ago the two countries. these can come boldly to egypt and israel. tell us it was actually signed but not trying to find the cubicle with his contention that the film's production stockpiling and use of chemical weapons the reason that one. the re steal on some of candy corn with police in the region. and of course so are these the way that does not want again for reasons all the parents go on within and discover keeps up
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the kit to create this. it has always been based on the topic. according to foreign media the courts is told to stop calm face when she see that these weighty topics for each line between mosque and too many christians within reason of the time he fits the queue it be true. we don't have to be good. with the defense establishment. in all the things we don't do anything to go. this area how stupid he checked his goals on twenty ten and the organization that controls chemical weapons is keeping occupation. we re here is our stead of sam's letters to the non state parties including israel and in the future. but without joining the convention that means you can see that we have snow of legal mandate to undertake verification activities to verify that on this as another cubicle with its arsenal in the middle east is dismantled with the college to tennessee beasley the government is facing growing international pressure to come on board
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when crt tv. still ahead here on artsy california's prison system remains way the older crowd. the state's deadline to reduce the prison population has been a delay in mind that after the break woo hoo. i knew. i knew. we
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told you about tool for new plan to reduce its prison population significantly by january. a three judge federal panel has now extended the deadline to april to give this a time to figure out how to go about reducing the population right now there are over one hundred nineteen thousand inmates in california closing the prison system to operate at one hundred fifty percent over capacity. it advocates say that this overpopulation is a violation of constitutional standards and leads to poor prison conditions. the court saying that the population needs to drop by to nine thousand six hundred inmates by april rather than january. witness the latest is rc correspondent from o'malley now grandma on the twenty oh one to love the warranty tell about one and this extension is about. share and this is
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in the first and that the extension that this deadline has been extended with a memo that the court initially ordered the state of california to reduce its prison population to about one hundred and ten thousand people or about a hundred thirty seven point five percent of its capacity by june of two thousand thirteen now that has been extended in till april and this also gives them a bit more time for it for the attorneys representing the prisoners themselves to help negotiate a new solutions in order to deal with. california's prison overcrowding before this he was just the governor's office and legislators who are trying to come up with ideas but this has helped bring in attorneys for the prisoners to try to come up with some ideas to to help reduce this issue of overcrowding. well let's talk about ideas but kind of long term solutions have been proposed. should it is coming from the stain
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really have to do mostly with reducing the rate of recidivism here in the state of california now that means spending more money on education of inmates and spending more money on mental health. funding instead of the prisons as well however attorneys for. it is for the inmates themselves say that more needs to be done to really address the immediate issue of of just of late overcrowding and said the prisons had the heads up about that the attorney for these men as and when and say that the overpopulation is a violation of constitutional stand. leave for the really poor prison conditions. i didn't tell us about that those conditions but it's probably like annie's overcrowded prisons. i salute you i am in the healthcare system instead of california prisons was ruled to be unconstitutional and this really stems from a couple of cd's of all be in a inmates suffer from mental illness
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the illness in his trailer in me to where really getting the proper care because it they're just so many people stacked up on top of each other attorneys representing some of the mentally ill inmates describe some of the conditions was different thirty percent of april in california are people with severe mental illness. and those people were in in terrific condition they would be very into backing compensate committed suicide he didn't know were there there are basically losing touch with reality. when there wasn't enough capacity to care for them. it's where people worked with medical conditions brands ranging from infection and cancer
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we're not kidding who care i think it does go to the doctor on call. i want one. the only candidate in the case that the present to you so the judges the roles of the healthcare system in california prisons in constitutional even suggested that that even that led to deaths and in the most recent extension of the negotiations for this. prisoner release that lie in some judges expressed a lot of concern over the fact that hundreds of mentally ill inmates are being kept in solitary confinement with what appears to be no sir because our mother had asked you why california's prison population so much higher than the rest of the west humans have more petrol with this is the problem that didn't happen overnight this is that kids in the making just for the bit of perspective at the nineteen seventies. there are about twenty thousand total inmates in all of california's prison system at its peak in two thousand seven there were nearly a hundred and seventy five thousand inmates. that's an increase of about seven hundred percent so and a lot
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of this does have to do with a tougher drug laws. stricter sentencing good guy lions loss to choose three strikes and as always is a lot of coverage of high profile crimes in the news and then that really created a string of lawmakers who are tough on crime. really compete to see who could be a tougher sentencing guidelines and years and years of those sort of call his unforced we ended up with this over qantas inside the prison system. now my reasons and officials say that they want to extend that deadline is to give the rehabilitation programs in the same time soon to be able to war while to see how most rehabilitation said son's work or if the semi is going to be out hunting once again rc car spun around on the lino reporting for us in los angeles thank you so much you bet. also give mine to the iconic yellow school bus children have gone to school linger for decades upon decades city council members in philadelphia approved a bill this month that would
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allow school districts to raise money by selling get this advertisement on their boxes. also on the school buildings. the council approved the bill with only one to know about the cash strapped district is following in the footsteps of several other suburban areas with selling advertising space on its buildings and classes to help dig the city out of debt. the move could raise hundreds of thousands of dollars and took the number say they will not be allowed to advertise tobacco or alcohol products on the bus is or at the school. the film doesn't guarantee a hundred percent that the district will actually follow through on knots in the night. here's our artistic interpretation of what the boxes look like that one day in the future now the lone dissenter in the boat councilman dennis o'brien says children are already two bombarded with advertising in addition to find another way to raise money. but for now it looks
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like when the wheels on the bus go round and round the city's bank account will help contain. the sexual desire for females hit another snag this week when the food and drug administration turn down the medicine for widespread distribution and fill that when the tsar and is the non hormonal hill that is not like the anti depressants in that it lowers the level of tentacles saratoga and in the brain and boasts don't mean are the happy go lucky feeling in the burnie the pillow which was created by sprout pharmaceuticals when not in the first of its kind to keep the markets the fda says that the drug is it only has a mild effect on wed. the company claims that in clinical trials and ride it was at double that when his actual experience is over the women who had received say appleseed no help. the pharmaceuticals has appealed the fta suspension so there might be hope yet
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for what end well i find with mine in the eye is someone on facebook or someone watching i read then looks at how the fbi can find on the euro and thorough your website's computer to your web cam anyway. without you knowing about it at all and how you can protect yourself take a look. i knew the court the eagles. the actual cold for me to turn on your computer and read yet. once you place a computer to a guy
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that is what he wants to feel like you're watching your brow you go everywhere is made there. without triggering a warning light now i bet they are literally see it. the report confirms that terrifying fact that many level. for years people and covering up the computer can offences. they effectively blocking the government's hypothetical view of you at your computer it's been confirmed and we know yet i can't have your camera. it might be in a makeshift camp for a little more official. cars with anita nair a consumer it and many companies are not in action computer camera from earth scientists thinkers like electronic frontier foundation. that is all about offending people recommended the world there can uncover
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stickers for the local wine then there are some things here was a little plastic pastry and the latest letter asking for. this allows the user back and wanted to use the word not. you don't want anyone to feed you like what you're watching the end of course the whole ok with him. as a republican. colleen from phones that can cover for. i guess. she goes webcam covered with little googly eyes. the fbi can take over those guys too. here is great well i actually making all of the earth because the fbi mind actually wants. cannot wait until we get to the summary is that the event there. think about it. it really kept in the back of your living in a full on surveillance world right now and we're going to go away well i'll go getters of him
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there can be happy and no window faces look like the night. that's right thing and would ask to read it right now for one story to cover dot youtube dot com slash rt america and check out our website art scene of commerce lunch usa. room. as y'all know the holidays are great for families to get together and sometimes on the okok it's flowing beer also great time for us to argue that everything from politics to religion what the ones we love. but if you happen to the nsa agent the cover has an official list of talking points that way you can win those family arguments for sure. yeah
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that's right the government is not giving as he ages lists a very corny talking points when the fire dog lake so that way they can convince their relatives over the holidays and just how awesome effective and necessary. the national security agency truly is despite all those little revelation things of mass buying by snowden has become a complete success for reasoned political social religious organizations use them stuck with their members who may not be the best debaters on the planet can defend the position of the organization will have no problem with tears again this list ages think it's a question from journalists when the government wants you to propaganda and your friends and family over christmas and thanksgiving it all seems kind of cult ish to me. that's just my opinion the eye. inhale
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yours. i know. the tidy with us on this edition of nice line. it's like eighty seven thirteen am tapping comanche and tokyo. here is korea says central news agency says the uncle and former mentor of leader kim jong un has being executed a special military tribunals that turns on tight. becoming prime minister and trying to overthrow the state. he called him a traitor to the country. he was


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