tv The Debate PBS December 13, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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did it was. the hall. call yes it's time for the world this week seven days for paris based correspondents one hour with this knees and beg to marry the international york times giddy and getting use to sing you can use to be called something else for me it did i'm playing now on what was going to come on thus the voice of cricket the district courts in the atlanta falcons there and also joining us. simon
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cooper. sports editor for the financial times series of books economics coming on and a new addition coming out soon. right now. i just did something up. funny that timing asked to step in that one. also this do the drop in lieu of the african press association thank you for being with us here for the world this week for this week retailers join the conversation on facebook and twitter are at and t w t w. it's the most a fall from grace north korea has seen since the nineteen seventies state media. first publishing photos of jennings some fake being taken away and then announcing the execution. of the man who was none other than president kim's uncle often described as the mentor of pyongyang's thirty year old ruler the despicable human scum time was worse
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than that on perpetrated thrice cursed acts of treachery and betrayal of the proponent trust and warmest paternal love shown by the party and the leader of the idea andy murray will the offense catching everybody off guard and we're all now busy trying to leave them on the line with each other. because frankly we don't really have much information on what is going on in pyongyang now and that's by design we won't have much information on what's going on in pyongyang this is a closed society if one still exists on the planet. a lot of commentary including by army and soul cakes and han has them that this really shows a if it says anything it shows the fact that the um the new regime under the new very young dear leader is is not just dysfunctional but fractures that there are warring factions within the government. and that
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the reason that but you can see this is the otherwise this kind of dispute if there were a family dispute would have been papered over in the past the fact that it broke the surface. then he was publicly removed from i believe it was be that the chamber of whatever their government is in and taken away and then executed the very fact that it was done publicly indicates that someone did not have control the message. someone didn't have control of the message and the man was taken away painted as something of a reform. that's right an impact. it's interesting to see the reaction outside of korea and ten korea's neighbors on the south korean reaction of consternation china is very worried about what this says about its dairy on stable neighbor. so i'm in what the government says about this man has not taken having killed can probably be viewed as partially true. it's obviously being done to tip a picture of someone who they thought was a threat to
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the government in some way it appears two decades ago more than two decades ago you cover it up the fall of the room wall the period where it was that's all in the east west relations did you think that in two thousand thirteen they would still be this. mostly her medically sealed nation called north korea met with the sort of immune to what's going on outside orders and why yes i did. this is north korea is is a dysfunctional family. now it deserves it's own tv show and dysfunctional families. and um you can't trust anything they say. a world leaders would be wise not to trust anything the attack and the problem with this one the chinese are concerned is one of this dysfunctional family actually falls apart. north korea melts. who's going to pick up in paper that matched the slack. and you get the impression that those involved with dealing with north korea in a regular
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basis like the japanese the chinese the south koreans and the americans. i hope this dysfunctional family gets its act together real soon. and doesn't collapse in fact i would go as far as to suspect that they really like to see north korea to say just the way it is because if it falls apart. there's going to be a very heavy price to pay. and in a way we were still frozen in time it's still nineteen fifty three when it was that cease fire between north and south korea if one eats. it's a fairytale win. it's it's bizarre. and. but this did it in all its. is it. it's a psychosis was going on it's a psychotic place run by psychotic many on. i know psychiatrist but i don't play one on tv. it's about mean look what they charge the sky with your despicable human scum. no better than a dog
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womanizing and gambling. i mean these are the kind of people. we use to want to go and hang out with. in our youth you know it he'll ever seen this type of rhetoric since the ashes small me in st petersburg during the bolshevik revolution does the dishes really nasty virus. a throwback to another era. while the week has been dominated by a course another story. which is a man whose life time span nearly a century. a week of mourning for nelson mandela drawn to a close now with a traditional clothes of their ill on sunday in the village where he was born way back in nineteen eighteen. after tuesday's tribute which drew more than a hundred world leaders to south africa. it's no ordinary citizens who filed past the casket of the country's first post apartheid president victoria according to
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the internationale is a guess at least a for nintendo's to remember the activists to turn to armed struggle named after the nineteen sixties shuffle massacre. the world's most famous political prisoner and twenty seven years the nobel peace laureate me he's handling donations. the president step down after a single term simon cooper. which mandela why does he remember the mops all remember the most the man who can mass and pepper in nineteen ninety armament and going down to london to look good on tv with friends is always today was a housekeeper anticlimactic is eaten up about five hours late and get a very dull speech. but some of those with these years from nineteen ninety to nineteen ninety four my parents from school africa ruc the timing belt him or not to continue to go. and none of us imagine that that could be a peaceful transition in some africa and that was actually going to be very bloody civil war if the pasta never ended like you sing about north korea
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there was no rule to faso africa to walk now. and i'm right man to make history that monday looking very very close to ms hall to think of somebody who had such a positive talks fullness of god's own country in our lifetimes. as he had in the one year skipper suppression on this. before he left prison new city people i'm from south africa and after the kiwis prison you see people on from some leftover describe. i guess the difference. i think i was kind enough never to say to people turn a continent of africa and i was and really i was born a productive is that i was desperate. but that's not needed because in the wells was cuddly people and whatsoever can play both of us couldn't and he let them. i mean joke about sound like some africans by glaxo africans is that they pretend it never happened we pretend to give them soon among them will separate ended in a way it never happened that way is not that deep reckoning with the postie the money back so africans understandably wants and so watch for and also were allowed to boston the rainbow nation. kayla
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what were you up. it's a celebration and say this but this book on celebrations because that's what they look like at times. that has played out over more than a week. and yet received and the sprouts on the friday turning out in and the attention is still there this is something that resonates so much even though he has been in power for what you eat it. here's a mosque the fact is that there must be stupid done now eighteen c because of the demon king won the competition the new constitution which was the return is fostered africa both write and compose a caustic and it predicts that the light of the puppies. it was no one at the beginning but they've done is done now they speaking from those sweat. in looting the country i mean who would make it rest and then down to consumer is taken from them some of the other problems coming out. make those
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townships no great interest in leaving at the same conditions make me fall in the end of the effects of the attendees to come now and that's what the men became known because they're praying guess if they're prepared to bid because day speaking from the film goes according to come to know to do better than what he expected to do comparing mandela's legacy to the track record of those in attendance you might say cey attributed to its high point according to many who were inside of the stadium was barack obama speech. i am the cafe. the political reconciliation. with that even modest reforms. private property. the growing
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inequality. playing in solidarity with the struggle for freedom. that's me. chase likes of robert mugabe in this. yet the um when you talk about the interpreter the death interpreter who turned out was not interpreting anything. and in fact claimed he was seeing angels while he was onstage know i joke around our office was that at some attention being paid to this the sport channel and you ended up with this fifteen minutes of fame to speculating wildly. but in terms of mental instability and personal lack of probity compared everybody else on stage he probably would even make the top ten. so yes it's um it's it's it's it's a difficult thing with them and the legacy and there's so many people who wanna jump on and claim to be his heir claimed he was a mentor spiritual or otherwise. and the fact of matter is nobody can really ever live up to the myth that can spawn and probably people will not be able to live up to the reality is there and i think is the point you're making that he had p e do you need to do great things he
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left the country in the hands of the majority which was probably not something anyone could've foreseen. but in terms of the light getting better for everybody he did not really make much progress and that's what everybody is hoping to see now. he served only one term. that was a great compliment. as you say he didn't improve the economy and create delivery to the township's increase of democracy. and it would've been so easy to stay forever. like all the idols and cameron like we've seen in other countries. and he didn't and he was never the mind for deliveries even when he was president of mbeki was lost the running of the domestic economy. it worked in policy making in south africa that was a more delicate. and it's also dealt with mbeki and zuma have done a mean son africa struck trickle compared to the mall so that successful african countries this last decade has been extremely disappointing. where's countries like on the uneven uganda and rwanda don't like this. so africa this stock nation as a polling educational system which was
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then zimbabwe. worse the zimbabwean didn't know when you when you look at south africa today from people in income and tickets on africa today. and if it gs. did he know it from the stamping and african union and quit. he said that dish again the bad weeks and that he didn't have the right to the physics of africa is in the right to do in the business to africa to us it was like that the duke week with interesting adults and after that said africa after the additional met someone to do a nice angst may come when asked to sit down to happy to have next month and a free now big daddy's no speech leading weeks of the creek the discovery that some business and did it live and that nothing else than to business. so when you because of africa. yet just a phone into the cassette at us and become the supreme being. i can read entering the private
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and just funnier and it is very painful cos of heaven and get some freakin sucks even in death there seems to be a sort of mandela magic in the air on tuesday. that's a tribute to rock a lb bomb up in cuba's communist leader raul castro. shaking hands publicly the evening seemed to be exchanging niceties there. craig computers. i'm kind of surprised this hasn't been more of a story and one it's not a story american leaders shake hands with dictators all the time we wanted to start trying again shaking and smoke and off the american president shaking hands with chacha school in romania. what it will get some african guys in there too. it's nothing beats with a lot of hoping to go that it can usher in a new era. well in our summer season penny on the street that raises a lot of help so the expectations aren't very high there must be realistic about that time. kason american presence is shaken hands with the pastor and
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clinton did it's a costa did it. that might do think that then maybe it's time that is a miami cubans have given up his complete support for sanctions refusal to deal with the pastor is a scenic and one. its most successful policy in american history fifty if you're a mother. and i think that barack obama much of its business last two years in office. as the opening to cuba. in it anything's possible. i did it has been a story out there and plenty of people who've been writing about that differed about the interpreter they've written about all kinds of other things. it's really about time we started this by looking at brock obama speak it's about time and i'll give you sneak preview one of our guys in new york is gonna be writing. finally about. and it's not his fault things you would have been a focus on what obama said in his speech and there were some terrific nuggets in a minute and then a little better than any state ofhe union for his last two years. so if it'll be interesting to see what the substance of this event brings in future. that meant
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i was slapped obama magically extended so far. when spectators up first on the big screen saw obama. and in their own president. all of this. the cheese those are mostly things in. what a disappointing prison desmond tutu said it's a disgraceful some african to have a mom like uma is present in some ways he's a much better present than mbeki because he believes that hiv causes aids and the desperation to africa from aids has plummeted since he took over. he believes the crime is a problem. but otherwise he's a man without any kind of policy which is no wonder because he was a communist and then use them to take over nosh wake up so sick on a wall. what are you
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going to add what vision you have in mind. and ok listen in your newspaper thing rightly the tumor has no ideology beyond self enrichment and a goose much does that. yet he is reelected probably next the anc will be re elected for a very long time to come and that dana's mom goes like this email the happiest of legacies. moon will lead you and sees a lovely day for him at least three camps at least and the fact is that the boom years the dissapointing despite disappointing. what is happening with zoom and it goes. the fact these he had a two week he had been booked to achieve the kids and then anything to succeed in debt to the muffins us. he doesn't have its own. he then looks up with a twenty piece was that it seeks to create a owns the content of the midfield it's been a social democrat to something like that. then the new pact is getting getting on to the value fund. that was twenty two teams of the sea
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and i think he's do is quit a seat and most watched all the leaders of the anc has been doing has cost of one spoke. and when we come back in the world this week i will be looking at another president who was in attendance. at that ceremony on tuesday in the company of his previous estimate and france. also don't be so busy don't always get along the euphemism stay with us the rule. you know what there is much more than any station. it motivates and inspires sure to pick a new musical salute to the net on one of the other two so maybe it's a sunday on fox
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journalists from thirty five nationalities working together separate incidents all thanks to finance projects and opportunities in these events were an item in prison on them. in two thousand and libya. cause i kept on site gets two tickets for the contents. jody plus dc. the song becomes eye africa needs. your eyes. we need an exit from across the continent. ms african youths on top and of cos i got done on it. the eye. a
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workforce is. the initial story full of cheetos in situ and full with anxiety the authorities up to smuggle the campus of the living conditions of filthy their education and the us. we witness the plate of warm family as it struggles to cope with multiple addictions the report says. all thoughts like that. i got home. our welcome then to welcome if you just joining us before losing the world this week to sample the students home for two spots will be falling for it. at the top of the hour
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the far east on edge after north korea's most high profile surged since the nineteen seventies. kim jong was on call and then executed. a first sit down between ukraine's president and the pro opposition. no break. thus both sides you're up for mass rallies in good taste. and fresh clashes in the routine involving french soldiers distance the african union provides an extra forty five hundred troops for the central african. and finally to the irish are getting ready on sunday to officially leave their bailout program. the first nation inside the eurozone to do so. i know. on our feet
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we will treat you just joining us this is the world this week with us and beg to marry the international herald tribune. he gets portsmouth. is it you would get in line with an easy paper internationally are times that the international caps he may ask forgiveness absolutely am i the first one to make them no no no there are a bigger of courts and the atlantic shore i'm pretty sure it says this is the mascot of the financial times's simon cooper and also with this you have left me with the acting association and has. thank you for proving this. by the way. her tongue before the break about mandela magic it also extended to france up close vote on upgrades to johannesburg for the tribute he was seen. in the company
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of his previous best in me couldn't stop busy. the two not usually on speaking terms socialist and invited the conservatives to tag along. the dude mutually agreed was best if they flew their separate way. boss rode awesome on the flight home made a stopover in the capital of the central african republic. less than a week after paris dispatched as sixteen hundred troops to pompeii. two french soldiers killed in the skirmishes after intervening in mali friends now involved in another former colony on the brink of collapse ron's isn't seeking its profits from the situation in the central african republic school. here's my self interested motivation and prawns isn't attempting to have an unjustified components in the region from squid simply intends to bring security to a
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population is being threatened by briefest militias. it all. remember our community that assessment tim who stayed anything meaningful. the interest funds has increased in central african republic and the lights took infant seat so they have done the info took one hundred new trees even in a book and donkey behalf of some in the prison into the path some while in cabo on behalf of the elite in vitro with that in djibouti and and and and ivory coast to help people to have to contend in the fall when did in the week before the visiting one of the rubber stamp of united nations which they got last week due to the new youtube with too many. it is needed that because encode them and so was the cause in the fo these unwanted it's simply so i don't know why the tv so the fact is that it is raining. have the discretion
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of the rings on serpents and the defendant direction cricket teams was well known french under michigan law mission on profit country so i i accept them. on that top up what's french for mission creep. i was trying to think that the day and no one can figure out the expression. up there with big problem and the central african republic of. there are four point five million people who live there and within that statistic are some real zinger. sixty percent of the people who live in the proper camera without mistakes and wrong very few about thirty five percent live in the shapes the lions are the jungle that's where all the local militias are growing that were the self defense groups are going. the country gets only two hundred and seventy two million dollars to your direct foreign investment the seventy one million direct foreign investment and very little in eight only two hundred and seventy two. so what are these troops
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therefore there's not enough to fight both the local militias and the self defense groups to control the resources and. the troops who were better there now are not going to do a darn thing no matter what one might say to put the central african republic back in to groups like the kimberley process certification. what does the group that certified diamonds for sale on the world market. they were thrown out a few months ago and they're not coming back the european union has cut off aid. so the number of troops there. if you want to go out into the countryside and pacify the country. well remember when france was in indochina. this is what we're looking at here so why why did france. we've heard the defense minister say this is going to be a tough permission and mom. why is france and turkey. my personal belief. the trust will fall on this in a foreign policy in a coffin
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their speed. i don't see why he's going or if you're going to help this country. and how the people who are being slaughtered. you're looking to put troops on the nation's military one is covered wars you can spend time with the military will tell you this about me. when you have over sixty percent of the population in rural areas that you can get to where this water is going on. you can do it with a few thousand troops. and i'm sure the french military. as has told this to the least eight hours. mega man. it could be yes and i'm not in the french presidents had the day could be as simple as he can effect change at home. he can be a good domestic president and create jobs and move the union top dead center and bring growth that the french economy we can do is make grandstand plays in places like molly. and now the central african republic and i completely agree with crack the big problem in
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the cair is to potty just to be disarmed. this population which is so special delight disarming the united states get their weapons away how he didn't do that when you're going to hide it when you village village temple a tunnel is not going to happen certainly not with the force that francis but there n and i haven't yet heard any clear description of what francis nation is a singer. so yet that is the critical thing here is that. the natural resources of the central african republic right now appreciably guy and all those areas are in the hands either our band inch or one of these goofy insurgent groups from these now at least ten years. it is going to get the benefit system that shows that they know how to fly under the radar and keep our ears infected the franciscan campaigning. oh we offend country to squeeze their quest troops as miller troops into winning the opener for
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mac and then add the cream cone be nice to get the is that they own so i decided to sue when dad didn't get to kill but does that mean. hiv in this war with the summer the same as. the yesterday giving orders to mention in your urine is yours because do you break those of the code them when faso was easy came when tensions the way he did troops do aim to pass a gas heater there we decided to head to head in in in the woods is it out and gets to know the band he and aunt mandy. especially the west end of the country get to. using only did the tone of the country so it's a fact simon cooper in the nineteen nineties peace all that. in syria on the british were the ones former british colony was the british winter themes similar situation where he was a rich country report people and natural resources in my thoughts running around the countryside. i'm in this case is a former french
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colony. but it's not too on the trot for france should the french be getting more help from their european camp there is no real aim is to take on the wet too big on these in your front and the person who is about seventy more money. so what crossings are doing now is in part it's a cut price iraq and afghanistan as the award about terrorism. in both molly on the central african republic so that positive because mom's motivation and also to seek the glory as you say girl because there isn't any available domestically nothing also playing a role he's the french como in rwanda genocide that which may aid in the basket. sunday refused to intervene to let others into being. and in the french foreign policy is something that's a big deal that's a big trauma. and there have been many warning signs of this kind of thing might be something in the ca are the single on the said we can do this. nobody else is going to do this and i'm not doing anything else
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successfully. the only ones that are traumatized by the rwandan memory mean united nations is terrified of being seen as as an active as they were wanted for years relating to the art of the it to the passing of medieval this is this is the envoys are very whispered criticism of the upcoming never opened his mouth and brought his influence to the rest of africa. starting with mugabe going into all of these areas he sure we have the clout to do it. he certainly did get the boys and the reason you always hear. was it was because of the anc all of these black leaders and leaders in north africa likely be an adoptee who supported him. he wasn't going to turn around and shaded them you're a bad guy and and i think if there's one cracking dementieva story. he's a great man this dish is it. right there he should have done everything in its power to shut these. you know that the word is correct is
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the day long. settle. again it goes back to this question when are the leaders of africa. going to take control of the situation. we haven't seen that i haven't cheated on you and tonight i threw on an extended stint on african republic. there were some african troops. the afternoon to do it in the foot to the collapse of food and sat on the merits the inn in many instances very brave because they don't have many needs of the full well that means the effect is that they wouldn't have been aimed at testing to be at the dentist in the been years since the fossil was a kid the way then to the team with the company's deal as it into two pots than the tenants of the type to up to that of the country way of opaque by the divinity. they didn't know then and on the go with the fact that what happens when the blizzard decided to color full fence and the us
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and in goes the move to austin the window but he's got it because it's a compliment to the store at me and us played the wii the spat between the scheme and today we don't have to be content to keane. it doesn't offend you what the ensuing that's what he did know the answer to the their way to control system there are a given now. african troops there. sometimes an ambiguous role not to be a funnel for an honest we saw that the sa seconds left. with their tail between their legs from the soft peaks. it seems as though their mission prop opposes it was linked to oil interests also recalls has its fun to see it itself is a great protector of the content that to me there is no such thing as africa it's an abuse planet central to this cool restaurant in countries all over the continent. bids from cameroon to ethiopia to africa's nigeria to algeria these countries have all sorts of different problems will still keep it from preoccupations of looking in different directions. and there is no history of
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successful cooperation between african countries calls and widening of the pockets of west africa's economic cooperation that there is no new consonant wide political economic cooperation him when he said that the european union and we can say many things europe is much more for embassies in africa has ever been. so we should go to africa if it exists assault the central african republic oh and speaking of thought hong kong flicks the tide seems to certain returned to syria. this week washington and london suspending non lethal way to serious opposition to rival islamic rebel group the seized warehouses containing us military gear intended for the main western backed rebel group. there are many dangers elements we know all this were an al qaeda we know as well. of extremist groups church groups are involved in this. um so it's not a matter of just an easy choice between the good guys bad guys. this friday and they
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can marry we have the former head of the c i a. and michael hagan has come out and said that at the moment of glee as it sounds. he's trending these are his words as the option of us saw this the best of all the options and that should tell you everything you need to know about the morass that is syria the im possibility to figure out who was on the side of the angels in this conflict. i don't think anybody would argue that aside hasn't done horrible horrible things. in the country. i think if it's flashback six months he wouldn't find anybody in the u s defense for intelligence establishment who would in fact it's not this all reminds me a little bit of the way america often treats countries that are run by brutal dictators who nevertheless keep control over their people. they're often seen in the diplomatic and intelligence communities as the lesser of two evils
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here you have a perfect example of the us on murders is and people who uses chemical weapons on his own people the un just came out with a report that radically extended its assessment of the use of chemical weapons in syria for the first time they've gone on record as saying. the extent of the problem. and nevertheless you have someone who has some credibility in establishments talisman to intelligence in defence circles saying well yeah he may not be so bad this is a reference to read think situation and nobody knows the way. nobody knows the way down. and so the that the military option that has been thrown by student hoax on capitol hill is not the right one either. we made changes to the beginning here in our walk with the hopeful exception of tunisia. this whole deal about the arab spring has been in opium and touche hallucination. and and and is absolutely right. it's not just american presidents
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but by western leaders. when prefer working with the dish strongman because they know who they are. and they can deal with. and. it's a generational thing. maybe the next generation watch this overthrow of saddam within a democratic government. but in the world of real quality. i just can't see it happen there's going to be more disaster. in store for serious we move in the next year. we said the same thing last year right here in the studio class was to work on. and on twitter or one of our viewers that seem to react to people in syria lost in translation between americans russians arabs ingredients. everyone has its own agenda. that doesn't include syria courses are not perfect it's all happening right away in a snap of cold weather in the region. sprinkling of
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snow. maybe an amusing story in jerusalem or alexandria of the assyrian refugees on the border with lebanon. um it's it's ominous the team he said. moving on more euro skeptics prepare for what could be of good in two thousand fourteenth of an expected to make inroads in next may's eu parliament elections. how about the front page headline in thursday's edition of french daily newspaper in the hospital. which points to europe and. the i'm not the protesters in the streets since november the twenty first and last minute reversal that saw ukraine's president back out of an eu partnership deal in favor of moscow. um this friday we've seen some developments to compete is with the amnesty for some of the protesters but do is sit down first one
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between the president and the opposition. so there is perhaps some broking of dialogue. but of both sides are preparing for the demonstrations the days to come. the dialogue will be in russian market radiant and the fish will be russian not ukrainian. and um. what you're seeing. played out on the ukraine is wonderful the young people on the street wanted to change it well let's see if the ukrainian army comes out to support them and if any of the russian troops there are going to change socks on i say that we saw on the night of tuesday to head to wednesday riot police first move in. and then. a lot and has shown me that i can say police. i said troops. i said tax. look look what happened in russia. during the end
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economists and tanks came out on the streets and the army when on the side of what was then the ultimate democrats you saw that again. at the next to an end and the reality of the situation in which area which is way worse the army gonna come down and end with the ukrainian army on the size of the ukrainian army would they be willing to take on the russians as is feasible. when we see now where some of the oligarchs were close to present yanukovich might be wavering the oligarchs. there are two great extent. under the thumb of lavender pink tobin is running the show here's here's the puppet master here just yesterday. in in in the parliament in moscow some of his crowd of deputies said. no one in russia is allowed to business
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meetings or office isn't allowed to speak any other language but russia. they shd they should shut down the state news agency. and aimed at russia today happy face. courtney is in control of that region ten and it is foolishness. two short of klitschko the ukrainian boxer going up and have an open one on one with food and taking them out. that this dish is going to change. on our twitter. the nurse goes to europe is being reinvented in ukraine's the bureau of mines and protests the lesson is power belongs to those who can change it. as they want simon cooper or ukrainians they're saying that they're not. in those regions. this is a very hard to separate the silent on teachers is often said that the speaker what speaks ukrainian national law of the lack of time with on locals to mean
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russian russian rule does not extend their info beyond russia and brushes ministry is not what it was meant as lead eastern europe. peel and coffee in the sphere of influence would like to still be telling the polls what to do later. and ukraine i think is in a very difficult interesting position the oligarchs don want to be in eruptions of the two's uconn control the ukrainian economy if the customs do with russia. i'm a much bigger russian oligarchs to come is the gospel and coming to ukraine to moscow for the oligarchs not to be cos of prussia. nothing is very interesting that briana who took the richest man in the country has suggested there should be told to europe is a good thing we don't want any violence. i don't think that the new commission is clever and all it's not clear that ukraine is going to miss europe. i don't think there's going to be a crackdown push from within russia. i think that might well be a happier outcome the majority population is pro the city
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might be a happier outcome or russian. it only has an intensely just turn off the top of the natural tendency on the net is that that is the elephant in the real incomes to ukraine so the pool resources are going on. i'm not as optimistic as my knee my neighbors here. i think that one possible outcome of this a civil war. because if you look at the way and it's true that the us that these are difficult to two separate in some parts but if you look idiotic all that is a stronghold political stronghold in in the east there are pro coup in iran and i'm one of our many key and andrew kramer a very smart story appeared in the was yesterday's paper about how the poor the decree on colleges like a donkey tied between two bales of hay he may believe in cf where people are more for european done anything on it. annie's few the last six months with london including the new seen the standoff between the two rightly also talks on both sides of his mouth because his political support is in a very pro russian part of a
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country mean why does russia have to send in troops mail or e cent in the mind control people's people believe that russia should control things so he's got the eye where he lives were he surrounded by people who have a broader vision perhaps of what ukraine could be but he's still got a political base that says he'll send an intense get with these protesters him into ruin everything for us. this is somebody who's very very conflicted. it's not a real possibility that it cannot break apart and we had you been crying in the excellent point. the same problem in moscow everyone would go to moscow when she changes think this was right. the was an urban center. the same thing in kiev to go to kiev in them and their radio place the european union flag in everyone's there to get the italian meal. and it's like everywhere you go forty miles outside the city. and you're back in the sticks and you got back more than two or three decades. it has been no flip flopping at the kremlin of this weekend is. there was of the prime minister dimitri
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medvedev. calling the eu says support for the pro eu opposition as the crude interference. now in his annual state of the nation speech the trip we can stay on message and to. the good cop mostly touting the virtues of kiev adjoining a customs union with moscow what russia is the titanic and two others. push ahead with integration projects with ukraine in kiev degrees russia is ready in case an initiative comes from kiev to continue want to add to creamed feature role in the customs union. again we've been torn up was always dark perhaps wavering the union of the committee will put you get the last laugh. this thing. the two vegas the fact is that kids only given as a community we did the former soviet union
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states of fun. and because the moon because the team in the news that it was difficult to visit and on all of that was def jam is yes and no use trying to live in az in a different way the fact is that the needs of the opinion people. he's so cute. euro the camp. but the only been able to connect with it is for sure so good and the position next to the bloated with russia and in the one become european speaking that in coming years that's what happened so that half of it that the duke the most potent than now with the pressure up and then have with traditions with your opinion and sneezed on me we have our own family to them. thank you to your email on my proximity don't think concrete computers simon cooper and back to mary. thank you for joining us here in screwed. reporters. still one
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of the road that goes in situ and full with anxiety the authorities up to smuggle the campus of the living conditions of filthy and education mess. we witness the place to warm family as it struggles to cope with multiple addictions. report says. all thoughts like that i got home. what you can see it. and. and. it is. i lose
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superman this. don't answer that. and to see beneath the sun sets its inspector frank the stunningly was laid back manner belies his drive to get the truth. i do lol the is the role as a fast space while me just that and it stayed. the team the team this week as a lucas and earnings. it's too soon. mary's ability to uncover the truth may be his greatest strength. it also gets him in constant conflict with his superiors. sydney nsw and also my concrete opener. it is something that
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is what got the latest issue one that the final two commandments. most of them really. this monument is high in touch. the commemoration the scooter called karma the new issue. the christian relief only to him. mason wanted the name of the stall most of the time he maintains an impasse and exterior which masks the ever present grief over the death of his wife were given a stunningly good. kendra and her team preview. as for corso. when the testimony of the mountains. the series this into question. i am last night. do. woohoo who
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has a huge need. six. what do i see it. he's not comfortable with other people's expressions of feeling. which leads to what may be one of the italian television's most genuinely awkward moments the kid. i saw one of them. fall in crime stunned and enthusiastic television audience in italy. we ran for three seasons between two thousand five and two thousand ninety eight the story is based on the novels of malaria for a seat which became popular for their sense of history and their exploration of
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the aisle causes of crime only two of his novels have been translated into english and the book serve as a departure point for the series episodes rather than providing specific storyline. mary is played by a local bar for us he who brings a depth to his trail of a complicated man. in addition to his acting career barbara. he is a well known figure in italy because of his political involvement having served as a member of parliament since two thousand eight he became famous in nineteen eighty through his association with the notorious horror film cannibal holocaust. a film so unrealistic its director was arrested on murder charges barbara. he was one of four actors killed in the film who sign contracts requiring them to stay out of all media for a year in order to fuel rumors that the film was an actual snuff movie. only thing that contracts were canceled and the actors appeared on a tv show where the charges against the filmmaker drop and
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the issue. the community's him. the love interest in fighting crime displayed by russian actress natasha stott can you tell who began her acting career after winning the look of the year contest in russia in nineteen ninety one. she then traveled to italy and began a career in films and as a popular tv host. before stephanie who became famous as the model and actress. she earned an undergraduate degree in moscow studying metal engineering. stir until smooth. stacey is thinking the students. i salute you can see it. i know. main character in the series is the river hull. it shakes
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alinsky. declining an alliance of the people who live on it stinks. both rich and four. is anyone who tries to look beneath the surface of things unseen. power to set its history can never be fully understood. new issues to people far. and it also hides their seats. secrets that publication are just covered by people like signposts and harry who have eyes to see. aye aye aye aye aye. the audiences are all interested in assisting the same way that american audiences are and they're interested in you know in america mrs they're also interested in this is from other countries because that again they're interested in the genre itself in the format in the way that that format this kind of
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existential and answers questions about good and evil and crime and punishment. and so therefore its worldwide. i like about it it's the mystery is that. not only are you. what changed the crime drama. but you also just alerted. you know about the closure of the land to barbie and you get the flu in bergen norway. through slept through the acts for the londoners you get. you know and ideals what sometimes sleep his life over to the lenders because they're the set in sweden and of the main character is fabulous to watch his excellent. and we like police
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procedural. you would want his life but you're one of wannabe in sweden after two seasons. i think scandinavia manager has sadly become much better than it was previously i think pak us and uk have been awakened to a just a question and that to prevent the reading great books for years i think just the combination of pop culture and good writing that the state lacks the phenomenon was has brought some attention we tried lots of fun though we like it was the lightness of plots that were to swim in the humor and the fact that andrea kelly areas very much involved in this grid. so it get it through the books and great fun with our best to address one of his books i brought that to me. and lo and behold a few weeks later i noticed that you are broadcasting. certainly enjoyed the guys wonderful there exists a look at it and is very very good after i ate i really like the longer series but high time to
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qualify that because of what some of the irene us. and she is good and that is really going to take off. it begins with irene and doing the karate kicks in your meal is taken when she was she doing you see she's a strong lady. then you see her with her family. absolutely fascinating family. i think women are going to be perfectly attractive sight read. so whereas i saw longer for us on. she may end up being my face. the very pleased that though. within the last year or so imagery is now selling the cds online and i've been promoting them on my website its existing stock on. because i really feel that if un the united states via verbal opportunity to buy. foreign tv stuff was
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so high. i just want to spread the word. you knew you ukraine's president says it all summer deal with the eu must involve russia has been promoting a product european route is to continue to disrupt the government's blessing the already crippled economy. for dessert book was produced by quarter that of the country's first or allowing same marriages. in less than a week. we've been married. we've been married meanwhile india's between stake in its battle same
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