tv The Debate PBS December 17, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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ay ay ay ay. i peered years and three new longest ongoing series of seventeen ninety you are watching them. i knew the use of force. this week's the deal on a visit to moscow ukraine's embattled president gets to its pitch to its financial assistance more than thirty years since its once recovered the fire continues for a third day in south sudan's capital presents which it claims to for the coup there. and
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that's it. it's on the grounds that european nations central african republic. it's the only new sheets deployed forces african peacekeepers. tall it was intended to be the false event gets that debate. we're asking is tunisia. ten bucks the trend and to complete its revolution based on the third anniversary of the uprising there. moscow has upped the ante on its trip to the russian capital in ukraine's pressie getting a discount on natural gas a pledge to purchase fifteen billion dollars of treasury bills and distant third to some trade disputes even to build a bridge in cook strait sweden's answer to twenty seven days of protests against kids sudden decision
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to pull out of an eu partnership deal the new russia and ukraine on strategic partner is not any name that sold sign in our actions we are united by many centuries of friendship and by having lived a long time together. as the same country cheaper gas a major deal sweetener correspondent josh was gone three in moscow spoke to us earlier. for a glass of a deal looks very good for unocal which in terms of his short term political survival he's been trying to play a game of bargaining between europe and russia trying to see who would give them a better deal ukraine is in dire financial straits needs money badly. in a covert says. he couldn't abide by the terms offered by the imf needed to come up with the cashed up and quickly. in the end he may have rather deftly again at
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least in the immediate term labor we are off a rush to leave to prove his theories of the ukraine either. being taken under the influence of the wing of the european union. perhaps the ankle returned to give ground to the pro european. protesters still on the streets of kiev of that may have pushed on and i think it was necessary to act and act a quite a dramatic way. it's giving as he pointed out. fifteen billion dollars in badly needed loans ukraine as well as dramatically lowering of the gas price like an echo which may have offered or be required to offer cooking. in return hasn't yet met and that of course that complicate our understanding of the deal. so far there's no talk of joining a customs union with russia which would permanently slammed the door to a new partnership. try this customs union isn't real geopolitical priority of
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pretense. essentially it's an economic bloc some have called it the soviet union light of that may go that far that would create a favor free trade economic zones among russia and some of its post soviet neighbors. this project didn't really get off the ground or be viable without ukraine as a member and couldn't have gone to great efforts to court ukraine to cajole him to do everything he could to get ukraine to be the signal member of the sides russia of its customs union fact that at least so far it doesn't seem like an echo which was forced to sign on the dotted line to indy become a member of the customs union. it shows that perhaps wasn't he that desperate to cope with that important to least in the short term the ukraine away from europe and in russia's orbit. he is willing to pay quite heavily. for that strategic objective. we often reporting from moscow the three of gunfire in the capital of africa's youngest nation. sa sudan's
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president celtic year accusing forces loyal to his former deputy recruit sharp staging a failed coup according to one doctor in the sixty six soldiers killed in fighting without thirteen thousand civilians running for cover that's according to the united nations. rents will be getting some back up on the grounds from other european nations in the central african republic so says the foreign minister to five years. all nations including poland the uk germany spain and belgium have provided assistance are so far. the only european nation to deploy troops alongside african peacekeepers. mike and i can tell you taking into account that had been made to slip up like prawns. the latter will soon have treats on the ground. my european colleagues to show up well and this is the point i want to emphasize this is one of
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the finest minds. this is not in its twenty oh four that adaptability. another attack targeting hezbollah in lebanon this time an explosives laden car blowing up in the early hours of tuesday in a remote part of the bekaa valley twenty km from the syrian border the blast killing the driver losing at least two were in pursuit of hizbollah media reporting the car had been carrying some fifty kilos of explosives training its intended target was a hizbollah base. less than a week after washington and london suspended non lethal leigh serious seemingly overwhelmed modern rebels here's a tasty confirming the possibility of talks with islam is as he continues his tour of southeast asia john kerry drawn on syria in the run up the january twenty seconds in the peace conference gawd now down to work the bondage god confirming onto a merkel's government and third stint on the track as chancellor. in
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two thousand five grand coalition between conservatives and social democrats. merkel making some concessions with others in europe were rooting for berlin to loosen the purse strings to stimulate domestic spending well. can you be disappointed. how presenting their coalition contracts one hundred and eighty five feet is freshly signed laying out a roadmap for the new coalition governments together. angela merkel's cdu and social democrats spd half takes their priorities and this is an economic be a novelty songs. we began this legislature with no new tax i hope we can keep it that way no one giving it a night of genocidal is known for stabilizing the euro. in politics and a sailor. a must as well as other issues important in europe. when the petite seek god is awesome the will of the stick is a new government has committed itself to not create new ten to twenty
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fifteen and not increased taxes. simply print as a result of intense and difficult negotiations between cdu and spd. another key measure the introduction of the minimum lead to a year is fifty. it's the first to germany. initially reluctant to cancer can see the candy ends the critical to man for the social democrats. other reforms on the table retirement at sixty three employees happened on korea are better pensions for that summit saudis. the spd also seen a framework for fixed term contracts by many talents. the grand coalition has found some common ground on the topic spending strategy. twenty six billion units will be set aside for infrastructure education and researcho buying christmas presents online is no beating the british europe's undisputed e shopping champions. the french know they have to get into the spirit of it now. small
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shops mapping out their internet survival strategy against the big chains during the busy holiday season. a guy online retailers like amazon can send out up to seventy thousand projects that day. faced with such stiff competition traditional retailers are fighting back the magician some bits and the magic it's finished. i'll get that liam would give the french retail is are catching on to what they call click and colac. this african order items on the store's website and then put them into the east in store avoiding shipping fees the seven added spain france after explaining that i am my next holiday season. retail is building must do more to move with the customary land town has come up with a novel approach and twenty on the main old and the local stops at the end it together to create your own e commerce sites. want to use musical
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instruments. she used each donor photographs airway years. it takes time but it makes you soft money. she thinks she's in this as an aid in our minds are instead of what the beguiling see websites that was a film crew we see companies. estimates say they're happy to support the local business days trains three other towns are following in these footsteps and taking on the giants at the commons. i tried not to the false and jokes today lost. being woken again of course what the doc could the nation that three years ago today witness the first spark the arab spring. now the its final hole. it's been a rollercoaster ride for two successive desperate street
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vendors and pcb whose eade said and so polite to protest the relentless shakedown by the cops. in retrospect you overthrow the country's strongman of twenty two years seems like the easy part. he has voted peacefully and constituent assembly. but it's document is nearly two years over to the moderate islam islam the most seats at the time steam out flanked as well in times of hardliners up with a two thousand twelve attack on the us embassy in the assassination of outspoken secular opposition leaders. this past weekend though. under pressure from european donors. there was a political breakthrough consensus on the name of the non partisan industry minister to leave the country the ratification its constitution and elections to the counter revolution in egypt. institutions seem to flounder in neighboring libya syria disintegrate and tunisia small nation of ten men succeed where others have
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failed in completing its revolution in getting his illness and secular parties to agree and abide by common rules today in the polls and get the bait and tunisia the trends with us from tunis most if she cooed at the beach at the constituent assembly's finance committee thanks for being back with us here in austin kept at bay here in the studio site that lunacy research chair in political science to pass this on one university welcome back to the show welcome back as well to activist in geneva and the pinion thank you for being with us. and joining us from the tunisian capital market marked middle eastern studies researcher it's in anthony's college oxford thank you for being with your piece posted on foreign policies of websites in this tuesday post and get today we can join the conversation on facebook and twitter are packed and two for today. is it was three years ago today the start of the uprising in
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tunisia before we go to our panel is go to this report by livia salazar wind speed some call it the true success story of the arts training today skinny davinci to different country compared to tv as a gag. the preschool pretends nothing gained and the space the debate as i can count. dispelling the circle the bases the economy still struggling tourism zone in the comics reading more into new scenes looking for work and the fool them at the nation. many of them believe that corruption is still ongoing and while in the new administration. i was in atlanta as long as they don't want to change the country for the bouncer mom was just thinking about clinging to the hour. can they not thinking. some of that added on to send a seventy two thousand and ten mohamad was cc sets himself on fire in an act of desperation and in protest
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against police harassment his death sparked an uprising that toppled trees and see me and it seemed an iv in less than a month nine months they said the country went to the polls. did the doctrines of the old regime are painful. hundreds of cheney's ian stanley dean cox is the growing power of these men the county and not that was the cause for concern. and she's taking any sense to me it is time action his comments to bbc has seemed to your position and is assassinated in tn fact is that some analysts say could prevent india from reaping the benefits of its presentation. back to twenty units in israel. let's move on scene power lies in a taxi and trusts that night perspective of the mac ritchie did these events was once the goodwill fountain is in sight see. so if things remain as they are marinating your situation. parents and frankly most people view i think this is all within the draft constitution for now and no date set for the upcoming elections to the cia still has serious
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obstacles to a the comp. in case the first chapter of the country's nine cent democracy. hard core lot of criticism and that reports of one star review perhaps most such a crude. you feel as though the spirit of that spontaneous uprising of three years ago as we need to. well i feel that india has completed today the construction of the first stage of the rocket called democrat guys nation and our duties as addressing the construction of the second floor of this rocket which is colder that he's full of vietnam's on power. and this is what teenagers do it. i think that that view by the professor the other end. he's extremely pasha. any democrat taxation move. when you are playing the game by the rule of
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democracy with a majority in the minority he will have to have the minority accept the rules that all what is voted against them bought it for the majority does not perform correctly. then there is another election usually to change the old majority and have a new majority. what did they see as dumb as that the team that intimacy of the election had to be a pendant and we decided to add on the other legitimacy which is the lead and intimacy of consensus seeking an alternative to mix these together had allowed twenty two of the top lock these opinions get to sit down under the auspices of the labor union bosses union the study are free. i the human rights union and the lawyers union. and for many many weeks we have worked very hard to reach an
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agreement on that the new prime minister that is forming now a new government that is temporary that would lead us to elections due in no constitution into the second stage of what i call the peaceful out that the on the awesome power. so this is what is happening such a cruel ask in a moment how long you think that second stage is going to last but i just wanted to show more viewers. some images from today in city boozy where it all began. several rallies to mark the third anniversary of the uprising see the boozy the country's highest unemployment rate more than twenty four percent where organizers of today's events more and the president the speaker of parliament and the outgoing prime minister well two to stay away my moniker march. why are they on welcome. it is abstract
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political debates in the capital of the dishes. it is due. the constitution over on the political struggles. the process. it is installing a killing you don't know or don't care about their problems. iceland is pregnant. this was years ago. for me. dignity. she is a positive direction. don't feel as though it did the changes happening fast enough. two nieces interim president looking back over the past three years. he's seeing the glass half full the reason it didn't move but
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it has reached ten times would just before the revolution. been launched which smoothly. it mimics the nation. it was brought to stand still with us in and out of it is updated. free widgets at. at the top edge it's a site and see you heard the president is saying the patients. it's happening said it sounds like from when monica mark is saying is that yes people. monica is right and being in the sense that skype who i stopped today has been patient but i think that if we hadn't had the whole picture three years. he says i'm stopping. i mean that today you cried in court the two studies in three years to be used and in times of time and i think that when we look at the whole context is up soon and that's disappointing especially if we focus on what's happening to it if for example on the piano situation tend to be turned to me via when c i a leak something said yes
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differently than status at that time. i'll speak to choose a present. but yet at the same time acting from my perspective this is more a historicaone. i feel that it is not that bad because at that stage we do have a trough of the constitution which has seen a striptease tweedy to be it ain't the same time we don't have a turn off and on tennis with the stars who pilot as well each cheek and last time that's why. meets at the end of. albeit i get to the positive thing that is that. daddy's new prime minister weeks and got the coats and shoes and into ice cream and coke. most of the that political stakeholders and who stop to that in forming a government to an opinion. and i don't ag with hair because i miami and the sense that syria and the view that the cases of seo. it's not the same is
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the main office to keep a rein on the sands of the same thing viet minh and the people that you can ask their patients because they don't see anybody and seeking him it's because since three years now. it's a ticket to the same thing they they they they don't see anything ever read the book. no not for them to now when does that happen in my mind we finished the constitutional and that we haven't looked into the stands. they get so that's not that creates frustration. now that's actually that frustration is coming from the uncertainty the climate of uncertainty and the embrace of terrorism and security in tunisia. that makes the new me accept it. i think it was an international top of that i mean that we measured the impact because they are innocent and i use the security wasn't he. and the baby because i know it's not miss anything. i know it's not this and said what's it matter what the security team to the last nine hours of the security and into
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the kitchen is now the state security apparatus. democracy not the same time they meet security was an achy and then they way i see on fire to read them and that the social justice that at this and that they don't see any road blocking the road map for them an incentive and it was an anti sunday system up to date stated agenda. and planet of hopelessness of his inspiration and inerrancy and the future as funky and this makes them really the current law on lara on the winners' names as revolutions takes time to happen in time to make an actual change nonetheless most of the crew to understand the impatience of song that there has been this cost increases and that the constitutional assembly could've come out that darken a lot sooner when do you expect now. concretely the two nations to vote on the constitution and for there to the elections. ok this is a good question. as has been sad the commission
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on consensus about the constitution has finalized its work. now they are spending some time to figure out where the commas are going to be positioned because all the constitution is ready to be voted on the air at the national constituent assembly. now the elections will it end of the recreation of the ec which is being independent instance to supervise the election when mr mohamed romney was assassinated there either. our colleague in on him and was assassinated on the twenty fifth of july of this year are and we had elected to any of the nine person who's all be easy unfortunately his assassination the brutal assassination with fourteen while it's had its eye and at the stop of our move towards finalizing the sleazy so
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the awesome forces was ejected is not only the religious or political but it is anti democratic and since then it is he out called united as the acting gig as terrorism and we are hanging on the second half and the people to vote for that. hang on a second suspect your pet that assassination happened back in july. again the question is yes. vmware and our tunisian is going to be able to vote on that new cars fishing when willa that it is that decision would be that this is an up and i love birds of the independent instance of the election that have to be elected by parliament. but the idea i've been desperately trying to win gold in tunis wants to put these that had looked into with the way people are connected inside the commission's so this is what they do some tonight as we are respecting
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the tribunal's it is taking time not because the desire to finish is not here but because every tall poppy is trying to play his role that we still do not have the supreme court. isn't this the us is going to be created and that the two of the supreme court will rule that we will not be falling in the intricacies of the small administrative or so the answer the question is that the election will take place when easy. will the site to announce that an easy it is to be finalized during the next two weeks after that date with the require as they say up to five to six months to organize a fair and transparent elections. so this is the agenda that is in front of us we were heading towards elections in the fall of this year or not we might be ready for elections round the spring of the caviar or a forest of the fall of
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the coming year. monica marks to see the same calendar for the year to come. to say i think it is consistent. it's on. sharing a room in the constitution. he needs t take a beating in front of their verses. it's a good enough. i sat at the base and an inoperable nineteen ninety nine and five with the law gives up its history the next there is for wimps for years and is. working in their mid teens the review. i
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can do. it was. in the same time things are moving forward. the concert. james jimmy has continued to eat yet and so on sunday and has effect of a fancy making a new head of government that's at specific i found that i made it a step forward not be the problem is that he sensed you don't see a clear roadmap they don't they. the security is is a handicap far on a province of twenty four for example foreign economic growth are social injustice and read the same time put on ice addiction is how we can and i sat next to speak and the connections and next. a mix that is the firefox and we don't have the and the necessary security standards in the county was to have a was handed to him i mean on the petunias and how can we organize elections and a few. so that's a problem to tell them you conditions on the down they see on those aspects. and maybe they thought they don't seek. neither spoke to a ten year road map with the kia dates with him her to relax
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this tidbit they didn't see that actually utep at the i come back we'll be asking you slide the honesty about the meaning of this new tech product is the preferred prime minister and how that might affect them the more more clear picture on this road map stay with us are watching the postman pat today. i was. inside you there. north america and southern tip of the canyon join useconomic cultural and social needs of the americas. inside beyond the arc. on top. also got the call. while the african youths. your eyes yesterday we need that exists from
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across the continent. ms african youth. cos i got done on it. while. where is all spent yet to be skewed sample stories will be falling for it at the top of the hour right here on false leads and dads of russia's president would choose cheaper gas financial assistance deals sweeteners for ukraine's embattled president on this date twenty seven of pro u s demonstrations in ghana. mr confirmed on the merkel's government her third stint as chance would like in two thousand five and grand coalition between conservatives and social democrats. more than thirty thousand civilians run for cover gunfire continues for thursday in south sudan's capital presence of which it claims to for the coup there adobe more boots on
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the ground from europe and central african republic france saying it's getting back up he said depyment alongside african peacekeepers. eye. all are this is false then get to bake. it's the third anniversary of the self humiliation of a street vendor in the tunisian town and see the boozy one that was the spark to the arab spring the overthrow of the tunisian strong man of twenty two years. we're staying at the top see to be the eas par. there's been attracted negotiations the past two months to come upo him on an agreement for a trendy new transitional government that will lead the country to elections and the ratification of the constitution with us to talk about it. most after she a crew member of the constituent assembly
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chair of its finance welcome back as well to say to receive research and science. paris is so fun university of geneva and the printed. who is an activist has been with us the tests. basically the last three years. before that. li yen from its amazing couple monica mart's middle east studies researcher at st anthony's college in oxford last saturday's the new prime minister in tunisia it was announced. this after attractive negotiations launched nearly two months ago under the auspices of the main trade union confederation. let your mates today. today a fake tree yes to democracy and to msia retrieved on to compensation it was that of the trip don't own a divine as well this next government
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the next prime minister knows not to present. we did not want to be there he's been elected yet he's not too much coincidence that love what that yes i'm under. it's hard to make everyone agreed was the pillar of the most important thing was that in the shoes and love will continue. allow to a lot of their last the authorities so if that's the most a pro at. your dentist varying points of view them all sit shake route to cuba vote will be unanimous. when one of the constituent assembly ratified is that the new government is in a vote of no confidence on. i'm a little arm during which he said in part one of our discussion i have is a lot of power vacuums in the judiciary most notably when it comes to keeping things on the rail in the lead up to those elections when you see. ten you're a citizen of the opinions vary. you feel as though they really has been a breakthrough over
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the weekend. absolutely. from slot when we used to meet the parents when you kindly invited me to the same the accident. the programs you have. i used to be only a professor at ashes say parents. now i am also a member of parliament has yet mentioned. but one more thing i am a member of the opposition. i'm not a member of the majority power so they we got a free country now we are discussing donations and we are bulky and only proper as a proper associate broker groups can make the right decisions so we cannot as parliamentarians or as government or as opposition make the elections the elections that can be of great use of the independent instancehen the elections nine people that are in the selected update due process. this process is long
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because the eyes you have mentioned me. this is right you will want that needs to go is why the whip to abide by that. so the delays in the elections are not due to any top political so there it didn't do this ministry he think that you have to go through it. i'm now coming to the rate of seventy eight is a very great big breakthrough he was in churchill used to say about america that and that gap usually hates the best decision only after writing all the other possibilities. not to miss yet has been doing that well but as the day he said the parents. the drive there and they had to report that the law was used by my professor that live in berkeley and i drive an hour and is left in the gyms are trying to put in place and heater. we are born to be a situation of tripoli
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the situation of the gods the situation of the ship where people did not understand that winning the ball it's a lot of time is not sufficient. so we convinced that the parties that won the elections that they should go away until elections no elections take place and they really didn't do so where does that happen last saturday we both did a tap on the last eight games the duty of those who perpetrated the things the kids that people do need of an ivf and we were getting out from the parliament. i was looking at the end not out. majority party in the team that came out with you i'm no longer in power and they told me yes now we are in the opposition like you. i mean where did that happen we the people shooting each other and this is why it's taken this guy decided to step out of putting the extent of the dishes prepare the next stage. why do the technocrats white
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specialists we elected and with the new upright minutes into the poppies and we discussed the program will we then he has to head in the terms of reference for his road map the roadmap is be there and sat by him the poppies and labor unions and we are working very hard on getting through to tunisia is what they want so it's not true that in ages i completely disconnected of what's happening in ages are very happy today that the solution has been filed we criticize the achievements of government the majority did not do very well in that security had a field as your guests have said they didn't do well in economics they didn't do well in many other things but they accepted a step up. we are and he let me carry him and says i think a big victory for tunisia french newspaper to my reporting that it took a hard
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sell from france and the european union under the headline a new prime minister named under western pressure the reporter chronicles the three use a skin condition on the respect of the reform remove the room roadmap. i don't see me ask isn't the question was it eu pressure in the end that brought about his team on saturday i did when it thinks that with all my respects to a new attorneys who has read this article when needed at the top into the ground to land. these people especially in the sunshine law. marquis on to resist and steal of two years now. and yes that is your interest in activities that daddy has called for an eu for the cuts not the only european union for a pee and resistant to go ahead but i am the lead up to it that our friends school with gemini who because of my articles
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the german ambassador of it is a communique by the yes button and foreigners the night and we all helped to that. you know the added layers of pressure on us violet is more the pressure from the streets which happened since that has made all that to me. aggie and prints are from all the political parties and gaze to the national plan and the pressure off and this is quite silly to do both to see a mention of trade union be i did head up an awesome guy and asking political parties to sit together and to find a solution. so there is only seen it. according to the plate to miss him differently to listen and local stakeholders. what if the pressure of the solution to cater said. what if europe has asked for something i definitely think that it's it's it's it's using decision and i just guess a lot to our guest today have today is quite true babies and at peak times is for students and especially intent of just
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the same position on tuesdays and the woods this weekend quite a happiness and people with concrete to making themselves for the new and old olive and traditional and justice which has just added to this this weekend. they keep me on top today from the mistaken. so this quiet inner light is turned into sometimes off a tradition to solve as well. judging the people of the all seeing eye and to many an onsen current encryption. tia. aunt sue and take this question of torture anyone can use it which is stealing threat of an end to end in total freedom of expression except rights of these are the main an interest in civil society continues to young people into his ninth inning with putting pressure week and i think that it's the small that when she's pushing me as the lesser than anything
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i'm in denver on tuesday night and since i did it with cement and who can finish that on the brown babies and a lot of people who i'm definitely there is the designation of people to participate. it isn't like we saw with this sweet said three years since the beginning of the armed revolution. i see no changes let's talk about the transitional justice process that you mention mom monica marks in the piece the hero for foreign policy he mentioned how important it was. i'm a new denounce the ad hoc attempts at transitional justice can you explain the men and all. it has to be not less than usual the new courthouse. you are people were seen as a
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ministry. many many kenyans don't really understand how to their neighbors were forced to look into the house mirrors in the evening. when you were to buy you one i keep going the first time since i work. she greets me moving forward into his own understanding of the results of the nation. it's so great the book. matters into his office that i need to know if i will just list too. we all appreciate. the house. and it's no easy matter the transitional justice local people. the scene. as
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well. it is. he added elections were held just a few months after the election a home. it's now time in which the jury he was very good works. the incident. it was awful. he's been living so this is huge. i think the secured debt but the certificate has alleged that those connections and they sold the security of that time. and it was back to bed and now because at that time we didn't have any attacks in the interest that sometimes you know out of the army can and then stopped and then danced i mean we didn't see it hard but things of that time we didn't have what it says the nation at this time i think it's its wares at. my knitting
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the station's the country tvb be a leading name in the county added else technocrats and the ad be easy at that time ensuring fair and that it stays secure connections and the only reason is you are going. this is what happens to me. they were able to look. yet it yet the thing a bad that i think now it's a decision is his race and especially with the with the word this time of the army's talk to ben and jen and andy and the ad and they did terrorism that that's going on with the country. i think weekend and i sat next to us if we'd gone skiing. the minister of antenna affairs its conditions and situations for appetizers and just as fundamental to understanding doing. i really don't have
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those. as we meet in a saucepan. total. well for a new government. sovereignty and the wind is performing his legal institutions in atlanta the judiciary security. and the constitution refers to the un to take the chance i will perform at the weekend i have owned that we got the nature and the sea is the most important inherent in using now is intended to and trust jesus. it teaches that it cannot have tossed it into the indices to mention her now and confidants. and if they see me in the area around that and i miss the menacing up internet access at the end still shows at the end from around ten and we have like to read along. road maps and didn't stick to the party stands for frisky of every monday so that we know what we're moving ahead to the us. now that we need to see things could have because we had two
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years of uncertainty. i mean i was here in florida soon enough. i was upset that i was happy that now at this moment i'm speaking. in september and i'm an admin bit sad because i'm not see the way out. we communicate. se tends to be the constitutional drafting committee. this was going on each campaign the mutation the only stakeholders. in the context here on something both you and mom said she crew had mentioned the term terrorists. most of the crew who are the terrorists is you call. yesterday thank you for allowing because they weren't here because i wanted to
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remind ourselves that that did this he eyes a free country now. so it is so great that people who are in support of the dictatorship of the night he may express their opinions and they said so not only in paris but the candidates of course they are a minority that we know that the only way for today's yet to progress to be an emerging country is to build democracy. you have got nothin to go there. so there are some people who came from an overflow of what has been happening in libya. ottens and extremists terrorists that are getting to know the opinions of the piping either in libya or even mildly. after the warning not be rooted in a ward dinner and some of them when to fight in syriac and they are trying to get back to libya
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again. so the blogger is one not so thick you like that and i would like to reassure you guess the parents that the tunisian minute dirty the teenager who believes that the beijing national guard are doing a beautiful job. i hate meetings recently with the top the degree to the top members of the minute ferry and the security interests and the os tapping got this war to protect any hints from outside dangers now i will remind ourselves that those people optimistically tunisian citizens. so we have to deal with them has bought the model who was treated in germany when leftists not to kill people or delight in italy when. top they got their dossier there at the red river and its stock to kill people of the red brigades. so here we have
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exactly the same advice should we drop the cat in democracy or german democracy because of some terrorists that sought to me that this would be to kill him now so these terrorists the people who are heading towards using forests in on the two men and the ideas they had been kept out the miniseries doing the job. we feel idea but the lady to come on who might be cheated out of that fancy that and when i talk to me yes please. the white sandy beach ecb belgium be american the british tourists walking safely. you when you are in the fifth avenue in new york you are not affected by the kiddies that might take place in the bronx and this is what has been happening all dementia is not under fire in this case building a democracy. i am and the opposition. i want to present government to be
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removed because the book and now we have to prepare for the elections which we are doing. we do not meet the conditions like you are on the title that is derogatory because it reminds us of the smell of colonialism again. we are doing what is necessary for our country with out needing conditions we want that government because of tunisian pressure not because of foreign presse. i must say that after his nomination i took calls from the imf from the world bank study this is a good mom investors are happy that stability and we are welcoming it sight unseen. to say something about the fact that and you can and do not compare disintegration of the country types of security in a bid to keep him. i understand that isn't the sounds of things that a lot and when coming back to today's skinny people are to be afraid because when you're
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living in it it touch it the team as it seemed his blocks. the police is everywhere. the government is basically one to twenty minutes so you think cannot say. ends. i mean it's not ruin and me and only santa and mentors on removed people stopped and defeated unsafe to feel that they are constantly trying to make end's attack which happened this summer. i'm afraid this feeding so i think people has asked its readers. there is the spillover effect from that the economy ask you something you just remind our viewers one of the low points might say over the past two years probably along with the assassination of those opposition leaders mentioned earlier was the september two thousand twelve attack on the us embassy in tunis left for dead in attacks blamed on radical islam is aligned to read. gaza. i now have the odds. it was hers. their
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decision for me and there was no it was a period where he was in tunis and authorities when to rest him and his supporters that still traded him. what happened in that situation. early wickets and to act the image until popping and sixty two states in effect it had cooled off that being the name of the canteen of having that fear triumphs because what happened at that time is we actually didn't use that hides from me was that it can also use it. the same time after that we decided to jail. around two hundred dance on a piece of people seen as being stacked these and some of them bites you in prison because the wind and basically including hunger strike and they didn't have to have trials and to die sadly this is the only modern islamism and out of the now flanked by more radical elements throughout the past
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three years. so the christians. and because it is not anti because he never has been carried him to want to tear easily. and every time and i found. we envision and please try safe to go to the meat is often on a hunt yes but not if you go was well and to interview at the meeting at the base they also have and i meant to say that these guys on the first victim of the attacks because at the time down to aim for it so it's definitely not that i'm in favor. i think that at this time the socceroos has denied the high peak position. i don't think so it is just few months ago that an ad that said that an attention and i are terrorists and to just eight i decided it was the beginning the day was when we got a standing position from the coyotes
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with an outing planned and carried to the consternation cold everyone wants it was designed as being unknown to me to speak yet so they'll be in analyzing identity. people on it a least get off our kid is eighteen weeks on and it went down with them and they demand an end. it has been done by deanne ministry of justice and peace is the title. there was a novelty in the us from and at that time it snowed and then when dad was in front of them and it didn't. he asked monica more to read on this monaco. um we saw what happened in egypt. we fed the army taking over again how have things in tunisia in that respect changed since hmm since those events in egypt. you ask me go over there and the call. one day
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one day the violence the constitution the iof troops it was legitimate so there was this designer. this is a disease that would allow it he added. it's all happened. the worst i mean it's possible. click here to teach me how. it is not true my knee into the mike. it moved to tears the submission of these questions as to not just because it's been something of the past few months over the city government to grapple with the opposition. it was
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shocking as it does not. i mean who knows it all the constituent assembly. it all. this was odd months after. he died in an issue he would stand and stare. he decided to use tools like reading it so this new friend mr who has just announced it was not an issue. he died he was minister of industry keane internet. mark's parents' attention and being diffused with fabric and a half to be that of course. we wish of more such recruit the best of luck in ratifying a new constitution that spoke the sooner the better for everyone suddenly see what i wanna thank your own authentic as well. angelina had me pinned it and monica mark said thank you for being with us here in the fast and gets it. world. red bull says
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seventy six remain joined the european union. i still get the picture. the board of fleece to another neighbor's house. the free movement between the eu sets to make the most best we can control its three thousand km. liam dollars have been interested in bucharest of troubled border surveillance cameras may get control of migration and trafficking across its borders the report says. all thoughts like that. i can't tell. i live. mm we. from
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research makes the network new and new guru. the thus the edwards noted speaks again this time of the people of brazil the nsa whistleblower has offered to help the nation investigate u s surveillance at this time he wants something in return he fell on that ahead. and in pennsylvania a bar of soap can linger you really can't pass to people cents a month in jail after police that stuff they sell cocaine. we take a look and talk to the waiter scrubbing their
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