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tv   Euro News  PBS  December 20, 2013 5:00am-5:31am PST

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towards this somebody who isn't. the audience. you knew you were when will you. will you. let's not see people asked us when possible ceiling collapses during a show i do as the parents loved them fiesta. with budgets last eu leaders agreed to work more closely on making defense spending the roof of a. portugal's constitutional court frustrates the government and says its proposed pension
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cuts are really cool. eleven it contemplates the ice ahead of the wind chill index by cops in the makeup of the cups the bus arrived at the show that a. days to finish all the states ago was the momma was going t. it's a poll to the ceiling collapsed during the show knew and loved the west and the audience of the appalling fiesta wish i lived with masonry and drapery or walking the play. the curious incident of the old guy in the mics find the full story auditorium was packed with hundreds of people the name of my friends. many still existing. i didn't record the second set response to
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russian interests. democratic freakin something that let's bring in some different women sap. its collapse of the fiesta which is more of a century old specs of this busy area are essential on them being sealed all the weather reports. if anything talent is bored quickly with itunes was that these nights back. it's been fun to bring the info and to some of the board might well spring. typically what you'd expect for new feature know what's going to start the investigates this sunday it's too early to speculate someone calls the section of ceiling to come down. for those of the award he owns this will be at my child stay warm bath of the cats boss put forth the wrong reasons i knew with budgets slashed the coals of the financial crisis. eu leaders have agreed to work more closely on making defense spending case of a summit in brussels they called all member states to spread the cost of developing expensive to manage three kids. luckily
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european triune i meant to air refueling capability is a roman columns. the person that the school term. it welcomes increase cooperation him that rules them lying the european army. we don't want and hope you enjoy it and if that no vote of ninety six billion euros this is a sector that is very important for the p in common but not the european economy as it is very well set in the pool with the vp and gossip the fence meant to eu leaders also welcomes a new centralized institution designed to deal with the editing bangs the pot called defense of prawns final to win any funding probably is. the ministry operations in africa with contradictions in the deep tissue so many states on how to contribute to the european defence. it looks as if they haven't only to do before he reached the united front on and meet any stronger euro
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funny though my bike out to you news that the stones the protest is paid off in portugal with the constitutional court has just agreed with critics unroll one of the government's keyless go to publix is illegal the government had plans to slash sector pensions of the six hundred euros a month by ten percent. the court ruled that would constitute a violation of trust. in a unanimous vote. the decision represents a significant firsts for the center right government's twenty fourteen austerity budget. it would've saved some three hundred and eighty eight million euros on nearly ten percent of the three point nine billion your own spending cuts the government wants to introduce. other ways of making savings that sped the elderly must now be sold on the governments warned it may have no alternative but to raise taxes. however the troika helping coach eagle ridge is it that says tax rises would threaten economic recovery. on one of the coalition partners to
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conservatism rolled them out in a surprise move russia's president but in a pretend says his department has put it all up to an anemic calcutta cup speak. it has been imprisoned for the last ten years. it contains the amnesty bill has been improved by prominent and includes problems focus the riots and the self that the environmental protest is it seems to be an attempt to restore most of clinton's international image. the head of the sochi winter then picks up most of his report to the media gathered all this is happening at once on the eve of the twin peaks which is probably played the role because nominee just refuse to come to our country with a person's mood today will soften the situation in the country ahead of the games room and they didn't fix it ticket. but it was just a tiny bit of that and debbie. the province appears to be split in opinion on the streets of moscow. of course it's all
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right. you see otherwise the lunatics with a trial to remove him. in the certainty of the province. he should stay in jail in the process of us why should stay there we'll see. in two thousand and three cups beyond the oil giant yukos was russia's richest man. he came to grief with the challenge that and political power will continue to go . egyptian police of stole the openness of the human rights organization in the car ready to arrest a democracy campaign to the rate that the egyptians that suffer economic and social rolex has been condemned by activist groups the claimant's costs approach to crush descendants security officials the panel storm of opposition politician on the madeira of creeks of the seats of the regional government's present the expensive option tweeting. they came off a couple of van gogh's reports that he refuse to listen to hold less than it is comments
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french cuffs commercial forces of destroyed tens of thousands of small pool toy he's just days before christmas. they were deemed to be um sayyaf officials cited the likes them so many soft toys came into europe and the chili from china. and mm go to see it in the field
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in the arbitration because i are not yet had already said that here yet suspect at uni and apples falling apart the two day test in two thousand and four. the second conviction cut that will result in a lifetime ban from the school. been. australian cyclist michael rogers says he is suspended by
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the international cycling union after testing positive for the phone down upon the casing and pinto. cycling australia has said it will seek maximum punishment for raj is if he's found guilty of raping a lower state muggle worlds is wrong to feed himself. we will support the maximum sanctions apply to believing that he's going to keep diving. the fact that dr tasting price is an internationally continues to result in positive tastes should be amazing store so i post them if they died. i will be cool. iraq just after a time while trial champion in two thousand and four bronze medal in fifty nine to any wrongdoing. painting the contamination for the positive test. all those national football team has announced an extension of its world cup. thanks for the two thousand and fourteen tone and timber sale the outstanding results in the meat stirring stick it to come cannot since our college
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guy. ideally like a kid to the court at school but not without some privacy issues at the town's municipal stadium of people who moved between and woke up at the wall so it will collect ang try this and they want as i say someone more hidden and yet he can with the buildings around it's difficult because the press can find a place to fill my eyes keep track this is true and fair it's difficult the major problem was really the buildings around it was good news. the team's decision to stay outside the bustling mega cities every occasion and island style pa latter concept of gemini squad announced on the tv saying the fleet. it's going to celebrate a swedish girl but have expanded sun as seen on the yorkie and told by eric the capital. he was rewarded for the spectacularly key made in the wild ranting stopping two thousand and thirteen outside the top fifty and finishing
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the gal is well known but the rain. i'm on the success of the stands than their share of victories in the tour championship in atlanta and seek thee well the championships in the bombing of up to a call them on many different things like this that it's not just one thing that makes it tough on complete them. so it has been home from some old work that's been put in place of the great even on the door of the pool all to go along the swollen on the descent that mentioning in this it's that easy. he's the sweetest by its twenty oh four after what he's calling us that ikea the days to finish all the stats ago was the momma was going t. it's the pulse of the ceiling collapsed during the chalet would love to display stand the audience of the appalling fiesta wish i
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lived with masonry and dave cory for walking the play the curious incident of the old guy in the mics find the full story auditorium was packed with hundreds of people the name of my friends many still existing. i didn't record the second set response to russian interests democratic freakin something that let's bring in some different women. sap. its collapse of the fiesta which is more of a century old specs of this busy area are essential on them being sealed lol. the weather reports. if anything talent is bored quickly with itunes was that these nights are back. it's been fun to read the info and to some of the board might well spring typically what you expect when the two western based on
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the investigates this sunday it's too early to speculate so he calls the section of ceiling to come down. for those in the award he owns this will be at my child stay warm bath of the cats boss put forth the wrong reasons illuminating than the last prime minister as ousted egyptian b doubles team of barrack is the nokia to corruption charges in absentee at paving the way to his for ten from self imposed and a possible political comeback of makeshift beak is being in the united arab emirates since losing to the muslim brotherhood to hum it mostly in last year's presidential election. now with more cd produced by the army in facing trial on charges that could result in the death penalty a comeback like if he could reflect the shifting balance of power he could he can stand in the next presidential told it had been separately should be taken to the barracks to summons as i write down the aisle with me at the bit different a corruption case to support its wouldn't like to be cyclical. although the pair remain in prison on
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the third charge it's the holes in the back and self esteem freed from jail although he's being re tried on charges of ordering the killing of protest as in twenty ten at them. i am these relate it's the rest of the anti corruption inquiry that struck the haunts of turkey's ruling elite. police raids on tuesday that it tends to value the ac people among them businessmen and bureaucrats and three sons of serving ministers. dozens of people remain in custody there are s a spot to wait a sec teams across the country from itself says info in the operation. today is the most to least she became the lake system by senior officer to use that joke pools. that is the root of the law to state office of offices can be appointed and renewed from that ut. hopping trying to serve my country
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and people of this country with a four coffees. slamming the police sting in private is to go and attack their actions that led to the operation to punish the government. but turkey's main opposition is already questioned the state's role in the dismissals. many observers and touching the ongoing feud as an internal power struggle. will new york city council is opposed to the use of electronic cigarettes in joel's restaurants possible the private establishments have full months before the bill comes into force three states across the us also have seven minutes nation in assists he was already six but he knows some take issue with that but the real centerpiece the quick fix themselves. i don't know why it was the reason behind the bad the miller case they should have a like a solid reason voted to ban it then. then that would make sense at all if it doesn't affect people again and you know it's been about the bee was busily about you. in the shed and a
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cigarette to wyatt's its collated is not to admit obnoxious. order some and therefore alleviate the puppet so what were the opposite should be based on. see this is the society of wine very ready for everything right so the sheep out nicotine in a biscuit a nice bulk of the state health authorities more mature impact remains unknown factors that it pays to sit by the recent pasta but that the regulations concerning e cigarettes. the latest entirely unofficial hawks priests calendar isn't in rome and venice. none of us can eat cake. helena by locals. it began in two thousand and three when the photographer had the idea and it's since become an international cult item while there are some doubts about whether or not the handsome young men featured on a roll clerics this little doubt some will be hot under the collar and mystical should see more than just jesus rising again
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vitamin c i hear you say is a deadly sin. the church however facing recruitment problems and an aging priesthood. it's ideal published in the way of presenting the home of the effects aye aye. i don't
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but. the it's us. from the moon than the built in the media provides the critical refuge for several globally threatened
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species. home to about three hundred and thirty different varieties including sixty percent of the world's pygmy cormorants past due bills and herons also inhabit the delta stopped with a diverse number of freshwater fish the area also boasts one of europe's biggest and populations. it ended up with this mode the table and then the problem of the publican is the symbol of the danube delta. we are more than three in the home fans and has become internationally floating islands is the ideal place for them to raise their young. i called the jist of the especially on humans with the most disturbing to see out but it's in the bottom of the top of. the i shouldn't be for me industry or agriculture and obstruction of the water supply through man made dams were constructed to delta's fragile ecosystem the introduction of non native species has also had
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an impact. ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay. it's just that you're one of the world's stage andrea's population is under threat from the the stitching species all in the region despite the introduction of a fishing ban in two thousand and six well light on and protected by animal protection association's touching still goes on. the disease environmentalists insist more work you need it to the danube delta unique task is to be protected in its current state. i have. in june. and. ch. eighteen
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hundred feet to champions league. can it be needed if dating violations by the countries that takes batteries however the uk. but it's getting what he will report to be with you the decision to see if it should be appealed in the arbitration colds check
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it had already said that here yet suspected that union apples falling apart the two day test in two thousand and four. the second conviction cut that will result in a lifetime ban from the school b b b. australian cyclist michael rogers says he is suspended by the international cycling union after testing positive for the banned anabolic eighteen and pinto. cycling australia has said it will seek maximum punishment for iraq as if he's found guilty of raping. lower state michael rogers wrought to the new show. we will support the maximum sanctions apply to believing that he's going to keep typing. the fact that john tasting price is an internationally continues to result in positive tests should be in this huge deals on clothes than if they died i will be cool. iraq just after a time while trial champion in two thousand and four bronze medal in fifty nine to any wrongdoing painting the contamination for the positive test. in eye
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eye. it is the in. he says
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it says. it is. look it's signed by years of your center of families and sixteen. i knew this tt. that is it's fine now. this is resulting in to dc to re act and he expected to be tending to the aid of locals aren't
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we all strive to be faked most of the city the city the above phrase from the district of kuta the move to the pond. our robot heroes. not that bad but the topic of the boat to new zealand born with indomitable the most you the tip of the moment you a bad thing to say tonight the twenty third. it's a good idea and then caught upullen it please don't tell that i don't want to go to we seemed to honor the lives of the montana died. mom her loom the visit of course i did add the names of the kind of beauty. i'm just being seen and he expects into beast. it is based in half and jordan shot to its savings back into a nice liao though it was back at our kind. she is dirtiest
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the night and he dares to mod and taste as bad. room. i gave this to babysit babylon with a methodical and bits of what some of it. then they did something so with the ball the apathy that the use of its own people. he did good enough. today this into the void that is not limited to jetty designed by distance of the safety of our tickets they may be in either of these. one such instance baby still in this kit is by designing a panelist at the time of the scotsman him that the six months to me the team. whenever we are sorry gotta go. finally his little belly i might read it yet the logic that i got out the video you can get you go the boom is set at two forty minute of the novi. this did
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not mention dating is not doing a mini digital content but it's okay that it can be seen at the facts of this tea has been quick dying. it seemed to be changing. in seeking to a detention center today. it's worse still that the applicant who was signed in to investigate and craftsmanship. higher up. sells. steve. the is the sea
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lena called south korea began excavating the remains of hundreds of chinese soldiers killed during the korean war. we had them all words are to be a start that


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