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tv   Newsline  PBS  December 22, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PST

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you knew you were little all day and welcome to nice line it's not the december twenty third and catherine comanche and tokyo the operator that damage or she might ninety nuclear power plant says it has found another brady lack of water leak. officials say that no radioactive water beach the ocean as that no drainage systems leading to see new sights. the company estimates the total amount of leakage at two point six tonnes of
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water to leak water drained into the ground from the barriers surrounding tanks storing contaminated water. officials said they found water coming from the berries foundation joann's. whatever good at measuring one hundred and ninety echoes per liter of strong tea and ninety in the water remaining with the defense of aviation that was about nineteen times the national index for waddell out to be released from the derriere. but they said they believed the cause of the leakage was detained and joints. the added that they think the brain water and sewage of the directive the tales that had beaten the environment since the march two thousand and eleven accidents. read on sunday the asa found two more spots leaking water. i tried to locate the cons. take this as it will make improvements to its headquarters in fishing on the east and the return of residents to their homes. they're planning to use this cushion of planning operations to municipality in a zone currently designated as an evacuation area. this dish in
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the revitalization headquarters is now located at the national soccer team's training compound just outside is down. gaza plans and hundreds of workers to its labor force bringing the total to two thousand it'll finish compiling its ten year business plan on friday. think this was an owl handle operations such as cleaning up homes and offices and measuring radiation levels at such locations the charity said it's helping the improved office operations will help boost the regional economy and help residents as they returned home. people of paris to be starting japan's nuclear plans to return to the streets of the central tokyo on sunday. much was organized by civic groups that want to see an end to nuclear power generation. yet the administration intends to scrap nuclear free energy policy of the former democratic party led government must be stuck the nation's nuclear power plant's safety can be in. words. energy policy is set to be approved by the cabinet next month. months ended
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the participants of rounded diet. sadly such slogans as in don't restart reactors and don't create a nuclear waste i will praise to the study new. if one of the books at the consumer and soul the government should decide to immediately abolish all nuclear power plants in it and work to promote renewable energy sources the windies at the mine says fifteen thousand people turned out to protest at the diet building while police put the figure at about two thousand and i pro democracy activists in each and say the country is returning to authoritarian rule three members of the youth group that played a major role in the two thousand and eleven pro democracy movement at each being sentenced to three years in prison. this was the first ruling under the new law. according to
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cairo found common on her and two others guilty of violating a law that the interim government and that did it last month to rein in protests against the military regime under the new on security forces have more power to suppress dissent as we were also fined about seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and the city. i was shocked by the sentence that sending these pro democracy activist agenda. this reminds us of the rule and embark the bottom. go with it. what if that is the very first rule ring and as a rule restricting gun to go with the most recent say i think he's a domestic ducks meant to intimidate our young people. police arrested the us last month and for holding a rally without authorization. opposition conservative is nothing more than the military led government tightening its grip on me and activists as well as the muslim
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brotherhood. anti government protests in thailand had been underway for nearly a month since this has prompted the time it is the induction a lot. announcing she would dissolve the lower house but general action in february and now the protests is to identify the country's economy. protesters gathered on sunday to come. titus said i did get on my chin registration of candidates is to begin on monday. it didn't seem protests and dealing a heavy blow to the country's entire economy including tyson. those hotels and inns in the says the area at the house on the road in the capital bangkok. i've had many cancellations since last month. it's really striking and let us have had some into ribs since the beginning of this. i hope that illustration of an insane so that no patient can be sent in a while. a tourist industry association says the daily protests of coz
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the number of foreign visitors to drop eight percent from the year the fall at fifty is another good job but more than twenty five percent in january and february. if the protests continue. un secretary general conference as the international community can do more today suffering from the devastating typhoon that hit the philippines last month i visited the area including top twelve on the main city on all eighteen islands. my great too. in the movie he did approve understood it was very very anti education he's been very tired. read a thread that runs said there is still not enough food or water or temporary housing. united nations has collected from the tender states in just thirty percent of the seven hundred and thirty million gods if that is needed to be built the affected areas have met with pointed fastest pace in the philippines and ask for more support. i feel as six thousand one hundred and
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nine people dead and another one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine people remain missing. more than four million people. i still living in shelters and i didn't need of temporary housing. former russian oil tycoon in a california kosky says he wants to do something for political prisoners in a rush at the fonda president the now defunct eucharist oil company was released from jail last friday he said more than ten years behind buys for tax evasion and other titles. nevada could say hi to his political nemesis last week. cos he spoke to reporters on sunday in berlin germany where he was reunited with his family. it was his first appearance since being released to express is intended to remain in germany for now. the new cars go back to was havin a guarantee of satire been evident in the country there kosky said he wouldn't get involved in russian politics
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he said western governments should win and that he's not the last political prisoner in my shack and he vowed to help the as he left behind while in prison but of coz he wrote articles for newspapers and other media that were highly critical of it and i may speak was fun and the islands as attention is now focused on whether quota kosky will keep his word and stay away from politics. what is and now fall at the center when if i can see the selected cities around the world. i am noon
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in. the i know. the us. i was. the route the cells like
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this exist in mt sinai. in a statement. crowe the two teams settled over japan's north country. winter in michigan. japan's northernmost main island of hokkaido. it brings its own special to us the eye. in eastern hokkaido. as japan's largest week and she too much
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winter sure he was in the thick blanket of snow she'll go research links to them. new eye the morning she'll march. today's minimum temperature is ten degrees below zero celsius the roos and tree branches green and the ceiling. water vapor has crystallized to produce a phenomenon called in to us great winter mornings. the bank's institutional talentless despite the cold. a crowd gathers in the early morning
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silhouettes in the morning mix. this is what has drawn the crap. red crowned cranes officially designated as a special natural monument of japan the grange grow to one hundred fifty centimeters in length. they are elegant stance has long inspired the people of japan while you re crowned cranes remain today. at this species is at risk of extinction. could she know march is one of the few places where these birds can be observed in a group. off
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eye. chee trains exchange crimes. here are a mating pair. experts believe that these calls reinforced on between the words in preparation for meeting eight in paris remained together until one thousand times. the home the chill march was the first japanese site to be registered under the rim center convention for whitlam protection. the red crowned crane is a symbol of
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conservation of wetland environments the new source of the cushy build our river is like a shadow icicles hanging from branches to hang over the lake we're four and went straight from the ripples on the lake froze on a peninsula on the southeast side of lake shadow is cold to hot springs its natural open air hot spring baths are open to the free of charge. here you can watch swans from an su so in steaming whoppers yes it is also home to wild title cheek and ear. this is the largest species of deer native to japan. growing up to two meters in length and over one
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hundred fifty kilograms in weight. population of wild hokkaido sheep and deer has been growing out of control causing severe damage to crops. so project has been launched to transfer access due to past years and praise them for their meat here are a student for six to twelve months in conditions which closely replicate their natural environment. deer meat is low in fat and calories and high in protein act with flavor and nutritional value is drawing
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attention to health the eye lake starting xi to march is liek total. people are out on the frozen surface of the lake. are they camping no ice fishing. during the winter. blake total freezes. people catch japanese smell by cutting a hole in the lakes frozen surface. i know. he smelt are small fish growing to about fifteen centimeters in length fishermen here have caught as many as two hundred of them in a single hour the fish can be tempered fried or marinated the institutional there is another local delicacy that you won't one two minutes
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she'll face is the pacific ocean and many fishing ports along the coast land bountiful catches of fresh ocean finch. in particular the town of dish. east of the shadow that is painted all over japan for expired oysters in the shell. casey accounts for less than one percent of japan's boys to catch. they are renowned for their flavor. the oysters are farmed in the lake. she gets water's freezing winter and stay frozen for three months of the year the frigid waters are sent to concentrate the flavor of the oysters rivers flowing in from the marshes bring abundant point. the best taste oysters are cultivated for more than two years the oysters fast and all the cars then move to the sea
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here they are exposed to strong ocean currents which was fine to which the oysters grow even on her. after being used to see the oysters are almost ready to share succulent white flash a mark of high sugar content she oysters are plump and richly sweet. ching you can buy oysters fresh off the blow and eat them on the spot. btw don't have to eat them raw
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you can see. he succulent oysters represent the distilled essence of mother nature's blessings increase utah. the two heroes until the age of steel march this symbol means. winter tourist trains pulled by steam engines operate along the line. calls to homes in the passenger cars are used for heating and cooking steam train approaches the city. this is christina
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city. when she'll go a river flows into the pacific mm you here's the harsh winters of course you know. for the joeys a uniquely beautiful winter landscapes and unrivaled winter flavors along with the form of finance. reach le some migratory birds. and and and and. every year birds in winter in places new people with their lives. in sixteen
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wickets. even in the woods use some common tests also be consistent. we are. police were people or parts of the natural ecosystem. we will use it once we are. when life is abundant and interconnected. he knew what it does in north and me i keep researcher. six in the morning. voices filled the air called flock of birds take flight. bush. he's great to play different teams will spend the winter here. they arrived. still the numbers about one hundred thousand
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poles. . the resting places easy cheese seemed to fly the line. finally they descended on rice. its hard drive for the winter. i am tune in i was lucky. erg prefecture is a famous place for roy's competition in japan. there is a chronic
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stress march quarter few years. harper's. that the piece these fields in places. ned a the offer since the second of which remain in the fields. a these particular these mean it's the key to the dual fuel for winter. every year ninety percent of the peace that come to japan are said to spend the winter in the area around it was hockey. there is another reason however that the greater point of sending these shoes to winter here the story takes to make use of dogs. the geese
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returning to go quickly chosen as the winter. read two points and he's very cautious periods the required large bodies of water with the kiddos keep your enemies and rest without worry. in recent years the bodies of water such as this has been steadily lost to development and other losses. number of waterfowl this work has increased year by year resulting in africa you know noone the small hospitals were riots and just ignored them. the lights in shallow waters near a village noon. these birds journey to spin the winter water bodies prepared by local farmers i
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just create habitats for waterfowl. light leaving just a shallow layer of water in these patties. when they are not in use in the winter rice paddy slept like this are called su eun easy the waterfowl provide nutrients to the patties with excrement and suppress the growth of heats. so the birds were captured it in the cultivation of rights. he she implored district is next to a book reading them preparation of sweeney said kumble has already begun here too. in the winter. there was no water in the teacher's job farmers lead pipes to supply water to pan. one such work
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is the duty cycle the total weight of the pipes connected by hand every year. he's so for two kilometers . one week later. mr slater was patti smith consumed with water year to year. he makes these efforts to keep walker sixteen. winter. recently the extremely cautious greater points. he's also beginning to come to these panties. if you would it. be wary. for wild animals. this is the hardest season of
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the year i was eighteen. use there are about two hundred g certain fields. snowy landscape. animals pictured herself. it's a quest for food. read your likes to tease survive by eating vegetation that grows in the path between patties compared to rise. this grass provides little nutrition. so the piece must keep eating it all day long. this recent number of seats to stop nearby where at least. rather than returning to the distant moon has increased the wall
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since it has come into his path he says mr stein toe and the other farmers. these japanese cranes have come from hokkaido. the number only about one thousand three hundred. they were first spotted the ahi prefecture thirty four years ago the oriental store sales also come here. traveling from choking prefecture start to this now. the reason. also important for it in place for these large birds eat go to this rocks and other freshwater creatures. and no not that many little pool we up to the pope a lot in this kid who won the four dead. i
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want to come to the law. mom could be used when you can go to africa
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