tv European Journal PBS December 22, 2013 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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and sundays at four thirty pm loom mm mm. i read about it is to be one hundred s and going to get that in this dude you try to produce and effective to defend abbas to attack. the film is about the struggle to feed him up he's focused on the father creation above the base sophie just thought oh but i'm in no doubt that i stand and get to that and see the folly of its beak would begin to get a shot. get off the bed the greeks. stuff
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scott. it all up. off subject of the week of creation offer country goes to other from the dome. it's a mammoth project and it's something that he is so young to stop dog with such a huge challenging subject why did you do that. own. a couple of reasons. in fact more than a couple of film making with all of his affection and me along with mashed and sweet always wanted to make a meaningful effect. um and then in the light above
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the subject ago because of my diet associations to the country of a stick and then as a kid but my mom and dad laugh less land which was fun. i fussed for a phone that demand that mikey and i caught it and oh so it's a bit of dedication from my site to villa speaking to the client to that country um and i use to get in on monday right next to his house. you know that it was a lot of time off that he was going to see it before. of course that he has over the eastern parts to woody's and little man that spoke the moment i did to him the stories about these things. the genocide that happened. so let the back of my friends you know what that over the years that the attack and died gmail and facebook. happening now it's easier to keep in touch. love you spoke about these things i end up as he is saying more about the subject. it just kept putting us there was no one would go with t but hundreds and thousands of stories that needed to be
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going. um so this isn't actually already smart and fun. like you said that done this is huge and it's un imaginable and i think some very senior detect those that love made of budgets would start with that of the story exactly like i'm starting to tell the story of i feel of the key on talking recently to be made about the subject that was another reason why the tools to do this was because nothing was made a sermon or mainstream cinema of clothes if you were fighting between documents seized in bed. some books in it and then bang of love. i was all this information nor being let go. and so and is such a fun note that some baby till all the countries in our own. in order for the text was bestowed on me alone when he was able to go to cornwall are humorous aside dynamic of pockets on friendship. everything was back and realize that this is definitely a story that needs to be going more so because
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the forest and somebody to be cut the utah this story you adore you. not just addicted use but you book a story to go with so many stories that too much to heart especially when it comes to you know that if that happened out there that's an important work in your mind and seeing that it takes is that it is an important motif. heart so much heartache you know what you wanted to put in the third of the story you want to get me in my life boo with making the basic westfield offs of the movie and don't use committee picked it up. and oh you know the middle of the stories of the fat lady strongly about but at the end of the movie i could eat them. unfortunately because of that on the religious construct on for them. so he picked out some of the key wrote the stories that defiant with the sudden moments in history the second peter totals nine months. i didn't see stories that define postman emotions for people and the hair from and i think she's on as you
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think. some say that it is the noise of the book it was a pretty good. it's a good shot of it no none i mean i don't think which it was a bendigo. looking forward to the cigarette at that point of time with a button and go he yelled would go well which is still windy. i guess the key. the study of art eleanor raj in the middle awash happen is that all would be such a fun and north of people below the wing would funnel cake was supposed to. now what happened was that fido so scott bell is based on the north of the sort who defined it as tightness of the few scattered on somebody and says with beatle and his guard damien duff did anyone of them scored wanted to. and he's naked pics of me and are educated and replaced him and how it all as hopeless and will conspire as a young bill will open for you and he's the last coming at adobe get a bucket like it was about to be the most is not here he is just a bit bigger spending on
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non said it had to pick a mess tightness of the key that little baby about this is the key back into the unknown ok but okay. i mean it's all in all the people the coming of the bulls' top singles scene in that pool from the exit of i wouldn't like to call me gf one annual died because she i don't post in the northern and i'm enormously and slow when it comes to the final shake up they are going up distribution t end of. you know you are younger they don't you'll come on into the body set up a notch and yet you have this expedient that don't make fun. she picked a better deal with that said what did you feel at detecting this be put on a subject which is like to believe but it died it does is it a separate subject simple but it is it's a major focus of defendants even more though people attending the new standing in front of the menu for today people are well protected he
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to whom couldn't skip over that speak of. so on one level it up while. but what's more important is that you all didn't he go to activists were more than i did but as human beings can do and it just may comfort of a tribunal you can view us as he can talk to them heart the heart tonight we're going to them the gentle glow so this is how i had envisioned it up now you do what you feed into another discussion it's about death about a country zones and about to go to buy tickets to be giving you discuss these. all the time she's not doing this sort because even though the owner best to do it but um yeah all that useful cannot be discussed nor the modal these things. i'm going to be posted effect you know and i'll post any fat that of all that the speaker should be patched up didn't know how you hang them will take them. that's up to you. but for me the and about and want to get into the hall you should understand that saw nigel and did you think you are in different parts of the way they can get good of how he
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gets voted out of the tiny heart. the washer tuition know you did all morning was based on the bonnet the shoes the bingo in its own human beings close up but too short for freedom and paid the highest taxed. that is all the movie focuses on low heat it doesn't have flown more than in the gandhi is the engine. love you mention just a mention. oh but then you see the film i would like to deny that a dimension but it's so unlike me i would do its climax in the indian army combat attacks and finish with anything that sorta stuff is not how you can get to the point of the water on the windows you take a visit to the finished everything but the point is of up that they didn't need and want everyone to that aspect of the story. you ve wanted to focus on this one store the milk due to one side of the story of these big one is of the field guide does that the victim tried to depict a dvd that the locus of their journey up off the atrocities on them and holding the color
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from the can hold the fork where was john sands. i mean baking dark shade of. it seems like home. she is a victim of one of the ummah states that happen in the negation that kind of ohio did you know you better look at it to wednesdays. no the lives of eating too much time out since perspective well in the film is awful moments alone with them or me is actually the you know it's it's a different kind of a screen and saw one story on the other is the most upright and you've seen the news to them. i was on ovals. it's kind of feel like you said that kindness is so huge that so much to go on one side of this salsa is in the baby tooth. then there was something happening with the students something happening with intellectual and something happened in the bin now i must go of. in the entire movie is your pc
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to our eyes what was happening to them in seoul the coast he ought to be more than that if itv them and no one watching. ok i know i mean i know when you plan to use this to desist this is the coach is needed in auckland based in december its ban on and these can be oversold and the senate debate on the condition of their country. it's the tv on isaac's sixteen digit their butts on a month goes on to them but on a fourteen in to trim up this so you know it except the head of it from december to botch a unit eight in its history its appointment is in its history of your book and these instead. maybe they desperately wanted to use it in on december sixteen involvement this up before the mc today and as a gift to the people of all this was of
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me to do just that it isn't so bad that i know what i perceived it to fall in love but the movie is sort of editing some medicine but i really love because the distant who both went to the biblical book of acts that are going on here and you know i was dead last week and oh yeh i wasn't in a good situation. it sets off for utah but i hope that i can say oh my god he's going to get into trouble with that said yes and he got up and why did you choose this baggy green. logically i understand why he would have. you would think about at all but two of us if you could explain why its own. we all. pseudo of a lot of people to say that my definition of my reasoning for putting this titan is a textbook issue. dietician something that a post which state that a school teacher and that he should have a bigger sense of it but the point is that everybody doesn't look good from that perspective. and also ideal for keeping the box to say
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was that boston is not in the interview is little i mean it's our society that has twisted and tortured this word and started using it as an abuse of people. i mean what's the tires for his parents nor my day but if he doesn't know who his father this is no one but no one that i saw eye to install the new pope would believe that offered being aware of riches nor accepted by society. i mean that he's in right. it was about six it was because the entire idea of pakistan army's to leave behind a bus to attend yesterday. those concepts like tuxedo and this is on youtube of keying of inciting or the will focus on the back to that the second pitch they came in with the mindset was that given that it's only been in that they are going to be that ended the quarter basically i love it so bad that is no pill ability of a born again. did you know some day that support up to stop at the end of the day if they
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own pockets to effect was that got sent over to vegas and that a lot of what to eat into the open society and that mothers was still looking for excerpts. so it's better to say that you know the pasta dough is unable to stone them to put in use for it and asked that when you talk to santa visit the local exchange and levon off the list of all those unions when it was a bit rich. i've been fighting for this name to the above that the senses with a lot of people over the last two months. and if you love those kids make to me and say that this name is working on solutions. march is the name of them will be putting it on this planet even if that means no duties and adding maybe the shock factor is necessity in this situation because out in many of the spectacle of hands that people who don't want to watch it because it is just he opens with saving many an
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artist i see a bit with this kind of window hanging to it that way you opening up one's own. mississippi to open up with some bangs foot cookie because we did just that stones that ivan gough and is probably a step to whats that would you say that this is quitting the blog in the school de gaulle quoted making courses. you know it's understood he attended overtones. oh what i feel the tingling use to anybody born in the struggling with this but the way to know what happened to that the band and back in seventy one. nobody paid attention to them today nobody's paying attention to them now all of these people went against what mission of people i caught that one of them. get people to people who have supported the four sundays in committee. will they did in seventy one. well all for getting love that i would like to justice and that you know that these old amazing since these rights to whom you do when tides of the things that would these
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be going back and seventy one or that they existed. all in or they had a watchful eye on but didn't stop with the addition this topic. what they did shift to the bottom of this on the other nevada caucus time of the chaldean my ability to get in. that's somewhat of a boy yet as the court of law. as far as i understand this the right of the proceedings in getting ideas and then the penultimate what the electoral on which attracts them to be aired in peacetime thinks the bse it the victory let it set in and makes thinking that it's probably not going to be shown out of it. i still in the country including phone calls i made up. i did i know for fact. that goes if the dough with no coat pockets on the score books and though that a lot of midget who educated. then there's talk of sunday's dislike that i don't think that in india. what we're really don't believe in what form it takes us to see a little and going fast so this picture. a quantity of those legal community of august on
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the boss of mine know what i'll do a little faster than it did but they wanted on an expedient and think for themselves and that a lot of people in caucus on will mean that what happened was all black and seventy. so why not show it to them. why not give them. but true fact one piece of history the city in utah say whatever happened happened in saudi for that one thank you very much for sticking with us and wish you the very best to talk to people get too much to do so eye. the tea. host mother
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son daughter. many studies are up one present on site visits and get to see the attendance of bullets before they go without. but a lot at us and receive a security concerns. and of august on the ground strike cooperation pact. red cent on the guys i was intending to seek a death in the life of creighton military and civil support all of the color of the best and forces from his country. we have reports sunny and i didn't need anyone to sandwich was one of four gop should visit. he was deceived by india to minty goodness that i'm insane. at other political inefficient and the apple. the president was invited but many of these devices and was succeeded in a wooden chair was made in due time and instead of german one sink and forty minutes to essendon proceed in decapitated i'm pressed
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for more niche the hotbed of god is khan has asked for one fifty back to times the times called it says. as coalition forces that entered the door that combat troops and equipment. then as i passed on signing a deal that the matter of factly about ninety six and up to fifteen thousand foreign troops to stay up to the middle of combat troops by december twenty fourteen. the minute you hit forty ministry said and there were discussions with kristin comic presiding over the biometric security anything on his seat at the us is losing his sight to sign. if you would like to know. when the soviets. it was discussed. the concept of active units. it was discussed. because indiana done is done the odd destinies are going to try and then abang as i see the bac. as in cotton from
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the stability and security of pop dots. experts in any of the affected sites visit to the security of the men that can calmly and washington state then. please visit this concern. it has to be seeing the context of developments taking place but don't use the term making companies are going up on this time next year or two. the gun to his bidding talking because the vatican security agreement has to be discussed i need some serious differences have cropped up between karzai and washington dc. but the vbac is critical to the same time. it's a sensitive issue. the snp shows which often feels authentic and the hops be kicked out of the required the cost of the pop star united states. and in my view given the sensitivity of our issue was of the house no discussion should take ms perhaps that washington can
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take to the knicks going to his phone. because it is very broad mutate into a calm and cool conditions is a drop in the movie has enough support for the security cooperation of the united states. that's matt says it's an all time are you a good man so perhaps thinks he can be discussed are the finest of the two so that it looks he favored off on the spot has been in the united states. i didn't know who our audience to religious extremism and terrorism is taken to a most haunted live. yes people i teach on school until just today i didn't see many new potential clients time as this cleaning and security personnel. the art could not be about three hundred of constant intimidation academies at my house and at the scene. budget this year ok these at things for the team to the dome tents and optus comes increasing insecurity teeth with it. yes keeping footprint enough on it's done. it is tiny and probably but that huge anyone entry to the more contentious
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president karzai isa quests in the room. i mean call me good because it is not as in april. it does not have the option of using gauging are about to be. i promised hubby cannot afford to do that we have our interests and the stability of the country under the gun capacities in my view is the only way followed up with a useful role of an ideal situation in my view would be enough on this farm that is capable of beating tickets in total i mixed some time in his vision of excellence at all. so what we are talking about here is costing engagement with the icon beat them. i didn't try to head the model can be legally capacities as for the headache warm and sensitive issues of the afghani people ati is immediately identified as stunned as good a chance to enjoy his insistence. in the atm and the two countries signed a strategic partnership agreement of the sun is in the us teach me to indicate expansion in asia
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and the seven point six billion us dollars to me this time of common stock in the pipeline is scheduled to start bringing natural gas from the meanest on to india the foreign ministry spokesman said it is up to the site to decide who signs the us backed light united states secretary of state betty sedation that the defence chiefs signed instead of reports. please he sees it does not love gun to subdue home because i need to decide who signs a security pact with the united states you miss a kitschy of steve jones video using the bind up the security agreement on bse could be signed by karzai's defense minister. this may not come home and he effectively circumvent the guy's night. it's something that there is within the authority of the president of afghanistan and the afghan government whim. take action based on
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discrimination because of the festival make this project. so in other words it's up to. the president of france. to determine whether to secure the agreement will be signed at a presidential level four. the difference between the two governments the bsa they shaved the post to a thousand fourteen us made to the peasants in a nice time. us efficiency of the doubt maybe even by using the day before was to consider a door to the joys of tulips evening of gun forces to fight that the divine insurgency on their own. i miss in the us of god and it's really a digger in november and doors to the security deed that the united states. but as i said you might not sign it and opted to keep snakes keep it. today has addicted to the united states and its allies which want to get going with them for this one a nod to the training mission that is to stay on in have
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done is done up to two thousand fourteen. the most footing troops that have been battling the table and said it's been half was down right giddy as to be outdone government decided to seek joy dt its own a dog lead to unsafe display on a tube was bought by owning up to a foot in the distance the agreement it has been endorsed and we believe it will be. not only that he wants agreement to be signed between france and united states. a good time but our focus right now is on the differences. and that we are seeking when it comes to the two topics i mentioned our peace efforts. and putting a stop to medicare patients against applicants are the odds of a desolate set is designed to safely cybersecurity not seeing failure to do so could jeopardize of gun security and up to eight billion dollars a year in forty eight was saying that the gop house addicted to see as fun as i
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think she ever did get assigned a bid to secure the sta video cuts to hear this didn't happen soon in order to move slowly declining. as of june afghanistan in the suspect's mother in the uk can get into that. we just love since i'm a student asked if us and that the fishes have warned that if a site does not sign the security deed that the united states compete both washington and the undying with up to the fill void to fill the gun is done by the end of two thousand fourteen and abundant guns to be the kind of shameful was a fatality thousand to ten thousand soldiers. not today for cl has eighty four thousand troops in a guy's done the majority committee can not do is winding down called the dough creations funding responsibility both liking that the divine to get guns with almost one in combat forces put out by the end of two thousand fourteen. yet the us embassy and the escort
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raised security concerns and a walk on concrete. we have reports. seaside relax and go one way of pulling troops in the international airport in cumbria on december in them and let them when doherty lot of casualties. confirmation of the attack from me today international security assistance force one isbn team soon after the kids to force it allows pianist at this point and hippie cottage this nifty piece is used by civilians and timidity. most of the photo the moment is organized to begin at six and the fun part. that falls in gaza too. total. the mall again and when i connected this is our mission to get
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chocolates but he didn't push for a tough call the countryside some of the deputy come quickly see also said the blast appeared to be desired. often in sunday's attack. the approach is glued to one of the need to let it come on two wars and fourteen bc is the isp and join them on beaches responsibly for the day to day management. all forty four patients. layla and accidentally detonation of explosives stored in an of conference nifty beside the us embassy in kabul a spot of glue that a committee on december it was. my father telling us to exclude sinn fein of guys and smashed into the kitty eagles judy tea and a delight he's seen and yet you could afford had accidentally ignited explosives stored in the agency's main compound in conway. those daughters otago begging is not a betting
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against the flow of the plate with what looks like a model but if it was about. but this nutty with a lid on buses with. over the past week being with them on and about to talk to who he wanted santa to come over the top to bottom with a unit that does not give it. loved it donating blood. but divest some of which etymology the city meets the media concerning what sort of honest on. as for you to stop planning to keep the country next and how they work if the government has been trying to negotiate with the dotted line to join the peace process and an ultra comfy to greenpeace. i did not stop the cooperation act during a visit to present on that guy's eye to the hair on the deal comes amid tensions with the us at sky site is resisting the fighting off a long term security agreement with america. the report. this didn't come it is a nineteen day done on this in the heat
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and mix with the onion. this isn't a single honey. more to be designated for use on them not to show pointed to economic i'm going to call the nation the meeting came shortly after u s defense it did teach us a good visit to dublin on the sydney the seventh of may he said but at the meeting and said he could become the new deadline for the security pact between the united states and the guy has done a deal this cuz i passed the left him to sign the uniting of guns done to visit troops and senior gone decisions but i usually did not come to me as a knight who has resisted signing to bind up the security agreement on the scene which would govern the us military prisons often was not the force is the by the end of next year as i has said he wants to return to lofty predictions to compute the deed. but higgins said dr did a signing on to the two thousand fourteen which he said was and is out of that it all. got to come to the end of this week's episode of the discovery part
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