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tv   RT News  PBS  December 25, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm PST

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peered years and came to a mr gordon series of seventeen ninety and are watching them i was a breeze with the message it met mixed bag not intended as a christmas speech warning that it's not just trying to salvage the wedding the next generation things that i still time for you all. for it is like a stick. there must be near certainty that all civilians will be killed or injured. the white house races trust reit says that he appointed curate to terrorists and weapons. see links to this thundering
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number of sitting in the hope is that none of us have read this. on the coffee table nice people that one tree was just a nice evening. i think the kids get up kids from men. and what to think that once the steps the success of the guys trying to keep her with the other that has as its base to repossessed. this one is talking to me the international news and comment like most good as his own seat an auction with meat eaters. and welcome to the proper. christmas comes but once again set the balance in the uk it has a top in front of tv to watch the queen's christmas speech
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it probably came as no surprise that it also the only message on the bucks an hour test of trust was in a bit bottom i'm giving these as a no reason to stick to the rooms on teaspoon of black star. christmas day and the uk is a sacred tradition for about a christmas cacti that family gathering it was getting around town to watch the queen's speech with your family. this is the a the queen was bracing for a merry christmas to think about it but the current grandson. he isn't even a spot tenfold by adding an alternative christmas message from an essay whistle that ended with six days and here of course revealed the extent of months. this is a men's pair that is in the us the uk and other western countries and he was speaking today all about privacy he said that george orwell's nineteen eighty four was a real fairytale compared to the antique that way even with my now and he said that children born nowadays. on
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weekends to firm up with and that includes set to pay to see what say whether they or the fool is the case to the court case and i realize that his critique some of us on christmas day because it ends on a positive note saying they see that the can black friend that said the name stuck and months of a dentist and they did that to the mines government's that's me they want and what the is thinking based on skin gets cheaper than spine internal force said in a case that would satan for his christmas message. extensive evaluation is based as low as to the is here and the questions that he's raced around democratic society said they'd be having that they would not be used to its questioning that status is quiet. i didn't tell them all by having at that stage and told them about privacy today and then there were still to jim kelly executive director of the open rights group and he told is that side that
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showed how the nsa surveillance weekend security technologies and expired that expires this or to criminal activity. really really uncalled many have this option it seems as though i've been putting uk i will be sth what he's been able to tell us that we can stop the bad hair we reformed surveillance in the uk to study showed it seems that every both these vulnerable as a result of the kind of surveillance is taking place the lady we bought a pool from security agencies but because they weakened and security technologies in general did not paint poisoning people. one of the activities of common criminals. you can use the same and abilities that the nsa big teams. heck people compete says he learnt that these take information from. as in the weeks to twenty four scene when summing up the modest be the tony's of the upcoming
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day. however great the eggs in one exists not to us oil giant step one. this comes after a mass hunger strike that aren't the world's attention to the place that somehow got to go out of our lives. the game. a political battlefield in which more than just one of the front lines the good. lake is in our series the problem of triad will stay in the mideast in get in a decade of america's war that iraq has led the population theory the strike anytime
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anywhere and on anyone the status of civilian victims testified before the united states congress about tragic stories were waved away by the white house were still insist the anti tax hikes not pinpoint accurate and amazing incidence that up to seventeen people were killed in a row wedding ceremony and gannon on skis this account that i'm now on its human price of america's will it says no fee for the one who has no trust. both are now in short supply in this part of yemen. for months the class has been without its math teacher and his pupil without his father. this isn't a big shout out to check. he was still on the star of schedule now he hasn't been here since training class in january twenty thirty knots today to find anything the father of three was killed by a us drone alongside his twenty old cousin saw me in a college student who drove them in a
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borrowed to guillen. he picked up two strangers who turned out to be suspected al qaeda militants witnesses reported a whirring sound in the sky and missiles struck their car. and the smell of death was everywhere some of the police were burned beyond recognition. the rest were ripped to shreds and scattered all around i found a pot of saline and psychic on it. the rest was outside we recognized him by a piece of his trousers. you couldn't tell who was due. if they were even human. it is sickening. went home and change the sleepy farming village for ever. less than an hour's drive from yemen's capital call on is far removed from our night operations without warning he was thrust into the war on terror. still his mother shows me where her son used to sleep. she can't bear to get rid of his being squished nose to never return home god help us. i didn't
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understand until the next day to an american drone killed my son. why tell me. may allah deprive them of their souls that they robbed us of our son. he was the only one providing for this family all we have left now is ninety years. we only target al qaeda and its associated forces. and even then that the use of drones is heavily constrained. before the strike is taken. there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured. the highest standard we can set up our offer. except there was a deadly failure. yemen's interior ministry confirmed the cousins had no links to terrorism in a country where tribal ties surmount all the loss was felt far beyond the family. the lighthouse has never acknowledged the deaths were below the strike. mohamad shows me the evidence. this is what killed them what's not to be a fragment of a hellfire
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missile launched from a drone the us believes this season's best weapon against al qa'ida. although not officially at war in yemen the corporate drone campaign has been dramatically ramped up here under president obama i look like a threat to israel. it's plotted attacks on international airliners and caused hundreds of deaths the cit described it as the most dangerous and active branch of the network the defense is the drone strikes have seriously damaged al qaeda's ability to plan attacks critics here say he's doing the exact opposite it does not contain the ghosts of us. in fact may have continued to pursue growth and expansion of both and at some point. i've become slightly off. often enough. to be able to see this done. the us war on terror has no borders often leads to mold me with cruise missiles and drones. it's an
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honor to clear the political battlefield in which yemen is just one of the front lines of fights against groups like al qaeda in which ordinary civilians also end up paying a price. i ask obama to bring my dad back to life on the kids in school having fun is that we don't. reporting income on in yemen and the seychelles know. foreign policy analyst at fat is bad and says that what it comes to international was the last hill the cause of free fonts there is no justification for killing children old people non combatants. there's no legal justification is no moral. the fact that these are the victims into the act goes to the heart of what is wrong with brown stripes the idea that they are somehow surgically her it is simply demolish the target is demolished by the amnesty international report by the initial report of the us
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the reality is that in the us cents. we have determined that it is legal to use drone strikes in afghanistan to use drone strikes in pakistan where we are not at war. the fact that it may be of use violation of international law is simply dismissed as irrelevant international law in the united states unfortunately is too often only applied to other countries and not to ourselves. some they have a city and to tell that america's john strikes have gone to the east on people back on to even leave the area with the un month at croft elway turnbull correspondent went to the region is now a walled off firing range with the us mission ashamed or teleport next town. the yuan is dumping its peacekeeping mission in south sudan what causes of the need to have died in the recent unrest the classes also sending
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marines call as to the country to help the bobcats citizens the wells again in this country. he gets it out but is now on the brink of civil war. the struggle between the president and his deputy has inflamed deck it when books attention. america has been conditioned the region since the nineteen seventies when one child chevron discovered all that. it was at the helm for push ups on since our independence. also the historian gerald ford was in the states and the sudanese civil war during that eight is expensive one at the last one to another country on the wall. states was basically the midwife for south sydney's independent united states and israel were opposed to the khartoum based government not least because it was seen as being anti israel and was perceived as being pro palestinian. not only that but there is oil in sudan and the oil is in
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the south and spoke out to the norm. and then there's the china questioned the chinese state oil company is deeply invested in south sudan and foiling the chinese was also seen as the school room which could be accomplished through the independence of the session was upset that chevron felt that it would be in their best interests in south sudan were to see because it would be easier to exploit the oil in a divided country as opposed to united that was a major re use and driving. this led to the map were talking about hundreds of thousands of barrels of produce to sell today and it was what all it's roughly a hundred dollars a barrel. you can see that this is a pretty penny. this is all seem to nationals this to come on the problem is that she might pass to fit two cars so sure that i would be a breach in with the aid that fresh fish from this easier on the cons want to contaminate it to eat with us. off the it's pretty
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interesting. he is undercover team of journalists was released which leaked documents about the united states is trying to read as. i may get me in the media more pro american challenger sheer ignorance pressure. country looks the way to information freedom. march. he is. i am
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roo. the room the news the orchard on scene to nonchalant for most welcome he just needed to find the interim government has officially brunt of the msn but they do best tyres turn declared it seems his pocket and uncontrolled illegal the overnight nations brain food. she's a seaside blossom assert that killed sixteen and wounded scores of august it was him but he did not raise the info arrondissement ing an investigation. kyra based china's sure he recommended the state government's call to the need to try again supporters of the house its present policy well this is that i knew as they sit in the long running feud between the state. they
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brought the wood while they trying to achieve is to class it's not as good. get out and not to leave any room any space for that group to enter into political life again. that said they seem more defined an ad that had enabled the equal of ten tests on friday saying that the coup and is the real terrorism yet. and they feel that peace is a great and typically january twenty eleven event and that the state. repressive measures being taken at. i was taken to finance any form of defence. so i expect more violence more bloodshed. an aide said. it's a vicious cycle. europe showing tentative signs of improvement and field stars piece cause among depot the nation's he needed bay knots on and became for us to
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prove that it can now call it online but it finds and gunning full time artist the four men behind during the making his test side see him at some of the funny silly thing and the threat of being tapped out on the streets most people in the celtic tiger with a sense of melancholy economic boom times in the mid nineties up until two thousand and seven when asked in no small way yes the structure behind the one in the offices of the anglo irish bank one of the struggling basso was effectively nationalize was a stark reminder of the proper team boss that he is sitting back in crisis and painful the city that continues to today for some irish families though there's also a day to the vermont are the formats for reality of losing their homes. we had a malicious very high and then find a copy was falling below the market to end up with tasha for five hundred passengers in two thousand and eleven. i was licensed but the banks refuse to accept the offer because that wasn't the mole which was a
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ton of time with her ears. so instead of fraternity course and that we possess the highest wall only have officially exited to the lab still mired in debt. in the end of september almost one in five home loans with a total of twenty five billion euros. we're still not be phoning me to a homeless organization focused on an estimate of sixteen families lose their homes each. the bant have a catastrophic effect on the thing to do the arms business could paralyze the entire nation. they have essays to do more to christ the committal to create solutions query can be made today that the cost was among the terms. we have never evaluation and what does it cost us. in emotional and mental terms i could barely close one foot to foot the other because i just couldn't sepo cldn' thi o tngs ietpn sool rather meant. i think
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it was the steps. i'm really honest in law was passed in december which would often not the greatest aunt a cousin from bankruptcy after many years as opposed to the current twelve due to personal insolvency range was going to be hateful those who wanted to spend on new debt when this perhaps is a glimmer of hope for people like julie. i'm hoping that by christmas it's mad and the result level in the back of christmas is that i can start again got me to come by once before just assume you are a team ireland. and you will know ways to keep an archive say that it's a different month of declines as one. it was a bit of that to the highest response out the hard way in showing his printed be clear on the to thousands of years only to get a sneak peak of its headline act is more or less degree online. most of the minors he would tell you
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how likely have in the small bundle and nathan wednesday's data from a single soul that lives to fill the concert. when children present an ideal saakashvili husband to let the sentinel fourteen ukraine kiev has also bought fifty five other people from georgia the heat and beat us from entering the country all of them suspected of lacking with the ukrainian opposition during the ongoing anti government protests on tuesday crayfish color as well. well the most prominent person on the list is obviously former georgian president mikhail saakashvili at wellness support of the state called color revolutions. he's already visited the key is independence square at once and december. lately i'm twenty nine georgians on the list among them is the man who is on didn't catch a wanted list for being behind the unrest that the account during
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the protests in may two thousand and twelve in moscow this twist to it since they're all from the european union and us citizens who invented and treat the ukraine a train in parliament member who initiated this move. sad that all these foreigners have been working with the opposition to destabilize the situation in the country however from what we know there aren't any hype rainfall european or even american politicians who we saw so many times in the anti independence quest in kiev and to name just some of them on its victorianilln the years that t effect o state who visited the protests twice and even handed had some cookies to protest this as a sign of support the eu diplomatic see info on catherine ashton cool helpful to those with the government and the opposition and even the us. polk senator john mccain who is well known for supporting regime changes he
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was i he had been to cuba on it during the so called orange revolution a decade ago he was active during the arab spring in egypt and libya. and even pledged his support to this theory unravels itself on there is n evidence that any of them made it to the black list of visitors in ukraine and although the ukrainian authorities say the attitude that it's temporary. it seems to be already working as several people how being turned down at the border not fun to get some of the sounds sad news and headles today a wedding britain me to make a deal to christmas day for tens of thousands of people. high winds and heavy rain on to the country leaving many without corolla at monticello home is the flooded for nine months evacuations in southern and central parts of the country. as a warning hat night stressing storm conditions will consist. lars
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had hit the iraqi capital killing at least seven people and injuring scores small explosions targeted an outdoor market and the church as chris and watch listen to christmas at this that was cut to the present building appeal is this a see through the uk have any stake in on the government is too preoccupied with adding subtle palette struggle to deal with the mind. city of my eq is the duty paid in iraq. out of the politicians love to move and said that they can say is praise. there is what's called the political process which is a shot. it is no real political process because you can tell the in the process with you using something like twenty thirty people a day this is a civil law the fault of the end of the day. last night with the government because the government any government anywhere as a duty to protect the people has a duty to protect the society has a duty to make the lives of ordinary people to level at
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least this is what this government is failing. japan is famous for its sea trade but fishing and the devastating petitioner new krypton isn't such a great idea. local fisherman claim that lunging immense amounts of contaminated fish until the past to keep the pumpkins he was tables even maggie of course jesus says tests show that it sank the sixty s asking now reeks work doesn't stall in the port of soul month despite being just a few kilometers from the area still ravaged by twenty eleven so mommy and still contaminated by radiation seafood of all shapes and sizes. let's hear it several times a day. not only this has traditionally been the integral part of the japanese culture but also one of its rice exports last year alone exporting companies book a bit more than two billion us dollars however that serious concerns now this particular cast was made in the waters
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of the book was too much to live on stage. after it became known that usually system and if the schumann uk pop onto a cd of the radiated fears grew that the contamination could be spreading into the pacific sydney crumpled to the new film in the balkans. this fishery in the poll the rebbe system so we can find a very very high concentrated towards the right uses the new arctic to reiki. this fact is that on the issue of perfection now have to take radiation measurement. despite lab workers are shorting out the fish was free of any harmful particles to go and they were taking samples from every can't we make and if we ever find in the slightest trace of radiation that will destroy that will catch you soar there has been on this beach is safe and even then you pay a lot of great tackles spending time at the nearby what this article the year of radiation. this edition is pretty much of a control we build fences not to let go t grumble this
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weekend to the ocean. we were surprised to learn that most of the seafood we saw like four cups all but will never make it to the shelves the fish markets will restaurant tables. in most of the fish caught within the thirty kilometer radius this run into the garbage because it is radiates heat and tesco is paying local fisherman phone. so the happy and keep silent. some of it though makes it just goes but only locally a seat with firms here are on the back and verify for factors also be affected by contamination of deceit accounting for forty thousand tonnes of fish a year. but things may get even worse as the third anniversary of the position with a soft approach its south korea has become the first country to bend japanese fish and seafood imports. makes your chest crt reporting from japan. up next as we discussed on a weekend excursion to the media center not seem to not count as ay
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ay ay ay ay. i will the day zz you. i am. although i've got a duck on a few times i've never seen the doc dynasty tv show but gosh i heard about the scandal involving one of the stars of the show phil robertson who got suspended for making what many consider anti homeless actual comments in an interview. the slippery scandal is creating a lot of arguments about freedom of speech on social networks many people who believe that roberts and deserve to be booted from the show for what he said argue that freedom of speech means that robertson kept the rest by the government for he said but the eighty tv channel has the right to fire who they like the thing is that if the situation were reversed and robertson was fired for making pro lgbt statements that people who are currently defending its
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right to hire and fire the police will all be bashing the tv show from filing the stars freedom of speech think why the firing it would violate his rights i'm sure some websites that give it to hero or command a boycott because of a candy wrapper. very few people actually believe in freedom of speech for all they just believe in freedom of speech for people who agree with them. fascist. i rmb you you know you. i can't get enough of international history. now you can bring your favorite detectives home on dvd the best of international mystery and drama. now available at teammate see networks dot org. all were. i
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just can't handle with gary in time not sure about this too. i've been meaning to ask you is he drinking going on well i hope not because alcohol can lead you to see things and do things that you really wish it had its business which are supposed to so if anyone is ever pressure due to take a drink just tell me promise you that you will. do any sneaky peeks oh so smart. the oaks. do you really do hear you cry i get to start the conversation
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even before they're teenagers. get someone to say he is an underage drinking us cents and i got a message from substance abuse and mental health services administration. we'd need and no one will. the un the us welcome to e zine it's there is a december twenty sixth and capping comanche and tell camp. you can state that it finds like nuclear crisis compensation as important the approved a ten year business plan by turkey like to carry company the operator of the species that dai ichi pla


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