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tv   Newsline  PBS  December 25, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PST

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even before they're teenagers. get someone to say he is an underage drinking us cents and i got a message from substance abuse and mental health services administration. we'd need and no one will. the un the us welcome to e zine it's there is a december twenty sixth and capping comanche and tell camp. you can state that it finds like nuclear crisis compensation as important the approved a ten year business plan by turkey like to carry company the operator of the species that dai ichi park lacks the new tear down
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this liability facilitation funds held a meeting of its steering committee on wednesday to discuss the plan the plan outlines of me starting next year to the seven idol reactors at a cost us a cake ideal at nuclear power plant in need at the prefecture. the chili and to sign now undergoing safety screens by the government. no plans to restart tomorrow reactors at the same plant in twenty fifteen. this is the remaining three reactors will not be restarted until twenty sixteen or even possibly until twenty twenty three as preparations i needed to meet new government safety standards. the series as it aims to make between one and two billion dollars for a year in profits. i was in need. i don't react is determined to steal cars with thermal plants. if the profits and minimize the charity plans to gradually reduce electricity charges by up to that ten billion dollars annually over the next ten years. she made died she knew the accident in mike's two thousand ad and is still far from over
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the class housing is an increase in government funding for interest free loans to the utility to pay for ongoing compensation and de contamination march. with the issues with it. we hope to go is read on and fulfills its was a possibility alpha company i will add that to the negative the government will increase its assistance so we will carry out the irresponsible it up the silly and a five mile climb to the governments in for approval of the plaid on friday the treatment of obe went to the treaty and poses a major problem that the nuclear plant. admitting this absence from wastewater has proven difficult. now the unexpected began to assess the risks and technological difficulties of handling treaty and tainted water. nine expats on radioactive substances and other fields that at the industry ministry able to reach a conclusion by the end
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of march agreed to identify the risks of keeping treaty intended wander inside tents what releasing it into the ocean is seated on silicon to technical difficulties and developing technologies to him and treat him from water. the scene setting the different options will help determine what action if that's the main street space a tainted one at the plant will likely lead to about eight hundred thousand tonnes in the future. a team from the international atomic energy agency visited the plant earlier this month it's been suggested that japan considered releasing the water into the ocean after its diluting to blue cabinets and status. what is time now for the latest in at these disney as the taiwanese officials psych using apple executives of the pressuring carriers of i found this out then added certain crimes. i should address this now from the business as i get warning to us more about this thing that morning of the thing is in taiwan if the vehicle for many factor to interfere with
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from distributors prices in this case the many factors awful that distributors are the telecoms. and so us ninety dion appel has been fined six hundred and seventy thousand dollars in taiwan as captain says for interfering with prices more bah service providers set for the tiny phone. taiwan's fair trade commission excuse an apple subsidiary of the country's three major carriers how much they should charge for i phone handsets and the cooling trend sold alongside them. it sent the apples subsidiary stipulated that the carriers submit their pricing plans for approval and ask the companies to change or adjust prices. sales of five pounds by the three carriers account for more than ninety percent of the phone sales in taiwan. the commission's that apple is hampering market competition. it's the first time in the world. apple has been fined for its marketing method. this gets back on the markets now be on wednesday the nikkei closed
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above a key facts hold of sixteen thousand points for the first time since november two thousand and seven. for more on japanese markets with study leave me at the tokyo stock exchange. the lee harvey starting the trading session this morning. the way i can process and rule by chance. now here are their opening levels like this the base and break and he seeks. he is up zero point six percent at sixteen thousand one hundred and five points moving higher year on the key sixteen thousand level and abroad the cop takes this idea by zero point four seven percent after many good as the high air by less than one hundred percent on wednesday so positive stack cd nominee he's about to present idea for december and is set to end this year with teams of more than fifty percent. shares in most sectors trick i hear as the aloof and get busy because he has improved. but
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many expletives i'll be in the teens as the guinness in the contest. he is the u s president since september last year. now when they are wonderful additions of suzuki motor city. it has been reported that the company said it would use of such a range of news wants you to youtube he tells bo months that mortar his deal me how he scorned cents a bargain hans is anti capacity utilizing each and as a contract of us in the animation and whitney sound like spy here in two thousand the flu and some they may continue to be a focus city. the company is in discussions to acquire a majority stake in the mall while a white desk area in the us. don't miss a chance fell slightly as worries about is expected that brayden over to cling to the end of the deal we don't sentiment. now moving onto currencies defender at dolly in tears. i try to use overnight as the us and european markets were closed
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for christmas the lead and is now at one end and for one fight hard to find nine almost unchanged from the rebels since tuesday andy you mean he's still going against the yen as the month when the japanese christie as the outset has to east. here he is not one hundred and forty two point nine one the one hundred and forty three has the highest level in more than five years and maybe my kids didn't get this if it can be generally open to the ad also be keeping track of that. xd i really think a lot for that update we knew me from the tokyo stock exchange under culture ministry has lifted its nine year old ban on imports of raw chicken meat from thailand. the ban was imposed after a major outbreak of av and flew back in two thousand for ministry officials decided to resume the imports this is in line with a request from the thai government has no cases of bird flu have been reported in the country recently the ministry dispatched an
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inspection team to thailand to confirm the status officials from both governments concurred that chicken meat will be tested at a facility approved by the thai government. they also agreed that thailand will promptly informed japan is any further cases of tb in influenza occur. thailand was a major export of chicken to japan at one hundred fifty thousand tonnes a year. well for you next hour in business is another attack on the markets. it is. he did say interim government has officially designated the muslim brotherhood as a
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organization intensifying its crackdown on the muslim that word. the political party is the power base of ousted president mohammad boise. in trimmed every time this is no sound piece as severely criticized the group in front of reporters. he claimed the muslim brotherhood of caring and a deadly suicide attack on a police station in northern egypt to disclose that anyone who ages in activities with integrated finance is the organization will be penalized according to the law. the military backed interim government has been tightening its grip on the muslim brotherhood says the military ousted morrissey and effective cure in july miller a senior officials from icy support base have been detained. the government security forces have also detained former prime is to hush him can feel his head under my seat and deal is not a member of the muslim brotherhood but is seen as being close to the ousted president. i needed corridor is sent in skandia tonight year sentence for failing to implement a court order for the government to re
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nationalize the company that had been sold to foreign investor. and now he's against the interim government. they have denied involvement in tuesday's attack. sadly explosions tore through accretion populated district in the iraqi capital baghdad on christmas day dozens of people were killed or wounded. we see a car bomb exploded near a chick in the south of the city as a christmas mass placing bombs exploded else when the district on the same day at least thirty eight people were killed and seventy wounded men say that publications. no one has claimed responsibility. islam is the dominant religion in iraq the country's estimated to have around three hundred thousand patients on christmas eve mass was held in another change in baghdad where muslim leaders attended a mini have to overcome religious differences. more than seven thousand civilians were killed in terror attacks in a match between january and november. on wednesday at
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the gym the demonstrators in thailand's tried to disrupt party registrations for the general elections scheduled for february they're also calling for their immediate resignation of prime is the national lots of movement started to gain momentum in bangkok one month ago and still find no solution is inside for the political crisis confucian me only deepen as election day approaches nearly one thousand demonstrators and to destroy its tv in bangkok the political parties when registering to take pride in the lower house election the station opened on monday but officials had put a temporary halt on applications. the democrat party which is the largest opposition has vowed to boycott the election many of its opponents are taking part in the demonstration. more than thirty bodies including the ruling camp have filed applications for the candidates. however the continuing protests could call the legitimacy of the light changed into question. that's how my speech on wednesday night
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announced plans for a national reform council it be tasked with political reform including constitutional revision and an anti corruption campaign the national reform council would be a genuine council made up of representatives of the people. the selection of numbers though began with recruitment from various professions. no one's own time going. since it takes a gun is leading the protests the former deputy prime minister. once the formation of the people's assembly that would reform the country before any election takes place. there is little possibility that he likes at the knox proposal by national council which is likely aimed at classifying demonstrators as a means of ending the crisis. the nations are enjoying unprecedented economic growth but that's that's me mean and added demand on the legal system as the country's already have a shortage of judges and lawyers. japanese universities side helping out
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at hq most cases the battle for points from cambodia the cambodian economy is expanding to honor a hopeful for skipping and forty businesses. they can go into the concrete. that has really good call for an overtime rpg shameful business the pair of mitts. the country desperately needs new rules to keep weeds around the time the kitchen. there was interest to re enforce them it is any stitch and education center for japanese school. when you first ep huge piece of the scenes kept superdome past five years and gold. no promises japanese capital. every student studying grow two years. old crises are cool with the job steve few dents don't seem
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to have a problem. pondering the likud mps. but why teaching calculus. for dances we have to go back once the country's history. that will put a ridge in the nineteen seventies mater to connect yours. forty increase pity puberty to nationalists. it is to use struggling to cover an end to the road infrastructure needed to condemn ordination the country's supreme court and as it beats the rollers were forty s covers twenty years old. to protect his airways co japan's get many days that the school to be quite in the original cost pcs and to the irritation in japan. but prostrate in case the strong japanese. now iran reached proved too much work
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and it's not easy to open the fruit. education can be a ghost and prostrate. so the teacher decided to change that. here's a tip that he's modeled is this pure dance she keeps outside the dome pan. under par there was a breeze. all considered. he was cuter by the pool with her itchiness thirty five years old. harper is the highest floor is a story or blue and gold were to switch it. she resents had she's cute i mean to me a forty year concrete real fire ants and abuse will cover although taking to the all new teeth. i wanna be a challenge. my grandfather was killed for nothing the people. i wanna be judged and condemned their
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trials. it opens and two have become very important port japanese companies too. his quest to keep comedies hair piece jockeys piece in its youth and tears come forty a mock it. so include guarantees an emperor years these can turn joke often work room was full cry and arms. for the honor roll with it doesn't just keep rates on the occasion. it has acquired or yours to keep blockers sketch or the way it's awful once it gets overheated qiang adjusted who wished to satisfy city wide event. not long after that we have to give the appearance of bias in accordance with corporate labor and tax laws. since people like him are precious resorts. the new bank i want to accumulate experience at
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this company and become a lawyer. it was this japanese firms seeking the thank you japanese few new purse keys back up in the sand concrete spirit that charity groups he stands by means of course is strengthening. on the theme for size the man known as the word home and. air pollution in beijing has reached the highest level on the government scale as the density of airborne pollutants on its local authorities say the density of tea and two point five higher close at one point on wednesday exceeded three hundred and thirty micrograms per cubic meter in height to the chinese capital has almost five times as high as the level at which depends in my ministry advises people not to do outside the city was in the case with buildings a few km when
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looking for words. many people on the streets of more masks. the lead at the middle one and this is not an environment where people can lay. i have bronchitis. i always need to wear a mosque the chinese government in september an ounce in action plan aimed to reduce the pm two point five levels at least twenty five percent and eighteen yards to the areas by twenty seventeen. he'd say that's not enough to want to get men to do more to deal with the problem. japanese officials are worried about the effect of that pm two point five particles flowing from china invited ministry has come up with this set of measures to deal with the problem. the jubilant. we want to develop. he and two point five full system which will function like the way the full cost. we see is a show planned for this simulation of the flow of particles from china to forecast the pm two point five density in each japanese
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prefecture. the laws encourage officials from japanese cities that have experienced and pollution to work closely with their chinese counterparts to help improve the quality of the show belongs to hold a seminar next month. japanese companies doing business in china on how to deal with the pm two point five problem i see you wednesday. oh honey oak has come up with the way to help people on their commitments to design cards on which people write down promises and then visit their family or friends is inspired by the sample of his father is an hq with ninety nine pm. i want to be a great father. be there for them spend more time quality time
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with my parents. this is the sky. the pay is a promise sky. people can make their promises. it is somebody's these handmade cards contain various kinds of goals and heartfelt comments is kind of dynamic line and this statement because i said i would stink that they can. he sees the card pretends it when they get to have fulfilled the promise. people and about fifty countries to ease these clients. our scene of all hyderabad the atm. he began using the cards in september at last see a half this spot is passe. my father my dad was really good with his promises. you know what a perfect man. but if dad said he was going to be there the show he shows up. as i lay down. allen says bias
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that. it was then he realized that that had always lived up to commitments. on the dance of this in how our extended the promise kites in hopes that he and others would follow his father's example in any detail and tactics that this concept of a gun isn't this an audience of family and friends. people from all of the day you ask past ads park rides. our ex couldn't stop at the software company. ecu on to the non profit organization to distribute the cards the group has since out of honey and seventy thousand of them. the more important however is the active physically giving someone a card to show them that you are truly committed. saying the primacy of place. here's another part of that to interaction. this president karen roberts of what this mid may. thus as a climate of
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time speaking with the days in paris and he spend most of its time to meet the media one day. there is none that pissy tell them aut the promised eyes. the text by alex's story about that and so i introduce the strength of demand so if that's the gains from this that he gets to be that hand man that keeps the comments eta i see him and explaining he said the cards. is this promise was and one time with my pants. he says that he could feel himself tables as the cards placed hinted he might face to face interaction. i can talk to people either so i could do it. and as many talented people and maybe actually typed them. on this. i even cried too and jeffrey at school. yes they will do. get that back to something
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the cats. the promise alliance i will make them feel special the outs is receiving requests to speak across the country. so called leader of the cars unsettling their support i think that every single day. you can pretend to care. aged care potential. thank you the amazing that he betrays his sinfulness. there's so much meaning behind it. a relationship built by a single card if mom were made at a young man is thinking making music to imply that in present to me since. amy money of any ski well. my son now for a check that the weather people and clients and norway are dealing with heavy snow my surety consistency terrorists in world my back. the answer
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i can stand it. mr dale is a christmas day and christmas time so to say has bought the box too much of the western portion of this continent. the delicate a video coming out from the norway. southern only was hit by low temperatures and heavy snow on christmas day the bad weather caused a severe drought conditions in clothes mountain passes crews worked much of a new style of prose but thousands of people were without electricity. on christmas day still looks like it will be continuing across another creations and the cyst and that the riots not travel disturbances across much of the western half of this continent it has a split into two systems. as you can see one in the system still very strong at nine hundred and fifty one to pass common sense. staley trekking towards the east heading towardsrris said to be in store with blizzard conditions that could reach up to one hundred forty kilometers per hour you can see the ice was very close to
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each other. we saw the very high as well see other than that of warnings eric rustic also nations especially tonight not to venture out in the c wing was very heavy and the advantages especially in southern spain. more than two hundred twenty millimeters of rain has been done across the area over the course of sixteen hours on a twenty six km track guys has been also reported that in this likely to move into the mediterranean region bringing some thunderstorms across the area the atmosphere will be very unstable but to the east of fact by looking at some non bright side to win then on up the temperatures are above the adventure race that warrants up seven degrees and not spent in plenty of sunshine in kiev to add to four degrees because the confining nice as well i'm moving over to the eastern continental halal way i see the wintry pressure tension weakening here but now comes the rain south western islands have been made on seeing a lot of rainfall torrents of rain fall and an unstable conditions that's likely to stretch was the lesson
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senseless attack and died telco will likely see some the sun brain should say is that very chilly but there's the chance of snow for today and take a matchup of the nation but the rain will be coming in the afternoon hours into friday. it's very cold across all and much of china even down to wars hire more on taipei in the king at a single digit for your will on your flight friday to try outs of the same edition of maxim to bundle up and across the tropics as cu in their eighties in manila. luckily k and it can act as close as you know that to be in order for you to call a sacrificial white christmas you need a two point five centimeters of snow that's semi official in our eyes that for example the airport and has an official un like christmas time and christmas day with two point five cent in the case of accumulation but more accumulation during the breeding season with thirty centimeters living in
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across the east. this is due to the arctic cold air dominating the area but on the flip side still very hot in the senate as an infant's vera we have critical fire weather and very high risk such as heating up to twenty seven degrees i knew boxing day cleaning up rates and our guests i am noon. and. i know
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it's sth. this edition of the science passing glance do. i mean. on line. any team wednesday. i like variety of programs is now available to make sure you stay tuned. it's my turn
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once you were cheated on her stomach. and listen to great music. in seventeen languages browse through october and sunday. selections from programs like two tier ii and science. so be sure to visit it and the opportunity to gain the backing on any team will excite. she wants me to be clean and green dots to people affected by the disaster. don't mean any team while online. it is. i
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peer tears and pain you insist on going series of seventeen ninety two election and eight. the you really doing here this is rubbish these can be a work in and became government powerless to do this. since its opening posts that you don't know what. ezra think something through a photojournalist in the dish. so those people lost their lives. and feeling


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