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tv   The Debate  PBS  December 31, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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and free state not in the event and korean george bush knew the area he was lacking in best interest extra ceasefire in south done according to mediate says the two sides are expected to reach a deal on him and sinn fein saying the talks in ethiopia. and michael schumacher's condition hasn't friends might say that's what doctors to send off to form in one chunk and underwent small brains. not in use or non clad riot fest also known to scientists counterparts in carrying his pencil involvement of businessmen that since released a french priest kidnapped and then come back to abandon verse is expected back in france to my wednesday to seek a hassle she was freed. just hours ago french priest tore a tendon which was released early on
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tuesday after forty days in captivity. the bishop of narrow and nearby town was able to speak to him shortly after his release. we were re united with him this morning and as well. his captors industry is enjoying his time and attention. is it better we want to thank all of whom works to really sum it all it did. towards the end and this was kidnapped in november fourteen in the town of kicks you in northern cameroon. dear and fifteen gunmen burst into his compound and raccoons deer flies towards their motorcycles his suitcase was then found under a teenage area. his kidnapping was later claimed in a series comics expo call her mom. you can vary the group rejected a french family of setting the scene region. here released two months later. in an online statement also don't think among others
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cameron's president. i want to find clues to where we'll end this before its release especially become a reunion and ninety area needles are a tease. foreign minister know that he says on his way to cameron's capital and a long day. to bring the stand in this home. the south sudanese government and rebels loyal to former vice president ray much time and agreed to discuss a cease fire. that's according to east african media he says. he's told to keep the stasi in ethiopia on to more than two weeks of violence in which at least a thousand people have been killed. add the ice taking the cash can pee in that form the un course mason and see john key said he stifled of hostilities will seek seen the videos you've got. and so on. are you going to come up to the cloak that may have other measures which will then visit the tentative
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ceasefire and peace talks with the most vocal break so far. the president has ruled thisith much i'd be a viable solution. why did they the good. that is happening because it was kind of perverse to go back to attend the launch of a kind of settle on a ligament that are within the elected president. i think the sector a new government may need to be sold in touch with that bit of a young nation is correct and your support of the traditional dress and the final winner take all approach to democracy is inaudible died in a country like that but it would send the wrong signal to shed a follower in this particular with all of the underlying one can look at the whale are sharing where whole show was tougher than all the different ethnic groups ago and it baked in bed
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another entrenched time to be adequately represented in a genuine attempt to build the nation from the bottom up saudi onto zero forces detained in egypt recently and being held on terror accusations that's what the prosecution in carr announced social monica. janice went to the crowd to syria english television network and in three vermont in custody for fifteen days by the egyptian authorities one has already been released. today's austin michael sheen like a ski accident in the french alps doctors say his condition has improved slightly but it remains critical and they haven't sent the seven time for me no one can pin this down to st to see the contents forty five on friday on the way the second operation of the night to relieve pressure on his brain he still in a medically and she's kind and remaining hours of sports at it said that many dna data such as lights in trees and fishing on your behalf and will
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receive either the before the second operations he said and the reason i could perform so restless because the had already been a slight improvements and i gave him confidence to come perform this procedure on monday in october st he underwent an initial operation in europe will tim whitehead occult on sunday. from the french alps with jackson taken place and now he's been at the second operation. they seek to reduce the intra cranial pressure on a steep you if you create a displaced and awesome the first to go out what's happened is that a canal in the time that a canal summit meeting that was inside the brain and that means that because as the stops in saw this goal is less pressure. savings and russia don knotts berry reports and is calm situation as you said he's still an amazing team due to karma he's also as well. in a maddening two stages of hypothermia which uses boys have just been cruel bounce around thirty five degrees centigrade hundred and twenty centers around thirty seven thirty simpler nights on the back muscles and reduce swelling information and eight its recovery. and this med changes car and reduces the brain activity. since
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this reason some people squished like is he dreaming of them and what's happening in karma and the medical people say that there is noting on nothing new to our place rich in reducing the brain and tuesday to a minimum two outs for cover as much postman used it all to do is possible. when i'm a little bit more about sunday's accident. yet there was some speculation that he'd been gone quite so awesome and the tears said that he was going up to six two hundred kilometers per hour. but that's been denied his manager signs that he was actually quite slow day because he'd been helping a friend to use game with an increase in the form and that he would actually if i had a similar accident even if you've been going into the tent on to sprout she said. we know this helmet broke during mrs in overseeing his head on a roll and she said that could've happened even my speed celibacy. i'm very very forceful impact your skin with friends they said his fourteen year old son nick was as roads of sixteen it difficult for him. and we now know that this is that he was in the grip you told. this of course her sister review radio four shots. ok think
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that's the name buddy if the global stock markets japan's nikkei christ on monday with fifty seven cents and bought a ba in gemini that got sold by a staggering twenty five point five cents adams in the us the dow jones industrial average is up twenty six percent the most since nineteen ninety six. it's the macon ga unfold the mosque it's not so much to france's president course but we don't he is the kitty and puppy that makes it easy to get an easy contrast with a look at what to expect his son and chance the eye. a televised address to the french nation understand the fashion fads it's a p requisite for the president of the republic and traditionally no bikini te kiri connect to the people like the two heads of state before him close while elite and just leave it that domestic crisis. santi faster december two thousand and two eighteen months by
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the presence and show my heated pan. the faster the country's far right to reach the second round of presidential elections. in june two thousand and two was the year of disputes. it is also leader of a re awakening of republican values. that's the festive descended two thousand and eight. morale was low as the deepening financial crisis engulfed the country. they then present in the class of cozy the screens to reassure the nation the global international crises has brought its fair share of suffering. and i understand my role in the face of these crises that can be cured. in two thousand and twelve the next three games. how laugh. with out the inherent in the crisis. he's fast address wheelchairs to console the nation. he kept it. the courses says everything to encourage employment competitiveness and growth call ins in nineteen eight pm then message is that honors for the unpopular presidents to restore the confidence of
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the nation. smith on the messages is was and right now. political messages in march. equally we can expect something very conventional see me in tuesday night's address real need to find the right plants lads that can reassure the as his approval ratings performance of that than any of the french presidents and we ended the quick at new year's celebrations in new zealand is and australians amongst the fast to countdown t twenty four team. these guys other than a system it is late getting that year ban from china as i'm sure he gets to many people bring in the new year at the great wall of china need a shame tens of thousands of the gathering and home com if i was at the famous victoria in the heat wave face images of new year celebrations. wishing you a very happy to be icky stay
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tuned to fox. it's a subtle for me to a december the seventh nineteen eight shiites in the depths of the armenians with a magnitude six point nine quake its apologists for what it's like a vinyl shop a fine point and too many hundreds more off the shelf for months at an area of eight economic incentives just east of armenia's second biggest city dominican now known as the ring. there is all the nearby town of speech that level for more than haunt the buildings in dominican itself damaged or destroyed up to thirty thousand people were killed another fifteen thousand the rescue to cool from
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the rubble. mostly within the first few hours following the disaster. the numbness to amaze us by a series of factors the freezing temperatures and inadequate building construction receivinguch light ianitat lido president mikhail gorbachev was in new york on his fast of a visit to the us was forced to abandon his trip and head straight to the us clients yes these days. today is the most important thing is for the nation. before anything else we must remove the rubble. there are still many diesel alive underneath it. everyday we see people from the rubble. it is over yet. i myself have met them it was at the zoo the first house that we need to address save those who are still alive. when you move the body says the victims of the disease. clearly. we are
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grieving. my fluid suffering around the world. when people began to mobilize thousands of volunteers from around one hundred and fifty countries went climbing at how many many more said monday. famous french on me and singer sean as it will raise millions only through his charity record the yuato the top french shots ten groups. now today twenty five years like to thank eckstein of alexandra not a layman can read in an omen georgian been to make some of the one in aid to victims of the quake still living in makeshift tents. you read via stood the landmark amid the changing fortunes of this city. the brewery was founded in eighteen ninety eight puberty was then cos of
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the russian empire. marston the twentieth century that mass production starting in the nineteen seventies. my armenia was a savior for when the city was called lending them come off the founder of the u s s onward. the tree and it's from the quake and the savior collapsed as q marie's top industrial employer. manage a study recently and is confident of a buffer the future. yet that to me somebody out as if he'd been here twenty years ago that's that. on both toby did see nothing but ruins is as humble silver factory was flattened by the earthquake the soviet authorities didn't even try to get it going into the mosque i did notice that for the cause. around two hundred thousand bolton's a
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roll down here every day well this friend is very competitive on armenian market. above areot exporng i yet. but it's much better than so be here and that's priceless. humor epa employees about point hundred people. that's a three person team with sixty ercent unemployment. arum group glory and has been here for ten years. i'm not demanding the herald called the children got a lot because they could have told you that what they could make their families happy so i'm very lucky. if god did not later isn't around one hundred and fifty us dollars a month. that's almost double the city average. adam's wife bought me nap and stay with him. she was a point to every university had to sample fr
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the booming balkans and the appetite. i graduated with distinction in civil and criminal. i'm not. and cheney's it's not just once i'd like them it's iossible to find it to really get much done i'm not dead. it's been off to bed shift. mm mm mm mm everyday baker asked the wasteland. will i this is a little and often the quake and the death of the safety of centrally planned economy remember this industrial zone in the old days. then i started to go out into a monotonous everything collapsed in the earthquake yes our cherry tree still standing in queue result drury i applied it to use the machine to make up for it doesn't exist in oregon it was a great fight at school today. it was a race with a price estimates. no it doesn't exist right. before
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we got there they are really cheap stocks it seemed odd writing on the catastrophe was an obscure save the republic on the international map the world's attention suddenly focused on this ancient christian nation millions of dollars poured in to help the homeless and ten for each show has mushroomed. today piece shanty towns schools across to read. local school until max roach with meaning little house was going on in these precepts have become permanent homes for fifteen thousand people among them the group koreans. and yet it did at the thought of taking the name is david says in the house of ontarians is still a far easier to do people don't even have this grateful for everything nice than that. he is a motorist home improvements haven't dimmed the memory of that is austin that landed them can thus as a gemini is simple great companies are the same
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age as my torture is not i have no memories of four banks. every child aged african camp i'm unclean hands arms and ran down the stats again know sth this article was this the school inherently where oil is now the foreigners coming to tune up on staff the unknown story buildings fell down now. there was dust everywhere. i couldn't see anything with more shrimp wanton i didn't understand anything wrong and i the strikes just the nick jr cent of december nineteen ninety eight. the fed's ability to contraceptives tom has lived in this deal makes sense he was a child now his children and running on hand. anna and connie age four and seven. due to school while their parents with the factory shift. the family has few prospects of moving
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elsewhere. don we could get a house from the government because technically we not consider was that this is the chief constable to qualify for the re housing program and to cool it is going to ruin them. it's a struggle to make the place noise for the children messina than one puts in common is that dozer and going to be at least eight new paper from the wall the condemning tens column included to kazakhstan and when we can afford to re do this everytime he comes off the thomas b if he can count on to connell. it has some piping. in winter temperatures plunged to twenty six degrees below zero that's a challenge for personal hygiene duncan and assistance to stop. brazenly have to carry water from the outside in the next seven to two seats in the concrete metal and concrete uni and to
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commune with the freezes up on them and it's up to him. i know you are like so many many new jewelry. adam tried his luck in russian. to find a better paid job to buy new house for his family say he went back to the brewery outside the home to muncie and is taking it gets nights as usual. seven years his dingy and has recorded the details of every family waiting for bedtime. bought this phone is still open though. there might be a little on it. who is the meaning in him. or in the shadows of the inning. it suffered with global stand for awakening to sony insider them. we have toughness in the us the armenian american groups though they look of it is going to get humanitarian aid to towns like you. in a few days will come back which includes a chore. another
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thing the winds were secured loan. the marianna. i knew that forced me to school to turn the whole season use that to mean allergy to dogs rescued them and we wouldn't have the situation today the us for the hoff thousand families live in makeshift accommodation. michael klim sometimes new apartments were given to people who hadn't lost that in the wake of the will of the river. one or two people who went even if you agree. the stats would given in exchange for bribes to the right course. we had for the old town and hispanics on the pole. it's barely changed since the brush and so was ruled a hit two centuries ago the zulu lying buildings savoy the earthquake. we've come to the headquarters of the huns and g h t rex and to mingle to the region around you read this book were present during the debate is
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good. and yet they're fine the team has already cut three hundred videos online to attract foreigners in its long overdue alone in this room to improve thanks to these videos. armenian americans polled fourteen apartments the families and in them. well what can one week channel one million dollars in securing the loan which can be caught. a million dollars. that's equivalent to a third of the city's budget the sentence the film's tone is handing out new house keys to earthquake victims. that's a safeguard against corruption. you won't need a wee bit. these videos on youtube. the process is transparent. he can actually see who was getting the home and spoon. yes your taps into it. lugo armenian diaspora prominent figures such as singing show as the pool helped off to the quake about two thirds of the world's armenians live outside the country. diaspora
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armenians and other rich natural goodness for now it's just on the hope of all new homes built off the sauce to the soviet an armenian governments pay for the rest now on the nearest source of money and head to florence for russia to pay for this new districts. for those of us. so it's good to those who oppose the state allocated nearly three thousand cats and the last reason it's so worth it. hoffa billion dollars from russia. let's look on amazon is clear. to quote she really isn't very good ago were filled oh well we're here. the new place to live up to waiting for a quarter of a century supposedly these buildings of quake proof they withstood a tremor last august but that was a small one. as with all of the total was open. you're renovating already up. if any of the wall. why didn't he
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i'm putting you in it something under the wall of windows right to the front what follows is woven. just going to defect to spanking new complex isn't great the month. and yet its only home talking point about this problem also with daughter short words what has been the most addictive it's easier than last year the gas pipes and finished with sick people companies that don't exist on austin's books that. all the quake victims were meant to be re housed by the end of twenty thirteen. this was some thirteen thousand people were still waiting. many of the next like this precariously in the ruins these buildings have been officially classified as uninhabitable. frontier people into the steel framework to improve and sold it tomorrow. sometimes this happens to look after the earthquake was in the buildings became more fragile which collapsed a
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movement that you'll be even happier three thousand to emma's of fortune face mortal danger every day. hans priority is to get them down to paris soon as possible nevertheless on emusic concedes he is trying to emerge from the shadows the way this year to maria's the cultural capital of the few regions organization this renovated main square shape he says the commonwealth of independent states. that's group appealing for the safety of republics. like khomeini of the road politically close to more scared than to europe. we are the gregorian family catches the festivities off to the facts reach it. it starts to get away from the dam wall paper and got cats. we loaded up on you or think things
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will get the ball up especially with the new mayor of a faithful friend and cognition is for us we're working for our children this is going to have a good lawyer. when making an effort to get them employed. think means nothing. it was not as jihadists and enhanced has changed a lot as did nothing to people who are now. like in your face instead of smiling faces so that the guys who didn't see the short term signing and playing a straight seam nothing like america around the children making the right thing. there's still a lot of work to keep most of the parks that once made residents ground having been rebuilt. and the city's industrial parks middle of the us. schools and hospitals have risen from the ruins and the human race children the wheel of fortune may be turning the light. people of
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armenia still living with the effects of a massive escalation twenty find his own clothes or dishes every decision of course coming up a raw files content to stay with us a peek. while. it is
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or. and. i am. i was. win
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and. i can. in june. shh
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don't hit her. this lake lay down to a united states back to the kiwi the odds to defeat at the machines are rounded up and stay at a science fiction field. allow us to preen. little j in three dimensions. the sound of a brownie industrial revolution. don't you are trusting god to post but got stopped on. i did. she took the opportunity to do
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freedom for french phrase did not in the event and korean george bush knew the area he was lacking in best interest. extra cease fire in self done according to mediate says the two sides are expected to reach a deal on him and sinn fein saying the talks in ethiopia. and michael schumacher's condition hasn't friends might say that's what doctors to send off to form in one chunk and underwent small brains. not in use or non clad riot fest also known to scientists counterparts in carrying thing as pencil involvement of businessmen that since released a french priest kidnapped in november to attend and she is expected back in france to my wednesday to seek a hassle she was freed. just hours ago french priest or expand and this was released early on
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tuesday after forty days in captivity the basic of their rule and nearby town was able to speak to him shortly after his release. we were re united with him this morning and as well. his captors industry is enjoying his time and attention. is it better we want to thank all the homeworks to really sum it all. it did. towards the end and this was kidnapped in november fourteen in the town of kicks you in northern cameroon. a tear and fifteen gunmen burst into his compound interact with their foot towards their motorcycles. pc case was then found under a teenage area his kidnapping was later claimed in a series comics expo call her mom. you can vary the group rejected a french family of setting the scene region. here released two months later. in an online statement also don't think among others
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cameron's president. i want to thank all leads to where we'll end this before its release especially become a reunion and ninety area hosts are a tease. foreign minister and often uses on his way to cameron's capital and a long day. two greenpeace fan in this home. the south sudanese government and rebels loyal to former vice president ray much time and agreed to discuss a cease fire talks according to east african mediators. he's told to keep the stasi in ethiopia on to more than two weeks of violence in which at least a thousand people have been killed. add the ice taking the cash can pee in that form the un course mason and see john key said he stifled of hostilities will seek seen follow the videos you've got and so on. critical used it for much of the cloak that may have other measures which will then visit the tentative
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ceasefire and peace talks with the most awful break so far. the president has ruled this out specs mind's power sharing it with much i'd be a viable solution. why did they the dead. that is happening because it was kind of perverse to go back to attend the launch of a kind of settle on a ligament that are within the elected president i think a totally new and the government may need to be sold in touch with that bit of a young nation is correct and the support of the traditional dress and the no winner take all approach to democracy in the quebec in a country like that but it was the wrong signal to shed a follower in this particular way. all of the underlying one can look at the whale are sharing where whole show was tougher than all the different ethnic groups are going to stay in bed. another entrenched time
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be adequately represented in a genuine attempt to build the nation from the bottom up it's now down to zero forces detained in egypt recently and being held on terror accusations that's what the prosecution carr announced social monica. janice went to the crowd to syria english television network and yet three were reminded in custody for fifteen days by the egyptian authorities one has already been released now today's austin michael sheehan wrote this key accidents in the french alps doctors say his condition has improved slightly but it remains critical and they haven't sent the seven time for me no one can pin this down to st to see the contents forty five on friday on the twenty second operation of the night to relieve pressure on his brain he still in a medically didn't east kind entertaining themselves bullets at it said that many dna data scientists lights in trees and fishing on your behalf and will receive either the before
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the second operations he said and the reason i could perform so restless because the had already been a slight improvements and i gave him confidence to come perform this procedure on monday in october st he underwent an initial operation new colson whitehead a coat on sunday from the french alps with jackson taken place announcement of the second operation. they seek to reduce the intra cranial pressure on us if you could be created this place and awesome the first to go out what's happened is that a canal. he made time to take out some bleeding that was inside the brain and that means that because as the dust off in saw this goal is less pressure. savings and urged on us very very important in this situation as you said he's still an amazing team due to karma he's also as well. in a maddening cases of hypothermia which uses boys have just been cruel bounce around thirty five degrees centigrade hundred and twenty centers around thirty seven thirty simpler nights on the back muscles and reduce swelling and inflammation and eight its recovery. adams is making his car and reduces the brain activity consists
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reason some people squished like is he dreaming of them and what's happening in karma and the medical people say that there is no tree no nothing new to offer a secret to reducing the train into the sea to a minimum two outs recover as much as one uses that altered in as possible. when i'm a little bit more about sunday's accidents yet there was some speculation that he'd been gone quite saw so many tears said that he was going up to six two hundred dollars to sprout. either that spins in the light is not just saying that he was actually quite slow day because he'd been helping a friend to use game with an increase in the form and that he was actually if i had a similar accident even if you've been telling incident and told to sprout she said. we know his helmet broke during its ascent of the cds head on a roll and she said that could've happened even at my speed celibacy. i'm very very forceful impact your skin with friends they said his fourteen year old son nick was their sources of sixteen it difficult for him. and we now know that this is that he was in the creek. you told this of course her sister review radio four shots. ok
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think. that's the name buddy is for the global stock markets japan's nikkei christ on monday with fifty seven cents and finds a ba in gemini that got sold by staggering twenty five point five percent. and in the us the dow jones industrial average is up twenty six percent the most since nineteen ninety six. as the macon ga unfold the mosque it's not so much to france's president course but we don't he is deeply unpopular makes it easy to get a new unit trust within a couple six packs his son and chants the eye. a televised address to the french nation understand the fashion fads it's a p requisite for the president of the republic and traditionally enough bikini te kiri connect to the people. like the two heads of state before him hostile little win it and just leave it that domestic crisis. sexy faster december two thousand and two eighteen months by
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the president says oh my it band. the faster the country's far right to reach the second round of presidential elections. in june two thousand and two was the year of disputes. it is also leader of a re awakening of republican values. that's the festive descended two thousand and eight. morale was low as the deepening financial crisis engulfed the country. they then present in the class of cozy the screens to reassure the nation the global international crisis has brought its fair share of suffering. and i understand my role in the face of these crises that can be cured. in two thousand and twelve then left again how laugh. with out the inherent in the crisis in his last address wheelchairs to console the nation. get the courses says everything to encourage employment competitiveness and growth all ins in nineteen eight pm then message easy targets for the unpopular presidents to restore the confidence of
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the nation. smith on the messages as well as in right now. political message in march. equally we can expect something very conventional people in tuesday night's address real need to find the right plants plants that can reassure the as his approval ratings performance of that. in any of the french presidents and we ended the quick at new year's celebrations in new zealand is and australians amongst the fast to countdown.e guys other than a system it is like getting that year ban from china as i'm sure you guessed many people bring in the new year at the great wall of china need a shame tens of thousands also gathering and home com. if i was at the famous victoria and we keep with this image is of me and celebrations wishing you a very happy to
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mediate the states into force damon white a band actually f twenty two with milling point three on the richter scale. suddenly hitting two hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants at the end of the sea in town. just apply to talk in front of some beck december twenty six two thousand and four. few buildings have been built to resist such a shock to rescue service is the best they could but that was already many victims in a more calm soon onto its the sea began to rise. in the wake of the quartets sweeping away the rubble left by the quake just twenty minutes and they
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are. yet he sent all of sumatra closing the most devastating tsunami awards mine across the indian ocean around two hundred and eighteen holes and people were killed eighty percent of the victims here in northern indonesia. i'm mad i'm a pc that will sticking out of the van. outside my house was i whipped out my just came back to see get my bike home it is. mostly for children yet totally get that looks like no other way. you can do it. this is the land they own the sea front of and actually making some spots likely to drop taken before i know this is not the real id in its magnitude and unrecognizable and sky all areas inaccessible. a massive but criticizes disorderly and financial aid operation helicopters amongst very
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fast. mine is later than that she has been rebuilt around the launch marks the rescue nestle makes the untapped cc took refuge in religion the coastal strip still plenty meat is back from where it was. well husband has been back to band actually jerusalem drag in pain or stress. this report i know will i will be honored. the children of bounds and say this is no routine twice a year every school in the province holds seen on the trail i have. we missed most of the eleven year olds were in each instance when the boxing day tsunami struck. too young to remember them. the scale is more like a game. he led
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exactly what to do he is also strikes again. i know the performance on stage and survival techniques. oh and. children and. our often ask me to get to higher grounds just kidding kinda way the day. don't let me. next time i didn't send down a big disaster the latest information. tsunami. at that today it was just a simulation. for the young generation of fun to take the lessons of two thousand and four from the mountains according to me that was a
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hoax and ninety the old times themselves to the mountains get it that evening and we realize there will always be victims of tsunami concept of god. cheney will be reduced if the tenants the kids have been staring at me her ticket cost to families like that and i sat at the time knowing and since the tsunami the cause me is gone. a bustling city has sprung up from a deadly and devastation. with billions of dollars that ate up every thirty thousand new houses have been built. this entirely new neighborhood is named by everyone as jackie chan hill. bill thanks to donations from the kung fu style the chinese accents. it was here that the tree and have the money started a new line up to the tsunami. among
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the estimated when construction is finished in two thousand and seven. yes grace. please give the motorbike outs. it's six thirty am the nominee is getting ready to leave for the day. hahas enjoyment of buying her husband's already at work the week that new delhi. i know the situation is very comfortable here. i didn't even make is very nice we are helpless and out of one on one of the people here at that. this totem a shack is now a promising young business woman. she sells cars and enhance that time studies in the shooting of the city. haha the tsunami is a distant memory. the money was better to be lumpy. may you also find it is that our old house and all that
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the awnings were washed away the band i was stamped and this one i mean i can. i am lol i remember dan. soon we think the all black. i think we misled. on the phone. we then had to pull weeds just a little close. because when i go on from my house and i understand me. these days of re shaped tending to walk ard and keep improving the quality of life. she's got a well paid job thirty minutes away in the city center. in a new concession stunning japanese cars business is booming. last month gracious old seven cars and and a hefty very nice i've been m i i i love that man that is only right that she will be the molds and sissy like to come to it and
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it'll continue to have good economic rights. myself i would say life can change my life. some of which the man had been teasing me. well done the state is developing soft. some have been left on the sidelines. what is still struggling to move on after the tsunami. the station an hour and survive as in only a day. the sea front of the nevada state. ground zero of the disaster. the area was completely flat cents. today much of it remains on toward town. the new lost everything that day. he survived a new because he was far from the show he needs it. many of them by the earthquake hit we felt it. we felt the shaking. we didn't know about the way to look so normal for you. when we arrived home and it was soo
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shocked state race. i sort of bodies everywhere. i confine my house that was too small to add to them. the first time to do such my wife my son. we did all the flying all around to try to connect some of them together in one place that we try to identify them that we could like is the corpses was badly damaged it was impossible to know my head. on the globe. i want to watch. he was still just a baby with the tsunami came. ten years to heal the first time in my life and in the twenty c liking i didn't want to go back see it i'm giddy. all the fisherman lost loved ones that some unease with typos. not the same team that no other way of life saver eventually
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went back to work. today they're in a rich pickings that many call it a few small bait fish and squid. he has since his ouster for commenting house sitting the new rebuilding his line he's re not need to pass up a young family. it was. i will. sometimes it needs to find and two. now the baby on the way. the room. i don't live there. love life is far from easy. the sa many still live in an emergency shelter built by the n g o box from following the tsunami. one can hearts of just ten square
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meters. they will get your hands. stunned living in the shelter anymore. hunting doesn't want to either in a day and his fishing pole. he was baptized in your time on jackie chan hill. but it's twenty km away to soften him and now it's too late the stock. eleven the government tells us the tsunami is in the house the a's finished in an even looser there are no more housing. with big teams everybody in the world is a two hour chase. why do we have a house and emma. yes the medical community jan howes been lucky to find a solution for the twenty fisherman's nominees stunted in the aging cabins. that saves on my success i am ready to see what the two allies had either a people dog houses attack each time he let me state for money being a medic that they felt
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so isolated. and so decided to come back here though and amicable and they didn't want to stay up that the fisherman it's too far from the sea of dough. i was just how long the tsunami hit this neighborhood. his team takes us to believe they today's memorial. musgrave sweat more than fourteen thousand victims of their reach. today at griffith patients from um that's a psychiatric hospital is visiting the site and enter an end but when a family victims of the tsunami that dude. yes me i was inedible. what's that say tomato i knew. me and i am not. nine adults and aiden have a father and mother anymore. i see. they say they can't win on this is the mass graves were victims of the tsunami with batteries the stations are extreme cases to a lesser extent the tsunami left its mark on thousands of others in a
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change. many which all went on east depression anxiety life. a memorial sites like this would make it to help me the bottom line as noted above. people come to pray and more society members who were killed in a tsunami coming into the eu to get people from china or japan it's an important site for religious course she was about his views. drinking and as the veranda. islam has become an even deeper. that same night. mosques would be a new buildings to imagine escape from the tsunami. seen by many as assignment is on stove was divine punishment this friday a huge crowd has gathered to hear adults taken a mom from the capital jakarta. convince the tsunami struck. because locals was singing. a and b the historic
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beach. things were very free the two men and women everybody says that's what tsunami came. it was a warning for mama. at the time before people were doing bad things and not give this a signal to become bitter people. another chance to live our lives in a better way. he bought. this is the new mommy still in the use of sharia rule introduced in a city in two thousand and two. it's now become a key to their overnight. like give sorry at all. and it must be obeyed every time and relax. we were up there. as seen on each wheel is in goldstein and east. she now has a special birthday eagles showed me a release. but thousand office as he checked me one is drinking gambling
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for committing adultery in an anti carney j said before remember. don't the americans to fine tune the parents don't the repressive. this is the oldest female surely ask well it's chilling to see the old man team and i'm attending friday press. they tell us they came to the turks yes to this weight robinson forced people to obey the rules. ok please gentlemen it's prayer time the persistent offenders to face corporal punishments it's an obligation for men not women. just for men. so i'm understanding it or not at the mosques to get in the morning. if we find the same month three times not train on a friday you'll be changed three times of the punishment. maximum were jailed for six months. mom
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and dad. the strategy is clearly working. it's midday the shops to shops and streets of mt. she becomes a ghost town. many men still outside of publicly shamed so i stopped running. inside the mosque now. you don't want end up in prison or ice each item or two. but it's there and soon we can to come to an end the religious roles taken extremely seriously he and bonds that doesn't mean oppression in all areas of mine. the beach for example i'm liking town winning enough to let sales. reset the call saleswoman is keen to show us a new hobby. i
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didn't choose any team something for you yet. told to ride the waves behind brett watson to waste the town. i am the heat here i saw. lincoln. ma associate. they should feel springy and optimistic. like many young people here the tsunami devastated. ha and of course painful memories linger. not knowing is on the cd has launched a leading retail. it's citizens coincidently facing the future. he is all
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the people and actually rebuilding lives for the diesel from today's revisited more editions of course coming up at him. if you get to stitch. and. or
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the eye. eye. win. an aunt
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the thus the morning and ball over on the last few days and major russian city has seen a series of bombings as the funeral began for the victims present the landing of the house to annihilate the halls of the attacks. the latest from the scene had. and what other than this for a few minutes and twenty thirteen from friendly manning to get well cards he has covered many of the stories that other news networks seem to overlap coming up will break down this year's most under reported news. and couldn't find mayor bloomberg new york's nanny state mayor will soon be out of office. i will not need but not in pain or should i say am banned from e cigarettes disagreed big gulps will take a look at the bands that will define his decade in


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