tv CCTV News PBS January 1, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST
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you will or will when when when when when. though the sea. calls for more strategic trust and cooperation with the u s thirty five years up to the countries established diplomatic relations. prime minister says the nation quoted in the past the post war constitution by twenty twenty was toward japan as is
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gone now. new member of the euro zone on its fiftieth birthday. what's the outlook from latvia and the false economy. when people think and wishing the preps people of golf with tiger king john region welcomed twenty four three pm. it began with several incidents. we all should know quite a happy new year on it with my buddy jay chinese foreign minister wong he has called for more strategic trust and practical cooperation between china and the united states in an article published by shin while on the eve of the thirty fifth anniversary of the establishment of china a us diplomatic relations long review the meeting between chinese president shi jin ping and us president barack obama last june. long said but sideshow to the two leaders consensus
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of building a new type of major country relationship into concrete policies and measures to force them into practice. the foreign minister said the two countries should continue to strengthen strategic meet all costs and keep us engagement between senior leaders and the o levels. long said the two countries should further advanced by death from investment treaty negotiations to achieve an early breakthrough. the cold formal communication and coordination between china and the united states on regional issues including the dprk and the rainy and new creations. the foreign minister also that the us side to properly handle sensitive masses binned by natural relations including taiwan to this kind of a major issues involving china's sovereignty and territorial integrity. and earlier we spoke to our
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reporter dresses to win by aging and she said that china and the us have been on good terms and building a corneal relationship. but there are a number of challenges that lie ahead between the two countries. look the light there has been times of temptation and political conflicts are factions. for example the us just recently has sided with the japan south korea in glass and china for establishing its air defences down and then just last week expressed disappointment over japanese prime minister shinzo abe's visit to his right and actually wore since the war dead that you can. if this is art in the temple but can only sustain that actually right now sino us relations are at an unprecedented high the next phase will be a change of attitude working towards eight comprehensive mutually keep it in the nation's debt academics is saying that a sound economic and trade relations with the bases for the foundation for further
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boosting that relationship although right now the trade deficit is it because it had at the moment effect in that relationship and also the mention of military exchanges that has been more frequent in the two exchanges as the basis that the two current season to be working on and academics and political analysts estate looking forward to the next stage of development. seven of the very positive. the two countries certainly one of the find a lot of common ground. a sudden you to understand. japan's prime minister shinzo ave says the country's pacifist post world war two the constitution could be amended by twenty twenty. his remarks were published in the conservative daily for the new yes on wednesday. he described the potential amendments has a big step to restore japan has a strong power. meanwhile japan's internal affairs minister you should talk to him though. on wednesday visited the warming yasukuni shrine
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this wish and does fourth visit to the confidence to enshrine the cia. it comes out of a sudden he went to the shrine on this in the twenty sixth in a move that can break your pads made this and call was disappointment in washington and shinto of a shrine visit has sparked angry protests in south korea and present occupation made the remark during a meeting that appeared to be directed at japan although she did not mention a finite. in this new year. i hope no side will reopen to ling stuckey streak causing distress and canada trust three countries. park said that having a powerful economy does not make a country affairs boss nation to deserve that title. it must respect others ave was the first japanese prime minister to visit the shrine in more than seven years south korea has released an
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online video clip lying on its claims of sovereignty over the disputed islands off with these cuts been known as don't go in south korea and talk to she does in japan the video of this historic evidence in support of south korea's ownership of the audience. the foreign ministry said in a briefing that the video is to spread the truth that don't go to south korean territory intensive history geography and international role. it is south korea's second stop the promotion video portions of a's visit has not only in rage. asian countries but also to be denounced by a jewish scholar with these slime in the days unfold center. cctv news but to rabbi abraham cooper who is being considered was interviewed before my japanese soldier who served with the notorious unit seven thirty one. defoe was
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surprised to hear that the soldier believed his work was honorable. unit seven three one developed a brutal chemical and biological weapons which it used against chinese civilians during japanese aggression in world war two. bentley said. every year for reunions of people who were involved. meaning also the failures been before personal responsibility and failure. like generations to understand what actually took place because when people injured and read about humans it breaks your heart. but these are things that are not automatically go to not part of a curriculum that not part of the national consciousness answered saying that piece of history. it is not a good prescription for japan's future. our instinct always is to avoid the negative. but when you're talking about
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being a leader. i was talking about life and death issues it's very very important to show that kind of leadership bed exposing these chapters of history. to make people hate birds make people understand when you understand that a few of the bases to create a better relationship with future when you choose not to know that you're creating potential problems and that unfortunately is where i think many japanese people find themselves. yesterday's talk way to kim jong hoon has to live in his new year message saying he will make efforts to improve relations with south korea. he made the remarks in a rare televised address on state television. can john lund said the south korean authorities the software with confrontation and talked about dprk sympathizes with them to the voices of people
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demanding democratic invitations and independence he also knew that it is off to italy south korea and its ally the united states committed acts of aggression he said the dvr to tape it yep a surge of strength the dprk has some on new year's diet with displays of loyalty to formally has thousands of citizens and soldiers in pyongyang by and events to heal in the center of the city i've made bows of the fourth of july and bronze statues falconio song and change o'neill. its customer e in the country to lay flowers next to statues and portraits of former leaf is all major anniversaries or holiday is around pyongyang families were out enjoying a day all holidays in the dprk are often associated with night you have of this result the posse for the states requiring citizens to
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anticipate in the celebrations but there was no compulsory mass celebration. this new years day. the russian president of the email person has visited over grabbed the southern city reeling from two suicide attacks this week. he said at a meeting with security heads and officials from the interior ministry that there could be no justification for such crimes against civilians especially against women and children his comments come as the death toll from the bombings. roy is two thirty four. our correspondent danny i'd die of reports from moscow police involved in drug have detained dozens of people falling to suicide bombing attacks on sunday and monday possibly give reports able to run remains of a higher security alerts. two years patrolling the streets is the venue for weeks according to state media reports the death toll has risen to at least thirty four several people succumb to
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their injuries overnight dozens of the wounded remain in bulk about hospitals summit been transported to hospital for treatment and education. president but when has tightened security across the country. his new year's eve address to the russian people who vowed to fight the terrorists quote until their destruction is complete while russian security forces have reportedly focusing their investigation into chants of riches. no one has claimed responsibility for the pumpkins with less than six weeks before winter league peaks in sochi attacks have raised concerns about russia's ability to prevent terrorists from disrupting the games. that's a secret services the local tapas this secures the team picks and stalled the most intuitive so well with that knowledge is the desire to have my dogs that look good on a specific that secures the team picks. the problem is but it's very difficult to prevent these kinds of god but it's got the guts out the securities it is not a good thing but it's not enough heat to prevent such
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things have continued to add a bit as i mentioned in the lungs and the abductions it services have some problems. some east and sending athletes to the winter games are expressing confidence that russia will be able to handle security in thirty on tuesday chinese foreign ministry spokesman in which daniel said we believe that russia is capable of ensuring security in hosting a successful winter olympics but it's taking every precaution sending police reinforcements an interior ministry troops to both of rocks. regional officials say more than fifty two hundred security forces have deployed there already. local authorities have canceled massive and simple to iraq for new years eve. one of russia's most popular holidays on your diet on cctv the german chancellor on the medical has delivered a new year's address calling on the country to maintain a strong economy. she told germans their faces so closely entwined with the european union that it is imperative to permanently was all the eurozone is sovereign debt crisis. in the middle of
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them neatly on now doesn't want this country is as dependent as the only key handling you add in onion cherry me overcome the suffering that christ is in ns now there's a lot of blood to tnt to a gemini will remain strong in the future with easy specially imported funny as and the financing on to future generations and that was successful with any confirmation. when the euro it celebrates its fifteenth birthday on new year's diet with a new recruits who left the now using the current state that he is acting prime minister of voters don't trust this court is an important step for his nation leave the store all your life. we made it thanks. our goal of becoming tedious they say your name. yet does become the second former soviet union member states to adopt the european council
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the baltic countries won praise from the european union for emerging from a deep recession with strong economic growth and relatively low debt levels to get there and it had to slash spending on wages and high taxes to keep the left of his former county paid for the year honor during the global financial crisis analysts believe by joining the eurozone. let the air will benefit from the tees economic growth and have greater access to external markets such as china or the us which god negotiate the investment for free trade deal with the eu. that's a good luck cause won a jackpot and new joint this stuff from brussels happy new years here jack and i guess it's a happy new year for the people of lefty a sudden so one of the potential effects of the country joining the eurozone. but for all the books economy and also that he is on. each listed on
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the bloc's economy is not going to be that big lefty is a very small country of population just above two million people but of course eu officials are holding this up as proof of a return in confidence in the euro something that very few people would disagree with at the moment that does seem to be at the venue sites in the euro. within that to yourself it's a little bit more complex than that infected people are very much divided over whether this is a good or bad thing businesses that you do with the eu export to the eu see this as positive. they cannot lose less money on the exchange rates. a lot of the businesses that get up to deal the state to withdraw show in other countries in the former soviet bloc and then also happy about this in a lot of countries the euro has increased prices nice that they see it as making them less competitive. this is really a fiasco that is widespread throughout the country as well polls show that i need a fifth of the population strongly support the adoption of
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the euro. with about fifty percent being strongly against it so there is quite a bit of anxiety that locals only time will tell if this would be a good thing or a bad thing for lunch today jack one is forty four single thing like care for the eurozone economy is headed this time for a steady recovery. it's one thing has really changed is coincidence the economic fundamentals of the block haven't really changed that much he remains in crisis. loads of last year when the soul the head of the european central bank mario drunk he promised to do whatever it took to save the euro. we sold that confidence absolutely flowing vacuum that has led to a slight recovery but was still talking of growth just above zero and the big question is is that going to deliver enough economic sunshine to really drive away those crisis storm clouds in country still struggling with austerity reforms might get chronic unemployment and of
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course a credit crunch having returned from the age of the abyss. the euro is right now seems secure. and the single currency area even expensive january to include its eighteenth country alexia. the eurozone economy is also expected to continue growing in two thousand and four came out of various lower heights. such is the book's price is finally out of the reality and split off from um school of recovery at the polls will consist of the mau mau countries would still opponents in the financials think that with the unemployment problem overall i'm still not all rules and post them with the group could come from. to make matters worse debt remains sky high in many member states especially in chile which is only just wiggle down of its longest recession since the end of the second world war
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the soiree and questions being asked here in brussels on its promises recent credit downgrade a warning sign of trouble ahead for the euro is ireland's second largest economy and ten noble one gemini continue propping up the rest of the block. then there's the banking union which will be rolled out in two thousand and four change aimed at restoring study europe's finance sector. this is indeed the beginning of the end of bank bailouts banks now taxpayers will carry the costs for their own mistakes. the real aim is to get banks lending again to households and businesses of the banking union deal hammered out by leaders in december. he is complicated and lacks real firepower another major concern is unemployment. it creates is to ration reference appellant's the increase in the province remains close to twenty five percent of
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the key for permission. then there was a real danger that in the coming year some politicians might propose during the year reflecting the stability of the eurozone pretty much depends on the pay is that the candidate you is the number of employed can fill of comfort. so if all the eurozone and the eu as a whole two thousand and fourteen is expected to be a year of growth and slow to recover what was the only thing change size from being in concepts and toss with the blocks to a shaky foundations. what impact that return of confidence had the most immediate impact is paying all the euro the valley of the year i was saying that rising dramatically over the past six months especially as the pulse multiple choice and that is having any impact on european exports at a time when that dries year is still very low just above zero. i was seeing this you arrive rise putting pressure on the export see and that is
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causing great concern so what this year they will be close to keeping a close eye on the value of the current c with the expectation if it gets too high. the european central bank will probably intervene to bring it down a little bit part actor thank you very much indeed for that purport to boston in brussels now millions of people have crowded new york's times square to ring in twenty fourteen despite bone chilling temperatures and heavy security. the us supreme court. u s supreme court justice. with the countdown has always been ruined by the new york city the steel form fitting that we are in humanity that they were the crossroads of the world was caught celebration and constant us for. that's because post september eleven security measures for spectators and repayments at least twelve hours in advance with no food
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no warmth no place to go to the boss for him celebrations have been studies done not just in new york but walk around the world to welcome a new yet brazilians enjoyed music and fireworks while germans gather that one of the largest open and poppies in the world and in a study of people enjoyed a twelve minute fantastic fireworks display will not cure has this roundup. part of that in each of the leading junior wimbledon school of music and fireworks. within two million people swarmed in to welcome the new you. islamists is from brazil's most popular artists in selma troops headed to the huge excitement or with someone from twenty pills help this guy for sixteen minutes the new london two thousand fourteen was ushered into the chimes
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of the day. fireworks were set off but the monday night on the south bank of the river tame. peach flavored still edible begin a confetti fell in the tens of thousands of travelers along the bank. what's described as the world's first multi sensory fireworks display judy about six thousand rockets were launched the country's largest new year's eve jittery eight was held in front of berlin's brandenburg gate. what is of thousands of visitors gathered along the seventeenth of june st with performances by local singers and bands. i welcome the new year with a stunning display of four hundred thousand fireworks the clock struck midnight to six minute show that he did this guy. it would expand into a manner that is a very beautiful show
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of kinky of passivity is this is the best i've seen. sold thousands gathered for the new year countdown to the traditional ring it's airman. mm mm mm mm good crowd at the oc get bell tower shut it down to midnight. each year as a bell tolled. that in twenty fourteen and i head back south street yet will be a country where all the plow and those who are foreign and difficulty will be happily and all the people will be united said that the country can progress in japan temple bells rang out in tokyo heralding in the new year around the country. many people prayed ringing bells and tossing coins as offerings at shrines wishing for health wealth and happiness. exploding fireworks also spray from the sales of the sydney opera house in australian cities harbour bridge. more than one million people crammed the second and i enjoyed a twelve minute display. what
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the cctv and people in western china issue john weaver autonomous region also celebrated the new year in the capital a raunchy the festivities come up for a tumultuous year with sora string of attacks. just a day before new year's eve knowing suspects this over the place security bureau near the border town of cash god. this kampung reports peter lynch and john but i'm hoping for a peaceful twenty fourteen the yes. you don't want this new year twenty fourteen . with the media you are with her eyes got huge. we had people perform together on the same stage low. last word on london
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the more westernized. many outsiders. out of state the city. also you can mingle with the rest of the world. and today it's time to sell it or not the missing it. you see. all this. now on. we had desert young people all the kooks brigadier weaker can read any other ethnicity. we did find a brioche and jump i love and tolerance and are wishing for an even better two thousand fourteen thirty embodiment of traffic unit. i know. if you
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live the day. it sits. it should the bus that being a senior pennant the day at the woohoo happy new year and local languages and that with a brand new year beginning the first rays of sunshine eliminate the beautiful scenes across china so will go up. with a look at some of them right now. wishing you a happy twenty fourteen. i wound moon
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good thing. and that they did it. and. it's a day at mcdonald's. the game and then four times a year and last for about a month. since two thousand and six gracious support the training and mentoring of the outcome national army a contributing several minute trip by st james the international security assistance forces in afghanistan. this is my second tour. the stylist isn't that the police that can command that and the place is often said so i was able to work on both sides of the system working as a president in national forests is actually a concept in a mood to create jobs and it is an on the other side being here not entertaining
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detain those are done a bunch mostly police and then come back in two thousand and four the military police and only god can exist it's wonderful to see them come to such high standards. nowadays just eight years later the students stand to attention of the oft aniston is typically looked upon as a society where women are second class citizens. they don't seem to be bothered by the fact that their teachers a woman. there are very open with a flair for they truly accepted me as the command of my own unit and never made a slight crisp gesture that would make me feel on constable oh one to dive into a inappropriate is in my country and i'm not crazy it's ok for the woman to be the command that barely started as an accent that's the magical these works are on the clock ticking afghan officers and education is seen what they've accomplished so far. within that i've used them notably school is fully functional for the goodwill of the good of themselves which is great great success. this is some opponent for the time and in
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afghanistan. you knew meaning one who will win. i mean. i don't. all welcome. all things to consider peter low bow to hear that watches two thousand thirteen and what is needed memorable. we ask in this edition of crossfire police cells into disappointed as what stories captured our attention because the polls are due to despair
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