tv France 24 News PBS January 11, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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the us. sure new system is red's content from palestinians often the kids who attended the former israeli prime minister ariel sharon has died at the postponement of the uk's eight five. all wrong that the people want to see the egyptian army chief of general of the icc gives his strongest team slip off the team a run for president and calling for calm as the former president to visit often republicans into a top
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un official appeals to the population to end the violence will be life in the capital bought the institution. hello welcome back to full swing to his room and to lose sleep thank you for joining us first it was announced i don't say that the full israeli prime minister ariel sharon has died in a hostel in time of the few was the five years old. he didn't occur innocent suffering a stroke while steve is still in office back in january two thousand and six and he never regained consciousness. well reports on to manage his deteriorating condition in the past few days and he died surrounded by his family. my cats astonishment eia gives us the latest on reaction to the news is that. meeting the weld in the morning ariel sharon was france's president. arielle sharon the former prime minister of israel was a major figure in the history of this country after long military and political career. he chose to turn to dialogue with the palestinians. i offer my sincere condolences to his
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family and the people of israel the us president's message tasty fun age michelle nice and the deepest condolences to the family of former israeli prime minister ariel sharon and to the people of israel on the loss of a leader who dedicated his life to the state of israel. it needs from his reign the officials started pouring in with an alice if only his dad the state of israel as its head over the passing of former prime minister ariel sharon. his memory will forever be held in the nation is rainy president shimon peres on a state with entering into the age of high fuel to the break so we can the main union me though liberal to be believed and also hope the sense of the alps was echoed on the streets and teresa them in life husband has died greeting cards. meanwhile qantas unions me to a standstill today and kidneys of sharon's tenth. he was
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named by him as in any media media chief and six again stamp and sentiment dried bananas they want for states wish i was due to the scene of the talk show the screen with and who killed our people and how we live in a historical moment the iranian people to recruit to denounce the only general as a criminal. but it wasn't very happy isn't a tt so closely to a snow day the port's oh eight she is off three straight hits to the intake under sharon's idea to shed the medical tent and integrity. the u s president barack obama's thirty to forty calls her on some light onto the kitchen to the state of israel. but obama will not however tends her aunt's funeral for the vice president joe biden will lead to the us delegation that will force like that's the problem has more now on reaction to the news from washington a very difficult diplomatic exercise this one for the obama administration how to pay tribute to her ariel sharon from here from
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the white sox a very sober statements indeed from the present broken michelle obama send the deepest condolences and that is pretty much sits otherwise they go for two. i continued work with the israeli government on what towards a peace process the suspect it is they don't carry a is working on intensely right now he will keep on traveling to the region in the next few months and he is michael said at the abbey a military funeral of ariel sharon baptist still to be confirmed we know that vice president joe biden will be leaving the us delegation to the funeral. a statement from him as well but that statement from second to stage on kerry. the most interesting one coming from the obama administration very possible want. indeed he recalls a real strong or weak as using his nickname and also describing his name as a big bear of a man a very very possible that statement about the relationship between the two of them even before that koreas. in politics even began it was a very difficult a diplomatic tightrope for the a bomb and demonstration
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with all the statements coming from all parts of the administration paying tribute that being very very careful indeed about that. a constant problem reporting from washington. we just heard in the last few minutes that sour ale sharon's coffin will go on display at tomorrow for members of the you would like to pay their respects his funeral. we understand is kennedy held on monday. the coffin will go on display at the israeli parliament building that's according to report just coming to us now when all you're only state to be a full israeli ambassador to washington is on the show well here's what he told us about sharon's legacy. read it pretty daunting but it doesn't appear in the book has been the target opened the can. two very large extent on youtube i can do on the american attention to this threat to this but to no good feeling. the white river
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corporation pay he was foreign ministry working partners. the ad. he prayed i think a very constructive role. although the main the main players at the conference of course we're on the americans that president clinton on the internet site promised to use it for the island to the upstart up on the other side but castro part was mostly interested in making progress. they too long. when sharon became prime minister he had been very close relationship with president bush george w bush that tourists can take note of that. but late on day two we reached a very close. i would say i don't live very close relationship and that person bush quickly that would be when you state that sharon is a man of peace. he was a man of peace but like many military people including children who grew up in this country and to experiencing all these wars and fights and
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attacks and so on so forth he underscored that in the middle east. you cannot reach peace and that he'll add the meat. of course the pills drink. qantas said it sure is going partner otherwise they would never make peace with you. noble's the former israeli ambassador washington. speaking to us that live in a row. the nano will music he gets on the chief of general absence of ten cc hinted today that he may be interested in running for president while cc who was instrumental in the ouster of egypt's first democratically elected leader muhammad most adults july says it will air on toward the songs dedicated to him his face appears everywhere in egypt from street prices two boxes of chocolates and expose the same is little doubt that he would win a presidential election catherine safety tests there has been speculation about whether he's going to run on for many months now
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and at least today though i think that made the clearest indication yet that he is actually considering running and he said that with the people behind it and that he has the money from the ali that he welcomes the coast was very very popular here he seemed like not having egyptians is a national hero not to say the country from the clutches of the muslim brotherhood by the state meet in this present time no see back in july last year since then the number of campaigns encouraging him to run for the presidency of me two days ago there was a leading political parties have also put that weight behind a number of people to walk right into a cold case is if he refuses to stand some of the society that they should just forget the presidential elections i'll get back into the referendum. cc and becoming the president but i think one thing is waiting for me and he has a very popular that they can eat you watch the right keywords and
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he likes the way and think this is very significant timing of next week on tuesday and wednesday egyptians will come to the polls to vote yes or no in a referendum on that the new deacon and egyptian constitution. now add a lot of fat stack on piano on these but not that they put in place after having what she was asking him is that eventually lead to presidential and parliamentary elections anyway today as well as indicating that said he may run for president he also called the egyptians that natural ut and come out in massive numbers but in that referendum selecting what we say here is if you come out and buy that. then i may consider running for president. statistically speaking to supply their own the government of south saddam's cousin is taking control of one of two key towns that were held by rebels still move on to the country rages on all the results all the documents there is that tens of thousands of people being displaced many of them have ended up in uganda accounts george body. i rounds of
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refugees and in command in central south stood on the united nations says that for a pulitzer for me and people have been forced to leave bad times. escaping a wave of ethnic violence that threatens to tip the boat in this country into civil war this sets up call. but where do we want peace but now we have and we're so gonna be an englishman. in recent days fine tuned between government troops and rebels is centered on two key towns beyond sixtieth and three and joined the state's capital poll. but in cities have seen applications and tl to speak to escape the bonds. aid agencies the refugee camps down the country have been scrambling to do with the influx of their greater than iran or to reside. but honestly they're there what those notes. unthinkable. so the main sun is it that italy is what the two boys what to do. this has on people that's the main one. this cyclone brolin is sewed it is an awesome it is so impressed
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with this they are so dennis goalscorer. this is a quite early months. for the maintenance of refugees hasn't been contained within south sudan. while the un needs to bring peacekeepers into the country. tens of thousands of people have gone outside crossing the border to the south into uganda they don't do the violence erupts in the capital of the central african republic today in the fullest the resignation of the country's ex rebel president michel told to post already gone if i was tired and i didn't go in the local red cross says that number people are killed. it also reports of releasing throughout the city of austin county on the ground and sent us this report. silica checkpoints to mom's abridged form baggies main supply route. there's cricket like to hear these men are on the left. they're forcing him to the key christian militia on the other side. this election. emilee holding his
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position. and we take notice of boulders. the peak when he was an awesome sale. we've been serving for three days and if they don't fire at us we don't react. yesterday they had to pee so we have to fight back the new fees to noon monday to post it. we decide to cross the bridge and get the inside story this onto the keys unit uses this house is a makeshift base. most of them and our x factor pick soldiers that the descent african armed forces. when this elected to power then on to have training. i did that by captain adorable. he also claims that the mental protect his position normally are what we didn't attack the open fire masses the mercenaries ms co monday it will take emma to nine and walk with the french army the french army rifle sights
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the end of this fruit is a crucial supply lines above and want to calm things down they also go here to make it now the government has resigned and they've made a big step toward peace but to be. i needed to open the barrier. i'm going to cross the goal with two vehicles to be going to tell them i'll be here tonight and that if they shoot i will fire back to sixty of the week with the french have already spoken to this command. if they do that with the same stitch it to captain a simple and peaceful cities these are the messy she is very clear. i must tell them to a menace and attack us. ot so let me know everyone will be treated the same. those who attack will be wiped out is that clear. people keep going. what's going on around this bridge behind me is an exact copy of what's happening in the whole of the central african republic one side we have the empty bed aka christian militias on the other. the seneca and in the middle. the international peacekeeping force trying to
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avoid the dog off. baltimore gets the nod to the old foe with our pool fence and gets the james craig was in bondi james is that we'll report back. it looks like the situation still pretty tense. it is as he pretends to be that as being the new king in time you saying that the llama named eve. there is a lot of pressure on the peacekeeping force his hand all out war over the city making sure the minimum violence that has still to have been scenes of ponds in the city. we know for example that as the french forces of some getting to know that the spike people. for the night and during this morning. we also know that that some of the misc a contingent of had to open fire against people. a cooler making a tube causing violence inside the c t snow indeed it is still very tense but the question mark is walk up the seneca minute repairs smell caught in garrison inside to pay fees to take a
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lot of baking to do in the days to come. james a politically speaking out. we expected as a pow during the course of the next few days and weeks. i miss the indian dude who is the current transitional she is the president over the terms are still common to hear. he has just come back from aunt amanda and indeed he is in charge of creating the cover of his hectic week ahead of its stake at the moment and she has an incredibly difficult time on his hands because we can find he's going to have to find a team that will please all the parties the christians and muslims. i guess jeans on korean lady thank you very much indeed for updates the priestess of today will be a size fourteen to eighteen to twenty. the owner
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i did. you lead you the on call eat meat eating. to date it's all about music. indian under the right time in the arab world that singer songwriter yes the wind and ocean in the sand on her latest album as well as tell us about her movie debut with award winning anti connected to the max. that means for me and say hacking cough that's new album is still the number one but her use of this and welcome torom both the victimsd police units. the boss is back in the springsteen roles that he's eighteen studio album on the irony and pantry to me. i can. kicking up a
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new tradition today on encore from here on out every monday will dedicate the whole show to music news from all over the world into phyllis and on the very latest this week and ten on the seven thousand pennies together the minds of the things he needed to have you back to the yucatan and remedy the sale started today set with a lebanese born singer songwriter named gas means that if you need to pass about twelve years ago she's teamed up with several top artists like madonna summer produce from your way her first solo album cannot be released across the states this year passed. she's also just had her big screen debut against england and spent the last time great idea to start the beginning back in the river you were born. you broke it and the nineteen nineties with the group's kelley which was the first indian extra band in the middle east the group was formed at the end of the civil war that started the year after you were born that ended when you're in your mid teens. the impact
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that have on your knees. well i think that the fact that i was on and this kind of environment was very inspiring the goals of anything and he meets reflects on him. you might see that its lawyers and angst and dreams so i think it's going to influence and guidance. he also because i was that was it was and of the nineties those that teach a teenager and on. i kind of found and ennis keep our head of the snow is predicted in a music was for me. this piece where can you know protect myself and read more. that's eight yes eight is an egotistical fall that the great and eve is like the roos and intend to leah thompson friends that we are best friends. in fact adam selwood. you can see here that is very close to hide and i was asked and you know
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speaking he admitted the task at hand. coming through. yes that beautiful voice that sometimes when you listen to that i know it's a means to much tv soap in particular how does that make you feel i can say that this man was it a fenced in and staying in penang. i think i could still win the second inning. and a half and stuck it to wants to discover more about organic music because i was always in and outs and the music. this somehow. because of you know this is the torrent of dreams i was ahead of pace to chat at the music and she can actually sing in acting. not something the face ecp to protect didn't find his mind my mom realizes the actually seen a number of different dialects nine million palestinian lebanese kuwait's he had serious national
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audience is growing in you become more intentional labels advocacy wouldn't it be because everything he's got something you will find two very strong the winds that last sunday singing in english the day and i are. i find it more interesting to you. because since this is what my heart was the type of thing in an answer to that city. i laughed. where is my word gets around you the sting of course after years of all this collaboration to come out with her first solo album again assets now have this need to take a look check the rates. i i nanny. i am
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as. they are. greek cheese cheese yes dumb lyrics and that the ease with oman and is an esb he also had the big news of this year that you hate your big screen debut as an accounting change our midst. experience how you got on board with it and what it was like being in it. i was in the coincidence and that women in film festival and i was performing there and down p after that. after that performance he came and the koreans said they couldn't. if the shoe. as i type this. i wonder if the sentence with. the i think it's too cold. when he and so it's a whole is safety
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in the sand on this song. for the more he attended that this an ideal sand and perform it live with them read and write to you and in the potty so in ways it was an eighty member of an experience i had to leave them with jam sandwich cheese and actually the key to permit the mind to. some events and anime these events because he was a bit parts in his band and that and be part of the be all of the movie and the pencil and a baby eagle on the bandstand or the artists that participated to the two then music of the movie are performing and some events to promote the release of bad none of the theory and chrissy next april. yes yes people what's it like just a pretty direct honest and pushing the bike we all know that sexy music go hand in hand what's it like for you as not only an arab woman but what ensued to integrate that into your music teacher. this incident is connected to the fact that here and taking it in your car your sexuality side and honey for now. i don't know
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at and countries and that consciences they connected to and to everything that you notice any tnt. it's a medical around so it's of course we do have conservatism that it will still have a lot of you know people in the shi ting and ten at two lo's i mean really you know it's a very good and i dance and culture itself as an seo was always raised on an unabated that are needed and this editor. and of a second environment and dance for me it's normal and to question the mighty nation should sue what's happening today at twelve an awesome addition to the life of me constituent it's a test to my door. thank you for daddy as we do stay with us in and got some amazing news that's going on around the web site with the pups to be on state exams. the woman herself is getting a bit on nasa's that scientists yesterday i was actually number one for the third week in a row. she is she selling like crazy
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she's the highest selling female saints. tennis with that last album that at that but that doesn't mean much to mass and i and the reason for his confidence the sizzix second audience at the beginning of next saturday's attack. if a single off of her most recently been released self titled album. a little insane at the country to the continental cafe. i would i really do grow up. but the team. ha so well we just can't listen and believes the team and the hadley center from the town and just a shot too and that was the media transmission pan months before it exploded and found to be a lot after takeoff killing all seven astronauts on board in nineteen eight he seeks sees as the sample what they say was a tight control is he looking very carefully situation on the same age enough on scene. yes this is
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the city. i'm not really hard to believe given that the song is marketed as as a love song and gone wrong and then the invariably upset saying that it's been since the beach the street map the meantime dean and said that the icc treaty allies something eyes touching and sad as that. as a favorite space launch. j d c she's really cute hot on that one minute add on to another trail blazer that you have pressed husband. yes i know tang. she really knows how to command this this this and maybe she commenced. ty cobb keep the coffee yet and on topic. she has the rules even at that time the one i was seventeen pounds on incineration and that's the neat and nice today to see if that wasn't an adventurous the nbc must have sensed an industry as an easy
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direct to the content of the money to spend to act on it seizes the name depicts its conduct. no wait actually one time symphony orchestra i had to be taken on starts yet perhaps in contact. next week since he's definitely one to watch and springsteen has a new album and eighteen cents about that yesterday springsteen is back eighteen seater album high hopes that it was actually expectations kind of partial to this trip because i was on accident leaving the states. a few weeks and the act was a bb will someday a pot and into the damages kind of donkeys that made its way to file sharing websites. the deal interesting scenery so montana hundred and twenty million dollars million records worldwide. and i have become in effect the release of itunes that outfit it is said to be released into a fourteen he is the boss after all yes thank you so much effort coming here. it's coming up in new york at the end of the week if you get there with them whenever you like brussels and paris in may and the steward jim johnson has been great having
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invested in the semis. i think sixteen is made to anyone. one last look at something to do when they say just this last week to show everyone how the iconic and you can think of this postulate age seventy four after battling a npc match and we did when he read it once and lori and saying thank you to an end the greatest had written the series comes to not set the scene. that's the back to nineteen fifty seven classic now the people watching when eating knew we'd be every breath is bought by love by everyone from us to see d and thanks man things get me to see us again. i am. her and her the family. ch. and. it
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is control of his heart should students. restaurant owners all if you're in for more free. they share with us their frustration. here is some hope. the subgroup is that it once was and kept a close but kept on top. the us i should use it for ms red's content from palestinians often the kids in daycare with a full israeli prime minister ariel sharon has died. the postponement of the uk's eight five. all wrong that the people want to see the egyptian army chief of general of the fact that c c gets his strongest team slip off the team a run for president. and in calling for calm as the former president to visit often republicans into a top un official appeals to the population to end the violence will be life in the capital bought
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the institution. hello welcome back to full swing to his room and to lose sleep thank you for joining us first it was announced i don't say that the former israeli prime minister ariel sharon has done in a hostel in time of the few was the five years old. he didn't economists and suffering a stroke while steve is still in office back in january two thousand and six and he never regained consciousness. well reports those who managed his deteriorating condition in the past few days and he died surrounded by his family. my cats as i mentioned t i a gives us the latest on reaction to the news is that meeting the weld in the morning. ariel sharon was france's president. arielle sharon the former prime minister of israel was a major figure in the history of this country. after long military and political career he chose to turn to dialogue with the palestinians. i offer my sincere condolences to his family and the people of israel the us president's message can see fun age
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michelle nice and the deepest condolences to the family of former israeli prime minister ariel sharon and to the people of israel on the loss of a leader who dedicated his life to the state of israel. maybe it's from israeli officials started pouring in with an alice if only his dad the state of israel as its head over the passing of former prime minister ariel sharon. his memory will forever be held in the nation is rainy president shimon peres on a state with entering into the two try hero as it breaks of june the main union me though hopefully we'll take the lead and also hope the sense of loss was echoed on the streets and teresa them. i live husband died greeting cards. meanwhile qantas unions rejoiced on saturday and kidneys of sharon's tenth. he was named by him as in any media navy chief and six again stamp and
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sentiment dried bananas they want for states. wish i was too you consider that it onto the screen with and who killed our people and how we live in a historical moment the iranian people to you with quick to denounce the only general as a criminal. but it was fun to read these at att switkowski going snow that fell for it oh eight she is off three straight hits to the intake under sharon's idea to shed the medical center and integrity. because the u s president barack obama's thirty to forty called sharon's life and dedication to the state of israel. obama will not however tends her aunt's funeral. the vice president joe biden will lead to the us delegation that will fall like that's the problem has more now on reaction to the news from washington a very difficult diplomatic exercise this one for the obama administration how to pay tribute to her ariel sharon from here from the white house the very sight of a statement indeed from the present broken michelle obama send the deepest condolences and
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that is pretty much sits otherwise they'd oh four to a continued work with the israeli government and what towards a peace process the suspect it is they don't carry as working on intensely right now he will keep on traveling to the region in the next few months and he is michael said at the abbey a military funeral of ariel sharon baptist still to be confirmed. we know that vice president joe biden will be leaving the us delegation to that funeral. a statement from him as well but that statement from second to stage on kerry. the most interesting one coming from the obama administration very possible want. indeed he recalls a real strong or weak as using his nickname and also describing his name as a big bear of a man a very very possible that statement about the relationship between the two of them even before that koreas. in politics even began it was a very difficult a diplomatic tightrope for the a bomb and the district will be statements coming from all parts of the administration paying tribute to that being very
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very careful indeed about that. i can slip rather reporting from washington. we just heard in the last few minutes that sal real sharon's coffin it will go on display at tomorrow for members of the. you would like to pay their respects his funeral. we understand is to be held on monday the coffin will go on display at the israeli parliament building that's according to reports just coming to us now when all you're only state to be a full israeli ambassador to washington and so much on file. here's what he told us about sharon's legacy. read it pretty daunting but it doesn't appear to be the guy that opened the can. and don't feel like it too on the american attention to this trip to the bedroom no good feeling the white river conference day he was foreign ministry was prime minister
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yet. and he prayed i think a very constructive role although the main. the main players at the conference of course we're on the americans that president clinton on the internet site from this trip. they are going to the upstart up on the other side plenty of rope of wood smoke and be interested in making progress. late on when sharon became prime minister he had been very close relationship with president bush george w bush paid for its good to know eachother but late on day two we reached a very close. i would say i don't live very close relationship and that president bush couric me that when you when you state that sharon is a man of peace. he was a man of peace but like many military people including children who grow up in this country and to experiencing all these wars and fights and attacks and so on so forth. he
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underscored that in the middle east. you cannot reach peace and that you'll ever meet. received no stranger to understand that your own partner. otherwise they would never make peace with you. noble's the former israeli ambassador washington speaking to us that live in a row. the nano will music he gets on the chief of general absence of ten cc hinted today that he may be interested in running for president while cc who was instrumental in the ouster of egypt's first democratically elected leader muhammad most adults july. says it will air on toward the songs dedicated to him his face appears everywhere in egypt from street prices. two boxes of chocolates and expenses saying this little doubt that he would win a presidential election. catherine's take the test. there has been speculation about whether he's going to run on for many months now and at least today i think they may actually this indication yet that he's actually considering running
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and that he said that with the people behind him and he has the money from the ami then he welcomes the coast was very very popular here in dc by one of the good intentions is a national hero not to say the country from the clutches of the muslim brotherhood by the state needs at this present time no see. back in july last year since then the number of campaigns encouraging him to run for the presidency of the two days ago that was the leading political parties have also put their weight behind in a number of people to walk right into a cold case is if he refuses to stand. some of the society that they should just forget the presidential elections old to get that and have them wrapped around it. cc and becoming the president but i think one thing is waiting for me at the very popular that they can be watched him run he would very likely when i think this is very significant timing of next week on tuesday and wednesday that it is real damage to
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the polls to vote yes or no in a referendum on that the newly amended its constitution. now at the amount of fat stack on piano on these but not that they put in place after the hundred most he was asking him is that eventually lead to presidential and parliamentary elections anyway today as well as indicating that said he may run for president he also called the objections that natural ut and have not been in massive numbers but in that referendum selecting what to say here is if you come out and buy it. then i may consider running for president. statistically speaking to supply their own the government of south saddam says it has taken control of one of two key towns that were held by rebels still move on to the country rages on will the results all the documents there is that tens of thousands of people being displaced many of them have ended up in uganda. i cast off body. i rounds of refugees canning town and in central south stood on the united nations says that
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for a pulitzer for me and people have been close to the bad times. escaping a wave of ethnic violence that threatens to tip the world's youngest country into civil war. this sets up call. but where do we want peace but now we have and we're so gonna be an englishman in recent days fine tuned between government troops and rebels is centered on two key towns beyond sixtieth and three and joined the state's capital poll. but in cities have seen applications and see alex's people escape the bonds. aid agencies the refugee camps down the country have been scrambling to do with the influx of their greater than dire enough to reside but honestly they're there what those notes. unthinkable so the main sun is it that italy is what the two boys what to do. this has on people. that's the main one this second brolin is sewed it is an awesome it is so impressed with this they are so then it's go go now. this is a white girl a month. for
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the maintenance of refugees hasn't been contained within south sudan. while the un needs to bring peacekeepers into the country tens of thousands of people have gone outside crossing the border to the south into uganda they go into the violence erupts in the capital of the central african republic today in the fall is the resignation of the country's ex rebel president michel told to post already gone thought was that of a nineteen goal of the local red cross says that number people are killed. it also reports of releasing throughout the city of austin county on the ground and sent us this report. silica checkpoints to mom's abridged form baggies main supply route. there's ricketts like to hear these men are on the left. they're forcing him to bed like a christian militia on the other side this election into them in the holding this position and waiting for all of this blog. the key point was an
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awesome sale. we've been serving a three day if they don't fire at us we don't react. yesterday they had to pee so we have to fight back the new fees to noon monday to post. the we decide to cross the bridge and get the inside story. this onto the keys unit uses this house is a makeshift base. most of them and our x factor pick soldiers that at the center african armed forces. when this elected to power. their arms and training. i did that by captain adorable. he also claims. this position. no but we didn't attack the open fire masses. the mercenaries ms co monday it will take emma to nine am woke with the french army. the french army rifle sights the end of this fruit is a crucial supply lines above and want to calm things down. they also were here he'd make it
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now the government has resigned and they've made a big step toward peace but to be. i needed to open the barrier. i'm going to cross the goal with two vehicles to the board to tell them i'll be here tonight and that if they shoot i will fire back in sixty of the week with the french have already spoken to this command. if they do that with the same message to captain a simple and peaceful cities these are the messy she is very clear. i must tell them to prednisone to attack us aunties so let me know everyone will be treated the same. those who attack will be wiped out is the clear. people keep going what's going on around this bridge behind me is an exact copy of what's happening in the whole of the central african republic one side we have the anti bailout to christian militias on the other. the seneca and in the middle. the international peacekeeping force trying to avoid the blood off baltimore gets the nod to
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the old foe with our cool cause i got said james oakland raiders in bondi the jesus video report that it looks like the situation still pretty tense. it is as he pretends to be that as being the new king in time you saying that they are all named eve. there is a lot of pressure on the peacekeeping force his hand will out live with the cp making sure the minimum requirements it has still to have been scenes of ponds in the city. we know for example that as the french forces of some getting to kill the peace pipe people. over the night and during this morning. we also know that that some of the miss k contingents have had to open fire against people who were making in europe causing violence inside the c t so indeed it is still very tense but the question mark is walk up the seneca minute repairs milk while in garrison inside to pay fees to take a lot of baking to do in the days to come. james a politically speaking out. we expected as
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a pow during the course of the next few days and weeks i miss the indian dude who is the current transitional she is the president over the terms are still common to hear. he has just come back from aunt amanda and indeed he is in charge of creating coverage is technically the head of its stake at the moment and he has an incredibly difficult time on his hands because we can find he's going to have to find a team that will please all the parties the christians and muslims. i get stains on korean lady thank you very much indeed for updates the priestess of today will be used by switching to the teams went to. it was
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the young are looking to the fifty one center said that the women who are re shaping up well coming up we head to afghanistan with them that is experiencing a comeback when some politicians want to read j signing in to the panel. also the international war against trafficking and prostitution what happens when the customer is the one the kids. in my mouth moves will tell us how one that young woman and a good job is reading for women's rights in ft. this took during the taliban regime and women were deprived of all that their products but these days is neither troops leave afghanistan the signs of progress being made during the moscow kids seemed to be disappearing. even in areas controlled by comic con science cover their own night of setbacks. some politicians are now wanting to patrol
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the only one against domestic violence and reintroduced running into people. this report from the new pete rose and i keep thinking please it is only twelve days of constant presence in afghanistan. many women and couples make this i'll have three adopted the burka the country may be in the midst of an economic crisis. but here shops that sell the phone dial up throwing things. to those who do the connections to lie what's more we kept in a makeshift changing room the woman is replacing old for a couple just wanted to you. i met my wife choose which one she wants is for me to read the sign. the gama cost between five and fifty years. thus to the shop sold thirty five thousand. it is not mockery of the fall. and
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yes fifty percent more of the people from all over the country by piece. all afghans know them intimately that was there with me. for centuries women in the afghan provinces don't work on that note in the capital kabul yet the full veil is making a comeback. simple link to some of the country's worsening civil rights situation. within the temple and its classical islam is to once again imposing their own sets of rules. a few weeks ago. some members of parliament like green tea standing as a punishment for adultery. the idea coals than a minute national community was eventually dropped. but money like this in mom would like to tell such goals. we do not consider spending is mine and two games winning the wind for married women has been a reason to commit adultery. so the demand to the hole all the prizes is tempting. it must be implemented. that was
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the focal issue yet but it is sure i know so little that was all about it though the west is called radiance of dollars into afghanistan to promote human rights. and then spending cuts and jeopardizing many projects among them to shelters for women refugees to set the footy financed by foreign agencies. the director has given us an unprecedented access to this a test which can accommodate twenty women and children. many of the residents of trying to finalize the divorce and received death threats from the husband's families the rain that has been hectic to use. my husband is addicted to . he didn't care about me or children. his mother use to beat me. one day he takes me away. he told me. i have the money he takes a couple of weeks he'll care if the cpu st city others have similar stories so was the youngest resident is thursday. she was gang raped
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the direct debit card to identify any situation afghan women can only get worse. on an activist and still protests. after the departure of foreigners to be over. men will be three tests last year their wives delta has already seen its budget cut by twenty two cents. all in funding continues the sensual mouth to shut down altogether meeting its residents defend themselves in the country where women as second class citizens. in france in the coming weeks the students going to be pushing to back how to build up in prices of fifteen hundred euro fine on a daunting ninety six. she has. in the country's most expensive. to say now we've seen academics into lakes isn't even celebrities like the leftists who happened to him as flying in on that day
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and the san francisco other than ruled that international trade and the countries such as islands and field and also at the ceiling seen a succession of samoan the story let's not speak to and in the county the specialist on trafficking in the london based equality now open as a nation. and if things are adjoining like to sit here in front suspension section has been causing an opera wars mania climbing the metal clients will be unfairly singled out campaign let's put aside events. our what we see is that this is the most effective way to basically tackles tax cuts put a sentiment that stephen king can sometimes put a cent on and as the best way to start it even to get closer to it and equality. so antsy to pass this law nineteen eighty nine as the first country to do so in a very clear that this is part of a broader effort to get to its inequality within sweden because in their view. this approach. it's very difficult as gender equality when it's considered completely normal and okay to protest and some ix and sexual favors let's say from from someone in
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prostitution. on the maturity it can happen to be running girls with the majority of those paying for happens to be men and women and that's why this is news that is fundamental to an equality issue as are the main signs that tended inequality still persists. so why is this type of legislation bans have been saying he had taken on station. so we seen across the world where there has been teacher as a stand and legalization we see this is somewhat of a failed experiment and there's a huge amount of trafficking colors in the next play case and even within the legal sectors of these countries so not to mention the legal sectors on many of the women i've spoken to and the brothels them in the bowling of brothels in amsterdam for example had been trapped it saved us all have hands on it or not keeping their earnings. there were too many mistakes and they thought that they would be the next thing in a wrenching prostitution remember going there and read the saying is that prostitution is lols all of this prof nation. really at
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the schools are not going to change frustration but it's the part of changing them niall months it as much as anything else. most people its aquaculture thanks to the oldest profession but also the idea that this is something that's inevitable be kind ofhing that differs targeted a tackle and attempted to distance the new kits that are not very many times about very many phenomenon we could save child abuse. it will always be there has always been their murder has always been there and will always be there and therefor we shouldn't have to change it like you said that the main own messes that this is sending is that if we want an equal society and that includes equality between men and women but also the team races team passes between ethnicities competent eucalyptus and socioeconomic status. basically i learned that you're going to have to start trying to tackle the demand side of prostitution and that's the most effective way to reduce the whole scam. i mean people who are exploited in this industry and in the county from the london
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bicycles he now denies nation thinking. in other news the us senate has confirmed to the elements that makes hid in the us federal has said he was the last procedural hurdle for the sixty seven year old before taking that back next month she will be the fence woman to believe that banking is one hundred tpa history will sign him from his oscar winning in new zealand director jane campion is going to hit the jury for the sixty seventh conference this fall my. campion one else gets to be a screenplay from a nineteen ninety three film the pmi is also the only woman ever to win the top come prize the palme d'or for the same. and finally we can at least hit tv show i had stopped on to as has the hp the ten year old mei and i'm not going to miss at least on to the audience as she rapped about six to progress men and the treatment of women in egypt. the teen i jumped when the program the team yet succeeded in throwing the spotlight on something
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because that has selflessly brown reports. the audience and judges on our skill talent may be expecting something different. lamb mahmood received a light brown to the rap lyrics these performances focusing on the growing norman and six harassment us the pp. i was with some sort. it's not one it was that the insanity that he gets it. he's my dog politically and socially aware lyrics supporting become my math notes trademark wrapping openly about sexual harassment is
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the way of breaking the two surrounding violence against women in the cold from the team claiming she has to change society. don't they spend on things that another renovation works based mike held in the next evolution of the real ones definition miami given at the same thanks to the wrapping but it's the most in may which way is that squeezing a problem. social networks some excuse to sully is known don't you know i've made tons of people he told me that i should be batting well and he sat on the top of the supply and that the two things i really did. and in effect how windy it shouldn't affect my job why should i doing something i love the way i know because my religion. a walk until the second. miami does have the support of the family the mother encouraging to write poetry age twelve. she challenges egyptian and two miami's giving a voice to the country's winning the six its demonstration that that message has struck a quarter so i was recently having since i am mahmood needed to send going to cry. helen said
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two minutes. and that's it for this edition if you'd like to comment on what is the same chick out the facebook page from three four full with slash the fifteen months and when they send us a treat at our school fifty bumps in the vb love to hear from you. and tonics for granted but for now. i know. it is. is this
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he died on the air. in the row. the dynamo bay detention camp marks its twelfth anniversary with more than a hundred fifty inmates still behind bars despite never being choked. they won the display place that we can treat people. however we want to whenever we want to. rt takes a look of a history of the facilities people across the us and other parts of the world joined protests demanding the closure of the infamous can. despite recent diplomatic success in nuclear talks with iran and remembered us senators pushing for more
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