tv RT News PBS January 14, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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small and she would be ambitions in beyond business feel that the economic rights of the house. the southeast asian countries hoping to catch in the manufacturers' he'll be on time for new markets. beyond business. my heart. i can go home. and rt a white house appointed review board made its way to capitol hill to me that if the nsa surveillance changes will lawmakers and the white house and three on any meaningful reforms. a report from capitol hill just that and in some parts of west virginia. it's now safe to drink the tap water. not everyone can drink from the fountain after last week's chemical spell of sustained judge has a warning for the company details
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coming out. and in undercover and twenty lakhs bought was the dj and justice department secretly met with members of a mexican drug cartel mexican authorities were left in the dark find out how the us was doing the cartels dirty work later and shout ay. it's easy january fourteen ninety am in washington dc one year and a bit and you want in our tea we are now just three days away from a speech president obama is expected to give regarding the changes he's willing to make to satisfy concerns over the nsa surveillance program. it's one of the most important questions to be addressed is whether the government will continue to collect millions of americans' phone records in order to identify anyone in the leaves might be connected to terrorism. i'm not a question of whether the program can continue is truly be responsible for storing the data. one
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suggestion that's been proposed to the president a shifting the storage of the phone records from the nsa to the phone companies and sounds. that's exactly what was explored today by obama is reviewed on intelligence and communications technologies and a special senate judiciary hearing former obama administration officials met to talk about this. another possible and as they were for party political commentator its anzac the downhill entrances more the senate judiciary committee took on the nsa reforms to the editor from pres obama so independent and it's a review panel which are sleeping over forty six recommendations to reform the spy agency. some ideas include adding more transparency to the innocent request for data from private companies changing. this is leadership structure in making changes to the top secret fi support. a lot of these reforms will require congressional action. hence today's hearing. then on friday the president will lay out which performs he supports. but the most significant question today
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then the rest of the week is what happens the nsa is full grown men to data collection program which has been rolled likely unconstitutional by one federal court. what up held by another federal court to review panel discussed the privacy concerns associated with old madonna collection. there's quite a bit of content. in a day. you mean you have the records of phone calls that particular individual made on you can learn an awful lot about that person. the unit under review panel also found no evidence that such poll question prevented any attacks. but they don't suggest completely scrapped. instead they suggest ripping into cent of its power collector stuart americans madonna. instead leading up to telecom companies to administer these massive databases. that's an idea the white house reportedly may get the house when the telecom companies are hesitant to endorse. as is written member of the senate judiciary committee senator chuck
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grassley. this is an interesting idea perhaps worth investigate. but i think it's legitimate to have concern that it may create so many as many privacy problems as is so windy. private companies seem to be allowing their customers information in the head. what seems to be a daily basis. now the chairman of the senate judiciary committees and or paprika way he has is own ideas about this is all quite sian of americans' phone mad about that. he thinks the program should be terminated. the sponsoring legislation to do just that he's facing some strong opposition from lawmakers on the hill cozy with the surveillance state looking ahead the president could on his own end of the old phone records collection program. you could do it this week. doesn't the congress's approval is expected to do that. i remember following the edwards snorting revelations the white house moved rather quickly to stop targeted spying a few dozen world leaders. but it has not
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shown the same willingness to stop dragnet spine when tens of millions of ordinary citizens in the usa and in places like germany and brazil to have to hear the white house is reconsidering its position on friday. also don't forget about the courts the courts don't care what the white house or congress is doing and they're going to have their say on the constitutional duty as his poll question spying program too. there will likely be the final set. on capitol hill in washington d c said socks are too. the now learning that the us made efforts to oust afghan president ahmed karzai by attempting to manipulate the country's election in two thousand nine. this is all according to the headline making book by former defense secretary robert gates in a book called do the memoirs of a secretary at war with its chrome is that tend to influence afghan elections oddly he said it was unlikely to our partner and president of the act of afghanistan was heated and our heroes fund charity as
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well our future dealings with karzai always hugely problematic and his criticisms of odds are in this more understandable in the context of our friends the infield coach. karzai has long blamed the us fighting in italy the two thousand nine election to remove him from power. in response to the allegations one karzai's spokesman said that this confirms that your suspicion is pro karzai administration officials have also pointed to this as a reason to hold on signing a bilateral security agreement that would allow for us troops to stay in the country after the twenty fourteen deadline however washington has insisted there was no manipulation involves the book which gives dates have perspective on the us occupation of afghanistan is scheduled to hit bookstores today. and two former california police officers were found guilty late yesterday in the beating death of kelly thomas attorneys trying to make the case to the jury that for over ten officers and well promising j t t now he abused
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their authority when they responded to a common thomas was breaking into cars in two thousand eleven officers and use a stun gun and the time to shoot in the thomas the thirty seven year olds get to find a homeless man. a surveillance video in the area and think it's the altercation on camera by the end of the beating thomas this case was bloodied and fifty fifth finger. he went into coma and died five days later. promise and kitchen allie both these involuntary manslaughter charges in the aftermath. but after bring collaborations for ultimately acquitted. a response to the verdict thomas's father ron thomas had this to say. on one for police officers everywhere nbs pillows whatever they want. it's been proven right here today. don't get away with that. it does so in the face distance doesn't appear taller. that murdered my side. did they get away with that. the sun says a lot
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of the more i was going earlier by our keys were mongol in downtown l a studio lifers asking how the defense managed argue against a coroner's report complained of being for kelly's that the prosecution really the whole case surrounded this videotape in the photographs of killian really the perception was that these police officers were going to get in trouble the rafters after seeing this tape but the defense argued that it wasn't to be in that ultimately kills kelly thomas they brought in their own expert witness saying that he was actually chilly thomas' drug use which weakens his heart and that was the reason for it. his dad. fortunately the defense strategy was to go after the victim himself kelly thomas and made the trek to paint him as the devious character that what a tendency for violence and that the ends of the array with a pattern of doubt into the jury to wear a twenty one to convict the two
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former police officers. i am reminded of why he didn't seem like it was so difficult for prosecutors to convict police officers. yet ms gets very very rare for a piece of stitching even go to trial much less be convicted of a cry and when it involves some sort of excessive force and in this case it was all caught on video but whipped remember that but of police departments and prosecutors work hand in hand on a daily basis so the prosecutors really rely on police testimony to go after other criminals. on a regular basis so what does tie relationship really. that makes for a situation where the a's are usually pretty reluctant to go after police officers because they know that didn't have to rely on them for the cases have an incense all know what to expect here in there a chance for an appeal or perhaps for a separate federal trial. ryu well
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the district attorney in orange county to a caucasus is that he doesn't plan to retire on walls or since an alley. he respects the jury's decision. but this has a big effect on the trial of boxer joe wolf. the da is not to go officer who was also charge on this the fbi is looking into whether any sort of the civil rights violations were committed to trial or at the time of the incident. but so far nothing has been announced. and what their reaction banned from activists who have been following this case i needed it showed me sad to see more people call us around this issue going forward. bush has been a lot of outcry and apply on line we've seen days and days of protests is practiced today in there will be more in the days to come iran on this day since the beating had been back in twenty eleven has joined with
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antifreeze study groups. so it does seem like people are rallying around the cars there will be protests but we'll see how long how long this last week to remember that there was a ton of outcry read after defeating which force. we issue that caused three city council members to resign. analysts believe the police chief to step down at the time so there have been some changes within the city that it will have to wait and see whether this causes more of the movement to a release to go against the sort of things will have to see what the reaction will be from the community going for ns another case aside after that aren't even on the land of the given much. that piano was virginia county judge has now ordered the company at the heart of the chemical spill and contaminated water in several counties to preserve all documents in evidence relating to the spell. this comes at a time when the number of lawsuits against the company are mounting are teasing him
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up as has the story. after nearly a week of no showers no clean dishes no clean clothes and the dry conditions. wiretaps are slowly starting to flow again in charleston west virginia american water company has been notifying customers on a county by county basis that they can safely use tap water once again after of course they flash their system of potentially contaminated water laps in the pipes in the wake of the historic what a pain in the state. this unprecedented band is a chemical spill on record and seventy five hundred gallons of four and the cycle has a net methanol for the c h account by freedom industries yes accountable and using the core manufacturing process. korean industries has not spoken with the media normally stop press statement since the press conference on friday evening. look at this map. tuesday morning. find percent of customers. i wonder working again
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represented by all the areas you see here in ohio and all of the syrian you see hear and read is where the band is still in place so quiet a few people are still dealing with the aftermath of this chemical price it's particularly those people and more world mindset leads me to plants. authorities are now turning their attention to the investigation into how i miss the actually happened in the first place independent federal agency known as the u s chemical safety board. when a team to the area to investigate the spell and less and less clout. our goal is to find out what happened to our week of such a man who took her into ensuring that the proper safeguards are in place to prevent a similar incident from occurring. so now that the situation is starting to finally calm down. look at some of the numbers and the result of this week. to win thirty one people were reported to local hospitals complaining i'm suffering from some of the symptoms associated with ingesting this fall. another fourteen
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people were admitted to the hospital to undergo an evaluation and treatment. no word yet on how many of those people have been leaked sixteen pants were also reported sick. local authorities say they found no fish or wildlife dead the result of this belt and no because they say that this chemical is talk said yes but ultimately non lethal meanwhile at least eighteen months has been filed against korean industries and the west virginia american water company as a result of this bill. none of them have been certified as a guest and more lawsuits are expected to come in the future. now the downtown charleston area and surrounding neighborhoods essentially became ghost towns you'll wake of this chemical spill in nearly every restaurant was forced to close on thursday evening until saturday. costing businesses millions of dollars in lost revenue schooled in nine counties that were affected by this close. they remain close in four counties as they await the system to be flushed before they returned leading
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currency never stay at home or on the brakes wheels and care for minor. local business owners are now in the process of contacting your insurance company is to see if they are part of this type of emergency but i think are in compensation funds are still lays out with the claims process the overall economic and non term health effects of this massive scale are still hazy and asked what bands are trying to get back to normal what if one thing is certain this story is far from over in washington i know all kinds of tea. and we're just learning many agents of the us driving force the administration and justice department officials and his secret with members of mexican drug cartels are all in exchange for information on rival drug organizations. according to a new investigative piece reported by mexico's al whenever some use. according to the report us agents held more than fifty secret meetings with cartel operatives in mexico over over and back gate between two thousand and two thousand
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well i need a cell without informing mexican authorities are false as well with out the presence of mexican authorities as bilateral agreement stipulates without informing the mexican government needed some minty a map with members of the courthouse to obtain information about their rivals and is now placed at the same time a network of informants and narco traffickers who signed cooperation agreements. i will never solve base its reports on extensive interviews as well as official american and mexican court documents. according to those documents the us specifically had an arrangement with mexico's sinaloa drug cartel that allowed the organization to smuggle billions of dollars of drugs. all sinaloa provided information on rival gangs. conservative estimates of the cartels annual revenue is about three billion dollars. and according to the hand of the da's office in chicago quoted before this investigation. the sinaloa drug cartel is responsible for supplying seventy to eighty percent of the drugs
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and train the chicago area and has a presence in cities across the us to discuss is undercover and eli was going to earlier tonight you can as an investigative journalist based in mexico city. at first asking the bounties cooperation agreements and one of these drug lords or prominence in exchange for information about our town rivals will increase the vote their intention in terms of which jugglers and which immunity agreement will we know for sure is that the levy will he or she looked out of work locally as he's been so head on over sixty years worth of agreements with the da the so called confidential source to read it and there's no doubt this is the feature documentary the threat of prosecution. then there's no intention on either side that is going to continue to be the case is that even jack riley to the beach. yea yea i spoke to make this a bit surprised about this and that
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of attention there are no words can change your life is to what extent and eighty green it's like he's applied to other cartel years and this is where the defense and prosecution. director of wood into the usb stick me in it loosely translated as pretty boy contends is that he's a cream is applied to him and other leaders own and that in exchange for intel on other groups such as the state that he had to think that protection that was according to their lawyer of the prosecution tonight. i didn't need to spice up the pieces that were further in and actually also said that she was in town as the exchange but that even there is passing curious weapons as well. i whined and whined and said that before we do go check on him invading ea information on rival gangs while the sinaloa cartel is actually getting the us agency to do its dirty work. well sure any of the cuban officials admit that if desired. literally dirty work that the meals that these were the dishes like either of these dirty work in security experts believe are there and say that the regime feels like he's history and one cartel
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over there so that there's less of that contention in the disputed artisan and therefore less violent. isn't the legitimate security staff in its foreign debt has to be done in a war that's pretty much hard if not impossible to win the midst of this desert their logic of her for doing these things and i that kind of logic behind giddy and so on. part of its bid known to be much more despised by both the mexican u s government says the state of the prank and routinely in our collection is that the eight thirty only part of it doesn't have any agreements with the government's there don't the most heinous of eyelets are an impact. by ten one that driver. a bit about that specifically during the height of this relationship which is between two thousand six in two thousand twelve coincidentally there was a marking surge of violence in mexico not to mention that the sinaloa cartel side steady rise in power during those years. so do we know if this email can be attributed to the sinaloa cartel and
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the sinaloa cartel is that a for tat with the da. i would repeat it again to take a little differently and back home during the height of a toddler. he became the kibaki said that began in the government's rescue in possibly desperate now standard engine previously piece again so is the strength in one part already others and hat. in theory means the violence be reduced so that they were before firm control of replies as the last three or is it your pores and violent stance on so forth. it's out pretty well known that both finicky up on the border that's it for days and also to why there were some pretty precipitous drops in violence after the peaks of witnessing lord patel was pretty much a friendly hand mostly likely agree to attack the ones that are for and so on. this is a strategy that's possibly think of that i would say and one things as i'm not any of glass to allege that this is that the man who is
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on trial in chicago for all of this case and it is on trial separately and child the smack traction. i went back to the highly controversial fast and furious operation was all part of an agreement to finance an arm of the cartel in exchange for information so if that is indeed firm does this on to question why attorney general eric holder knew about these agreements a cozy divided into it because some of you know eric holder's even be in. it has been prosecuted investigated for possible perjury about what would he wish he knew or not and that's that's been covered lightly in a mainstream news media. inside the house so what's been driving industry news is that supposed to get back to paris for work last night ended this was a mistake in it what are we to cover damages the investigative work i don't owe me of another school or congressional testimony on the stump by for instance one atf the cache was based at the city's name is carlos can you describe the fact that at one point at
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the height of six years for him. when you're sober thousand weapons going across the border a hunter percent of those weapons including ones that could be fielded two. harmison all the rebate items he does and we're going to guess what the steelers don't that's literally what the defense. but the defense team for this it is a private defense was that this is part of his agreement and this is additional evidence to show that the impact it had an arrangement with the da end i will have a few seconds last night. now we know that us mexican relations have been strained over the years in the approach i've to the war on drugs was the sense of how mexico might respond to these revelations. well in the light of revelations have been out for for quite a long time and with the mexican government has pretty much played. don't miss it that they effectively been expressed some concern or even someone you know an anger that the work of the put in an up and says that the revelations of an outcome. this is a confidential source agreement for instance which under
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confidential between the regular tissue of fertile and eta has been out there for almost thirty years now home ever since that time it's been a case of the decking got there hasn't been any documents or or proof to show that the next cover it didn't he know so it's it's possible that they were left in a dark michelin own medicine when she got into clear about other aspects of the drug war but when it comes to the effect appears to appreciate especially the arrangement they had possibly been the opposite is about the content of the range that it doesn't look like an impasse and credible story deed will have to follow up with you on this ad in the future. investigative reporter in japan and cto angela is an everyday that one of our t's own experiences in the classroom in his report. that's exactly what happened in the aftermath of the story covers on breaking the senate yesterday at the mine brought attention to the plight of the impending journalists within one from being back nines on the collaborative information website with eps here's a look at part of that report. this issue calls
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into question the way wikipedia defines who and what is notable enough to be worthy of the text on this site. on the leash and ran editors deanna and currency eric explained i was notable not for my own page because of panic and verify any information about me third party sources. i found this interesting considering how there are dozens of third party sites that talk in depth about my work as well as the show. we want to hold whiteout crass der spiegel max kaiser undermine or joe rogan still while the global post and i got awake yet many sites are purely notable enough to allow me a secret beach. i was going to earlier by breaking as an outstanding learn and master how she found out about this issue to begin with. i don't really care for them to do with it yet so it was funny my dad at christmas. answer the call and then i saw that
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the pentagon removed in an entire re submitted by another user and the government again and someone wrote an article about saying hey what's the deal. comments like i just wanna bring attention to the fact that the saddening process is actually really steal the market needs and can anyone just upload the arena as anyone who's a user can set you know create added or vote for the content on this holy and sacred few admin second kind of oversee the whole process and they consider anything that's really not corporate media under fire for third party sources that they can to help validate your page from being hot. it's incredible what happened since you brought up the issue of your work to get paid yesterday. so after we did that after i did that report i saw that someone had given me a revisionist history is on wikipedia conceal hope the red above everyone who's been talking about and why they chose to make these actions if they didn't on the very top that just as user john reid's actually voted to add it to block all non admin users to recreate my page indefinitely
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so this is basically hand side explicitly says that he is blocking all non admin users from her retreating my page so it's kind of i don't know what ideas have no idea what to say. at the fact that even if someone tries to heal kay or friday sources. book now and you know for sure that that wasn't an issue before yesterday's note i don't know and it happened yesterday it seems like a fool of the reasons i think maybe people flooded with katrina saying hey what happened and decide hey screw the asana to walk and calm. i think it's a personal bias decision that's the problem is that with the images online encyclopedia is ultimately up to the subject of personal bias zombies and mince pie on then that's really i think what the editorial decision was and hopefully you know it'll be reinstated actually heard from another wicket. beadman was like i was lobbying for you wanna try to get it back out the preakness and your brain as an audience and band
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involved in the sun online dating been lobbying wicket in there they're kind of just figuring out i just figured out how can she eat this whole process really is as a whole corporation called the qpr that you can essentially thinking they'll pay to make your page verifiable in all the stuffs are really goes back to how it can be bought. designer democracy exactly done more difficult i think of the mirrors are a lot of people i know i knew that personally have to get to that kid has all the sudden were taken down and enthusiasm and ability standard that really applies to whatever the biases that the admin that's unconscionable lastly a na lot of people see it with gpt as an actor it's worse because obviously when goals are a lot of those buy a season you think of it as this or that and you know jane eyre and thirty of jack did a site for information giving kisses and she really change how people perceive the site. i guess like a zoo when i pursue the signing of course teachers will say don't wait to get your sources but you know you do is you can link back to that down. the citations in you can see what everything was going back to but the thing
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is when you're reading the first paragraph you are influenced by the bias that's that's put out there on by the badminton so really i think it'll just take a second look and i know what's deep inside so the idea really well. making this any mind to mind. the name remembered this viral video from two thousand seven went into my ear trying to ask senator john kerry up by stan turn a visit to the university of florida and the euro the phrase don't tease me bro was boring and silly season journalistic career was born is now now my ear is joining first and then they watched on the block photography is not a crime as a staff writer where he will get his particular perspective on police and youths. so don't tease me bro has now become don't buy any brown. can that doesn't pronounce the morning the stories we covered the youtube dot com site
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start him at the check out our website our t dot com site usa. not to follow me on twitter and your indeed. i hear yours and see you in this ongoing series on the seventeen ninety two election and. i knew the today from france twenty four. allied to the top of the day. one day concert at seven pm optional. chelsea boss. and come on don't. to find a way to stop and a squeeze play. the process
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are you. and one. we would have. i don't. daddy with us on this edition of new sign it's wednesday january thirteen and catherine comanche and tent camps executive said the leak may have got their troubles with the dreamliner would be kind than that now they're dealing with another headache. japan airlines a temper really grounded one seventy seven after someone spotted smoke coming from the plane airline officials say the crew was conducting a pre departure can get mad
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