tv Newsline PBS January 14, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PST
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are you. and one. we would have. i don't. daddy with us on this edition of new sign it's wednesday january thirteen and catherine comanche and tent camps executive said the leak may have got their troubles with the dreamliner would be kind than that now they're dealing with another headache. japan airlines a temper really grounded one seventy seven after someone spotted smoke coming from the plane airline officials say the crew was conducting a pre departure can get maddie to airport
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near tokyo. no passengers were ongoing and expanding spotted white smoke coming from the lower section of the plane. the crew went to check on the problem. i didn't see anyone smoke investigated and found a liquid leaking from un battery b c the battery may have overheated that they don't know mine. airline officials say the batteries in their seventy sevens have no problems. they plan to keep flying the planes did not apply and sad all needful in airways see all of their seventy sevens are operating normally. airlines around the world grounded in the minors a year ago after a series of battery problems and he has been billing could not determine what caused the trouble. monthly meetings and the battery system to prevent overheating and regular flights of the g minor. resumed in jail. as i'm now feeling is that this is news every year around this time i make this night adding up the number of times they sold the year before over the past few years the number one spot has gone
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back and forth between an american major and a japanese one g and an entire nap time she had joined us now from the disease as those more on that so i could as the top spot this year having us there always neck to neck on the twenty eleven he was gm twenty twelve it was te ata house for munster captain it looks like japan's toyota motor is the world's number one carmaker. as for the second straight year the executive's estimate that the group last year sold nine point nine six million vehicles worldwide. that was the world's biggest selling on an acre for three straight years from two thousand and eight the company slipped to third place in two thousand eleven when japan's earthquake and tsunami forced it to reduce production. but today i was back in the top spot in two thousand twelve general motors says that it sold more than nine point seven million vehicles in two thousand thirteen. and that's up four percent from two thousand twelve and julie spoke swag and says it sold about nine point five million units in twenty thirteen up
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almost five percent. u s stock prices climbed on tuesday and erased much of the big drop shown in the previous session of the retail sales data for december helped ease market concerns about the health of the us economy and the dow jones gained seven tenths of a percent to end the day at sixteen thousand three hundred and seventy three was the japanese markets are faring this morning and for that in the movie is at the tokyo stock exchange the lien on good morning how shares in japan starting the training session. when i was a positive start this morning here at the opening lap was a wednesday january fifteen. and those numbers the nikkei was up one point five six percent at fifteen thousand six hundred and sixty two is rebounding from its lowest level in one month passed on tuesday. investors are buying back shares in
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the broughton i get to smell after yesterday's sell off and a broader topics is high here by one point four five percent. so sentiment seems unique positive after strong performance on wall street. i knew mission and that toyota is likely to be the world's top seller of autos for two thousand sixteen so see how this may affect to your shares especially after they have fallen by more again five percent so far this year and a penny counts is always on full custody as a down to one of the tree line this fall while admittedly the airport as kathleen mention of the year and all the nights she has a bowling went down by about zero point five percent on wall street and the meal also one of our social gaming company me the company he set to the east is this results in february that media reports are expecting a substation drop in operating profit and now let's move on to the parents you might get the light and is now at one
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hundred and four point one eight two two two that the dollar recovering from snow was travel in full weeks of dean street and investors are buying and all i have to do the test us and he feels sales showed a zero point two percent of adults in the senate where the market estimates has boosted expectations that the us economy is recovering and that the fat will go ahead with catering is a monetary stimulus program and that my siblings are now looking to defense and dutch book deal leading to a form or treating with you. the euro is also high in state after the european central bank officials said. he does not expect prices in the eurozone to continue falling into a long and enduring is now at one hundred and forty two point two nine two four five compared to below one hundred and forty one and around the sink and on tuesday sunday ten a week giving me see some support for japanese exports to the meal also keep
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cycle. i'm guessing the eu pacific region next year right feeling that sounds good i was feeling weak from the tokyo stock exchange the largest business organization is getting a new chairman in june. currently the chairman of chemical fiber maker or a psalm ninety seventeen not out has been named the next head of the japan business federation board he founded. he's hoping that the business community will drive that japan's economic growth together with the government. leishman leon and his eyes peeled for old to take on this important job it leaks there is a good mode in this country today because of an homage. so i'd like to help make sure that the economy will continue to improve and all do all i can towards that. the seventy year old son talked about ad became tories chairman in two thousand and ten. after serving as its president for eight years he led the firm
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to become the world's top producer of carbon fibers for aircraft and other high tech contacts. he also represents the private sector on a government panel on growth strategy is second to but i was kid and then vice chairman for four years through two thousand to eleven. well renewable energy in germany last year accounted for a record twenty three percent of total electric power generation germany has been moving away from nuclear power since the physician then tonight she played disaster in march two thousand and eleven the country's association of energy and water industries on tuesday published preliminary figures for domestic power generation for two thousand team. the report says the use of renewable energy sources increased by zero point six percentage points to twenty three point four percent of non renewable energy sources wind power accounted for seven point nine percent bio mass contributed six point eight
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percent and solar four point five percent. germany aims to put an end to nuclear power by two thousand twenty two the ratio of nuclear power was fifteen point four percent last year down by zero point four percentage points from two thousand twelve. but what she plans to increase the use of renewable energy sources to eighty percent by the year twenty fifty. it introduced a system in which power utilities purchase electricity from renewable energy sources. at higher prices increasing costs are added onto household electricity charges and that's the latest in business. i'll leave you with that at the markets. the many
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seem to want is considering postponing an election to settle a standoff with the antique am in the test is eighteen occupying intersections in central bangkok and holding rallies and government offices demanding that she stepped down. the nikkei is scheduled to me during the day with members of the election commission and lawmakers from the ruling and opposition parties last month she dissolved the lower house of parliament and called an election set for the race at cannes. not a tendency to say the government needs to carry out a fall and before folding and other such has a nice man that has too much influence since no one knows this is as prime minister until he was ousted in two thousand no sense to say they'll stay on the street until he steps down. addictions are voting in a referendum on the new constitution in a climate of violence. supporters of
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ousted president obama morrissey ran into security forces. at least five people were killed in the sky casting their ballots on tuesday they still have a chance to both of our lands military leaders over to my seat last july and put in an interim government of their own. they suspended the constitution and they drafted a new one that would give it greater political will to the military. now i've voted in favor of the new constitution is the way because i want stability in our country. my season one is a calling on egyptians to boycott the referendum and medicine the muslim brotherhood people were joined on the nationwide protests. more than two hundred thousand security personnel have fanned out across the country to try to prevent attacks but officials with the health ministry's seattle's to five battalions fighting in the southern city of surprise and other places most egyptians expand
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the competition will be approved because of the composition boycotts in the eye. japanese prime minister seems a law that has wrapped up his tour of the middle east and africa even single minded court to block mozambique and ethiopia during a weeklong trip. they can count this means that by speaking with representatives of the african union in the ethiopian capital. add the sound of a. canada's plan to double down the middle and say that i then sent it to two million dollars he said japanese companies doing business in africa will help with job training and provide technology. he said he had sailed contribute to sustainable economic rents abizaid he gained support during his two airplanes policy of pro active and passive visit the sites in japan a more active leader in ensuring peace around the world. bushnell will try the new week to set up a nibble the perfect diet old collegians that japan will contribute more effectively
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due to global peace and stability. would it. and to express support. and welcome this initiative it'll be gone it was awesome. i was disgusted and spurs and their national security strategy his cabinet approved it last month. he said to use the strategy this needed to develop its foreign policy abby has done nothing new year and a second year of his term with the sounds and the nhk poll suggests the majority of voters dissatisfied with what he accomplished in the last twelve months either divided over and that he made that spidey an international backlash. nhk conducted its own interview last week and more than one thousand people and say fifty four percent said they support august and that's that's an increase of four percentage points for my december poll thirty one percent said they don't back the cabinets. pollsters as despondency evaluate the way the prime minister has gotten
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since taking office. sixty five percent said they approve thirty two percent said they don't. i sent a text that is economic policies sixty three percent of respondents said they support them up four percentage points from the december poll thirty three percent said they are against them. we are so asinine of his visit last monday asking the shrine he was the first sitting prime minister to go there since two thousand sakes the shrine honors japan's war dead including leaders convicted of war crimes after world war two. more than half of respondents disapproved of the gazette forty four percent approve. thirty eight percent said they should not return to the shrine the prime minister enjoyed strong support throughout his first year in office but things may not going smoothly this year and humorous my eye on that point. prime minister they started off the ear talking about something he mentioned again and again last year. he used its new
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year media conference to emphasize his determination to be violence accounts economy. they've been up to three years it's time to take offensive action to end deflation. i help improve their earnings at companies will lead to higher wages and more personal spending money but this type. on this next one comes in april when the five percent consumption tax rises to eight percent he's trying to minimize the economic impact with a fifty billion dollars stimulus package minister of the two coffees and fifty thousand pounds from his liberal democratic party monster lower house election the ldp and its coalition partner new call me know consolidated their hold on power in july. by winning control of the apprentice
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i'm a simple reading hovered around sixty percent for most of the past year. i hear daniel was for many of his predecessors during the past but in each he said can you call in december suggested up to support and crop by ten percentage points. and the latest poll indicates it hasn't quite recovered. in some ways the survey reflected how the felt about his policy shift. after a year in power. he seems to be focusing on implementing some of his long held goals the last time the ruling coalition passed a controversial secrecy the longest commute home authority to designate official information has been so stupid. he was convinced would assume it will soon be broken soon the mean things on the street before the end
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of two thousand the team prime minister that they went against the shrine. it is it a great leaders in south korea and china. the us government expressed disappointment as did many japanese cities. it's an ambition for japan to be allowed to exercise the right of collective self defense or the right to defend allies that come under attack. but to do that he needs to change the long standing interpretation of the constitution that self defense force is only protected. members of clp peace coalition partner elbaradei bracelets prime minister of the screen trying to leave behind a legacy something he the first time he was in power. while few firsts are opposed to the ideal fix the economy. they're divided over his face and after hearing us. i don't know says economic policies have kept to support high. but still it seems he wants to find time
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to focus on his other priorities. my mind in any ski world. don't you know i knew. i am. the designer who created the world's most widely used gun is said to have wrestled with the moist before he died. the guy litre last week also invented in eighteen forty seven assault rifle. the sitcom nine last month he was ninety four years old. gretchen use the pay is messianic with ecumenical added to the leader of the russian orthodox church. psp check email. whether she was to blame for the deaths caused by the eighteen forty seven to build told in the church supported him and the russian cylinders to use the gun because they were protecting the fatherland. my sister
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ability ease of handling an aerial manufacturing cars may be putting them around the world. activists with anise tea international described the gun as the world's favourite killing machine. this visiting parents up and head to the sec's the mckay's at paintings and sculptures but more and more i look at art on the streets menacing impressive works that are helping to revitalize neighborhoods. any scheme was john t t i chose us the crucial period of friday's three aunties covered in bees. leaves you with the impression of a boy to the city in the basement she heard a man's face emerges from the wall the offering tours of every three dollars and catching on well it seems this is amazing and in this unique and dad got to sit in. basic typing the most is known to
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take a minute to different things. it's time it's been incredible. street artist chris jordan is based in the race area. she has created about three towels and walks more than twenty countries on these they can use these the bulk form a sweet old books. the rule of three coffees teas a permit from the local government for the older of the three. we get some unexpected help about twenty minutes the main switchboard has been transformed into what was on will upload it and i wanted to make use of the dirty streets beautiful. a drawing euro sign. then you could read. i know. go more than
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the look in the air is cool high prices. chicks. they do is walk to the beach. anyone gets up and sold at sixteen thousand hours. yet we see in this county. local people allow a student can freely on the walls. many artists from around the world has been gathering here. did some cardio. st ought to be bowled from graffiti sprayed from it and pull into the cold war he kept toward being as easy resumes are beginning to see the value of these more often people are. one ep. i heard
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that a colleague to handle form painting in tools than the look on ward made a complaint and ask for it to be restored. what they see the war that encourages sleep on. that's because he tried to resist and that helps to revitalize the local economy for the show was commissioned in american politics may be swapped for teammate is high. they even provided free for all tastes the so called home. the war but also organized a street politics the beach. on the sleeves. you lose the war was all housing buildings scheduled for march. artists were invited from all over the wall. where the old paint whatever they want to go outside and inside the band
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school rebuilding. went there shouldn't be the world council of art and creativity it. that's why we're continuing to provide spaces where artists can freely express themselves through their work yet. i raced once attracted aunties and was the outcome. the war. now it's becoming the war and the street. and attracting new generation of artists but pity on me too. a sign of a teacher of the weather it's like cold until it here this morning. geologists and family. is this the latest in a world class back. catherine it's biking cool outside and i hunted until pork and rice in it and i'm kind of grip resisters or maybe seen snow fall. the most frigid air of the season so far is covering most of the country to care how cold it is the carrot that these pictures. this isn't a whole condo and
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the famous poker and sephora has been sent as that those features are shivering in the cold weather that they can hide for some or all of the bow minus twenty three an icy cool font and four and in central tokyo snow is falling in parts of the cooker this morning before bundling up just taking it to work. let's go back instead of it here's the lovely sun this morning when a poll this one is in hokkaido minus twenty five entries can be commenced town in our lives have been below twenty degrees this is the last to friday eight minus twenty one point seven degrees in christ and the prefecture. even southern kings june minus eight years and the cool weather is also taking parts of the korean peninsula. one ounce posting on this and snow is likely for the pacific coast not on the sea of japan side. but this is pennies on the land so no one not accumulate in many places. if any season snowfall doing the morning hours. again it's not going to be accumulating on the ground. that's when it
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comes in and out the chi is covering much of a turn and the korean peninsula bring in another day of dry weather and the dream of a high pressure area from the north easterly winds are blowing how low to the times the bars creaking high lace up to five meters in parts of the timeline as follows than ordinaries the philippines in the southern part of the country we have a strong that we need real maker. it's now a tropical depression and as we have been reporting several people have been killed due to severe floods and landslides in mindanao but this is scandalous a cure for a while producing fish in a heavy rain. an additional twenty two hundred millimeters of rain is likely for parts of mindanao and the sky and so quite critical situation for needy people and freight. that's what america has plenty of rain or snow maker weaning away from the east coast and a new system will form over the place is a few centimeters of snow is likely into wednesday afternoon and when andy stanley's possible in the southern parts of the great lakes to the region
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after twenty five centimeters into wednesday morning and an outdoor concrete proof will be moving across central canada by wednesday night on the heavy snowfall and i will actually i think the east coast once again by the end of the week. no preset blessings likely for the southern part of the america i am afraid and in southern california and had had significant rainfall exceeds the mid december the crime is christ. i'm afraid sunny conditions and higher numbers than pictures again. an oh so windy conditions and low humidity will bring me into the next level of a self critical fire danger will continue into the next several days in the freight across the sea across the east coast down the down to single digits in your study as well as the washington d c grade ii across the europe but getting back to new weenie across the british isles and thunder showers are likely from italy into western turkey and had nice nice likely for western russia and temperatures are on the free to sign one thing across the east like your
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this is coming into last in japan's defence ministry says a fishing boat capsized after colliding with the maritime self defense force transport basil on hiroshima prefecture in western japan. is it into place on the twenty nine islands. shortly before eight pm four people on the fishing boat was thrown into the ocean. all of them were rescued and those operating in the ariane five two and then find cardio respiratory amassed a divine curse god is investigating the incidents will have my feet as clean as
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