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tv   JN1 Headline News  PBS  January 15, 2014 3:00am-3:31am PST

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from democracy international say the first day of sightseeing in egypt constitutional referendum has gone relatively well despite deadly clashes in several parts of the country between security forces and muslim brotherhood is the miscreants of which ousted former president ahmed will seat was a leading member of the group a speech on sale which would replace the one more secrets three when twenty twelve and believe it contains dispute it is amiss line which critics say it favors the army at the expense of
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the people it is however expected to cost easily and it's been two weeks today in today to the military backed government is continuing to call the balance a democratic sentiment. as you. israel's defense minister more shady of on this jaunt with condemnation from washington following statements he made criticizing us secretary of state john kerry what these great defense and ten cents hit and miss titanic it tends to bring about an israeli palestinian peace deal the us state department called the comments offensive and inappropriate. israeli prime minister benjamin studio to scramble to diffuse the situation explaining that the two countries will put them together to promote peace and that any disagreements with the us administration would not lessen all kerry has been on a diplomatic blitz in recent weeks and months to persuade israel and palestinians to agree on an outline proposal addressing the core issues of a conflict . i know. the in
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the air during committed or israel selected for a minister of the insulin is leaked rents and the kids said where his coffin was placed for an honorary memorial ceremony a ceremony attended by some of the world's leaders including us vice president joe biden former british prime minister tony blair and other such representatives from canada said the in germany and that there is. i did the dough when someone was in a coma for nearly a year. this is a sad thing is now see to it presidents lieutenants your merchandise and prime minister benjamin now honored his past rifle with a speech in which he emphasized that
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the home was one of his greatest warrior the area. us vice president joe biden spoke of his personal acquaintance with scotland as the senator has stressed the us his commitment to israel and anti standing in the spring months. you are doing is real. it was worth it. my heart is sharon. it is going to last week. it feels like we did our family. like the middle east but said tony blair referred to previous tour so on as bold and orthodox in new zealand a student of history as well as a maker of thing. is this the directions. no one today
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green the time. we strolled from god. only eighty nine the other. they change the oil leaks. we should find it the change. i'm aiming high and determination. he told me on the war. jada of diplomacy. who know. since d i stand. any stories and anecdotes were told that the only crimes. israeli and international tourists follow the events in it to you is mutual. i tend to get a post and the person behind the complex they then moved the moon. like the notion of
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a person whom. as i was an officer in the division was on the user. the six day war and in whom kippur war the relocation. shouldn't we are usually other in. moldy too. the full remission wash the procession. latest litter three kilometers to live every day. he loses a lot of male followers of the state of israel. he said oram his life. there in the nation and for the people of fiji. we are very sorry today the diesel he's gonna say anymore. he never seen the canyon known as the roaring of the security and safety of israel. here is the one that you earn respect owner and women. thousands of israelis to rise to
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the system to silence various entities seeking farm is allow her to pay respect to their foreign leader. one last time. id. it is. someone was going to be courageous think many can bury security oriented. he loved the land of israel and built his home lighting. a farmer at heart he was buried in his beloved she came ranks alongside his late wife living. free jn one nine save energy by the sacred fire is around mm it's really hard. experts are expected to sit on it ask for. still investigate and help decide the fate of a massive one point four billion dollars are true found in munich which includes many works of art believed to have been taken from tues during the era when the experts is the deputy director for young patients news team division on
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the other is the curator of european art at the israel museum. it is unclear how many of the items were stolen or taken care of forced sales from chips in a taskforce to investigate the origins of the items in the collection voices of reason fourteen hundred pieces to my heart is just a tease. so any part in an eighty year old cornelius bruins who inherited it from his father an argument for the nazis early to say he's not willing to give them the authorities faced criticism for failing to quickly can that be or not making the case for eighteen months after the collection wasn't covered the controversy triggered german chancellor angela merkel the changes to the country's restitution whole secondary can be counted. israel has reached germany to delete the words to jewish or israeli museums in eighteen fifties in many cases are taken by the regime were transferred to israeli museums and that they are located in the german authorities were discovered hidden in storage facility is not much is believed to still be in private collections and museums . good to see miss
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libertine seen published last week according to shoot a no go visit my front lawn to two in the streets of embroiled the french president in a scandal that has us the life and raise doubts as to his ability to do his job. he should be this man. durian the president the prongs concentrating only sanity police efforts to fight unemployment to create all too real when the economy and we know that the scandal btk. because his private life is to be too complex. will the french often say they didn't care about their leaders title ix read is quickly cleaned out kiosks in the magazine close second to
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publish the images of what it said it was the helmet is launched secretly visiting actress julie game. is that dc. the most unpopular president in the street the kicker . and you wanted to use crescent wrench. we decided that he was an old one. it was a man of dignity and peace to teach moral leader. use only. the french on discovery. these lie to others. but even its glorious manner. the media mower me because this man. a president who eschew high and henman and writing the blog in god on this cool too. sushi and age. mr is another monday god
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and doing squats all. he had told the endowments of medina long is a lifelong passion of haiti has four children with former presidential candidate to sink in and of royale the situation has been further complicated by the fact that barry tree when a long long time. honda was hospitalized alloys officer allegations of his offense at this. this is the first time ever. in french history. then the media complying. and he did last season on the wind from the president. so you can get crazy again. as an iron age mr pour evenly combined. along the sixty nine came to power in twenty twelve and according to polls is the most unpopular president in front says one in history that has faded to tackle unemployment and widespread sense that he lacks authority. analysts say it is in loans interest to come up with a clear and precise response to
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the accusations of his offence and to put an end to this story which could otherwise tunisia damage to his and political reputation the official cia russian orthodox church cedar creek alcoa chicago the nature of the world's most popular assault rifle wrote a letter to picture our trio in two thousand while expressing remorse for the many deaths caused by his question the letter and watch the cars who died last month at the age of ninety four said he experienced spiritual pain for his role in the deaths of so many people killed by kiki forty seven assault rifles the instantly recognizable weapon has become a symbol for me to really creeps. the price for its simplicity and low costs he even appears on the flag of mozambique more than a hundred million such rifles are believed to have been sold around the world kalashnikov had previously refused to take
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responsibility for the deaths caused by the gun. st was the fault in that state policy studies and painful to know that the weapon is such a common tool for child soldiers and criminals around the world. is yes. his fourteenth street has confirmed that a woman in the us nation has left the country as a diplomatic spat between the two nations continues to play alex the departure is the latest development in a month long dispute triggered by the arrest and strip search of an indian diplomat in new york. the link over on the day. india's deputy consul general in new york was indicted by a us federal grand jury on accusations that she exploited her indian born housekeeper and nanny allegedly making her work or in a hundred hours a week from ok to like about it i'd be set for much of india's green stems from the circumstances of her rocks which are seen as unnecessarily healy be barack today was allowed to return home and care compromise of
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india and arrived in new delhi on friday nights been acting united states requested the karate leave the country. he asked washington to retired diplomats and u s embassy in new delhi. the state department said it would comply. although with deep regret. bought up. across morocco have held prayers for rain falling or west but the country skiing. team obama to sixty asked members of different states to pray for rain after curing reports that twenty fourteen is expected to be in especially dry a year for the north african nation. the king is well known for promoting numerous renovations of jewish heritage sites and helping jewish moroccans a bra. the kingdom is home to a small but vibrant jewish community numbering about three thousand. their rail requests for rain prayers comes after israeli rabbis as in that country to pray for rain and it went the driest winters on record the eye. to
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the express o bar is known as israel's answer to starbucks in over the past few years they've made a big push into the american market including a recent opening here in washington dc. after becoming one of the largest franchises in israel. developers say that the time was right to expand their operations targeting the american market in the last of the is getting a little more accustomed to your team. and and foreign concepts. and there and it's it's expanding get it most of consumers now appreciate with coffee. and the site being hit by coming into the us market in the womb that there will definitely get starbucks run for their
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money in and around the globe to find their place with american consumers both fiscally canada with their cuisine. i think that today we leave in a very cruel the world. communication is mobile money is global and food becomes go as well. and you know although we have a very global international kitchen and that the idea that an offer to that customers are a very special man in a very nice way around the middle eastern inspired menu stands in contrast to the standard american sweets served at many of its fellow coffee houses in the us something the company is proud of. now for us it's very important to keep the regional names of the items defeat in his rule the feat in bulgaria with a four hectare or awful or for south america for the south american cocaine is important to keep doing the same because we want people to understand that we have something unique. and that actually attracts people to
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buy it but one of the biggest challenge is for any new restaurant is getting people through the door especially when it involves trying something new. one whenever we open somebody here in miami. the miami area here in dc new york new jersey the first people that opened the door for us. i went to the israelis and the jewish community. but theres judges of the cbd but the message watch for the adopt a roman says that once people try them out they almost always come back into the feedback we're getting from customers has been overwhelmingly positive. two members of the winter i was in israel i love the coffee there and got a work meeting and was so excited when i feel. i find to be like the smell of the bed in a bitter taste to it and a little bit more like a bird as he surged this does not happen. i
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think this is very. a romance as they pay special attention to their coffee process importing coffee beans from all over the world and roasting them in israel creating the number of unique plants with a rich full flavor it's a realm of plans to continue their push for the next opening will be in miami and developers say that they're planning for additional storage in the dc area to open in the future he's that sort of leave to run the band's new and old i'm rebecca foster for j and windy in washington. i. european central bank has unveiled the currency unions new ten year old bass notes saying the legal tender will be just the beginning september twenty third the new banknotes for the teeny eurozone countries the european union's twenty eight member states will again feature an example of roman architecture with a ragged the dominating color more than three hundred and thirty three million people across europe use the euro
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which are placed in local currencies in the eurozone in two thousand to you. since then it's become the third most popular traded currency behind it an easy one and the us dollar the euro is the view was well why did the round fifteen billion those students that the nation. wait is over nine hundred billion euros in all that's broadly comparable to the total value of the us to love the looks. which is no mean feat in just twelve years. the main reasons for the redesign is the year of increasing popularity among criminals and rising care if it concerns you never care if the euro banknotes withdrawn from circulation in the second half of last year rose by eleven point four percent from the first half to three hundred and fifty three thousand the largest numbers since two thousand ten. she gets ticked off and
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shimmery lal showed his latest collection on home turf alongside chinese designer maxima. it's nice chinese designer much has been waiting for the right time to show her collection in asia. she chose hong kong as the perfect bridge between china and the last to show for spring summer two thousand fourteen lecture read it dies and collection featuring uniquely patterned designs the babies. that is a translation from sin. nate is the best potato. i decided to just get the bounce like a
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great image the cousins together. this is yet to see the house collection included extravagant eel average downs and suits he said that the inspiration behind the collection was the massive theme of hollywood stars and that he wanted clients to feel the transformation from ordinary to superstar when wearing items from his collection. the forty fashion week runs until january sixteen. as you shut up on the second you get down on her company to be cheap deals being displayed the smithsonian institute in washington dc. the camcorders on the chasing group noodles tomato festival great address is being led the national museum of american history same designer but i really am a lot of ways and different routes it's that there's no train on the steps which have never made it easier to move around them on knits and slander along with straps and certainly doesn't have the amazing beauty that the first arrest us a little on the place is probably much easier just to wear. while the smithsonian tradition
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economics each thus they be seen on cooldown second guy on tv on the show an interest in the white race. this is the first toy museum is displayed the second or two down an indication of the first lady's massive position question on popular culture. there's always an interesting one for sleaze can wear it carry it with a first lady's going to wear but it was a real sister when she wears this for the second inauguration. i think it's some people wanna see what i've been to just reflect anything she might have learned on having lived the experience first. is she doing something different this time. many americans will remember the first lady's dress for me from going to present that diploma to engender in austria from the scam and he was to be on display to generate twenty fifteen the smithsonian and the exhibition coincides with a twentieth anniversary of the best ladies exhibition zion the cats delicatessen
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in new york's lower east side is a landmark or if people come from around the world for their famous pastrami sandwiches and pop tops. it opened its doors in eighteen eighty eight and competed against hundreds of jewish deli is in the area. is the only one to survive after a hundred twenty five years. purchased by the russian caps family in eighteen oh three cats millie is most famous sports pastrami sandwiches. they also serve the frame herders and beans on friday evening the classic bike are defintely soda is always available. this is one of the oldest continually operating businesses in new york city. here is really the bird was going on and on him this name and there were dozens and dozens in the neighborhood. as a sort of like a mountain and since it was the old eastern european food tradition those applied to new world meets and has had the house
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daily. first came about. and that's why we have our roots in the third generation owner of katz deli don't describe the restaurant has a wonderful place. saying he grew up having birthday parties and even his bar mitzvah here in the store well this whole place is it's a jewish heritage in itself. it pays homage to the jewish traditions and to the jewish culture down here in the turn in this entry one of the biggest wave of jewish immigrants came into this city and anti feminism at that very much a part of that as art. i frankly most the united states. dole said may need huge cost in eight states can trace their roots in their food traditions to the lower east side. but it's not just jewish people come here. no city has some regulars who come doing while others come once every five years. the newly can always count on the same quality food. this team atmosphere jones said he had continuity
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has kept going hoping for a hundred twenty five years jose costa from within rico comes to the deli every time he visits new york. this is his third time. everytime i come here i get the idea that i had to twist amin with a beer and the fries. this time i went with the finishing stages. last time i came here they are a because the grail so i said i need to try the patience thing. but pastrami is this what they're known for and it's a good pastrami the cost to say spring here in poland is well worth it. definitely definitely is a good experience. it's ours appraised as being mia for awhile. say what i've read of so that the pictures around the law say say say so also in the senate got its name and in india. a hundred twenty five years caps is still going strong. every week its shares up ten thousand pounds of pastrami six thousand pounds of corn
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beef and four thousand laptops to new yorkers and tourists alike. this is act out or for j and one in new york. eye the he points to sixty two in the sixty plus nine has declared its support jones owns your team is announced its guidance in just a guess. shame on all the summits in the district attorney made the shocking decision on being asked to investigate charts made by friends of alicante my posts now and again set to launch the human concluded that the anti semitic slurs to me tickets to football team and not directly asked to use the prosecution was priceless anti racism campaign is incomplete and set the bar this little chick anti semitism exists if he didn't use rings gold cups of black coach to succeed in the stands during the second
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mobile note was going to germany's second largest jewish gets a m to two hundred thousand jesus said to cost through the massively overcrowded gets the many being made to transport it to the notorious auschwitz death camp just ten thousand is to survive. new york yankees fans have expressed mixed opinions are guiding new york yankees star alex rodriguez suspension. the slugger will be out for the entire two thousand fourteen major league baseball season and playoffs forgo paying some fans thought the one hundred sixty two game ban punishment was a bit much. i think that putting on that day that goes out with the losses they've been caught on the bed and looked at me that they can actually put the ones that i was then that contains triad i guess. possible. this
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means that instead appointments. ahh like to see the update. irish show an id. i think so. with us. lily is an amazing life. and it's really entertaining the suspension was the reduction on the initial penalty of two hundred eleven games handed down by mlb but it's still the longest sentence ever imposed for doping offenses in baseball some pencil or thought it wasn't long enough the ecb gone. life is worse than heroes. earlier this week anthony botched the owner of a now closed for banned performance enhancing drugs to mlb players including rodriguez said in a tv interview that a writer was a longtime drug user. rodriguez who has never failed a drug test but admitted using performance enhancing drugs earlier in his career he should be a lengthy statement maintaining his position and that he has been the victim of a witch hunt out to destroy his career the band
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is set to cost in a massive sum of twenty five million us dollars in salary . rule. i did. in the room. to me. gold who are. i will lose. naught
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i have. he didn't. i am. i
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did. the engine on the vellum of critics and proposes to increase the cost of one square meter of housing for the affordable housing program to ten thousand tv the idea was from cozy day at a government system polite generation according to him this is a four session since now the cost of one square meter does not correspond to the actual cost of construction for now the price adjustment project has been sent for approval to the concerned government agencies as well and john as you pointed out the main reasons for the growth of housing construction in


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