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tv   Newsline  PBS  January 15, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PST

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the pipeline to be located is expected to go all the way to alabama supreme court washington carrion boring for tea. that does it for now my mega mile pads. old and welcome to be a sign that sensei generate sixteen i'm casting comanche and telltale syrians have spent years looking around corners running through the streets of fearing for their lives donors from around the world are trying to help a place dumbest two and a half billion dollars to ease the suffering in this struggling through the civil war. that is and isn't that a sixty countries gathered for a fundraising conference in kuwait city. un said that a
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gentle kind the moon called for six point five billion dollars in a dc eight to help stands as the most un official said that i requested for a single humanitarian crisis. more than one who knew those given the weaker enemies are defeated his hand. these increases. all for one year ago or so when gideon dollars compared with last year. this is bigger than that. christ is and needs all this occasion has increased. delhi is from kuwait pledged five hundred million dollars this is the last three hundred and eighty million and ten cents a pound one hundred and twenty million. i'd say he was particularly concerned over reports that many syrians on starving. he said he hopes he starts next week in geneva will bring government and opposition leaders to the negotiating table. people are in a rat have endured one of
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the deadliest days there in months. at least a thirty six people were killed in a series of bombings. some say the situation has hit its lowest point since the u s troops pulled out to more than two years now. six in car bombs exploded simultaneously in a shia muslim district of baghdad at least twenty people were killed more than sixty injured. another bomb went off in a village northeast of the capital. residents with tending the funeral of the militants who fought against boys is linked to al qaeda. sixteen people were killed. sunni muslims have complained for months about the shia led government of prime minister nuri al maliki sunni militants and groups linked to al qaeda had increased their attacks targeting government facilities and she adds security forces in southern russia not have gone in a shootout with the man just weeks before russians host the winter olympics. three members of the security force and two gunmen with kale
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the boy says it was conducting a sweep for islamic militancy in a village in the southern republic of dagestan the wednesday gunmen holed up in a house that those signs started shooting members of an anti terrorism analysts say one of the gunman killed was the leader of a local militant group. the suspect he was involved in a car bombing last month in the southern city of county boys. three people were killed in that attack. note since then stage a series of suicide bombings in southern my shaft be that i did train stations and other transportation hubs. ck voices having conducting sweeps through alchemy did and obtain what they can to protect is still itchy the games begin in three weeks. a sign of the deleted scene and this is seen as economists who study japan i've seen corporate earnings improve and to stop my kids still are but they want to see what corporate investment before getting too optimistic about the economy. i had sentences now from this is inside the mine to tell us what exactly and that
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economists looking for having a wussy executives are spending more money on themselves they want to see than investing more in their companies operating facilities upgrading equipment for example in that regard. things are looking like they're headed in that direction. japanese companies invested more in equipment in november. machinery orders rose for the second straight month. officials at the cabinet office saying orders surged rising nine point three percent from october. machinery makers received orders from domestic firms worth about eight point four billion dollars the figure excludes orders of ships and requests from power companies due to volatility in those sectors many factors placed six percent more orders for the month while the non manufacturing sector ordered eight point one percent more than in october. officials at the us central bank state economic activity in the country toward the end of last year. continue to expand
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across most regions. they say the outlook is positive in most districts. the federal reserve released its latest beige book report on the economy on wednesday it's based on surveys conducted in the bank's twelve districts. the report suggests we'll tell activity increased in three quarters of the district's consumers spend as expected or a bit more over the winter holidays compared with two thousand twelve. manufacturing activity was bad then in the previous year. in all districts and the housing market improved overall of the unsung to sticks home sales and construction slowed fed officials were upbeat despite the weaker than expected december jobs report last week. they say two thirds of the district reported increases in hiring and there were also signs of wage increases. and in this didn't seem to be more confident of what the base but suggests and they're encouraged by the latest batch of data that point toward a solid recovery in stock prices rallied for a
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second day on wednesday the dow jones rose two thirds of a percent ending the day at sixteen thousand four hundred eighty one new law that snp ended at an all time high gaining half a percent is in japanese markets are reacting let's cut the lead me at the tokyo stock exchange. the lead car markets kentucky opening this morning. the morning. i'm sure as it's raining hard here at those teams on wall street and here at the opening levels for this the gender in the sixteenth the nikkei is up to his own twenty five percent and fifteen thousand eight hundred and sixty three approaching the key sixteen thousand level last seen a week ago and this comes after a two and a half percent gain on a wednesday and sentiment is positive and abroad and i get handed topics as high here by zero point five two percent. now overnight the bank of america has faced more than two percent after
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you be the point at four for danny's results that beat market estimates and this comes after both jpy again and wells fargo also posted anything above that they get consensus still see it this can mend any supply can share all japanese financial companies with exposure to the umass and mimi also won the fall of the shares of whom was flying and still apple such as in the manufacturing and shout apple was that sally is eyeing phones in china on friday to try to mold well the wool is like a cellphone carry a and b plots a sad bands artists was apple smartphones have exceeded one million units and we just received the underpants wholesale prices and corporate goods price index in december was up at two point five percent from a year earlier the evening for a ninth consecutive month and we'll see how this affects the market men now moving onto can see santa at delhi in france. dollar yen is now at one hundred and four point
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six four to seek sakes they did all the stronger teams the young investors are buying to die after some economic data showed an increase in manufacturing activity in utah as well as in my easy in the u s producer prices in some limited due to low add the sites they show signs of inflationary pressures in the year that's why the players are also waiting for more trading cues from reports on consumer prices and jobless claims due out we did today and your yard is now at one hundred and forty two point two eight mp for almost unchanged from the raffle on venice beach now the picture i thought i might get a new asia pacific region and also seen how the ddr machine and the artists mentioned earlier i need him to tell mike gets back to you. i really think a lot about nothing in the me from the tokyo stock exchange and that does it from us on the business team for this hour. his attack on some of my cats. it is. he also says
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that the japan maritime self defence lawyers and giving their accounts of an accident celtic in southwestern japan issued collided on wednesday with the recreational fishing boat. two people were killed the officers say they blew a warning whistles several times before the collision the officers was sealing dish it back to port for maintenance when the vessels ran into each other the cause of the accident is and the air has guided the show's see the captain of
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the fishing boat and three passengers were thrown overboard when the vessel capsized. all of them were pulled from the water but the skipper and one of the fission and later died cruise the applied to blow a whistle more than five times if they're not sure about the intentions of an approaching vessel. one of the fishermen's says he heard a whistle when the self defense bush it was only about five meters away defence ministry officials say the ship's crew slowed down to avoid a collision scott officials say there's damage to the back of the shed which may have been caused by the accident. they say they love to look at the fishing boat to see if they can find out anything more. judges for the tokyo district court had ruled against the metropolitan government in a case of the violation of privacy seventeen plaintiffs filed suit after their personal details were leaked from police documents the court order the government to pay compensation of around eight hundred and sixty thousand dollars. one hundred and
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fourteen documents related to international terrorism would read online in two thousand and ten. they contain names addresses and photographs of people who provided information to police investigators is infected with both japanese and non japanese one person reporting a police details. but a former al qaeda militants hiding in japan. about two months after the leak was discovered. tokyo police said the documents would most probably danced a promise to protect and support people whose identities were exposed the dissenting judge said on wednesday that intelligence gathering was necessary in the effort to prevent terrorism. but he said the intelligence was probably the five metropolitan police department person now. and he held the superintendent general responsible for failing to properly manage it japanese lead is an approved and ten year business plan
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for the operator of the damage nuclear plant in squishy map. it is said to be like a parent company are facing a costly de commissioning process at the facility and accounting are we starting reactors elsewhere to proust about daniel in the same institution it's unlikely he officially told ted conference in downing hearsay and the business plans approval. again that has controlled the company since two thousand files. officials want in these diary entries and it cost us a cake i knew of plans in me that the prefecture as early as july. the asa plan to rebuild aging thermal power plants and find cheaper imported feel for thermal power generation. they're forecasting an annual profit of more than nine hundred and fifty million dollars that would allow them to gradually lower electricity rates. that guy is looking at creating a new division to deal with the growing problem of contaminated water exhibition that died she had to dismantle react as it has set aside ninety million dollars for the work. he's going to
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take ocean to the people and show them that the company is changing and it will keep going change he should do this through your words and action. the government has increased the limit of its interest free loans to tap into eighty six billion dollars. the charities using the money for de contamination assets and to compensate in factories company officials plan to streamline management and close local offices to cut costs by forty six billion dollars. he wants me to get competitive. when zach is that ted you need to obtain consent the municipality see if they want to fire up their nuclear reactors. the other any of the prefecture criticize the utilities business class. lisa need that sense it seems like the plan will be impossible to implement. did you know hasn't learned from the focus of an accident it's not qualified to operate nuclear
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plants. is it me that says he plans to meet the president attacked on thursday to urge him to fully analyze what happens after she had dyed tee. an affiliate of ted hill has applied for safety screening of september where a nuclear waste dump before it goes into operation this here. recyclable fuel storage company has asked the nuclear regulation authority for official screening of its facilities. the fur has been building the facility in the city of lights. it plans to store three thousand tonnes of nuclear waste for up to fifty years. company officials say that this deep insights and tested to new standards. inspection involved as travelers thirty percent stronger than any show simulations. the duties we've taken proactive measures looking far ahead we want the nuclear regulator to conclude these facilities say. this is a least three thousand tonne capacity and towns only a small portion of
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the seventeen thousand tonnes of waste being kept at nuclear plants across japan at many locations in storage pools holding spent fuel ons are nearly full the generation of waste is being blamed on a trouble plagued spent fuel reprocessing plants. this seems to be no prospect of the planned ever functioning properly i eye. laney did have gone to the polls sly second and final day they fare in a referendum on a new constitution. clashes between security forces and protesters are on going across the country. health ministry officials say violence in the summits of the capital cairo the southern city is so much is left at least nine people dead and forty two wounded the muslim brotherhood the slightest power base of the house to present more commonly seen. i called for nationwide demonstrations to protest that though. local media said an explosion occurred near a polling station outside cairo
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despite tight security after class the previous day the phillies have deployed more than two hundred thousand security troops members of the military backed interim government drafted the goodbyes competition after spending the one passed on to nyc the new chiding pieces the political influence of the military which over three one c last july. a two day referendum is likely to result in the constitution's approval. as many people who oppose it has boycotted the balance. in thailand protest is much like thursday demanding the immediate resignation of prime is the election a lot and the postponement of the general election scheduled for next month adding that says the poll will go ahead as planned the prime minister offered to meet with the opposition on wednesday to discuss an election commission proposal to deepen the third generation. however opposition leaders are boycotting the pool entirely and declined to join the discussion. a mike said the election will be held on february sack and schedule
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it is i shopped for the election. in accordance with the law and constitution the leader of the anti dam in tennessee this extent it's a non expressed his opposition with oliver to ride high enough. i don't know who was at the meetings today. but the people don't agree with holding an election under the same rules in the same old. such an election would allow a vote buying. but drinking. it would be in fuel and confident. justice is around to several government offices in a bid to prevent civil servants from getting too black. he answered them inside which cause the icing on the country's urban middle class would support is insisting that the general election be postponed until the phones on me. mighty works in print on friday its report the head of the race to polling day. especially
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strong support in low areas the shutdown campaign had been relatively peaceful since it began on monday however police say at least three people were injured in a shooting near the rally side's early wednesday morning. no one was hurt in an explosion at the house of former prime is to basically turn to laugh. now leader of the largest opposition party this us banks have been identified. i don't ease and rotary artists ease of reading together a plan to save the tradition of machine stitching. a century old silly mess that has been criticized as they turned to more modern ways than one stitch at a time she's now passing on her skills to the next generation. to keep the technique of mine. a wild animal ready to pounce. it's not a photo. this lake lake hughes is actually embroidered. each year the green in the eyes
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everything looks real. it has the rich detail of that wilkinson. in this portrait the shading on the face and hands gives it to the gpo this too is all made from threats. these works were created by embroidery artist heal me or someone who is in keeping the city with the long held tradition. she uses a letter of speech and that was developed in kew because the needle moves from side to side. it can be used to create pictures just like sketching with a pencil the ropes teaching adult to keep you as a technique for importing still bridal kimonos with golden spoon it's now considered a local tradition. noah has created new resort works this way
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they feed on depends on how you use it. if you do it right. the brits can be brought to life. that's still the challenge for me. also always wanted to be an artist but had enjoyed her family's textile business. so she channeled her creativity into embroidery. however in her thirties she lost the sight in her left eye. and she was told she could lose her right eye too. at that time it was like i was living in . if i couldn't do my work i felt i had no reason to. but also went on to create cleaned our ports and was even recognized as a contemporary master craftsman. or so of the most important task now is teaching her print it's a
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cool morning. as mass production spread the number of people skilled in the new machine would you drop sharply. course i was nonetheless this kind of heart. she's in a hurry to teach glory as much as she can. i'm trying times he will be able to make a living from this if he produces mediocre work. that's why i'm teaching him everything i know the most important thing is to make the images look realistic. one of their training grounds is the local zoo. animals with soft fur make great subjects for in britain. the would you create a beautiful tale like that with color which is start filling with white is white person and so over the black no that's wrong too. it shows that the system cooling first he lay down flat to read it and put white over it
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also it teaches careful observation as well as take me. this year we created his first original work. he's a step closer to becoming an embroidery artist. try picking up my goal is to bring back jobs and prosperity in his youth these skills have developed here for a hundred years. i don't want it to end now. i spent assist years of my life doing this work. i hope each and carried on so she can get their ears to keep alive the kikuyu tradition. not just from themselves but for the entire community the sign outside saying that the weather people in many areas as austria and tv with extremely high and trying weather conditions theology aside the morning tells us more. this morning can't rain falling in their warmest year and record in two thousand and thirteen. some parts of
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australia are continuing to mine hot conditions from perth to have some pictures of the breach five years take a look. which fires broke out in the current hill on tuesday. local residents have begun to inspect their properties on ferries confirmed fifty five house being destroyed by fire other areas and found her own for the refiners incurred no rain is in sight at least into the next two friends say an employer searing temperatures to work with the aim. as you can see that heinze could be going up to forty or thirty three degrees on your friday going up to thirty seven on your saturday and hotter than that in the south east melbourne with the austrian companies taking place. forty four and thursday we need tough conditions for the plane years and the spectators unfortunately it and at court and that in the north of the risk of the flies are really high in northern territory. we have a tropical low lingering here will continue to save yourself
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the risk of the class will get even higher at daybreak a still a lot of extreme weather is happening all over australia. now across turned down an incline fine over the pacific coast we had snow showers and achieve that and the cost of the keys and women said yesterday the condition the leaking out today that in manila snow is kicking up once again over the north western flank hokkaido may get as much as if the fee centimeters of snow into it tomorrow morning watch out for avalanches but can find a curry and canyons that clear conditions over much of china but hazy conditions once again over the east and south conditions are bad especially in the asian areas and on and he made province is in effect the air quality index are common at the house nestled in one scene the neat places torrential rains are still coming down over the southern areas of the philippines we have a tropical depression continue thing here in the north east lean on so well begun is a witty very well saturated how whenever
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an additional two hundred or two hundred feet in millen has been a slightly into the next seventy two hours or so. this tropical depression will likely increase the south east coast by marcel framework a heavier when your friday. the ten pictures it will be twenty eight degrees in many a night you'll be speaking from their brain now. eight decreased us for increased revenue sank into the back and walk even higher than our wall. i have reasons to laugh or a decrease but very chilly in a london court. nikki the fifteen decrease on thursday. i finally have cross and the americans a winter storm is affecting the central areas like cedric and i and the curtain in the west believes a condition that happening over the dakotas and minnesota traveling the same hospital but he did not struggle to avoid traveling by yourself and that premier winter survival kit. i'm creating. i extract wooden water and blankets in case of emergency when i'm going to be very strong up to one hundred km
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are outcasts in this area snowy conditions oh well i think the great lakes region as well. in fact a very trying conditions are happening over itself to grandstand for surely this high pressure system will continuously causing critical fire east of southern california temperatures are going to be quite high at twenty eight placing a link or six and four. i am noon and. i know. age. the car. i
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was. this is just an hour and
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a sign that the hatch a sign that the hatch the offer
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in the small nation, a woman helps people with special needs become independent. she's the first-ever vocational training center. >> translator: i call him little buddha.
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