tv RTE News Six One PBS January 16, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PST
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being the the crc is to seven hundred thousand euro had not been received from the friends that support the board approve the payment of the departed successor told the committee he knew nothing about. your memorable moments the seven hundred trucks but knew nothing about. most important the archival collections from iran's revolutionary period go from lying. basically it means that the people seem to be true if the organization you can't credit the foundation of the state i knew. welcome to six long
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short on to mike's thoughts not one member of local accounts committee has described the biggest revelations of top up payments at the central remedial connect the committee was told today that the crc former chief executive paul wylie received secret payments of more than seven hundred and forty thousand euro when he retired and that the money came from the clinics fund raising tt's has been previously told the payment was two hundred thousand euro said they were called back by the revelation of coal for the money to be returned since the resignation of the entire board of the central remedial county last month and its chief executive brian common over top ups for senior staff. it is no run by an interim administrator appointed by the agency. today i shot a revelation from the administrator of the former chief executive called kylie was paid over seven hundred and forty thousand euro on retirement last june from the fund
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raising arm. last month mr carney told the accounts committee he receives two hundred present euro in a tax free lump sum pension payment the committee today to hate to see said the package was agreed at a special crc board meeting last march and was the subject of a confidentiality agreement two instalments of four hundred and fifty thousand euro and two hundred and fifty thousand euro. but stephen to friends and supporters of the crc. there was this girly entrenched internal costs as a donation former chief executive brian initially able to appeas n befe the committee as he was on honeymoon abroad when the controversy broke. he insisted on donations did not go directly to topple senior executives' pay. i want addressed a perception has developed to target location donations for siphoned off specifically pages are in arms. i was
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never my ear and standing apart from his mom's independent senator shayne ross asked mr khan and if he knew that the coin the pay deal. your memorable moments he knew nothing about. its wheels karen o'donnell said mr carney should now be recalled before the committee store dynamics so i'd be asking chair and it is hard even for the rest back in order to see again. up because i can be. it's no one's tool. bac the people we represent which our citizens taxpayers. the other hand the agency under the spotlight today was the st vincent's health care group which manages three hospitals win prizes. it insists it is in compliance with publicly on the scene. although the agency does not. its chairman old whelan told the committee today. under proposed changes. the pay of
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its chief executive would no longer come from phones the results should be. with the there would be no audit compliance issues with a tizzy. sorry if the seal repeated in dire need for funds generated by the price of all the official site for a few of the sector finances as such it's going to get a committee chairman john mcguinness past the group chief executive of bp was going to take a copy in his annual pay. i'm asking you are you going to continue then to receive support to do this with three home that i was in europe. this is a matter before devising sent you i would not accuse you of the church's outreach to the summit of the pages group chief executive is for the portugese tossed onto our hands. the agency says it has no mess with all of the section thirty eight organizations. it is past that they signed a statement by the end of january confirming pay compliance
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shirtless with a snap for coco great to start at two corners of the minion on top of the standard suspension it's a charitable functions to confidentiality agreements busy years of service had it at all costs if any of these can be reversed now all covered. it's hard to know and it was genuine shock and anger at this hearing today and as regards the former ceo paul carney who retired in june. the news of seven hundred and forty thousand euro was paid from the fund raising arm for his retirement package will amaze the and charities is suffering very badly at juices controversy. chris has been raised as to whether what was agreed in secrets is illegally in line with the crc is articles of association is not to see your seed may need to make good on emails to restart the fund raising arm of the evolution of the teasers the agency says it may be necessary to seek the assistance of the guardian this month. and people and got legal agreements course so the likelihood of getting
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money back is is so much that song too. i sat crying commons contribution then he he saw haired and continuous would appear nothing but an earful of its member brian cullen took over from paul carney a ceo in june i had before that he was a board member for eight years and boasts he didn't attend special board meeting when his deal was done and another day and for the confidentiality clauses agreed. he never read the minutes of the special board meeting afterwards. and today he expressed alarm in shock and said the deal is wrong then he only learned of it today to hear. and he was part of a preliminary process earlier last year and for the recruitment of new chief executive but that was changed to cut jobs of july and former crc board members will be called back and explained that this net surfing whether they did all the summer come i don't know that because damage your reputation of the crc and the fund raising generally in ireland but if it has taken
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on offense and costs low for it to our fiscal cost fund and art if it's just not martinez irish welsh and minister phil hope and must be at breathing a sigh of relief that this evening. i'm sure there's some relief in some governments are those as well because this that i would want a controversy erupted exactly a week ago this is the first to visit good story a two minute piece is honoring the news headlines. so i sat here and i don't think there is pure dynamite supply to the disbelief and shock there's nothing seemed to anger of most members of the committee has told kylie told them. kenseth last december that he received a tax free lump sum of two hundred hasn't europe cannot see they want to speak to him again. the board members who cleans his package that john d c said they would also want to speak to the interim administration at crc because after all it was in his letter to the ptc that these figures were videos and interesting week went on to the underprivileged on a
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johnny kidd said today that said perhaps the guardian the director of corporate enforcement should take a look at the committee's proceedings but let's put this into the wider context we had the crc and we had instant and no hold on to agencies and hospitals would have to complete a statement of complies with the twenty first of january and so for the state of play is that at present they are not compliant and twenty two bt has to be saved and since it sits the rectum like this has to be panicked into an odyssey the ttc is also communicated to section twenty nine organizing tips did he receive funding but their appointees are not topics service but to see if they are complying with kate i seek the tenth seeded hensby said. well focused today on this seahorse the daycare and eight eight which is quite shocking must be said to be inventor has many keep the teak and took me by surprise and ensure that dominates the headlines tomorrow. one decision the proper martina franca in check adherence to get a cute too. now it's been cold the single most important
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archival collection for lacey two islands revolution the period the ministry pensions wreck chords of those involved in the nineteen sixteen rising war of independence on the civil war are being released online for the first time. the collection of three hundred thousand files. if as some eighty thousand people although the initial online really stupid if a fraction of those everything you see here. not being in the domain before. records of the resolution we hear are whilst like the swamp contain the applications for pensions and allowances of those who still active service throughout the period from the nineteen sixteen rising to the end of the civil war in nineteen twenty three i think this is the reading some of them and part of the carrion basically it means that the people. and if they join the organization and the events that led to
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the foundation of the day the finals to tell what each person did to merit attention joan came to church based volunteer center and cheney have joined in nineteen sixteen rising. chas had to went to the operation to remove a park is great molly did with ease the service was terrified and decided to come even though the latter. the bean collate it contents of this information is now also all blind for the first time. it means perceptions can easily access with colts which will support will challenge some long accepted stories as to who did all went well. they come in a cluster of that connection. these are working documents and we were not asking people what do you know remember from what you've done in nineteen sixteen. they actually have to lay down to have to give references from their commanding officers. an
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extraordinary insights according to this academic this parker will provide an opportunity for individuals who publishes in the war of independence and to get a lot of detail. almost the only involvement was truly an awful lot for them personally to be a very important part of them fitting in with the duchess and the blinds the initial online release whilst the three thousand people. it's described as just a fraction of what and fall in the east cobb. for awhile on tv is doubly blessed returned from a new cd revelation of the payment of one of seven hundred and forty thousand euro to the four chief executive of the center of the deal to nicole kylie on his retirement last year we're joined now from itunes for a studio shoot the deputy mary of the cult is a member of the as could be reached at this as evidence of dates it's startling revelation for a couple of reasons and it made it legal for the bulletin on a walk read amount of money it records the million at the euro for that true for all of this
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band's retirement but that was raised through the fund raising arm of the crc and that when paul carney can eat your committee that for christmas. he didn't do it about this. whether that's a fair summation of this that brian and we have been told previously commissioned by mr kite that he had received some two hundred pounds and the art itself a huge amount of money tax free. today it transpires that in fact it's a girl is much higher that was an additional payments which would be taxed. chris payment into his pension funds for additional years to close out to bump up his pension. so i mean it. one wonders where a twenty story well actually and i have the sense that this will allow more it to be revealed i'll snap a strong view that all of the witnesses to come forth from the century media can excel fire. not to gasp in footy friends. i have not yet given us the full facts and they need to be carried that they have to do
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precisely that's when i knew that the demand has exceeded that goal. friday brian coleman he was in today. he was asked about this in mind he said. even though it was a member of the board of former chief executive. the first he knew about it. at this that these payments this at seven hundred and forty mm at the thousands. when he headed to the commission. yes and that is the case and bask in the south is pretty extraordinary with an auction and member of the boards which carry many responses of the season pitching happened upon a working knowledge of the kinds of financial commitments and agreements as was gone and bear in mind that origin greats this package and then they also concluded that they should be confidentiality around us. i mean the whole thing was i may be shamed for a very shocking and i think another go to the credit that is him standing at the century beach at ten a m i can any imagine that the staff of the canucks and the service users and keep it continues to be this evening. hearing this latest chapter in this saga to tend to think any relation to play
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with eight oz of getting it back. i think there might be i know that we can be defensive on this master at this time. but state media agency official act may see today was very clear in saying that the monies can only be used in terms of that memorandum of understanding with the canucks in no way that says prudence and that can be stowed gophers so i didn't have the heart out more information on more discussion but be very clear brian so suprise i'm concerned i believe the speaker to commence the wheel activities c i a channel by which those monies can be recouped. i'm really quite insistent that happens if that's possible by relation to buy common. he was asked today about his involvement in the process which led to his appointment as as paul conti said successor and it does seem a story that he was a member of the board he was in top achiever in the process affects identify the success before kylie and even she gets the job go back to
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the police arsenal of governance issues that within the coc retreat is teaching at stake the itchy hands. it also seems to pass the gifts in honor of appointments that was not only in rankin are a nonsense is fact she says in open defiance of the hsc standards and guidelines and it seems to me that all concerned. where oh where has the interesting thing in the course of the comanche nation was that mr khan then revise his positions several times even in relation to something as simple as twenty eight when he came to know mr khai is sad resignation. i was very shocking for us to discover that in fact mr kamen happen parts of the subcommittee of the boards that had sat in the ca six conversations with the recruitment specialist even before mr kite he had resigned. he also attended the board in the same. after coming through the interview process of which the courts decide to to appoint him as
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mr kiley success. crazy stuff or are you recall there were days that i could be targets mr pappas said that he is concerned about the number of insurgents recently and puffing and content services james riley charter of bubonic helped watched out the clock in the ambulance service is being brought forward. already this year consent has been raised about to come to dance response times. today the health committee heard from one of its own mentor is his brother needed a nom de nantes on monday and satisfying the doctors to train his gp team wouldn't mind taking james to be taking one for wickets to yourself. i didn't witness to the beach. anybody with pianist with chest pain to wait for an infant school minister for health says he's concerned about recent incidents. take what i had to refuse sooner than planned i'm very happy for you to bring good fortune and have a very pro review of all the situations of the entire
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service the problem is with the problems lie. we really trust. hey jesse was asked to sign mask like they used a mountain and says he would not be clear that the system was in the eighty two feet the all clear. all the in the end it's the cute whimsical sometimes they would be safety issues arise i know from experience moylan house for the opel money made to sell to small boy wrote this post was not to fall in itself will be fabulous. james riley also addressed concerns over the removal of discretion rematch kochi. he said he's our agency to form a review group to see how the government can best meet the needs of people who have long term conditions and the new rt knees. be enough oil has claimed that the minister for the environment phil hogan may have misled the drop this in twenty twelve the two of
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the committee that the provision for irish water was just ten million euro the statement was issued after parties private members to based on the irish walker controversy. the government he's the one the vote the manager had called for more transparency the operations of the company responding to the debates mr hogan said that the government had nothing to hide under the foi legislation would be extended to the utility. he'll serve at the suggestions of cronyism intersection of fourth option as the parent company from torture the irish travelers association has said consumers will be hardest hit by the decision of total scope to close its large office and counselors summer charter flights from irish airports. the tour operator said it plans to move exclusively online it may have been opened today with thomas cook's irish operation on the grounds hearing is set to close as the company winds down its summer holiday charter business in our names
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a result it says that changing trains in the chapel mike is here. they had a very close look at the operatit went on in a very bad year for the entire irish industry to the basic reasons the sun came out. we did expect some sort of the few we didn't expect demand to meet up last night's. forty four people our employee jump in sales support office in the park west business hike in west oakland. they look set to use their jobs as a result of this decision. holidaymakers will also be affected with men said they did to the cnmi gas prices could rise. he tells his boat the irish market. the tulips is simply not conducive for consumer and a week all that the airlines to launch into one and i'm like you and all the prices on because we are strong the worried about that on behalf of the consumer. in a statement. thomas cook said the company will retain a strong presence in the irish travel markets it said the decision to move
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exclusively online was right for the company and customers here. but it said it fully appreciates the impact the decision will have on its irish employees. thomas cook has said it is now and take a thirty day consultation process with the forty four staff who work here. it says it would do its best to support the staff in the weeks to heads. shiney chelsea. fourteen years. did you irish coastguard sikorsky s ninety two had a cup to her she should be launched today the helicopter the chair of the child inside eastern region of the country. thanks everyone for all the coupons in the womb. got to the beach whatever the weather was bad and brought to the briefing of the watford base of the coast guard search and rescue helicopter crew today is a slight oversight wexford an interim or co sign christie has been flying since nineteen eighty six
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first that the air corps and as cbc the canadian company which has the contract for these helicopters. it is especially so. this person you're the weak results with us too. but this aircraft fuselage family mission in yet said most of it on and win a lot of things. you couldn't. which was the method of dealing with him. the site with great elements. twenty four hour cover has been provided here since two thousand and two during which time one thousand three hundred emergency hoskins having carried ads. with so i opened it to more sand dunes therefore their core food i ate. after their search and rescue helicopter crashed in nineteen ninety nine. this new helicopter will now enable the crew to increase the range two hundred and seventy miles. the two top speed of up to sixty mph carry a greater number of casualties. today it apart in the search for missing a brownstone heads in watford
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