tv RT News PBS January 16, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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when you win. when will we will or will . the fun artsy another us drone attack in the soil and another potential this day. while some members of congress disagree with president obama over whether the pentagon or the c i a to control the u s drone program. that story right ahead. and it's that he seeks a deal could benefit ali what internet activists worry that the actual put too much power in the hands of the entertainment industry will tell you more coming out and it was since the chemical spill and less for dsl for that. officials
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have told residents is off itunes and won her last year i will have an update on the one week later and shout a fan. thursday january sixteen i want. the idea that you're watching e. the nz day with the news that another innocent civilian has become the victim of the u s drone strike in yen and the attack was not to have been intended for suspected islamic militants in the southeastern part of the country. however it took the life of a farmer instead. witnesses say the farmer had been walking home in the village of our hotel early wednesday when he was dropping killed by the shrapnel of two rockets according to reuters the local government official has confirmed a report has declined to give further details. this attack comes just a month after the mass of drone strikes killed at least fifteen people traveling in a wedding convoy
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human rights organizations argue that there were no islamic militants in that convoy. natalie greece is any civilians were targeted these are just too love the most recent drone attacks that have contributed to a heightened concern amongst them the needs and those in the international community over the caa is controversial and classified john warfare program. this news comes just as congress is trying to make it more difficult to bring transparency to the program according to the washington post congress inserted a secret that provision and massive government spending bill introduced this week and teach me pull counterterrorism operations under the umbrella and ci day well it's still unknown what is exactly in the provision in allegedly prohibits funding from being used to transfer unmanned aircraft from the ci day into the pentagon. there is talk about these latest developments on the implications going for it and joined by to resign advocacy advisor an amnesty us anything special meaning or even threatening so it
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wasn't a team knows a lot of buzz about at the idea that the drone program could switch from the jurisdiction of the c i a to the defense department as an obama himself really wanted to see this happen. here we are with this provision on you know what happened. well i knew that congress has not invested enough in getting this for an ad at the hands of the ca and of the hands of the secretive agency the department of the marlins offense runs a drone program we thinking and in the caa has going for them we think and kaka son but neither of these organizations is running the program with any kind of accountability to the about the testing on lawful civilian casualties are one of the un does have some strong tax and downs as i would certainly be more visible. miss c i a year so you'd think i'd give it possible that congress is going to keep this program in the dark. i think a certain members of congress who don't see the need to end the secrecy of the program i were talking about using lethal force around the globe with drone technology and not telling you they are national committee or the american what's going on who's being
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killed. absolutely and this is not only a funding issue and means of provision allegedly consumed more than just face restrictions on finding what i could be in an impression appropriations bill that could determine how to jump over and is controlled. well the problem here is that we're checking out a classified annex a lot of lawmakers didn't even know that this secret annex. and this provision work what was going to be inserted into the appropriations though we haven't even seen to be in congress about whether this is a good base to attack senator john mccain raising questions about and why it was kept so secret and fundamentally about the conference all about its operating in using lethal force around the world without informing anybody about what's going on and it's silly it's not just president obama to address the concerns of events even citing director john brennan as specifically warned that the drone program in some ways is sort of diverting the saggy from its primary mission of intelligence gathering on. he's not certain how the will of the c i a is really sort of changed over the years take on this
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at this ground warfare program in the caa has a record of human rights abuses whether it's torture secret detention. not only has a committed abuses but it's trying to evade accountability for this to pieces. so first the political force that kind of pow in the hands of the secretive spy agency in really raises some questions nonetheless it has also been released because of the main casualties have been unwilling to say whether indian interest rates civilians have died or whether it's investigated bottom line the administration's to commit to reform and if congress is getting in the way that than there really a struggle that needs to be had in the administration needs to push back. can the ministry should do anything at this point means and has no mom i'm making directed and in a pan heat a sort of unilateral action on discussing obama can send people to the hill to talk to members of congress and get this straightened out but we haven't seen in the last six months is a real push from the administration to end the secrecy of the drone strikes. it's hard to get away car once you take it but that's fundamentally important to a program that setting a precedent not only
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in the united states but around the world. the sea change in awe after his speech that he gave his time in a very powerful speech in may of twenty thirteen at the national defense university. i was there a trend in our going away from john's facts or to receive you know what was the transfer of when it comes the drummer for program after that their fuel reporting throwing strikes since then the two thousand thirteen speech but we don't actually know who's being killed in the strikes and certainly the way the drone strike of last month were fifteen people were killed raises a lot of questions about whether the rules president obama announced are actually being followed. it wasn't incredibly hard to hold the administration accountable to its promises no one even tell us what's actually happening. an email that you know the jurisdiction is probably likely to see end of the c i a cell like you were just mentioning i now know what we have these drone attacks abroad such as wedding convoy. is it just so easy then for this data say well you know. this week and releases information because it would compromise intelligence and then therefore we get no
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transparency whatsoever. it is a male in the us military operates in other parts of the world including afghanistan and iraq. if this is a lot of scrutiny about its actions in response to scrutiny. it's developed over time. i'm ability to answer the questions investigated knowledge was happening so that when a family sees that it's failing numbers killed it's not just met with silence the sale of some kind investigation. we haven't seen from the caa and that's because on them and say the agency that operates outside of the line outside a pub accountability. what seems like congress is arty passes as sweeping leaves three fifty nine to sixty seven and then the senate is listed on the net this weekend i suppose be noted by the president added. i mean do you think. unless the administration comes for and does something it's pretty much never forget this point i don't think it's the end of the volga and i think there's lotsa members of congress who are incredibly concerned about civilian casualties from drone strikes short sold on the idea that the caa should be running the show should be doing it so secretly house that mom needed some ice cream shop at etsy advisor at
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the amnesty usa. thanks for having me. and what the nsa revelations role and we're just learning that the national security agency has collected almost two hundred million text messages a day from across the globe mccourt specifics like the date time and location of messages sent to solve a worse result of a joint investigation conducted between the guardian and the u k's channel four news has all the stuff of material provided by former government contractor adverts noted also got some revelations that the uk spy agency the gc hq as the new tenancy database to search the private communications of people in the uk. the nsa programs codename wednesday's fire and according to g c h two documents. the goal was to collect all pretty much everything you can. that means it was used to extract all kinds of information including people's travel plans contact books and even financial transactions as revelation comes as the day before president obama is expected speech on possible
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changes the nsa surveillance rules. mehrtens are awaiting the announcement to hear what the forms will be made to nsa programs of foreign governments are interested too. when the aisles from the agency revealed that the us had been spying on germany's angela merkel the german government was furious. comparing the practices to those of east germany's notorious secret police. our keys peter oliver met and veteran of that service to find out justwy are. the us. the us. finding and that the united states attempt to find that mobile phone and a local confronted president diploma. this claim the formal offices in the east june and secret police which was known as the stasi. the warning for the nsa if they think maths surveillance is the solution to the nation's problems. but the fear of even the best
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qualified and most of them secret service cannot save the state. we showed you that away from the professed chill of the politicians that the nsa spying ability to compare with the actions of the east german secret services. during the cold war the canal if indeed this is exactly as illegal as some of the tactics that the stasi to employ all it is a breach of human rights the government machine is so powerful that you can stop it. it would snow to news leaks about the shape and go to the nsa surveillance show in gemini as one of the top targets for us limping again. high up on top of the ominously named devil's mountain like the remnants of the last major nsa spying program to look into the private lives of the people of the aisle in all its abundance now i can update this post was used in the finn in all the private phone calls of thousands of citizens in both the east on the western pacific then it
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was thousands of coles. now it's millions sometimes tens of millions of these connections the tracks and love. the court to review the way he would now is much more intense in your web browsing history credit cards they can build a profile on your way easier than was ever possible in my day on a leash josie didn't exist in this type of technology. a reliance on developing personal contacts been dismissed by the windows were working in counterintelligence in the west more hours even though he said. we were pretty good. even then the fear of being listened and she was taken seriously th was a formal office tlenge ng n tomato told usth and i and my superior t any technology or a hat that they can use this calls me answed yes just going to get out these veterans of the spelling game might be impressed by the capabilities of the nsa
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the pickle juice about the quality of the information collected for dozens of hits they relied too much on technology that technology might make to locate a person or listen to their calls it doesn't let you know what they think the usa doing all the time to justify its intelligence gathering operation dove touched on to the point though by critics. since he continued. sometimes gets the thrall of the box the gym and the arnott was tom's causing u s government hundred and seventy two million dollars between two thousand six in two thousand twelve. about twenty c and now the consumer would not pay back the retail lel is all according to a new government watchdog report released by the inspector general for the guardian spendg by the department of health and human services report shows that medicare the government health insurance system for seniors pay for nearly four hundred and seventy four thousand claims from vacuum erections this is also known as vedas
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look at this over a six year period early in the early claims for the devices nearly doubled from twenty point six million in two thousand and six. thirty eight point six million in two thousand allowed and government raises an issue that's in the forefront as lawmakers recently been on one trillion dollar spending bill to talk about some of this overspending and where we could maybe be seen in a little bit more money. i spoke with tom sachs president of citizens against government waste. i first asked him why medicare is paying more than the retail value. there's no reason that they should be they knew about this disparity in nineteen ninety nine. and medicare is capable of setting a special payment limit for something that is grossly excessive compared to other costs for other devices veterans department pays about half of what medicare pays for these devices. and the private sector pays even last saw how nice her more competitive bidding process here. medicare has had trouble with competitive bidding for durable medical
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equipment which is where this falls into in terms of t category. there was a change in the last few years ago they're having trouble was getting us off the ground this particular item is not yet covered. the only congressional authority for competitive bidding. they can just set the price and say well where pain is far too much. clearly when everyone else's pain seems to be enough to keep those devices around insisting they have done this for the past fifteen years in question is why i'm not exercising this authority they have a lot of things that they are doing they probably haven't paid attention. it takes a report by their own inspector general to bring this to light. and it's now that it is. oakland's hopefully they will start taking it more seriously. i deposited the sum of money. eighteen million dollars easier for them for neath going for the beneficiaries but it's real money to taxpayers and the people in need these devices will see in taxpayers' i think a lot of would be surprised to learn that at the vacuum erection system is covered medical
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dubai is on how it is to determine which items are medically necessary and in return home and enjoyed what they consider necessary to separate discussion but they do provide by antwerp to medicare beneficiaries. sixty five or so. not that old i bought it and i think of the physician says it's medically necessary that is one of the ways that manicured judges whether to provide any kd of drug or device while i die people will look at this story and just laugh but it does in our shed light on a much bigger issue of government waste that when it comes to help me to my knees are so much money being spent on this particular area when they could be passed no better spent some time now twice even treat men and equipment to better serve us seniors well again it's a question of what the medical necessity is a lot of different things that some people might not need but others in need. and that's a judgment that may be second guessed by congress if they say they can cover certain devices. but
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the medical field is so large and are so many things that bng reviewed sure how thisly certainly a field for which there could be some cutbacks by now you've probably researched many other fields that i'm due for it for some spending cuts to talk about him some other things on your agenda. absolutely the appropriations bill for the current fiscal year twenty fourteen is on the way to be approved in the senate was approved in the house there are earmarks or pork barrel spending in that bill even though congress claims they've eliminated these earmarks. hundreds of millions possibly billions it's much better than it used to be but nonetheless it is wasteful spending every word duplication and overlap hundreds of billions a year to duplicate a program that congress will eliminate so that there's plenty of work for us to an animal one superpower is that going forward to remedy that the problem of the easiest way to reduce spending is to eliminate duplication and overlap there more than two hundred science and math education programs to get
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the achievement of science and math students in the us isn't any better than i was ten years ago compared to the rest of the world effect is probably getting worse the spending money doesn't solve the problem. congress should solve the problem and then figure out how much needs to be spending the day when a lot of these duplicate of programs maths add maths contacts president of citizens against government waste and chio. thank you and this morning the senate finance committee held a hearing about the so called fast track authority which allowed trade deals to pass through congress with a simple yes or no vote rather than letting legislators add or take away from the deal this fast track the morning with an incline to the trans pacific partnership pact under negotiation between the twelve countries on the pacific brands including the us. three witnesses at the hearing representing business interests and spoke favorably about the ttp and other free trade deals ultimately free trade is best for every economy economic growth and job creation at home dependability to sell
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american goods and services to the ninety five percent of the world's customers living outside of the us. only one witness raise concerns about negotiations like ppp. but the net effect the end of twenty years of these trade deals. what has happened to our jobs our communities the north philadelphia that i grew up in the cleveland that i can picture right now devastation throughout the community is nowhere near to replace him in jobs for that more than seven hundred thousand jobs lost from nafta alone. one interest group that's been so quiet as of the ttp is hollywood and industry which has launched a full scale assault on online piracy. so why only one pushing for the street they'll argue among the one that has a story. hollywood is the land of glitz and laughter were superstars are made. hollywood is also the many industry with a major role in dc politics in the future he didn't want to
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raise. i will order of protection of copyright owner but in no way in every heart disease is right on the energy needed to she pushes for tighter copyright laws on the web. hollywood is hoping that the us government will help fight its battles. and online outcry help me to stop online piracy act or so but from patsy to congress the trade agreements like the tresses of the partnership could be a backdoor way for hollywood to get what it wants. our fall and winter sale to its controversial soak the legislation through congress. now supporters of the free internet away that's in the same provisions that when soap but are being treated in the trans pacific partnership the a a laugh. a defenders of digital rights of the trade deal could undermine free speech on the internet janine service providers into copyright cops was happening in the lives of actual legal and is taken down because it is no
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consideration for weather and the answer and it's no use his right to use on in his commentary is that the case on sunday. the pre web. media consolidation is part of the problem very few teaching groups controlling senate majority leader in this country. by the way into politics to do. you might need to sew for people who represent a grave threat to democracy and the states can dot com the founder of the file sharing site made up note with the rest of the new zealand base of an american criminal copyright and that when he ducked our te puke i knew that it was based on politics you know they have to be some kind of. and he cannot turn to for so long because the president of the stimulus away and has no white house was aware that they don't have anything to do. at the los fundraisers to bill's guy someone you would what you are. two more you'll have more on cool with the internet. he would
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probably raise that much and the audi was a very important country but for that cool thomas campaign organizations like the electronic frontier foundation a leading global has spoken out against hollywood's copyright crackdown efforts as the entertainment industry fights to protect its profits the worry remains that could come at the costs of the free internet. the los angeles from o'malley told rte. well the last fifteen mins of dennis and liars life were filled with gasps and snorting noise as according to witnesses who wants to die no wire was executed by the state of ohio earlier today for the and murder of a pregnant woman in nineteen eighty nine. the combination of drugs use to kill him had never been tested before and let someone in the long this executions in ohio says that reinstated the death penalty more than a decade ago. ohio inundated with the new form of the lethal injection because the manufacturer of
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the previously used drugs and tow bar for tall has barred its use in capital punishment prison officials throughout the country are dealing with a pencil barbie doll for dates and different methods for lethal injection the wires lawyers time to argue that this untested drugs combination could result in a violation of a ten minute against cruel and unusual punishment. but a federal judge allowed the execution to move forward with the new execution map that executions using pale marble reportedly took last time in making dan did not gas or cough has acquired it and still ahead here on artsy it's been one week since that chemical spill and was virginia. some people are still without water not see this film right after the break. in lieu of the marinade and having more unusually two of the coast of new york's the network. it
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has not been getting one shot ahead of never getting information you need it. new bout of bringing his work with the religion of my intervention ideas and consciousness approach to assist them in the movie of all it can be described as angry at the restaurant. a single the baby. they don't like salt if you don't the juno but the price is the only industry specifically mentioned that's because a free and open price is critical to our democracy should out of it. oh well in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and aircraft to the co we can hide change my handful of transnational corporations the word profit by destroying our founding fathers on the market and on the show we repeal the big picture of what's actually going i knew. it will be on a
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golf ball. rational debate no real discussion of critical issues facing america got ready to join the movement walk the beach. questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf. and that's why confine my show larry king now right here on rt question more. yes today marks one week since a toxic chemical
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began to leak into west virginia's water supply all some people had been cleared to return to drinking the tap water how officials are still advising that prick and women who bathe in the affected areas to refrain from doing self and instead drink bottled water. for more on what's happening unless virginia let's go to our teas may allow pets. a warning to penny lane in west virginia don't drink don't wanna know the answer for coming out from the west virginia department of health and human resources bureau of health. i think release today says quote due to limited availability of data and out of an abundance of caution you may wish to consider an alternative drinking water source for pregnant women until a chemical is that non detectable levels in one or distribution system. today marks the one week anniversary of the day the authorities first noticed thousands of gallons of torment the cycle taxing methanol spilling into the elk river. read mysteries
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i want to ban has been listed for about seventy percent of the three hundred thousand residents in the area. i can't get pregnant women fall within that category. they are still encouraged him not to drink the water from the system because there might be trace amounts of the chemical left it started near the elk river right here. next to the ohio river which runs south to kentucky and beyond the three investigators insist that the love of the ncaa champ will be so offended by that time many regions of all of those states that the wire will be staying. northern kentucky water district authorities and the greater cincinnati waterworks how close their water intakes on the ohio river just a thought for caution. problems continued to play for in an industry is as a company tries to clean up the chemical spill. if the un inspectors for the state department of environmental protection sign of the company and for finding the violations at the secondary storage facility where the chemical
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corps moved on friday. an inspection report the dp said quote secondary containment within the facility wasn't hearing and or non existant the plan indicates that the building itself acts as a secondary containment what was the exist at floor level in the building's walls the problem you so is serious and three the industry's might be forced to move its inventory of ncaa champ chemical to a foreign stores plants in order to avoid another catastrophe. meanwhile as virginia authorities released documents from two thousand ten saying that local residents complain of a mic or smelling the air and your help with her plain sight. so this may not be the first time that the plan hasn't experienced issues containing in ca sound and storage of that era. federal local investigators have launched probes looking into the hulk the facts prove negligence and economical wants is following the leak. us senator jay rockefeller for the center of disease control to conduct a study on
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the long term health effects mcc has yet to respond the department of environmental protection does not have the authority to inspect or manipulate above ground storage tanks such as the one that held the mca junk piles one for zinnias and majority leader john and mary is set to introduce a bill that would change that today. in true capitol hill passionate speaker of the house and john de neri the chemical spill a political ratio. only obama administration for not enforcing the rules. we have enough regulations on the books. the administration of the norm is actually doing their jobs. why wasn't just one of the expected since nineteen ninety one. i am entirely confident that are ample regulations already on the books to protect the health and safety of the american people. somebody ought to be held accountable here. well what we try to do was look at those regulations so we thanked our cumbersome over the top in the cost in
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our economy jobs while to come and protect the regulations already in place and lashes out against president obama according to a new report by new republic and confirmed by the website open sources dot com and neck in and from freedom industries don't even find thousand dollars to speaker trainer and twenty thirteen a while so it appears as if mr main areas not completely independent from the story himself. while politicians bicker and the cleanup continues. now what's virginia resident artists trying to keep their hands on on the contaminated wander as they wait for the all clear in washington i can mop as artsy. and that does it for now for more in the stories we covered the youtube dot com such art in america check her website are due back on cents usa. follow me on twitter and peace for watching. i read. i peered
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years and the longest ongoing series on the seventeen ninety two election and eight new. i know. i know. i called and welcome to the sign it's friday january seventeen and catherine comanche and tokyo. a vocal critic of the way the chinese government treats its ethnic minorities as a lost sense of freedom. police have detained will come to a t had acted then a case in speaking up for the rights of the week ears. a friend that ot says dozens of offices raided tote east home in beijing and t
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