tv CCTV News PBS January 17, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST
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defaults on kids took to the death comes as the previous wave. he said one comments the os. sad that it's not that the trees and in bahrain said it's none of this need and we'll go from one show. welcome to the cctv means i meet me and they shall begin with the am betting that the money back all that the anti government campaign to shut down the capsule is in its fifth day at least thirty one people in the mean just up and exposing device was found at protesters demonstrate islam on seeing me and chill out on calling him the best city in assisi santa the movement's lead acid test of sudan was among the maths as a symbol means that in the attack he said to have been around since the meat is high. the trauma which was founded in two weeks not a lot transforming its debt says it's time to take back control of
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the calls and comments that the nationalists had struck a defiant tone when speaking to the international press. and you'll be with you. it is. he is. i did. i did. i just don't eat thai protests when i joined higher up respondent had to sit that country and the colts to see how that any news on the list behind the attacks in the west the act instead i am that i kept open call. rooney i'm becoming prepared to wear on the march began again it was at the keene act the government off the expected nor yet i did get to eat the fresh air. i'm addicted to the frightening fall off in my collection. i was a very few teeth he will
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lodge four thirty each morning and no one would think that by the brain during a march from one reported that it defines the very bumpy and self help and care into my forte but it was a complete break when we are active teens. i think that people would think if he can meet the costs of a piano one day before and had now for what they have found that the one who carried out. i was careful to protect the health according to the reform of the cricket we planned thank you for taking care of that i was helping me get away from them. many of the fridge had been planned for height and the kid that is no advantage to being hit by some of the prepared to kill at least he's trying to find it i felt like i did not keep me from depression comparing performance he could think of blogging shopping mall getting in the heart if he hadn't remembered i know exactly how will people looking good and what it was what he would get the bike was the lengthy
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period of time to pack up my aunt the one that we can find him toward the light. many fearing that her and thinking perfect for cold blood shed on the fifth bangkok. to and the sad and they tasted tax affects the protests in the process to become a mole in the lead and develop a sound stage. good question now there are three of the book an eye on how it all in the first one is that the project will interrogate him. really i hardly find funding to bring costs down canteen which started on monday. i think going green and the elephant at the link in the main floor or with the new valley fight to limit the continent excellent that he can break the bank account but it will purchase the effects of the former detective to find the perfect yet but my most simply must come to light in the nation during the market without some kind of like the one day now the problem into effect at midnight and keep repeating that if mike would
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increase the fact that i'm in the hat trick by which he did that now. the longer that i would have remained defiant to the cricket pitch and the like taking what you fill out cute enough the ending part. another way to the end he threw a td to appear at the court that the very act leading to complete the one that will be entered on and i'm glad that i got to change because the show. unclear what the ruling. i've been handed down in the car and he is. but they wouldn't that be would be teaching from the election than one piece of art to foolishly thought that yet though he think he did mention that the site parking the sunni the fort morgan with the flu. by the government had the political thinking should i feel fine when compared to find the things that i've taken a pic from people i meet with the caffeine and the power to have faith and cannot change you can see that this is essentially important from a cold. as softly as expressed in
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regrets is that the democratic people's republic of korea said fresh appeal pending post in the seas between the two koreas. so after peeling and to stop new ring in the region and need it. going to use the dprk true the six keys on the korean peninsula should immediately show practical action. of course the new color as a share the lights came up to the dprk court for a halt in bad though and committed trade publications between the two sides of the state the dprk after south korea to cancel each minute read trail with the us a repressed south korea has rejected the screen unification ministry spokesman qin dealer said the dprk shud take a responsible man says recounting its cost publications such as the artillery attack on him john. i didn't manage to get together at spokesman suggested that trust between the two periods should be demonstrated to me oh five real action. my breasts japanese prime minister shinzo on this visit to
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the controversy we ask or any shyness and its people in neighboring asian countries who have suffered from its aggression in will look to the chinese ambassador to the uk fronds gemini and ethiopia. at fourteen hours he's the haiti and the team to face up to history the devil is the story lambasted to the uk repeated his criticism of our visit to st to the yasukuni shrine speaking to sky news and fast and you show me and said the japanese leader's real agenda. its student body thanks to all come off will vote to overturn the post war against national debt and a retentive kind to the cost of minutes reason. ap japanese prime minister will visit this award from where did the one that they will criminals. yukos will remain a list of japan that it is japanese. the equipment of co chairman. what about what the british people will feel about it but jim and he gets
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the respect took it to another the aegis of a . i think you like the recent us democrat understanding of the feedings of chinese people. conference held by the chinese ambassador to germany in munich a chap he is constantly defended his prominence in chinese and boston she needed to reach its database and japan to face up to its right. visited shrine where fourteen first class second world war criminals are honored that i cannot regarded as a posture of hoping for peace. nor can i see it as trick and treating history sincerely chinese on boston to ethiopia also shared his views on japan's aggression to riewoldt or two showing pictures at a press conference as a u s forces no he's trying to put two bases. while i should be at peace loving country of peace loving leader. the other phases of this publication
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house. in asia. he is doing all kinds of things i mentioned about. to make trouble. mountain asian countries. meanwhile china's ambassador to france to achieve many common seen a french newspaper le figaro criticizing on his visit to the shrine. he pointed out his behavior was all except go to the people of ancient country's core excuse to japan soon and it's real aggression during world war two. the gentle cctv. neil watching cctv means in that state media says a new constitution has been about whether they approved by referendum held at it this week with a ninety percent of that says k bank gets to watch the draft constitution eel fish a result of the referendum is expected to be announced tonight at the pentagon says the transition had been to treat the government's palmdale opted to pay since tom is president of the home
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of mostly last july. we sat in the date for presidential and parliamentary elections is suspected to be the new dates. i'd say the wife the expected outcome. on the cheap general of the five top ten cc ever closer to it it's for the test and see how the nazis to pull commons that despite heavy criticism from government departments including the now banned in the stone brothers incredible sea lions aides have called for protests during the dancing. very latest on the situation we needed to win our joint buyouts respond and i fell on rupee in cairo i don't know that i was also an active the welding majority now looking at say the ninety percent supporting the draft constitution box on the other hand that extend out to inspect it to be about to foresee the sand. when this is at sea have any impact on amazon. well on monday for some there is in a unanimous vote them all egyptians who went and gave
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their vote in the ballot box as he said over ninety percent that actually been some reports it has been announced according to the exit polls to reach ninety six percent over ninety six percent. so basically um there is a sort of a consensus among those who went up for on the egyptian to get their films and the ballot boxes to approve of what is going on in egypt from the current transition. there is of course also some analysts who have been worried about such a result of these expectations from such a result the court victory because it means that there isn't any and significant presence off the opposition for art. and eventually present in the street there's a big portion represents more c supporters them at an industry clad been boycotting um the results of some people that were and was the date of
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value their weight in the ballots or defoe can win with five million folks. also there is to those we have been intending to go for a no vote. and that they support it. i'm participating in the referendum whether or when they started launching in st campaigns hanging posters and flyers the moment the people trying to hold a conference is to promote a no vote on they wear are rested and therefore just the day before one of egypt's on moderate islamic parties the strong egypt party which was an offshoot from the wilson brothers itself on they announced just a day before the fourth of the wood was cut because of the rest that happened though when its politicians them and therefore have decided that this is also one of them in a moderate power came on the street not as strong as the walls of others and there are those who have been um or
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describe themselves the revolutionary power is the main you've been left in opposing military rule and a photo of little holes in the region offers a host of whatever the same time also causing the walls of other goods on two adjoining more sees a year in presidency he's also people were not in cash to go and participate so overall i'm alice did not expect that the numbers will be as big as what happened and the folks that and also that the ninety six percent who said yes. during this week's though. overall a forty percent and turnout at least as far as as expected so far is also bigger than the two thousand and twelve it turned out and for the referendum that could use a more sees the boredom was the mother has a format that constitution and therefore am overall analysts believe that the results this week shows that there are more egyptians who support the new un democratic transition in
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egypt that morse and built in support of the two thousand and twelve debbie on official results by inspecting said tomorrow's what do you think it overwhelming support for the constitution sets about each gift and the prickly what's next for you to. well if it's as baptism on average there are twenty million political posters of twenty million egyptians all who have rejected them somewhat more sees the board for that supports the army's move to oust more sick from power and support the current transition of these big mass of population they did not have a significant political participation before and that many believe that it was the way that more she have ruled egypt during the past year through the gardens here all of them was the brother that drove them to take the streets in joint third shift and support from
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the ousting of fiji's first democratically elected a president so this is a big mess that is currently there and most of those days there fell to an end to referendum i'll be showing signs of approval or accepting the concept that the defense minister more slot that the icc should run for presidency and during this week there are several other offices that are scheduled to happen to have no meaning or to promote a mass protests on friday to call it the gender of the fact that c c and in the coming friday to two and demand that the icc the defense minister to run for presidency. this will be on and generate twenty fourth of the next friday and many believe that the long wait it down. final response from its easy to whether he would run for presidency or not. a whim be announced after the folks
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that are more sore after the final results come out and said thank you very much indeed and so on monday reporting from cairo. now it's time to let syria syrian opposition groups in the scene in the texas tech acc abiding stumbling today for the taleban to attend next week's c area keystrokes and switzerland at the main political opposition group the syrian national coalition after the viaduct intently on the ecu anime to internationally backed peace talks on aimed at ending a three year crises dc area. an estimated that to me and people had led the country s and six point five meaning meaning tenderly piece placed all of the state us secretary of state john kerry that the opposition did go to the talks. kerry says it is good still but jt for christmas addition to the conflict that has claimed more than a hundred thousand nights. she'll either from a cell body that model and has had held talks with emotional facial is the most debt to discuss the upcoming peace
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talks in switzerland. my dentist visit comes at the same time as this year bringing tons of potsdam bought the army police force are expected to meet with russian leaders and the presence of the two funniest is the most that as a base to speculation of the three countries of conceiving a kid in the agenda. farming is the second novel and it unites the adaptations saying that this is to let kelly insisted that colleen says stands and the three countries have been nothing to hide those russian ear and the us dollar allies of the sa government and the well being. diplomacy in that will scare comes just ahead of next week's geneva to conference play. russia has been pushing pink coach terrence presence that olds well the s e ring in the ceiling from a distance visit to moscow and the ugly spat top responding to call box and about to call how all three countries agree that has been assigned to each essential to any peace process and wit and serious
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knee in the three yen on a ten no copics. the first issue they agree on it's of himself and the feature of the madison essential to the city in the civil war. in these upcoming geneva to talks that they can say that he is very much cos of the solution to the crisis and should not be immediately thrown out from the picture as the us and its allies and the rebel groups also think as well. this is the rebel groups as well that the three foreign ministers found common ground on as we heard earlier from turkey that meeting ongoing. it's not even certain whether the rebels will send a delegation to geneva to at school. but it's very much and the view of these three policies that the rebels a very divided and they are very concerned as is the us and its allies off the presence of islam as factions within the of the rebel groups. on the us has been very keen to point out that the syrian national coalition should be out to me
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that too but they should not have representation from all extremist pots of field position which has been facing problems in syria as well. now stay at record breaking heat and the higher range of finding dozens of books files onto hundreds to flee their homes. hansen has died. as for cd with pastor keith continues to drive and the seventy five in itself the state of victoria and dozens of blazes of planning in south australia western australian and new south wales and the state will start he said the suit seventy men can see warning to call hundreds of residents to flee their homes and pasted into the affected areas. sorry if i've said this is commission a creighton actually said to conditions ease as dangerous as the black saturday fires scale of one hundred and seventy three in two thousand nine. mum shop ditch on the street successful moon landing china has released a new credit is that the ads
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taken from the moon by the nation's climbed up to thursday's bush all i did and this camera on december the twenty second the other was still on the twenty fifth christmas christmas day and he says are of the polish on us as evening approaches scientists say the mondays on a boat to take picture of info at. and of course when the fcc in full sunlight the moon landing side these in the shadow meaning that and is still up and cannot provide enough power for the camera as a pa at the foot of six hundred pages of being taken during the nation and the staff as tiny tiny spacecraft has said photographed the us from a sinister quality. a new marist any slow the hong kong and drop this and media meadow run run shaw will be held today is friday at one of these and film studios on town they say on cheap executive adam churning and spine are attending along with friends family and the country's female artists of this began at ten a and i do it and at six pm as that
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is assholes like old friends ordinary citizens are also being allowed to attend the event and said this is being staged in an informal style guest had a non smoker when morning that it's all black ties to a specialist and has meditate and there will be no new mario wii the show died ten days ago at the age of one hundred and seven. during his lifetime he donates it to the one point seven in hong kong dollars to more than eighteen countries education projects on the mainland. the second day of chinese spring festival traveler asked them not just any human mind great migration on as many of the trouble is auckland students are on their way home for the spring festival holiday. also my clint black cats according to the ebay layoffs are teased with a six meeting people travel by train on the stay and eighty seven point two meeting train tickets when center yesterday with more than papa bear's senate on the internet as a
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new round of small as it gets him with a thirty one highways across china the coast this morning and traffic on the few of them has no chance the museum. oh look she's really easy in full swing in hollywood to lead the academy award nominations announced on thursday and for many of this season's pockets six ten that was the mexican am a mom bought to hezbollah. leave it on. fresh off the best musical or comedy with golden globes american hostile to the momentum going this morning with ten academy award nominations including best director and best picture the other films are also the best picture race simply gravity which also had ten nominations. twelve years of slaves which are not other contenders include captain phillips and allison buyers club. her nebraska and the wolf of wall street and stormy night. mary kanye did a little cold night or eight
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financial year ending next american also starred jennifer lawrence says it is from back to back oscars she's nominated for best supporting actress in intensity. amy adams is up for best actress. the men of america now so we're also in the spotlight. christian bale was nominated for best lead actor bradley cooper for best supporting actor you. gravity drama best director nomination to globe winner also soak or wrong in a best actress nomination for sandra bullock her competition along with amy adams was meryl streep august osage county judi dench for kilometer england where he played second for blue gems. among twelve years of slaves nomination for best director for steve mcqueen and best actor for two until edu for in addition the christian bale issue four is up against bruce dern for nebraska leonardo dicaprio for the wolf of wall street and globe winner matthew mcconaughey for dallas bites clock. i can work harder cctv a washington state to
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export to seventeen mean dallas less of a selfish to china each shia last month china and the clams mussels and oysters from the west and us. the contest they might be contaminated with the lethal toxins and the annex the culprit is conceived as a great delicacy in china and shipped the science lab found in the works is that the us pacific northwest. now it is a cast of the people. give me look like business as usual it is washington's be the fish processing plant would you feel. these workers normally spend all afternoon picking we got a job that gets revved up an hour. top quality lead up to back up to one hundred and fifty us dollars a pound in the game. during china's lunar new year celebrations which start on a new recruit the first year. the us export ecc million dollars for the wives we got in two thousand thirteen. more than triple the amount it in two thousand for us the lead up
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artist or stay around ninety percent of the exports going china. in december chinese inspectors reported finding the quote above standard residue of paralytic shellfish poisoning and inorganic arsenic into a u s shipments of going to. china suspended shipments as the u s inspectors to investigate obviously we're hopeful it does never saw before the lunar new year china has a very import market for us the company is now processing around a third of its normal production. we got the lead of fourteen workers last week. he shifted several of the few jobs without the boys to the oysters on pavement. us diapers can earn between sixty to seventy five thousand dollars a year and we got carpet. so for us testing indicates it may be safe to start digging to china again into the net over it to death for their safety that was a message from washington state department of health representatives when they met with lawmakers the state believes
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the shellfish are the tiny face. we're waiting to be answering questions that china has about the specifics whether it comes to the caffeine than outfits most of the gooey duck in china comes from other countries. most of it from right here in puget sound. no mater where you go in america they're still serving up the going down. after seventeen years in the restaurant business. it's safe to call single ellie an expert in cooking guido was never tell the way the body we get to pan fry and they do those in the us cut it up with the simi. but at the end of may wouldn't put it up with bestiality. i'm good at one time put the pasta. he's the last pieces of the fbi's legal issues still thinks about those who supply her kitchen. i feel that my heart go out with them in their while. by some estimates washington state shellfish industry. in losing more than half a million dollars a day chris gets healed cctv
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a stick the sea. i feel like letting me an american talk about an hour. how women are powerful. if you empower women in empowering birth mothers of raising sons who were either drag us into war but deep inside of our mothers are the ones who are protecting their daughters mothers grind and noticed blood and therefore not empowering women were not any chains this forty to fifty percent generation that understanding. also on. i can't help but call out sick
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the hindus and one main iraq as the place. a stunningly since we brought them democracy that women are educated they were doctors lawyers and now it's thing and it's taking over their being forced into loans they don't appreciate and i think that the felt needs of a hat so you know i would just say that president obama. what you type in cairo was a great start. box. if you don't get the whole picture and realized the role of women it will never tell. i hope that everyone in this room takes a moment today when you come home to think about why the most powerful ways to empower the arab anduslim world is and how the women so please please stop turning a blind eye to the atrocities against women by at how much i'm pleased
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with how when you empower them. incheon. you want wong will or will. the oily thirteen this lobbyist year for china in episode three is chronic air pollution the price for economic development and can china tackle this crisis. hello i'm like walter and that's it baby. the surging chinese social media users develop the habit of posting and sharing rear
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