tv RT News PBS January 17, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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i come. cz you will . arts the four runner. president obama lays out his plans for reforming the nsa when he had to say and the future of the surveillance. this is the way to curb crime. a police chief of the major us city itself will look to the issue coming up. we ended this day in washington dc was leveled by aliens. but new
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reports as easy as endangered by a different kind of gets close to the story coming up later a fan. it's friday january seventeen five pm et washington dc and dreary and boring watching artsy america today president obama outlined the reforms to nsa surveillance that he supported following a review from a white house appointed panel that gained forty six in the stands when he is founder and silliness on st and that is clear the president would not be speaking today or not we're snowed in and was a large forehead. the debate around edwards noted that the american intelligence to the about six months ago. if any seo wide range of praise and scrutiny for his actions to be here at when refer to have the whistleblower. while
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i can say yes but americans and expecially troops and danger when the intelligence committee is widely seen as an enemy to america. a pentagon official who is a former special forces officer told by spd i do not take pleasure and taking another human being like her he remained blank. having to do it in uniform. but he is single handedly of the greatest reader in american history. nelson said the outlook for the bulletin said. one thing that everyone agrees that the current conversation about surveillance would not be happening without the sleet to snow day. archie is anzacs aware that the president speaks and brings us this report. after nearly seven months of nsa disclosures present obama finally came forward with reforms to the spy agency. acknowledging that the current capabilities in the usa. do leave open the possibility of abuse give them a unique power of the state. it is not enough for readers to say trust us we won't abuse the data we collect. for history has too many examples when that trust
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has been breached. for such a system of government is built on the premise that our liberty cannot depend on the good intentions of bowls and top the president to address the nsa is most controversial program section to fifteen ball telephone mehta data collection. i believe critics are right to point out that without proper safeguards. this type of program could be used to heal more information about our private lives and therefore will bring a transition the wall and the section to fifteen ball in the data program as it currently exists basically the president no longer wants the government to be in control of these massive netted added databases and is instructed the attorney general and the intelligence needed to come up with a new method of storage and report back on march twenty eighth in the meantime the president is making some changes to program as it stands. first the nsa will only be able to query those databases with prior buys a court approval they use to build macquarie them based on their own
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internal guidelines. second once in the database is the nsa will be restricted only taking two hops from target instead of three ops these changes deal with the access to the databases they do not deal with all collection fall collection of virtually all americans better data. we'll continue why critics of the nsa are skeptical of the presidents announced reforms to former nsa whistleblower bill bennett. he still is not being given the right perspective on technology and was capable of technology instead of taking the fall collection approach in trying to modify those of legislation in that area to try to correct it but still maintain that fall collection is the wrong way to do it. a former nsa whistleblower kirk we did. it's sort of a false rubric to say or roof if you will a red herring to say of wealth and the state doesn't have a say not true it's connected to a wider network and as saying now aside from section to fifteen ball
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collection the president announced a number of reforms in other areas. others more d classification of pfizer court opinions coming. a change to be a definite secrecy that comes with national security letters are also allowing providers to share more information about the national security letters that they receive from the government. also the president called on congress to create a special panel to advocate before the fight to court in major cases dealing with civil liberties. now regarding foreign intelligence the president said he's willing to extend more privacy protections to us citizens whose communications art. incidentally swept up in the book section seven oh two surveillance. he said. you'll also said privacy protections to non us citizens as well regarding spying on foreign leaders the president said he's putting them to surveillance on friends and allies do not say the nsa will stop spying on diplomats other things that were not addressed by the president today. nothing about the nsa bridging encryption standards
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as revealed by the snowdon documents. also the president said he's seen it no abuse is an innocent programs. but even under duress reports that the nsa has been breaking into the data links on google and yahoo servers gordon address the latest report from the guardian regarding bolt content collection of millions of text messages around the world. so while some specific reforms were introduced. how exactly they will be implemented moving forward remains to be saved and there's still several concerns that were left unaddressed. it's also worth keeping an eye out on congress to say that the president's speech this on lawmakers to what is substantially reform the spy agency. over the next few months. in washington this is sarah socks are too. this was one of the most dangerous cities in the united states and has topped the list for the past five years. in response the city has reorganized their police departments under the direction of chief james craggy and has a new
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vegetable sticks that's the murder rate dropped fourteen percent from two thousand twelveth two thousand thirteen. but the secret. well the cheap credit says he's seen and good citizens who are authentic and picked her up violent crime is take a lesson. here is the key with maine. the safest places in america. when the safest places in america does not like prime into non existence only in portland maine a head games in narcotics suspects the shootings. but clearly suspects and the good americans for. earlier i spoke with matthew seeing the assistant editor at reason that common reason twenty four seven to learn more about this issue. i first asked in and having an armed citizenry could cause a criminal to be quite set out committing violent crimes. a donation be surprising that people come to know that they owe living in a neighborhood with people on and off perhaps a little more
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hesitant to commit a crime trend one that people do not have bombs of the aisle to see evan such unit have the same experiences craig does the time he was in maine and now as in detroit's and he seems to think of as a difference and its devotees some of the framework of the sinking considering that news of the season as he pointed out the proper thing to split with one thing he did say is that in detroit's that these criminals are saying to sell out with body armor on and i were in the body armor for it though please every noble pleaser and the wearing of bekah has more citizens are being done so easily enough on that again not surprising animals are gonna try and anticipate the problems in the seats but by typing isn't going to stress to see that you know that craig is talking about legal donovan's he's not saying that you never want to be done to the scene of people queue up i able to legally purchase one of you know most of whom you know that the minister comes this country most people who own guns on all the dangers of a publican and the snow different and it read yet is because the spokesperson of the falling he said one thing that you really wanted to stress cuz he got a lot of
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press of the conference was that easily tie the knot good responsible citizens having access to guns but i've missed you think that we still need regulations to ensure that only these responsible citizens are carrying guns on the wall youtube and that of the spectrum is very wide meaning if you look globally this legacy the country to have an incredibly incredible known for gun control and unity of the other end of the spectrum is that there are no controls on the up its weapons of but you know all this the it's up to the michigan legislators to come up with one of the regulations are having is with pointing out that it surrounds that will deepen presently there are some polls of people using guns to him who founded a community of mexico for instance of the vigilantes who recently as a pow camps the sauce is typical of crops up in light of the last couple points i would notice them when yousuf look at global in nature on irresponsible people are the ones who actually have to let the rich mine of you to please the more places in mexico. no one say he did this on fox from his camp carrying portland to
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detroit's honestly portland is it's very hard to secure care because for one in their sector demographics are very different wheel is phenomenal and white issue is predominately black so can we really say that because portland is a safer place because they have forgotten what the nearest tree really say that there's a direct correlation here with the tories will see another comparison is not perfect but this is a problem but you haven't any policy talking about any issue is gonna be the same whether it's gonzo healthcare or education keep on both sides of bowl into the trap both of you know trying to draw false comparisons but i think the only reason why think this one is sickly interesting is because a man who has worked in the city isn't making the comparison and you know i've never been to poland to muzzle me and not going to treat a priest he was in some onion it was that of his thoughts on it of having the look of the road to the voice of reason as above earth scientists are researching it is the sun has actually been on the ground has a different perspective there was a client xiv that show that states which
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restrictions on carrying of concealed weapons had hired kind of related murder rates than other states but the sun is out there is also pointed out that you can conclude that concealed weapons. in the cards lower of violence rates. do you know of any hard evidence that the piece of well recently i will say is that idea. remember that this embrace of publication on production standard that was published by the institute of economic affairs and intense as the answer must lie in on goal from a country that say use the wide range of gun ownership but in any pain which a hundred years ago also you know that of the body relaxed on lost but in a handgun bans were instituted in might have an effect on the going rate but this is the study showed that the unit doesn't have that much an effect on oklahoma's hundred ten pm people should be concerned about whether people are being killed on all will know what weapon is used to tell you is a anything on the opposite. i ardently about thirty seconds left. is there any evidence that stricter gun laws mean
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collapsed while the curtains will they buy tied one thing i feel it fits in with the appointment of retaining disappointed only about him you can point to the whole country is gonna be completely un. this can be hard to draw any toxins from countries all jurisdictions because of some of the problem but i do think it's worth listening to crack because of his expenses investors that they thinking so much as mackey fini the assistant editor at reason dot com. ohio was facing a lawsuit after trying in and tested method of lethal injection on him and sends data. what this family saying the execution and night to cruel and unusual punishment. the man in question did the school choir he was given a death penalty the foot of and murder of joy stewart who was eight months pregnant back in eighteen eighteen ninety during yesterday's execution no witnesses said it took almost twenty five minutes or hard wired to die when the new combination of drugs with the help one witness described his death. i would
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say to the jaded thirty minutes. mr maguire appear to be gasping for air. i don't know it was a deer hunter or exactly what it was only with the values that description yes people in this bone rattling guttural sound the roots of the stories through the nose. a couple times he deftly there could be choking. now the choir family is saying that if that violates the eighth amendments and their sailing the state of ohio. his lawyer alan bollard said quotes the people of the state of ohio should be up hauled out what was done here in their means of highly integrated with the new form of lethal injection because the manufacturer of the previously used dogs and a bar of it all has been barred its use for capital punishment. the obama administration on wednesday issued new guidance to help schools and meeting their obligations under federal law to administer discipline without discriminating on
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the basis of race color or national origin. this follows data showing that students of color face more pressure this mens for committing the same actions with their white peers with an increased amount of mom for a swim in schools disciplinary actions can result in a student entering the criminal justice system. other critics are saying this is nothing less than imposing of racial quotas in the school system and could lead to increased violence and our schools earlier i spoke with daniel lawson the director at the center for civil rights committee that the civil rights project at ucla. i first asked him why the government is saying we should end the zero tolerance policies adopted by the school was. well for many reasons often times is an automatic responses not just about two to bring guns or drugs to school today being applied to us with the minor infractions of the school code things like tardiness or dress code violations or
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preening itself on and what this does is that which is kinda out of school. we lose a tremendous instructional time. it dramatically increases their risk of dropping out and ink involvement in the juvenile justice system and the stitches on a sound education policies and crack that there are real viable alternatives. that worked much better to help kids improve their behavior and be productive it in school. now grows and gets this guy didn't say that this will lead to increased rates of punishments for whites and will reduce the distance from minorities told us that that's how school's discipline their students what they start disciplining more glass. well it's just that we ensured that it's laughable that people are saying. and they obviously haven't looked at the statistics for the guidance provided by the use of an event in the court of justice the guidance is really
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common sense how to be affected in school discipline and hauling kids accountable for misbehavior on but proven effective evidence based practices that help teachers to training and help school systems to systems of support for kids produce misbehavior. keep your kids in school when they can learn and these have proved effective in with my fall more than for oakland. cities across the country are already doing these things so it's not just some academic idea of all we could do things better. there are schools that have turned this around and in so doing help improve graduation rates. so those are humans are just happening to her. what a great ear infection rate of rise among minority students what is more minority students are capable of that and i are doing that bad behaviors that this deserves more punishment for this minority group. so if you if
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your punishment is counterproductive. it makes no sense to be using it so most people would say example for concern about a dress code violation. even if more black kids for violating the dress code. suspending its tune and a school with it there where they're more likely to get involved in gangs and commit crimes. that makes no sense they're up all hope is a whole range of banking due to enforce a dress code that doesn't mean pushing a kick out of school with is no guarantee of adult supervision. they said their proven effective practices and that's really what this guy and says it's thinking that there's no intent to treat kids differently by race or disability status point out that in fact choose to disclose as well. there is no sound policy or if there's a better way to address the misbehavior that doesn't result in huge loss of instructional time in schools was to do that everyone would
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want their kid to go to that kind of this alliance that a cell research offers solid method spinning as it benefits the students who were in trouble. it is not to benefit the student who was in trouble but also at the settings so that a greater percentage of minorities that are rested and then white teenager is the way why are you saying this and what you call a desperate impact will and the department of education why don't we use in the department of justice to why don't we have been the same standards across the federal government. well actually did but it just is jointly filed did these the standards in the sky and so it doesn't. i also applied to the juvenile justice system. but we have to remember that the whole concept here is that we're moving schools to adopt an effective practices. if there's a legitimate purpose four of the response the punishment when have you and it is an education and
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necessary in the justice. no contacts and to impart for safety. and it's been a bit if there are disparities that i really due to differences in ms peters. i'm back to the condemned by many so writes it's only one they are unsound practices were much better more effective ways that schools can go about encouraging appropriate behavior in keeping kids in school. what you know then if they're not using sound practices. um that's where intended to punishing kids with disabilities or black kids. a lot more than others or latino kids are english learners. that's where these guys and its allies that was daniel lawson was the director for center for civil rights remains at the civil rights project at ucla still ahead on rt d c is known for high there. how about pioneering gas explosions new report says the city has more than five thousand athletes and city
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only on the back. you may remember the fate of washington d c of the film independence day. well easier not facing an alien attack there is reason to fear explosions in the nation's capital one twelve researchers have found about six thousand natural gas leaks under umbrellas in the district of columbia police twelve of them are potentially explosive duke in boston university researchers drove down every street and dc to venture into weeks most are said not to pose any risk to the general they could add to clementi to discuss the situation i was doing that earlier by dc is a set of senator paul strauss. i first asked in dc was in danger of blowing. by the dea. risk and dc blowing up the way it does in most
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hollywood movies is to exaggerate if you're planning a trip to our nation's capital by all means come visit. it's not likely to blow up but anytime soon. but what is exploding as he sees population. thousands of residents are coming here every year and that continues to put pressure on an aging infrastructure. that's really what's at the root of this problem and that the guy that researchers the war in washington gas about this publication are potentially explosive effects than four months later a new member still explode said so is this even really fixable. well it's certainly a lot of. it's very concerning and the last thing on to do is minimize the risk of this but we don't want a sensationalized it either. this is not a unique dc problem. the preamble the same research study showed that in boston. a similar problem with guests and their impact is not every major east coast city with an aging infrastructure is facing this problem. what makes it different in washington dc is that we're not equipped to deal with
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the original and boston senator from massachusetts ed markey almost immediately introduce legislation that would call for revolving fund to fix the gas pipelines tighter standards in the district of columbia. i'm not even a co sponsor this bill on monday with a vote for it. so our lack of federal representation is once again. hampering the way we deal with an important national problem. yes and that infrastructure is here with the strides we can see i was there all underground sounds like brett braid is a drought that we use everyday so because if i can and does that get neglected. whoa low bar for sure could use to collect including the bridges including the routine we just passed me. it was budget bill that has restored a lot on the cob sequestered cuts to the defense industry. so we're investing money actually maybe blow things up in other countries but we're not spending money on infrastructure to keep things from exploding year in all we have americans that want to work that need jobs we have jobs that need doing it or not investing in infrastructure or the way we ought to be and that's unfortunate. this is a
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classic example of what printed roads of something that we should be spending our money on that will make our city safer make our country safer help americans back to work right now so have a lot that this country say we have to prioritize their spending this is the money for everything so where the priority list. and of those lion in what is more importance than infrastructure while ironing infrastructure very important and it doesn't necessarily mean that these products have to be borne by the time that we have a robust natural gas industry that profits from putting get through the pipelines stricter enforcement is necessary to make sure that those who are selling this gas to the consuming responsibility for keeping them say what we need to do our part of the national level to make sure that this is unseen is a local problem when in fact it's a problem that occurring in many many of our major densely populated city to a higher and higher taxes and the effervescent strain. i think we need tighter regulations and i think that there is something that we need to do to keep replacing
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aging cast iron gas lines we can continue to use technology from the eighteen eighties to our knees in the twenty first century. i like the sad when i'm feeling city that's dealing with this and rozelle and thousands while i got so bad that the creative things but again i have been made about where players had this kind of drives to me and holds you can see we have some footage of it. but this is no joke manhole explosions flash cards they killed people and there was a massive explosion in georgetown in several years back the cause of my dna is likely to hurt the body but is it possible that these vehicles could hurt someone. absolutely this is a dangerous problem requires an immediate solution here is the bill in congress that the bill on the senate but what is happening is that. if you're from the district of columbia one of the city's most affected by this. you can effectively advocate for this bill in congress because you don't have a vote. that's one of the things that were we so kudos to senator marty who represented boston is a member of the house
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represents the state of massachusetts. but urban centers are to vote short when it comes to dealing with issues like this in the united states senate which is why things like these he stated are important not for politics. the biggest safety is often implicated in artistic director for a budget on an important civil rights acc us to members of the district this is senator paul strauss us as senator for the district of columbia the adjoining. as we approach the fourth anniversary of the supreme court ruling of the now famous citizens united case which ruled that corporations associations and labor unions all have the same look like spinach or rights as people on taiwan strait will be wholly a protest tomorrow is a kind park. archie this on future economic reasons the leaders on this story. if entertaining occupy watching movement returns to its birthplace in the big apple's cutting hard word and action against corporate money in politics and other scheduled around the fourth anniversary
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of the supreme court's citizens united ruling of twenty ten that helmet corporations and unions are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigning and elections in the last of that wall street has essentially doubled as an assault on the power of the people democracy. of course is known for its tough stance against money and politics and the forwards and in corporate power in modern day america. i mean to put an end to corporations being able to influence politics with our money and the concept of wall street's leading in the same bed with politicians as well as pushing to stop the notion that corporations have the same rights as people in the last. they will be watching to be too big to fail banks of holding a rally and speak out against corporations outside on new york offices of several corporations and this will be taking place throughout the day. if i stay tight years after the company and the financial collapse of a way to wealth inequality continues to be a prevalent issue for so many common americans were still struggling to stay afloat while corporations have i
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enjoyed better time than ever now the key goal for the moment is to gather more awareness and a major issue corporate control in the united states and doing what they can not call for an overturn of the citizens united ruling on writing even more power and politics to the already large the almighty corporate elites i'm pushing aside the ninety nine percent of the population that remains voiceless. this kind of course two years after the most expensive presidential election in american history and counting out where more than half a billion dollars were pumped into the presidential campaigns said the one obstacle the occupied wall street movement seems to i recently have been faced with higher numbers of protesters coming out for events and the question is will occupy be able to generate and not buy or not people to show up for this saturday's protest movement has now largely been out of the eye once occupied camps across the west where victims are roughly two years into the movements and out while working in smaller groups and on a more local narrow focus deal has been
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ongoing. initially i'm in big numbers the market by protesters that got the world to take a listen to what they had to say has been featured in an rt york. i was in california who received a traffic citation for driving while wearing gold glass this that the case of rhone alps the alleged infraction was brightly lit monitor visible to the driver which makes it illegal to drive while watching a video screen however because the highway patrol officer could improve her last was turned on the aussie was driving the ticket was dismissed what with all of the reasons nsa surveillance top and makes you wonder if california cleese who really wanted to know if the glasses were rolling at the time of the traffic stop. the sas to go home. that does it for now i carry am going to see you back here at eight pm. to noon. i peered years and
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the longest ongoing series on the seventeen ninety two election and eight. i know his line. i need to tell times for one political reforms are responding to the grenade attack on them by ramping up their passion the occupying into sections in bangkok and trying to force the prime minister to resign . the for a concentration thing they didn't include watching demonstrate is and wounded sixty eight. so mom thought i was just a tad tanks and families leading
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