tv JN1 Headline News PBS January 21, 2014 3:00am-3:31am PST
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thousands of armed riot troops are continuing their offensive against protests is in the hearts of kiev ukrainian capital of the troops initially pushed through at least three barricade speed automatic in football stadium before being pushed back by protesters and gunning says they'll be assisted by thousands of high and he's likely nine is to just keep on with metal pipes and that's likely ukrainian media report that they are smashing cars and attacking houses by in various parts of
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the center of kiev. some of them of being accompanied by vehicles. opposition leader that i need this kind has said he'll parties' open the lies beyond folks. as you see frederick it's the fight that he is right the red sea resort of the last monday evening. striking a knife an area close to the cc the repeats of twelve months likely find from this might lead to a lesser evil is buried in egypt failed to cause damage or injury the kids have taught that if i lived in the last issue the landing outside populated area. this is the latest in a series of rocket attacks targeting southern israel which began last week. yet in the day and find time and teammates of crabtree was clear to me the seats keep the patient but to protect it against repeat attacks . i am
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the clash against the united nations educational aids you think and cultural organization snowball with the simon wasn't all set to join the ranks of israel the u s officials have criticized the unesco cultural body for the last minute decision to postpone the jewish themed exhibition unesco says it received a letter from twenty two arab states to express concern that the exhibition could negatively impact for peace negotiations between israel and the palestinians can ask your next the show see naked disrupt peace talks under way the exhibit entitled people book land. the three thousand five hundred year relationship of the jewish people to the holy land was created by the international jewish human rights organization. simon was a call center. the group's
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director for international relations to auntie samuels says he has good position is an attack on the liberty of expression for all people. we were going to get your free reports over months of age therefore the argument it's a team from a matchup that could offend the ocean anyway or any group is simply absent israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu denies the exhibition had any negative impact on the talks with the palestinians at the heart of the peace talks last israel's request he recognizes the jewish state and without that israel claims peace will not be possible. many palestinians refuse to acknowledge jewish ties to israel. some say that doing so would weaken the rights of palestinian refugees as well as their living within israel to make a point that the population i believe it has absolutely nothing to do with each piece boasts its own with any political issue. this is a pedagogical content. schools are lined up to visit. i don't know how unesco is going to tell them to go away
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the problem is that it is not political. it is india's culture. is the fact of the arab world cannot accept the authenticity of the jewish man. the latest move is not the first time unesco has come to anti israel decision ivan was said to eighteen s keogh had been collaborating on the exhibits this formula the unesco that year became the first you invite to accept the palestinians is in member states a move which triggered the united states and israel to cut off funding the organization of the us and israel have been stripped of their voting rights in unesco because of the four and suspensions unesco's large number of arab state members makes rebuilt the majority in israel during voting last october six resolutions condemning israel were favored . israel has decided to stop issuing cast lost to the. this follows the recent developments in the destruction of serious chemical weapons stockpile
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it was a need on still pissed that was scenes like this is really standing up and distribution centers ready to like maths. do it is among israelis that if the us syrian catholic forces they would retaliate on the jewish state. this was backed up by disturbing footage showing the patina of age and time into rebel held some of the syrian capital damascus which killed hundreds of people many of them children at the besieged forced washington to three two minute reaction against syrian government side eventually agreed to abandon his chemical weapons to the slide which syria yet this month. defense minister moshe in yemen said the decision took into account the change of threats in the middle east. he added israel's offensive and defensive capabilities to to other states from acting against israel and that any attack would think a heavy price. officials had previously considered halting the one hundred on a mosque for the population of eight million bpd to their limited
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capabilities against nerve agents. in spite of the decision chemical protection kits still being produced for emergency and rescue services. a reassessment of the chemical attack risk against israel will be made later this year i . israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has added his voice to a chorus of jewish groups who are condemning the minister's decision to axe an exhibit on the history of keys in the halloween and all the misguided has sought to consensus i would disrupt ongoing peace negotiations with the palestinians off to our groups complained. up top of the middle is the one sided approach toward israel does not promote peace. it delays and instinct is the palestinian authority's reluctance to move forward practically with the negotiations with me all this behavior will change and certainly a one sided and unfair approach does not promote progress in peace
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process. the exhibit entitled to the people to book the land to the three thousand five hundred year relationship between the jewish people and the land of israel across the region he announced back in two thousand and twelve a motion to which iran from generate the twenty first to generate the third shift at the minister's powers of corpses. the sun and the singtel sense that which created the exhibition with the backing of israel canada months in ankara slammed the cancellation decision as an outrageous political manipulation of the cold cold event. this guy's decision comes as israel's relationship with the un authority is thus no time ally israel and united states was suspended funding to unesco in two thousand and eleven. often it became the first two and forty to recognize palestine as a nation in contravention of un resolutions. the us and israel but most of our team writes mosman member as result the un cultural body also recently ruffled feathers in a tie but when it
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voted in favor of nine fewer than six resolutions condemning israel. it's a syrian christian refugees have taken part in a pilgrimage to the banks of the river jordan the baptism of jesus christ. worship is complete. the israeli and jordanian side to the river celebrate epiphany with christian music. at least for me and syrians to put the safety of jordan away from the three heats of the wall which has claimed the lives of but the one hundred thousand people many of those attending the ceremony great for an agreement that this week's geneva to peace conference the eye of the tool to try to bite the us and russia is to establish a transitional government in syria and ultimately bring peace. i woke up on the peninsula and we pray that all the parties will reach an agreement in geneva which will take place on the twenty second of this
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night. the ship reached an agreement we don't need any disputes. we want what size to be satisfied and are looking for the best solution this is our hope in the hope is peace. the best of them the peace conference would be the first place to place making green serene company representatives and the opposition since civil war began with the critics and no play pool with me to report suggesting present side is i'm willing to step down at the speed in the main syrian opposition itself bringing folks claim that the members of the syrian christian minority. i even see the islamist extremists affiliated with the company did have free cookie attacks that churches and communities the prominent town of cleanliness has been the scene of a school's between jihadist militants and government forces majority of christians fled fearing death. but it is one of the few places was to
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remain stuck in the language of jesus christ the major bridges to the autumn of suspense as time itself out the sunset was something of a storm. it all began in december with a still confirmed it had allowed that most women both checkout staff to refuse to sell customer alcohol. the member of staff stated that emilio colt was against their religious beliefs. i miss confirm this was that policy when asked by tuesday's paper. if this would extend to allow you to simply to refuse to humble safety problems will take from its box suspense and said yes dad and i would be going to do stuff he did not wish to sell meat and milk together a decision will be made on a case by case basis. the state said with the chemo is that some of our employees practice of religion is
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the restrictive to go drink they can tumble all the mean they can all look at certain times. this provides an environment free from discrimination and say what specific requests a mate. you always make reasonable adjustments to accommodate them. this was the response from shoppers in london. i feel that. it was a problem like this and the nsc to view any candidates for jobs in the us told they should say to them. is that any item in our school the eu would refuse to have on grounds and you'll read his beliefs because if so then we are not willing to employ you today has been in the country as he has to abide by it. then launched into tissues. send someone in this country that has to say i didn't know much about the final points of the jewish milk than meets the road. but i ate i calmed him actually but they would
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extend to keep him into an optional football it's up to touch a single to meet at the same spot and i think the nameplate has arrived said. two of the culture and to live at the policemen audience of luck. the policy was sent home today she just loves going. many jewish people pointed out that they would come out to the main problem with tumbling package pool products. the story is also excludes differences between supermarkets can have that knowledge with his religious beliefs. rival british supermarket sainsbury's has issued guidance eighteen there is another reason why staff do not drink the whole wheat pool for religious reasons should not handle them meanwhile supermarket giant tesco has stated that makes no sense to employ staff on until you refuse to touch so the license for religious reasons. dennis has more than seven hundred stores in britain a naval adopted the policy. christine's you do don't wish to work on sunday i'm really just cheesy cheese onto a cost of today's
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oral keys to flow more easily and after the social media by last month has been said here that the slightly brown trout. they said that the muslim member of staff involved in the initial incident should have been found the seeds will grow into place old bakery departments instead of a motel where she could be expected to sell alcohol. is that a bound for san juan. in central london. i did thousand so foreign to most likely sent it into the streets of hong kong to protest against the recent news tree fields into sydney and hong kong reuters excessive but protesters are calling my name day slavery some of the five thousand demonstrators showed up in the streets of hong kong demanded justice and greater protection for the community
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with the tasting tonight and it is indeed one can imagine the beacon for eight months by her employer the point where she can barely recognize her family. i bought. but to the humble every day for months that he chipped teeth installed in the hot water it and it needs immediate been given nine years dollars and told to go back home. chinese police have stated that the attached importance to the case investigators who travel tuesday to saturday to continue to use torture however organizers of the massive protest to the situation is deteriorating domestic help and treated as slaves is it to awaken of the migrant domestic workers. the site looks a slave night. and it's our little one there both of us and one adult exploitation will be one of the government that could take some concrete steps to repeal the piano but
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my grandpa this is what the saudi tv and really cruel and to ensure that adequate protection and data together what he could be said even the migrant domestic workers last year's comes to international number of courts deemed that some two hundred and nineteen thousand to twenty five domestic workers registered in hong kong and the most confident in using random to my contest and hong kong authorities for not doing more to protect the workforce. he's going to say the eye. loom. cheese are more likely to suffer from certain genetic disease is like cystic fibrosis and tay sachs disease has been a push by jewish organizations in los angeles to convince a couple to get tested before having children. at sinai temple in beverly hills ashkenazi are being tested for nineteen different genetic acc's person and
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sephardic are tested for eighteen seasons commonly carried by that group. it's a simple blood test that they pay its debts as a small amount of wine and that enables them to have all the information that they need about these diseases can see her sing is one of the organizers of the los angeles project for the prevention of jewish genetic disease. she has to cost upwards of a couple thousand us dollars. they didn't the screening test team is just twenty five us dollars with insurance and it's recommended for anyone that has at least one jewish grandparent. you will only know if you are a carrier either by getting strained or having settling an affected child so it's so important to be screened because the carrier is a healthy person and many people think that they would know if they were a carrier by how they fell. but every person has a carrier is healthy in the cats nelson and hides things you see
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surgeons are you getting screen because the one to start a family for caption else and family history clean and the part her decision. i know that i'm in effect carrier so i think that he did for me is that it allows me to think about what that perhaps could often be a part of my genetic picture and deftly into senility of cnc feel like chilling cold nose the devastation of losing a child ttc axed after her son died in the early nineteen sixties she worried about passing them on the doc's yet again. outgoing knew was that one and four. the pregnancy to have the possibility of becoming pregnant with another child it a second i chose it and not to go any further. and then we adopted our family. prior to her son's death she says he took part in testing and allowed the doctor to develop a genetic test to identify the key scene. here councilors meet with couples before the blood tests or take any kind and sent out
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too well and our camera wasn't allowed in the testing room during the screening is because of pride as he plots organiser stacey star says it's important inspiring parents get educated on options in case the learned the art carriers for him to see us. even if you end up with one of these to see if it seems to have healthy children. so anna wanted so now that they think oh my god lay ahead. i'm a carrier this disease i can cook it. but that's not the case. there are many different options for couples hearing in jewish genetic disease including in vitro fertilization a game sperm donation and prenatal diagnosis even if parents have a healthy child they are encouraged to get tested again before having another because as technology advances. doctors will be able to test for additional bases its demand for genetic testing has been overwhelming organiser see about two hundred people registered in advance of the corn a half hour advance and they've already spent. read more
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screenings the coming months the mast is for j and wind los angeles . the buses motor show has attracted much attention to their display but environmentally friendly hybrid cars are still included seven out of the world's ten most energy efficient and beneficial for me to be a post to be launched this year. time this manufacturer bmw has displayed the street and environmentally conscious model i ate a plug in hybrid which has an average fuel efficiency of less than two point five meters two hundred km in carbon emissions of less than fifty grams per kilometer. displayed among the huge island tea i had also been a diesel electric hybrid car folks died in wind commonly known as the most fuel efficient car in the world yet someone has an electric motor and can seems a little less than one meter per hundred kilometers
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europe's first car show two thousand fourteen exhibits a total of six hundred kearns and fourteen to eighteen new deal cause any movement of the twenty sixth of january at heights of exhibition park in brussels. we said good seats and marijuana in colorado has local businesses facing and to bring arresting us take caution in the new law custom and ninety thousand twelve and brought into force in january first this year which allows adults to buy the trunk of the krishna. this leads to many traveling hundreds of miles tonight and as you can take toys. i hate that idea the le mans and gold and diamonds. lee said. during its twenty two c sugar krishna marijuana more than ten thousand are estimated to be tight for me each year in
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colorado now longtime users into teresa the new monument could not prevent its use of cannabis. i say to those people who say what about the children i say are you kidding me the only be keeping out of children's hands is to regulate trade if you want to keep the pot away from high school kids then put it in places that he can get behind the bar where a professional with a license from house to check their id. recreational marijuana sales in colorado a tax to twenty five percent and prices are almost double those of medical cannabis in for the first nine months only businesses has previously been alive to some medical marijuana are permitted to enter into the crease know my kids recreational drug stocks are also most in my entry publicity on my listings to avoid government and an advertising kenya's tourism
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the actor robert de niro showcase the works of his father who was an abstract expressionist painter in the post world war two artsy at the reception that julie missed a gallery in park city utah near to the break from the festivities of this year's sundance film festival has become the documents harry he created about his father titled remember the artist robert sr sr which has been shown at this year's festival. the reason it is today. didn't want to make a documentary about my father was with me. would it. people who i love that surrounds you with this one. it did happen to you that you talk about the family the kids went to eat this. went to sway
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the hbo. right so. which would tilt his father with the good the documents harry did your jokes that he would most likely be uncomfortable with the attention. aladdin nolan and robin. say well i don't know that's the beauty of this so that in the incidence of people. i mean he probably. i can go dance with the week. methinks the movers. taking stay. goal shoot. kinda like that. he actually went along with it he hung themselves. it's a two three. the paintings still he was. like once a week or once every ten days or so. i knew. when you're still there. it's the typical
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place. it sits. the mix. to the room is in town to the thirtieth anniversary the sundance film festival says he hopes his new york based ride back to f two aftert every vincent september eleventh will be just as successful sundance film festival runs until the twenty sixth of january use she is after the nineteen ninety four bombing of the jewish community center on yet. our team team is still looking for answers. but now large and time prosecutor i'd better than this man says he hears that the years of investigations may be compromised. prosecutor and the amusement is the man in charge of the investigation that leads me to current and former high level iranian government officials of masterminding a attack which killed eighty five people and
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wounded hundreds. yes never been able to get him extradited quite empty net to stand trial the announcement soon as his would be compromised by controversial agreement signed between argentina and ear on last year if implemented it creates a truth commission to help investigate the bombing argentina's foreign minister hector to him and also he likes to do to push community says the treaty will and investigations since it allows argentine judge is to question the radiance suspects and tear on amusement disagrees. he says the agreement is unconstitutional because it permits the political commission interfere with what should be an impartial judicial procedure. and this he says can jeopardize the whole investigation. in theory anyone uses it in a certain substance to their deposition cannot be managed by the arkansas constitution in dentistry procedures ms
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spence request interpol issued alerts for five of the eight ukrainian suspects their faces have been stamped on the most wanted list for the past eight years. but so far they have never been captured. now for the first time. iran says it wants to cooperate by creating a truth commission is and says it's a ploy to stop the investigation. i can only see and total healing and violates the argentine constitution and also international agreements the island up to the devil or more sanctions by the organizations whose job is to guarantee his children attending justice. the only violating the state's license a mistrial in seattle it's useful but it might be to your destiny you annie. i wanted to knit to mind the agreement was also recently criticized by former israeli ambassador to argentina. it's out of the van. he called it a farce and said that most perpetrators had already been killed by israel the israeli government denied iran's claim that mr now has another
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trail to follow. prosecutor of that than this man as the arch and china foreign ministry to formally request that an israeli judge force iran to provide sworn testimony. he also says he studied other alternatives involving international organizations to further his investigations. this is my king and i cure for j and wonder in what us ideas i the i will do. do. will we to me. will. who are. will
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long ruling will. and. ah eye. chickens extent laser disc eighty three million tonnes of oil and forty one billion cubic meters of gas oil and gas minister was out by cannibal and reported to the president on the results of the agency over the past year he also announced plans for the current year and a strategic goals in the second of a rising from the president's address in turn the president of salt and survive without the need to attract investment and strengthen the work on innovative bowman of the industry that the sta
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