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tv   Newsline  PBS  January 21, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PST

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will . and welcome to the slides when states anyway twenty seconds. i'm capping comanche and telltale protesters in thailand are facing and new talents to the campaign to force prime is taking action and lots to resign. evidently it is an imposing a sixty day state of emergency in bangkok and surrounding areas starting wednesday. the decree would protect people from holding demonstrations. the anti government protesters have
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occupied key intersections in bangkok. the distance and takes him and says the demonstrations and peaceful and that the government doesn't have the right to defend the state of emergency dentist is having jogging time is a must for months. it seems rather have too much influence and since he likes it this time he did too until he was overthrown in two thousand sets. that is a man called an election to try to piece the protest is that they wanted to stand down. wanted to spend it with a second coat son i like the people's council can carry out political reforms. iranian authorities have given people of the year inside one of their nuclear plants bailout and nhk crew to film into a shared facility on the persian gulf. it's the first time the four news team has done that since the crowd started operating two years ago. sharia is the only commercial nuclear plant in the middle east iran's atomic energy organization allow the crew to document what was happening inside
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the pictures show the control room at the center that this outing the ec that produces electricity for homes throughout the film the russian and sydney is helping run the plants in the media's plan to build twenty more reactors they say they're using their ukrainian and spin and dance to his fields with the new units but experts say the readings cannot produce enough uranium on their own and need to input sound from russia again this week the rains started stealing back to you the activities that following through on an interim agreement reached in november. the six major powers. she's got to sit down for another round of times makes my heart to be just fine no agreements by the hands of the year international delegates a gathering in the swiss city of montreal for a long awaited peace conference on syria has added the syrian present the shower on sat and opposition leaders will meet for the first time since the uprising began three years now. united nations say
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that a gang of time the moon and the delegates from about forty countries will attend the meeting. please note that the venue under tight security. delegates from the un the united states and european countries want to discuss a little bit ceasefire may have to set up a transitional government nine syrian government officials have rejected calls for president asad to resign un officials had invited representatives of iran to take part. syrian opposition leaders and the u s diplomats complaints and on monday the un withdrew the invitation. some former war crimes prosecutors say they have evidence of syrian forces have been torturing and executing detainee. they say about eleven thousand people may have seen killed a british law firm released a report on abuses. it was based on fifty five thousand pictures provided by a former syrian military police photographer. many show the bodies of the young man the siege as the dt knees
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were strangled or climbed before they died. it was as if voters were taken in the hospital and used in data points an execution papers the former prosecutors say the photos are proof that syrian forces have tortured detainees since the start of the uprising. legal firm as internationally is to analyze the images they spent three days interviewing the photographer. well we can say is that this was suggested to them. with all the cool kid. in effect from the wood. so noticeable. it robbed of crimes against humanity. a sale but said the people participating in the peace talks in switzerland. need to keep the report in mind negotiations are expected to be long and difficult many syrians will fall in and hoping for an agreement that will end their ordeal an hq and you call and she shows us the risks. some members of the opposition i'm taking to help people in the towns they
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control survive wheat or allude to a mountain yesterday due to the tunnel so for those city. where are we meant the milk which is one qb who calls himself out in the morning. he agreed to the fields of corn to assume his identity was not to be the view. manatees are mainly responsible for stop crying for food and other necessities to read it in smaller towns up and go see as a home on the whole of government forces are severely restricting supply routes. and aren't allowing any transport food. but we will continue getting screwed it up to our people in the causes and was out of government ineptitude i love the stadium making people
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cry. children are not getting the non food. tm are glorious how could i. maybe he does to you guys tried to say about them. the images corey go to costco with brit inevitable outcome recordings of johnny into syria. i don't know why in general. because of snow capped mountains. daisy was orginally is to get security information sources on the ground i. men. with the pitocin. i love. some of the aluminum. d world for
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qualified borrowers on tuesday to resist. are we still call it home. it's the milk was its own post. an ambitious korea's behavior can print two people reading instead. sharon is there to get to the region until last summer we got some assistance from indio. we don't get any now we don't to be very cold here. all comforting and a can of paint on no scams. so people don't lose for sure. i let him enter. i almost never get firewood like this for my friends. you're going on they tried to broker called militia controlled by sitting on the carpet. mezzanine and the cost of the biggest victims are civilians. women
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and children about them if we can't supply anything. what will happen to them. member of the last of the regime today when he opened his own forty with these two pounds and making his debut. these getting the sheep many credit going to on of the program. we did the music room from time to come forward into syria from neighboring countries. ms says but the end of twenty seven point two. he says eat pb. i'm not fighting for freedom. but two is to be induced on the state. this is all from uncle hopefully i never expected we would see anything like the situation
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we are entering the market but if we stop fighting and we'll betray our comrades who have lost their lives. there is no other option but to keep fighting this e mail or use studio of the grinding on for nearly three years. he's good teams don't go into a ball. and so on kim's them to the area so it continued to suffer the consequences the locality can compete in the pulpit. you can buy as soon as you are forms of them unknown to the stadium food none of the deleted scene and this is news economists said the international monetary fund are still improvements in the eurozone in japan and in the united states. i did to that joins us now from the quizzes that i didn't weigh so tell us what kind of science and economists see what happened there signing things like a bunch of green in the united states and the way japanese officials are preparing for our tax hike to spring and a scene that's painting a brighter picture for the global economy. analysts
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at the international monetary fund have made a slight upgraded their forecasts for growth this year due to the recovery in advanced nations. officials at the imf have released their latest world economic outlook. they say the global economy will grow three point seven percent in two thousand fourteen up zero point seven percentage point from last year. the growth forecast a zero point one percentage point higher than the previous projection announced in october. imf officials have raised the forecasts for us growth to two point eight percent which is up zero point two percentage points. they say congressional budget deal has reduced the fiscal track on the us economy. it also upgraded their growth forecasts for japan by zero point four percentage point to one point seven percent they say the government stimulation and partly offset the impact of a consumption tax hike in april. any project the eurozone economy to pick up and grow by one percent. the reason has been
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mired in a prolonged recession due to a debt crisis. but officials at the imf say the zone is turning a corner and heading for recovery. now this mixed news for some emerging economies. imf officials expect china's growth to fall slightly to seven point five percent. but they say india's economy will expand by five point four percent the officials warned that risks do remain. they seem very low inflation in advanced economies is a potential threat. they're also urging u s policy makers not to pay for their stimulus too quickly to avert volatility in financial markets. when u s stock investors were back on tuesday after a holiday the market performance was mixed. the dow jones industrial average was weighed down by disappointing corporate earnings closing at sixteen thousand four hundred and fourteen down a quarter of a percent of the tech heavy nasdaq was up nearly seven tenths of a percent to close at four thousand two hundred twenty five. got to
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see how a japanese stocks are faring this wednesday morning let's go to an email a card is standing by at the tokyo stock exchange for me. good morning what kate ellis three twenty two ideas indeed with the us markets the fact that make you some cues for traders and of course us some of the earnings results up may also have an effect on chairs here in japan but some of the opening levels for wednesday generate twenty seconds and eleven and mix to start here as well to make it lower and the topics that just barely in the positive we'll see how that progresses but let's not forget to make a matching clothes and the positive on tuesday after we did see the dollar tree our footballing has been a little bit then we'll see if that takes up today. many investors of course i want to see the outcome of the two day thanks to pat calls the board meeting which wraps up to date and does are also keen to hear what the bank of japan governor of honey for all that has to say at the news conference which follows that meeting. now we should also keep an eye on
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that tech sector stalks me to see the nasdaq of course i'll performing as you touched on the high end apple shares. i actually was that the nasdaq this one the heaviest a way to the shares on mass index a will see how related shares hit a tree as well. by summer mean we don't have much in the way of us economic data this week but i'm still a big focus on the dollar yen and the direction that it may take. following that boj meeting an out what the us federal reserve may be doing there's actually a couple central bank moves them which are crucial for investors the bank japan is mentioned and the federal reserve. and that could provide further guidance were causing jitters out if the boj hints at any further easing measures or i decide to continue on its current path the dollar force has also risen as he suggested any question i on expectations of further tapering of the columbine by the fed right now thirty four points thirty four to thirty six. i'd trade is really also to be focusing on the fed meeting next week and of
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course when janet gallon the next fed chief takes over in a separate the euro yen on the screen hundred and forty one point forty three to forty eight. right now we'll see how that progresses ah but also keep track of asian indexes of which were actually mostly gained on tuesday. the following recent declines. and second that has any relation to the japanese shares here whether it's in the commodity sector heavy industries or some of the export or so will continue to monitor those as well during the morning for right now i can tell you both the nikkei and the topics given negative will see on the progress is that your health care for me thanks alot for that update now the people at consumer electronics firm panasonic are looking at the energy market and seeing the opportunity to expand their hoping to fill some of the space created since nuclear power plants across the country went offline executives at panasonic say the bill form a joint venture to buy power generated by residential solar
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installations. they want to start selling the electricity to corporate clients in the middle of this year and to households from two thousand sixteen the executives want to take advantage of a government plan to open up the market in coming years. they're aiming to achieve sales of more than two hundred million dollars to the new venture in fiscal two thousand bt. and that's the latest in business. i'll leave you with a check on the markets the eye. it is pete. japanese anti u s transportation safety experts are joining forces to find out what's wrong with it reminded me than last week
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that the battery on another boeing seven eight seven had malfunctions in half the year after the start of a series of battery troubles that forced airlines to ground the plane. he is badly designed the battery system and spritz with the japan and us transportation safety board to want to know why it's still think eating. last tuesday and crew at maddie and put new tokyo was conducting pre departure tax on a japan airlines seventy seven. they sell white smoke coming from the plane and found a battery cells showed the signs of melting transport ministry officials tried to figure out what was wrong by running the battery box to a cat scan. now the people who made the battery on dismantling the south to see what they can find out. that said still trying to determine what caused the problems last year oh well a company in northern japan failed to fix defects and its eighth day that about checks on its tracks. but mr has decided to take action. transplant
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minister at the village has said on tuesday he'll order hokkaido railway company to amend its top safety official oh dad says he will also order the company to make basic reforms to ensure safety. hokkaido belly cargo trains email and instant and bad times but ministry inspectors found the accident happened because workers didn't carry out repairs. he also discovered the railway company had faced to date and check out some tracks for a long time. the steak is a safety management didn't work properly. workers in the field had to decide on their own. what measures to carry out. ministry officials plan to order the company to fill the big deal its planned sale also wanted the company to introduce a multiple checking systems for inspections and repairs and railway employees will receive detailed the safety training. in two thousand and eleven underground express train cars at tunnel fire the chance but new zealand in hokkaido ballet to improve its operations. defence
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officials in southern japan are moving forward with plans to relocate a u s marine base in ok now i'm asking companies to submit bids to do work. despite the election of the main hero pose to the project. japanese and us leaders have agreed to manifest in the air station from the city of eighteen oh one to coastal district of the city of mango that smuggled in our governor steal cars in that kind of trip to central government request to stop pushing infill into the ocean to build runways for the new base. officials with built in our defense peers say that accepting bids for the green projects. these include designing and that meant this family in mind such as coral and sand and sea mammals. this is just plan to sign contracts by the end of march but the company says in a successful bids they see the leader seek bids for coastal drilling sensei the two giuliani. he finished with human kind while continuing to seek the return of land in these
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twenty usd ten at her station crews will also steadily promote the relocation plan not any revealing to me or a mango is strongly opposed to the attack. who knew. so his eulogy and capable party leaders in this country. you are ignoring this innocence and not all who voted against the planned in sunday's may oral election. she is. marion and they hinted he'll refuse to cooperate with the reclamation projects aye preston president slimy or treat and has accepted an invitation from prime minister shinzo attitude is that to happen. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has said officials on both sides. i'm still working on the statue. maggie said that in an ad they will meet in the near future. next time i made plans to attend the opening ceremony of
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the windchill and takes in sochi. this douche who i'm sure that will be contacts with between the two leaders in the near future. we found in such altitudes and students. as the negotiations on a peace treaty will not be easy. by shaking chills four islands claimed by japan the japanese government maintains the islands are an inherent part of japan's ten to eight. it says the islands with illegally occupied after world war two. leaders from japan and china are likely to me anytime soon even though they could be in such a next month with a windchill and cakes. it caught me. china has no plans to meet japanese leaders in any way. chairing the sochi olympics shapes chinese nice climb is sit and look and also repeated criticism of the undead for visiting the aspen each time last month. the shrine honors
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japan's war dead as in editing crew leaders convicted of war crimes after world war two. jen says she and russian president of the ten different and will meet in such an exchange views on historically she's chance as they strongly and gooey on the need to preserve the results of victory in world war two and the post war international order devastation to my acts as a sign that china wants to put more pressure on japan the japanese and chinese ambassador to germany have faced off over on this visit to the shrine chinese in that city shooting day. will generally use the prayer that japan is harming piece assets he said japan should b nineteen seventy. he said the chinese people respected him a nice courage in facing up to its history. in response the japanese ambassador wrote that japan has consistently contributed to peace and prosperity in asia and worldwide. after world war two. the scene and the guys at jimmy's neighbors
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had reached out for reconciliation. he said we gladly that is not the case with the region's amount in japan. chinese health officials are trying to stem the spread of bird flu that calling for clothes line train and eight seven and nine strain and it was that the virus could cause an outbreak among humans. three hundred researchers and officials from around asia and that in japan to discuss ways to contain the virus health authorities in china i say more than two hundred people have been infected with aids seven and nine strain since last much more than fifty have died researchers say the virus has mutated in such a way that they can infect humans easily and warned that further mutations are possible. the virus has the potential to cause a pandemic that we must be ready to cope with that kind of situation. sign up for a
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check of the weather people in many areas of the euro by dealing with icy weather conditions. my chili she has the latest. starring catherine well yes it's winter time so are expecting a lot of ice but not this mystical ago the media coming out from the year as today telling us that this does not take the car window is actually a seed of honest people in north eastern europe are dealing with the sudden cold snap after days of warmer weather. many karzai's the bird and a lot of traffic disruption has occurred in germany the coldplay concert hazardous traffic conditions especially in berlin. those temperatures predicts the korean words and covered it with the finely or advice more snow and ice are expected for the rest of this winter's so one of cold things happening here and that's likely to continue in a system that say here that savannah me pulling a lot of cold air from name nor an end as creating these kind of temperatures the collective has been one psyche and an insecure on and the suns their rates which are well managed said these are from
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states whether it's very easy to get frostbite city could even lead to hypothermia so please take extra precautions now cross and they go to the south of fat as i mentioned to him as a backline in entering the nurse was very unstable conditions wire spots and even hail can be associated with that in the last atlantic system is in plumbing in bringing very wet and windy conditions on the cool they are to me that to turn to snow on them and thinking and tacky to face with rainy conditions as well as high as in many colds and speaking the northeast. also that the courts have this on the pride intensified across japan is one the wintry pressure pattern is kicking in. this morning. so up to about thirty centimeters of additional snowfall will be piling up across the northwestern find ketchup and many clues on top of the essence of resemblance that idea when i did have a three hundred centimeters the avalanche risk will be high with this additional snowfall but to the pacific side it's been any remaining dry in fact think adeline and
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dry conditions even though we had sleet in the overnight allison took a metropolitan nation. that and i know the humidity level will be dropping to about twenty percent impact on the no thirty percent since last thursday so this is going to be another dry day for us here in tokyo. meanwhile we haven't arrive back on and above average temperatures on the meeting east and china as well as the korean peninsula and that's likely to move into japan into the weekend so we really expecting a warming trend here in florida that. you can afford to hear deal with the winters time as we speak so landing the north east. well we have a report on the diet and nine centimeters in central park in new york already piling up about ten to fifteen centimeters widely spread on bread but on top of that they expecting about thirty centimeters for example in boston. the queen mary times when i can to fifty centimeters into the system intensifying as it moves to north east high and that's really cool temperatures are
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dominating the country in this link the two moved into the north east. when i get my niece squinty sixteen carries and down but sydney while winking at me in the dry conditions dry conditions is out worsening actually for example in downtown sacramento the consecutive days without rain has reached forty five days of the sydney the second wettest month of the ear of the time during the rainy season were not making it any precipitation inside for the forseeable speech or which means that it not only weather wise but the crew to be the hit the economy a swell in the southwest cleaning up re extended forecast i am noon and. i know. it was. and
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that wraps up this edition of that wraps up this edition of the sign
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