tv Kazakh TV News PBS January 22, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PST
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chc!vez we will . june has been dismissed as a secretary of state according to the official website of the president that is connected with his transfer to another job ahead of the president's executive officer tim most emo has been appointed as acting secretary of state. the master extraordinary income of the pictures of the republic of kazakhstan to the russian federation going on a sparkle has been also released from his position by the president's decree president of salt in
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the semis urged causing companies to take part in the construction of the expo two thousand seventeen facilities. today the head of state met with the chairman of the board of the austin expo two thousand seventeen national company. gsc the spurs who works with the spurs from his robes construction of large expo two thousand seventeen complex is jimmy hughes for the moment of small and medium sized businesses is necessary first of all twelve offer cover construction companies which comply with the quality standards have extended construction materials should be used which will also contribute to domestic business development our addition the quality control and relevant specialist from workers who graduates this issue. with this. the yemeni idea for reporting on the preparation progress for the international exhibition for example construction of facilities in obtaining of the official flag of the international exhibitions bureau is planned for this year the president also stressed the importance of establishing the energy institute in cooperation with nasa my university which was stunning new energy sources
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the comic was awarded the honorary knight auckland and on most of them by holding meeting with the president of the world taekwondo federation chung one chewing the sultan as a buyer noted that our nation is predisposed to martial arts. kazakhstan has achieved impressive results in various types of martial arts constraints boats. for that one go. do you mean. most of the room of a slow night in a thousand words it seems that extent taekwondo federation joined the world taekwondo federation in nineteen ninety three. since that time does kind of combat sport in the country is developing rapidly eleven thousand people actually chose taekwondo for sport. there are about two one and fifty coaches have extended sportsman one nine bronze medals at the world championships and won a gold medal at the asian tournaments. we hope very much to this wonderful kind of sport will continue to develop as it is aimed at training young people and promoting healthy lifestyles
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richmond's this. to serve this for now. we resort to the president expressed hope that the visit of the president of the world taekwondo federation will give further and peace to the realm of taekwondo in kazakhstan also the issues of cooperation in the field of general in sports medicine between kazakhstan and the republic of korea were discussed at the meeting the sultan of them i've promised to pass the balcony tomorrow which he received a with the other night auckland again to that sportsmen who would receive the highest done in taekwondo prison. all we've done since kate today covers that are constantly percussive beats taekwondo competitions at the olympic games in your country has great potential. taekwondo in context and prosperous in your athletes achieve success and there is tons of sport. i am sure with the support of the president of kazakhstan in a short time your athletes will win olympic gold medals new oil refinery in the two a power station construction details are to be announced in march the government intends to introduce a document to the head of state by this time. moreover
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the cabinet of ministers to decide on how to provide nuclear power plants which need to refuel and this year the corresponding statement was announced by the minister of economy the government also introduced a national plan the realization of the president's address to the nation at the meeting that includes seven directions to a five year plan to accelerate and industrialization in the project affirmations formation and austin on the moxie will be developed as a part of the national plant is also expected to introduce amendments to agribusiness twenty twenty in business for math programs mechanisms to reduce the inflation by three to four percent will be worked out in cooperation with the national bank fish fish food to hospital although i believe it is possible to go past my kiddos and twenty because the decline in inflation is when the main factors of the financial sector development which today lisa much to be desired condition has won the task that was sent to the government and the national bank by the state is necessary to develop a comprehensive program of financial sector development in two thousand to the beach the oval. all members of the government had received appropriate
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instructions and started to implement a task the processes of the task execution will be monitored stated that the only nice the apostle in a household where it should be noted that the present address this particular as it represents not only a concrete program matches in order to implement the long term strategy for social and economic development of our country but also brings an entirely new understanding of community and the country's history as an internal nation the president noted that the implementation of the historic mission will be carried out in the framework of the adopt a strategy to dawson fifty in general to stress again that all calls outlined by the president has addressed are achievable the shows a chipmunk will see a bust of and a willing vessel the school bus line use of that . the ending. i knew own human as extensions to adopt a quality place to news of the organization for economic cooperation and development member countries the corresponding statement was made by the head of state to soften the surviving is a new address to the nation
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according to him. oecd member countries show indicators of sustainable development in the world today the organization includes thirty six countries to produce sixteen percent of the world's gdp. another six countries are candidates for this session to the oecd their brazil china india indonesia russia and south africa the sultan as a by stating that the indicators of oecd countries taken into account in future long term dynamics are basic guidelines of context and on its way towards top thirty one countries foreign diplomats shift in opinion concerning the president can you address the nation. when it comes to the uk is i think the main focus of last week only the main points are that anticipation of the industry is to be stationed at the height take industry and the integration into the economy. and it's an important point which only a small and medium sized enterprises development of the sector because i think
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it's as being for tickets the recipe for german success in that department it also would no longer rely on. others company. can be choose one effectively. to most buoyant bought was on accident. he said what does the city. actually many hotdogs. the cost of my sidekick. somebody. these changes. seventies universe
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three of us here when we are moms and cordoba is marked this year he remembers week was how the moscow dedicated to the ussr hero thirty years ago that sites above together with the students founded the museum dedicated to the hair one of the great teacher for the newbies in the chat friday night we stayed a night you are parents of the slot. there was no electricity we made the curtains just a visitor the pushkin museum to make sure everything looked like an exact copy but it's a little caution. one of the fiercest battles of the great patriotic war took place in january fourteen to nineteen forty four during the battles in philosophical need to ski district of scope region near as that is a village more than fifty thousand people died in over three days. the nineteen year old girl from cars extent of the animal the global died in that battle but things are her courage. the red army won the battle later she was post humorously awarded with the title of the cure of the soviet union i stashed smile and his feelings for a very strong she achieved everything that you wanted. i also wanted the look on the toilet. the day's events devoted to the heroic deeds were out in the school named after me up more local students organize the whole
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performance children talk about the heroic deeds of the soldiers recited poems and sing songs and dual vanity. and. stuart's what the art of making the first two are of no match to be included in the unesco list of intangible costs or heritage. among the star europe as a model has already been nominated in the local historians hope they will be protected by the organization he teaches at the end of last year the unesco's secretariat fine except that all the documents kyrgyzstan also applied for this nomination along with this but they chose us. we're certainly happy about this in at the same time feel great responsibility how to be honest it wasn't easy at all the entire academic personnel of the b c and carried out tremendous amount of work on the study of the month style units. just in the original form exist only here on the clock started making years have
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been preserved here. they're still masters who inherited the skills of the ancient art they can easily retrieve the year of the eighteen century for example. it is our custom make your frames and so according to special methods which they learn from their ancestors. they're also very careful in scrabble this when making decorations for your its traditions have remained unchanged among the style that is why our dear it is considered to be the best one in the world that area of the year is amazing here everything from the threshold to the top has its own unique pattern employees of manga style local history museum are sure that the whole world was soon know about the year if unesco secretary recognizes the year as one of the intangible costs to heritage of humanity the megastar year will receive a certificate this year. the latest news is that three got the dogs cuts out that stevie got kate said just because it's their deposit insurance but has
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developed the cutting edge software himself over to st the foot has successfully returned to cause it to customers of three looking to do things that just didn't think about it in the voting trends that day. according to the chairperson of the fund bought the place in the bankruptcy of the blueprint that they could cause major problems because the number of its deposit and sixty one to two hundred and sixty five thousand logically there were some positives could receive all the money once because of the problem in the data was not notified right away and makes database. so two years ago the fund launched the project on the formation of the software salt tube like letting customers from this ever happening again not the husband in the middle of the fall the beauty of the list will fall flat because the more you would you say the use of classical. according to the legislation to fund pays guaranteed reimbursement of up to five million tv directly from its reserve funds to all the positives individuals with accounts in
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the liquid bank. in addition the payment guarantee composition begins after fourteen working days from today the court's decision and forced liquidation entered into force. my diet this program allows indexing the record of depositors in the shortest time possible in on top of that bull out star dispersing payments to large number of the positives of the baking a very short period in which a bushel and a flight home. the formation of the system of compensation was estimated by the fourth financial community. cuz it's the deposit insurance fund received the highest award of the international association of deposit insurance to make two countries and to the association. having won the open fields. i would like to point out that this award is not given to all countries in the fact that cause extend insurance fund was among seventy two countries me is a significant achievement of our organization and a significant event for kazakhstan as the whole thing
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he knew what she likes to laugh at wikipedia with that according to the gathered preliminary data. the total volume of deposits has increased by almost fifteen percent exceeded contributing the last year. was beating the court to sue him and him and be good but it is better to save money in deposits. i want to say that the deposit the most successful financial strategy one can do because it brings income to the owner and is guaranteed by the state was a companion bill is going to quit begin with a presumably due to the new formation going to vote for this about a priest the one who knows. this free country so because it was fixed by the cars extend deposit insurance fund in early january. it remained at the same level mainly nine percent for a new one for deposits and tv and four point five percent for a new report currency deposits. in the number of regions of the united states continue to demonstrate growth last month under the influence of such factors as the development of the domestic market and individual consumption
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the us federal reserve has published an economic report quoting the fact is expected that most of the u s territory with spirits the stadium undergrowth the retooled history will be active in both the kids to do your shopping season showed a high consumption level compared with the same period last year. the mini fashion industry as a whole has been developing steadily according to the report the us of residential real estate market continues to move ahead. he was also reported that two thirds of the u s regions showed increasing importance. it's
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meant more to inspect th. yes he is in charge of the section. it is not down the money. each year for since your perception of the free standing monitoring computer counting and after the kiddos. it's a kidney was it. he was a mutual trust it's true that the del week of particular genes into our jobs are with us. each of the ski jump. my cousin a step is to just plow. just hiding spots. the joke even if it's just to tempt the one thousand sneak onto his tummy
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on top. at least that the project will continue and that it could increase our financial stability. we want to go upstairs and ventures into buying them. what a headache due to the destruction of contamination. the six geese a female patient. we welcome this program. sunny. i mean its destruction brought a book is responsible for the artsy friend that she has carried out. patience or they don't oh i knew that they don't live in the mean this to throw over to the east to check the characteristics of tnt and only sold so well with kidney disease process we also split the impact on our environment none of it dangerous situation. newitt stressed but then very
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careful and take all steps oh god what should the county. the above and hope that this economic situation the anniston star student. she makes drop dough onto she's just let this one is possible to employ a new dangers to aids victims states to the nature of the projects. my sister based order to what i'm saying three hundred and sixty six thousand small arms and light weapons can be destroyed number seventy six thousand tonnes of the nation including the many an anti personnel landmines. i'm saying. many people smiling in this country. so you kill me lol. if you give me
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the day. one of my life that you are like children. and i hope that life will continue to be calm and peace. when you see are exploding ammunition which are in store i want peace and to be caught in the future. haha was a chain of us will ever get to the shop. teaching again. this program is very important work and teach her children and for our grandchildren because it's very hard to live without it ninety three. the dollar project in me and aims to strengthen the local response to hiv and improved access to hiv prevention and treatment services among at risk populations including migrant workers. the news conference tomorrow. will they each day haiti the vice president stephen crowe said curling cross border movement of
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people in coolidge has increased health risks including hiv and malaria in me in. the spread of hiv is linked to gender inequality poverty. stigma discrimination and is reinforced by mr. in the project will support the scaling up of local response to improve access to hiv prevention services for the affected populations such as michael workers and will strengthen monitoring systems to check in hiv across borders. the markets back to the hybrid and country in asia. at an estimated eleven sixteen thousand people with hiv. roughly a third column two major economic corridor was thinking the merritt island and the people's republic of china will be the focus of the project. hiv remains a serious health risk across much of the eastern pacific. in two thousand and eleven five million people in
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the region were living with hiv and it's in the end the project is supported by a one million dollars technical assistance grant from the cooperation from the fighting hiv aids in asia and the pacific. pundits by the government of sweden the brainstorming ideas to students of ryan's preschool to community college device the project that became known as the roos were a money saving tax cuts in coaching of the students to save them money to restore honesty of methods but they said it is less about to reveal the date of accession to the opening of the science lesson was on school nights eleven fifty a statement. they have dedicated their time and commitment towards the project and require minimal input from the teachers and students that she will take these projects to themselves and it seems that i did this i mean the only things i constantly keep having to maybe if i'm the least expected within days and the same intensity actual content i mean they
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actually did everything themselves. the drop in sessions to a successful behind the apartment thursday sessions a day to go out and bought it. i would give my finance advice and things that you've changed many people's perceptions of personal finance kind of opened their eyes to many ways to save them money simple ideas which have helped them to think about the future. it helps to visit with old age of the guys will like. we need to wait for like a pretty sad that i confessed they see that face us how to conceive of it just helps if you don't like it asked about the delivery of the shop today and cinnamon theres free money saving expensive achieve great things at the college and are already thinking about how they will continue to accept that help us because that day but i did businesses in the book so that appropriate and one. and does the system and creative. i think he can go a long way. this is just
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the soft today to watch this space. the past ten years and in need of some considerable economic growth. pockets of vulnerability and deprivation for me. the country's new suit and got two more properties. ntt for short. as the fourth highest under five mortality ratio and one of the worst poverty rates in the country. the province also has two for sanitation coverage is up to higher incidence of diarrhoea disease pneumonia and diarrhoea for the teen killers of children under age five. disproportionately affecting children in the port's most disadvantaged areas. increasing knowledge of simple preventive measures and good hygiene is essential community based approach to sanitation. hand washing to water treatment and environmental improvements can save lives and teaching the session starts the youngest. and when he's done help investors take their lessons home. it's clear that the community based approach is having an
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impact. i didn't have the habit of washing my hands after i painted my dog. just letting the importance of hygiene. every time a bit with my dog. i'd never forget to wash my hands. against many odds that local government and communities ntt has come together to tackle the underlying causes of court child health in the province. maintaining this multi layered approach will be key to preventing disease in saving many children sign. moo. it kicks the industry is one of the need to say it is up in any quantity which is going back to topic. comment thingy she insisted of the pics that folks can provide financial aid and yet has the potential to impede its textile and apparel shoes
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and what did tom couldn't get enough for one find essential if the sand and beach. even in us god is at the end of the acting chief thinking. i felt that you actually do for us in getting the toxic speaking. once you've used a faultless and the national guard's domestic product and then find sixty percent of country's export on the twice that of employment that would cut the five million people in the most optimistic but distinct the world. also on the wet and i made the network's dot org. and when. yours. you
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