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tv   Arirang News  PBS  January 22, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PST

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the president. the adult world. the placenta was thinking speakers presenting her business of trading the area's biggest data breach the country's financial regulator failed to master and prevent a recurrence. speaking of mine for instance didn't have much to get back. citing a team and was the case and that
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they shipped a total of eight arms to helping having a good while six others are under examination. easter is more i knew that when state and eerie twenty seconds here in korea won from school. ryan has been shown with it so much for joining us. we begin this evening in davos where present i can de emphasize the creative economy and entrepreneurship. during her opening speech at the world economic forum. she also called unification of the pennant flag jackpot for korea's neighbors the presidential office correspondence on to duke was traveling with the president gives us a recap and has more on the surprise guests chris in excess the so called creative economy will be the tried and forcing quote reshaping the world
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the theme of this year's world economic forum in topless. europe in a speech at the first session of the global events president that pointed to entrepreneurship and the key to realize your creative economy together with creativity. we haven't seen in korea. each time not casino that you already. and it's seattle and to get up entrepreneurship is what needs to get out. each of the creative ideas into new markets. continuing chops the president introduced all safra to work towards a creative economy such as setting up online and offline platforms the prophet taskforce to help creative ideas developed into the business day. she now eats any regulations that stand in the way if insurgency and the creation of new industries like epic struggle bali that regulations and presiding over a ministerial meeting
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first he said efforts to create economy president acts as a great capacity for having three major challenges facing the world. low growth high unemployment and had his purity. screw that up. it's clear as the innovation of existing b's and c's i needed the economy can generate new engines of growth and can encroach ops. dale will always be the next income e g quite sweet. since. anyone read it read i get kennedy about plans to use. by stacking on these things when asked about insurance and now the cost of re education issue that keeps foreign investors from pouring money into south korea president said that reunification would be a jackpot. not only for the two koreas but all super neat freak and treats. greedy in
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concealed in his bid to clean. it's a mercy that she will not accept that. you don't i think it was cool solar heated pan. i knew that the tugun will. to go to the job done. the letters condemning to get a steak that. she explained that the investments witnessed at your projects and for example china's three northeastern provinces and precious maritime territory for the ipoh an unexpected guest in the front rotor and present that speech was japanese prime ministers and sale of bed. maybe what you're going to the two leaders would meet or have briefed top that they didn't all i can share the good news for. in the wake of couriers were severed their breach the financial regulator has drawn up a comprehensive set of measures include bolstering monitoring systems and strengthening punitive actions against firms and executives that the personal data which is no deal has more on how far
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the new rules now the government announced a set of measures on wednesday designed to prevent future leaks to minimize the damage to clients usually does occur in the midst of glory republicans idea of the possible financial crimes act to be committed using the stolen data which includes bank account credit card numbers and personal credit reports. a national forest will not depart from collecting an excessive amount of personal data from customers. the government will also strengthen the punishment on institutions they use clay and dotted with their marketing activities financial institutions will be prohibited from using client data for marketing purposes and the ceos of the financial firms in question will be subject to strong punishment. farms out of college have used client data marketing can be fined up to one per cent of the sales in the center of the data breach the government will find
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things and credit card firms up to four point six million us dollars. they're bound to have mis manage personal data and claims data will be automatically started five years after a client's final transaction. the government also fronts impose heavy fines on the p r firms that were breached. tb can be going up and will stay in what is now one of the biggest information leaks in the nation's history when billy twenty million people affected and at a press conference wednesday determine of korea's financial watchdog offered to take full responsibility for the diner pri sch. you know we apologize for the daily that inconvenience to people we will do our best to wrap the case of the queen and promises to prevent such mishaps in the future the government has rolled out its strongest of the measures to raise the severity of course all that effect. with comprehensive posts to take off soon become in hopes of fence similar cases from happening again in the future
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it snowed again. i did onions. and the recent data leak scandal has shed light on the booming number of phone and internet stands in the country ie and report to the severity of khan operations use to extract personal financial information. the kids financial information as eighteen million koreans stylist weeks the fruits of social security numbers and cellphone numbers dress is a credit card numbers. i've been belting concerns that the highly sensitive information will be misused a new type of statistics gap that has illegally up tina personal information has emerged. this cheque to practice worse when they're sent text messages containing malicious links back to the views expressed personal financial be that when these new types of machine messages. the present day card company or financial authorities in tricking users by making them think they're being contacted in regard to
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their week to personal information. a korean internet security provider in ski socks as it's been over one hundred and seventy three he says of these kinds of species camps reported. just in the past two weeks to deal with the rising number of stamps. the ministry of science ict in future planning will ban people from sending messages using a different color ied starting next month. but this is only expected to have a limited effect. given that nearly eighty per cent of all smashing messages are sent via the internet and not to mobile phones. now apart from missing text messages. this website are also prevailing in korea. fashion websites look almost identical to that was the financial agencies and also the use of higher personal financial information. over fifty eight hyundai getz epstein to wear busted from january to november last year according to the ministry. that's seventy nine times in more than the number of sites to
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take it in just two years ago now that a load of personal information has been released increase the risk of financial scams. people are advised to refrain from clicking unspecified links from text messages and limit the amount of transactions made it to mobile phones. ut and added a new. hse and i ran out to the latest on the birth of the outbreak and the nation the government says it now suspects that a migratory bird called the bean goose can be the culprit behind country's first eighteen flu in three years. in addition to the bible killed docs are rationally blame for bringing the virus to korea the agriculture ministry says in a press release briefing on wednesday that age five and ethan st vi strain found in michael steele docs was detected in the carcasses of the hood's found near a reservoir where the outbreak was first detected in which our county in the town of oakville province the ministry added that the number of farms in korea infected with aids in
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influenza a has now increased to eight and that six other farms are being inspected for signs of the virus. it stayed on the bird flu scare in korea quarantine authorities are working around the clock to contain the evening influenza in the affected region where nearly three hundred thousand ducks and chickens have been cold so far. heck i only went down to cooktown to check out the scene of the eight night outbreak. twenty measures have been taking up a notch in the days have passed the first confirmed case of highly pathogenic aged five and eight for the strain was found here. enchanting korea this was our block top flight this means none can come in and no one can cut outs. to give the appearance that the quarantine measures will be the east anytime soon
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i got of him i could i the time. complete the these. the china. about three km toughest call it every vehicle and green. xd ariane is sterilized. with a new suspected case emerging on tuesday. the ministry of agriculture food and roll affairs has now over and tapped it in a three kilometer radius of the infected farm the spotter as a preventive measure. gaze has been expanded from the previous five hundred meter radius but the farmers aren't the only ones affected by the elitist he said apn influential. none of the customers asking god to change the conditions it until i explained to them to meet inspiring. this restaurant had seen its number of customers cut in
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half. ei outbreak. this time is worse than the last bird flu scare we had my restaurant was in fact the last thing but this time because the virus was found in my neighborhood. lest people are coming to me. we ate curry has had for her flu outbreak since two thousand and three. the last time was in two thousand eleven. over six million birds were killed connery at the knees. if the case of korea's spy agency was no one has been sentenced to eight years in prison for taking money under the table from the businessmen while in office and this is on top of one's pending verdict for another trial on charges of meddling in the two thousand twelve presidential election a nice one ga reports however central district court on wednesday sentenced a former chief of korea's spy agency once a month two years in prison and one who headed
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the national intelligence service under president mail box was found guilty of taking bribes from the head of the now backdrop for construction for helping accompanied with bids for major construction deals between two thousand nine and two thousand ten. he took some one hundred sixty million won or raffia hundred and fifty thousand dollars in kickbacks. this home court also ordered the former spy chief to pay a fine of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars the court pointed out that the heavy punishment was in an edible considering the seriousness of the crime and that one cannot express sincere regret for his actions. one is also currently on trial on charges of meddling in the december two thousand twelve presidential election. he was charged with ordering and i its agents to post entering the comments in favor of the then ruling party candidate in hand leading up to voting day. the trial on those charges will resume early next week and a verdict
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is expected in february the news. there's an ongoing debate in the country and the government's health care reform plans which aimed to de regulate medical services the hospital and medical related organizations to run non medical assistance the government claims the reforms will boost the profitability of medical institutes and thus encourage them to improve their services. the doctor say that the move will eventually lead to private eye's asian or commercialization of medical services for more on a collision between the government and doctors we are joined by dr and tom woke professor of law and in the university of foreign studies in the studio. thank you for joining us think for me. professor or is there a problem with medical institutes making enough money and where is this conflict most readily seen
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while. the one of the biggest problems facing non korean doctors these days is that most patients of washington both large hospitals such as installing an awesome which is a small hospitals and doctors efficiency of your financial difficulties. one of the government's plan was actually to alleviate the pain will be by allowing this hospital stay open on the medical services but from the doctor's point of view the prospect of having tried a couple flowing into medical care industry is a scary prospect. and so is the cost or regulation goes into effect what specific changes can we expect i mean for example was seen improvement in overall quality of medical services and even creation of jobs as the government think what the government's position is that the new the new plants will not touch them at quang medical services to self don't plan is to allow private capital to come and to invest in the medical services say you can have a lot of medical tourists come from the time our japan. that's edible
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whole film on bike is all schools with pride because a couple coming and hopefully useful tools will be one more efficient because lisa got from the slopes of the toughest part of you is the fuel of product echo in his private chapel because this week off and not only medical care. so though willie compromise quality at least the stuffy. one specific area where it seems like it's a gray zone between on medical and medical services is the tele medicine proposal where the information on medical services is exchanged over electronic services award is back debate about him and in what seems to be a problem with this plan. it is true that the remote your crafting regions where there are no hospitals for people to drive many hours to get to know this hospital and with the au vents in the technologies such as widespread in the high speed internet and smartphones that acknowledges their toll on about this before with patients in remote read what doctors are basically afraid of is that you have to screen patients tend to flock to launch
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hospitals. this will even cut through the prophet profitability of our small hospitals and additional doctors farther. not only that might even compromise the quality of medical care services in the victorian medical association said they will go on a strike on mark's third but it's so willing to retract the plan is the government changes its position in the two sides will reach a compromise there's some hope in the sense that they're doing it or not there is some consensus between the toppers to mackay may as well as the us government officials and the minister of health the buckner the true nature of the problem seems to be that the payments to doctors get into the korean single payer system is too low. so why are doctors so against this proposal a privatization could lead to higher wages it is true to some tapas my comm overwhelmed. gossip was to take it in on these businesses won by the hospitals with funeral homes and they too well that really make it big and actually some doctors and research services to make it big these days but if this is not a good system where at
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the top two will be equally un of the equally well compensated them for people to be in a the medical care is a service reimbursements will be all up so that everyone can benefit and the new system to call the furious on something that only superstars my supply. my professor tom thank you very much for joining us this evening that much. for your dna and another began. get the latest online from seoul any expert analysis from ages fourteen with the viewpoint of the cold its global network and one on arrival that has seventeen always on standby. sout
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warner defense policy forum was held on wednesday were leaders in the field of brainstormed on ways to handle any type of threat from chung and our team and it was there and princesses with tensions escalating on the korean peninsula. because of an unpredictable more than a bit longer. scores of academics in the military expertsather wednesday at the asia pacific policy research institute security for the gold improving in its relations and defence policies. i see efficiency policy and research and student has sponsored a mossad has opened eyes. on more than two and a few times forty mins policy international symposium last ten years to pursue you mean a two d rational foreign policy object he was also to bring peace and stability in korean as well. cody is caught in addition to the leading researchers in the field before also welcomed by us defence minister takes him to. who said the military wi enhance its defense capabilities and diplomacy in two thousand fourteen we will not allow any
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provocations from north korea will do this by establishing a strong defense posture and we will use military diplomacy to maintain peace and stability in northeast asia. the minister also emphasized the course of structured the nation's air defen systems. all of the kill chain system to ounter any nuclear and missile attack from the norm the foreign defence policy forum is held every month with extra seats feel resort for new ideas that help the government deal with the north korean crisis camden. leon davis the peace talks aimed at putting an end to serious civil war hasicked off in switzerland's although the conference just be again a few hours ago sharp words have already been exchanged raising tensions ahead of the main summit on friday a police report. that piece of the mullet road near geneva open on hopes that the syrian government in the opposition would be able to reach a consensus on plans for a transitional government
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representatives from nearly forty nations will be speaking on wednesday as part of efforts resolve the bloody conflict in syria which has spiraled into humanitarian crisis. the talks began with opening remarks from un secretary general khan ki moon who stress as syrians would be primarily responsible for ending the civil war. he also acknowledge that the upcoming negotiations face considerable challenges were no signs to reach a comprehensive agreement piece on the un geneva county k from two thousand twelve ankle for the needy humanitarian aid to civilians in their first face to face meeting at a un peace conferences accomplished began in two thousand eleven the syrian government and opposition coalition were quick to voice their anger syrian foreign minister while the amore alone. label the rebel forces as islamic extremists and rattled off a list of what he called terrorists rebel tax supported by arab and western states in a response opposition leader on nature
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of our accused president bush are on side of pork rinds and demanded that the syrian regime immediately signed a plan for transition of power reaffirming his evio stance the syrian foreign minister said any discussions of this on stepping down would be considered a red line. expectatns are ler than the fragile costly and in a parade through this week but for the millions assyrians in refugee camps and those still caught in the fighting. they represent a step towards change. all the audio mix. a child the short track speed skaters have made it to france for one last training camp before the olympic tuesday joy's is in the sports center with the details see the big eyes that she is in the southern part of france to train in high altitude conditions but
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up untill then during that when bellerive in sochi two days before the opening ceremony. and they're likely to uphold south korea's legacy of short track dominance at the games the woman's site sixteen year old shoots . he has six goals and four. isu world cup events this season for the points leading the one thousand and fifteen hundred meter races. the men on the other hand have struggled in the circuit managing just two goals but are keeping their hopes up for success and moving on to football superstar practice on is not likely to return to the national team for the world cup. according to his father pop song don't pop will hold a charity event in southeast asia for his ds foundation. just days before the date sworn in inrazil meanwhile manager of notable arriving in adelaide with his team responded by stating that he still wants to meet with in to the australian open and the mens and womens singles quarterfinal match ups are now complete. on the men's
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side top ranked rafael natal who by his opponent while roger federer dismantled and be merry in the night next to the ladies yes the rug wants the pulled off an upset on defending champ victoria has the right though. all of the mini festival called the advanced by taking down yet another higher ranked opponents it's time for wednesday's match ups starting in the kb of the orioles beat the fun they're sending sixteen fifty nine. but let's get to the game of the night. this couple will probably take a skate nights as k starts out strong but on vocals is up to leave these seven at the end of the first half mile pole will continue to expect into it but sk old self with the way and eighty c team said before. now is to be illegally copying sunday capital and thomas other pod and squaring up to china none of the capital edges out the first set but from some pride back for the second and third fourth set. it's comes on that
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capitalize as with wheels leather the final winner they get the real one win and believe in the standings and that does for me or the sportscenter this has been stated sent to baghdad midnight for the latest in the world of sports yesterday an altar or find a toxic dust warning was issued in seoul but things cleared up earlier today for nepal's
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let's go over working but the weather center. good evening book and the nissan and see that although the fine pass from china has just appeared there is a high chance it may come back due to the mild winter weather while numbers will rise back to the recent seven degrees on friday and nice and light showers are forecast for saturday and currently that mason is on the table and out of high pressure system from time out which is why we're seeing clear skies across the map. well higher than the seasonal average ten summer and forecast the rest of the weekend. for those of you wondering there be light passed since our advantage and lobbied is on the first day of lunar new year holiday which is next thursday. they got to tomorrow's ratings challenged the top that day at minus five degrees but the high and high beam up a win one zero eight. moving on to live their beads and at the dental guilty at six degrees bomb on them and tops out at my list too. salleh capri this now and back to
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your bag. broadcasts on this wednesday nights and teaching so i'm chillin things for watching season. in the book sir. having is it that you think. in the middle. this puts its top forty years of age. ninety six to tie the rule. msf two two. i was going on fourteen if i make myself and i was fourteen i wouldn't recognize. this of course that person today it's the same spot on reduce like a normal work on green st. what i know everything about them and cut it off long beach. no these guys could be the same local ago when the apostle teaches what really makes you will
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be interesting is the fact that these changes. you will be the same tomorrow us don't so i try to get ryan to working to clear the deal is seen to conduct a life changing. no only giving the ccs so changing opinions of all things but in all circumstance. crowe will last a living person. i believe this one c to twenty years becomes pope. i fear the cops we are. it all. you can see that. the us. he said. well winter is called the vista home. it's no use to be seen in the inquest in other direction then in use them the same vintage. this mole
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in. the consider the sea nature makes you in no way around. nosy. looking into how the horizon and new year songs for something. you don't know what to do this along the backside to the horizon and you don't know what it is too long for kink to stay moved by love it's a man whose longing for something. he's only had this long for something but he doesn't know what is wrong. i did. you you little one will
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the eye. one clashes and all central kiev has been praying and please let down by hurricanes and chase brine to the forwards and on to govern such as three people dying prices fuelled divine connection with the atlantic coast team to take the petition to push lot of attention. and also how the essays here is a government and opposition to sit face to face with a focus to listen to some of


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